Malcolm X - The Ballot or the Bullet (1966)

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make articulate perceptive courageous outspoken just a few of the adjectives that so inadequately describe Malcolm X few singular personalities have emerged on the national and international scene too so excitin stimulate interest in the plight of 22 million afro-americans in the u.s. a controversial without a doubt not only speaking out the Agony's of 22 million members of the black masses but effectively voicing the guarded views and opinions of many of his detractors in the Negro elite indeed Malcolm X speaks again is particularly timely as the spirit and status of this great human even after physical death continues to live and grow we are privileged to a gain hear the voice of Minister Malcolm X thank you thank you thank you ladies and gentlemen I welcome the opportunity to come into your home I would like to know what your position is on non-violence well non-violence is one of the things that has disarmed the so-called Negro here in America in any Negro leader who teaches our people to be nonviolent in the face of the violence that we've been experiencing for the past 400 years is actually doing our people a disservice in fact it's a crime it's a crime for any Negro leader to teach our people not to do something to protect ourselves especially in the face of the violence that is inflicted upon us by the white people here in America and whenever you teach a man to turn the other cheek or to be nonviolent what you're actually doing is disarming the victim of white brutality you're robbing him of his rank to defend himself in fact the only time it's intelligent to be nonviolent is when you're dealing with someone else who's nonviolent I'm nonviolent with those who are nonviolent with me this is intelligent but just as you see other people doing whatever is necessary to protect themselves it's time today for the 22 million afro-americans to feel free to do whatever is necessary to protect ourselves to take for an example in the Constitution it gives a person the right to have a rifle or a shotgun and in areas in this country where the government has proven itself either unwilling or unable to defend the black people it is time for the black man to stand up and start defending himself not to go out and initiate acts of aggression against whites or initiate acts of aggression against anyone but in areas where we see that that's a government will not protect us or defend us so I find those who have brutalized us and made us the victims for the past 400 years then it is time for us to do whatever is necessary to defend ourselves and it should be emphasized that by this I don't mean that we should go out and look for trouble or start trouble or initiate acts of aggression but we should feel that we're within our human rights are civil rights and within the rights of intelligence to do whatever is necessary when we are attacked to defend ourselves thank you the best thing to teach our people is never to be the aggressive never to look for trouble but anytime anyone makes any effort to brutalize us or to inflict wounds upon us we should feel that we are within our right to do whatever is necessary to repel them do nothing under anyone but always do whatever is necessary to keep others from doing to you which they've been doing for the past 400 years making us the victims of brutality but it is not a fact Minister that people like dr. Martin Luther King who have advocated nonviolence have been successful with their nonviolent moves while they've been successful in going to jail and they've been successful in becoming the victims of police dogs and police clubs and water hoses if dr. Martin Luther King feels that this is the best way to gain freedom justice and equality for our people in this country well then good I have no criticism of him whatsoever but I think that the time has come now where the masses of black people feel that non-violence shouldn't be taught to us unless it's also taught to the white people in this country and black people shouldn't be taught to turn the other cheek unless the white people are taught to turn the other cheek now if dr. Martin Luther King can be so successful in disarming Negroes they should send him to Russia and let him disarm the rushing let him define some of these other countries where I'm good in philosophy minutes Malcolm but I still have to take the stand that dr. King has been by degree successful with the non-violence movement now let us take the march on Washington for instance was this not something that they exemplified the feeling of the Negro and made everyone very very happy it depends on whether or not anything was gotten out of it in fact yes it probably made them happy most of the people I saw involved in the march on Washington look very very happy in fact they look too happy to be involved in a Negro revolt so that inspires the march on Washington producing meaningful results most of the masses of black people today in this year are beginning to see where nothing came of it other than the fact that it gains many of the Buju are Negroes a chance to feel that they were doing something without really having to do anything it became a status symbol just like going to the Kentucky Derby is a status symbol for those who know nothing about horses they like to be able to say they went to the Kentucky Derby they can't tell the hospital cow or the Rose Bowl game the elected people sitting when to the Rose Bowl game and they don't know a football from a baseball but the fact that they can say they went to the Rose Bowl game is a status symbol or the fact that they can say they went to the Kentucky Derby is a status symbol so many Negroes took the opportunity to say that they were in the march on Washington method it produced anything or not that they really felt that they were involved in a Negro revolution but it gave them a chance to say I was there it was a Spanish symbol but status symbols don't take us out of the alleys and out of the ghettos and out of the slums status symbols don't remove segregated school systems status symbols don't get meaningful civil rights legislation so when it comes to the march on Washington and all of these other non-violent approaches they were good in their day but this is a new day and it's a new Negro but we will have to agree Minister Malcolm that the march on Washington was the forerunner to the creation of or at least to the presentment of the civil rights bill without this type of approach I doubt seriously that the civil rights bill would have even been ended onto the floor a horse can enter into race and come so far from the finish line that you don't even know that they're horses in the race and since the march on Washington was designed to produce meaningful civil rights legislation and if I recall I heard several of the leaders StuffIt point out that we'll be back if the bill meets with any kind of opposition it comes September they said this in August now September passed and the bill it didn't even come up October past November 10th December past the year passed everything passed and the bill hasn't been passed yet are you saying that you feel a more violent approach to it what caused this bill to be passed in another piece of bomb and I think that our people should never let themselves be trapped intellectually into thinking that whenever they do something to defend themselves against the violence of the white man that they're being bound but you're advocating violence oh we're we're advocating the necessity of black people defending themselves against the violence of the white man because the American government has already proven itself either unable or unwilling to defend us as it should do well the white man hasn't gone out to create any marches nor has he gone out to do anything that would make the people in the communities feel that he was opposed by law to their thinking no all he has done is seek his police dogs on innocent black women and babies all he has done is put his fire hoses on innocent women and children black women until tonight or all he has done is shoot Medgar Evers in the back he has bombed the church in Birmingham Alabama and murdered poor innocent little girl well he has shot down young boys from their bicycle as they were riding innocently through the street that's all he has done well you feel that this is a cause for the Negro to take on the violent act it's not a case of the Negro taking on a violent act but it's the case of the Negro doing what is necessary to defend himself against the violent acts of the whites since the government has refused to defend the Negro the church was bombed and the government has done nothing about Medgar Evers was murdered and the government has done nothing about Emmett Till and Charles max Potter were murdered in the government has done nothing about it but at the same time the government is in South Vietnam trying to tell them what to do the government is in Berlin trying to tell them what to do the government is in Africa trying to tell them what to do but it cannot get its own people here in Mississippi and Alabama and New York City and tell them what to do the Malcolm X discusses human or civil rights Minister Malcolm I'd like to know why you play so much emphasis on calling the freedom struggle among these afro-american in this country a struggle for human rights rather than civil rights civil rights and by not knowing what it is they're actually trying to get it has eluded us for the past 100 years civil rights is supposed to mean citizenship when you have civil rights you have citizenship when you have citizenship you have civil right and if there are 22 million afro-americans were actually citizens of this country it wouldn't mean necessary to pass any kind of additional legislation to include us in the Constitution if you notice whenever the people come here from Europe they can come here from Poland which is a communist country they don't need any legislation to make this Polish person a citizen they don't need any additional civil rights legislation to make the refugees from Hungary who come here citizens they don't need any additional legislation to make anyone who comes to this country a citizen but when it comes to the rights of the black people who are the descendants of slaves then immediately new legislation is necessary so this right here implies that when the Constitution was written in some way or other it must have excluded those of us who were slaves at that time and because we were excluded from the Constitution when it was originally written today they have to amend it in order to include us but if you notice the Civil War didn't include us in the Constitution had the Civil War included us in the Constitution we would be citizens today had the amendments even to the Constitution actually included us we would have we would be citizens today if the Supreme Court desegregation decision way back in 1954 was sufficient to include us into the jurisdiction of the Constitution all of our problems would be solved today so there's something about civil rights that makes it almost impossible for to get it so you have to know the difference between civil rights and human rights as long as our people are begging for civil rights or they are labeling their struggle for freedom justice and equality under the label of civil rights then what they do is leave us in the jurisdiction of Uncle Sam's courts and it's actually Uncle Sam who is guilty of all over the violation of our rights that have taken place in the country so when you go to Uncle Sam to try and get some kind of redress over civil rights violations you're taking your case to the man who's responsible for the first-quarter violation so the only way our people can really get some meaningful result it has to be taken out of Uncle Sam's hands and taken into a world course in the world Court that has been set up to listen to the complaints of human rights violations in the United Nations Human Rights our international and sole rights come within the jurisdiction of the country where these rights are violated some people may wonder why our brothers from Africa and Asia have not spoken out more boldly or without compromise on the injustice is that the 22 million afro-americans experienced in this country they can't speak up as long as these in justices are labeled by us their civil rights and this remains a domestic issue and none of our people from abroad because of protocol can become involved in Uncle Sam's domestic problems so all the civil rights groups have to do is expand the struggle from civil rights to human rights and once it is expanded to the level of human rights then this puts us in a position to charge Uncle Sam with violating the UN Charter on Human Rights we can take it before the United Nations and other nations of this earth can then side with us and indict Uncle Sam for the mistreatment of 22 million afro-american the very fact that the struggle of the black people in South Africa I should say the injustice that have been experienced by black people in South Africa have come has come before the UN or the injustice is experienced by our own people again in Angola have been for the UN even the oppression of the Hungarians has been brought before the UN the plight of the Jews in Soviet Russia and his only three million of them in Russia has been brought before the UN well then why hasn't the problem of the 22 million afro-americans come before the United Nations it has not come before them because the leaders of the civil rights struggle don't understand of what civil rights actually amount to and when they are mature to the point where they can see that their present struggle has kept them under some Uncle Sam's jurisdiction and Uncle Sam is not morally capable of solving this problem then they will shift it out of the courts of Uncle Sam and take it to the course of the United Nations on the level of human rights and we'll get some kind of meaningful results as long as we keep it at the civil rights Lovett level we Ilya Nate the support of our brothers and sisters and African Asian but when we shift it to the level of human rights we have the support of billions of black brown red and yellow people from all over this earth behind straighter than great world power and has in the past exercised a lot of control and power within the United Nations so how can you expect to wage the successful battle against such a powerful country in the world Court well whenever you believe in what the United States has taught us concerning democracy which means one voice one vote this is good because in the present world set up a world governmental set up as is represented by the United Nations each country there has one vote which means that no matter how wealthy a nation is it only has one vote and no matter how poor a nation is it still has one vote so the ballot actually equalizes the poor man in the rich man a fact when the United Nations was set up it consisted largely of white nations because most of the Daath nations were then colonized and what independent since the dark nations have gained their independence and have emerged on the scene today in the UN you have more dot nations who are in a position to vote in a block then you have white nations so that we have a situation now where the grouping together of the dot nations who formerly were colonized has given them enough political power to offset the the military power and prestige of these mighty white nations of the West and it is their support it is only in the United Nations where everyone has about where everyone has equal vote that the plight of the black man can be given a just hearing and the weight of the Daath world can become down on our side and balance the scales on our side whenever you take it into the white man's course you never will get justice because the white man is the guilty ones who committed the crime in the first place it's like taking your case from the wolf to the Fox to take it to Washington DC I don't think I wholeheartedly go along with that yet mr. Malcolm I have some appreciation for your discussion as regards to the human right and the civil right but here in America is a band of Negroes I think the most progressive thinking that we could possibly attain is civil rights this is the thing that we want this is the thing that we hope to get this is the thing that we're going out to fight for without our civil rights the human rights and the rest of the elements are none entities as far as human rights are hung before civil rights human maybe so but the civil rights are an important factor whether there are civil rights until you have human rights Human Rights represents the right to be a human being whenever you are respected and recognized as a human being your civil rights are automatic but if we get civil rights we are human being no you know you have to get the recognition of human rights first which is why people can come here from Africa and Asia and immediately are able to benefit from what the Constitution stands for because they are recognized as a human being when they touch the shores of North America but the black people in this country all of our human characteristics were destroyed by slavery our language was destroyed our history was destroyed our culture was destroyed and then the white man taught us that we were savages in the jungle and living at a subhuman level and for this reason when they put the constitution together they specified our people as three-fifths of a means which meant subhuman not a complete human being and once our human characteristics were completely destroyed this gave them justification for treating us like we were animals and then and it also justified they're selling us from plantation to plantation let you sell a horse in a car and a bag of wheat white George Washington himself historically is on record as having sold or having traded a black man for a keg of molasses which shows you he didn't regard that black man every human being with if the black man human rights had been respected he never could have been a slave here in America and if his human rights had been restored by the Emancipation Proclamation automatically we would have been citizens right after the Civil War so we must be regarded as humans our human rights must be respected before we can ever be regarded as citizens in our civil rights be respected [Applause] [Music] Sunday September 15th in the year of our Lord 1963 it was a cool overcast morning in Birmingham Alabama Sunday School classes were just ending in the basement of the 50 year old yellow break pinch the morning's lesson was the loves that forgives the fifth chapter of Matthew outside parents were arriving to collect the children at 22 minutes past the hour of 10:00 a force let loose that electrified and shook the world straight jumps of stone shut out like artillery through parked car a metal railing talk from its concrete bed and shot across the street into the window of the social dry-cleaning store customers in the next star Silver Springs restaurant were knocked to the floor inside the church someone yell rafters collapse skylight fell on the pulpit part of a stained-glass window shattered obliterating the face of Christ children stumbled through litter and twisted metal broken chairs but it wouldn't venture shredded hymn books and Bible police cars siren into the block workers barehanded dug deeper into the rubble and uncovered the bodies of four little girls the church pastor the Reverend John cross urged the people to go home please go home go home everybody the Lord is our Shepherd we shall not work we give them love and we get this the Birmingham Police Department's six-wheeled riot tank entered the area and cops commenced firing shotguns over the negroes heads the rock-throwing retaliation young boys started stoning passing cars with white passengers police ordered them to stop one sixteen-year-old boy ran a cop killed him with a buckshot glass hey September 15th 1963 19:5 dead this didn't happen in Nazi Germany and it didn't happen in South Africa it happened right here in America in Birmingham Alabama it didn't happen back in the dark ages it happened in 1963 right after the march on Washington and it wasn't a dream this was a nightmare where were the leaders where was the matter where was the government Minister Malcolm who was guilty of the bombing in Birmingham the government was the guilt is upon the United States government for the murder of those four little girls who died in that bombing the guilt was upon the United States government for those little boys that were shot down right afterward because it is the failure of the government to do its job that has given the people of that area the feeling that they can brutalize and victimize and murder the afro-american in cold blood knowing that nothing will be done about the government was guilty the government still is guilty the murderers of those little girls have been brought to justice Minister Malcolm do you feel that the government has charged being guilty should inject themselves into this that there seems to be some technicality as to the fact that they can't get into this due to the fact that this is a state as against government opposition where the legal matter of it is concerned well it has become impossible for the government in Washington DC to intercede because or if you study the structure of the United States government you'll find that out of 16 senatorial committees that govern this country 10 of them are in the hands of the Senators who are nothing but southern segregationists out of the 20 congressional committees that govern the country 12 of them are in the hands of congressmen who are nothing but southern segregationists so we can see that the government itself in Washington DC is a segregationist government and they teach you and me that the South lost the Civil War but at the same time when we examine the structure of the government we find that it is run by white races by white supremacy by segregationist who are called Dixiecrat but they're actually nothing but Democrats whose leader is sitting in the White House who himself is also a former senator from a segregationist recent state known as Texas well this may be true but this does not half of the fact Minister Malcolm that there is a legal procedure now in these bombings and the question is who is guilty of them they didn't have to worry about a legal procedure when they wanted to send troops into South Vietnam they didn't worry about legal procedures when they wanted to send their troops into Cuba and tell the Cubans what to do Uncle Sam has never worried about legality whenever he wanted to send his troops wherever his interests were threatened but when it comes to protecting the lines of 22 million afro-americans then all of a sudden Uncle Sam becomes very conscious of legality well is it a fact that they did send soldiers into Birmingham Alabama and on the perimeter they were held I think you'll find that for several weeks when dr. Martin Luther King and his cohorts were the victim of cattle prods and water hoses and vicious police dogs in Birmingham they were calling upon Washington DC to come to their rescue and the only word that they got out of Washington was that no stature had been violated that would allow a Washington to intercede to inject itself into that dispute but on as long as the Negroes in Birmingham Alabama were being nonviolent and were turning the other cheek then there was nothing the government in Washington could do about it as long as it'll attack the government in Washington professed that it to do nothing about it but on that night when the Negroes exploded that Saturday night and begin to react against the whites who had been brutalizing men then the government in Washington DC sent troops in and they didn't send troops in to protect Negroes because Negroes had been the victims of brutality for several weeks they sent troops into Birmingham Alabama only one the lives and the property of the white racist and segregationist in Alabama were being threatened what specifically is regards to the church the bombing and the children of course which was an atrocity beyond belief the government in all fairness is not able to fight that case in that it happened within the city and its city government state government while the government saw fit to send the football coach down to investigate it and since when do government send football coaches to investigate atrocity whenever this same government sees its interests being threatened in Cyprus or threatened in the Congo or threatened in the Middle East they look for diplomats of international stature but these same diplomats who are sent abroad to settle the differences of other people if they were spent in the jar you know Alabama or Mississippi why they would hang their diplomat on a tree well don't you think that dr. King and all the rest of the very wonderful leaders throughout the state of Alabama don't you think that they have tried and made sufficient enough effort in the handling of this case well dr. King and many of the other wonderful leaders who are in the south and other parts of the country have been doing the best that they could but their odds against them are so great on the palm of the white race and the white supremacists and they work in conjunction with many of the white races here in the north who pose as liberal so we can see today that it is almost impossible for dr. King to win so we're going to need some help on a broader scale from our more powerful source what sauce do you think that this particular help is needed as our dr. brothers and sisters in Africa and Asia in Latin America awaken and become enlightened and emerge and get their independence and are able to get in positions of power they look here in America and see the plight of their little darker brother the 22 million Afro American and as they see our plight in their sympathy and feeling for us increases sooner or later some kind of move has to be made to bring it into this unjust situation that 22 million afro-americans find ourselves confronted by here in the land of the free and the home of the brave [Applause] gentlemen Minister Malcolm X discusses the ballot or bullet mr. Beckham what do you mean by the ballot or the bullet well there are people the Afro Americans become politically mature they become very much aware of the recent trend in political elections they see that every time there's an election recently there's always a recount that whites are so evenly divided politically that in many areas the the race is so close that they have to count the votes all over again to see who got in office you had a recount of where the governor was concerned in Massachusetts or in Minnesota or in Rhode Island and the same thing was so close between President Kennedy and Nixon that they had to count the votes all over again and our people are beginning to see this and they also realize that any minority group that has a block of votes is able to determine who be the next mayor or who'll be the next governor or who'll be the next president or who will be the next congressman or the next senator and this enables them to see the strategic position that they are in also they realize that it was the black vote that put the present administration in Washington DC it was the black vote here in America that put a Democratic administration in Washington DC and despite the fact that it is admitted by the students of political science that the 22 million afro-americans were the ones who put the present administration in power in Washington DC the present administration has put us last we put them first but they put us last and you may say well why do I say this because they've been down there for four years and are only just now getting around to civil rights legislation or doing something about the violation of the civil rights of the 22 million afro-americans who put them in power now despite the fact that they claim that they can do nothing about this when you look at the structure of the Senators and the congressmen in Washington DC are the two political priorities we can see where the congressmen are concerned 257 of them are Democrats and only 170 seven of them are Republicans that means that the Democratic party controls two-thirds of the House of Representatives where the senators are concerned there are 67 Democratic senators and only 33 Republicans set controls two-thirds of the House of Representatives and also controls two-thirds of the Senate and despite the fact that they control two-thirds of the House and the Senate and are able to pass all the other type of legislation that comes up when it comes to the rights of the black people in this country who put them in power they always have some kind of alibi to give the Negro to try and explain why they have not been able to deliver or keep their promises or the promises that they made when they were running for office and the alibi that they usually use is they say that the Dixiecrats tie things up well there was a time when black people were politically immature that they thought it was the Dixiecrats that was keeping the Democrats from fulfilling their promise but today as Negroes become politically mature they can see that the Dixiecrat is nothing but a Democrat in disguise that you've got to be a Democrat before you can be a Dixiecrat and as our people begin to see this they also are able to see that it is actually a coalition of Southern Democrats along with the northern Democrats who actually play a giant political conking to make them at the same time they are not a good example of this recently when I was in Washington DC watching the senators filibuster I noticed that in the back of the Senate room there was a huge map on the wall showing the states where most of the Negroes live and in each one of those states where the majority of the Negroes were living the senator from that state was involved in a filibuster which meant that he had the filibuster in order to keep those Negroes from getting voting right because once the Negroes in the southern states get voting right they will go out of office the present racist segregationist who are posing as senators in Washington DC and once the Negro get the vote he can oust these southern senators and southern congressmen then that means the present committees that govern the direction that this government takes in its foreign and domestic policy will be changed because the Committee Chairman will be changed and in many instances they'll have a black senator or a black congressman the including of black people into the governmental system automatically will mean that the political philosophy of the government will change the political direction of the government will change and it will have an effect upon the economy of this particular country in fact for 22 million afro-americans are in a position to bring about a bloodless revolution where America is concerned because if America gives complete voting rights and voting power to every person on this continent it will include overnight a black appointee two million afro-americans who have a unique political and economic philosophy so this means that America for the first time in history represents a country that can actually involve itself in a bloodless revolution all other revolutions in history have been bloody the Russian Revolution was blessed the Chinese Revolution was bloody the French Revolution was bloody the Cuban Revolution was blessed revolutions historically are always bled now America is in a unique position to involve itself in a bloodless revolution by giving the 22 million afro-americans the ballot and if they don't give the 22 million afro-americans the ballot and make possible a bloodless revolution then they are going to force the Afro Americans to use the book and it will be a bloody revolution and this is what I meant when I say the ballot or the book it's the same thing as Patrick Henry meant when he said liberty or death gentlemen Minister Malcolm X discusses black nationalism Minister Malcolm since nationalism was able to put approximately four the five mission of our black brothers in the United Nation how long do you think it will take to solve the problem of twenty-two million off four American economically politically socially in America well it's true just as it took nationalism to bring about freedom for our brothers and sisters in Africa and Asia it'll take the gospel of black nationalism to bring freedom to the 22 million afro-americans here in this country and we who belong to the Muslim mosque incorporated although Islam is our religious philosophy political economic and social philosophy is black nationalism and we adopt this philosophy so that we can work with all other leaders and all other organizations in a program that everybody can become involved in participate in in order to eliminate the political social and economic evils that afflict our people now the political philosophy of black nationalism only means that the black man should control the politics and the politicians in his own community and the politicians must also be made to take the responsibility for helping to eliminate the evils that afflict our people in our own community and our the economic philosophy of black nationalism only means that our people need to be re-educated into the importance of controlling the economy of our own community controlling the economy of the community in which we live and by controlling the economy of the community in which we live it means that we have to learn how to own and operate the businesses of our community and develop them into some type of industry that will enable us to create employment for the people of our community so that they won't have to constantly be involved in picketing and boycotting other people in other communities and to get a job also in line with his economic philosophy of black nationalism and order for us to control the economy of our own community we have to learn the importance of spending our money in the community where we live anyone who knows the basic principles of economics must be aware of the fact that when you take the money out of the neighborhood in which you live and spend it in an integrated neighborhood or rather in your efforts to integrate you spend it in a neighborhood where you don't live the neighborhood in which you spend your money becomes wealthier and wealthier and neighborhood out of what you take your money becomes poorer in poorer and this is one of the reasons why wherever you find Negros a slum condition usually develops so we have to live in the ghetto because all of our wealth is space elsewhere and even when we try and spend the money in the neighborhood where we live usually because we haven't learned the importance of owning and operating businesses the businesses of our community are usually also controlled by outsiders the stores are controlled by people who don't even live in our community so even when we try and spend our money in the neighborhood where we live we're spending it with someone who puts it in the basket and takes it out as soon as the Sun Goes Down so the economic philosophy of black nationalism puts the burden upon the black man of learning how to control his own economy and their social philosophy of black nationalism means that we have to become socially mature to the point where we will realize the responsibility is upon us to elevate that condition the standard of our community to a higher level and we can only do this by working together in harmony and unity to in some way eliminate the evils that are destroying the moral fiber of our community evils like drug addiction drunkenness illegitimate sea that's brought about by loose sexual behavior fornication and adultery and once we eliminate these evils that are so destructive to the moral fiber of our community the level of our society will be and you'll find that our people will be satisfied to live in our own social circles and enjoy life in our own social circle instead of trying to force our way into the social circle of those who don't want so as I said just as it took nationalism to bring about the independence of our brothers and sisters in Africa in Asia the goal or the objective of the political social and economic philosophy of black nationalism is designed to bring about the complete independence of the black people in this country by making us become consciously involved in controlling our own community once we can control our own communities now then perhaps we will later be able to control our own country control our own nation and govern ourselves and in some ways have control over our own destiny and in order to bring us about the Muslim mosque incorporated is involved not in trying to spread any religion but to work with people of all other religions we will work without people we don't care if they are Christian or Jew or Muslim or atheist or agnostic whatever they are our desire is to spread the gospel of black nationalism but we want to evangelize the gospel of black nationalism and once there's gospel of black nationalism to spread among our people that means that those who are in the Baptist Church can remain Baptist but they take the political economic and social philosophy of black nationalism those who are Hebrews callings of black Hebrews they can still practice their religion but take the social political and economic philosophy of black nationalism and this philosophy in itself will bring about the independent thinking of the black people in this country and eventually leaders are complete physical independence of the black people in this country [Applause]
Channel: reelblack
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Id: 3KmGrY3TOfw
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Length: 37min 43sec (2263 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 22 2019
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