Deep sea fishermen, ocean freighters share the strangest/creepiest thing they have seen on the job

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[Music] deep sea fishermen ocean freighter workers naval personnel etc what is the strangest slash creepiest thing you have seen out on the job the context on a 41-foot sailboat in the middle of the chesapeake bay with about seven other men doing a shakedown slash test cruise planned to be out for about 12 hours mid-1980s not as reliable weather prediction resources we get caught in a tropical storm winds gusting in the 50 mile per hour range just this short of a weak hurricane we had just barely rigged some stormhousers and storm sails because the one fellow on board who was the best sailor since the storm was almost on us otherwise we would have died during the storm itself i expected to die at any time in fact we made a security security call on the radio if you have time at sea you know what i'm talking about if not it's not that important for what seemed like 15 minutes we were in a maelstrom no visibility but then it passed we would live this was at about 3pm and although there was cloud cover of course the ambient light was such that you could see two miles or so in any direction if you're familiar with the sea you know that such storms particularly and shallower depths near land masses dredge a lot of things off the sea floor deciding we're all on deck working lines checking damage etc and the bay around us is choppy and churning and foaming old-timey sailors often used to say the sea is confused i look about 15 feet off the starboard side and something swims to the surface breaks the surface looks at us then submerges again it was like a thin man with humanoid shape arms articulated like a man a human head but its skin was covered in scales like a snake it looked at us blinked its weird heavy lidded eyes then dove back under so maybe you need to know a few things about me at that moment no drugs no alcohol no injuries i was elated because i was glad to be alive but my senses in that situation were sharpened not dulled i had at that time about six years experience on ships and fishing boats and had seen squid octopi flying fish sharks skates etc all around the world i was not the type of guy to see a patch of seaweed and call it a sea monster i made an instant decision that i was not going to say anything what could i say i just saw a strange creature take my word for it the men on this boat were all mechanics and engineers and professionals why get a reputation as a flake at the time it was important for each of us to get d skipper or ood qualifications and saying something like that would be frowned upon as i stood there in my life vest soaking wet hooked onto the steel lifeline glad to be alive one of the other sailors a us naval captain j s with over 30 years experience in the surface navy piped up and said i just saw a brown thing pop up on the surface it looked like a lizard man with a scaly face it blinked at us with these big eyes and then went back under yeah i saw two i said no one else said that they had seen it then sailed back to the pier later that day and didn't speak of it again japanese submarine slammed two torpedoes into our saudi chief he was coming back from the island to tiny into lady just delivered the bomb the hiroshima bomb eleven 1100 men went into the water vessel went down in 12 minutes didn't see the first shark for about half an hour tiger 13-footer you know you know that when you're in the water chief you tell by looking from the dorsal to the tail what we didn't know because our bomb mission had been so secret no distress signal had been set huh they didn't even list us overdue for a week very first live chief the shark comes cruising so we formed ourselves into tight groups you know it's kind of like old squares in battle like uh you see on a calendar like the battle of waterloo and the idea was the shark goes to the nearest man and then he starts pounding and hollering and screaming sometimes the shark would go away sometimes he wouldn't go away sometimes the shark he looks right into you right into your eyes you know the thing about a shark he's got lifeless eyes black eyes like a doll's eyes when he comes at you doesn't seem to be living till they bite you and those black eyes roll over white and then ah then you hear the terrible high-pitched screaming and the ocean turns red in spite of all the pounding and the hollering they come in and rip you to pieces you know by the end of that first dawn lost a hundred men i don't know how many sharks maybe a thousand i don't know how many men they averaged six an hour on thursday morning chief i bumped into a friend of mine herbie robinson from cleveland baseball player boson's mate i thought he was asleep reached over to wake him up bobbed up and down in the water just like a kind of top up ended well he'd been bitten in half below the waist noon the fifth day mr hooper a lockheed ventura saws he swung in low and he saws he's a young pilot a lot younger than mr hooper anyway he saw us and come in low and three hours later a big fat pby comes down and starts to pick us up you know that was the time i was most frightened waiting for my turn i'll never put on a life jacket again so 1100 men went into the water 316 come out the sharks took the rest june 29th 1945. anyway we delivered the bomb a friend of mine known as damo was an avid fisherman and he and his dad used to go out see fishing whenever they could a few years ago he told me this story and it creeped the hell out of me so it seems like an appropriate place to tell it demo and his dad were on the second night of a trip deep sea fishing and they decided to get some sleep in the early evening so they could go for whatever fish they were after at around 1am the best time to get this fish apparently anyway they only had a smallish boat but the weather was extremely pleasant and the sea was calm to the point of stillness so they figured it would be a great night fishing for them around 12 30 a.m they started to set their gear up and as they were on the starboard side getting bait ready they heard a loud splash on the port side as there was almost no swell they figured it was either a large fish or some gear had somehow fallen in so they went over to have a look floating face up in the water only a few feet from the side of the boat was a young woman they reckoned she couldn't have been more than about 30 at the most she showed absolutely no signs of decomposition slash bloating and there was nothing tangled in her hair all of which would normally suggest she had been in the water for some time she was wearing a simple white skirt and a blue colored strappy top both of which were clean and apparently looked barely wet again all indicating she only just got in the water she showed no signs of damage like having been beaten or attacked and her eyes and mouth were shot dammo said she looked totally peaceful and like she was simply asleep and just floating on her back in the water they were both totally freaked out by the whole thing but reacting more to the need to make sure she was okay instead of just standing there trying to work out where she came from they tried to wake her up shouting to her etc and they threw a line to her hoping they might catch her to pull her back in she sewed no signs of movement and the splashing around they were making with the rope served only to let her body drift further away from the boat when she was a few meters away damo ran off to grab a fishing rod hoping they could pull her in that way and his dad ran to the cabin to try and call a coast guard for help madamo got back to the side she had vanished he frantically searched around and splashed into the water with the rod thinking she had bobbed under the water or even drifted under the boat somehow but the body had vanished eventually his dad figuring they couldn't just leave a potential dead slash unconscious body floating in the water jumped in and swam over to where she had last been seen hoping he might find her under the surface but they couldn't find anything they did eventually drive the boat around in a good half kilometer circle but they never saw the body again the coast guard did come out and obviously damo and his dad were kind of interrogated to make sure they hadn't murdered dumped the body but nothing came of it all the freakiest thing about it all was that the boat was thoroughly checked before they had set out fishing the day before so they could say with certainty that there had been no woman on board when they set off either a dead body or a stowaway slash homeless woman the apparently fresh state of the body kind of removed the possibility that she had been in the water a while and that they just found a body and they were far enough out from land and nowhere near any other boats that her appearance there was just totally unexplainable as was the way the body just disappeared damo and his dad hadn't been gone more than 20 seconds from the side of the boat but in that time the body just vanished they were both really shaken by the whole thing and were most terrified by the fact that her appearance was preceded by the heavy splash in the water to them suggesting the body had only just entered the water from their own boat they tell the story now as a kind of you won't believe what happened to us once type thing but it shook them badly and neither has been back to the same fishing spot since nothing particularly specific i've been sailing all my life and have somewhere around 6 000 sea miles as well as years and years of inland dinghy racing experience the sea just does strange things sometimes wind against tide and underwater obstacles causing weird currents create unnatural waves and it starts to feel like the sea is just throwing water at you at random fog at sea at night really [ __ ] up your senses too everything is quiet and you can't see anything but the boat immediately around you you keep looking for lights on other ships and listening for fog horns or the sound of engines in the distance and your brain starts playing all manner of tricks on you in a busy shipping lane it's a serious business and in a very real way it could be life or death if you miss a ship that hits you and sinks you you start to see lights everywhere around you you start hearing engines creeping up on you you stop your boat and cut the engine to see if you're hearing anything real and you enter an even stranger world of sensory deprivation it's eerie as hell i've been fishing in alaska for the last six summers with my dad never seen anything unexplainable but have been creeped out a few times a lot of it comes from lack of sleep since we were out there for up to 60 hours at a time with no more than four hours between every time we put the net out anyway here's a few things i was on deck by myself late at night and a tree wrapped in ball kelp got pulled on looked like some kind of giant squid we've had a 600 pound shark caught in our net that was scary caught two porpoises at once they had already drowned when we got to them not so much creepy as it was startling then it was just sad found two oil drum sized pieces of styrofoam about 300 yards away from each other we figure they were tsunami debris from the one that hit japan in 2011. interesting that they would stay so close together for so far found an acoustic guitar in its case floating near a beach the strings had rusted away but the body was in good shape really the weirdest things are in my own head i'll have waking dreams where i can't move or something very dangerous is happening i sometimes wake up completely disoriented and nervous which makes working hard i should probably stop fishing well about three years ago i went out with a friend on his yacht off the coast of newfoundland it was maybe two or three in the morning and early fall so there was a bit of fog nothing too serious we were just going out for a late night cruise to relax and see if we could find any cool fish slash inverts slash etc near the surface after an hour or so of uneventful yachting we decided to call it a night and turn around as we started heading back to shore behind us we noticed a dim red light in the distant fog we slowed down to watch it it was slowly blinking which stopped us from noticing that it was creeping toward us we went inside to grab my friend's camera and when we came back it's seriously closer and moving quicker too we could now hear the hull groaning as if it was under pretty heavy tension we took a picture with flash and the light stopped blinking the ship started to speed up so my friend got on the radio not too familiar with how the system works so fill in the blanks here experts and started trying to find a wavelength they were on so he could tell them to slow down and go around us when we came out of the cabin it was basically right upon us like less than 10 feet away this huge rusty ship with a red light on the nose next thing we know it's hours later and were waking up to sunrise the yacht had been drifting freely for hours with the engines still off our cameras were gone as was my cell phone my friend was a shitty cameraless phone we reported it to the police but they laughed us off as two young guys who got too drunk and couldn't handle ourselves out there we weren't drinking though so we know something happened this was maybe 10 years ago and i was sailing with my family moving a sailboat from the connecticut shore to boston and this happened on an extremely foggy day i also remember the day being pretty windless as well so we were just motoring along instead of sailing now the general procedure for sailing in such thick fog is to use radar and fog horns to try to prevent any collisions from happening at some point we started hearing huge loud horn blasts just repeating from somewhere to our right in the fog it seemed normal enough someone signaling their position to anyone in the vicinity then after maybe 15 to 20 minutes of sailing and listening to these horn blasts we eventually came upon what was making them maybe 100 feet from our boat a huge ass submarine appeared and it looked like it's just sitting still the weird thing was the suddenness of its appearance maybe not the creepiest thing in this thread but an enormous black shape appearing out of the fog at sea was pretty creepy to me at the time this story is terrifying and awesome at the same time i enjoy sailing and like to take long trips on my uncle's boat we usually try to sail along the east or west coast of the us but one year he was stationed in japan and i got the opportunity to travel to japan great place to visit i was sailing by the coast of okinawa when a thunderstorm started up in the middle of the night strangely the ocean was completely still and the weather was giving us a wonderful light show lightning would strike the water and light up everything around us suddenly lightning struck near our boat and we saw the most incredible sight jellyfish jellyfish everywhere theirs were not the usual jellyfish that you see around the u.s these things were huge the lightning would strike the water and the jellyfish would light up the ocean literally looked like it glowed purple and red that night i have never made a comment before this is the first category i feel like i can add any real substance to i am 26 years old and have worked on a sea scallop boat since i have been 18 years old during the course of my time on the water this question brought two stories to my attention these are not in order of importance and i apologize for any grammar mistakes in the future first story happened a couple of years ago when we were working off the coast of long island i believe it was a little rough but nothing out of the ordinary it was dark and about three in the morning and everything was going smooth on a scalloped boat you are required to shuck and do other things in between toes that happen every hour it's basically a floating factory i was in a shack back and the stern of the vessel standing in the back that can be closed up while you shuck all of a sudden the wind starts to pick up and the lightning starts closer than you want when you are the tallest object it's roaring and raining so hard that the rain was hitting me in the back of the shack the boat starts listing to port and it sounds more violent than you can imagine the door was tied off so i rushed to shut the door and use all my strength to shut it i'm by myself in here and i've never been so scared when the boat started listing over even harder this lasted for about 10 minutes then it was over looked outside and all the gear was everywhere and a bucket that was deep inside a tote up in front of the deck was taken out and laying on deck the position and protection where this only led my other co-workers and i watch to believe we indeed were just hit by a water spout the second story was when the boat was fishing offshore sometime during march it was shitty and cold out and you could barely stand up we were fishing with our starboard facing the waves because we were on a toe and producing as time goes by it's going to sound weird but you develop an intuition of when you were going to get hit by a wave when picking up scallops on deck when working in the pile you try to keep your scuppers closed it's rough because you don't want to make it harder on yourself or get your gloves wet it all becomes very instinctual so this night it starts to get rougher progressively another guy and myself are working on the starboard side and doing fine he was back aft i was forward i was directly next to the hatch for the fishhold we are picking then we feel this wave coming like i said earlier you can tell the power somehow and guess what you're going to do this is the east coast so the continental shelf drop off isn't that substantial as the west so typically rogue waves are few and far between so my co-worker and i don't even try to duck or cover in anticipation i just lift my gloves a little and assume this will be nothing special then the rest of it comes we didn't have a chance the power was forceful and slammed myself against the hatch thankfully because or else i think i would have been washed over the port side in full gear the other guy was washed into the other rail and by the time i got up i could see the fear in his eyes of what just happened to him i was more confused due to the impact of the violent wave and the cold water got changed and worked for another couple hours before my watch was over that was a [ __ ] night [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 33,131
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Keywords: NoSleep, Confessions, Reddit NoSleep, Scary Stories, Creepy stories, Creepy AskReddit, Scary AskReddit Stories, Horror stories, best scary stories, scary stories, ghost stories, horror, ghost, creepypasta, creepy pasta, creepypastas, scary story, nosleep stories, reddit horror stories, creepy story, nosleep, r/nosleep, creepypasta reading, horror stories, creepsmcpasta, creepypasta stories, paranormal, Reddit scary stories, ask reddit, mr nightmare, mr creeps, creeps
Id: vR46j6z4MU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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