The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson - KSDK 5/21/1992

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a Hollywood The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson this is dead McMahon along with Doc Severinsen and the NBC Orchestra inviting you to join John in his guest Robin Williams and Bette Midler and now ladies and gentlemen here's Johnny [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you thank you thank you my three much I want you to know I really appreciated thank you thank you I am I'll have to be very honest with you thank you I'm going to have to I'm gonna have to leave it I'm going to have to be very honest with you I don't know if I can take another night of this oh thank you that's uh I don't I don't know what to say I you're sure you're in a good mood you've been outside for 12 hours with the thermos of margaritas I looked out and saw the light did you see that going on in front of the building out here it's like a circus out there it took two mimes and an Elvis impersonator working in the line I look on the guy was trying to assemble a barbeque grill I think well anyway it's uh it's almost over I you know what I feel like a chicken and the colonel is whipping up those eleven herbs and spices all we have is tonight and tomorrow and I'm gone god I I haven't used that line since World War two friend yes my dear I'm going overseas mm-hmm look it's not like we're not going to ever see each other again I mean we're still on from Memorial Day my place two o'clock right is it all are leaving is already causing a ripple effect today I saw Jim Fowler and a boa constrictor in the unemployment line but anyway General Electric the conglomerate with a heart took me for my final dinner took me for a final dinner before the show they wanted to get to Coco's early before the prices tail any Brown supporters here I'm talking Murphy Brown let's go to the news and see if Dan Quayle has condemned the condemned the lifestyle of Pirkle on Family Matters you get the feeling that Dan Quayle's golf bag doesn't have a full set of iron's look I worry about Dan today today he demanded that Murphy put the baby up for adoption and let the Cosby's raise it I don't quite understand that now he's got a beef with a haw the Vice friend he claims that when Minnie Pearl wears that price tag on her hat it promotes prostitution now I don't talk I don't know if you saw this quote of our Vice President United States but he said and I quote ill legitimacy is something that we should talk about in terms of not having how about illiteracy is something we should talk about sometimes without thank you all the candidates have squared on the issue dan quayle is against Murphy Brown Clinton is for Murphy Brown Perot is going in seclusion for three weeks and watch the reruns he's not quite sure why anyway this is our last show where we are going to have performers and we could not have to better performance here tonight very quiet laid-back people mr. Robin Williams and Midler [Music] [Applause] okay now I may not get a chance to thank a few people tomorrow because we've got to show some segments lined up we've got to let rific art department here and all the art you see on the show you know between the more to come slides are painted by six people and I want to thank them for making the spots look so good there Don Dan locked Don lock Rick andreolli Bill Davis Leo Duran Duran Duran Vega I'm sorry leo Jim Messerly and Carolyn Collins shoes will be [Music] we've been playing little excerpts from past shows of the past 20 or 30 years and we weren't going to play this one and we started getting mail from people say you must do it one more time it goes back to 1965 we haven't played this for seven years and he's just to live this in black and white because somebody made a kinescope we didn't save those early tapes and it has to do with Ed Ames ed Ames was had with with his brothers you know was the a-teams and he's a marvelous singer still is but he was then playing on a show called Daniel Boone I guess with fess parker clerk and he was playing mongrel mingle mingle the indian and he came on the show to give us a demonstration the proper technique for throwing a tomahawk and it created probably one of the most memorable memorable clips and longest laughs we've ever had on this show so we take you back to 1965 with ed ames that's it's a hatchet isn't it let's just be an old Indian Tom aha this is doing it the hard way because the tomahawk had have a blade on each side to be honest they were doubled she couldn't get the guy in front of you come back sorry about that running boxer how did they put either okay Mingo well do we have a track Saxon let's go what is the trick on underhanded no overhanded an overhand throw the trick is to keep your arm extended and that way you break the microphone you know you keep your arm extended and put only one revolution on the ground once around on the way but that's indefinite [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I didn't even know you were doing [Applause] [Music] [Applause] welcome to frontier bridge Ripple's adamant we'll put that in a comedy ball and seal that up forever different for that a moment Oh Robin Williams Bette Midler here we'll be back [Applause] [Music] okay okay we're back you know in this business there are comedians there are comics and Washington while rarely somebody rises above and supersedes that and becomes a comic persona under themselves I never cease to be amazed at the versatility and the wonderful work that Robin Williams does would you welcome him please Robin wait [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello Humphrey this gotta be kidding little something from the Elvis estate little something here time just right hey sit on down and we'll give you a Pina colonics today we're going to have we're going to Babbo very alpha ball you're the new la MedicAlert it says I've fallen and get the hell away from me oh yeah oh is it that huh a rocking chair yeah little simple things I got you a bunch of stuff yes a little stuff to get you in your new life oh come on hey thank you for coming I really minute this is a wild night especially with the world in such interesting I was gonna bring you a VCR but the stores had none oh are they yeah somebody I guess have done a little political shopping it's very difficult you see people going down there so run the King and the five TVs are for me listen me there's a couple one guy they always catch the one-liner all right yeah man I'm really pissed off about Don King teen thing has got me down man yeah then they brought in the National Guard and they didn't come with bullets which is always an interesting things they couldn't lend us I couldn't find him till they're out in the streets going on everybody we are the world oh difficult thing oh yeah but you know so they saw BMW is pulling up to the RadioShack time a big prick god I'm fabulous this is gray what if we can get store credit if you already have god oh god I said last night thank God for Quayle he kept us alive for two more nights oh yeah yeah they sent him down to the hood that was great yeah he thinks he's now a homie right now yeah dan hanging look at scoids in the hood hi there you have got to chill yeah yeah this is real death hold it right whoa what it is what it was yeah oh man you don't oh god the guy is he's like one taco short of a combination plate you know amazing I really I think that they told him about the Murphy Brown thing I think George said all right here's the deal I want you to go out there and talk about Jerry Brown [Laughter] Jerry Brown Jerry Brown Jerry Brown Buster Brown Buster Brown busted on Lester Brown Buster Brown Audie Murphy Audie Murphy Audie Murphy oedema Murphy Brown you gonna make me so much he's rain hands 63 please basically hey Dan you want to be President yeah five minutes to Murphy Brown yeah you want a flat to the coast yeah Air Force One safe is plane never crashed never crash yeah yeah that'd be good yeah community yes the greatest insurance in the world this when someone's going I'm gonna get that bad man Georgia wait a minute wait a minute I popped him he become to me Oh Bush is just out there going well thousand points of light they're not burning anymore come on down here we go got a we concede here we go I figured out how you do George Bush basically what you do is take John Wayne and you tighten up is that [Applause] gonna head the wagon trains on north come on with me yeah never tone is it John Wayne Oh hiya pilgrim they don't bring it up a thousand points right up there there you go right so it's gonna head the wagon train through pass some text here we are amazing thing is and you look instead of cowboy boots there's top-siders it's a wonderful thing and I mean all this stuff me blaming he goes off first he said they blame first I start off blaming the welfare programs of the Great Society yeah yeah and then they go from Murphy Brown next thing he's gone Lincoln date it all wrong Wow freed people before he had the plan in place not work wrong thing there what's going on what do you think of parole parole is amazing this is a the geyser hidden the pool hasn't everything captain's anything why you know he's not gonna write a bad check you can be I tell you we're not pay own it come on down hey get off cover this plane in five days drinks on me come on it I was strange feeling if he gets elected he's going to get in there go thank you all very much it's just wonderful that you did this and legal reason a lot of people like for roles they think he's Frank Perdue of the Purdue chicken yeah I never on Lee's chickens raised to myself I got a foreign policy BC chickens do Oh God I'm Clinton everyone basically cleaned the whole thing about if he slept with different women if that doesn't matter if he I don't care he stopped with a chicken if he's got a foreign policy and an economic plan great this is a whole other things yeah imagine if you know you do ever-present they find out he slept with a sheep and how was he not bad you know here and a line here and that's it thank you there we go what's up and yes Jerry Brown and Tsongas who was all basically fungus was like hello yeah listen yeah he was over I have a fiscal budget uh like I just it's an election yeah I got away uh-oh I think Clinton made his big mistake when he said I didn't inhale yeah yeah that's very no that's a hard one to pull off yes and Jerry Brown's problem was he never actually you like that I love that thank you here's the type of guy people look at Jerry Brown and go oh my god the man's gonna have a bake sale for the army whoever hurry doesn't he's like the gestalt president I don't do I guess that leaves uh Buchanan's always over there's the anti-bush yes fight you don't make me it now I got all those right to live people I mean that was the whole Murphy Brown assuming now there's one right slide 54 like if he against life it doesn't it's that whole thing than the right to life people that I'll go with you not to say these children they injure their right to life but the moment they're born they go I'm out here yeah soon as they get that come on I gotta take a break here we're coming back sometimes alright we are back yeah what do you do you said you still have your ranch you call it a ranch at or a rancher you don't sheriffs around China sees a bigger than except there be good eyes I like Ron I don't go up there a lot I see hanging out there's Ron with Nancy como it all man let's go all right let's go yeah let's get on the horse even the horses going again the horsey Israel washer my friend what meant no harm what ah now the new baby yes there's a new baby yeah six months old six months it's amazing yeah Wow let's step to our three three I have three children that I know ha ha no there's amazing thing because um when they're born they're so exquisite they're perfectly formed this is a little boy again perfectly formed and then these incredibly huge cojones three as we say that bleep good luck is that it is that a family tree line honey sandwich I don't know I certainly I hope your grandfather had a great tattoo Wow awesome anything I think I hope it grows into thee okay I don't think I'll just keep getting divorce Lee the same works like hi I'm here well what we're outta here tomorrow night what do I care whistles letter scare mr. Craig oh damn Julie forward this to him ah I assume what do you when you came out for a moment I should my god my god something wrong with him - blonde hair I assume is for a motion picture role oh yes it's observing from the Sun on the ranch or yeah just us we just I did this I just I'm so happy to be here I'm my own little cable talk show welcome to in your ear my guest tonight her mother Teresa rappin with Robin rappin with Robin we'll be right back feels like well the things have guests like here my guests are Mother Teresa Andrew delete and later Mason Reese will be along mother Teresa chair pushing a new perfume it's called compassion the sense of sentiment I know I did this thumb for moving people look at you go why is dad you're here man no it's why was it important to be blonde of it in the picture I just the kind of bother people I think you that's for this to be it's a strange reason it's called toys yeah it's about a toy factory and I guess they wanted me to be something some people would go all wrong yeah something's happened to it there's very strange the city's economic picture was serious overtones you're serious picture with comic overtones yes and we hope for all of those and you have to get it done every three weeks that's that whole thing you you're sitting in a beauty parlor and this whole thing and you got cane in your hair you get great reception and they've very difficult to be sitting under a hairdryer going hey how about those Bulls huh hey great game yeah want some more coffee no I'm good no real good oh but it's um I understand comic relief raise I'm just going to raise it here you raised about six million dollars that's amazing mr. [Music] incredible it's an amazing thing because it's just money do you think of all the money in the world it's basically about a tire for one airplane but it's you know it's the money that goes for medical aid just to keep people going you think they could do without the one another be one or stealth bomber right for what about nine hundred million dollars or something million it let's just you know spare parts yeah you know it's those things got to do it trying to make it points a lot yeah Dan what do you think about Roe vs. Wade I prefer to float okay yes posted fighters here Brooklyn where to make it happen Oh what do you do what do you do when you get any spare time when you're not doing concert and comic relief and working your material out in clubs and so forth well I try not run a lot I know that I mean everyone cross country and stuff because it's so much cheaper than the old ways people are you know you don't go when you're running nobody goes no man need another pair of shoes very difficult I'd run it because you get that endorphin which is like your body's way of saying this really hurts I'm going to medicate you that's why I see marathon runners are just like how you do it but I Ronnie look that little heartbeat now that marathon runners get all that real low I have like something like 36 or 40 billion it's basically down around squirrel I mean but well you're get that really really really low heartbeat with like yeah [Laughter] Oh Oh may I try and do a lot of different things I mean it's um just and I'm play with my children a lot yes important it's great having you here is amazing night actually why don't you what are you gonna do up to this why don't you run for Paul go run for office [Applause] [Music] no no go back when I was in high school and find out what Francine korbinite in the back of a 39 Chrysler and that will come up the holidays you know oh they look into your background oh they're gonna be on that's the type of scrutiny and even Washington would go thank you I'm out of here thank you no one could survive the scrutiny of that what I mean you could do it maybe you could either run with Gorbachev it'd be great he does have a green card but what the hell a man is truly an independent insist take a break we're coming back [Applause] [Music] okay now this since their first appearance with us as the outrageous chanteuse the divine Miss M my next guest you will know is gone on to become interlacing recognizes star films television concert and recordings and I'm delighted she is here tonight would you welcome Bette Midler [Applause] you before every grass she's on a belongs to day madam recorded regret she's unable to hear Tommy just be delayed but madam they thought a free graph G level too much when she woke up and found out a dream of love she ran through the man who had led us all far astray [Music] madam there for every gram she's on a ball the last two days [Music] [Applause] [Music] when the market and got her and dragged her from the a moment [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah Oh miss Miller how are you I think it's yes yes I do I just received last one out of Frederick's of Hollywood before they torched it now who is the fire to a bunch of repairs or uncle and I'm so glad you're here I am so just really nice to come on I'm Mexico a job you're just so sweet so kind oh you were home every bar too long and I'm so agitated and I'm so famished about this whole thing you're leaving and we go back an old Indian word yes oh my god the drapes of lungis left for cops for bike shows but I should have said foot because that's really how I feel I'm really really I'm so excited fun you know I I can't imagine what life is going to be like without you but that's another story along you don't remember the first time I you know I was you auditioned for this show we were working I'll tell you where you're working you were working at a place called a continental ballet York that's right when I was also working with blood Friedman he was my manager athonite I was so desperate to get onto your show that Isis and I used to run up to your office I used to drop other people's eight-by-tens off hoping hoping up you would I sent you an I sent you an eight-by-ten of Barbara Lamar Lamar she was a twenties actor she was she was dead it was I was safe I thought it was like appropriate because at the time I was singing 20 to 30 songs in fact at the time I was in fact I remember the first time I sang for you I sang on your show I sang an old Mae West song I did I sing Mae West song come up and see me sometime and she slapped me with a cease and desist order really yes she did she did I was the first woman to ever receive such a thing the other previous recipients had all been drag queens I was what an honor you don't remember my audition you don't remember the audition that I finally got on your show I don't like she was Little Theater new coach Johnny Victor Diaz right that's right it was decent yes and it was very excited so what happened to me I got out of my cab I was gay I was wearing a trip a thrift store outside I was wearing a brown velvet dress right same room right across a horizontal rip right across the seat as I got out of the car and bud Freeman with my magic I said bud bud for God's sake give me your jacket he said no what about my dignity I said but what about my torch and then I had no I didn't have a needle and thread to sew it so I had like I'm due a paperclip and go into the washroom and flex it justice with a paperclip and I was so pissed off by the time I got out of there that I sang notes I didn't know I had really and everyone on the show said my god this woman is completely demented we have to get her on your honor on your show and that's how I started yeah but you are good you are good we're coming back [Applause] we're back with Robin and he was there I'm so I was soaked to touch that was so freaked out that I wasn't going to get everything out that I wanted to say to mr. Carson on this a most auspicious occasion that I had I sat down the other day and I tried to make some coherent sense out of my thoughts if this is important to me and I have a lot to say and I know that most women in America wish they had this opportunity to to tell you how they feel about you so I wrote a little letter and I would you mind read sleep ah if I sang it to you I think I'd be right on you okay I think I don't have it written it is written err mr. Carson I am writing this to you and I hope that you will read it so you'll know my heart goes pitter-patter and I stood under and I stammered every time I see you on your TV show I guess I'm just another fan of yours and I thought I'd write and tell you so [Music] I thought that was pretty sweet guys you made me watch you I didn't want to do Jack Paar had put me through it you made me watch you I love the jokes just logon when you are monologue in I want your hair turn slowly from dark to Y and when I can't believe I pout your wives at not love you babe I drop my drawers more the kind of bump you're making for simple double taken before you be it on you don't see cheap puts Jakarta buns asleep [Applause] Wow yeah leaving me gives me the shivers arseny always that the game itself they made me watch [Music] [Applause] a lot of Bobby use justice when I heard that you were leaving for the kind of broke my heart I mean I can't tell you how many nights I've laid in bed watching you thinking to myself should I change the color of my toenail moment you know Johnny I got to tell you you're the greatest straight man that ever walked the earth and I've known my share of straight men I got asked you know not anybody gonna do with all that free trying I mean Wimbledon only comes only one big a year and did you ever really stop to consider what's become of it a [Music] connection doc and the band well maybe I'm just being selfish because after all my life is going to change the most I mean how am I going to get by without you too sexy your talent your stability and all your fabulous fabulous guests oh I miss the social intercourse so bad now I have to have it with yeah there's people what I miss Maya I go grab I think I broke algae and Harriet if a twilight zone tonight I mean that is marvelous oh they're marvelous well let's what you to there but actually it's more than you that's actually itself how you are really getting out just at the right time oh really are I mean I once was out considered quite outrageous you know but I really I would I would like the height of outrageousness of you milord I know I haven't mellow no but I'll tell you I'm glad that I my outrageousness speak just for crotch-grabbing III that like beyond me it's like like on a set mist and potty-training you catch my drift oh you do it all the time I do yeah alright well I do that whole bender the Schick Center for the looking I'm sorry that's why yeah but look at that the good news is Jack Nicholson has a baby haha sitting at home right now going alright kids were going to read something from Henry mill or anybody got a problem is it funny I heard that your favorite song was uh here's that rainy day rainy day and are we seeing both of those I'll be seeing you both more songs I think yes Isaac was long but something already sang that sure we play of course of maybe I should have saved on that dolphin tree funny but here's that rainy day here you land rainy day me about and I laughed at the foot that is my turn out this way where is that worn out wish sign after mile of sandy [Music] funny lonely comes uncle really funny that rain [Music] [Music] after the cleanse equipment after the food [Music] [Music] [Applause] okay and once again here's Bette Midler [Applause] black the last guest last fool mr. Carson will have to suffer gladly you are the wind beneath my wings Oh Elliott farted agree there's no one in the play success you and me so we'll set him up Joe got a little story I think you should know we're drinking my friends to the end of a suite after so make it one for my baby got the routine [Music] [Applause] well gee I'm feeling no bad we should make the music so to me insane you could tell me a llama in a gentleman's coal let's make it one for my baby and won [Music] the role you may not know it but buddy you're a kind of poet and you've had a lot of things to say and when I'm gloomy you always listen to me until it's well that how it go and John I know you'll get anxious to close so thanks for the cheese I hope you didn't mind sorry all the class thank you sure make it one for my baby and one the road [Music] Rojo [Music] [Music] Thank You Ven like tonight my thanks event my gratitude the Robin Williams for making with a very special night thank you my friend the clear thing good night [Music] stay tuned for Late Night with David Letterman following now it can be told with Geraldo Rivera next only on Channel five [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: STL VHS Vault
Views: 86,755
Rating: 4.7881465 out of 5
Keywords: tonight show, johnny carson, ksdk, nbc, robin williams, doc severinsen, late night, ed mcmahon
Id: kN9RN8Gx0pk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 30sec (3870 seconds)
Published: Sun May 28 2017
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