Why Malcolm X Was Killed (1995) | Complete | Zak A. Kondo Conrad Tillard Khalid Muhammad

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because the only ones who have benefited from that brutal assassination has been our enemy that it is kept us apart and we had the amount immense commemoration that made it feel that it is our responsibility to do all we can to bring to you all of the information the scholars the learned people who have analyzed who have researched this matter have written books article so that hopefully we will generate enough interest and enough concern that there'll be a groundswell from among our people to let us get to the root of this let us find the answer in finding the answer last year we put on a forum titled powers Mountain kill this year the title is why was Malcolm killed be aware however that you cannot separate the two questions from last year that still would remain an important here night how was that and killed and why was that gonna kill and we hope that coming out of that groundswell of desire on your part for an to be given that we will be able to demand that some form of tribunal be set up to do an unbiased and to do a and objective hearing or to conduct and unbiased and and up unbiased theory we're not asking that the United States got to do this that would be like asked in the Fox to defend the wolf against the hens and when we know that they both are interested in breaking into the henhouse we want that hearing if we can bring that about to take place in the black community so that we can resolve the differences the problems that are facing us and confronting us because of the death of brother mountain and we can move forward with our liberation struggle Thank You Martin I just want to have our speakers present their messages to you briefly we want to give you an opportunity to ask questions from the floor and so when you do when we do open the floor for present we hope that your present will be briefing to the point and directed to specific people here on the platform diven said that I'd like to move on and introduce our moderator for the evening really as they always say the cliche really needs no introduction and it doesn't Senora marksmen who is the program director for WBA I would be our moderator for the evening and I will turn over the mic at this point thank you very much brother women Ferguson let me first thank all of you in the audience were allowing us to come before you this evening and we're grateful that despite the distractions in this town particularly the holiday weekend that you were able to set time aside to come here to listen to us they discussed what is indeed an extremely important issue for all of us brother Herman said we're here today to mark if we are to be honest we're here to mark death is essentially why we're here the 30th anniversary of the death of el-hajj Malik Shabazz Malcolm X Malcolm it'll of brother Omar wali and very often we come here with Headlands needless to say to many of these programs in the past and many of us have been a bit upset at having to come together around issues like it so on occasions like this because it seems to us that too often our leaders those were most important to us not only nationally but internationally are removed from us in a very early point in their lives so here for two basic reasons one of course the lack the death the passing of el-hajj Malik Shabazz Malcolm X and also too as the brother said to unravel the conspiracies they tried to understand what happened so that maybe we could clean the wounds and heal them and maybe move forward and hopefully today our speakers will begin to begin that process if it hasn't already be done one of the things that bothers me on occasions like these said as we look at the history of our people not only in this country because one thing about brother MECs nothing that we did was parochial like nothing that you'll hear here it's not for me and certainly not for most of the panelists will be in a parochial context but one of the things that always saddens me is that as we look globally at the problems of African American people and African leadership African people in general we find that if some disturbing historical parallels between what happens at the mass level if you were the kind of fratricidal violence where we destroy one another at the popular level and of course we all that meant that we complain about the what's happening to our people and but then there's always an explanation we said well they don't know better they're not conscious they're not educated they're not informed but then again we look at amongst the more enlightened supposedly sector the more progressive relevant so what do you see if you look historically in our lifetime at the great African leaders who have been cut down in the prime of their lives whether we talked about Malcolm X or whether we are talking about people like Walter Rodney or Vienna or whether we're talking about hotel of Muhammad of Nigeria amilcar cabral at mondo mondo Vani we could go down the list is empty his endless we find some disturbing parallels that invariably with very few exceptions the hands of the assassin always turns out to be one of us and we need to deal with that reality and unfortunately it is awful one of us who claims to be about what the person who woulda killed it was supposed to be about it sir I don't understand is something that puzzles me and it's also a methodology that also is quite puzzling before these leaders are taken out we hear many people calling for them to be taken out then a supposed murder sort of psychosis at all it's also Buffum battering to me after he's murdered there's the denial thing and it's a braggadocio thing and then there is the embracement faith you know we eventually we move to a point where even the ones who did the killings begin to embrace those who have been killed I don't understand we need to understand it I don't understand it there's also methodology of brutality both in rhetoric and in terms of the physical destruction of these leaders if you look at what happened to brother Walter on the environment he was blown away by an African man who professed to be a Marxist just as Walter Raleigh was the brother was cut in half separate if you look at what happened to Ed Weiler Maharani and in Mozambique he was awkwardly in 1967 his head was split open by a bomb Maurice Bishop in 1983 when they're lying that brother and sisters like Jasmine crept up against the wall and shot her in her stomach when they heard that she was supposed to be pregnant again the very people who killed him later on of course after boasting that they had done so we have the tapes they call in our radio station on October 25 year from 1983 bragging how the proletarian revolution had just begun and how they had been victorious two days later they were whining that they had nothing to do with it and of course we have supposed progresses going around trying to free them from from from from prison if we look at other examples by this metallic Mohammed and we look at other examples we see the same pattern of destruction and brutality against our own our own people so I would hope that today as we look at the realities in which we are we are meeting here today but a little bit the national situation in which our people find ourselves we're not just coming here because we had nothing else to do today we're not just coming here to see we're outcome is the 30 years since mountain was dead we're here to search for answers to go move beyond this and one of the things that we're doing is also to look at how the timing and the context in which we are we are gathering here today if you looked at what's going on in this country it is no question but that fascism is on the rise and there is no question but that those who are most victimized by this new fascism are people of African descent of course others are people of color in general are in particular women are across the racial divide are victimized by the city fascism but it's a particular brutal manifestation against black people it's a war against black women when they speak of the young single mother is euphemism for black women of the so-called teenage mother is a war against the young sister against the so-called welfare mother etc and I don't have to tell you what's happening to the imagery of the African man in public leader Wesley O'Jays or the the Tyson's or the Ferguson's or the world strawberries you name it and if you look at the administration and you looked at the principal figures who under investigation one after the other SP Brown down the line is always our people who are further foremost our point of focus of this new kind of harassment and that is symptomatic of a larger problem that black people as a whole never before I ran a liver that I had never have you seen what we see now in quite some time in history are we seeing the trend of harassment as a black people as we're witnessing now and of course internationally it's no different our situation is no different so today when we meet as our brother Ferguson warned me before we came up here that we should keep our presentations short I would ask to be the presenter was remember that Malcolm X not only looked at the problems which were internal to the United States but looked at the problem feed our African people here in a larger global context he looked at what's happening in Africa while he here today and he were to look at what's happening in our Hemisphere and he looked at these new global alliance economic alliances which are bringing massive economic powers in alliance against other massive economic bloc's one thing that is glaringly randomly clear is that the African doesn't fit into these these new alliances there is no Africa in NAFTA there is gone Africa in in in the European Union's equation there is no matter is no Africa in the new Asian alliances and when the Chinese make their grand revolutionary and economic economic strikes there is no consideration for Africa but is no bailout plan for Africa Africa which answer which is continent how can I have million square miles of the richest piece of real estate in the world regrettably and tragically is home of some of the poorest people on the planet that's the reality with which we are we operating today so our mission here in this evening our hope is that Malcolm X's remembrance and that our reflection upon what his contributions were it what his life was all about when we looked at against a backdrop of trying to heal what has happened after all if one look at what has happened with versus the Nabeela a few weeks ago how can we say that this is over brother Wilford was here Malcolm's brother was in few days already talking with him many things he wasn't able to say publicly but you did share many things with us it is over and until and unless we are honest with ourselves we start receiving one another I don't believe that we will be here next year on the 30 probe 10 its 31st anniversary talking about building a coalition which is what we ought to be talking about rather than looking back at what happened because there's just too many ghosts in our blood that we need to deal with we need to exercise not the positive words we need to exercise these so at this point I'd like to begin our program today by asking our first speaker brother Tony Martin to take all of ten minutes to address the audience and some of you know around the 20 mark having written one of the most important books many people have difficulty with it but I think it's one of the most important books has ever been written a book entitled race first the title is a bit misleading because a lot more than what it might imply you may have read a lot about him in recent months about some problems he's been having with certain authorities in the halls of academia in Boston I let him tell you about that please welcome professor Tony Martin or foreign person thank you very much for the threesome Orion thank you very much to me members of the Malcolm X commemoration committee for inviting me here tonight I thought I had 15 minutes but I just lost five so excited moogles passed again the title of the topic tonight was Malcolm Garvey and COINTELPRO Malcolm X Marcus Garvey and who in turn proof and what I had to do was not to talk about my community but this sort of sketch in half of the historical background in the harassment that our leaders have had over the years America as everybody here knows has been at war with black leaders for several hundred years those of our leaders who will be considered radical by the powers that we have borne the brunt of this profession from the polls that be however in the final analysis all of our leaders of whatever he delusional to a situation have come under government and harassment at the point where they have been seen to be effective in mobilizing or people those leaders who have been removed by the culture have been master list of pitch circle dance people self have come under the most pressure but even the individuals even those we consider mainstream have come under pressure one being harassed sometimes killed at the point where they have been seen to be effective somebody has 1070 was publicly Washington was actually beaten up with 90 left most folks forget that of course in our time we have Martin Luther King jr. perhaps the most acceptable of our leaders to the powers that be in the society but even came but beyond being harassed being a subject of court temporal harassment when it appeared as though King despite his relative was relatively you know one threatening posture nevertheless seen PI's to modernize match though most of our people successfully now in the case of Gabby we have one of the early examples of this escalating harassment against our leaders and in many ways it is not a bad idea to deal with Gabby in a context of Maca in my opinion perhaps none of the leaders of our people in the Black Power era came closest to God in terms of his ideas in terms of his rhetoric but I read not very often is almost like reading garbage all over again and of course this is not a coincidence as we know what I understand by cops bellows in town may have real fastness but as we know Malcolm grew up in a household that was very much a godly eyed household his father was head of Gabby's organization the universal Negro Improvement Association in Milwaukee in Omaha Nebraska in Lansing Michigan and in other towns and cities around Michigan as well we know that Malcolm's mother was also the secretary of Gabby's UNIA in all of these places some of this may explain to have some subconscious transmission of Gavi ideas to Markham as she was growing up there's one fascinating connection in the context of governmental harassment of our leaders there's one fascinating connection between Malcolm and Gabby and that is in the figure J Edgar Hoover most of us in this room are familiar of course with the COINTELPRO oppression campaign against the black movement in the 1960s spearheaded by the FBI and singularly by j edgar Hoover who as enormous head of the FBI for about half a century it was Jay Kumar who sent them trained and dirty tricks that possibly may have contributed to the deaths of people like Martin Luther King Malcolm X and others many of the documents of Coit Emperor's many of us in this room know have been made public over the years we know for example that pointer flows through its FBI agents transferred black agents in variety of black organizations like I said they had something to do with the assassination of our leaders we know that Martin Luther King had bugs planted in his hotel rooms and tips were main incentives might work so on alleging you know misconduct with other women and so on but the fascinating connection between Cohen Turner of the 60s and Malcolm under one hand and Gabi is that the very same J Edgar Hoover of the FBI who was masterminding these dirty tricks in the 1960s he was the same one who was doing the same thing against Marcus Garvey as early as 1919 for half a century practically J Edgar Hoover more than any other single individual was engaged in this incredible harassment of black leaders and what I want to do for the next five ministers left to me is simply to go through some of the tactics used by the governmental agencies by Devo and his agents back in 1919 this is even before the FBI was weaponized in 1919 there was no FBI but there was a precursor to the FBI something they called a Bureau of Investigation of the Department of Justice it was a forerunner of the FBI there was no federal in front of the Bureau of Investigation yet so let me give you an idea of the kinds of very the proof of his agents perpetrated against God and you will see obviously the connection between 1010 what happened in the 60s and what will happen again if we are not careful they say that knowledge is power and my hope is that this knowledge will make us aware of the continuing and deep tradition of harassment of our leaders in the hope that perhaps some strategy may be able to be devised at some point to deal with this ongoing major problem in my book race first I have a quotation from J Edgar Hoover it gets back to 1919 this is three years after Marcus Garvey came to this country in 1919 and Hoover says in this quotation something along these lines i'm quoting from memory but he says something like this he said Marcus Garvey is a West Indian agitator in middle he said he said Garvey is an exceptional author he goes on to say something like this he says what he says unfortunately Garvey has not as yet committed any federal crime you know which will give us a pretext to move against them and deport him so here you have who in 1919 already an important official supposedly and maintaining Lord or a this country but he is hoping that Marcus Garvey will commit an offense which would give him an excuse to move against Garvey and deport him above the tactics used against Garfield were the following the basic question of surveillance Garba came to this country in 1916 and within one year in 1917 gobby had a big mass meeting here in holland after the east side louis rats in the summer of 1917 the white population and eastern louis illinois surrounded the black community and saturn's Meyer became over 100 black men women and children try to escape the flames they will cut the pieces are shot and so on it was one of the greatest massacres of black people in the era of lynching in this country Gabby had a big mass meeting here in New York to protest and write interesting me in the account the Gabby wrote of this meeting he says that there was a very large presence in the audience of Secret Service men this is within one year of Gabby and this is symptomatic of the kind of surveillance that was placed on him almost from day one one of the one of the important tactics used and got his time for tactic that we saw with Markham and with others in the 1960s and we see after the game and that was the tactic of infiltrating black people and whether some Maureen mentioned a minute ago and for treating black people in the black organizations to do the dirty work of those in power of course we saw it in any number of places in the 1960s we know that my comes bodyguard the day he was killed they say was an FBI agent we know that when Fred Hampton was killed black panther in Chicago that he would 16 or 69 over the man was his bodyguard was an FBI man the man drunk drunk Hampton the 90s the agents were supposed to come to shoot up the place where Hampton was sleeping this black guy who was supposed to be his bodyguard but was in fact looking for the FBI drugged the Fred Hampton the Bankim even get out of his bed when the burner started coming through the walls that in his bed couldn't get out of his bed on this tactic we see in Galveston 50 years earlier the by same pause the bill will perpetuate the same tactics against keep back Marcus Garvey when I was doing my research on race first I came across an interesting item there in the must have been his in a State Department files of the Department of Justice files there was this black man and they were actually going to Congress the spot that the past is special appropriations bill with their a pass a special private bill of some kind in order to get funds to pay this man and Baltimore and that will be paid him for never pay him because we have hired him to go and attend a meeting of Marcus Garvey's organization and Baltimore to take shorthand notes and those days and what's the most they had electronic Bugsy I don't know so they had to get somebody who was expert in shorthand and of course Gabby didn't that might give Lila's meetings so they couldn't hire a white person you were forced to find a black person to do the dirty work and so here was this man and of course this material wasn't supposed to be diverse but of course fifty years later you know people like myself historians are privy to this kind of information there were many of the package and sewer Intuit rated it the garbage movement Gavi once said there are large portion of his advisors and so on probably with the pain of the government some of the people now we know now that the FBI has open many years later now historians can read the past with themselves and now we know that some of these agents actually became black agents actually got quite close to having people who he trusted you mean you haven't personally I found people who closed the gap who were able to report confidences back to the idea and of course it raises the whole specter of all kinds of populist enough to make anybody who is trying to uplift our people by building an organization one of the sources that they tell us that we use and God his time when have used census will continue to use people like disgruntled employees when Gabby was brought to trial 1923 for alleged mail fraud in connection with the Black Star Line company the powers that be sent out letters so something like 35,000 shareholders of the blacks Thailand trying to find somebody they knew that the odds were in their favor if there was also the 9000 shareholders so many out there who have to be real upset enough to come and collaborate with them to build a case against God I think we've got about 20 people over 35,000 but that was enough that's all they needed two or three people to come into the courthouse and testify and may be able to use of disgruntled people who are invested in God is a tip ship company like that they were able to get wanted to disgruntled employees who thought they weren't being paid as much as we were would there was one old man from Trinidad who had basically been rescued to know the culture by Gavi and affected to a high position and he was one of those who figured he needed more Sun and two garbage great power this man turned up testifying against the further government when the time came there were people who were ideologically opposed to Garvey and this is our time continues to be a major source of ha you know ammunition for the powers that be who want to use black for one against other folks who had ideological differences with Gavi and because of the differences were willing to go and collaborate even with the enemies of the race graphing once said there's an ax even among thieves he said he said there's other if about these but he said some of all a party don't even come up to the length of thieves you know they're willing to sell the people now for Brendan so and so you had people like like there's a man from what was called Basu Toland Don nestled on cornet so for a man who was a bat and certainly might say in today's terminology and he actually went with the government you have public meetings against Garvey and so on there was the integrationist group like device the very device who had an ideological difference with Garvey and who became again you know very easy ammunition to be used against God you had people like device actually collaborating with the government right into the secretary of state of this country asking for money to set up a rival steamship company device that he wanted money the son of a rival steamship company to compete with Gabby's Black Star Line steamship corporation when God wasn't active in 1922 you had eight of the leading integration of students in this country to whoever believed and doubly cynthia such like integrations organizations a of the major mainstream civil rights leaders a mohawk united 22 actually wrote the Attorney General of the u.s. today okay begging them to put Gabby in jail the courts what happened the courts the courts that has now became a major behavior you know used by the government Gabby was every year convention they were arrested and the middle of his convention every year to force him to pay legal fees and so on in a racist and when he was finally sent to jail with I gave it was a trumped-up charge of mail fraud they deported him illegally non-governmental agencies that the me end by saying that non-governmental agencies then and I'm sure the same image to now were also used by the government the government came and our leaders Alma's not morning directly as the government but sometimes indirectly through what appeared to be non-governmental agencies in goddess tan there was something an agency of businessmen known as the National Civic Federation and they were part of mass surveillance against God there was the n-double-a-cp which was part of a campaign against Garvey during the government's dirty work there was organized Jewry then as marked as a matter of fact there were some revelations in 1993 suggesting that Charles Feng GaN the Jewish leader of the n-double a-c-p in Gandhi's time was actually spy not only adavi but on his own and their blessed feed for the government while he was head this is a Jew head at the end of Mississippi using his position to spy on the same and the Blessed be leaders the same devices who he was using against Garvey he was simply materially spying on them too from what was known as the military intelligence department the mongoose uncarpeted jail and justly was Juliette Mac who was the head of the Zionist Organization right he was also head of the American Jewish Committee he was a founder of the American Jewish Congress as well so he had all of these governmental and one governmental agencies moving against Garvey and like I said knowledge is power so if we are aware of the tactics and abuses totally hopefully somebody may be able to use this knowledge to devise some kind of a strategy for chopping down the new future ever a problem that is a black maxima out front the light that our license numbers a 19-1 and X that's blocking the front would somebody please remove that as a maximum a 1/9 1 Ms for your mover we want to move things along quickly and remind you that there will be hopefully an extensive question a question and answer period so anything that we weren't able to touch on now we'll have time to do later on at this point I'd like to welcome the next speaker professor bill sales who's the author were also a new book on Malcolm X which we urge you to pick up in the back brother sales for years has written a number of articles and half that's on the works of Malcolm X another African American and African leaders we will hear from him also for nine minutes and then we'll have the extended period see if they go over the next person loses one thank you brother support it's my privilege to be here again at our annual commemoration of our black shining Prince Malcolm X tonight brief period allotted to me I'd like to do several things I'd like to contextualize the latter period in in mountains political development and the period of this assassination this contextualisation will allow us to answer the question not only why malcolm was killed but why he was killed when he was killed it will also tell us who benefit objectively from his assassination first of all we should understand that in the period 1963 to 1965 the civil rights movement was in a crisis this crisis was not necessarily apparent at that point in those years what I have the major civil rights legislation passed we're going to have momentous demonstrations going to have dr. King getting international recognition and a Nobel Peace Prize but within all of those victories right we're being served the seeds are more fundamental defeat let me identify some of the things which were contributing to a crisis in the movement at this point first of all we were winning victories against legal discrimination when more more black people were facing and kind of discrimination de facto discrimination the reason for this was that over half of the population of black people in the first half of the 20th century have moved out of the South that moved in the north and Western get up where the characteristic feature impression was not liberal discrimination but what's the fact of situation that we face day to day right in fact this movement of our people out of the rural South the urban nurse was giving rise to a new class a class have been working people in that class itself was bird to me and appeared under consideration but it also was facing a crisis because even in their early 60s we were beginning to see some of the first impacts in the post-industrial period on African Americans more and more of our people in the cities were become a long-term unemployed they were losing any meaningful contact with the labor market the characteristic sorts of oppression that we're now all familiar with but already loved on the way in the 60s the movement was tailing behind development more and more we needed a nationwide movement to address these issues affecting discrimination what we had that was a regional solo based movement which was not addressing those fundamental issues all right so we have you know our folks in the ghettos in crisis right if you look at the economic indices of how we were doing if you discount the blood who were just coming up in the first generations from south to north the folks who've been around for a while weren't experiencing any improvement they're getting frustrated and somebody hit the bricks and started the Rebelle and so we balance from beginning a characteristic feature of this particular period as this was going on the previous support elements of ruling class which had supported the southern civil rights movement begin to erode and in fact as a movie came north people began to discover all kind of reasons why they could no longer support the movement up to anakena those elements of the government which previously had been willing to endorse a progressive civil rights legislation we began to lose control of the nation's attention that is no longer the monopolized popular consignments that is the civil rights movement rivals America compete with the national psychology the student power with the feminist movement of course above all the Vietnam War movement a movement which made many in this country believe that it was not possible to find racial democracy at home while waging an imperialistic war abroad also it's very important for us to understand that the civil rights movement despite all its motion in activism had not generated in the fundamental ideological critique of the American dream it was actually growing on ruling class ideology about a period 1965 in a run out of gangs and explain all the inconsistencies all the contradictions between what the country was supposed to be and what it was actually doing but it needed something more in the area ideas to push the struggle for and last but not least the security apparatus of the state in the early spring of nineteen six we have determined that the movement had become objectively a threat to the American source of water and that had be more notably monitored and in fact had to be in some sense trust now adult all that because this is the social context the environment within which Malcolm X makes his important intervention all right Malcolm was one of the first to see that the American civil rights movement was at a crisis right that this crisis demanded a new in a different direction instead we want to make the transition from a reformist regional movement to a revolutionary international movement this is why Malcolm X left the Nation of Islam because he wanted to make an ideological and organizational and an activist intervention to help the Silverlight to be returned the corner into the admin of Human Rights now on the eve of his own assassination Malcolm X talk program no matter what happens to me personally - oh and you must continue to exist Ernie Allen apples homework mouth therefore he gave to us his legacy so it's very important for us to look at the only thank you what it was it not ones conception all right why was projected as an answer to the crisis facing the movement and why my understanding what the RA who wants we'll get a clearer idea Allah Malcolm X was assassinated oh by the way before dawn I should mention many of these elements of crisis that appeared in the civil rights movement in a 1963 65 period are still with us today right the thrown by this crisis I still would be answer and that's one of the reasons why Malcolm is still relevant today because the situation he attempted to confront was never resolved by anybody or any some super moon back to me that is subsequently emerged and therefore the unfinished business that Malcolm probably addressed it's still a power for this business that we have to address now Malcolm X visualizing organization afro-american community as an organizational vehicle for internationalizing our struggle he felt that was absolutely essential for us that the international vehicle if there was to be any ability for us to succeed in our own liberation all right what Malcolm did in this period was the route his black nationalism squarely within the pale African internationalist tradition he recognized that a commitment to revolution was absolutely necessary if we were to be free but his perspective on revolution deepen and broaden the last 11 months of his life he began to recognize that if we were going to make successful revolution in America that there were certain international prerequisites we needed a high degree of cooperation coordination across national boundaries between various oppressed races people to nationality what mountain sol was that he wanted to struggle to give to African American people an international person as a national liberation movement in order for the world to recognize that black people in fact were an internationally recognized liberation movement it meant that we had to speak with a single voice neither cool nor bright and say one thing and be found and brought the next night they my tanks are saying something else to be followed by some smokes led to the n-double-a-cp say the third thing what happened therefore was necessary for him to come home from Africa and be about the process of building the black united front that's what the organization afro-american unity was all about the building of a black united front without black united front black people in America when it would happen the first time with international personality and could make demand to the name of the nationality before international forms thus Malcolm my read his position in relation to the established civil rights organizations but it's very important for us to recognize that Malcolm was not seeking on principle unity it was not seeking unity at any cost the old AAU was to be a black man in front for a black united front with the agenda of working and poor dispossessed black people as his priority item on the agenda in the area of electoral politics Malcolm also recognized and if we were to make leading innovative interventions in the American political water that I activities had to be independent of the major parties and they had to be protected by internationally recognized guarantees I think that's very important for us to see today that if we know objectively their two-party politics as the possibilities for progressive development to party problem have been exhausted and we're thinking about the independent believable trust then we also have to think about how we can develop some kind of international court some kind of international monitoring for that kind of activity not with recognizes over twenty years ago now so what I'm saying here and I know I feel pressure in time right is that we have a woman in crisis and what's important about mindfulness and he started to ask the right kinds of questions and now how we can get through this crisis and build the movement from after liberation that would have international support attracted the attention of the security apparatus to the American State because Matthew was right more than he was wrong right and so my latina Matthew was stepped up when he came back from Africa for the OAU Jed Hoover four days after before makes me only on July 2nd circulated remember to all fifties offices of the FBI saying that the OAU had been created by dr. Mao who was hanging around suburbs and governments nationally and internationally he was going to go to international organizations and back to United Nations and therefore we have to put in place a counterintelligence operation to discredit baton and the organization of afro-american unity fact that we can document that Malcolm and his organization were targeted for the self-destruction after July 2nd 1964 we could go back even further actually and it's important in the middle time I have available I will discipline myself and just make this point maybe a wrap-up and sit down as that Jack Gruber goes before the kennedy cabinet in April of 1963 and he says how the battle changes have occurred in the civil rights struggle the Communists turn it over all right there front longer step up surveillance I would've violate these folks right even more so I believe tabs on the situation that was his public agenda would major decision makers and he can it be captain Kennedy gone down and said go do it all right but looper has not rejected on his mind he was not happy smothered we never stop it was out to destroy the personal decision to destroy this move in 1963 we got looked a few things all right and nothing was right on the case right when nothing looked at the disturbances and probably have a 1963 he saw the impact of a new social class of the situation hey he said did you know this could've been sent choose to Birmingham and to the brothers did walk to the brothers got out on the street start taking care of business said the town on fire right and it Kennedy said the truth why because that not the heart will be going to 64 not the watch for the under 65 not Cleveland the sixties not Detroit Newark in 67 but Bonnie Amazon is 1963 right and give an indication of the tremendous revolution and potential of a new social force that was being born up inside the urban posting does the water now repeat that source wanted the food data right with the international revolutionary forces for change and move my black stone volatility to a different level janma who repeat that right and he made a move and his movie was successful why was this move was successful because whatever you move developer movement there are various points where under those party changes for all leadership there through a new leadership well though constituencies give way to new constituencies where regional movements they come national and international movements but consensus among leadership breaks down right this all is necessary so that you can rebuild who's going to make it strong but in the period of this transition right your movement is going to be weak it's going to be long and it's going to be subject to attack and the security hypnosis state recognizes that this is the time when you go over to the attack because it's most easily won that and affected at this point so absolutely crucial to kill Malcolm and killed him in 1965 before he institutionalized his toolings domestically with the new social force right the brothers urban street people a young argument in our community and secondly where he would institutionalize our struggle with the anti imperialist anti NATO forces in the world under the leadership of people by problem kuma Gama Abdel Nasser economy to the in the media mount a tongue of Fidel Castro and a host of other people let me just stop there and suggest that these are the consequence it that we need to look at more deeply and talk about why not but to make the point that mere presence here of all the perils of the leading intellectuals in the African community in this country I'll say intellectually million liters way but people who follow the first order of the 29 others whom I mentioned later on just to move things around quickly it's a quick a couple of quick announcements tapes from this program will be available immediately following the forum in the back also if you missed last year's event those audio tapes will be available as well and if you want videotapes from today it'd also be available next week so immediately afterwards in the back to be able to get the tapes of today's program at this point I'd like to introduce our next speaker we sort of moving rapidly along because we want to before most of the time to an interchange with you not to tell a bunch of speeches later on but there's the questions for me and this is what I'd like to introduce someone who carried a cliche further and these the north so be very little introduction so give this community and in a sense his presence here today as far as I'm concerned even though I'm not part of the Malcolm X commemoration committee as such it is indeed to me indicative of the spirit of the committee in trying to move beyond the schisms and the the antagonisms and contradictions to maybe try to bring about some easement of the tension and maybe hopefully move towards solidarity and working together of course I speak for our brother Minister Mohammed who is the New York representative of the Honorable mr. louis farrakhan who will speak with us in the name of Allah the beneficent the merciful became in the person of master farhat Muhammad and we forever thank him for blessing us with our beloved leader and teacher the most honorable elijah muhammad the messenger of allah the exalted christ and we thank the two of these great were these over and over again for giving the black man and woman in this day and time a true champ a true leader and true benefactor I speak of the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan that their names I greet you slowly my brothers and sisters be honored to be here and I think because this is about Brotherhood and unity and if this is about settling an issue that has been in the black community for the last 30 years as a source of tension as a source of point of disunity then we're very happy to be here to help to bring about unity to ease those tensions and to bring the family back together but if this is in any way an attempt to lambast or to throw stones or to criticize the Nation of Islam then we also glad to be here to clear the air now much has been said about the Nation of Islam involved in the death of Malcolm X and I think this an intelligent question that you asked tonight much more intelligent than the questions I've heard says I've been conscious and the last thirty years that we've asked not who killed mountain but why was he killed because if you find out why he was killed then you know really we should be last because whatever accusation is laid at the door of someone the accusers should go first we should not follow that but precedes that condom because we already know what he plans to say we read his book we have heard him in the public charge the nation with the murder amount but I want to deal with that tonight because I have nobody I was one year old when Malcolm can Adama but I follow a great leader in teacher who was closer to Malcolm than anybody in this room that new mountain better then love Malcolm or Malcolm when it was in fashion it's more qualified than anyone in the country I'm talking about and representing the truth and the facts of this issue because he not only loved mountain but he loved his leader and teacher the most honorable elijah muhammad and huh and he was found in the middle of these two great men you can't get around Farrakhan just as you cannot get around the Honorable Elijah Muhammad when you speak the mountain no brother it was not Malcolm's internationalism that caused him to die it was not Malcolm's internationalism at all the Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches us that there are 196 million nine hundred and forty thousand square miles of land on the predator and no one belongs to the black man he said Africa is a throne but the earth he said belong to the righteous and it is the earth that is the home of the black man and woman he said don't take one continent take all seven because you were there you came before Columbus [Applause] so the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was not just an international teacher but a universal teacher and he took Malcolm from a thief a con man he reformed his life like he has done for us he helped us to see the beauty in ourselves he cleaned us up he told us that our past goes back further then something Black History Month accomplishments this is Black History Month the shortest month in the year we're celebrating the accomplishments of our black brothers and sisters in the shortest and the coldest month of the you see you got to deal with the internationalism on the Honorable Elijah Muhammad because he's the one that put that truth and that knowledge and Malcolm's head so it couldn't be that mountain was killed because he became international for from the time he came out of prison and recited his student enrollment and actual facts and became a registered Muslim with his name on the Lamb's Book of Life the Honorable Elijah Muhammad promised him friendship in all walks of life he promised him brotherhood with his black brother in Asia his black brother in Africa you are talking about not internationalism in the sixties held the Honorable Elijah Muhammad went to prison in 1945 because he refused to fight his Brown brother so you can't write that out of history the real reason Malcolm was killed we got a deal with tonight what is wrong with black people we applause dr. King we passed Fred Hampton Mark Clark we lost that Turner we lost Garvey the list goes on an arm we've lost internationally Maurice Bishop patrice lumumba and the list goes on and on but what is it about the black men what is it in us what are we afraid of to point the finger at the real piece we know tilma the same one that killed God we know that even though chumby pulled the trigger on Lumumba it was the white man's hand at the root of the pistol it was the white man's mind in the stool pigeon the Uncle Tom the turncoat we fear telling the truth because we say Helen Malcolm got killed by the state and I say it maybe I'll get killed and the reason we are so afraid to accuse the real killers it's the same reason we fight and kill each other in the streets of America but we afraid when the white man comes in a blue uniform because you can stand in front of a black man to say kill me [ __ ] but you afraid of this of the right man shout and so for 30 years a good man a good organization has been slammed by many people who had the chance to follow Malcolm had the chance to be with them but we're not with him in that day because today you get some violence because today we are just like the people in Israel we reject Moses because Moses is dead and God but we don't want Jesus because jesus is alive and in the world we are always looking back who was the last leader killed that's my lead who was the last leader that died that was the only good leader I heard some fool today on television say that Malcolm is being behind today because the youth have no leadership as a damn lie the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is raising up you have to raise up a man from the grave you really don't want leadership you want I don't worship you want to put his picture on the wall because he's dead and he can't ask any bigger he can't tell you to stop smoking kaumatua he can't tell you the king your white woman out of bed so that becomes your leader and some of you of you would be honest you wouldn't follow Malcolm around the block just like you wouldn't follow Barbie just like you know why we can say you wouldn't follow Malcolm today because you're not following nobody today reading some mighty speeches not following their quoting somebody speech is not following them at what point do we begin to dedicate our lives to the principles that the man lived on some of you who love Malcolm you yet cannot even reconcile the religion of Malcolm which is Islam map and disregard is religious it was not socialism that brought in from prison took him from a life of crime it was Islam it was not nationalism that made him great and respectable and honorable that men would leave their wife with him it was the morality taught by the Honorable Elijah ramen we don't want to deal with that so we make Malcolm a communist and a socialist and then say ah that's the reason he was killed because he became international in his thinking they'd been lying to ourselves for too long we either lying or we don't know that and if we don't know better than what it's wrong was sitting at the feet of a man that does know better that our Minister Louis Farrakhan has been great and that he has admitted that he was a part of a climate that helped lead to the murder of Malcolm X but what he didn't say but what fair-minded people would understand but that Malcolm himself also participated in that climate but when you don't like someone you use their honesty as a means to strike at them but truth requires that we be objective and even when a man is honest and admit something that he did it is incumbent upon the truth seeker to look into it and study it and find out what the man is saying not to use the man's statements to come against him the fact of the matter is Malcolm was killed because he could be killed Malcolm was killed because we live in a society where the white man is like angry and savage powered wolves they are on the prowl they are hungry and they're looking for a stray lamb Malcolm was killed because he cut himself off from his face Malcolm was killed because the Nation of Islam at that time represented the most formidable group in black America and the team of Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X was unbeatable they could not kill the nation from with so they had to seek to do it from within there are probably like Parliament said and don't you ever forget this brothers and sisters that the mode of operation of the white men is to throw the rock and then hide his slimy hand as though he did nothing getting brother to fight until brother and then he steps in like the peace men today they can brag today they can release FBI documents that bragged about them engineering the split of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X and even with the white men telling you he killed Malcolm you still some of you are a lay at the door of the messenger that he killed not well in my conclusion the question is who killed Matt why was Malcolm killed that's the critical question that would give you the answer to who killed if the Nation of Islam was a black organization at that time and it was known to the world that the nation and Malcolm were involved in a dispute what when the aslam have to gain from killing Malcolm X we would absolutely have had nothing to gain but to earn the reputation of murderers and killers in the whole world is looking after nation the whole world is watching this public dispute that was played out over ABC NBC and every newspaper in the country but with our only light Marvin have to gain from killing mountain since after all he was the leader of the nation and in the nation killed him all hands would point to it right after all it was the Honorable Elijah Muhammad who was scandalized by Malcolm all over the country for one year plus prior to his death but when you believe in Allah when you have faith in God you don't seek to strike at those that strike at you because you understand the Holy Quran says that this mark will be successful though the polytheists may be averse we are guaranteed in this book success in every righteous endeavor and the horrible Elijah Muhammad having come from the third is forties fifties sixties facing the white man facing the government facing the hip Britt's in his own household had nothing to fear by Malcolm living you want to say that the horrible Elijah Muhammad defeated that it now who live the nation would be destroyed about 30 years after Malcolm is dead the nation is not destroyed but his bigger and stronger and more influential today bill Adama was and you say we killed and that's some of you for some of these the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was going after black people see in the black men see in the black woman in love with them what would he have to came in killing one from the whole black family see you disrespect our intelligence and your own when you land at the door of the Nation of Islam and you say the nation until now who or what nation and realization when someone robs a bank did you say America robbed today when someone murdered someone do you say Christianity murdered someone but you are just like the white man some of him you want to criminalize and scandalize Islam so that anyone who is a follower of Islam does something wrong you lay at the door this the Muslims but that crackhead is not a Muslim that man who broke into your house and cracked you upside to it he was a Muslim ask him what his religion is it brought me tell you Christianity he probably tell he was baptized he probably died he went to church in Sunday school all this life but you don't lay that at the door of Christianity see but when you have an axe to grind against my final point is this I think we proved the messenger had nothing to gain from kill him now and if you really want to know the truth about he told his followers leave Malcolm alone so I know some of you don't read scripture but I just want to bring something to - in the Bible don't get angry with me you know all of you heard the King heard of King David happened it was a great king it was a little boy but he was a warrior but when he grew up and grew Walden he had a son as son's name was absolutely and that son actually went astray on his father and begin to scandalize his father before the nation oh yeah and in a strange coincidence that's really not coincidental at the root of his analyzing his father was his father's domestic life say Malcolm knew that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad had wives but he knew the public didn't know so he called them secretaries but you say you're a pro century you tell me how the country a man can have more than one wife where's the scandal in that bro where's the scandal in that system where's the scandal Christian's when David had more than one wife Solomon had over a thousand wives and many concubine you don't call them secretaries and you've got a lot of girlfriends yourself [Applause] but I'll be like mama said leave Malcolm alone and they told now remember I have your teeth see what you know God you will feel man if God brought him through one time they said that FBI had the messenger in custody had the gun to his head I'm all right for that if it isn't one second I thank you but you know I know we're gonna be able to attack later sighs look really I should have demanded that we go last bus Moses waited for the magician's of Pharaoh to cast their right did he chance and I don't need this to all the speakers cuz I'm speaking of specific one can't fear man he told his followers leave him alone you know why because we believe in the redemption of the back man and woman and just as the Honorable Elijah Muhammad didn't ask mouths before a resume didn't want to know what he had done in his life in 47 when he received him and anointed him and made him one of his great spokesman he then believed in Redemption and toward the end of his life he believed in it also but Absalon made his father aim and he made the followers of his father father name so when you hear the Honorable Louis Farrakhan say that all Muslims were potential murderers of Malcolm at that time what are you so surprised about you have heard Malcolm on the television on videotapes speaking evil of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad you know how you would feel if someone spoke evil of your leader if your true father would if someone spoke about your mother you want to fight don't you if someone spoke about your father you want to fight don't you if someone says something that you know is not true and you know they'd know it's not true you want to fight don't you so don't rob us of the right to love the Honorable Elijah Muhammad for the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan said yes we would have killed anyone that came against the messenger then today and in the future say nothing change you know how we got our leading teacher like you love yours so fighting the government prevail and our Malcolm the somebody's saying people that now celebrating Malcolm they didn't want Malcolm in the nation so they enticed them to leave Malcolm you be a great leader on your own you don't need to lie to Muhammad but we're now Colet the nation he hardly had any followers because many times people will say they love you but they don't show it by the dedication they don't show it by their work they don't show it by their love and that's why most of you who are not in the nation you can't understand the relationship that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad had with Malcolm because you've never given yourself to a leader like Malcolm did and so when you told Malcolm obvious base you not only pulled Malcolm from his source of strength but you've also put Malcolm in a position when the government could move on him kill him and then blame the Muslims for her the last point I wanted me because I want to be respectful to each other as much as possible is that condo said there were FBI agents in the nation but he hasn't moved it yet oh yeah we know as the messenger said at a certain point the rights were honeycomb with rotten calendars but I asked if an agent in the nation was responsible for the murder of Malcolm that how can you say the nation killed ma'am was that chief of security that gave the plans of Fred Hampton and Mark Clark's apartment a panther did the Panthers kill Fred Hampton Mr Clarke I don't know yet John Ollie used to work with the FBI or some government agency this is not a bombshell revelation it was known by the messenger it was known by the followers of the nation that's because we don't care where you come from you can join on to us we have ages to come to the moms and after they set under that truth a few weeks ain't coming confess say well I came in with a government but I see what y'all are doing I'm with you now but if Charlie was an FBI agent question him he's still alive thank you close at this time it's so much more I want to say thank you very much a minister called Mohammed glad to see the Brotherhood their respect the title and program I actually we are as I said they're going to have an intense hopefully extensive question-and-answer period and we'll be able to follow up on many of these items I would just caution the speakers who would be following whether Khalid Mohammed not to depart from the format of our program as has just been the case my my attention when I accepted to moderate this program was that we will be conducting that this in the spirit of brotherhood in harmony no one attacked anyone no one attacked anyone san carlo has even spoken yet and I would hope please play so I would hope that the rest of the meeting would be conducted in that spirit one of the things that this would be an old saying in the 60s you know say if you had a secret from those folks in the movement all yet it was put in the book and remain there forever because some of us have difficulty really studying closely documents and one of the things that I respect this brother cause I kondal for respect his work and his conduct is the meticulousness of his research I know that conduct and I ready to act on those book and if nowhere in sight Cardinals book doesn't say the nation nowhere it's tessellated just so we can be accurate you saw it so he could be honest and as we like to say we can speak the truth maybe we haven't all have read the book maybe that's why we're saying that but I'm here to tell you know we're in the book that's Zack carnal Achilles the Nation of Islam per se of Chile Malcolm X he speaks of elements the influenced by and and cooperating written with but the FBI in the state on the question of the white man and his responsibility for doing everything and so on that's something we'll take up later on I don't know about you in the audience but as an African no one does my thinking for thee no one does my thinking for me hopefully that applies to those who were involved in the assassination have relations well assume the question of the revival of Malcolm X I think again so we can clear the air the fool and other if it's the same program which the minister was referring to but I heard that Malcolm X's brother and I heard a kill Noble and many others and indeed I and many people like along their brethren and brother Sonny cross and others were in the audience we always refer to the revival of Malcolm X not the body I mean only is non-sensitive if they let me to speak about the plan we talked about the night Malcolm X's idea is his work is spirit this political spirit and yes it is good that is being revived and we can't just begin a man's life and in his teens we have to look at the whole picture of Malcolm X and look at it roots embankments so often they will look at the totality of everything later on as far as out of this catalyzation of Elijah Muhammad I don't recall in the first year of such a Malcolm X's life falling to basically his absence from the Nation of Islam and his catalyzation of the amount of Elijah Muhammad finally finally it depends on how we define scandal ization the final point I'd like to make the final point I'd like to make by we're trying to clear things up so that we can have an intelligent discussion is that the question of the willingness or the unwillingness of some of us to take on the US State I don't know how many more than others on this rostrum here and I mean everybody on this roster was been willing to take on the United States government to expose it for a stretcher against African people not only able internationally as some of us here myself along the graph and others and in deeds act on if you read this work Tony Martin who is done an infinite amount of work elsewhere but I'm simply summarizing a couple of quick points that the minister made because it in turn they are discussion in the whole different direction this is not what our intention was we were talking plain sex plays demonstrate some respect now so we can conduct this meeting it has turned our meeting in a different direction which I was hoping would not be the case so I'm hoping that we could do now by asking brothers at corner because I don't want Zack to launch into a defense of each of these points hence by attempting to play each one up as best as I can in a limited time so that we don't get into a tit-for-tat and turn this into a debate between Minister Carla Marvin and some cons a condom that's not what this is all about that's not what this is about after the presentation by Zack condo then we will have questions from him and you can raise whatever wanna be let me just see a shared couple of program notes you may have seen brother Mira breakfast name on the program he won't be here today unfortunately wants to be her brother Babita ray advertises being on this program unfortunately he won't be here as well and they have seen also brother Khalid Muhammad's name on the program he's sitting on the roster but he won't be speaking in what it will not be addressing the audience so I just want to let you know that however you know the question has superior if this is a direct question put to him he will respond at this point let us please give a welcome to Thank You brothers of mine and keep him with traditional African culture I need permission to speak from me hell I've been told as the thinking guard me since about the fourth row I we should permission to speak assistant I just need permission to speak it is indeed an honor and a pleasure to be here I must admit that the the energy in here is somewhat unique but you know I really don't have no prop no problem with that I appreciate words that my brother for the Conrad I've never met although I think we did have a conversation over radio that so anyway honored here and I'm also honored to meet brother Kathy for the first time and then I'm also honored to see some friends now I'm gonna be perfectly honest with you my instinct right now is to go is to address I think I got around thirteen issue that Conrad raised that I would like to address nothing I will address them but before I do that there are certain things that I would like to address first one of the things that's bothering me right now as we address the assassination of Malcolm X 30 years later announced to be very frank kitchen is the energy of the Nation of Islam it's bothersome for a couple reasons one reason is because those of us which struggling plot people understand very clearly that criticism is very important [Music] it is the responsibility of those of us who are serious about our people those of us who are serious about Scudder to be able to critique the mistakes that we made in fact our leaders we have no leaders who are above criticism but unfortunately it seems as though we have some organizations which has no problems whatsoever critiquing all of the world positions however the same organization has a problem when its critique at some stage at some stage I think that we as a people need to be need to be able to deal with yeah Naaman was a man he went to the bathroom he made mistakes but it all wrongs with them aloud to Mohammed however was a man too and he made mistakes the difference however he is is that it's okay for us to discuss knoppix mistakes in fact it's okay for us the chest thighs mouth it's okay for us to say all types of negative things about my two technologies parenting to call malcolm of genius and they call malcolm a traitor it's okay to do all of those types of things but let somebody say something negative about elijah muhammad and a warm [Music] [Applause] the same case exists with Farrakhan I have a lot of respect for Farrakhan one thing one thing that I don't respect is the extent to which we have put certain people on pedestals we put them up in the heavens if they only minder something only mind it some years ago throughout a brunette you remember it was teens you know number one lieutenant he knew mama the King better than Coretta Scott King but it's the point that Abernathy before he died published a book that dealt with this relationship with Martin Luther King he gave us an insider's view of market the king he was they would share information that only somebody who had struggled with this man lived with this man knew intricacies about this man but breath evidently committed the cardinal sin 45 book in which he was critical about the king and not really critical his point was to say that King was having an affair with this person he had met this woman him there and whatever happen is people forgot about the other three hundred forty three pages in the book rep Abernathy became a Judas he became a traitor he became somebody that at the time as he died they had had bodyguards around him when he was publicizing the book at book signings and stuff because one of us might have heard there's a man in his 70s maybe has struck most of his adult life he's stumped for his people to blows to the head spitting on them and cheating on him putting bruises all on for all those years this man had to die basically a traitor in the eyes of a lot of people why because what he tried to do was the brain Martin Luther King out of the heavens make walk the King the main that and for that reason that man ended up dying as a juice you know he said to us you know you can't critique and this is also going to go back now to Elijah Muhammad is well you can't critique a man you cannot critique a god you cannot critique a deity we have African people need to be able to critique I will leave where Elijah Muhammad made an extraordinary contribution we need to better understand to appreciate it and emulating however at the same time where it lies Muhammad made mistake we need to be able to critique it to study to understand and to avoid [Applause] and a tragedy here so that that will not take away from the leadership of in a large mama it will not take away from the leadership of a fan nor will it take away from the leadership of a Malcolm origami are up to know the views that we have and we have to be able to do that for us to grow as people we have to be able to do that now one of the points that I would like to you to make very very quickly is it lets now deal with Malcolm's assassination put in the context of the Nation of Islam now first off I want to do a point that my brother made as far as he's I think he said that I say that they were agents in the Nation of Islam if you read my book you will not see that I said that they were agents within the Nation of Islam what I said is that there were informants within the nation Islamic the difference between an agent and an informant was that an agent is somebody that's been trained specifically by the enemy going through their caddy and all those other types of thing an informant was somebody who's already oh and then that person was then put to infiltrate the organization and informant is someone who's already eaten the organization who's the enemy then approaches to say is yo man you want to make a few bucks and stuff you know all you got to do is do this then then edit that is what I talked about in the book and that is real clear as far as the nation Islam and unfortunately just about damn organization that we had in the 1960 you find that same thing and that was also the case even in the cracker organizations as well that's how the enemy was able to keep so to keep tabs on the other thing is that I do not say John Lee was an FBI agent one of the questions that I raised in fact in fact one of my points is that if he was on anybody's payroll most likely it was probably military intelligence he used to work for the Navy Department now but I still want to deal with one other point that he made with regard to that because I think his point was the saying that if these people were agents then you know he was the agents who killed Malcolm you know that's been an argument that I've heard now for the last you know over the last few years and you know on paper it sounds good you know so this supposed just for the sake of enemy say all the people who knew her in goon town the chair who came into the Audubon Ballroom on February 21st 1965 at 3:10 p.m. they came in and they're all agents okay for the sake of argument every last one they were they went to the Academy whether or not you know their informants they don't matter okay pages therefore we don't kill and then they come in as Muslims there in the Nation of Islam as far as anybody else knows but even though they're really mad in the nation because they're agents okay and then aq and that takes the nation of the nation did not kill phil was wrong that analysis what's wrong with that analysis is that what exactly does that say about your organization if you are loud even me to come to the organization infiltrate your organization kill somebody that the organization can't stand and then all of a sudden you're innocent of this what does that say about eternal security within your organization if that was the case we need to deal with that issue and a two-fer matter is is this even if they all were enemies commute if they walk even if all of them were agents we're not dealing with children here but dealing with the l4y what delegate-rich with some of the most organized according to the image that they portray the most organized around some of the most serious brothers around so read aloud so the FY is gonna allow the enemy to go in here and take me the point I'm trying to make is that the steal would not resolve and accountability question that's the point [Applause] come on just giving these people opportunities in there okay cool points that I want to make and I want to kinda like turn gonna change the energy a little bit now I appreciate that I want to go now with Malcolm and the enemy now one point though I do want to make real clear right now we do have some eternal problems that we need to deal with and obviously I decided that it was important to take some time and deal with it I make no apology [Applause] but at the same time we also think I want to lose sight of the fact regarding the mountains assassination there was a secret hand whose regard to mount assassination yes the enemy was dead and the enemy was behind closed doors and the enemy was in fact doing lots of things that was first designed to disrupt the national leadership of the nation in this month a B it was designed to then separate Malcolm from Elijah Muhammad which was the base map was made to support base within the nation his phone was lies Muhammad the enemy realized by the early by the late nineteen fifties by the late 1950s the enemy realized that if allows Muhammad did not support nothing now who did not have much support beyond it and so what you got to see happening and what I think my book does a respectable job documented is step-by-step how the enemy from the late fifties all began as a series of steps designed to separate Malcolm from Elijah Muhammad and of course one of the keys to that was the family of a lot tomorrow for different reasons and to some degree mountain had his own problems with them as well and the end result of is gonna be that by the time you get to 1963 some of the problems that existed between Malcolm and Elijah Muhammad's I kind of really begin to surface and when that began to happen you could almost imagine seeing giving each other high-fives all they had to do at that stage the getting was defeated and they feed they fed it very well they fanned it through spreading rumors within the mosque outside the box they fanned it by playing bogus newspaper articles somebody want specific lies you can go back check out April 25th 1963 New York Times was one good example of that the point of all disease is that with enemy do something that they had done for a long time and they did it very well with regard to the nation in Islam they would study organizations and of course they were listening to the telephone they also had wired the Chicago national office was also God and what we were basically listening for four stops mostly between Malcolm and the National Leadership and specifically between Malcolm analyzed Muhammad and each time the radio this could be through the through the telephone each time through the wiring in the national office they heard negative point maybe Elijah Muhammad might have said something or perfect letter saying something about Malcolm exception and that was something that the enemy could then exploit an exploit they did they were right focus left I talked about the newspapers the bad jacketing was the spreading of the false rumors and it's not gonna be any one thing is going to be the totality of all of these things that are being going to create more distance between Malcolm and Elijah Muhammad I just gave you an idea just how vicious 1963 a lot of understanding things they already hear a conversation which allows Muhammad tell somebody at this time was very sick he'd been throwing up blood he's a lot of pain and other didn't happen you know one or two people watching TV was basically the only one at the fetus estate so he tell somebody on the phone you know he said you know sometimes I'm in such pain it hurts so bad sometimes you know I just wanna I just want to kill myself I guess with the enemy did for the next week every day two three four times a day there's a series of phone calls to his estate and carry him to kill itself that's how the enemy works we give them a little bit and they do their best to exploit the tragedy of Malcolm a large Muhammad situation is that we gave them lots to exploit creative manager real clear on its - you know I have never stayed at math had a halo on his head that was not angel at the same time out who was not the devil that my brother tried to paint him out to be either same thing with the last Mohammed you know last my mood was overall a good man I always respected about that doesn't mean I cannot good teaching so at any rate in 1913 1960s and then in 1963 especially that was really the key to all this the babies contributed to things but it was actually greater than the babies my way commerce said if a year plus mountain was attacking about Mohammed no Malcolm first came out against allies Mohammed and you can die said this is well documented Lee Jones 30 June servant to 64 that's nesting that's nine months from the time he was actually killed so that's not a year-plus it wasn't even actually a year and then be also clear on this too and you can just go check the archives of Mohammed speaks by the time mom finally came out against Allah to Mohammed the nation is found through various newspaper articles through Mohammed speaks had declared Malcolm basically a hypocrite and a traitor and they had a news conference in March how they year in which my brother filbert had basically said I was sick and all these other types of things the Jordan Maddie isn't that my biggest talk for about 90 days for about three months after he'd already been attacked had stated and what everybody by the nation is like this is not that condo saying is just go back and read Mohammed speak to read the newspaper [Applause] one other point that I also do since I'm kind of in the area resident I was gonna go too far I won't go too far but I also find it a little ironic that when people would ask me people appreciate now you know I think our babies who were you know we're basically dealing with items with dealing with leaders I'll tell you what as an African person who has great appreciation for it you know for traditional African culture though I could keep that as well because I'm supposed to but one of the things I did very significant in traditional culture is ancestry and we appreciate it we appreciate ancestry and the key to being a good ancestor here's evolves around the work that you did and you were a lot not everybody who dies becomes an ancestor if you did things that was worthy of being remembered by the living that constitutes enhances well Malcolm is an ancestor and yes he's dead and that's okay but the point of the matter uses that just because you appreciate an ancestor it doesn't mean it you know that that person's an idol or even at your head no worship it and just to bring this point home you know it's like we could make a similar argument got two large Muhammad but I don't think we need to go through words I realize Muhammad I believe a large Muhammad does that mean that he's you know that I mean do we need to go with this item stop do we need to talk that I think not I think the problem here is that we should not have one standard for one ancestor now one other point to that I want to just just say something that Mowgli was apt back oh but you don't get to turn so I say vegetable my students see him dry off yeah did did say leave Malcolm alone on some occasions but you also might want to go back to a speech Eliza Naumann gave in Houston in June 1964 so what she was actually talking about two people in the speech you saw my Wallace's son he was also talking about mouth and one of the points that he made in his speech was that hypocrites like them needs to be blasted off the face now you can hear this yourself on tape not actually you know you there's a tape here but the plane this is is that obviously that's a little bit different than telling somebody you know to leave this man alone the truth matter is that at best now that Mohammed sent mixed signals with regard to math and I think that was one of them that was one of the problems in all that because during this period of time and perhaps today the FOI worked and move based on post suggestion that is you know you just give out certain amount of energy you don't necessarily say I want you to go do this and do that say certain things and then the FOI person picked up the energy obviously when you hear things like that you know you run the risk of certain people picking up energy even him now supposed to say quietly That's not me no it was just figured he wasn't really meeting that but you run the risk of people picking up that energy in fact Norman Butler in a moment you know Norman 3x Buckley was wanted two brothers who did time at mass number seven he talks about in June 1964 attending and foi meeting in Iraq before allows Mohammed spoke at the Armory on June 28 1964 and which allows Mohammed I'm a skinny hell I lied agenda came forward and told let's go you know told them to go knocking out his door and beat it up in her not gonna walk home and beat you no tumbling got it down and cut out his tongue and send it to him he put it in the envelope and stamp it approve and give it to the messenger the problem with that is that once again if we're dealing with post suggestion and keep this in mind a lot of my Virginia was the jelly viewed as the voice piece of his body during this period of time then again that's not you know I don't think most people listening certainly not rutland I thought these young people were there they obviously you know they are not gonna interpret that to me you know leave this man alone so the point of all of this is the saying that at best and then the last Muhammad spoke right after that the next day or so and it wasn't like he came forward and said okay what Julia said yesterday I want y'all to disregard that he wasn't really speaking for me no Elijah Muhammad then went forward and said things in a similar way so the truth of this and the point that I'm just trying to make is that at best Elijah Muhammad sent mixed signals with regard to map now one other point that he said this would be the last point that I want to address that he said is that he said that Farrakhan is the person most qualified to really address this issue and you know I concur in fact I think that one of the things that needs to happen and I think the sooner the better you know and you know is that I think that really does need to deal with this you know when I was when I was in DC not long ago they were never interested in me debating somebody you know from the nation as part of mass assassination and my position was you know in fact when I first contact my hundred to my advice work why don't you just well she just let me Conrad debate if that's true I don't mind but my point to them was is that if you're gonna get anybody you need to get Farrakhan course at best any of his ministers all that unabated use what [Applause] does in fact to deal with these issues and you need to deal with them in a serious way and not rely upon just ministers as articulate as they are as brilliant as they are as intelligent as they are as capable as they are back on not just ministers need to be able to do this issue and they don't necessarily to deal with it with me you know you can deal with it you know with some of my other leaders and stuff but the point of it is is that it needs to be done and a lot of times we really don't go very far in situations like this because unless nobody had really done a whole lot of work on this and a whole lot of research is he fired on again because he was somebody who was who was in on that now at best all somebody is gonna do because they might go through my blue or something they might come up with what a problem or warning him you know one mistake or something like that whatever and then you know they got me but that doesn't address that doesn't address the issue but that doesn't address the issue with regard to accountability it doesn't adjust the issue with what are we learned from this because if that's what bothers me right now and based upon the walkout and stuff is what exactly is it that we as a people learn when when we have situations like this and I'll be the first to admit yes this is a very sensitive issue but you know what maybe just a sensitive issue just with the nation Islam is also a sensitive issue that those people who appreciate Malcolm X [Applause] [Music] [Applause] but what exactly is it do we learn when all we do is just kinda like tolls on mine oh she's gonna say yeah I owe the queue before I got oh you know you know I should go laughs because that condo is gonna do this and that the problem right now is that if the goal really is to trying to deal with Malcolm's assassination and stuff then it's so staged the game at some stage we came we're just gonna have to be on in others where we made mistakes come to my be as happy people doing you know in 1965 that the Nation of Islam when we as people made mistakes we need to be able to look at those mistakes so the events think we can move on because you know what's saying what's - so here we are 30 years later the only reason that a Camilla Shabazz situation can exist is because we have not dealt with [Applause] and what saying is that if this latest you know situation since this thing has happened is any indication is that we're not really doing right now and so I guess I guess it'd be interesting he'll make sure what the 31st anniversary this let's see what comes out the woodwork gone today we can resolve a lot of these problems we can resolve a lot of these problems if we're just on Fayette County's furnace but back and forth your father speeches in which Farrakhan makes is bragging sometimes I'm not bragging saying they're all agents and sometimes we've got fire go say yeah but but we didn't kill me a lot of talk about to tell me stuff like that that does not contribute to us resolve this issue so the the part of all of this is the same if the goal is to resolve the issue it's gonna take this just basically being once we start doing that we're gonna reach a point real soon and which this will no longer be an issue for us and you know I just assume it works like this the nation stops to answer responsibilities harder because they use their vehicle to kill me okay so this is reside every week but this wasn't Tibetan if we can just deal with this on a serious tip what's the basis just require okay yeah you know we were we made a mistake yeah it was wrong it was wrong because one again contradictions in all of this is that you know and even with the wolf tickets you know we always hear this and stuff ironic you think that in many ways that somebody like me in many ways you know it's kind of interest my early thirties of its Brotherhood since I was 12 years old for my people and right now I got rose in this audience right now where it about my security you know the historically historically their organization historically they're organized in many ways but yet historically only people that they've never really went after history people who look just like everybody in this [Applause] minimize contradictions and what I would suggest to you Elmas men speaking three brothers in the l4y but I would suspect to you is that we really need to minimize these contradictions and stuff or sister who criticizes you or even your path mostly wasn't even born the malcolm it was killed anyway but the point of all it is is is that just because somebody criticizes you it doesn't make them your enemy nor does it give you a right you know to get o to to muscle them or to threaten them or anything like that so if nothing else if nothing else you know the way you just start dealing with contradictions like that and my trip and the brother came with me coming up here today would be worth [Applause] [Applause] we're gonna be changing the format a stipend we're gonna sort of insert an exchange brother minister Connor Mohammed would like to get about five minutes to respond to one or two points and it will be five minutes as a condom and that condom will have an opportunity to respond in kind a reminder for those to be able if we're not fasting but there's a whole heart of food in the cafeteria and sales after the program please take advantage of that save the appetite see brothers and sisters this is why I began by saying I think it's an honor to be here but it clearly is not you can be dishonest and make it appear as though I change the tone of the meeting this is why the brother was scheduled to speak behind me this is why there was no time she asked him and he basically tabled an entire summary of his book and now they want to bring him back up to exchange seems like he's always got to have the last word but Allah is sufficient for us I think in a few words we can clear up some of his foolishness first of all the point I wanted to make and I got cut off I tried to respect the time as best as I could and I stopped before I finished saying that David's son Absalom angered the followers of David and ultimately he went to war against David's army David gave instructions you can catch him but don't kill him one of the captain's David was so enraged so sellers he was so angry over the scandalizing yes I say scandalizing because Malcolm knew that the women were the messengers wives and when you look at Malcolm go before the white man and talk about the domestic right of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad what right did he have to do if someone went and talked about your domestic right now you'd be quick to say man brother didn't have to go in front of the devil because all of us that's some skeleton are in our closet somewhere now all of us because if you human you got some skeletons and you that righteous then you need to throw a stone the Jesus say he that is without sin they say no God grew so I know we got some sin in here now one of the generals killed Absalom he went against the instructions of David and killed and when the army came back even though Israel was rejoicing all you could hear was David wailing moaning and the scripture says the celebration turned into mourning and all you could hear David was saying was my son my son my son see you don't want to recognize the contribution that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad made in Malcolm's life and you don't want to recognize that you don't invest in a man for 12 years and you don't love it and so when Malcolm was killed the messenger didn't celebrate because that was his product and the other point that I did not get a chance to make or finish was that the messenger knew that it would have meant more for Malcolm to come back home and humbled himself and to admit his error than to kill nothing because after all now that Malcolm is dead many of you worship Him had he been living you still would have been calling him a hate Esther's beyond see now you can say what you say about Malcolm but maybe some of you around right around and instead of helping Malcolm you debate instead of helping him to be successful you wanted to buy some reason not think that you can criticize the messenger but what we was in is Negro academics that have done nothing in closing this long we have a principle called check and we fight with those who fight with us and that's why when the police came to Mars number seven we didn't bow down we got a brother going to jail right now because whips comes against us we gonna fight our religion is a little different he teaches us to fight with all to fight with us but since you brought a little weak intellectual argument we will fight with you on the basis of that weak historical argument what does it say about the internal security of the nation if agents come into our ranks what does it say about God that there's a devil or never does it say that God is not God you know why agents can get in the ranks in the nation because we don't turn any black man down I don't care how bad ease and what condition he's in what trials and tribulations so it's easy for a wise crooked deceiving to come up to us and say brother I'm with you what does this say about now that on the day that he was assassinated brother Jean one of his trusted bodyguards was an agent informant whatever the hell you want to call them but a new report on the depth on to the devil on young people you an age I don't care if you're an author FBI CIA or whatever you want to call because I want to do something more with my life then make a case against my own people the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said no matter what the black man does you can forgive him of any crime even up to murder and that's why he never looked at Malcolm's rap sheet he never cared about what a black man had done he said come unto me all ye that are heavy laden and if you had the same love for black people you wouldn't spend a lifetime addressing an issue that contrary to what this brother said the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is already address he did a lecture back in 1979 called diamond among men Malcolm X and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad he has done several addresses since that time and in our save his day 1993 he not only went before America but he went before you know it but you being dishonest you've tried to make it appear that Farhad is avoiding this issue he went before the world and laid his heart bare and said yes he helped to create a climate now what more can a man say he didn't pull the trigger if the murderers came out of North he didn't know anything about it and Oh incidentally the reason why he was endure preaching on that day is because Malcolm was the Regional Minister in this city and when Malcolm got sat down James Shabazz the minister in Newark the ranking senior minister was sent into New York and all the other ministers on the East Coast were rotated into noon to keep Muslims happy and fed see but when you don't know something and you write a book and you don't go to primary sources you don't get proper information three more minutes and then because right you say that there's a secret hand that sounds like some of that doublespeak you're talking about that sounds like some of those mixed signals that you accusing himself either the nation killed Malcolm Hardee FBI or the CIA or the United States government what are the ages don't try and have your cake and eat it too if men poor agents came into the Nation of Islam unbeknown to the nation what can you lay at our door for the responsibility in that after all we were engaged in a fight I have not condemned Malcolm tonight I respect the great contributions of mountain Malcolm walk before me that I might stand today but as a follower of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad I can see where he went astray I can see where he went astray not just in the 11 months after he left the nation but let's go back to 1963 when the messenger told him not to make statements to the press he went to Miami Beach and their interviews right now that document that Malcolm was not abiding by that instruction you don't want to deal with that but in truth in truth it's still an justify killing I mean with you the article lists the Luas smartcard has said we made mistakes in the past only here tonight saying you got that out of us our leader has already said that before the world and he tells us today don't fight you people he tells us today don't seek to take your brother's life but what you got understand brothers and sisters is that while that condo is in the universal comfortably in a white man's in university within the housing projects and when I say a white man many of your black universities are run by the white man too we're housing projects where the worst communities maybe someone's that condom wouldn't even walk and we go with no weapons no guns and we try to improve the quality of life while he's yapping and writin our brothers these men that you disparage tonight the FOI they're not bullies in the community trying to make a safe for your mom for your baby and if a man approaches us with a god I don't give a damn what color he is we gonna take the gun and beat the hell out of Moses went to civilize the Caucasians in Europe he had to sleep in a rain the fire see most of you that don't really work with black people beyond an intellectual level you romanticize strum but when you get out into the trenches see Malcolm mootness and that's the hypocrisy and most of you it was Malcolm that farm pipe squaws it was Malcolm that taught the brothers kind of throw acid in the face of his enemies so if the Muslims killed Malcolm Malcolm had something to do with teaching us the technique last thing I won't say last thing I want to say is see you don't want to deal with truth but they are Minister Louis Farrakhan told about and I said a book called meaning up the FOI he told Malcolm he said brother you can't trade the people to beat up the brothers and sisters outside of the moms and think that it will not come into the house oh we made many mistakes but now who was a part of that I can only say to you that in this day because the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan is blessed with living through this era understanding the mistakes of the past that he does not want to see the mistakes repeat themselves and that's why no matter who has spoken out against him he has not released the FY pass on them he has not told us to fight when Jesse rebuked him he took him when Don King on dobutamine took him when Mayor Barry took him and not only did he send us out but when they needed help he went to their defense see you got to acknowledge the redemptive spirit but if you don't know God if you don't have a personal relationship with God then your hearts are filled with rank and you carry this bitterness to your grave we don't raise this issue up as always people outside of the nation who raised the issue throw the rock and outdoor and then think that we're not supposed to respond you out of your mind brother you could be writing books on how to remove the scourge of drugs from our community you can use some of that scholarship that you have to try and get the black man back into the hall you can be using your knowledge to help improve our people's condition but self-hatred makes you always dig out a room and that's why the moon can't even and that's why the villa Shabazz right now that's in doubt - nice man takes then you won't bring it back and you won't let see that's my little teacher my nation if things get bad what do you have the fear of truth the man who spoke out finish what I have to say if you want me to sit down I'll sit down but I won't you know when you know what truth to bestow us with you bring up okay the point is you had an additional 15 minutes I wanted to suggest you and we're now going to go to the question and answer period it'll be an additional opportunity for you to talk okay because we have the audience some time we don't have to be provided by the same rules at this point you want to take some questions from the floor of course we don't have any people have speeches to make wanna suggest that you hold them off for just just deal with questions get dis questions I want to show these brothers that the idea so that we I said a few minutes ago we didn't want to turn this into an exchange between brothers a condo on the one hand and other corner of Mohammed on the other there's several other panelists of unfortunately one of them had to leave he came all the way from Boston and he had to leave because of time so let's have entertain some questions now Polly set the makeup it's just a moment here okay I will take some questions to the floor let me remind you that job there the Sheldon dinner Celsius support the Malcolm X commemoration committee and others please feel free to partake but if you want to tape recording of this program immediately following you can get it in the back of the auditorium we're also portion the panelists and when you respond that you keep your responses breathe if you know my I would appreciate you stayin your name or an organization organizational affiliation can i brother one second please okay and so many things were said you know there was inaccurate reference to the nation of that time that passed away the 1975 and is the misunderstanding that they should be looking at today's the same nature of continuation which is an inaccuracy and the one understands are those that are addressed and so therefore we have a confusing right in that and you know there's so many of that deceit [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] from the four he passed away nice - I'm not afraid I have so these are people [Music] [Applause] just about the hit on it and the history the point we in business are all righty white folks was killed by the dissident [Music] [Applause] and we have respect even though disability if I am not supposed to speak on such a panel the match indeed none of us should be because that condo is just a little older than me but yet he wrote a book on the subject because in this world you can study history and you can teach history from the study of it the messenger said the greatest subject to study is history but I told you in the beginning I was not around I told you that I was one year old when Malcolm died and I am just telling you what my leader and teacher has told me I believe him I feel that as one who was brought into the nation by Malcolm who loved Malcolm who walked very closely with Malcolm he's the most qualified to represent Malcolm and the last thing I will say our religious differences brother Wally his from the hundred and ninety surah of the Quran it reads in the name of Allah the beneficent the merciful say all disbelievers I serve not that which you sir nor do you serve him who I serve nor shall I serve that which you said nor do you serve him a man who Iceland for you as your recompense and for me as my [Applause] I just want to make a comment or question pay respects everybody that's up there have a great deal of respect for all the information and give us that in this room I'm a younger thunderstruck I just graduated college I'm disappointed because our mission is for African liberation respectful nation Islam they've done great thing they've done things that no other black organization on this planet has been able to do respect the president knows he has an idea what's going on and he can bring that to the forefront but when to stop fight we have a mission we have a race to save you know that's that's our vision if we want to propel ourselves into the 21st century we have to stop this bickering and at the same time we can pay homage to mount immense not one is a great man understand he did he was not a great man before he became now hot when the girl suffice or not unless he was Malcolm little the brother had to be taught and he was taught by Honorable Elijah Muhammad and we have to acknowledge that that's a part of history the bottom line is would you pay homage to our ancestors we can pay homage to the lesson from history unless worship on let's give support to our leaders that here now in the physical reality and let's also work with the common mission of freedom in a 21st century community just just want to make a response to an element of a statement just made Malcolm certainly was mentored by Elijah Muhammad but it was mentioned by many other very important forces that we tend to forget from the earliest childhood what a mouthful was meant to in a Guardian family and it took races to extinguish but only temporarily that condition in it now Elijah Muhammad rescued it from the depth of prison cleaned him up and taught himself respect but the general house intellectual Ben be taught him to respect the world and the power of the word and I was an equally an important mentor in the prison context but Malcolm got back out here the streets of Harlem he became a product of a political culture father nothing was taught in debates the Nationals boulevard mountain was also encountered at a radicalized intelligentsia who will also based environment people were very close to the african-american protest tradition who were pat africanist who were located in the hall and Writers Guild people like killings job haven't o´clock julian Mayfield mountain was also mentioned by the expatriate community of African Americans and places like Ghana and Tanzania Egypt one of these people think a garden is right here tonight who desired Malcolm's in general and showed him around that Malcolm was also mentioned by revolutionaries on the continent of Africa a revolutionary leadership but he was at the organizational community has a state visit in Cairo he stayed on a boat in the Nile River with representatives of the revolutionary movement that took over Zanzibar a representative ANC and the PLC and an Algerian revolutionary movement among others when he went to Ghana he was received by the representatives of the revolutionary regime in Cuba and Mountain more than anything else was a private are a powerful and reflected the mentoring of a new social force which he only got a small glimpse of in the city but was the most dynamic schwartzman Simard that's what I call him my book urban street people all right so it's incorrect for any one of these sources to claim on the mountain mentorship an alchemist what's important about Malcolm if you took the whole kind of tumultuous upheaval community was focusing that individual and therefore he be selected every positive source now I do to the death is to learn the lessons of this experience and move on [Applause] this is for the day I think that it's been very beneficial to where we need to be looking forward and how we want to move forward into this world that we face as of today we can look back and kill Malcolm and why he killed Malcolm and all the avenues of the question around Malcolm but I can say I was - a young student little brother Martin was killed but I do want to say during his time and of his struggle I've seen northern man I said have to say to get I've seen no other man raise the black bands and to the street to organize themselves against the Beast as Malcolm is done and I have to say what I feel I say this big American of us is definitely right but in order for us to move forward the heart we want to stop this whole question around that's frankly one another we have to organize ourself around our common interests and I think right now we have things other question then whether or not brother Zack book that's beneficial brother Conrad state has beneficial I'll convey the question about the medical prisoners of America I want to know brother Conrad you have made a statement earlier brother where the brothers are in the projects I'm from filling up the air and I with the organization for African to National we're also going to projects I don't see no one raising the question as an organized trunk around political prisoners one book is writing the other for this morning I think that the young mother raising a son raising a son into this world and I look around I say my goal when is my son gonna be willing be confuse about a right in the wrong please stand strong and take four to liberation of our people and I want somebody comment to me right now where is the nation going at right now in the liberation of our people you're not basically on the economic development strip because that is was put so much on the forefront but I need to know as I see my brothers kind of getting here such a large number I'm in a very large number I don't see everybody turnouts like this year or where person about Mumia and Geronimo [Applause] [Applause] solidarity with brother jamar we certainly stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters family of John Africa on behalf of Angela Davis and Geronimo prayer and I continue to remember or to hear him speak on behalf of our people so we are in solidarity and believe me everything that he's doing you don't have a national leader today that is more in the forefront of the world challenging the white man and his oppression of our people economically politically as well as tradition and so we stand in solidarity system and when you need us we'll be there we were asked to come here tonight we're asked to come to many meetings and whenever we ask we try our very best to be there to support whatever cause black people are fighting but I'll leave you with this the greatest thing and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan doing today is to teach us that knowledge that was talked about that made wiser as Muslim even though he was beating the hell out of the system to avoid jail to avoid prison and this is knowledge and teaching that we're giving to young black men all over the country to make them true revolutionaries revolutionaries going out on the street working in the black community rather than revolutionaries in jail but of course you can't always appoint that right now but this brother may soon be a political prisoner because he was guilty of nothing but being at the mosque on a son in the devil's core but they still convicted dishonest bro and now he's a convicted felon on three counts unity yes so I was totally brief so I'm gonna dress on me mr. condom on the seems that you are you mentioned a few things subliminally like who killed Malcolm but you never issued why not he's killed it's why I came here and I never heard you mention anything about why it was killed and it seemed seemed to me that she was like blaming someone without blame you know if you wanna blame somebody come on out right the saint all right don't we'll say a few words [Music] is a peculiar situation for me because if you tie into my life cannot cause money basically accusing me of not saying you know in my book and system system up here I thought I was gonna get every but I didn't let me just say this to just to kind of set the record straight you know I've kind of done a little bit more in work more for my life I just write the book on mountains assassination I've been struggling since I was 12 years old and Malcolm buckles okay the mountains my ex in my seventh book and I guess I'm I'm taking issues because Teddy anyway I just I just felt the need to just let you know that Conrad are not the only ones been struggling for people there were many reasons that explain why mouth was killed some of the more significant reasons was the threat that he posed as far as intelligence community and just let me just summarize go quickly the major argument of my research is that mountain was killed as a result of three conspiracies coming together the major conspiracy was orchestrated by the FBI that was the secret hanging that I alluded to earlier and basically in a nutshell all they simply did was to exploit existing conditions I think I did make that point yeah what exactly was their main problem about them there were several problems a mountain trying to internationalize the struggle of African people take it from the level of civil rights to human rights if you read the FBI documents and he can in fact you can go back to your newspaper it's real clear that the enemies had the enemy had lots a problem with that in addition problems are in addition to all event they also had a problem Malcolm's domestic radicalism you might recall if you go back to the spring of 1964 Malcolm saying some things you know that really really keyed off the enemy you know for example he talked about organizing rifle clubs you know he he also gave a speech in which he flirted around the whole concept of black revolution one point that we need to always keep in mind is that even when we do it rhetoric sometimes the enemy doesn't always interpret it just as rhetoric but the enemy basically does is they look at not just the actual ality but they also look at the potential ality of all of that this of course also created a problem for Malcolm as well they were also bothered by the fact that when Malcolm went to Africa especially but also Asia they were surprised at how other leaders African leaders Asian leaders receive him that really bother him because Malcolm was pretty much the key critic he was giving out the the most surgical critique of United States for United States domestic policy during that time they were real Bob about how so many of these African leaders we're opening up doors and things for mouth I served the Asian leaders Islamic leaders are hoping that up doors for mountain that pose the problem too because some of these nations were what we refer to as in the meat nations of the United States people who could then perhaps exploit someone like Malcolm and I'm talking from the standpoint of the enemy now they felt that you know certain people could exploit the you know somebody like mouth and and then basically use him as a club in order to make the United States look bad also keep this in mind to you're talking about the Cold War Malcolm's assassination Mountain struggles has to be viewed within the context of the Cold War with regard to the United States was fighting a Soviet Union you know he was basically war friction but what they were what we have to be real real conscious of is that when these Europeans were in the Cold War imagery meant a lot imagery and some instances meant everything other reasons is that Knox was very charismatic and I'm basing this on my research it seems to me I can remember amount go first there's a lot of research they have research I just want to say one thing they have research when it showed mouth them you can get research where Mountain used to senator tapes begging forgiveness begging to be let back into the nation clutch in to just Minister the month I will not want to be limelight whatsoever when he left the nation Malcolm said I'm still a follow of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad he said uh I still believe he has the best solution the question is is a statement in the question nobody must realize this especially with this thing would compare the she bands first of all the FBI wanted to save Farrakhan from death you know it's preposterous you know what I'm saying for phosphorus and now talking about Malcolm as I the fallen leader and the form and medicine the fallen he was a leading now back then they called him that possible paper so the question I'm still uh when I'm kidding out is this there are people who love mountain just like if you love fell apart which when we was in this just looking at what happened shows that so all in all [Music] is also unite we talked about unity for us to unite the only way to unite this is really the only way we're gonna unite as if we get to the truth [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I want to thank the panel and I came here you know expecting here an answer to the question but I didn't get that and I can instead just drop division and separation and anger and fighting and debating and in their own personal reuniting not supposed to be divided and that's what I go I have two girls that I'm raising and I'd like to teach them unity not division if when I come to something like this and see us continuing to be divided my question is what are you going to do to bring us together [Music] obviously I have something so I'm saying it's good that these Peaks are being here that's precisely what we're calling let's put it out there should know it's you this is discussions that's negative okay okay the car [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] okay now I've never saw the question of Hukilau from X&Y some of us are not into metaphysics and tied into what the young brother said you see brothers and sisters again system one of the reasons why we get so tense around this question and that's why you have to excuse me if I jumped out first took the defense but as brother samuri said and he knew it and the organisers knew the topic in another selfless is his confrontation because great emotions are around this question and the emotions tonight show us why Malcolm was killed and it shows us he killed Mountain it was not in the interests of the nation to kill Malcolm now Malcolm is bigger in depth than he ever was in life and thirty years later we're still being accused of this who benefits from this the white man the white man benefits brothers and sisters and he played that thing exactly right but where the emotions come from is that when you see a man like the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan apologized for his role admit that he helped to create the climate but now say let's move on and yet others want to continue to attack you that makes us who love him very upset because that does not show a spirit to forgive that shows those inside of our community who hold up the neighbor Malcolm in many instances but want to keep this division going the last point I want to make ties in to what the brother said unlike you I don't have a stake in this argument a personal stake I was not in the mission in that time so whether you wanted to land at the nation's door or not you can live in my door and you can't land at the door many of these young Muslims because we have some they had nothing to do with the Autobiography of Malcolm want many of us up it was the first book that I read about the Nation of Islam and I love Malcolm and actually hated the Nation of Islam but when I heard the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and he explained it as a brother I accepted his word his explanation and out of the spirit of redemption in love I submitted to him and allowed him to be my teacher and I feel that that's what we should all do allow the man's recognition of his error to suffice and then let us move on we can't bring Malcolm back and certainly Farrakhan should not commit kamikaze or Harry Caray whatever you call and let me say last this new nation under his leadership can bridge the gap we don't hate Malcolm we see many of the great things that he did we inspired by many of the great things that he did but you are not in our religion so when you hear him say Malcolm turn hypocrite you can't judge that if you're not a member of the Nation of Islam because you don't even know what that refers to Malcolm held masterful rod Muhammad up as his god right well in Islam in the Nation of Islam and all religious people when you hold up God that's not like holding up and professor an intellectual where you have the freedom of saying you out through here rocking you out bro God so when you leave a religion and you turn heels on that then that most surely qualifies you for spiritual democracy now if you don't understand that then don't try and understand it or relate to it cuz you don't come from a spiritual base and you have to be honest and admit that do you understand but it doesn't mean me hate and it does mean that we can put an end to this conflict but understand the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan see motions because Malcolm taught him to love the messenger Malcolm taught him who God was Malcolm taught him to be a vigorous defender of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the God so you gotta understand that brothers and sisters and don't judge unless you walk into man shoes unless you're willing to submit to the spiritual teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad then you can't understand the way we feel but let me say publicly that we will leave here tonight and let the word go out to the devils and agents that amongst us black and white sac condo will never be the recipient of harm from the Nation of Islam we have waged a fight tonight from here and we feel well able and prepared to do that we don't have to be thought any attack on him physically because our argument has already beat him up all night long so I just want you to know that and may God bless him and you because we believe that one day you'll make a good I want to make a suggestion to those who are standing on line those of you who have the questions you don't ask you you know to just make them if you have speeches to make we ask you to being ferried up and step on the side okay because we have a serious crime problem and we just want to get to the questions my sister had to prove peace and blessings and I just want to pay homage to the last sister who spoke because I think it is truly representative of what happens on the female principle is allowed to be inside our organizations now I want to deal with a situation in terms of organizations and the Messiah Complex we and African people do have to we do have to give to analyze and criticize the understand that people are men women human beings and not gods and I think we here in the spirit of truth and harmony to try and find out what happened so that we can heal from the situation I too am part of a theocratic organization where there was a head and it fits they also are set society there are people inside that society who do not criticize me you cannot see weaknesses and you're almost condemned if you say I think this is a dangerous precedent me and I think it comes whether whether we coming to Islam a traditional African bait revolutionary organizations I've seen the same mindset I've seen the same mindset and I call it the Messiah Complex because all of us through slavery through this brand of Christianity that we have through slightly - what to look for our side and we don't want on the side to be able to do anything wrong my question my question is why did the sisters leave did I miss something that is a snap of a finger does not good for the nation of islam i also have another point to bring in terms of the sisters and i think that we have to deal with our personal eyes in terms of these organizations is it offensive are you really a truly a political brother if you can take advantage of sisters exploit sisters are you can you have more than one wife whether you and wives are people who are known publicly why is not something that you have only in the bedroom okay so i'm saying are you allowed to have more than one wife in the nation of islam the organization that I win this is a I saw a sin society the king has five wives and members of the society can get into a polygamous relationship if they go through proper procedures and channels this is structure so I we have to deal with the situation of men and women inside [Applause] first question our captain we to the captain dense profit the captain of the food of Islamic New York has been refining the almond to make it public to you why the sisters left we don't want what you say but when the brothers stood up the captain made to see that the sisters from the MGM CT be dismissed and the Baptist's I think that was made from a security point of view and so whether you agree with it or not that's why it was done we'll make sure to take and it really was no insult to you okay now for the last question what sister you can leave as you want we asked our sisters to leave but if you want to stay we have the right to school sister you know that in the nation we are in an organization we cement or discipline this is not new you know this about the nation if you don't agree with it that's one thing but at least you know where we are and when the captain of the FOI which is the head of all security makes the decision as muslims we hear and obey so that is our organizational policy linkie honest does not happen so just understand we understand yours please try and understand us even if you disagree now the last question the sister asked no I I don't have more than one wife sister I am NOT financially intellectually spiritually morally probably physically qualified no I am NOT based on the fact that I don't measure up now you know in our religion that is acceptable but since the black man has been so destroyed yes it will be a while before we mature on those levels to be able to handle more than one wife but with all of our webinars here with Nora Street with our women with no guide with no man struggling with all of our babies that some foolish brother made and walked away from we have to begin to assess polygamy as an alternative to that reality the Honorable Elijah Muhammad as our leader was to lead us first by example into that lifestyle and we're still trying to catch up to him so I thank you for that yes there's excuse me I would just like to say something most of you who are there on the line and I appreciated you were there supposedly to ask quest for most of your making speeches we're losing our audience as a result oh please those of you who have questions would you come forward and ask your question those who want to make comments you would you fall to the rear of the line so that we can address that you can address questions to the panel so we could draw out their thinking to hear what they have to say respectfully I ask you please don't kill any more of our time with comments and speeches we want questions addressed to the audio to the panel here some of them would have to leave very shortly I'd appreciate it if you'd do that it's one pad bill sales wants to respond to something but also before someone only wanted to address the audience earlier [Applause] years ago possible the stream can track us with cameras were running down the street father brother who I recognized immediately his mouth and he only had one brother with him says he got to where I was standing he stopped to address the press and his brother was with him said to him maybe we better not do this and Malcolm looked around at visas I'm not worried just brother has my back a few months later when I heard that one was killed I knew instantly who killed him it was the practice I don't able pull the trigger I knew and I committed my life then to the liberation of my people I think it's it's a conflict for me to stand amongst our people and hear them using the practice language they impose on us to attack each other you know we come too far we are in quick and mighty people we cannot destroy us we are bigger than forward to do was to [Music] coming here I had no intentions because I'm I'm not mostly crazy but rhetoric in all that I more than that I think but my point though is that I want to commend the committee in Hermon and make you a way of something that they told me today that he decided they decided to have this forum today because they didn't want to have conflict with dr. Shabazz and then Negroes that are gonna have their thing on the day the actual day that Malcolm was assassinated and I was really opposed to but I want to thank him for and commend them for doing that but I think though that we all owe ourselves one thing in this that we have to do something on the 21st you see this is the 30th anniversary of the brother's death and so we're calling on everybody to come out on Tuesday and five o'clock for one hour to take respect to that a moment and then 7:00 p.m. flown to Brooklyn to the el-hajj Malik Shabazz elementary school where we invited all of you to come and continue this but only in the spirit of unity peace [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I still said a few minutes ago when the sister said she had come tonight and hadn't gotten the most fundamental question and brought us all here answered I thought what answers put out to that question but what she said I was very much concerned because if nothing else we have to understand that Malcolm father and true his victim seek ye first the political Kingdom and all else will be added unto you that is why he was assassinated he was assassinated because he advocated that african-americans turned to Paul African internationalism and fundamentally define their struggle as a struggle for human rights in that struggle the enemy was defined as the imperialists organize this mouths words in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization that that struggle had to use any and all means moral suasion political action non-violence and revolutionary violence Malcolm X believe that revolution was possible in America Malcolm also believed that a united front had to be formed but it had to be formed on the basis of principle unity not everybody's agenda in the black community could be the number one agenda the United Front it had it be the agenda of the most this process segments of our community any other unity would be uncomfortable now why should we reiterate this look there are all kinds of goals and objectives that one can seek your loves more I've been trained in the father laughs of American nationalism said if you secret spiritual borrow trap if you see Kamal going with an upward lights but if you think of physical if you think a political goal then you've got to get together with your muscles your sweat your tears to struggle and you have to build a secular political movement based on principles and you have to get down and fight the enemy Malcolm raised this very clearly for us so clearly about the visible in that community to understand that and that's why he is in the ground at the age of 39 that's why he was killed not just to kill this body but to kill that message to make us forget that message to make us stop organizing the meta stop believing that revolution is possible in this country and I said that the African people here along be liberated that's why he's dead [Applause] [Music] we are so pressed for time executives there could you watch a stand aside come closer this very Street that were to be here this evening and my question is to the professor or anybody else languages or we have misunderstood ability for education of America and its soul question of black illusion is your black leadership and I have the opportunity if it is is it bankrupt [Music] we have never had that ultimate what we've had is lots of different leaders dealing with different perspectives eccentric 77 I think that what I challenge as the people who do and I think this is what my brother was alluding to earlier and I think other powers that say and I think so many audience is the extent to which we're able to you know work together despite the different distances you know despite the different despite the different differences that we as a people have I think that has been our challenges over the years and I think that's really what we're struggling with right now the other point that I would also say too is that I think that for any people and not just African peoples but I think for any people you should always expect conflict you should always expect differences the major challenge the major challenge that we have is that if we can just develop an agenda that most of us will agree to because we're never gonna have an agenda that all of us are gonna agree to you but if we can develop an agenda where most people in organizations where most leaders were most African people the masses of the people are pretty much inheriting then I think we have a chance to at least Forge you know more of a have a unified front but this one Messiah coming along it and everybody is supposed to follow that one Messiah stuff I think that's mr. Gregg best [Music] [Music] if it's true he said he himself felt like to me but they were instructed by the messenger to leave Malcolm alone the house literally belonged to the nation I knew captain Yusef shop he taught me a few things before Allah took him he never said to me that he had anything to do in the bombing and I would like to know who he said to you it's easy for a white man making a movie to put a trailer on a movie that before he died a man is dead admitted something that no one that I know new chapter new such child great captain ever heard him saying that I knew - what the nation in the mountains the Democratic world for him tomorrow then we also be dimension it is not that they came through by this though I will see them try to help the black community but it's convenient or when it yourself I see don't try to talk about everything and we should all be we can't have good evening and I feel the spirit about now - my question is I've not taken progressively in Philadelphia we like to know when can we get with members of the nation he is located twenty five or six North Broad Street at Mohammed number 12 and to change the - what are we doing two of them this area in the back [Music] [Music] let's take the next question you know to respond to my right [Music] I'm suspicious that all of us will say he talked about novel writer Mohammed and all that we know in essence oh well number one why don't we know the identities and - why would we be wasting all this time in India we know we as men are supposed to answer the question for the liberation our nation and stop with this all this other stuff who killed mathematically day everybody day we are not thinking about people after the question has made as it has [Applause] [Music] yes my question is directed to behave serve Islam with the respect what's yes with the respect of what the Nation of Islam has been doing in the past 30 years my question is will there be a time as as the Nation of Islam being the best qualified to train our black women and black men when they will set up subordinating institutions under the under the banner and fundamental principles of Islam without converting Africans would by birthright naturally the children of God us to a religion which started in 527 AD by Mohammed which was not a religion and before that I'm not I'm not attacking the Nation of Islam just bringing this as a concept maybe in the 21st century going into the 21st century with the war against us black men here will there be a time when we could come together maybe on our religion might be slightly different but if it's under the same fundamental principles that is not disrespecting the Nation of Islam can we start training that question and this is a wonderful place to end tonight's meeting brothers and sisters I want to say before I leave I know what he means to me what he has been to me what he did for me in my life so when I hear him attack that's like somebody attacking your father I was in great pain one night but I read brothers that condo on the radio say he couldn't absorb the Nation of Islam of the burden of mountain he couldn't absorb the Honorable Elijah Muhammad of that murder well when you attack that nation that it makes those of us evaluate naturally want to defend it but we want to defend it seeking truth based on truth so tonight was an exercise in that but I want you to know that the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan loves every one of you and he's making me to love every one of you even though we sometimes agree brother Lombe we sometimes disagree but I have great respectfully and brother sunny Carson viola we don't always agree but I see them as those working for black people but what I don't see sometimes is the respect of those who are not religious people for our here a man takes black men teaches them to love sir - no sir - unite with seven - doofus it to get off drugs we will open this week a 4.4 million dollar restaurant not in white folks downtown but in the ghetto the south side of Chicago 17 ice cream it wasn't built by a loan from white people it was grassroot people putting the nickels dimes dollars and quarters together so that when we have events we like we don't have to come to the right man schools we'll have our own place the Honorable Elijah Muhammad taught us to love ourselves and not only that but he showed us that we can do something for self we just bought a thousand one thousand six hundred acre farm in Georgia that's to feed you we at one time we're the largest importers of fish in the country bringing in a million pounds of fish to help you eat better but sometimes I don't think that our brothers and sisters who are marks through Leninism were intellectuals respect properly the contribution of the nation you should not condemn Parker you should be happy that in an era when black people were not engaged in struggle in great numbers he loved a woman enough and love the work of the nation to rebuild the nation whether you say brother Wally he was the heir apparent or not he got a fool me and Hanny not raised up the mission I probably would have been out in the street smoking dope slinging drugs or working for the white man to a press backdrop so whatever is done please whatever he's done in the way of lifting up that was destroyed you should be [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] directly directly to me he's wrong [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you know he has 40 years in the black community and that is not lifting him up enough then there's nothing I can say tonight because many of you knew him before I do and no matter what you can say about it you cannot say he's not meant a great deal to practically everyone in this room everybody's been touched by something he said and everyone has been made to love themselves a little bit more based upon his words and teachings for the last 40 years so may Allah bless you whatever you feel toward him you have a right to but recognize that he is my leader and teacher and spiritual father and I think a lot all already God over and over again for what he has meant in my life so I thank you for listening tonight brothers the last thing I want to say in response to your question is that I don't know of one man that has worked hard to bridge the gap and bring unity amongst black people is God in the churches he's God in the synagogue's black synagogues he's gone into the nationalist groups and he has sought to make us a more unified people than ever before he's calling on a Million Man March why do you think they raised the Kabila Shabazz in today why do you think they're raising this issue again because they want to dilute the strength of that market but that condo should be that that much Sonny Carson should be at that much we all should be there you should be there because the good that will come from that March will benefit us all last thing last year he spoke to 150,000 men around the country and he fought manhood training we have that going on in New York today this is an opportunity for all brothers and sisters regardless to religion regardless to philosophy or ideology to work together for the embedment of our people and the final thing that you said brother that I have to correct and especially for this group in particular you make a mistake when you say that Islam was something we had to be converted to I'm sorry but Islam has no set birth record Islam means submission to the will of God and that's what we that's what Malcolm strove to do and that's what right making black people in this LOM dude if you go to the East right now they're complaining and attacking Farrakhan because he's too black because he refused to bow down to the racist cultural Imperials who are in fact Arabs and want to use their race to make us bow down to their way of devotion we have a way that is unique for the black man and woman of America and that's why a lot of our brothers and sisters in religious orthodoxy don't agree with us don't like us because we refuse to be other than what we are we are black men and women we are lost found members of the broader Nation of Islam and we make no apologies for them we recognize a black man as our leader we do not believe that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is dead the Holy Quran says speak not against them of those who are slain or die in the way of Allah ask them for they're not dead but you perceived none is Jesus dead you've got Christians all over the earth waiting on Jesus to come back I thought this was the last but I saw and that is the last thing sister now I'll stay afterwards if you like but I gotta say this this is very cool because even if you think the Honorable Elijah Muhammad is dead he said I'll be the winner living or dead and you can't say that we're following the dead leader because we got a living leader right now that we're about to go see in Chicago and he is the Honorable Louis Farrakhan sitting in the seat of The Messenger of Allah the most honorable night mama but we expect that he will come back to the black men so that's why just want to give a friendly piece of advice here my brother that you try not to make so many assumptions about people like what I'll believe style because we opposed to have a different point of view to yours to make us Leninist or whatever other labels you've chosen to settle this with you ain't correct you know I investigate first secondly no one attacked the Honorable Minister Farrakhan this evening not nor have I seen anywhere inside Carlos book and he attack him attack them in survival but yet I don't know as I saw maybe it's the defensive thing I don't know but it seems to be a part has been referred to about ten times that they're people here attacking Minister Farrakhan I don't know where this house what it put it on the tape so that it's clear that no one is knowing that and no one is that what you are suggesting that we might be resistant I like to ask brother sales if I can complete all the way through first select a so brothers sales your reflection on the psychological imposition in place of one young Africans in terms of the jailhouse mentality being sold so freely seduced or interrelate with in the popular culture of the brother your oversight or your observation for us please and where you see our young people who are on the University circuit their relationship to community work and their aggression with regards to young people within the community is that is my question I'd like to ask [Applause] his observation of this evening and if there is any information he would like to share with this body of Africans I'd like to ask our brother from the mosque is there any information you would be able to share with many I'm my area is that of media for the reflection the criticism that have been given within the boss for the delivery of information a weight moving it away from Dogma moving it away from intimidation and having a more interactive or more community for people who are within and outside of the mosque because my understanding is that by the mandate of Islam that we are all Muslims to question about relevance - I guess that the gangster mentality psychological conditioning of African men in this country I think what's our point about Malcolm is that he represents a role model of transformation given the image that's been imposed on our young black men and women and that it's not so much that Malcolm you know legitimizes the notion that one can be in jail that we're all in prison but what's all-important is so important also is that he transcends the penitentiary he transcends that model of manland force now one thing that's of concern to me is that a certain way that transcends it and this is what's not being really delivered to our to our unit angry part the Mita argue and fight back in a sense is but there's certain other things and some of you came out tonight all right Malcolm respect that the intellectual endeavor as an integral part of liberation right now who would not coming to place like here tonight and talk about well who academics don't know what's going on what happened mouth respected the power of word they respect them to spit the power study analysis in action this is some aspect of math that is not yet penetrated are used the way that it should secondly Malcolm said you have to go behind angry you have to unite and you have to fight back there's a concrete into the active that's a second you know thing that we need to bring our user they don't have that's called a psychological man says and the third thing that the process of fighting back is not merely in the domestic arena but it requires an international perspective that we reach out and that reform links across waters but force continent all right and that we fight back this is a relevance of map them to the up there one last point and I'll step back there's been a whole lot of talk about black males as an endangered species and this close my mind I walk around hard right most of the crackheads that senior black women okay if I go up the hospital most of the people were data ends because of young people are young back women if I walk through the streets most of the people being brutalized most of the people being brutalized a young black women all right and what's very important think about Malcolm virtual things right even I'm sorry organization acclimated meaning Muslim mosque incorporated Malcolm came back South African said there's got to be a new role for whether that's to be given an equal role in your presence African community how matter brother said well it's time for us to leave Malcolm has lost his mind he put a sister indebted in charge of your organization afro-american her name was Lynn Shipley and I won't name any brothers names I had great difficulty with that all right and so it seems to me when we talk about black males in their psychological emancipation we have to continuously emphasize them there ain't no black more liberation without black I said I will try to address your your question as far as the educational system and and absolutely people's as quickly as possible first book that I wrote the black students got the positive education I actually dealt with this issue one of the points that I think that we need to consistently realize is that the educational system of this country a is not designed for us B is really designed to control our minds Carter Woodson said it best mis-education of the negro of 1933 if you control the man's think you do not have to worry about his action you do not need to tell him not to stand here who are yonder he will find this proper place and stay in it you mean I need to send him through the back door he will go without being told in fact that there is no back door he will cut my face special for a special benefit unquote the problem that we run into as African peoples is that sometimes we think that education is objective sometimes we think that education is unbiased sometimes we think that education is you know it's just the children matter is that education is one of the most powerful weapons that the enemy uses against us the other thing is that the education by its design is designed to teach us to hate ourselves to despise ourselves to believe in white supremacy to believe in black inferiority to be capitalist etc etc seven final point is that until we begin as people to realize that we really don't have much choice in the matter if we totally transform the system you know which I guess we're attempting to do that through you know changing the curriculums and all that but you know it's kind of problematic if you really get down to it and stuff or we must develop educational systems ourselves now one of the good things that historically we've always had organizations we always had you know different institutions that were you know signed in order to you know to educate our children that is vital for our power and liberation I challenge that we need lots of them and we need them north south east and west live in Harlem we need them in poverty but DC we need them all over the place a and B we also need them to be teaching our children teaching our students that they have responsibilities to our people and it is their responsibility to be warriors because one final point is that if we do not understand that if we do not use education in order to empower us to fight for our people then basically the educational system if we don't do not with that or basically teach us to fight against people Khalid Mohammed does declined to respond to your question so we'll just move on to more as I said of the LSAT he you know said he wouldn't be here be on the rostrum but wouldn't be speaking this evening Robert my question is about today aside from the painful process of healing and reuniting or perhaps uniting as a family I'd like to know anyone in a position developer of the Khalid Minister Conrad Webber's AK or the bill whoever what information do we have today about what is being done to our people outside of the family specifically what governmental Intelligence interference patterns and activities are taking place today as they did 30 years ago what new information do you have at how do we act against it's what [Music] just in this box here you have the government each but get in the bed with the government various law enforcement or intelligence agencies of the state you are an agent this man Fitzpatrick see that's why we don't need to spend a lot of time about the nation and their hatred of Malcolm because the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan even though he was the target of the assassination attempt he said let's put our hands around them Shabazz family let's support the bill let's raise money if we have to let's do whatever we have to do to support this family but it's not the nation that has waged this war on the chiffons family you go back to the state of Michigan because they killed Malcolm's father and permitted it to be covered up then that same white man state put his mother in a mental institution then that same white man killed Malcolm then that same white men today too Malcolm's grandson who is named Malcolm from his daughter and put him the same snake now took him from his mother and then sent a low-down filthy character whom she thought was her friend who from what we understand proposed to marry her brought out to Minnesota and then this devil turned her in to his bosses see this is the deep seeded Eve of the Caucasian and I guarantee even though we fight and kill each other when you go to group of it you find him but that's what do it today for long respect in addition to other things what other things are they what other things has this case got new information or new leads into the nation I mean the part of government surveillance intelligence and that's yeah I like to I like to also address that issue some of you are from me actually the enemy is doing lots of things right now and they're getting a hell of a lot more electronic and a hell of a lot more mechanical these days in the past they had to go into people's homes in order to plant bugs in order to wire you know for surveillance as though nowadays they can do it through television they got various satellites up there now that they can now cue in on conversations like what's happening right now with us right now they're also getting real well you know he's always been like this but lately they've gotten into revival some of that whole genetic [ __ ] that Hitler's organization was about with these with the so-called violence initiative that some of you are no doubt familiar with you know they have now Congress is now going to be funding the violence initiative for those of you who are unfamiliar if for those you who are unfamiliar with that these Europeans have come up with an extraordinary idea and this idea is is that they feel that if they can place markers on young African males at about the age of maybe four or five and put them on different drugs that are designed to basically play what I hears and stuff consistently that it would prevent young African males from growing up violent and eventually and this is part of the diplom and eventually would be hit therefore perhaps even killing a president of the United States or something like that what is ridiculous is that in 1992 the initiative was denied funding because you know people people that wind up if they start to talk about it if they realize it Nickolas so they put it off but in 1995 they have now decided to read fund it now I don't think any of us need to be rocket scientist to figure out that if anything like this even goes a little ways and stuff I mean this is like the ultimate example the ultimate example of killable warfare it doesn't get any worse than this now final point is that if nothing else I think that should give us an idea of where the enemy is right now with regard to us we're gonna have to wrap this sooner brother Herman Ferguson has a question it's give me a second please us before you must read yes I'd like to apologize to this because but I think it's an important question we have a brother here who was an invited special invited guest just the kind of speak but I think that there's an important question I want to ask and I believe that he would answer it you know that brother Khalid had an attack on his life recently and I'd like to know in the context of what we're trying to do here does that have any significance or relevancy to this whole forum and what we're trying to talk about brother Lee would you address that question [Music] in the name of Allah the beneficent the merciful all praise is due to Allah the Lord of all the worlds bear witness that there is but one God came in the person here to the hell's of North America in the person of master fahrrad Muhammad to whom praise is due for ever we've ever thanked him for raising up his messenger and his Messiah the most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and we thank the two of them for the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan I agree to my brothers and sisters with the greeting words of peace assalamualaikum upon being invited of course in my absence from the city and speaking to one who spoke to those who would extended the invitation I said that I would not speak here tonight because I did not feel it appropriate and that is still my feeling for you'll be patient you'll get to why it has been now one years since my suspension from national spokesman Minister Malcolm was the first great national spokesman of the Nation of Islam the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan was the second and chose me to be the third in that line it has been a year since my suspension from national assistant spokesman our representative and from the Ministry and during that year now over a year which has become an indefinite suspension I have made attempts to reach my spiritual father the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and I have not really been able to set up a meeting successfully with him certainly there will not you be quiet for a minute let me answer the questions [Music] as difficult as it was and I didn't mean any disrespect what I was answering your disrespect as difficult as it is to even stand up here don't prompt me don't push me you push me to say something that maybe I shouldn't say or wouldn't have said as Malekith was probably prompted and pushed too much 30 years ago this has happened almost thirty years to the day in many ways I didn't set it that way and I didn't plan it that way started in November 30 years ago started again in November 30 years later at Keene College many other parallels that are not necessary to go into now but one in particular Malcolm it is true made attempts to reach the Honorable Elijah Muhammad we don't know if his calls were being intercepted we don't know if his mail was being intercepted we don't know what government operatives worked between Malcolm and his spiritual father I have for the most part not spoken on this subject because I am still waiting for my meeting with the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and until I have that meeting with him there are things that I would like to hear from him and there are things as a son would say that I would like to say to him and I don't think I should say them to you before I say them to him and some of you might not agree with that I believe I understand brother Malcolm more today than I have ever understood him before I was not in the Nation of Islam 30 years ago I was in my mid-teens at that time down in Houston Texas and had not yet moved on to the University where I would meet the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan as a young student leader there in New Orleans so there are many things on my heart but I think if you will permit me to be just a little wise today it would be better and I'm sure if you were weighing you would agree with me I don't know how long it will take it's been over a year but during that year I have not said as little as a word nor as much as a sentence against my spiritual father the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan and no matter what I have on my heart again I think it should be said between father and son behind closed doors and some resolution made behind closed doors before I come back to the broader community and the broader family I have many questions asked Keene College was not a speech where I stood up to condemn my teacher Keene College was not a speech where I was going into his domestic life King College was a speech as all of my speeches where I was given the white man and I will continue to do that make no apology for that and so I'm still Timber about that Center Jews so-called Jews outside of that auditorium calling for his death I was in a war spirit and a war posture and I felt that I did what was right felt that I should have even done more it should have gone beyond the rostrum and should have been taken outside as we did in Los Angeles when we drove them away from the Convention Center and drove them running down the streets I wonder what would have been done then so for the President to come out bill will it Slick Willy the vice president the United States Senate to vote unanimously against me for the first time the House of Representatives and the full Congress and all of the mayors and governors and City Council's and state assemblies and Negro organizations and Negro preachers Ben Chavis Reverend behind Reverend butts some of the other Negroes who came out against me Jesse Lewis Jackson who called the white folks they didn't have to call him he called them Ben Chavis bragged in this city on TV how he was the first to call Minister Farrakhan to say something needed to be done about coming all of that and my last word what's on my heart I'll have to hold as the old folks say I'm just gonna tear your while and I'm going to wait until my change comes I don't believe that no matter how long it takes I will continue the liberation struggle for our people no matter how long it takes I don't believe you will be finding common coming out against Louis Farrakhan whatever happened 30 years ago between the most Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan today Malcolm with the Honorable Elijah Muhammad thirty years ago and Minister Farrakhan would call it today hopefully prayerfully Farrakhan and Khalid can put a positive period behind the history [Applause] [Applause] umbrellas the hours late we're gonna have to cut the questions we want to thank what we call it Muhammad that I wasn't wondering at this point I'm sorry we just you know we just what is right to the speaker the bathroom sister Joan Gibbs was an alchemist commemoration committee I will do many as Maggie Evans called a center for law and justice system Jolin garrison thank you folks this is I'm gonna be brief because I do know how to be brief and I want to thank all of you on behalf of the committee for coming out tonight and we invite you to join us in Maine because as this marks the 30th anniversary of the assassination of Malcolm is also marks the 70th anniversary of his birth and in that spirit of may we would have a week-long series of events I also want to point out to you because the question has been raised repeatedly about how events like this is divisive when the Malcolm X committee worked not only to serve Malcolm's legacy we don't do it as an abstraction but we do it because we think that Malcolm's teachings are important to be building and he has to rebuild another black liberation movement and that's why principally we brush their teeth mouth we don't do it we work the service legacy they don't do it because he's an icon or he's a guy anything like that dignity brother taught us some things that are vital to our movement today the second thing we in examining the assassination people are talk tonight about the role of the US government and we think that's important for people to understand the US government and stand our relationship to that government and our people have been at war with that government every since we got here and we need you to continue that war until we win it and they bring ourselves up some people if we understand the nature of the beast that we buy them and you know we said earlier tonight I think we need to remember that the FBI chief among all of the agencies of the United States government only exceeded by the CIA is one of our principal enemies and we need to keep their power about this finally I want to say because I think it's also important this these events are just not to get you out listen if you want to urge you to do something and what I always try to urge people to do it's really get behind you struggle for political prisoners I talked this morning to one of the longest honking for prisons in the United States but by the sudden send the he asked me to encourage you to do that also the right to have and the other political prisoners Sundiata was recently given another 20 years denied the wrong and he needs our support because we know the brother is there in part because they don't have that sister Assad and we need to help to get suddenly out out thank you get home safely and please pick up the literature about Amir and the back and pick up some information sign the petitions from a beer that's join us in man thank you
Channel: reelblack
Views: 417,860
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Id: xcwusjxPnOw
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Length: 238min 42sec (14322 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 06 2019
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