Drawing Chainsaw Man Characters in Different Styles

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foreign ideas to make even dumber drawings I'm Jacob I'm Karina I'm Nathan and I'm Julia and today we got an idea coming to us Straight From the Source whoa AKA Karina I'm the source source trust me Source it came to me in a dream and that dream was about chainsaw man yeah wow I think I think it went a little something like we were talking about episodes and we were like it's been a second since we've done an X in other styles episode yup so that's what we're doing that's what we're doing and Chainsaw man is is the hot stuff right now we made a pact with the content devil but we are allowed to show you these speed draws we did where we took characters from chainsaw man and reinterpreted them in different styles and we're gonna start with Nathan wow Nathan why don't you tell us what you did and who you did I drew the chainsaw man dingy uh and I uh did a drawing inspired by the art of Dan hip oh love a good Dan hit because you know me I've been playing the Marvel snap yeah yep and did you know did you know hey have y'all heard about this they got some good artists in there and Dan hips one of them I like his variants let's get into it yeah all right three two one go uh so yeah so I start off just trying to figure out how chainsaw man works so I just I did a couple warm-up drawings of the of the Chainsaw man uh I was using the uh I think it's the the cover art for the the first issue yeah that looks familiar to me um it's what shows up if you Google chainsaw man yeah um so then I was like okay I've got this so now I've gotta I've gotta make it I gotta make it more squirt more squirt and cartoony because that's that's what Dan Hipp does he was the um uh artistic director for Teen Titans Go I believe um and yeah his art is just super it's like it's really simplified but also he has a lot of fun uh details that he includes as well um particularly in the uh in the snap variants which is what I'm most familiar with and he's really good at sort of simplifying shading into these cool patterns um so I draw it like like it's a little card doing like a frame break [Music] yeah so I made I made the head big I made the body more more squirt and just try and uh extrapolate and to my knowledge I haven't seen any Dan hip uh chainsaw man fan art but uh if if he ever did it himself I'm sure it would look awesome so it might look a little something like this it might look like this it might look better challenging you I of course uh made a pact with the procrastination devil for this uh drawing so I I was a little rushed on it uh but you know why ever so we have so long to work on it well you know when you make a pact it has nothing to do with the game that I previously mentioned uh it is both an inspiration and a curse um do we all have time to play games [Laughter] that's with the the angle of the Chainsaw here to make it make make better sense and not have to go behind them say make better sense it is a chainsaw blade coming out a human arm I just meant sort of like compositionally yeah I'm giving you like like out a little bit thank you Julia no it's like it's it already doesn't make much sense so I feel like anything you do is gonna look yeah gonna look good I love chainsaw man's design I like that I use a chainsaw and he has a mouth yeah yeah I love these uh these Shadows yeah yeah and again like that that's sort of the way the way he draws him like his signature shading it just looks so nice when he does it there's there's such a confidence and like uh it looks so effortless but it's clearly so like well planned out so of course I in in the other window I just have like a collage of some of my favorites of his variants uh it was just trying to pull ideas from them and so you'll see me draw the patterning on these pants like approximately a bajillion times sometimes you gotta and same thing with these uh these spikes I'm gonna redraw them again and then I'm gonna redraw them again and what about again anymore yeah okay one more time again yeah I decided to give them more of like the angle that they have in the sort of original art oh sure it's a good effect it shows a little bit more motion yeah yeah yeah I'm not gonna say it because sometimes people take it very seriously when we say d word your art but sometimes you gotta sometimes you you just d word a little bit of it yeah if you think you can do it better and you also don't have to d word if like if you like what you're yeah it's it's permissive not instructive yeah let me say it yeah we're saying if you don't like it you can you can do whatever you want but I do find it cute when you think I have authority over you yeah that is cute so you know what go ahead and delete it actually yeah I just think it'd be funny um so yeah then I went and just color picked from the I was about to ask the chainsaw man uh art because I I felt like the colors would work really well with sort of the way uh Dan Hipp does his his renders which is a lot of it's like a lot of soft and then hard uh Shadows and a lot of fun textures and stuff and so I tried to get a little bit of that in there again I I probably could have uh done more uh with more time but I I'm pretty happy with uh with how it turned out I'm glad that you're happy with it it's always like the the nice thick border gives it that comicky look yeah yeah it's a combination of those thick lines with like a real like it's both like painterly but also real patterny is and so again you'll see me try and do the the shine on the on the Saab a million times as well I'm really loving the um shoulders into hip area of your piece for some reason like the depth is really nice yeah it does have good like three dimensions soft shade with hard highlight yeah on clothing that's how you do it that's so good yeah thank you heat it up yeah I mean I I like these these style challenges because even if you don't get the style like perfectly right you still pick up some cool technique stuff from it that's why I miss doing it added in some splatter effects the ground here yeah yeah these colors though we're popping now yeah I just I love the way he does the backgrounds and the the the background on the the actual cover art sort of Lent itself to that oh putting that green behind the helmet really makes it pop yeah and then I grabbed a little half tone um oh yeah oh yeah a little half tone in there and there it is yeah yeah it's fun Nathan I think this came out great thank you and he's he just goes to show even when you don't have that much time you still produce a banger result that's all that matters yeah well I appreciate the uh the support and the encouragement and we support you even if we gave you so much for procrastinating stop the violence okay I'm moving on now thank you it's my turn now please this might sound familiar to you but I've been enjoying this game lately called Marvel snap [Laughter] I hear they got a lot of artists good artists and Marvel Snap I've heard that from somewhere I got a lot of good artists in that game you may not have heard this but I'm that's why I'm telling you um so there's this artist called Kim Jacinto and his stuff is absolutely nuts he's like um one of those artists that you you see and I'm like oh you're like so much better than me yeah so I'm just gonna like try my best to learn what I can from your style knowing full well that I cannot replicate it like I just don't have the skills but he does all this really cool stuff with like extreme foreshortening um he's got like crazy a knowledge of anatomy and structure and stuff and really really fun work so I want to do his style and I want to do a character who's not been in the anime yet I'm not gonna spoil anything plot wise you're just gonna see a character who looks cool um her name is Quan XI she's my favorite because says she has an eye patch and swords yep and that's that's sick I love that and she goes so fast and she goes really fast sorry I'm getting emotional she just goes so fast so I'm gonna just get into it now we'll take a look-see okay three two one go okay so you're gonna see some of Kim jacinto's art here because I did a study before I started I wanted to like Redline some of his poses because as you can see they're like wildly pushed um in a way that like would almost be like incorrect if you didn't have such a strong knowledge of um composition and anatomy and stuff so it was really cool to like try and learn how like what he's pushing to make these poses work yeah and he's got a thing in like a lot of his work that's like this this this big Steppy leg there's like a four leg that's like always doing a big stepy and so I I wanted to get the Steppy leg in my piece as well so here in a second you'll see me actually start on mine after I sit here for a while you had to do your own big stepy yeah I collect a lot of reference for this one because I wanted a lot of stuff to like look at to get like ideas from so that if I had like anything I was trying to draw but wasn't sure how he'd do it I could find some piece that probably had what I was looking for oh Dynamic there she is she's so cool I love her and her whole Entourage Halloween Halloween um you'll get it you'll get it you'll get it don't worry Karina gave all of us a face you'll get it too Karina yeah um so I'm going for like uh yeah a big Steppy pose already Jacob this pose yeah I was pretty pleased with the pose I thought it was it was cool I'm not like um you know as good at Anatomy as he is but I felt like I still was able to get something pretty fun out of it um I I redo the face like a bazillion times the face and hair yes yeah that was my chainsaw blade well she's not very expressive no and I I like the pose to me was like wanted a big expression but I was like oh but she doesn't really do that she expresses herself through cutting people with swords yeah so I I had to figure it out sometimes the pose is the expression for sure yeah and um you'll see I get rid of all of this this is all temporary none of this is no this is real none of this matters yeah I know this matters you know it's just I mean your art you know you know it's not like here's every mouth I can think of I like the toothy grin that's kind of fun yeah I redo all the hair too because I was like it's cool but it doesn't look like her hair yeah so I had to like get rid of that I ended up going with this sort of like the wide eye oh yeah like this is like the last face you see before you get bisected uh making sure all the angles sort of work there um I try so many times for the back arm figuring out where it could go it ends up going nowhere nice because I'm like it's gone yeah you don't see it yeah it's just got to be hidden so I finally got the hair this time nice um with her like sort of thin ponytail look is her back arm John Cena because I can't see it nice Nathan yes you're so right dude um so I'm I'm really trying for the super thick and thin super thick and thin style that he uses we're like the stuff coming at you has like really thick border so I'm gonna go back and like even thicken it up more um as I go here and then I had to go even thinner on the face yeah I feel like pose wise I was pretty pleased with them yeah like what I came up with yeah you should be yeah it's nice it looks looks good something dynamic so now I'm trying to figure out the way he does um like black shading he does like some heavy black shading um and I'm doing it on the shirt here a bit with like the lines but I end up not liking that so much I have to go back and fix it but I'm adding even thicker black lines to the foreground elements along with these sorts of things he does like these sorts of things a lot I'm obsessed with these legs same thank you good lines yeah I appreciate that I was pretty happy with the with the legs so I'm trying to add in these actions well there she goes [Music] I ended up finishing the whole foot oh yeah um then I'm using this piece as a color reference I like the orange and purple um with the black oh I like that yeah I'm trying to to mimic his sort of hatching style I'm pretty sure he does it like by hand but I'm like there's absolutely no way like if I I tried to do it and I'm like I just don't have that skill set so that's what I use the hatching brush yeah I'm not ashamed it exists yeah it exists to cheat I'm a cheater we love cheating here we love cheating this is this is great yeah thank you yeah I think I get you know it's it's like when you see the finished product like I couldn't quite get all the details he manages to get in like the backgrounds and the effects and stuff I go with more like the PCC on the left it's a little simpler yeah but like his snap variants have like crazy backgrounds there's like a million effects like a thousand half tones going different directions but he makes it look good somehow it's just crazy so some of it I'm like I can't figure out exactly how to make it work for me but triangles triangles yes triangles always work I love these oh she's a cure sliding in yeah I thought she was like maybe she just like took a blow and is like sliding backwards you know she would never take a blow exactly she blocked it yeah bringing in some yellow REM lighting to like highlight stuff a bit and he does these like sort of lightning effects looking things a lot you'll see it in the Shang Chi uh poster there then I just add he does these cool gradients from like pink to purple a lot yeah yeah so I do a little pink to purple action oh nice this is lovely and then I add a little TV blur to it just because I like how that looks and that's it that's awesome wow this is so good thank you this is really I think this is next level you yeah that's stronger Jacob I did just have a a moment of panic because I was like I don't remember what Marvel snap artist I did for this challenge no you're all fine me and Nathan just are stupid yeah [Laughter] um but yeah I feel like I learned a lot from this one yeah it made me you know excited to like try the new stuff I was trying so that's always fun to do so that's a good part of these challenges so yeah good job Karina recommending this challenge thank you and speaking of Karina let's see yours next okay who'd you do I drew power like that she's like stupid and violent and like confident so much that it kind of circles back to being like helplessly incompetent just like me so I resonate a lot with her character and the Marvel snap artist that I chose is card captors uh Sakura [Music] I I uh a while ago I bought uh the art book for the original anime for card captors which is also one I grew up with and I love the like like specifically the anime art for card captors it has a lovely quality to it so uh you know powers like you know character ending where she has like all their little different outfits you you put a cute stupid girl in a bunch of different outfits and I'm like card captors so that was my mindset so that's what I wanted to do hell yeah let's check it out three two one go ah God it's I I'm so sorry Nathan but it's been so long since I drew this I kind of like don't remember what I'm doing because I was really excited about it um full disclosure if I had known we had more time uh but also I didn't want this to be another stupid long one I wanted to draw in a bunch of different outfits but I ended up kind of fussing around a lot with the like cardcaptors like super Shoujo like you know odds style so I I just did one but um this was really fun to do I just think she's so so cute she's a little stinko and I love her she's perfect in every way yeah and I just thought yeah she should I want to do her in like a Shoujo style I also had trouble with the back hand but I get it later but yeah because there's um I love the like Cardcaptor art because it's like so flowy everything's really like flowery and like swoopy there's a lot of like Art Nouveau kind of um how you say motifs to it everything just looks kind it's kind of Elemental so I really like that and I just wanted to draw it because that's fun it looks so much like it already yeah for giving us the gift that is um the title uh chainsaw man as 90s that's guaranteed clicks it's not even Sailor Moon style they were branching out barely they click through and get two marbles you have to eat your vegetables before you get to dessert but yeah it's uh it's a pretty straightforward process it's just that like the overall style is different than how I would normally approach art it's kind of a lot softer uh more on that later like even the way that because I I get kind of angular with how I draw stuff so uh everything's just a little bit softer and like kind of weird subtle ways these hands though I've been working on my hands good hands yeah anything is reference on these thank you and the hair is like really really detailed very layered and yeah but it's it's also a really nostalgic style for me so I'm like I love it I remember watching card captors when it was on a little bit cardcaptors and Yu-Gi-Oh hell yeah we had so much in common the way they draw their silly little wings that was like defining personality trait for Middle School Karina but yeah everything about it's just really flowy and and Light so I wanted to draw her in like a very kind of light pose and being all cutesy I love her my little stinko she's so good oh good shoes thank you yeah they always every everything they got the chunky shoe aesthetic and card captors too so I'm like hell yeah but yeah I got to make her hair really flowy and I wasn't I I I think I actually like cut an hour out of this because I like did a bunch of stuff and then ended up deleting it all and I I I tend to just average take longer with my speed draws so I don't I don't like them to run too long also there's a lot of like line weight going on it has the thick black outlines but there's also a lot of line weight because there's not like a lot of the uh shapes are softer so they do a lot more work with the line weight rather than just drawing more lines right yeah yeah so and then I just color picked because I had trouble remembering what her hair color was but um it's like we were getting haunted by power there are you drawing me over there but yeah I I had a lot of trouble getting the style down so I spent a lot of time doing that it took me until like uh part way into shading the face where I was like okay I think I actually got this right I wasn't convinced when it was just Flats I kept wanting to redo it some styles are like that where like they don't like fully come together until you get like the color in yeah and again with this one you'll probably see it in a bit I had a lot of trouble figuring out the clothing because the way that they do folds is so different than how I approach it so I just ended up fussing around with that for like two hours like Supreme fussing yeah once I got these highlights in I was like oh I think I did it yeah I wasn't convinced until that moment I was like I love her stinko girl there she is real yeah the way they do folds is way more uh fluffy looking like again I do a lot more like angular yeah so it's a very subtle difference but it was very difficult for me to like be satisfied with it and the answer was doing a lot more like line weight in the folds and then doing less actual shading right yeah it's a trick It's Tricky she tricked me how dare you Sakura yeah because there's all there's just something so light and dreamy about like cardcaptors uh and like clamp style in general but like the art direction of the original cardcaptors it's so nice yeah I love the look of it that's my face as I keep struggling to figure out how to do the shading yeah I love that when you flip the canvas it's like your face is like moving like from side to side like no matter what angle I look at I can't tell and then again because I originally wanted to have a lot more like Shenanigans I I didn't so I had to do a lot of the I was like okay but I gotta do like the Art Nouveau looking like little agree yeah yeah little stuffs so her blood Powers silly little blood and then I just made up the background I don't know oh it's like she's on a card yeah to be captured and frame broken like in Marvel snap oh my God card Snappers card snappers I think I have an art nouveau like design book somewhere but I didn't feel like looking for it I just kind of wanted to get this done because I spent so damn long on my last speed draw that I was like this one just has to be average like you only had one yeah I held it in so uh this one I I decided to keep relatively simple oh I love it though thank you I feel like you really got at the style things I had a lot of fun messing around with it I just think she's so fun and cute but also like stinky and horrible yeah and I just thought it was fun to draw and like a really Shojo style yeah that's what she deserves it like suits like I deserve it doesn't suit her at the same time she's just like me for real for real this is the like prequel anime that's just about power like off on her own before yeah getting into Shenanigans and wearing like 400 different cosplays that her lesbian bestie made for her we love to see it we love to see it we love to see it and it's true yes that chainsaw man presented us with a stinky little woman and the whole like everyone just went yes yes yes yes I accept a stinky Woman canonically based on Eric Cartman yeah according to the author her amazing I resonate with them yeah yeah totally I see myself in them so Julia which uh which piece of card based media did you use as a inspiration there are cards in the game I guess oh um so the style I did was disco Elysium that's still like that's a game that's a game game uh it's a game where you do dice rolls and there's like little little artist cards uh the uh artist is Alexander rostov I believe who did the art for disco Elysium cool and I already did makima in a different episode but I wasn't super happy with it so I did makima again round two baby round two makima also she's my favorite so I do want to just say that now that this is actually a piece of media we've all consumed for the first time in a while I do like that our faves are so indicative of who we are as people yeah yeah I think it all it all adds up it all lines up it makes sense well my my fave is the angel devil but I I felt like something interesting I should draw the uh the main character the main character yeah yes that's fair well Julia let's dive into it you ready yeah okay three two one go so when you're looking up art for disco Elysium there's like a million different art styles but the thing that brings them all together is that they're all very traditional painter yeah uh uh inspired or they're just like based in the traditional painting aesthetic um or techniques I guess I should say and I am not a traditional painter I've done traditional painting but I don't love it uh so I'm just sketching out the face that I want to do in the pose the thing that I was basing this piece off of is that um Alexander does a lot of um good pieces based off of the two main characters where they're doing like it's kind of it's kind of like they're in a strong wind hell yeah so I'm trying to give her more of a pose than I probably would normally with her because she's very um you know she stand there menacingly yeah yeah and she's just standing he's just standing there it stands there menacingly uh I'm determining I for some reason I have a very hard time drawing makima's face uh which is why I wanted to do it again so this is me figuring out the planes since it's going to be more painterly yeah yeah but he spends a lot of time doing uh clear details on the face so that the face is really clear and then the rest of it is really chunky yeah so I'm just blocking it in blocking in most of my colors he also does a lot of wild colors on this a lot of very saturated uh I don't know treatments of everything uh and we'll jump around in what the Shadows like the tones of the Shadows so on some parts it can be warm sometimes or in some parts it can be cool so I'm trying to figure that out yeah that's what I always like wonder when I see artists work like that sometimes I'm like how did they choose yeah it's like you have to decide that's why I have those arrows there it's to determine like the directions and how strong the lighting's going to be so the one on the top left is like what I used to signify like a bigger like the strongest light and it's going I don't know I like try to indicate the direction that it's hitting her face and then the other one is like a smaller light that's hitting her from the side so those Shadows are going to be different on the right side than on the left side um he also doesn't go super dark but also not super light so I'm trying to hit that that middle this is me kind of like figuring out where I want to live in the tones a little bit live in the tones Julia I'm also trying to recall the traditional painting techniques but apply them to digital painting so usually starting like a mid-tone and work your way out from there [Music] uh yeah yeah it kind of keeps you from going too light or too dark smart yeah it's already looking real cool thank you I think I think this winds up being a little too dark I'm having a hard time remembering how this piece turns out but I think it's a little dark because it's been a while it's uh it's been a while well I usually try to do my speed draws like immediately after we learn what they are so that they're they're done so he really is the opposite to all of us you made a pact with the efficiency devil yeah what did it cost cost your sanity uh I don't know what's happening right now I'm probably looking at a lot of reference going how did you do the lips let's avoid the lips for now anyway anyway let's do something else yeah I think I was looking at it and deciding that the Shadows some of the Shadows I had were too chunky because there aren't he really breaks up shapes with more details but like it's not that detailed it's really interesting so I'm trying to decide they're gone I hid the eyes because they were so bright and that they would change like the color relevancy of the face and kind of skew how I was going to treat the rest of it uh it would be too distracting for me so I hit that later yeah so I'll I'll bring it back just I'm hiding it for the sake of me painting there you go there they are so the face is more or less done I'm going into uh the hair and the rest of it he also um the edges on everything except for the face are super loose like he's going in it with like a palette knife and kind of like just does like some mooshes with the palette knife that kind of Blends it into like a wet background so that's some of the oil will kind of like it gives that that oil blending into the background effect um and it gives it a really like painterly artistic feel which is really nice but is so opposite from how I work because I need everything to be very clean and distinct yeah yeah lots of texture in this yeah I got very excited when you were like maybe I'll do Disco Elysium yeah it works um pretty opposite to me in a lot of ways again everything except for the face gets really chunky and really painterly good at it that's okay for later you'll just have to do it a third time [Music] [Laughter] um I noticed that with the backgrounds of these portraits um what tends to happen is that he'll just put colors to make certain areas pop and then we'll put lines in to literally point to a face here it is so I'm trying to kind of do the in between yeah something about it pulls it all together yeah and then I went darker with the the shadow on the face to make the eye pop a little bit more to draw more attention to it yeah I like that choice yeah this is awesome yeah yeah and then he puts in just some little like paint got thrown onto the canvas sorts of deals yeah this is me realizing that I went too dark with the face and not realizing how dark with the face I went so I put in a little bit of a highlight and I should have lightened everything a little bit this is that was me testing if I wanted to give it a little pop there because I knew something was wrong but I didn't know what was wrong and if I had looked at it a week later I would have said oh it went too dark but I didn't I think it's lovely thank you the thing that's wrong is that makim is looking at you like this that's what's wrong everything's about to go wrong for you yeah yeah if you're in this situation and I love the way the eye pop says is yeah thank you yeah and it's kind of got like a I think you nailed it got like a otherworldly inhuman vibe to it that I think is good like suits the character yeah that's also very discolesium is is its own weird world everything about the the arm yeah the suit jacket arm yeah me too it's like so implied but it works really well yeah a lot of implication in his painting but not you know very not super clear but like your eye fills in what it's supposed to be it's pretty cool hey Marvel get this guy to do some variants [Laughter] so we can see to find it you go to museums I play Marvel snaps [Laughter] well this was fun though great job everyone good job doing these interpretations yeah these beloved characters uh we should definitely do more of these even more of these than this one yeah because I have a lot of fun with this and I feel like you always learn a lot doing them it's true yeah there's a lot of Marvel snap artists there's a few more we could find I bet [Laughter] uh if you like this why don't you leave us a comment and tell us about it please please you can also subscribe if you want to see more stuff that we do and if you want to tell us what to do go to patreon sign up there go to the Discord you can tell us your episodes suggestions and we might take them if we like them you want to spend 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Channel: Drawfee Show
Views: 306,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drawfee, Drawing, Drawfee Channel, How to Draw, Adobe Photoshop, Illustration, funny, comedy, sketches, Nathan Yaffe, live drawing, videogame drawing, videogame characters, anime drawing, anime characters, Julia Lepetit, Jacob Andrews, Karina Farek
Id: rohCdpxY9p0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 19sec (2359 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 14 2023
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