Amish Baling Hay In Record Time

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[Music] [Music] welcome back to the channel guys hey everyone welcome back to walker farm fam thanks so much for stopping by today we really do appreciate it we are down at the end of our driveway aren't we ransoming you want to tell them why we're down here because the tractors are here the tractors are here so i don't know if some of you were with us last year about this time but we were able to get some amish from the community over by shoto to come out and bail our hay well it's that time of year again and guess who's back they just pulled in over here about a minute or two ago and this year we're going to actually time them i'm going to try to at least we're going to see how fast they do our 30 acres and we know we know that some of you say these are not amish right ransom yeah a lot of people told us last year those are amish they drive tractors well we've done our research over the last year and we've from what we can gather the amish community here is not a traditional amish community they're not mennonites they're mennonites here they drive like 15 passenger vans and they do a lot of other stuff some of them have electricity well our amish in this community have no electricity at their homes and the only machinery that they drive is for their farm they don't have any machinery outside of that except for their farm use so that's what we have here in oklahoma call them modern arm amish call them amish that are cheating call them whatever you want but what i call them is our friends right buddy because they bail our hay like this uh every year and we are really thankful for that but i've got a hose over here in the um field that i need to mark so me and ransom are going to come out here real quick we're going to mark that hose and we're going to get to where they can see it so they don't run over it so you wanna go do that real quick grandson all right let's go i'm gonna hold it up high in a second okay so there's one two three four five six so there's actually six tractors going at once ransom that's a bunch isn't it what do you eat the yogurt that looks yummy all right here's the pipe i'm talking about we don't want to get this rant over so that pipe we put in when we had a trencher here we wanted to get it put in while we had the printer available but we haven't done anything with it yet so we're either going to connect these two stock tanks together when we put a new stock tank in or i might run rural water over here um it already goes down our driveway and connect it in so we can have water uh to water the cows right here i want to mark it you want to hold this ransom yeah so the market i've actually got an old tripod that broke on us so i'm going to use it you think this will work ransom yeah i didn't know i don't [Music] didn't work ransom thank you for holding the camera much appreciated let's go see if there's anything else we need to take care of i think that's it so it has been less than 10 minutes and this is probably a 20 acre field across the road and they have it knocked out ransom isn't that crazy they don't have that one now they have they almost have it knocked out yeah so i asked the guy last year i said do you guys just uh have a crew here that all you do is bail hay and he said not no not at all what they do is they all do their own hay on each of their own farms and whenever they're done for the season with their hay they all come together and come over here on this side of the county where um we're about 10 miles away from where they're at or maybe 12 but they come over here and try to knock out as much hay as possible just to earn some extra income i mean they've already got the tractors the equipment and it's a lot easier for them just to come over and knock it out then uh us to buy a bunch of equipment isn't right and there's one in our field i know he's over there he's way back there in the very back you can't see him very good can you but you can see that bucket i put in there can't you see that bucket [Music] yep [Music] so [Music] [Music] uh [Music] [Music] what i thought one more you saw more yeah well that's that's just three tractors at our place there's three more somewhere i think they're finishing up in that corner over there what do you think yeah then everyone comes for our family this is a lot of excitement on the farm isn't it right yeah i'm let's stay right here today you just want to stay here yeah all right we'll stay here a minute that's so hot that i shut that gate and that man stopped and asked uh if i remember that back corner i saw him go on the back side of that tree and he was like i told him this side of the tree he said something about a v i said well i'm sure you can tell where it changes so he went back real fast so they won't go where he went yeah there's a spot back there that's real rocky that i i told him last year not to do and i thought that main guy was the one that went over there to to kind of i told him you were up front uh to see in case anyone had questions but he might have saw yeah i wasn't there when he pulled in did he did you tell him about him yeah he remembered okay well that's awesome that we're gonna get this knocked out two days that took what like 30 minutes over there uh like 15 at most no it didn't even take 15. there's one minute there's still three tractors over there oh there is yeah there's still three tractors on that side finishing up but they haven't figured out don't they cassie yeah they have for some reason he left and came over here like i guess he he could tell his round was done and then now two more have come over and they just do their thing so i was telling them last year we got a lot of grief on this video about the amish building our hay but people i think when you get out of like country amish country like in what's the state pennsylvania yeah pennsylvania and that like thick amish country the further away you get the amish become more modern and they become um more liberal i guess is the right word for it i don't know somebody will get onto this for whatever words we use but we've uh been here our entire lives shoto um you can look shadow up it's a big amish community like we said in the video last year there are some who use horse and buggies um but i've never seen horse and buggies pulling a hay baler like like they do in pennsylvania i've seen youtube videos of that and i've never seen that here no i've never seen anyone use that type of farm equipment and all the community over there i mean i'm not there every day but some of them drive tractors for everyday use and they'll put trailers for on the back for their family to go in some have horse and buggies but usually on sunday you see more horse and buggies i think it's when they go to church they drive their horse and buggies more than anything yeah i guess it's just a different part of the world but and some some of the research i've seen that said that whatever the church decides so whatever their community and their church decides is best for their community so if they have to have tractors to be competitive meaning they need to make money for their families to stay uh you know here in the community then that's why because i'm sweating that's what they have to do yeah i would agree that if they agree as a community um they had horse and buggies all five of them wouldn't be able to come over and knock this out and go on to the next one for their livelihood i haven't seen them all close but last year it was like one or two adults and the rest were all like 10 12 year old boys so it's just how they choose to do it in order to provide for their family yep so hope you guys are enjoying watching us get our hay baled that's really what this video is about as long as there's no rains that pop up out of the middle of nowhere because there's zero percent chance of rain tomorrow our hay will get put up very quickly nice and dry and i think this is earlier than it's ever been done before yeah i can't remember the last time it was done um what is this june middle 16th june 16th i can't remember the last time it was done this early so that's all i can say about it so we'll we'll video them a little bit more but thank you guys for following along as we get our hay done for our 2021 hay season yep [Applause] so there goes those two what about this guy you wanna wave to him see how that works there he yep [Music] [Music] so the amish are probably over halfway done with the hay probably been about 15 minutes but i wanted to come out here and do a quick update on our herd bull his name is about time he's a hereford bull and i don't know if you saw the video the other day but adler farms came over to the farm and he helped turn about time out if you haven't checked out adler farms yet i don't know what you're waiting on go check them out and tell them walker farm fam sent you but about time is out here doing his thing what do you think brother looks like he's gonna go get him a drink maybe let's see but we're excited to finally get a nice little herd bull here and he looks like he's going to be a good one just by his frame and his structure looks like he'll be a good bull he's very young he's about 18 months old so we've got a lot of life left out of them so we'll take a quick look around at all the other cows because they seem to be doing good too but i like coming out here at the end of the day and checking on them just to make sure they're doing all right so [Music] bye [Music] you saw those tractors head out the gate just like that they're all finished so i'm out here in the middle of the hay field show you around real quick [Music] [Music] so now it needs to set for 24 or 48 hours uh we got a lot of sun so it may be ready uh tomorrow but that's when we'll see you next time we'll catch back up with you when they get to bedlam [Music] [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] so [Music] so if you can see behind us ransom what is that that's a lot of hay isn't it there's one right here yup there's one right behind us and they are everywhere all out in the field hay bales upon hay bales hay bells and more hate bells yeah there's a bunch you excited getting to see that hay build yeah what was your favorite part um the breaking it those big rakes that was pretty cool wasn't it so we enjoyed getting to see our hay baled especially uh with those modern amish that are coming over with all their tractors and rakes and balers and getting it all knocked out in a hurry but now the real work begins for me doesn't rain some yeah that's just hauling up a few bells of hay it's really not that bad at all ransom you like to haul it pay too don't you son but we're gonna haul up some hay in just a little bit and get it stacked up and out of the field because we got to turn something else into that field what is it huh what is it you want to go show them is it cows maybe is it pigs no it's not pigs they gotta stay in the pigpen all right let's go show them what it is all right ransom you want to show us what has to be turned out the steers take us back and show us take us back there and show us all right we'll follow you don't step on any cow manure so here are our pi oh oh there's our alpacas some people might not know their names do you remember their names i forgot alvin alvin and alfred alpha so alvin's the one sitting down right here hey alvin you wanna pet him he's wet yeah i sprayed him down just a little bit ago so like so i can do it he loves water can i do it yeah you can do it again in a minute i bet you'll come back but you can put it on the alvin again he got he got fluffy here so so alvin has very fluffy hair it's actually a little bit too long but we're getting that taken care of this coming weekend we have a date set with somebody that's gonna come shear the alpacas for us give him that nice summer haircut ransom he likes getting scratched on his head hey did you know that he don't have any top teeth up there just bottom teeth on the front oh so we've got reckless and t-bone is a funny name that is a funny name so if you haven't checked out our last video or maybe a couple videos back i'm actually gonna throw an icard right here because it's pretty important we're partnered with the reckless saints of nowhere and we are giving away half of reckless so all you have to do is buy a t-shirt or donate five dollars for one entry a t-shirt will get you three entries and you can get as many entries as you want and on august 1st reckless uh half of reckless is going to be given away so you can fill your freezer completely up they're fighting yeah i don't think they're fighting i think they're just hanging out i think i think they're just playing you think they're playing hey is that is that one dad and that one's the mom no they're brothers yeah they're brothers and sisters no just brothers they're boys so we're not going to disturb him are we no but as soon as we get all this hay moved out of the field we're going to turn reckless and t-bone out into the pasture and they're going to get all the green grass they want all the way up until august they've been on grass their entire lives and we put them up in this pen last week to start giving them more grain but in that field over there they're going to get to uh to eat all they want won't they brother yeah so come along we're gonna get some of this hay hold up but before we do that did you want to spray the alpacas with water yeah oh okay i told ransom he could he's been asking too what ransom coming yeah i started putting some water in his tank he's coming isn't he yeah yeah i don't spray his face though okay he doesn't like to have his face sprayed back jojo we fill up his water first like spraying the alpacas yeah pretty cool isn't it i bet he thinks oops sorry i bet he thinks it's cool too so how many bells do you think it made this year anywhere from 50 on the low end is what i expect all the way up to 103 or 104. whoa you scared me okay look who came out here and scared me you sure did scare me so ransom i'm trying to let them all guess how many bells do you think this field made listen now i'm going to tell you one year it made about 55 bills on a really bad year a really good year it made like 103 bills i think this one might been really good here because there's like one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve okay so so how many total do you think there are i think there's 16 16 well i can tell you there are more than 16. like 17 more than 17 100 less than 100. there's your clue more than 17 less than a hundred so i'll catch back up with you in a little bit ransom and i will and let us know how many bells you think our pastor made this year and the winner the closest winner they get a atta boy yeah sell them good job if they if they win good job so that is two bells down and 68 bells to go so if you guessed earlier how many bells did you think this field made it made 70 bells and that's not bad i need 100 bales from the wintertime for my cattle and my animals and i think that we'll get a second cutting on this hay and we'll probably get another 40 to 50 bales so i should have more than enough by the time that's all said and done but you also notice i got my bucket hat on here this keeps that sun off of me my long sleeve shirt sometimes i even wear gloves because i want to keep as much sun off of me as possible people in my family have had a history over the years with skin cancer and i definitely don't want to encourage that at all try to avoid the sun as much as possible but out here on an open cab tractor like this is just about impossible to stay out of the sun so one other thing i wanted to talk about before i hold back up in the other hay is the spikes on my front end loader so last year when i hauled hay up i probably had close to 100 comments about you should get hay spikes you should get hay spikes because that's going to make the job twice as fast and you are absolutely correct that will make the job twice as fast unless i run into a big hole that's out there dug by armadillos my tractor tire breaks down in front of that and it breaks my suspension then i would be repairing my tractor for several days or a couple days at least and it would not be as fast so yes you're right i do have hay spears hay spikes whatever you want to call them and as you've seen with that smaller bell i was able to haul up um two bells at one time but for me i don't feel comfortable going across the field it's a 35 horsepower tractor uh that front suspension is strong enough to drive and stuff but putting another big bella hay up there and like i said with all those bumps in that field it could be disaster for that front end and it really doesn't take me that long i can have all 70 bells hauled up in maybe two and a half or three hours at the most and i kind of enjoy it especially right now there's a breeze and the temperature's in the 80s it's not burning up so it's really not that bad there were also some concerns last year about ransom riding on the tractor with me well guess what when you're a farm kid if you want to ride on the tractor with your dad you get to and anytime he's up there he's on my knee i've got one arm completely around him he is clenched up there tight he's not going anywhere so thank you for the concern but if you see ransom riding on the tractor with me in the videos just know that's part of the life here on the farm and he's probably going to keep doing that for a while so thank you guys for following along i really do appreciate it and i'm going to end the video today hauling up some of this hay out of the field and get it all hauled up get it stacked so we can turn our steers out and keep them growing on that green grass we hope you have a great day god bless and we'll see you next time [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] you
Channel: Walker Farm Fam
Views: 222,258
Rating: 4.8673882 out of 5
Keywords: John Deere, New Holland, bailing hay, walker farm, walker family, hay, hay bailing, amish hay baling, hay baling, baling hay, farm life, hobby farm, self sufficient, keeping it dutch, arms family homestead, hidden heights farm, mennonite, amish, hay baler, hay bail, farm, farmer, farming, homestead, homesteader, homesteading, farm family, farm kids, youtube family, cattle, cows, ernest bontrager, amish people, homesteading channels, rural life, bull, calves, cattle herd, beef
Id: EbhThtiTZ7g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 58sec (1858 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 24 2021
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