Homeowner Returns From Hospital To Find Her TALL GRASS Mowed
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: Fill's Lawn Care
Views: 606,617
Rating: 4.8925109 out of 5
Keywords: cutting grass, cutting tall grass, lawn care, lawn care business, lawn mower, lawn mowing, mowing, mowing grass, mowing lawn, mowing overgrown lawn, mowing tall grass, overgrown lawn, overgrown lawn makeover, overgrown lawn mowing, overgrown lawn transformation, overgrown property mowing, overgrown yard, satisfying lawn care, satisfying lawn edging, satisfying lawn mowing, tall grass, tall grass cutting, tall grass mowed, tall grass mowing, yard makeover
Id: cUDEhIav7ok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 49sec (2449 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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