The Tonight Show- February 6, 1973

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the following program is brought to you in living color on NBC [Music] got a card this is that define one NBC Orchestra and fighting in the giant Johnny of his guests Bobby maren walseth me [Music] here Johnny [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] let us turn to page 200 in the hymnal sounds like one overall Roberts's audiences yeah yeah Whoopie crowd like a group session during a coffee break or something that's good therapy sessions what I want to say I've been away for a week it you know every time I I'm off the show uh it takes me uh at least a show to get back on schedule and sometimes it's hard to get rolling in white shoes don't you like these they're lovely where'd my why not daddy look like that guy that does everybody needs milk you're nothing [Applause] luckily they'll never ask you to do one of those nobody believe I did something like on vacation I want you to know that before we get started I joined a group called monologues Anonymous what that is that's a group that helps desperate comedians and the way it works is every time you get the urge to be funny they send an audience over to discourage you I was you were your tan too I was are the springs I was an idle time in Acapulco and I gotta tell you some funny stories I want to hear but when you travel especially what do you think you're a big television star you go to Mexico where they don't know you Oh does it cut you down to size it really levels you out real fast I'll tell you some stories but they had an earthquake you might have down there we're worried about you you know what do you mean anytime that you're out of the country I worry about you anytime you're out of a house I we had a had an earthquake there and I didn't mind much but the hotel charged me ten dollars extra for a vibrating bed I'll say so I'll tell you some weird stories or things that you have to try to get through customs down there Groundhog Day has happened since I've been gone are you aware of that yes every year there's a particular groundhog oh what's the name of the town in Pennsylvania boxer Tony isn't that it Punxsutawney Pennsylvania every year the groundhog comes out apparently it came out this year saw its shadow went back on the hole which means according to custom another six weeks of winter but no different groundhogs are different things here in Burbank for example that groundhog came out took a look at Burbank and went back in for a year there was another best-dressed list of men listed today George McGovern was voted the best-dressed politician has the best clothes I think he'd rather be in Nixon shoes but McGovern made the political list you know that the list for television personalities that's right and Tommy Newsom and Tommy Newsom got honorable mention and infants where you only talk when you're down here Tom oh there's a new commercial on television here in Los Angeles I have not seen I guess it's been on Sam you're Dee's wife Mary you are his wife is doing a television commercial have you seen it Oh for blue chip stamps I hadn't been home an hour I turned on that I haven't seen television for a week I turned on my sister I'm mrs. Sam yard and she's talking about saving blue chip stamps I want to tell you if the airlines gave blue chip stamps I mean she'd have enough books to get the northern hemisphere no problem at all did you read Dean Martin is getting married oh yes Dean Martin is getting married on Valentine's Day it's not the Dean is romantic he just wants to celebrate the massacre can you see that ceremony the preacher says you take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife and Dean looks around for the cue cards weird speaking of weddings this was in the paper I did not see it until I you know how you catch up in your reading a lady from I believe was Huntington Beach out here in California she's a lady anthropologist you might have read this is going to marry or married a cannibal chief in Indonesia right now family have you read that how could you make that up she left California to marry and did marry I understand a cannibal chief in who's in Indonesia was that the place that's a little weird isn't it it was a weird wedding haha instead of rice they threw accent did you know that Aziza ha no I want to tell you something the chief doesn't much doesn't seem to have any problems doesn't expect any problems with her relatives because his side of the family hates her side of the family anyway hey I'm sorry to giggle I knew that was coming you see about tonight we got a good show we have mr. Bobby Darin with us tonight we have Orson Bean seals and Crofts are here tonight and the young lady from San Diego Zoo miss Joan Embry is back with some strange animals what do we have tonight just give me any we got a slender loris oh great terrific remember her it's yours yes Toledo right and a baby rhinoceros I mean a little teeny baby rhinoceros which weighs about 250 pounds for a rhinoceros that's a baby and what else we have can we help me oh there's a turn Elmo is Elmo loves reading actinides ok this should be a good night hi doc how are you she will be with you [Music] here's a mouth force that's effective against bad breath but it tastes good [Music] ladies and gentlemen may we have absolute quiet in the studio please could you darken the lights please here on stage tonight on our stage direct from a record-breaking one weekend engagement at Vinnie foo galas rocket room in Van Nuys we now present the master of metal ISM that reader of thoughts the Marvel of extrasensory perception and part-time freelance fox boy to the stars here is the amazing Elmo [Applause] yes it is hi there Missy here he is ladies and gentlemen the amazing Elmo [Applause] once again [Applause] it is I the amazing Omo I have traveled world over and brought back the mysteries of India the wisdom of the Orient the long-lost truths of Tibet and some porno flicks from Santa Monica you wouldn't believe let us go on with it may I assist you yes I certainly could use some all right think of it would you tell me exactly how many bills you'll have in your pocket I have a 15 20 and three singles I have $73 exactly absolutely right Elmo does it again [Applause] [Music] to continue you'll have a pocketful of change you don't have to make an evening of that just check the chain now would you be willing who can tell you to the penny how much change you'll have in your pocket did I get the 73 bills it's impossible for you don't know how much change I have in my part reach in your pocket and count your change are good all righty you have exactly no cents in your pocket is there in your hand therefore I have these 73 de el modo doesn't again taking all my money elmo's got to make it quick tonight Thorsten or it's back to a bad lounge on a 747 to Dubuque you think it's the thrills a dress with a great kizomba a toilet at 30,000 feet well I'm sorry why don't you get on with your act well I'm sorry about my act - I'll get on with it Elmo Lou is now getting quite a vibration or a headache one of the - no it's a vibration yes will you look up to aisle four I'll floor that's right let's see now this is very difficult no one two three seats right that's the third seat tom row four yes I have it Oh mildew right here is there a person who sitting in that seat yes there is el mozo does it again no and now getting a message fourth row fourth row third seat from the right from the right there is a man in that seat without shorts wrong you're wrong elbow low was standing in line today behind you and you don't what's that a busy road yes really did standing in line back of that gentleman it's exactly sir did your wife wear a bra here today yes well she's not wearing at home she's on the line James I had a good day in the line is there a man in the audience was president of the Don defore fan club has spent all Tuesday matching socks and whose biggest thrill in life was going to the alpha-beta supermarket in Reseda to the six and under Express line with seven items is there such a man in the audience apparently apparently not there seems to be a seal there in the audience all right is there such a man in the orchestra yes there's such a man Elmo doll will concentrate Elmo though you fell asleep oh well Elmo can concentrate on any given personality but not on the absence of one that's the problem right there hmm Elmo now moves to his biggie Elmo no feels the audience that wants to place their right hand on their hearts Elmo oh that's crazy you don't know that Elmo go through his great power will make the audience place their hands on their hearts now how can that be possible you couldn't easy hit it Elmo does it again Elmo no that's not fair miss Marty Allen fair who cares about fair that's a 1949 Terraplane fair we're not talking about fair we're talking about an act all right Elmo better do a smooth segue to picture a waterbed got any more money on you no I'm broke lend me a dollar you've got your tie class anything at all I've had a bad week any a check el amor those famous disappearing water trick here is a picture of water yes Elmo lo pours water into small glass watch closely and notice that not one drop of water spills over the side of the glass el modo does it again wait a minute wait wait that that picture was empty great trick to at once and now for the piece de resistance of my act so called because there's not an audience in the world that doesn't resist this piece the famous giant chest stick yes it is time for the giant chest I would do it and Elmo lo would love to get stuck with this giant step right over here my dear I love working with groups ever since Frick and frack well don't tell me you're going to do this trick with an empty chest you see one all right this is my new assistants what is your name dear Laurel can step right in here my dear you have nothing to fear all right are you sure these spikes won't hurt me well soon find out just go into the cabinet watch this one we closed the door now Elmo what have you done with that girl nothing we just went to my apartment had of a couple of drinks that's all no no no listen some Jerry Vale records nothing to make it all what right now I don't know what I did is a new chest well let's see what happened shot to hell yeah you sure do know how to deflate a girl's ego Elmo doll does it again ladies [Applause] [Music] we're back I gotta giggles I couldn't stop Oh one night on Karnak remember the both of us we couldn't reset a couple years ago and said here like to church giggling giggling and we couldn't stop it's like you get started well it's nice to go back you look great by the way I've seen I feel great I did really nothing this trip you know usually your plan is I'm gonna do this we Joanna and I went to Acapulco for about a week that's a lovely place I haven't been there since 1960 you've never feels first I walk in I thank gee I'm getting away from television and I walked over to the Tennis Club with the Acapulco princesses it's a beautiful hotel it's built like Mayan sculpture or something and it's open from that in other words you walk into the lobby and you look up the top it's all open 16 story windows are all on the outside or the apartment said you look up there to the ceiling and I walk into the Tennis Club and there is a picture of you first thing I see in Acapulco I'm getting away from television there's a picture Ed McMahon would Bill Sweeney the tennis program you said you took some lessons he's great very great Boston how about that hotel the story about customs you've trying to sneak something no I wasn't trying to sneak you were sneaking something into Mexico or something out of Mexico I tell them the truth no no come on I think I'm smuggling something illicit I went went down there and first night I walked out and the sky was incredibly clear you know you get away from the city and you can see the Milky Way and you know I'm an amateur astronomer and I didn't bring my telescope I just didn't think of it so my telescope you knows it we said so celestron it's an 8-inch schmidt-cassegrain well I don't got me telling you that Florence particular kind of lens and it all pulls up look at a very strange-looking piece of apparatus so I call the man of my house and I said would you send the telescope down to Acapulco I want to look at the Stars forgetting about customs so now the telescope arrives at the customs and I go over from where I'm staying at another place called trace Vedas which is beautiful and I go to customs to pick up the telescope then I start to walk out the door scene or like to put put that down I said what I said that came over on Johnny Carson I sent home for my telescope it opened it up you know and a guy look like a customs officer the Jew would cast you know he had to have the other badge oh yeah mustard uh-oh yeah little mustache and I had to open it up and now I'm trying to explain I have limited Spanish you know enough to get around in Mexico I'm trying to explain it I want to look at the stars in the sky and he looked at this and he said how much that cost I thought you're not going to pay duty on or something I said well it was it was a gift actually yeah that's that's a nice gift he said that but how much it could cost if you buy it and I told him no I'm trying to convince him that it's just for my own personal use you see because they think if you're gonna take something in Mexico and rightfully so you might sell it and that's illegal now all the people are coming off the plane from Los Angeles and they're stopping me you know signing autographs this fellow of course doesn't know who I am and I'm beginning to wonder who I am I figure it'd be no problem at all you know and he says you must be very famous in the los Estados Unidos I said but I television work and the people are falling down because they're all going right through customs you can't get through they're saying hi how are you Pedro and they're walking through and I cannot get so after about half an hour I finally convinced him that this was just you know for a hobby so now that's not really the finish of the story the finish is I get the CellScope the hotel I had forgotten to send the eye pieces that fit in Lee so naturally I cannot see anything without the ideas so now I said do I wish to go through this again so I call back and David at my house and I said would you send the eyepieces we get a call from customs they want $40.00 import duty because if you take optical instruments here like if you brought in the United States they didn't realize they were for the telescope now I got a schlep back to Cairo and I get another guy not the same one this is another fella he doesn't know who he doesn't know from the telescope the first time it was hysterical trying to explain that the telescope and so forth about a half hour but they finally said okay was alright if it was only for your personal use but that's lovely down there and the sky was gorgeous and that went to scuba diving played tennis played with Don Budge in his wife Don Budge one of the great tennis players in the world played doubles with him and what else we do I got to tell you the things you do you took Spanish I took Spanish in college so you go down there thinking you're gonna use some of this College Spanish which you never should really attempt to do pull into a gas station gasolina well that's not too bad right gasolina that I gotta learn yeah mm-hmm and there's a young Mexican boy 12 13 years old and so I said I only wanted about $4 with a gas which is a 50 pesos so I said cincuenta pesos figuring that would be the easiest way to do it which the 50 pesos a gas in the windshield is kind of dirty and I don't really know how to handle that and I remember a la veille I think that's something like washing something so I said pointing to the windshield I said Who Loved a corner dollar for thefor and he reaches back picks up a garden hose turns around and full force from about 10 feet away we're in the car does the whole window the hood the roof oh I get hysterical I got it then he reaches in and he points to the thing and he goes and I reach over and he did work great that worked great I don't know why they don't go do that here when you go into an Arco station little things like that and Joanne who speaks no Spanish at all we're driving down the Miguel Alamein Boulevard which is the main Boulevard in Acapulco and she looks over in the beach the Bay of Acapulco is beautiful and she says why don't we go over to that lovely place there and have a drink and it was about 45 feet long in xx with a thatched roof you know with little one of those beautiful little beach things so we drove over there to get a drink and it says el baño de público the public toilets for the beach it's what they were for men and women but it looked great from the outside so we did not stop there for a drink moved on oh we had some crazy times we'll take a brief pause here and we'll be back after this with mr. Bobby Darin [Music] welcome back I suppose the word versatile is often overused to describe performers but Bobby Darin certainly is that he's a fine actor better actor than a lot of people really know and he's a singer composer and here's a show seen on NBC's Fridays at 10 o'clock he's also in a new film called mother's day which will soon be released would you welcome please my first guest Bobby Darin [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] Oh Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't pay [Music] [Music] yeah mama come on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you know what it Roderigo [Music] [Music] [Music] this flash I was tearing up [Music] [Music] bing-bang a sword [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm thank you very much just don't have a good opening number I know yes I came with this piece of material hoping it would work I got another one I've ever won I never I never know you played this we used to call it in the Midwest a mouth organ remember that date you it's a mouth organ a lot of people don't know that but then again if I had to earn my living at it I'd make about $6 per annum it's not a big call for a harmonica player I can play that same thing in two different tempos same key really yeah it's two different harmonicas same thing at the same time at the same time I used to follow an act at a County Fair was with a guy to lure harmonica and he put it inside of his mouth and played it too and my goal MacDonald and I came out and died now listen to this and he played a song on it I came out with my joke yeah I do I do that really give myself a little break in in the same thing like in an hour and ten minutes a performance on a nightclub for example or anything you know I just to break it up a little bit because I would say it's about about 32 minutes of it up out of an hour and ten minutes would be maximum for me to be just doing a vocal kind of thing you know if you don't break it up with something for me yeah if you've got great chops and really in great command musically you know then then you don't really need those little things but I like to look at them as little hooks just some horseradish shows really I have fun with it if anyone takes me seriously musically then then that's like a mistake I don't mean to impart that feeling I think you play one of the finest harmonicas I've heard today we do think that's that's it see it's that kind of fun good to see you again you're looking thank you John I feel alright we should have had you here I understand when Bobby Fischer was here somebody said you are a chestnut come here I've become I've gone no I don't mean a chestnut [Music] as long as this quicker and I like tonight both I'd not a chestnut I mean HS HS buff I should have said oh thanks Ian odd oh well in case I enjoy the game yeah it's it's something I prayed about a dozen years ago I started I learned the game I would assume you learnt the opening moves I really played at it at that point in my life and then a bow around the time that Fisher destroyed Spassky you know last year I kind of picked up the fever indeed and and since that time I've been you know reading and studying books and I'm up to winning one out of 73 games for me it's fantastic you know it really is if I tell you what what's fascinating about it John it allows allows me to have a kind of a recreation that I can talk about number one number two is that affords me kind of a little bit of a cerebral tickling you like that yeah I really do I mean I would like to be into golf and tennis and if I enjoy those things I would I would really pursue them heavily I don't but this game 64 squares and you have to do it all in the 64 and you have to understand like that computer in this day and age comes to a computer Kanna is not able to be better than a third-rate player I mean that's that's how incredibly infinite the variety variations are in this game and and I think if they one of the few games in the world indeed if maybe not the only game where someone could say much like life I can never possibly learn all there is to learn about the game I feel that way about go fish and in that case old maid I've never been able to master the intricacies of your fish you know it'll give you an idea no I don't know think about yet you know well maybe that's better I followed it strangely enough general Garrett Dean when they he was playing Spassky and I found it fascinating I didn't know what they were talking about even some guy would illustrate the movie but the as you say the multiplicity of moves are staggering yeah it's just incredible I'm sponsoring I'm very proud of it I'm sponsoring a chess classic an international classical and yes later this year it'll be sometime in October in November of this year and it will be the first Grandmaster the largest first ever offered to a grandmaster event like this there'll be 16 grandmasters in in the in the event itself it'll take 15 days to play actually not including a weekend and I'm really excited about it and interesting enough somebody Pan me the other day for for jumping on some potential bad wagon think about this this reasoning they were accusing me of starting what will now be a glut allah the the various golf tournaments and tennis tournament sponsored by entertainers and the bottom line is that the game of chess really has kind of lain dormant if you will up until last year and any kind of a help to it should be at least if not ignored alright to say the least then at least certainly not wrapped so don't worry about what the press is I got to say something anyway so they're going to give you a shot no matter of what yeah what the guy spelled my name wrong stop I would like to see the tournament provided Howard Cosell doesn't call it can you see Howard Cosell wouldn't a chess tournament I that's got me they move that the King night for I don't even know is that a second thing as a king night we do know the game oh I'm very hip on it we have take a break okay then then I leave the you can't stay long I can stay for a few minutes and then after okay let me do this and now do I all love something yes I do see how quickly lose it when you're offering now there's a better brand of fabric softener you simply spray in your dryer cling free [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're back we're talking with Bobby Darin hey your new show is is doing well isn't it well I I that's compared to what is what I'd have to say without trying to be facetious about it ah it's a weekly television show it's on Friday night at 10:00 I think you wanted that before you and and I tell you I'm really excited when I'm performing I I must say that television is not my idea of a happy land in which to work only for the simple reason that is difficult for my kind of person to compromise as heavily and as fully as indeed television insists upon and and I don't mean to to take away from any of the executives or the producers or writers it's just the kind of medium where all of a sudden they say well we we really can't do it again we the the budget doesn't allow we have to get it out because next Friday we're on and and it's you know I'm used to working under the motor control you walk out to a nightclub audience or to a theater audience and something goes a little awry you know you can explai can relate to it because it happens right there there's a humanists about it the two seems to want to break up the rhythm between us or between me at least and the person at home and I I wish I could feel totally comfortable see here where there's a live audience I get that chance for the circle to be run you know and and maybe I'm too aware of it maybe I'm too self-conscious about but the cameras just all the fact that there is an interrupting device called the called the camera is almost your most intimate medium really you really think something yeah isn't that fascinating I don't know I mean no it's so interesting that you can feel that way and obviously you're such a big hit on it so I really respect I feel comfortable with it yeah but let me ask you this you play as I try to play to the living breathing protoplasm that the delicious human beings sitting out there and and and I choose to try to ignore that camera don't you do you you don't play the camera I am conscious ever but I'm not conscious our huh well maybe it's a question I like Thoreau once said that I think so but it was and they put him in a home but you're not conscious it was only on three weeks and summer replacement show it's just a strange that if I go chance to get used to it I probably will refuse and probably should yeah I really felt very deep I think I don't know how to do with depth down with feeling yeah I know what you mean you know you know we talked about this once before speaking of Walden your ear and original name was Walden Robert my real name is walden robert cassotto right and hey this is one of the few times it didn't get met with a lab must be used to it by now yeah yeah that's my name yeah my mother thought it would add something did she like under sometimes yeah I had a whole number of but Jesus I don't forget that you know your ancestry is from that part of the country that settled it's a great nation and on out looking at that 15 cents get us on the subway MA you know give me a break let's get out of this slum before we start worrying about our names and all that kind of thing and she would say slum this is no slum she had a marvelous idea thought she was rich she great lady she thought she was Richard like nine cents on home relief that's truth and always I was in a cardboard box for a crib the bottom drawer of a dresser for a for a crib it's what they were well we're doing very well don't worry about it and indeed indeed when I was 12 years old I was still in that crib but there was there's always somebody who's poorer so I guess they don't know the difference I suppose the comparison well I know I must have been born with some kind of computer in my head because automatically I said that wait this is my me you said to me I'm in a box yeah I'm in a box in a fine that's a smart given you're lying in here six months on a box if somebody interpreted somebody had a translator I wish you much success with it really and I thank you for coming and I look forward to the testing yeah I'm gonna have some fun with it and those people who are interested in chess I hope they'll kind of get behind and support this I think it's gonna have a resurgence thanks thanks for coming [Music] amazing change of pace there you've been away a week but how it's put those pithy thoughts into your head those deep things you were saying just sometimes it is sometimes it yes well it's gems I thought the country with will continue in a moment with Orson Bean and we also have John Embry and we have seals and Crofts with us tonight so [Music] Orson Bean is with us tonight uh he's an actor comedian this little bit everything a writer makes eucalyptus trees out of paper you'll be starring in promises promises at the Coconut Grove Playhouse in Miami next month and then up to Fort Lauderdale and tonight I have don't know what he's gonna do but it's another one of the fastest of his performing prowess oh I haven't used that seven years I gotta start writing some of these performing prowess he's going to perform a poem tonight here's Orson Bean [Applause] [Music] you may remember me I formerly window on the screen under the name of Irene Dunne I want to do a little uh a little poem which I've read there is it written right there it is rotten it's a little poem all about a life in New York City and the IRT subway the Interborough rapid transit and it goes something like this something like this it goes exactly like this this is it last week I'm riding in the IRT and this poor slob is sitting right across from me so he's sitting in the subway kind of slumped in his seat like a tired old dog so dead so beat his clothes his face everything looks sad and I'm thinking what a rotten life he must have had so I look in his face and what do I see he looks like he's feeling sorry for me but you don't know the IRT the windows are filthy the lights are dim it was my own reflection and I am him well right then and there I take stock of myself broke no job no prospects let's face it I'm middle-class so what do I do now I whip out my copy of The Reader's Digest and I read an article about how to be a success it's called I upped my income it's that says study the successful men around you so I look around the subway and I see all these whiskey ads all grandma for feathers Cal stares for the man who cares and I see all these guys and the whiskey ads industrial giants University grads movie stars big shots executive types and they're sitting there drinking and smoking their pipes look how they dress they reek of success the men who switch are famous and rich they all drink whiskey and they're all on top and I like a Schmo never touch a drop George greps has switched to CalSTRS another one of these famous men he sits by the fire and a wood-paneled den with the rug so thicken the drapes so plush and he sits there a rich and powerful luck so I'm sitting in the subway and I start to think who the hell am I that I shouldn't drink so I'll take a drink like these fellows do and I'll get my picture in the subway too I get off the subway and I go to the by do.we bar and grill the place is a very distinguished air and the several men of distinction there clustered in groups of 3 and 4 some on the bar some on the floor bartender says well you have I said listen bartender I've decided to switch could you mix me up something I'll be famous and rich he takes a bottle off of the shelf he says did you ever hear of a whiskey called two partners I said yeah he says this stuff is called sole ownership this is very Private Reserve got a kick like a bear one drink of this stuff you're a billionaire I says I'll get my picture in the subway he says buster you'll be plastered all over to someone I pay him he poet's I reach for the glass I'm ready to enter the upper class I get a good grip I stick out my lip the first millions the hugs I take a little sip hey it's working lousy unions I grab the glass today's my day it's down the old hatch and bombs away I'm rich I'm gonna go out and buy me a house a yacht a limousine a stomach opponent I don't know I'm just as I'm sure as when I was poor I'm a billionaire you think I'm secure I just made my fortune I just drank the shot then I feel with any minute I could lose what I got wait a minute I took a drink I'm famous and rich what if people here and they all start the switch that's all we need to find state of affairs 65 million unemployed bully Mets my elves are right the lottery get out of the bar who the hell you think you are glasses crashing chairs of smashing whiskey is splashing now nobody's going to get rich no more because the source of supply is all over the floor I swim through the crowd and out the door my limousines waiting in front of the bar fool liveried chauffeurs stand by the car in with the stomach out with the chest and I see in the car door a beautiful crest 23rd precinct now I'm riding like the governor with a siren and a bell and a check man at this fine hotel by pressing my fingers on a little ink pad then they take my picture fella whiskey the next thing I know I'm lying in bed my wife is putting ice on my head I tell her the story the drink the bar the billion dollars how rich we are she says listen sweetheart now that we're members of the upper class you think maybe they'll turn on the lights and the gas so I went out on the back porch II leaned over the rail and gave up the whole idea [Music] I never heard you do that no I've never heard you do that's a good piece of material I didn't write it in fact if the genius nameless Spina lives out here from the days when we lived there very clever there's a lot of things that yeah who doesn't isn't this a great switch good good move if you have people if you have if you have people who are counting on you oh well that's very uncomfortable get them off your back no I don't know what [Music] travel arrangements by United Airlines doing business in 113 cities so you can - at United your land is our land [Music] [Music] [Music] we're back we're talking with Orson Bean we also have the very talented seals and Crofts with us tonight and Joan Embery from the San Diego Zoo you're still in Miami you keep I never know where you know bouncing around like a gypsy yes we're still living down at the Palm Bay Club in Miami we're starting to discover this is the second winner we've spent there and it's you know the weather of course is glorious it's like here but without the SM og and anxious to avoid for little worth and we're starting to discover the city most people go to Miami and I think of Miami Beach Collins Avenue with the hood but Miami is really an extraordinary city we don't socialize a lot our main social life we go up the block to kindly self authority in this pizza parlor and have a fine pie in a bottle of cheap bread but Miami is an extraordinary city that is built on and around water and I'd never realized it's almost like Venice parts of it large parts of it yeah but canals all over the place and like bird park slows down there's a lot of actors a Mickey Rooney lives down make you ready just open an acting school which boggles the mind exactly God where in cigars I'm Derby but brick parks can hop in his boat he lives right on one of the canals he can happen his boat and go all over the city without ever getting in a car I thought you're gonna say right to Atlantic City Miss America thing with us and like there's a place down there called Coconut Grove which is where the theater is wealthy and that's like the Greenwich Village of Miami this interesting is a hippie community there there's an art community as a matter fact I was over there last week and I brought you something there's a sweet young girl sitting there look like fine sweet young girl and I said what are you doing she was paintings I mean she paints dirty belts so I brought you 150 piece that's x-rated belts well Louisville don't come in for a closer but there's not stretch for you I'll tell you yes some say it's kind of a tableau Living tableau isn't it this is really for me that is handmade and it's one-of-a-kind and that's nice to wear in a closet somewhere very nice of you have a brown paper bag I can take a very talented young lady sweet young thing I think her name was Sharon sweet little Sharon sunny skies isn't it well give her my love and thank you for you raised by the gnomes and the publisher anyway do you ever travel a lot have you been to some place like Mexico yes I have been to Mexico do you love Americans who again I guess we're all guilty uh but who try to use the language when they have no need to use it we were just leaving the airport the big fella come up I don't want to say Big Texan because people always say a big texan but a big fella came up and he comes to the airport bar but he says huh give me some Cervantes and a guy you know that Mexican boy what they know no comprendo bottle of Cervantes human sera they said ah just beer yes and the poor guy and he says and then finally he gets real angry he says beer yes you know but if you know you want to go hide someplace because the guy thinks he's alright the only saving grace is if you travel long enough you find that other people's tourists are just as bad as ours just not all the America there's nothing worse than German tourists for instance worse than Texan but I did that once I was in a hotel in Mexico City and I was determined to speak Spanish and I called out for room service and I'm desperately saying like those huevos pasa para la guerre con hambone Fritos on mantequilla and the poor brother the other one was trying to understand him and answering me back we went on literally for about eight or nine minutes like this isn't funny I lapsed into English and she said you speak English I thought you would that Swedish party right at your table is ready I'll tell you where they can really cool yet after you're there a couple of days I think you want to show that you have you want to learn their language so you try it and then then they're really cool you put you in your place I would call down for example for room service and they would say what the room number are you in I'd say see indoors Cinco seis which is one hundred and two five and six and she'd say that's 102 five and six all right just after you've done what you saw was your impeccable Spanish even though she says that's five or six I said yes that's five and six so you forget it the worst people in the world of that are the French like French head waiters if you try and show off to your date and your order in French the vichyssoise won't like I said to vichyssoise but God forbid you try to speak in English that they don't know humiliate you no matter which way they could cool you we have to do a little little thing here alright we'll do this and then seals and Cross will join us stand that I've got it right here varnel and for trail you remember them what's the opening act yes men's fabrics tester to live up to their reputation here are the [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] right Lex against your through the most popular young composers and performers in contemporary music they recently won a gold record for their hit summer breeze and were just nominated for a Grammy Award for the Best Pop Performance by a Vocal Duo which is about as good as you can get the music business their current album called summer breeze would you please welcome seals and cross [Applause] this song is a symbolic song about the private founder of the Baha'i faith Mahala hummingbird [Music] because you ain't there so in [Music] [Music] [Applause] don't I [Music] [Music] [Music] bye-bye [Music] you know somehow and the sphere voices whisper you know [Music] Oh [Music] the wisdom of Hobart don't buy wait don't fire don't know [Music] Oh [Music] No [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] want to mention the number that the fellows bid is from their album hummingbird summer breeze they're very talented new aren't they it's the best popular music being written these days and years and years yeah it's my next guess was just a couple of weeks ago but this is a very busy time of year I understand the San Diego Zoo and new animals are being born daily on the premises folks so yes we asked if you had a rhinoceros around and she have to have a new baby white rhino over white rhinoceros I guess which is very rare have you ever seen one ever I've never seen one but I understand she has something else before we look at the rhinoceros it's kind of a buildup so they're right not just a big thing don't make a rhino up you're blowing your whole act the right open if you know anything about show business a rhino always closes a stage may not be bitter that's right may not be fit for anything would you welcome John Embry [Applause] barson said le Mura but is that from the same family of a this is a slender loris a slender loris hiiii so I can't get out of my hand my head slender loris he's a nocturnal animal from India and salon and I remember the primate family why isn't he sleeping - that's right he's nocturnal he comes out at night that's right and he is very yeah he's very closely related to the lemur and similar because of the facial structure is that is that a lot of Anthropology I've read it's not this is kind of a link also between a man somewhere along the line well there's a progression development among various primates and this one is not very high on the scale the great apes would be the ones that would be more compared to human development slender loris well there's only about seven years in captivity there aren't too many zoos that do show them because they're nocturnal and they aren't out during the day for display so how do people see them well usually by the type of enclosure some Jews are now going to that's not a comfortable position for him I assume it is or he wouldn't he wouldn't be doing that he has a very close relative in the same family called the slow loris hands right you notice how very slowly he moves that's why the original Norse was called the soul oars and then he is more slender than the slow so he's called a slender loris and he has people always go slower in contests or the fat loris are they medium fat lawyers she's strictly a boreal they things like tree frogs and bird eggs and in zoos we feed them fruits you see is he all right to touch you can touch it but he bites to answer you've answered my question I think very very succinctly there I'm not going to touch him why would he bike well actually they kind of grab ahold of you both front appendages and then give you a good bite what make him so mean that's right nobody's playing so they're not good sure things like that does it I wouldn't think so because they are difficult to keep they have a delicate diet it's really interesting I've never seen one before they're kind of fun to watch because they are very slow methodical well they got a lot of time to do it in you spend all your life on that stick you know you you don't have to move too damn fast to see them you could see that whole stick in an hour I think you're going to spend seven years on that stick how would you like to wake up in the morning I think I'll go to the other end of the stick yes oh you got a whole tree I thought this was in for him alright Orson do you want to hold the slender loris alright what does this mean thank you well we have some film we're gonna show you some film for us of this white rhinoceros how old is this little animal we're gonna see it's born on December 11th does he bite strangers that hold his stick no when you get the end of the stick turn the stick around he doesn't know where he's going [Applause] you think he knows one end of that stick from another you are enough all right let's watch the monitors in the studio and then you can tell them what's happening here Jones as I have the slightest idea all right here we are you can see the monitors in the studio well the animal was born in our Wild Animal Park and we had 20 that arrived in February it's not a rhinoceros the surrounding animals found in the South African enclosure where we house the Rhinos they have about 95 acres to roam the mail which was taken out from the San Diego Zoo had not read in captivity before but after seeing the 20 new rhinos he did fairly well and we now have four babies that have been produced in the South African enclosure and the train goes throughout the geographical areas that we show and this was the first born on October 11 of them and the mother was able to successfully care for her own youngster in this case they suckle yes they do they do nurse and carefully very carefully two porcupines yes second and third animals born we're pulled because they were born in the evening when it was quite cold and weren't able to get their circulation going this is about so we took them into the nursery and put them in a very large tub of hot water and put them in electric blanket to get them going again fed the milk and this is a vendor and playing with his trash can that's one of his favorite toys and he is the one that is here tonight that's been there right and he's being raised in what we call our Animal Care Center and we have also many young animals for the children to view and a paddock area he gets us milk formula with no fat nonfat milk and also with Carrell syrup added everybody needs milk even better and he drinks about eight gallons and days but every two-and-a-half hours turn your stick or isn't he really is great friend way for a rhino and gets along well with the girls who take care of him enjoys being scratched and likes to go out in the paddock and run you see here the guns barrel II don't know but they're frightened of him that's a very good judgment it seemed to be quite frightening they just watch him intently and as soon as he makes they creep up on him and then as soon as he makes a move they all turn around and run with the goats are thinking there don't you what is dance these were the second third and fourth babies born in the United States there was one born in San Antonio that week before ours and this is the first time that white rhinos have ever been born in captivity how long are the goose gonna live in captivity they're not used to that kind of a playmate you can see that they're really quite agile when they run I didn't realize they move that they're nearsighted I'm thinking around about 25 miles an hour they do not see well I have a good sense of smell and hearing that helps them to follow the goats who needs to see when it goes that's fascinating is that's a better great [Applause] okay let's let's bring out bender okay and maybe would take a hour slowloris or fast Lars what go see bender he's been here in a cage let's hope oh I didn't know what's that okay bender he's very hungry but he's a little excited vendors he must be rough under his belly so do I thank you I think you're a quart low where's his horn now they have two horns and when they're young it has not started to grow yet so you can't see very much of it but it grows continuously and it's made out of keratin like your fingernails and they get up to 62 inches long with the one the horn that's the record like 60 to realize that goat the natives in Africa think it's an aphrodisiac and the ground grind the horn of powder almost gave me a fresh bottle he's through this one very very fast yes 1929 there were only 20 left in the entire world and there are now over 1,000 and we hoped by raising them at the park to be able to supply other zoos how big was this animal get to be they get 6 foot 9 inches as a record to the heavens the male's usually get up to about 6 foot 6 inches they weigh 3 to 4 tons like an elephant they live long like an elephant they know they can live up to 50 years normally we haven't had white so that long in captivity but they could live to 50 he went through all of this milk he loves his milk he takes everything he's young white what is that white shark no white was from a Gore word which describes the square lip this is a distinguishing that's it sorry about that the white rhinos also nor does this square lip and it can get weakened his head or you can see how square the very front of his mouth and the corner of a rhino usually matches a color or the type of mud they roll with but he's a little bit lighter than black okay bender sees that a female or a Mesa some name something all right we'll be right back we'll take a break [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Joan I thank you again it's always fascinating when you bring the animals on great sue Orson will be and promises promises in Miami oh the Coconut Grove starting when the last two weeks of March and then I Fort Lauderdale after that okay come see us again tomorrow night the Jimmy Stewart in his wife Gloria will be with us Kenny Rankin Charles Durning Charlie Schultz the Creator penis and the cast of your Good Man Charlie Brown we'll see you tomorrow good night [Music] this program was pre-recorded [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: pannoni 8
Views: 198,737
Rating: 4.744803 out of 5
Keywords: Johnny Carson, Ed McMahon, Doc Silverstein, Bobby Darin, The Tonight Show, classic, vintage, nostalgia, 1970s, seventies, 70s, late night, Orson Bean, Seals and Crofts, Elmodo
Id: 1gMIFt76LSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 14sec (4634 seconds)
Published: Tue May 24 2016
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