Countering The Conspiracy to Destroy Black Boys (1987) | Dr. Jawanza Kunjufu

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[Music] and now here is dr. jawanda kanjou Phu with his penetrating presentation of countering the conspiracy to destroy black boys there is no topic that concerns me more than one of the conspiracy to stir black voice and the reason is Mehldau boys are in preschool and primary grades they're very innocent and very enthusiastic by learning but something happens to that and we need to find out what that is my younger son is on the cover this particular book and I would like for him to grow up to be a man like meaning you've already told me that you have sons and male students as well there's two parts of the conspiracy Volume one and this is volume two in volume one we raised four questions first question is when did the conspiracy start who is against black boys why is there conspiracy against them and what exactly is the conspiracy that's in Volume one and volume two we look at the relationships between mothers and their sons that must be studied we also must look at female teachers and black male students that must also be studied we must look at some case studies in other words many of us are doing a very good job developing black boys to be men what is it the Sun was too doing to others are not doing and then last but not least a program called the rites of passage in a man who she used to be we knew when black boys became men but now many of us don't know when we're men someone's read for we smoke how much wine we drink how many babies to make until black men spell it out to black boys what it means to be a man this conspiracy will continue let's go back to Volume one when did it start and as we begin to look at that I want to also share with you why we call it a conspiracy to destroy black boys you see contrary to belief at birth there are more black boys more in the world than our girls it's close but it's 1.03 like boys born the world 21.0 blah girls hear me clearly at birth black boys outnumber girls 1.03 to 1.0 a brief 18 years later it is now 1.0 available and that's the key word available black men to 1.8 available black women almost to adele women for every one adult man now the only question that should be going through your minds right now is what happened we keep raising the wrong question we keep asking hang on corners why do black men lack direction well you asked this question answer the question eighteen and thirty years too late it is not a conspiracy destroy black men it's a conspiracy destroy black boys if you destroy them as a boy he'll never become a man not gonna look around a room and tell you know where are they if they are not available to black women where are they call the road in jail there are three hundred and twenty nine thousand brothers in prison right now one of every four brothers will go to prison where else or death death there's numerous ways that we die there's homicide suicide drugs war high blood pressure and the leading killer among black men lung cancer our love for cigarettes especially cool smoke a moment in law in that exact same way cool well we have prison death what else to make us unavailable to black women yes homosexuality if you said earlier one or every nine men in this country are homosexual where else yes okay so institutionalization and there's not only Turner's of hospitals but also mental institutions and of course when they get released many times being homeless there's still one of that large popular area them be ok interracial marriages now I wanna pause did for a moment because you would think if anybody is going to be outside the race it would be black women you got two black women for every one black man but it's let me pointed out it's exactly the opposite there are one hundred and sixty four thousand interracial marriages of which 116,000 are brothers that means 48 thousand sisters it's almost a two to one ratio a Blanc meant to black women meaning outside the rates vary member and you said in the earlier workshop if the definition of beauty is light-skinned long-haired blocks why stop well Rene the lights consistent when I get you the real thing some serious prophecy and then block me and tell me I can't find a black woman understand me you mean out of twenty million black women you can't if I want to understand you you don't need a white well meaning there psychiatrist but that's another workshop on relationships but I just want to share with we got some very serious problems but the tea this audience black women are tired of being by themselves and an earlier issue of Essence magazine their articles said guess who's coming to dinner now black women are tired of being by themselves in other words brothers you can't have it both ways you can't have two black women to choose from and still marry a white woman you can't have it both ways black women are tired of being by themselves now that's the with regards to the stats why we wrote the book because we saw the shortage of black men but we want to begin to find out as when did it start you see it's called a fourth grade syndrome studies show their black boys may be the best students in the country over to the fourth grade so we wanted to find out what your son a male student was doing at the beginning of the third grade then at the end of the seventh grade and then measure the progress let me give you three examples we had a little boy five years ago in Ann Arbor reading test score at the 98th percentile in the country in other words or walking genius that means only 2% male female writer Blanc had a higher score than he at the beginning of the third grade at the end of seventh grade the same boy now drops down to the 35 percentile engineer potential peer pimp or push it now scores should have been approved five years instead they only improved one point three two more examples we had a little boy the 92nd percentile he dropped down to the 24 percentile and his scores only improved two point one but let me give you the avid example we had a little board at 63% I know he dropped down to the four percentile and this score then it proved a year a month or week not even a day there are three critical stages in black boys development infancy to 9 9 to 13 and 13 18 you see it's either to see the negative behavior here when these are already dropped out late about some street corner lacking direction it's more difficult to see it around 9 years of age when they begin to sit further in the back of the class when they begin to ask less questions when the ball becomes more important in their book when they begin to cheat on their tests we appeal to you to turn your son's and male students on early teach them how to read I'll teach you the beauty being but I can believe in God early but many of us have waited and we waited almost too late to develop my voice to the men you know what I'm getting at America spends $2,300 on a head start they spend $38,000 on prison it Reagan want to balance the budget I can show you saving about thirty six thousand dollars per person it's much easier to educate than theirs to incarcerate now you raise the questions how long you stay in Head Start year two years of the most how long you stay in prison the rest of your life question number one question number two does Head Start work I've got 19 year study documents that Head Start works but in prison eighty-five percent of the inmates to get released go right back in but it's Jesse Jackson say we have two choices we can either send me to Penn State or state pen it's your choice we have got to find ways to intervene now we have a whole workshop just on the fourth grade syndrome I now want to ask you what is the reasons you feel - explain why black students especially black boys we're doing so well K to 3 and now scores decline in an intermediate and upper grades what explains yes sound changes abruptly in 4th grade from what might have been more right brain activities in the primary grades in - all of a sudden all left brain activities okay so a change in learning styles or methodology from the teacher from a holistic learning style to a leper own okay very good any others yes I think that there's a lot of rejection on the part of the female teachers and the rejection increases with the upper grades why do you think it increases students four houses his natural makeup hyperactivity and that sort of thing and that may be increasing what it may be increasing because we're now expecting him to stay in school or say in a chair even longer okay any others that contribute to this fourth-grade syndrome we have a change in learning style we have the teacher's outlook on a student what else yes we're and differs significantly from other teacher office okay so the child's now become more aware of their cultural racial identity okay very good any others the major reason you have not given yet and that's why this problem is still with us Tara first name is I'm sorry Richard group starts to form become strong yes unfortunately Richard that you said that because as the age increases the peer pressure is on the increase while parental involvement is on a decrease I don't know who told parents when your child gets older they need less of your time rather than more when I speak they're stomping us eighty percent of them with an elementary school thirty percent high school almost a joke we have to work on it that's another workshop to on pantsing all the way through not just in those quote-unquote in two years but their major reason it's not on the board you still looking for yes go in I think you bad young boys and particularly young black boys in the primary grades they have many mother figures and they have few very few men figures and particularly black male figures and I think it makes a big difference come great form I agree with you wholeheartedly I think it's the major reason and let me now get my first position and I sincerely believe that only men can make boys men now don't misquote I didn't say that a single female parent or female teacher cannot rear educate a child but she need not do that by herself where'd you call upon her father her brother and uncle a male neighbor and nephew a co-worker there needs to be some men in our children's lives I won't explain him you have a boy could've grow up to be a man if you've never seen any in order to be anything you must see it first rim in the earlier workshop and I told you it's very quickly from University of Michigan we wanted to find out or the mega influence on children we said 1950s homeschool Church peer group and television and then we gave you 1980 home was still number one peer group in a number two position television three school dropped down to number four church Lance on the list let's go back to my statement my statement said that only men can make boys men now let's see what blind boys are gonna find men let's first of all look at his home sixty-two percent of all black children live in a single run household it's a very good chance he would not find a man here I'm gonna hold off on the streets and drop down to television can you name me five positive Adele black men on television outside the news and you can name Cosby because it's show just started may be fine outside the news and you bet not say very few rock no role models on television now let's drop down to the scoops eighty-three percent of all images schoolteachers a women 95% of all teacher age are women and Wyndham antique after the critical fourth grade or there in the upper grade I mean upper grade or that a PE teacher the Janet supportive principal very few before the fourth grade where black boys needs in the months and lastly the church most young people Mindy don't don't go to church and the reason is we launched it first of all we made Jesus Christ what the man surely was not white and we have a book called what color was Jesus to explain that he had had a texture of wool and feet the color of bronze but secondly the Lord's Prayer says on earth as it is in heaven young people men want some action they want some programs if they had no programs in your church they would see you later it happened as a result of not finding a man at home to you on television few in school and not wishing to attend church the last place is the streets and that's the problem the streets do very poor job making minute they do a better job making pimps pushers and a few basketball players thank hero Michael Jordan is said there were million brothers they weren't his job last year in the NBA of this million only 400,000 will even make it to play high school ball of this four hundred thousand only four thousand will make it to play college ball now there's four thousand only 35 will go to the coverture NBA is 35 only 7 stars and the average life in the NBA is 4 years you got a million brothers looking for 7 4 time jobs than last four years this conspiracy is complex it goes beyond the NBA even schools they annoy will be the first thing you see when you walk into a Cincinnati high school enlarge trophy case and never leaving the schools get more glory to their ballplayers Dennis Collins that's it in the earlier workshop where the pep rallies for the honor roll in other words even school I can understand the NBA but even schools give more glory to their ballplayers than their scholars this conspiracy goes beyond the NBA though it goes beyond schools Jesse Jackson is giving you the clue one more child is it not possible for a black man to be president for a white woman to be President for a black woman to be President is the club only reserved for European minute you didn't know that a white boy with a high school diploma makes more money than a white woman black woman a black man with a cost agree the motive for the conspiracy is clear for the question of why is there conspiracy the answer is white many of supremacy in other words white men are not afraid of women black or white because women have no power anywhere in the world the threat to European men will come not from women it will come from other men and the best way to store black men is a storm as a boy the motive is white male supremacy but before you get comfortable blaming somebody else let me make sure we're clear on a conspiracy there would always be two you see you have the active conspirators and you have the passive conspirator see it's like child abuse there were always two you had the father who does the beating active but you had the mother who turns her back passive isn't apathy indifference low expectations buying hot goods in the blind community isn't that also part of a conspiracy you have the actor and you have the passive in a conspiracy there will always be to let me now give you the starting line we'll start with the active ones first and then move to the passive leading off batting in the number one position representing this country institutional racism batting first is the president he bats in a number one position batting second a trilateral commission the fortune 500 big business David Rockefeller bats number two batting third representing the military complex you didn't know black people 12 percent of the population one third of military and died 41% of time in the Vietnam War the chief of staff that's number three batting fourth and I don't mean Marlon Brando I mean the real Godfather drugs running rampant in the black community don't please don't deceive yourself if America is the number one power in the world they could police their borders to stop the drug traffic these men and what they represent intentionally want to make sure the black boy is never brought to be men boy remember they got some help from some of us who really like black boys who may even have blind boys at home just didn't know any better and so we back number five through nine batting fifth not all but some some mothers who raised their daughters and love their sons batting six some female teachers who don't understand that boys have different learning styles and girls batting seventh representing the media in this country shows like Gary Coleman and Webster shows they make me sick show that illustrate that black men can now raise intelligent black boys to be men in other words we need a white father for Gary Coleman and for Webster it's all part of the media image because all the way back to charging all the way back to Superman all the way back to Rambo to Rocky all part of white male fantasy trying to control the world it's all private Steve make sure you heard me it's consistent with Superman causing Santa Claus the white father all part of that scheme batting eighth the macho image mr. cheek and we'll look at the day someone like Prince for Magic Johnson or Isiah Thomas in other words no need to study gets be macho just be a superstar in other words mr. Chi Prince for entertainment Isiah town with a magnet for sports and then last but not least a black woman by the name of Catholics who do anything for a man and a black man by the name of Willie who does not feel good about himself you see your faces right now who's Kathy got a state to the end to find out who's who it's starting lineup Reagan Rock no you don't know Willie is there we got new theory for you now we used to here with Donna and Kathy but now we're gonna give you the Eddie Willie fear we have a new one so we have David I mean we have Ronald Reagan David Rockefeller Caspar Weinberger the Godfather some mothers and it's a all some some others some female teachers the media image macho in sports and Kathy and Willie these people and what they represent intentionally or subconsciously want to make sure they black boys never grew up to be men let's now look at the active ones first I want to make sure we start in the right place the conspiracy did not start with black mothers it started somewhere else we must start with beginning it began with active conspirators I want to now look at them first in looking at the act of conspirators I want to make sure we understand that these kind of terms don't make sense we are not the minority in other words there are 4.5 billion people living in the world of this number 80% of the world's population has colored that means only 20% of the world's population lacks color now you tell me who's the minority you see it's called the African triangle because all the way back we're not the minority we're only a minority we realized cells to be divided up from our brothers and sisters in Nigeria in Jamaica in the United States look at this African triangle after all these years other than the way we dress you can't tell who's who they are 1 billion people living in China alone and we are second 500 living in Africa 160 living in central South America 40 million living here United States we are not the minority now the question is how can so small control so much that's why I respect them so much think about you have a game you have one gang with 880 people another gang with twenty and a twenty gonna win the only way they can do that is by controlling the mind because we ever controlled the mind will also control the body let's look at this let's break this down in half would you come out with his timber saying European women and 10% European men see is not even 20 it's really 10% European men in other words the trilateral commission they want to control more than just their countries they want to control the world and they're poor that's all now they're so tremendous amount of pressure when you're this small trying to control so much and then maybe you can't understand it it's been a long time goes back to Egypt for us having that much power but can you imagine that small number trying to control the world actually Minister mount of pressure is on that small group with that much power in other words the first thing that men are trying to do is not to cry I'm quoting from their own Goldberg the book is called the hazards of being a male but she meant this pressure when you're so small trying to control so much the first thing that men are trying to do is not to cry think about everything Ronald Reagan cry John Wayne cry they died with their boots on they died in their saddles they died like men now any psychologist will tell you the crying may avoid suicide late but as a result of European meant not client European men commit suicide more than anybody else black men who want so much to be like European men are very close second European women are third and the most sane person in America she don't make no money but stay close to God and her children and cry black women commit suicide less than anybody else give yourself a hand clamp in other words if you think that money is the source of all your happiness they make more money than anybody else but they obviously are not happy in other words money may not be the key putting God in your children first maybe the key poorest people in America commit the less amount of suicide first thing minutes hard to do is not to cry second thing minutes hard to do is to ignore pain got hypertension shake it off cancer shake that off to Monday Night Football Walter Payton goes off the field with a bus didn't eat comes back on a half-hour later in the Howard Cosell zits oh what a man the man was crazy to go back on the field we see men of taught to be macho to ignore pain now women when women's finger believes to the doctor's office women take care of themselves but not men you know it's gotten so bad it studies there's now documented they were men of Mary they live long that's an insult to my intelligence it means that I cannot live long bye so I gotta leave my mama and go to my wife because if I don't I probably gonna smoke cigarettes drink liquor and eat a lot of pork on the streets but with women annual checkup that's what encourage men to do drink a regular amount of water he just sat on a regular basis what am I getting at European women to say they're so oppressed European women lived at 77 years of age black women lived at 75 years of age European men died 69 years of age and black men died at 64 point eight Albert you and I die before the first Social Security check that law needs to be changed the Lord Fox we are living along to collect on the payment this is saying I'm gonna get I'm gonna die ten year that for my wife this is not theoretical thank you son here it's my life here and your life can I not live as long as my wife 10 years before her minute first of all talk not to cry secondly they're taught to ignore pain and then last but not least it's hard to bring on the bacon was I say they're vegetarian to bring on the fruit and vegetables in other words to bring home the money Ronald Reagan knows this Rockefeller knows this that the best way to store black men it's neither the opportunity to work you know what I'm getting it because be a boy I didn't tell you that was vanishing black family documentary one of every three mayor's in this country black or white ends in a divorce in 18 months and I see it used to be you got divorce something was wrong with you from you ever stack this on something must be going on Society I now want explain what that is when America's leaders agriculture America believed an extended family when America believed in the factory industrialism America believed in this nuclear fence but now that America believes in the computer now America believes in a single-parent family make sure you see my analysis when the economy change the family structure changed there was more than love in his relationships there was some money about him our grandparents worked the fields together had economic reason to stay together and so they did in a factory man works in factory woman takes care of children economic reason again to stay together but in this new economy well you now have women working just as much if not more than men you now hear women tell don't need you got my own job do what I want to do when I want to do it and we are now doing it very well and by ourselves you know the number one song in the mirror a couple years ago ain't nothing going on but the rent if you want to be with me you gotta have a jail B it's all about money all about money when the economy changed the family structure changed and so now we have a lot of people making plenty of money and lonely their place money before a family you see black men we want to do what white men do by that family a house in the suburbs two cars and once they give you go down to Orlando for Disney World vacation and when black men can't do that they don't feel they're worthy enough to stay and I see the problem is they're two responses black women can give to black men but now to work now the first response some women say is well you ain't working you got to go if you ain't working you got to go that's the mistake because black men don't hire no fire nor control the means of production now before black mrs. Lee say that's right brother you tell them please brothers quit assuming they blind women took our jobs away because black women also do not hire no fire we are being played off against each other for some crumbs we recommend this second response for black women to say that man well if you ain't working can you at least go back to school can you at least learn a skill or at least make dinner or wash dishes from car but the problem is they're very few black men they look to black women for definition of manner black men as I said earlier want to do a white men do and that means be the breadwinner when I'm getting at is we're gonna have to redefine what it means to be a man because that being a man being means being their provider with 25% of black men out of work that's a suicidal definition you see if I lose my job tomorrow I'm still man as long as I'm responsible treat my wife correctly raise my children that's responsibility I'm not gonna allow my employer to reduce my masculinity I need to define what being a man is and I think is a perfect balance between the mental the spiritual and the physical not being a breadwinner but a balancing the men physical and spiritual he's an interesting you have two black men both lose their jobs one black man resorts the crime leave this home he's been reduced by the society the other black man sells newspapers sells peanuts girls whatever II can take care is family same economic situation but a different set of values we have to work on that a new definition can resolve this problem I'm not belittling money you have to have money living in America but that's not the criteria for man boys make babies men take care of them that's the definition one more common here I mentioned earlier in our past workshop on the peer group let me share with you here this the economy where you have the mentor over here and you have the physical over here you see a real problem is our boys have a difficult time finding a balance in the middle I mentioned earlier homosexuality and in figure is one of every nine men in this country are homosexuals it's going to increase and the reason is because we've been so skilled to the physical being macho though not boys want to be on the honor roll the label sisters want to being upon the Fine Arts label sistex want to be open honest communicative label sissies when you label something long enough you begin to act that way so you have the homosexuals over here and you have the athletes of nachos over here tremendous that convert when these two we have got to find some men that can teach black boards and Hispanic boys the balance between the physical and the men so there's simply too much pressure over here it's hard to find the balance and women can't teach this only a man can do this we need more black men who can do both of these areas physically physically balanced and mentally balanced and spiritual internet comments questions about what is a man we've been looking at male behavior any comments or questions yes Gwen explain what you meant by saying women raise their daughters we kind of manage breaking I think it's probably the next one man if I get is phrase a little let's go to the next point so you're looking at the active conspirators and we're looking at what the effect that causes on us in terms of male behavior and we may not be able to control or to change Reagan Rockefeller Weinberger but your question we can change we can look at some mothers and I said some not all the rumor is that some mothers raise their daughters and love their sons my board always loved his mom forty years of age still at home with you that needs to stop your boys not yours he is a future husband a future father and needs to be raised that way now what I mean by race teach his son how to cook to make up his own bed to clean up his own bathtub ring because you raised your daughter on the Honor Roll every marking period go to church with you every Sunday and she can cook so on and clean all but then we have your son ain't never seen on a roll he plays basketball all evening long never goes at church and can't boil a hot dog the rumor is we have some not all raising their daughters and loving their sons now I noticed Oracle reason the historico reason is our societies always try to destroy black men the lynchings so black mothers always wanted to overprotect their sons what's the reason today I know the KKK is on the rise but what's the reason today is it because your own black man didn't stay you now replace your man with your son your son is not yours he's a future husband a future father and needs to be raised that way quick telling these nine-year-old boy they demand a house ain't no nine-year-old boy ready to be no man a house but because you told him that he now begins to wonder when you didn't bring over your man for the evening mama thought I was the man of house why are you bringing him over you can't have it both ways if he's gonna be the man of house quit bringing your board for no world Saturday night you know it's sad though these brothers think but they can do with their mamas they can do with their teachers their coach and everybody else in other words living in home with you and $100 pair of gym shoes 80 pair a dollar pair of a handbag in other words these boys have mastered how to manipulate their mamas and they think what they can do with you they can do it everybody else only to find out what you let them get away with no one else does in other words 90% of all teenage pregnancy programs console to women we have teenage pregnancy running rampant but it's fraud the last time I look it's a two to make a baby but 90% of programs let the brothers off the hook the real question is who is going to teach black boys be responsible and you don't start when he makes a baby in other words the real question is who's gonna teach blackboard responsible for its personal hygiene for its clothes for chores for its room for siblings for the loans for studies for stores for schedule and then his sex life you don't start responsibility at 16 it starts very well for example when I was growing up my father over to meet you a fund account for me and every year on my birthday explain to me this time much money you have in your account but if you make a baby all your money is going to take care of your child should it be any different if I enjoy making it should I also take care of it so my oldest son was 15 I told I've been doing the same thing with him the nine year old and a 15 year old so he told me last year said Danny this money looks so good to me I've just decided I'm not ever making me baby I'm keeping all my money to myself but the point is the boy understands responsibility he understands if I make a baby you will take care there are mothers who know this song impregnated some girl on the same block and they said well you boys will be boys they will be whatever you let them be I want to pause now explain this why are some mothers raising their daughters and loving their sons did you grow up in a household but you did more work if you're the sister then your brothers did why is that and you know what else I believe I believe the child-rearing has a lot to determine in marriage in other words men are mama's boy it's a very critical mistake because they can always go back to their mamas son your room is just the way it always was got your favorite pancake whenever you want to get them it is terrible marring Oh mama's boy Commons it's my water break give me some feedback on mothers with their sons what do you think of my analysis it's devastating any other concerns about mothers and your son you know a shortage of men in the church that can be corrected by taking our sons to church the sons can stay home is option to them but not the daughters in terms of playing outside daughters in it sir now the sons all night long double standards make the daughter say but not the son see my point is it blunt and I'm coming right to you if black women know what problems they're with their own black man why aren't they corrected with your son see you know what the problems are black men your little son that's somebody else's husband all what you know needs to be done put that into your son right why perpetuated you really love your sisters if you really love your sisters correct the problem with your son yes sir because the mother loves the child so much and it hurts the mother to flip the channel to see the channel hurt so the channel will continue to rule that's interesting they love their daughters too but they whip their daughters phenomenon is that delivers also sporting some daughters it could be sure there's no sports and daughters and they never know nobody's men there to do it fine that's my baby in other words it's very good see when the father's there seeing something about a black man or father seeing this male this his same size sitting on his sofa eating a bar the food but you got to go but see his daughter can stay as long as she wants but see the mother knows the daughter and so the mother you got to go see mother's make the daughters go and follow to make the sons go but when the father's not there there's nobody to make the son go okay yes one more do we gotta go on yes maybe it has something to do with the norms that are setting the system too and we try to emulate those as like people think example I was born up on a farm and everybody worked together but then in society now since the male has a role the girl has a role so the parents tried to perpetuate that Korean was sad about that is you can't you can't fault a black man who you marry not wanting to wash dishes he wasn't forced to washes in home so you can't fault them when you get it when these barren when you marriage you have to teach em er teaching Merlin the next issue female teachers we're also very concerned about female teachers you remember the exact percentage is 83% in the elementary grades the number of blind children in public schools 17% but blind children are 41% of all the special ed children now 17 doesn't equal 41 LD learning-disabled EMR edge of a mentally [ __ ] BD behavior disorder it gets worse if a black child's going to be labeled special ed 85% of time is going to be a black ball why is it not 5050 black boy blocker what a reason may not be with just black children build more than Patrick Monahan it may be a Fiat atop it may be their female teachers may not know their boys are different than girls you all didn't know that entry they boys are different than girls I only want the women to answer the mid no they're different I don't want to now hear the women to share with us what are some of the differences between boys and girls in the classroom because only when you know what the differences are can you the any change in methodology to meet the needs of their learning styles yes okay so boys more active what else more physical okay more aggressive what else come on I mean go ahead baby the boys a more egotistical okay so a large any others if not quite as willing to please see the regular girl okay okay let's go operative and we just want to add a few more because of time to reinforce we find the boys more aggressive I'm more athletic Lee incline have a shorter attention span a slow of maturation rate as you said are less cooperative or larger than the girls influenced more by their peer group more advanced gross motor than fine motor not as neat as girls are louder than girls like wearing hats on their heads have a different walk have a larger ego and last but not least play the dozens more than girls do you know how many teachers especially white teachers white female teachers don't know what the dozens are don't know what signifying is now remember we live in a world controlled by men males want to find out who the best or is they say who the bags now in River in school the rule is you can't fight but they still want to find out who's the best they create a new game called dozens signifying it is a verbal working off the most prized person in the black community now who is the most prized person in the black community right now I saw your mom on a railroad track looked at her and said ooh get back it's a verbal word game now the game is designed to verbal working off the most prized person your mama now you break down and start fighting you can kicked outta school so I map he went if you break down and start crying again I automatically win now before I go on do you know how many black boys of a suspended or placing a special air because they were playing at dozens do you know how many teachers don't understand those same two blonde boys who are playing at dozens really getting damage of those mamas we're the best of friends two seconds later they didn't understand the culture that don't misquote me I'm not condoning the dozens nor block English but they both exist and if you want to move a child from one to the other it may not be what you say it may be how you saying it in other words Blanc English first day of school five-year-old who walked into your classroom speaking what she heard black English when you condemn the language you've done more than condemn the language you now destroy the child's self-esteem the language is legitimate has different rules to it exists legitimate rules to it and if you want to move a channel for blog English the standardized English you don't condemn you make him feel good where he is you were on Alva there some skills the plan of dozens I'm a former teacher and I ask them very good dozen players there are some skills the plaintiff does first of all you have to have an expanding vocabulary you have to have the ability to make words Ron you have to have quick thinking skills you have to be comfortable public speaking and I knew that tries to tell Willie my best student Willie if you were that good at planning dozens making words rhyme with Canada on the right I want you to be the MC all my programs I want you in my drama department or my spelling bee team in other words I stroked I made him feel good when he was and then he was willing to give me those skills in my classroom but the real issue is do we let these boys know we respect their culture because if you condemn it they will fight you every step of the way and you know what else they will do they will also fight you what we call it a showdown showdown between blackboards and female teachers you see black boys don't know when they're men and black men have not made it clear to them when they become there so they think taking the female teacher one-on-one it's gonna make them a man especially around fourth grade and fourth grade on they want to find out who's in charge of class it's called a showdown there are numerous options in the showdown between a black male and they brought in a wife and a female teacher showdown number one she said sit down very unassertive well Willie may sit down but it made me later on in afternoon Willie wins shutout number one showdown number two she responds to Willie some of the time but not all the time she's inconsistent well I believe Willie wins each one of those she does not respond to shutout number three she said I'm going to suspend you or place you in special way we may lose to the assistant principal or special a placement but he did not do what she said he wins shirt out number three shut down Emma forward she says very assertively sit damn now you're not a good ones do it they look at you strong eye contact they look you back in line and she wins showdown number four showdown number five she responds to Willie each and every time she's consistent and she's winning each one of those showdowns then the last a friend of mine in Chicago told me she had a boy who thought he was so bad he was not gonna stand up he was gonna run the class sitting down he's gonna make her nervous he's gonna look at her and smile it so every time Auggie looked at him he looked back and smiled but then ah do you look back with the same strength and smile it's been her all day long Willie look and smile or do you look back and smile and the end of class so many words but he can't argue said okay I understand that you are in charges class but the reason is she's done three things well she first of all loves him and he knows that she respects him and he knows that and she also respects his culture and he knows that because of that there is no showdown because he knows that she is in charge the class what I'm getting at to return back to this if you know it boys have a shorter attention span what should that do to your lesson make it shorter or make it more interesting if you understand the boys are more advanced gross motor then fine motor what should you allow more in your classroom more hands-on learning activities in other words my point is if you understand the boys have different learning styles rather than taking them out of your class they put them in a special way in why don't you alter your learning styles give methodology but you know what saying most principals know they 5% of their teachers make over 30% of the referrals if that's the case why remove the child why don't you remove the teachers Howard it's higher the child doing so well in third grade with a good teacher and now labeled EMR in fourth grade it may not be the child it may be the teacher it's really a shame you can't stay on this longer on learning styles hyperactivity that's a value judgment if you know what hyper is God was told you would normally hyper is a value judgment it may not be their blind boys and I proactive it may be the lesson plan that's simply too slow think about that the next time you want to place a child special with some other issues I want to wrap up with regards to what is the conspiracy to struggling boys I believe the conspiracies made up of white male supremacy the institutional racism lack of black male role models the male socialization process parental apathy and double standards low teacher expectations a female design classroom a distorted media and influential peer group in terms of the question of what is the conspiracy I know you can't take all those down the way I gave them to you so please read the book I won't repeat them again but those are the major factors that make up what is the conspiracy destroy black boys male supremacy institutional racism lack of male role models male socialization process parental apathy raising their daughters and loving and sons low teacher expectations a female design classroom or distorted media and the influential peer group now what I want to begin to look at is what can the home do to stop the conspiracy to stroh black voice it's not enough to describe it remember the book is called countering the conspiracy destroy black boys I want to look at it from the home from the classroom from the community and they will give you the Donna Willie theory or the Donna County theory and Eddie Willie theory in terms of the home in order to stop this conspiracy we must first of all become aware I believe the first way to solve any promise to know the problem exists to study we have got to study more and then we especially women have got to admit the boys need Rowling's especially male role models and after we admit that then we need to identify some male role models that will play that kind of position with our boys and please don't lie to me and say you don't know any in other words on your block in your extended family where you work at please don't say you don't know at least one positive black male in other words just because the biological father's not there because not me this not some other black men available we believe in extended family concept we also want you to set a contract on what this man will do with your son on an ongoing regular basis and for the fathers please quit taking yourself only to the ball game into the zip so mates fathers take this onset of zoo into a ballgame when it's time to go to the grocery store or to the barber shop go with your mama in other words I believe that blindfolds on an awful lot by seeing you in very natural situations at the oil change at the barbershop just talking smack on the street so please quit thinking you can only interact with your children and some child centered activities they need to see what you do on an ongoing regular basis we must also work on blind boys fine motor development in other words early on in kindergarten we're labeling black boys as being behind because the girls work with crayons pencil and scissors the board have been working with trucks we have to work on black boys fine motor development we also have to work on a non sexist household in other words teach your son how to cook how to sew how to clean we also recommend you teach your son sex education and before our 12 years of age the study show we're teaching children the sex ed after they've already started it should be before not after they've already made a baby after 12 and 13 we have to work on them we must also monitor the peer group you know good pans of always done a number of things world the peer group first of all good friends know who their children's friends are they invite them over to get to know them better and many time I spend prob'ly in the peer group to make sure that child runs the right group my parents enrolled me on the track team I had them on cross-country indoor and outdoor track rather than running around a gang family running around the track my parents did that intentionally to make sure good friends also monitored television TV cannot be turned on by itself quit blaming the television set we must also look at us and then last but not least we must listen to our children many times they tell me my parents don't listen to that's what our peer group is winning the peer group listens many times we don't you know the average father only spends seven minutes with his children they average mother 34 minutes as a tragedy but if that's all you're spending make sure it's quality time make sure you're listening to we recommend these strategies for the home for the school we recommend the family first of all again you always believe in stuff you must first of all become aware there's a conspiracy destroy blackboards after that we must increase male teacher my first desire is to increase the male stamp my second one would be those in the upper grades at least for one year to teach in the lower grades in other words and my what I recommend is that we have more black men before fourth grade or at least an intermediate Division in addition to that if we cannot get this we want more black role models coming in to the school if we cannot get them on staff the least we can do is invite black men in I encourage black men to volunteer in your local school because the men are not there so we need to have you there in addition to that we also want to change some of the changes the triangle to change the methodology to begin to use a right brain learning activities in other words more more hands-on learning objects terms of Fine Arts artifacts pictures and like we also recommend that we emphasize academics over athletics we must give more glory to academic achievement than we do athletic achievement these are the strategies we recommend for the school to one study it increased male teachers increase role models look at a rye brain learning style and emphasize academics over athletics lastly for solutions we also want to look at the community the community has a program to destroy black boys we must have want to protect and develop black boys one program is the Boy Scouts it's an excellent program if teachers Blind Boys skills but the problem is the Boy Scout Master may be homosexual may not know black history the Boy Scouts may be nothing more than a junior army but it's an excellent program it teaches blind boys skills but it may not do anything else another program is Big Brother's an excellent concept it gives black males a role model but the big brother may be homosexual may not know black history is so the conspiracy is going to continue what we recommend is you blend Boy Scouts skills blend Big Brother's role models into an African program called Simba simv a single it's the African word for young lion and we now have 17 seen by chapters across the country these are programs our black men are not talking about the problem they are working on it these are blind men who organized themselves to work for blind boys to teach them skills give them a role model teach them black culture and a major objective to go through the rites of passage in Amanda and my church in Chicago we have a single program when February during Black History Month or during December during Kwanzaa we take our boys who've gone through our criteria and through a special ceremony called the rites of passage I repeat you have something like men talking about what they are going to do your son Blackmun organized to begin to work on that kind of issue we recommend single it bullets all three of those together closing point and then we'll open up for some questions Donna and Katherine I mentioned the very outset that one of every two husbands physically abuses his wife now many of other problems only with the men could eat the BT there's more to it than that you see any respectable woman we make it very clear to her man you put a hand on me and either I'm leaving or you better not go to sleep there to kind of women in America and they go by the names of Donna and can't you see I sincerely believe this I believe that men know could it be and not I believe that and I believe that men are now going to respect women it's a woman first of all respect themselves and they are to count on women in America Donna and camp now Donna feels very good about herself she would like to have a man but she don't have to have one I mean the Sun was still shining God was fairly first in her life Donna once one she ain't got to have one but then you get Kathy taking mean your way comes to the door with another woman with a bottle with a barn a fist all Kathy want is a man and a half a man will do I want all the Catholics to raise their hand you know yet across the country see assist to admit to me and see the cabin in order to tell me to say Jolanda ramadana during the weekday but I'm the Cathy on the weekend when I'm down at summertime and the camp to the other half it's hard being down in America when you have two men I'm sorry two women for every one man it's easy to lower your standards if you want to be a Captain America the theory goes like this for every sister we can get to quit acting like an and to begin to act like done what this means is less Catholics and more done as a result of having fewer Catholics and more diamonds we would have fewer brothers taking the advantage of women like Catholic now expect more women like done I am tired of women always blaming the brothers the last time I look you still determine who gets your phone number who takes you out and every step along the way it's hard being down in America if you want to be a dime there may be some lonely Friday and Saturday nights but if you believe in you you'll have peace of mind if you want to be a down in America it means you go back to school get off of welfare learn you a steal for a career to take care of yourself if you want to be a dying America it means you quit watching them soap operas all day long especially all of my children and begin to take care of your own if you want to be a dying to America it means you Aquidneck eating those cookies and chocolates all evening long you know the rumor is the older women get the bigger you get watch what you eat and exercise and then last but not least you want to be a daughter in America you need to put God first in your life you didn't know takes longer for boys to grow up and some boys never grow up but rather than marrying a boy as the cabinet making a mistake we encourage you to wait but while you're waiting don't complain keep developing yourself so when the brothers finally get ready you'll be ready to a good man still takes two and not one now if you well November used to end with a downtick Catholic theater but the women got on like a CNG wanza if you're going to talk about the conspiracy destroy black boys don't end it talking about us India where you started with the brothers so I now want to give you to Eddie Willy theory Eddie is dedicated to my father his name is Eddie not believe he is a very strong example of a black man they have to kind of mend America eddie and willie willie Mae phaidor's Eddie takes care of them in other words really believe it's not the quality it's the quantity Willie has made a lot of babies Eddie believes not only taking care of him he hugs him he believes the mentioned hug their children works with him on their homework and he takes care Willie makes them point number one point number two Willie only rules and maybe not even then outside the house Eddie works inside and outside in other words Worley may cut the grass he may regulate but he definitely not working inside the house because men were outside and women were inside but not Eddie Eddie believes in whatever it takes washing dishes making dinner whatever it takes and then last but not least Willie he's very insecure and so really verbally and physically abused because woman but not added Eddie is very secure in other words Eddie encourages woman to go back to school to get a promotion on a job Eddie encourages his woman to go to church you know what I even heard Eddie goes to church with him and the reason is Eddie is his wife's best friend and because of that he understands that putting his woman there is not the key the key is feeling good about yourself when you feel good about yourself they're gonna need to put anybody down I want all the Donald's and all - Eddie's to stand up and give yourself a very strong route of law [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: reelblack
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Length: 55min 58sec (3358 seconds)
Published: Tue May 01 2018
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