The TF2 Magic Spell Tier List

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Halloween spells no not Halloween spelling you idiot these things spells have been a staple of tf2's Halloween event for almost 10 years at this point functioning as the first person shooter equivalent to a Mario Kart item block they're overall a pretty cool mechanic mixing up the game by giving classes access to damage or Mobility options they otherwise wouldn't have can be super cool if done well they can also be done excessively but that's neither here nor there but with a fairly wide selection of spells to mess with knowing how good each spell normally is can be a bit of a challenge so I've taken it upon myself to rank them all using everyone's favorite format 3D stacked scatter pie columns you know now that I'm looking at it this wasn't a very good idea let's uh let's just go with the tier list instead and call it a day I've seen a couple of magic spell tier lists on YouTube before and personally I think a lot of them missed the mark with their ratings instead of measuring how good spells actually are in the game a lot of them just look at what they do on the wiki and base it on that so I wanted to go through and give my own determination on how good each magic spell is in practice but this time and perhaps excessive detail the rules for the tier list are going to be pretty straightforward I'm going to be basing them on practical application what that means is I'm going to be determining how good each spell is on each class in a variety of circumstances and rank them that way but that's a lot of information to juggle in your head so I've also made this little graphic to give a better understanding of how good each spell is on each class this graphic is just for reference there's only a finite amount of data that can be conveyed in something like this so just know that these are not the only things I'm using to determine the rankings Last Thing Before we start let's give the tier list a once over you'll notice that there aren't any quote unquote negative tiers and that is on purpose in almost every single circumstance in the entire game it is better to have a spell than to not have a spell so even though some spells are better than others and you might want to swap them out because of that you're never going to run into a circumstance where having a spell is a net negative on you now for the most part the tiers are pretty self-explanatory except for the one at the top which looks a little weird if you don't know what this means don't worry about it there's only one thing that's going to go there and it will make sense when we get to it oh and final thing uh the way that I refer to the Spells sometimes changes like in the middle of me talking about it there's not really an official name for all of the Spells uh the TF2 Wiki has names for all of them that I think are based off of the like developer code or something but uh if I call it something weird and that you're like oh it's not technically supposed to be called that it doesn't matter okay there aren't official names I'm a boomer in TF2 I get confused because they change the names all the time for basically no reason anyway let's go now blast jump is a rather unfortunate spell uh what it does is when you use it you get blasted into the air a pretty decent distance you get two of them upon picking it up each one heals you for 15 Health upon use and it does do microscopic amounts of damage like literally 10 damage at the very most and that is assuming you are directly on top of someone when you use it blast jump all around just isn't a very useful spell a lot of the time sometimes it's just completely repetitive because it's on a class that can already do that but better sometimes you get it on a map that isn't very vertical and you don't actually need to jump that High ever and usually for the most part I would rather have almost anything else but blast gem now just because blast jump isn't the best spell in the game doesn't mean it is completely useless there are a couple instances where you actually would want this maybe not over something else but having this actually does like benefit you in some way on clashes like sniper engineer whatever it does allow you to get to points that you kind of want to be at like setting up a flank teleporter on top of something high for engineer getting to a good sniping purchase sniper I mean like the clashes that don't have a a ton of baked in vertical mobility will at least get use out of this on some maps that's not just like this completely useless obsolete thing even the classes that can like jump in some way like rocket jumper sticky jump for like a soldier demo um you kind of still want this because one of the nicer things about blast jump is that it carries your momentum when you use it for instance when you double jump a scout it completely resets your momentum to whatever it was so even if you're flying at the maximum possible speed and you press space midair all of the momentum that you just had was canceled and your speed is set to whatever Scout's default double jumping speed is with blast jump however uh whatever speed you had going into it is carried when you use it meaning that you can get some pretty serious distance if you're already like flying through the air it decently High Velocity now the reason that that's impactful on Soldier demo is because it does allow you to extend your rocket or sticky jumps pretty far in midair without tools like sticky pogoing or like the Beggars bazooka or whatever when that's actually useful I think is Up For Debate it's really not like going to be a major factor a ton of the time but I think again it's a niche use that you can get out of it at some point mostly though I think that blast jump works better as a 30 HP health pack than anything else which is kind of sad I mean most of the time when I get blast jump if there are other spells on the map at any point it's generally better to uh just like burn both of these charges like under a doorway or something and pick it up or even occasionally like oh yeah if you're a Bernie the death and you're on like 12 hp well fire off a blast jump it only gives you 15 Health but sometimes that can make the difference between life and death you can tell I'm really stretching to find things positive to say about blast jump most of the time it's just like if you blast yourself up into the air during combat it just makes you a Sitting Duck for anyone who can Aim so I'm not the biggest fan of using this one like during combat but if you use it before combat to get into position I suppose it can be good sometimes as expected it is is going to go in rarely worthwhile I can't really think of like too many instances where I would say that this is the best spell or even in the top half of spells right now as it is it's it's probably among the worst spells in the game stealth as the name might imply is a spell built for sneaking around than generally causing Havoc Behind Enemy Lines the stealth spell allows you to instantaneously go invisible as any class for 8 seconds as well as healing you for 40 Health on use the effects of this are pretty straightforward having cloak on really any class is going to be at least somewhat helpful but one of the best features about Stealth is that you can actually attack while you're invisible now given attacking while invisible does instantaneously cause the stealth to end so you become visible and like whatever but being able to attack out of invisibility and like ambush people that effectively does make this really really good for surprise plays now as you might expect the only classes that are going to get major use out of stealth are ones that required you to be pretty close to people uh when you want to actually attack like pyro and heavy I think are two pretty good ones or I guess Scout probably more so than heavy because Scout has the mobility to uh to make cool flank plays happen but spy perhaps counter-intuitively gets the most use out of stealth you might be thinking like oh Spike can already go invisible why in the world would you need like more invisibility well number one this is something that spy can already do except it doesn't use any of your cloaks so if you cloak for 10 seconds and then you get another eight seconds of stealth and then you have the latranja I mean you can get upwards of like 20 seconds worth of cloak uh just in a row which is really quite nice it also allows you to get some kind of stock invisibility while you're using the dead ringer but the best feature is because you can attack while you're invisible you can instantaneously backstab someone without having to go through the D cloak animation that is incredibly good perhaps one of the best spell class combinations in the entire game the major thing about Stealth though that I find to be hindering it is that it's really only good on classes who like actually want to be close to people it can be decent as a getaway tool like if you're being ambushed or something a sniper you can pop stealth and then run away and people have no idea where you're going so it's at least kind of helpful on every class I mean it does restore 40 health so I mean it's going to be at least kind of good no matter what just a instantaneous health pack on demand but the best part about it I think is is when you can use it to like make big Ambush plays happen like getting behind people really is any class that does a lot of damage at a time um the only classes I think don't necessarily want this are like sniper and maybe like Medic or engineer but even then again like medical engineer can use it to get away confuse people so there's at least some use for stealth on every single class but I think that the Heavy Hitters definitely make significantly better use uh than the people who I guess can't really send guys with this much at all so stealth is going to go an occasionally helpful because as you might expect it is occasionally helpful it's not a use anytime whenever you want and make great use out of its spell it does require a couple of neuron activations to uh to make decent use out of it but if you're able to set yourself up in a way where you can make decent use out of this I mean potentially this is one of the better spells in the game with uh with specific class combinations it just really depends and because it's random and because you're going to be playing a bunch of different classes uh it's only occasionally helpful I guess by definition pumpkin mirv pumpkin in my RV I don't really know how to pronounce it but the pumpkin bomb spell is kind of strange it works in like a really weird way and if you've ever used it before you know what I'm talking about when you cast it uh shoots a little projectile that hits somewhere and then wherever it hits like six pumpkin bombs fly out from the center in a little ring by shooting the pumpkin bombs you're able to detonate them and if basically if you detonate one of them all six will detonate because they usually land within a range of each other which does quite a bit of damage to anyone standing on it but if an enemy shoots your pumpkin bombs then they just kind of disappear like sticky bombs and they have a pretty big hitbox too so the chance of them actually disappearing is uh is quite high if the enemy team has like situational awareness of any kind because of that pumpkin mirv is kind of hard to raid because it can be really really good as nearly any class uh when you're fighting not very great players uh but if if players have like decent awareness and they have really any kind of Splash damage or like uh Flames or minigun or something really it doesn't even have to be Splash damage just something that can clear out the bombs pretty quickly I mean you're not gonna get a ton of use out of them probably in my opinion the best way to use this is to use it as like um not not necessarily as like a trap as you might expect but just throw it at someone you want to blow up exactly right now and then just be ready ready to shoot the bombs the Split Second they appear before they can uh they can get away now this does of course give the person you're shooting at the opportunity to run away if they like see oh this person just shot like massive explosives at me that can't be primed for another second I should probably move out of the way well then obviously yeah that's going to prevent the effectiveness of this a little bit uh but if you shoot this at like a large group of enemies who are already engaged in a team fight or distracted in some way you actually can get like pretty decent kills just off of this alone I couldn't find exactly how much damage these do anywhere because it really just depends kind of like sticky bombs depending on how close the person is to the bomb it's going to do just kind of different damage but chances are a massive ring of them even if you only have like two or three left is going to be an instant kill on whoever you're shooting if they're even kind of close it is quite nice when you actually get it to work but it does require either a lot of setup like putting it in the place where people aren't going to see it before it's too late or are just spamming it and hoping people refuse to move pumpkin mirv is also weird because it's basically like equally good on all of the classes I can't really think of any class who gets exceptionally good or bad use from this like even Demoman who like can already do sticky traps and stuff gets used out of pumpkin mirv I mean for him it's just extra bombs but like for a class like engineer yeah it's good to be able to set up sniper you can place it like on a flank again literally everyone's going to get about equal use out of this uh but the equal use they are going to get is not like incredible uh there are a lot of like pretty much random factors that influence how good or bad this might be so I'm going to go ahead and put uh pumpkin mirv in occasionally helpful because I mean again this only is occasionally helpful there aren't like a ton of instances where this is like the best spell to have if any it's not very difficult for an aware player to defuse your bombs before you can even shoot them and the only classes that this actually is like effective against are classes that have to get into melee range to destroy them because obviously that's a bit of a problem but overall it still is an attacking spell but like it's not a very good one so because of that it's not going to go too high Fireball holy hell Fireball is extremely good almost all the time and I don't see enough people talking about how powerful this is the main feature of Fireball is that it does exactly 100 damage to whoever it hits about 4 seconds of afterburn so 30 damage total and if you're good at math or even know what a number is then you might have realized that hey that's more than 125 damage when you add it all up and yes you're correct this thing can basically just straight up One-Shot light classes assuming they don't have any way to extinguish the afterburn in a very quick amount of time after you hit him now even though Fireball sounds pretty dang good on paper in practice it is insane it is probably one of the if not like the best spell in the entire game was it's not the best spell in the entire game but it is pretty dang close there are quite a couple things that it would individually tip it over the edge for me and the fact that it has all of them I think is even better number one you get two of them so even though a single Fireball can individually One-Shot light classes the flexibility you get with having two of them which have a combined damage of 200 plus afterburn or I guess a little bit more if you space it out and let the afterburn fully burn makes this incredibly versatile number two the speed at which it comes out is incredibly quick meaning that this is good for self-defense on literally any single class number three the explosion radius is huge and not only is the explosion huge but it also doesn't have any explosion fall off like any other explosion in the game does so what that means is that it doesn't matter if you got directly hit by the fireball or if your little pinky toe was in the very edge of the explosion you're going to take 100 damage no matter what what that means is that you can spam this onto carts you don't even have to like hit someone you could basically just use this like a rocket and not only is it like a rocket it is probably probably better than a rocket because it has afterburn you can use it on any class it comes out instantly and it doesn't take up a weapon slot you can also spam these incredibly effectively from long range because on top of not having any explosion fall off it doesn't have any proper damage fall off either and also it just flies in a straight line it doesn't have any projectile arcing like most of the other ones do I have no idea why they decided to overtune Fireball this much and make it just like an instant delete button on whoever you click on but it is insane I don't know why people think that fireball like is middle of the pack when it comes to spells this thing is nuts but what makes Fireball really incredibly good on a tier list like this is that it is good on like basically every single class there's not a single character on the entire game who doesn't not only appreciate having Fireball in their pocket but outright want it over basically every other option sniper's Medics and demo men now have a close range defense option Scouts and spies now have a good way to destroy large groups of people that they can get behind pyro now has a long range option that's not a flare gun as well as a way to light people up that he can then extinguish or crit flare basically for free hell even soldier who probably wants this the least out of anyone now has basically an extra rocket which now does afterburn it is ridiculously good honestly if I had to call for a Nerf for any spell in the game it would probably be for Fireball just because number one it's in the common spell pull which means that you get this almost constantly uh number two it can again one shot like classes meaning that fights are basically won or lost depending on whether you have Fireball and number three the projectile is so hard to avoid at close range that there's basically nothing you can do oh also just in case you're like oh well I have the short circuit or the flamethrower I can make the projectile not appear well you can't actually it somehow for some reason is immune to being deleted it's immune to being reflected I don't know what they were thinking with this despite all of that though I'm not going to put it in the the top mysterious uh Bible verse here we're only going to put it at the very top of incredibly powerful which I mean is still a really good spot for a common spell to be but it doesn't reach the level of game breaking stupidity is another spell on here uh and if if you are kind of reading between the lines you'll kind of pick up what I'm putting down but we'll get to that later overall though if you had to pick any spell from the common pool to have whenever you wanted a Fireball by far don't even bother anything else if you have the ability to farm for spells like if they're just permanent books on the map it is worth burning through a couple like blast jumps or pumpkin moves to get Fireballs because every single class wants them it's a fantastic self-defense option to have in your pocket you can basically win any fight you want for free doesn't even have to be a one-on-one necessarily because the splash damage is absurd Fireball is just way too good for the game and I have no idea why other people think that it's not very good like seriously this is insane ball of bats is fireball's younger brother and uh younger it certainly is there are a couple of things the ball of bats does slightly better than Fireball kind of uh but for the most part it's basically just the worst Fireball uh like Fireball it is an instant use projectile that you get two of that deals damage on impact in a pretty decent explosion but the problem with swarm of bats and I'm going to call it ball of bats a lot because there's an RTD effect by the same name but swarm of bats has a major problem of basically just being a worse Fireball in nearly every way for Fireballs 100 damage swarm of bats does 40 for fireball's 5 Second afterburns swarm of bats only has a three second bleed the projectile not only arcs but has a pretty heavy Arc at that so you have to be pretty close to the person you're throwing it at and can't just Spam it from Long Range if you have the ability to farm for spells don't even bother picking up swarm of bats it is pretty much worse than Fireball in every single aspect that being said there is one thing that I think it does better than Fireball and that is the knockback the knockback on swarm of bats is nuts if you hit someone they just go flying the only time that I think that this is distinctly better than just doing a Frack ton of damage immediately is when you're trying to stall a point from a bunch of like overhealed targets for instance if you have like an overhealed heavy medic Soldier demo like trying to rush the payload or something during overtime just Chuck a couple ball of bats and uh you can you can pretty easily keep them in the air and generally off the point for five seconds or however long the the overtime lasts that is a pretty Niche you but I mean it can work and also by the time that you pop someone up in the air and they take fall damage and they've bled for a little bit and they've received the damage from balabash it's like okay they're probably going to be in pretty easy finish off range anyway so because of that I think that there's a more of a fight starter than a fight finisher if that makes any sense um but overall it's just like I can't fathom why they made ball of bats do like what it does and then made Fireball just the directly better version or I guess the vice versa depending on the development process but with all that in mind uh ballabat still is an instant use projectile the fact that it shares a lot of similarities with one of the most powerful spells on the game I think makes it at least pretty good on its own um I think all of the classes that want Fireball also want ball with bats although I think because of the pop-up effect uh the classes with like hit scanner mid-air denial stuff like the Direct Hit I mean they're gonna make pretty good use of it you can get some pretty nutty clips by like making someone fly into the air and then deleting him with a direct hit like that's more for a clip though like in terms of raw Effectiveness just Fireball him but you can still pretty easily use swarm of bats for self-defense if uh if you've like done 60 or whatever damage to the Target and you just want them to go away not optimal but it works I'm going to put it in generally useful it's only a one tier down from Fireball but I am going to be ranking stuff within tiers so I think the the more stuff we put in here I'm guessing the the farther away from Fireball this will actually get overall it's fine if you only have like one chance to get a spell I mean you could certainly get worse things than swarm of bats but it's just not as good as Fireball that's that's kind of it Shadow leap is a very interesting spell and it's kind of hard to rank because this one is literally only available on Hell Tower it basically functions like tf2's ender pearl you can throw a little like Shadow projectile that arcs and wherever it lands is where you'll be teleported to uh on contact unlike an under Pearl though it actually heals you on use for 30 Health per charge you get two charges and it also deals like very minimal damage if you hit someone with it now for those of you wondering why this spell is only available on Hell Tower it's because uh it kind of breaks other Maps if you allow it for anyone else that played in like 2015 2016 you know exactly what I'm talking about I can't remember exactly what Matt made the uh the dove team just remove it for all the other Maps but the hell Tower but there were a couple that you could just completely Break by chucking it over the boundary that normally prevents you from getting out of the map but regardless of the reason of why it's only on Hell Tower it is at the end of the day only on Hell Tower and what that means is that we have to rank it based on how good it is on Hell Tower and nothing else I feel like on a lot of other Maps like pit of death specifically this would be really really good allowing classes that want to be up close for combat to instantly teleport next to someone like uh you can use this for instance on heavy uh Chuck the projectile near someone rev up is heavy and then immediately without much warning people now have a revved heavy in their face to deal with it's a little bit scary if you use this well hell Tower is just not a very good map to do this with I mean it's a pretty condensed map it does have some vertical areas but just not enough to make this significantly better than like blast jump um if this was on other Maps I guess I would rather have this over blast jump like basically every time but on Hell Tower it's just a whatever spell it's kind of fun to use but most classes don't really care whether or not they have blast jump frankly so it's just like it's whatever it doesn't really matter so I'm going to put it uh in rarely worthwhile I don't know whether I should put this like above or below blast jump I I guess because it's only on one map we'll put it like at the very bottom but um again it's just kind of a sad spell I wish they would like actually fix the issues with map collision and stuff and just allow it to collide on player clip brushes instead of just disabling it all together I think this would actually be a really fun one on some of the newer maps with spells on them but as fun as that would be it's probably never going to happen uh maybe email the TF2 intern to petition for it I don't know let's just move on overheal is a kind of nutty spell it gives you a one second Uber which isn't very good on its own but the health restoring that it gives you is absolutely nuts I can't remember what the exact uh healing value is but it's really really good and it also allows you to get um way more overheal than you'd normally get it also like knocks people back if they're near you kind of but I've never seen that actually do anything so I I I'll mention it as a formality but just kind of ignore it now overheal much like Fireball is one that I think a lot of people are sleeping on because not only does this allow you to instantly win any fight you want as long as you can aim kind of but it also has the incredibly powerful ability to affect anyone that's like kind of close to you as well so not only do you get a crap ton of healing in a one second Uber but everyone near you also gets the exact same effect it is insane if you just go into a group of your teammates pop this and now everyone is suddenly at a bunch of overheal even if you don't even have a medic on your team because of this this just kind of becomes the ultimate like every man's spell it's extremely easy to use just pop it if you're about ready to die it allows you to support your team in ways that are unheard of even with a medic it's a good during fights it's good before going into fights I mean there isn't really a class that doesn't appreciate what's effectively a double large health pack outside of that I really don't have much to say about overheal that isn't immediately obvious from a spell that instantaneously gives you that much health it's really really good now I'm going to put it in incredibly powerful but I'm going to put it below Fireball um I think that fireball is slightly better for a couple reasons even though I can't really do support mainly because I think Fireballs just better on every class on average than overheal is and unlike overheal which if you use at Mid fight you actually like have to still aim and win the fight yourself Fireball just kind of wins the fight for you so I think in a direct comparison I would consider Fireball slightly better but overheal I mean as you might expect is just one of the best spells in the game and the fact that it's in the common pull is even better like honestly I think that if this was in the rare poll maybe give it like slightly extra range or something but it wouldn't even look out of place among the most powerful spells uh let alone and like the ones that you can get just from all of the random books lying around the map I will at least note that um I think the best class to use overhealon is medic because generally if you're a medic uh you're not really going to need a bunch of self-defense anyway if you're playing around your team you have what's effectively a free amputator taut that activates instantly for everyone near you on command you can save yourself from death and your team from Death I think this is like kind of the perfect spell for medic because even though he can already heal it allows him to just do his job not only to his teammates but to himself extremely efficiently so kind of paradoxically all the spells that um look like they would be redundant on a class or kind of being the the best Synergy overheal is probably one of the generally best spells on the game and if you're playing a support class at all is definitely worth farming for if there are permanent spellbooks on the map so moving from the common spells to the rare spells uh the difference between them is that the rare spells are intended to be like more powerful but as the name might imply you don't get them as often three of the rare spells you actually can get within the common pool it's like a very low chance that upon picking up a green spell book or pickup or whatever um you get a a rare one but you can get any of the rare ones from the purple spell books or pickups or whatever um just kind of at random Minify is the first rare spell and I already know that a couple of you were looking at Minify thinking yep that's the one that's going in the top tier I actually have a very hot take with Minify it is not nearly as good as most people think I won't call Minify a bad spell by any means uh what it does on paper is incredibly broken you get double firing speed double reload speed you become like really small and hard to hit and you also get a speed boost and infinite double jumps it's like you look at this and you think good God what is the balancing factor of this there are a couple things that when you actually use this you'll quickly discover make this difficult to use and by difficult I mean like things you can't really even play around that honestly I think make this not even among the top spells in the game the two biggest things are that number one Minify just isn't very good on a lot of classes counter-intuitively like if you're playing soldier or demo or someone with like Splash damage probably pyro too you can get a lot of use out of Minify I mean not really having to like closely aim what you're looking at and being able to run around spam projectiles on the point I mean this this can be absolutely insane in the best case scenario but in the worst case scenario like if you get this on heavy well you can't double jump when you're revved up so you have to be really careful of how you're using this um sniper I mean what is sniper going to do with infinite double jumps and double attack speed his best literally sniper's best way to use this and even a lot of people's best way to use this is as an escape Tool uh just popping this because oh it also refills all of your help when you use it that's another thing that I forgot to mention but is classes who don't really have good spam options like a sniper medic engineer to some extent honestly I think Minify is a better Escape tool than it is a combat tool by popping Minify you restore all of your health you become small and now you can run away extremely efficiently with a speed boost and infinite double jumps it's kind of built for that and because of that I think that there is at least some utility on every single class even the ones that can't make good combat use out of it but the combat really is only great on Soldier demo pyro and to some extent uh spy and Scout but under like the the other spells which are good on like literally every class Minify just kind of misses the mark in a lot of areas but the second main reason that I think that this is not as good as a lot of people make it out to be is that the camera angle basically makes it impossible to aim for anyone that uses hit scan the reason why is because when you go into third person and you jump and you're in mid-air really at all uh your character model Blocks Your Crosshair for some clashes like Soldier and demo where you don't need to precisely aim again this isn't a huge problem but on clashes like Scout having your Crosshair block is huge and it means that the damage you're dealing is only really adequate when you're on the ground and not even making use of some of the most powerful aspects of it so even though the theoretical skill ceiling on this is like really really high and like oh what's stopping you from just popping minifying killing everyone on the enemy team well aside from sentry guns which will destroy you even with a small hitbox um the fact that you can't really aim properly half the time again that's not even something you can really play around not being able to see the only reticle you're given to be able to actually place your shots is a huge drawback the other complaint that I'll give which you can technically play around but it is incredibly annoying is that you die basically all the time when the effect ends the reason for this and a lot of people don't actually know this is that uh back in the day the Minify spell could be used to glitch out of the map if you played engineer you could actually get your bounding box close enough to certain out of bounds areas that you could either get stuck uh like in a wall and then place a teleporter or you could just clip through the wall entirely so what they made it do to fix this is just kill you immediately if it determines that you would be stuck when the effect ends now unfortunately the calculations for whether or not you're actually stuck are a little bit overzealous um you die if you're on like a five degree slope it is ridiculous sometimes if you're on stairs if you're kind of near a wall if you're kind of near a ceiling if you're near you're an enemy player like good luck surviving on the safest way to use this is to go out into the middle of nowhere timing when the effect is going to end and jump slightly off the ground so you don't even risk being on an incline that's the only way that you're really guaranteed to survive and even then it's not a not a guarantee necessarily so the fact that this randomly comes with a pretty long potentially respawn time when the effect ends is a major drawback and I'm not going to like Overlook it and just pretend it's not because it really does affect like how well you're able to use it and play the match generally afterwards so because of that I'm going to still put Minify an incredibly powerful because like I said it does have decent Mobility for every class that it's on if nothing else but it's just not as good honestly I would probably rather have Fireball than Minify a lot of the time what I will say okay I guess the other thing that I'll mention about Minify is um when you use it you can pick up other spells and then combine it with Minify so at the very least there's no downside to having it at all you just have to make sure you survive when the effect ends um but again I would rather have Fireball or overheal than Minify most of the time because those are just more generally useful than being able to potentially kill the entire other team but really not having a good chance to do so because of the jankiness of the spell I see a lot of people saying that Minify is the best spell in the game because double firing and reload speed and infinitely Mobility is broken but when you actually get into the nitty-gritty of how it works it's not okay and I will defend until the end of the time that it's not okay quick disclaimer I call this Tesla coil the entire time that's what it used to be called but apparently when the unusual effect came out they changed the name to ball o lightning so I just ignore all the times that I call it Tesla coil uh again I I can't remember the names of these spells it doesn't matter anyway you know what I'm talking about when I say giant glowy energy orb anyway Tesla coil is pretty dang good but it's not great necessarily uh what Tesla coil does is it launches this like giant glowing energy ball that sucks in anyone that it hits really even people that are kind of in the same hemisphere as where you throw it deals constant damage to them and then after a while uh expires and then you're left with a bunch of enemies who are all grouped up even though you are able to suck up a bunch of people and theoretically do a bunch of damage uh the amount of time that you actually like are able to finish people off adequately with this is rare than people might think now much like Minify on paper Tesla coil looks like it should be basically an instant kill every single time uh you throw it at someone it does like 20 damage per tick so like 40 damage per second um sucks them in they can't even Escape it you can like what cheese people like knock them off cliffs and stuff everyone's all grouped up so you can finish them off with explosives but like practically speaking the amount of times you're going to get the big plays off of this are just not not a ton it does have a pretty good ability to delete a lot of people without healing but if you're someone that does have healing of really any kind you're probably going to survive the encounter you may not be in pristine condition when you get out of the Tesla coil but compared to spells like Fireball which basically instantly kill you uh surviving is a pretty big deal but I think what's perhaps the biggest downside about this one is that it's not the most consistent compared to something like again Fireball where you throw it and you know it's going to do 100 damage if it hits the damage on this is practically random uh because what causes the the giant ball to disappear is not really something that you can predict at the very most you can get I think up to like 200 to 300 damage if it lasts for the entire duration but if it hits an obstacle then sometimes the thing disappears and sometimes it bounces and what causes either of those to happen I have no idea it's basically random tf2's Collision in general is a complete mess but because of that you're not even really getting the full damage so the thing that I think makes this pretty weak is that there isn't a guarantee that it's even going to do what you want it to do half the time so at its peak sure ball of lightning can be much better than Fireball uh but I think just for General use in terms of like when you actually want it and how much you're going to have it or I guess how often you're going to have it bottle of lightning just isn't great I'm gonna put it in generally useful because I think it still is a really good way to clear out the objective but compared to a lot of other spells I just don't think it really makes the the same impact on the game uh normally speaking again it can it's like maybe a 10 chance that you get the ball of lightning of a lifetime and you group up everyone and then your your soldier teammate gets a random crit and kills everyone like okay that's rarely ever going to happen most of the time you're going to kill maybe one or two people maybe zero if they have a Medicare you get unlucky it's just like it's not very easy to predict and also sometimes you just randomly fall out of the spell I don't know what causes that but if you're kind of like lagging behind in midair like it's not even a guarantee that you'll be sucked in completely whatever the Collision they used on this is is kind of a mess I'll be real but uh because of that I just don't think it's like among the better spells in the game words cannot express how powerful meteor shower is so imagine Fireball imagine shooting a 100 damage projectile that does afterburn wherever you hit now imagine that when you hit someone you also now summon a bunch of 100 damage Fireballs to continuously rain down and do the same amount of damage and all the other Fireball garbage for like five entire seconds to everyone in a pretty massive radius meteor shower does literally everything but healing you can throw it into groups of multiple enemies to kill basically all of them with no way for them to react you can throw it in an area that an enemy might be and there's still a chance to that they'll walk into it because the effect lasts way too long you can camp under certain areas and because the meteors fall from the sky you can delete people without even exposing yourself at all basically if there is an enemy in your line of sight or on an objective you win there's literally nothing you can do if someone happens to cast meteor shower at you it is an instant L I personally believe that meteor shower is the best spell in the entire game and I don't even think it's close every single class in the game gets nearly perfect points for uh for using meteor showers not even because of perfectly good Synergy either it's because the meteor shower is so incredibly powerful that you have to be an absolute lobotomite to mess it up so I'm going to put this in the Revelation 8 7 tier now for those of you who aren't nerds and looked it up or aren't devout Christians let me read Revelation 8 7 because it is fitting the first Angel blew his trumpet then hail and fire mixed with blood was poured down upon the Earth and a third of the entire Earth and all the Green Grass and a third of the trees were all burned up that is an accurate representation of what using meteor shower feels like if you've ever found an area of the map that you just don't particularly like fling this in its general direction and chances are all of your problems are going to be instantaneously solved and the cherry on top of the meteor shower pies that you can still get this in the common pool if you happen to get lucky it's not one of the ones that's banned for some unforeseen reason because of that it is of my opinion that meteor shower is Bar None the best spell in the entire game even though it doesn't have any support factors it doesn't need any support factors because guess what no one's going to deal damage to you and the entire team is dead some meteor showers going all the way to the top tier and to end us out let me show you a quick clip from my yearly tradition of how I troll Carnival of Carnage every single year with meteor shower thank you oh my God skeleton's horde which yes is the official name of this for some reason uh basically allows you to summon Halloween skeletons wherever you aim you fire a little skull projectile that lands somewhere and then kind of like the pumpkin mirv it just summons skeletons in like a little ring around uh where the projectile lands the skeletons are identical to the ones that appear as map hazards uh meaning that they can be really annoying but most of the time if you're a class that can kill them they're pretty easy to kill the skeleton spell Is Not Great a lot of the time uh like I said it can be a major headache to the enemy team if you're able to like throw it in an area that most people aren't expecting it allows you to harass snipers incredibly well and because of that it's one of my personal favorite spells to get but in terms of practicality all it takes is like one century one heavy one pyro one soldier one Demoman to render most of the skeletons ineffective I know I've complained about skeletons before on this channel but the main problem that I have with those skeletons that appear as map hazards is that there are a lot of them most of the time and when you summon skeletons like this there are only three so they're really not too difficult to kill as long as you are a class that can do it the nice part about skeletons is that it doesn't really require you to do anything you just kind of throw it in a direction and then forget about it and pick up a new spell um the only time limit is that all of the skeletons will automatically like deconstruct themselves if they've been alive for longer than 30 seconds which on top of being incredibly relatable on several levels uh is pretty harmful to the actual effectiveness of the spell you can't just like throw it down and expect an entire area to be defended from snipers forever because it is pretty easy to defeat I'm going to put it only in generally useful I mean again the ease of use is quite nice you don't really have to like think about too hard where you uh where you aim this you're just like ah there happens to be a distinctive lack of skeletons in this one area of the map let's just annoy anyone that enters this practice proximity and annoy them at will but it's probably not going to do too much if anyone happens to have a couple brain cells to rub together so skeletons can be okay actually you know what I've talked myself down I'm gonna put skeletons in occasionally helpful you might be thinking that it's weird to put a rare spell this far down but like really think about it skeletons are so easily disposed of and even though it's not hard to like use the spell and you'll you'll get at least some use out of it even if you're an absolute brainlet it's like okay if they have a Sentry anywhere your spell is completely nullified compared to the ones in generally useful which you can't say that you're at least going to get as much use out of it as you can like manage to aim so even though it's a cool idea in theory uh the fact that you just don't really get skeletons that much combined with how little they actually do doesn't inclin me to put them very high summon monoculus is a pretty dang good spell All Things Considered uh and what it does is it allows you to fire yet another skull projectile I don't know why there's so many skull projectiles and Halloween spells but wherever it hits a Giant floating team-colored glowing monoculus uh is summoned above wherever you landed the skull thing the monoculus will continuously fire rockets at the nearest player uh which don't do a ton of damage but do happen pretty often and are slightly challenging to avoid because they have pretty good speed basically it fires like Liberty launcher rockets and because it lasts for a pretty meaty amount of time uh it's going to function as a pretty nice area denial tool even if it doesn't do a ton of damage perhaps the best part about the monoculus is that you can't actually get rid of it if monoculus is there it is there until the effect ends like unlike skeletons or whatever where you can just shoot them and they die uh the monoculus that you summon above a payload or whatever is going to be a constant problem the only thing that you can realistically do is just Spam short circuits or reflect at it but even then it lasts long enough that you're probably going to run out of ammo before that becomes a viable strategy even though monoculus doesn't do high damage it does create major pressure on whatever area you throw it at you can't ignore it it will constantly shoot rockets at you and you have to do something to prevent that from happening essentially whether that's running away and getting cover whether that's popping Uber like even if no one dies to monoculus it still causes enough of a problem that you're going to make the other team in a much worse position than they were when they started and compared to other spells where you could technically say the same thing like Tesla coil or Minify monoculus lasts for a pretty long time so it does like basically Force the entire other team to get off the objective or to break their like defensive barrier or whatever they've set up so yeah it is a pretty good tool to dislodge like large groups of enemies from their turtling Point even if it doesn't kill them like it does in a meteor shower it does last for a significantly longer amount of time than meteor shower meaning that you do have a pretty good way to like take control of an area if you so wish so I'm going to put monoculus in incredibly powerful I don't really think there's a wrong way to use monoculus like you're going to get at least pretty good use out of it whenever you uh whenever you throw it down I'm going to put it I think below Minify just because it doesn't have the same utility as Minify uh but don't don't get me wrong I mean it's still in the incredibly powerful tier it's still really easy to just Chuck a monoculus down get their entire like heavy medic combo or whatever off the payload or even if they stay on I mean that's more damage that is being contributed toward the team fight basically for free so it's not as good as a meteor shower but it still does the job so that's all of the rare spells um those are basically all of the spells that I like really wanted to talk about but for the sake of completeness in the video there are four more which I do at least want to bring up the four remaining spells are all only available in bumper cars which I believe you can only actually get on Carnival of Carnage so the amount of times where you actually get to use these spells is not exactly plentiful uh but this is a spell tier list and these are spells so I will at least talk about them somewhat although I mean they're exactly the same on every single class so there there isn't going to be a graphic or anything the first one is Bomb head which basically makes you a large grenade if you ram into someone else's car while you have the bomb head spell active you do some damage to yourself and a crap ton of damage to the person you just hit it also has like a small area of effect but in my experience with bumper cars it very rarely matters because it's not like people are just standing there grouped up anyway so basically it's just a good way to like battering ram some random fool you come across I'll put bomb head in occasionally helpful because I mean number one it's really only good for like finishing off bumper cars that are already at like really high percent number two in the only game modes that spells are actually available you don't even need to kill people to win so killing people is entirely for fun and therefore objectively speaking it's like what's the point uh but I mean if you're going for contracts or whatever this is an easy way to get your bumper car killed I guess boxing rocket uh fires a little boxing glove off the front of your car that explodes whenever it hits someone now you might be thinking hey isn't this the same thing as the bomb head but ranged and the answer is yes it's literally just a better bomb head I don't know why they have both of these in here probably this one's generally useful because this can also be used to like get people away from like the bumper car like the ducks or something like I don't know again the Spells and bumper cars just aren't aren't usually that good it's just like the only game modes that they appear and you don't even need the spells to win you just do the Ducks or score goals or whatever I don't even know pepper cars is just such a stupid mode I don't even know why they added it but yeah boxing rocket is like the contract go you just you fire this at random people as long as you have the aim of someone who has good aim then you can pretty easily kill people that are even at moderately High percents Bass Jump makes your car fly up into the air and deploys a parachute now this one I don't like because usually when I use spells I go for contracts and this doesn't do damage and isn't really funny objectively speaking this is probably one of the better ones all this does is it prevents you from dying if you're like falling off the map you can activate uh the parachute or the base jump spell like drive back onto the map and you're good to go and that way you don't have to suffer through the process of uh like falling all the way off the map and trying to respawn I will note too the bass jump is actually like moderately useful for combat because if you're near somebody and you use base jump then anyone you're near goes flying back and if someone's at high percent it actually does have a pretty good chance of killing overall it's probably one of the more useful ones in bumper cars I'll put it generally useful but again it's bumper cars it doesn't really matter anyway and finally overheal but the bumper car version of overheal not the not the actually good one does basically the same thing as the other over heel uh it heals you for 50 damage which really isn't that much considering that's like maybe two car hits um it makes you ubered for uh like a couple seconds I think and it doesn't affect teammates which was the the best part about the other one so it's whatever over heel is like pretty useful as a bumper car spell I guess I mean if you're trying to like collect ducks or knock the ball onto the goal it does make you an immovable object for a couple seconds and heal you making you less prone to getting knocked off the map which is like good I guess but it's also not getting any fun points for me because it's the most anti-climactic spell basically in the entire game I'll put it in generally useful objectively speaking it works it does its job but it's it's not very fun to use so anyway this is the final Halloween spell tier list uh both with and without the bumper car spells just in case uh you don't care because I don't blame you like I said at the beginning I know this concept has been done at least one time on YouTube I think a couple people have but there's one other big version of the tier list I just fundamentally disagree with a lot of it I think that it wasn't like super well explained um why what's going where as well as the ranking system was a little bit janky in some aspects uh but no I I really do believe that like Fireball is one of the best spells in the entire game only beat out by the spell that is Fireball but like more Fireballs per Fireball but anyway if you have have any disagreements let me know I think that I did a pretty good job explaining why I put certain things where I certainly would like to hear feedback if you think that there's anything that I overlooked or if there's anything that you think that I can improve with my tier list format in general it always is helpful and as long as you're being like real about it not being a prick it's appreciated if you enjoyed this video make sure to like if you like tier lists in general specifically my brand of tier list well don't worry there's more coming RTD tier list coming within the next couple months or so just need to get all the footage because there's a lot of it and most importantly subscribe if you want to see it and yeah that's it have a good one [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Great Blue
Views: 103,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tf2, team fortress 2, tf2 tier list, tf2 halloween, tf2 update, tf2 scream fortress, tf2 halloween tier list, tf2 spell tier list, tf2 magic spells, team fortress 2 halloween, tf2 halloween gameplay, tf2 gameplay, tf2 scout, tf2 soldier, tf2 pyro, tf2 demoman, tf2 heavy, tf2 engineer, tf2 medic, tf2 sniper, tf2 spy, tf2 great blue, great blue, tf2 great blue tier list, tf2x10 tier list, tf2 funny moments, tf2 memes
Id: 55aUWrpcp8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 29sec (3029 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 02 2022
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