Please explain the Trinity? Bible Questions with Michael Pearl — Episode 066

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hi I'm Mike pearl I'm still here in the life room with Jared on this cool day outside and do we have our Bible here and he has some questions which I've not heard I have no idea what he's going to ask something you've called in about and so here I am ready to try to answer your Bible questions what's the first question Jared hello my name is John I'm from Utah I'm calling because I have some questions specifically around the Trinity I was raised in the LDS faith and I live in a small town and most of my friends are LDS and we've been listening to Michael for quite a few years now and have stopped going to the church and has been focusing more just on learning the Bible in the Bible my confusion is during our time within the LDS faith they as even you know as Doctor and don't believe in the Trinity and I'm having a hard time understanding the Trinity in specific to scripture as it relates to the Trinity it seems like Jesus is addressing his father in many many instances in the Bible it is baptism for one in the Garden of Gethsemane and another point several other points along the way so I'm just confused and we really appreciate the ministry I would like an answer and have been enjoying just a freeing aspect of grace and the sacrifice Jesus made for us so it's been wonderful but would like some answers to that question thank you I like your question that's good I just turned while you were asking your question to first John the chapter 5 verse 7 it says for there three that bear record in heaven three that bear record in heaven the father the word and the Holy Ghost and these three are one now physically physically if I said there's three three that bear record in these three are one how many are there well some would say there's three and some would say there's one which answer is correct both answers are correct this passage has stated something that's a physical impossibility they're three that bear record and these three are one now down through the ages the church has evolved different answers for this different attempts to explain so-called Trinity some have said that God manifested God is one but he manifest himself in three aspects like right now I'm a Bible teacher now regards the knife maker and the hour before that I was a granddaddy on our farmer and so I'm manifesting myself different so they say God the Father came down to the earth and that became the son and then God the Son left and God came back as a spirit so that's the Holy Spirit so in other words they're saying there's one God that manifest himself in three different modes at modalism and then there are others who like the United Pentecostal Holiness and some of the others who teach that that there is only one personality and that personality is the Lord Jesus Christ so much so that if you don't baptized in his name that you're not really saved that's also won the popular doctrines and then you got your Catholic doctrine where your Trinity seems to be almost like three gods with a fourth mama God thrown in which is the Virgin Mary and so that kind of Trinity seems to be offensive to many people especially to Jews who believe there's one just one God and so Catholicism seem to express three gods so how would we how would we answer that let me go to my chalkboard here if I'll tell you what for I do that let me go to first jump to st. John the book of John and read the first part of that my hands got chocolate turn the page now okay in the beginning was the word now the word according to verse 14 and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory the glory as of the only begotten of the Father full of grace and truth so the word clearly okay I can't spend how can he spell and talk at the same time Sutton so the word was made flesh and dwelt among us and that word is Jesus Christ now he says in the beginning was the word the Word was made flesh the same was in the beginning with God then we'll stop talking so I can spell alright the Word was with God now how many do you have there if you use the word with you got two right if I said go bring me the the folder and the paper you'd come back with expect two objects but then I said the folder is the paper oh just one object and so he says in beginning was the word the Word was with God and the word until we're right like this this will be good the Word was God so that's one this is two which is it it's both the Bible repeatedly speaks of Jesus that way now why does it do that if I were creating a religion and I were trying to describe God I wouldn't do it this way because this doesn't make sense jesus said while on earth he said I and the father are one and he said to Thomas if you've seen me you've seen the father the same person same reality but then he said I don't know no one knows but the father which is in heaven to a question and then he said I came from the father and I go back to the Father and then he said I thank you Father you've hid these things from the wise and prudent so he spoke to the father and then he said the father loves the son and then he says if you don't honor me then you don't honor God so all of that some of what he said it points to a oneness that Jesus is God and some of it points to two separate personalities which is it it's both now some people try to explain the I don't use the word Trinity I use as in Romans the Godhead I may use the word Trinity but let's let's use the word Godhead it'sit's a more accurate word the word Trinity implies three parts but look if if Jesus is God then when you see Jesus you see all of God in other words there is no God outside Jesus if he's God and he is if if God is the Holy Spirit and if God is Jesus then when you see the father if that were possible you'd see Jesus you'd see the Holy Spirit likewise if you have the Holy Spirit dwelling inside of you then you have God dwelling inside of you it's not they're not three parts in other words like some people say it's like a three leaf clover one's the three leaf clover look like like that they said like a three leaf clover that there's one God but three Leafs no because if we cut off one of those leaves like this and put it out here that would not be the whole clover that'd be part of it Jesus is not part of God he's all of God he's not one one aspect of God he is the total God nor is the Holy Spirit one aspect of God you see that that you cannot come up with a physical analogy some people explained it like this in in pigment there's there's yellow red and blue and those three colors together in light make light and they make black and pigment but those three colors are the total spectrum in a rainbow you've got those three colors mixed in various shades to create the rainbow or you take a prism and you shine light through a prism and you break it down into its different parts so some people say well God is like that he's like a beam of light God the Father God the Son God the Holy Spirit like white light that breaks down into three different colors but that's not true either because if you take the red light run it back through a prism and you don't get white light out the other side in other words you don't get the blue and the yellow as well it's it's gone it's been separated and you just got one one color light there so Jesus is not one one-third of the light of God he's all of God he's not one-third of the clover he is the whole clover now ah how how do we understand that if I were creating a religion than coming up with a definition for God I wouldn't do that why did God do it because when you define something what you're doing like if I define this book I'm limiting it that's why I define it I say that it is seven inches wide and nine inches tall and one and a quarter inches thick and it weighs two pounds and it's made of cotton and wood and leather and has ink and it's divided into a number of pages now when I described that that's not a table this is a table if I describe the table I'm placing a limitation upon it I'm telling you it's this big and no bigger this tall no taller this substance and no other substance that's the way we define things sometimes we define things by comparing them to other things in other words we say this this rock here is like concrete or it's hard and it's it's like this rock only thing this is this color and that one is that color and you are defining it now if we were to define man we would say like the Bible says he's a little lower than the Angels he has two hands two eyes two ears and two feet and so forth and he's about between this height than that height and weighs about this much and and so forth and we define him now how do you define God well he's everywhere okay that's hard to fathom ah what about its intellect he knows everything well what about his power he's all-powerful that's not a definition or really see that's like saying there is no definition there there's no limit there's no he's totally expansive in every way okay if God is I'm not present he's everywhere how many is he a lot of God's are just one just one is he'll only know because he's three wait a minute you told me he's one now you're saying he's three yes he's three and the court in the book of Ephesians he counsels within himself he communes within himself visions chapter one ah that's kind of hard to understand it's it it is impossible to create a physical analogy our given number and say this number is God see if God were one and not three he'd be limited if he were three and not one he'd be limited so just as God was infinite and became finite well wait a minute Jesus was on earth and he was in a human body and he was very limited how could he be everywhere if he was in a body and how could he know all things if he didn't know all things which he said he didn't he said I don't know the father in heaven knows so God treated himself not only infinite but he create himself finite in other words he became not only all-powerful he became without power so much so that he was crucified so the God who is infinite became three and one one and yet three you only have two hands so imagine that maybe one became three I know I don't understand it you won't ever understand it and there's no analogy that will fit it but I'll tell you what I wouldn't believe in explanation of God that was believable that was understandable because God must be beyond our physical comprehension and so I find that a very wise explanation of God that the Scriptures reveal the Godhead being three and being one since you said you were Mormon I interesting side on that I led a Mormon to the Lord in 1965 his father was a higher power kept ago with the column in the moment there in Salt Lake and so he this son about 27 years old at the time brought me a photostat copy of the Book of Mormons it was the original what 1822 version and so it has pictures of the original witnesses and all that in the front of it and then it's it's photocopied of the very first printing that came up so I sat down with my wife took a modern Book of Mormons that witnesses gave me when they came to the door of the house there I took it and had my wife read it while I read the original photos that copy and I marked the differences and the original says that Jesus is the Eternal Father whereas the present Book of Mormons extracts that from the text the original claimed Jesus deity more powerfully than the King James Bible does the original Book of Mormons professed proclaimed the deity of Jesus Christ more strongly even than the King James Bible does more more boldly but all of those passages entire verses and phrases were deleted from modern versions why because the doctrine of the church changed after Joseph Smith died in his gun battle and they changed their book now I've had Mormons come to my door and I sat down with them and I showed them that copy and while they read theirs and every single time it's funny they'll grab it back up and open it look at it to make sure it's what I said it was and then they go back and look at the passage and they really get anxious to forget about me and wallam has got their present book and one of them is looking at the original and I have marked these places so you can just like every single page has changes and deletions in it so they start going through it in about five minutes they get nervous put it down and leave they won't ever stay ah I do hope I've shattered the faith of many a Mormon with their own book which they have they have changed so if you ever get a chance to compare the original photostat copy of the Book of Mormons with the present one you'll be pretty embarrassed at what the church has done to your sacred book delivered through the Urim and Thummim glasses to Joseph Smith by the angel Moroni which book doesn't exist anymore it was disappeared so what they charge me with they say well the Bible has been retranslated and corrected yes based on original autographs there are no originals from which you can have a justification for changing your Book of Mormons and altering the text that was supposed to been taken up into heaven those golden tablets and removed from the earth and those changes were made quite a few years after the removal of the text and the printing of the original so I commend you for asking the question and thinking about it just get your Bible and read it and don't try to reconcile the two sides accept them as they exist if you would like to ask a bible question email us at bible questions at no greater joy org or call at 9:31 8:05 48:20
Channel: No Greater Joy Ministries
Views: 326,292
Rating: 4.3004184 out of 5
Keywords: holy trinity, god head, god the father, god the son, holy spirit, Michael Pearl, no greater joy, ngj
Id: 9kpDY_p11QA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 29 2011
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