The Temple Grand Opening Celebration

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put it on altar can i have five minutes chicago just five minutes if you don't have a lamb for your house the plague will take you out if you don't have an earnest experience with jesus you can't make it through times like these maybe 10 years ago you could fake the get a little quickening every now and then and make a little joke go on our faith is being tested like it's never been tested before and i do not want this service to end though it is a dedicatorial service without giving you an opportunity to come to christ and i just want everybody to stand i don't want anybody to leave unless you have an absolute emergency just for a minute i don't want anybody to have to crawl over you and your cute legs so just stand up for just one moment everybody and i want to say to somebody in here who got driven away from church got your feelings hurt you got hashtag church hurt you ain't got barbershop hurt you ain't got strip club hurt you ain't got no dope man hurt but you got hashtag church hurt and the enemy tricked you out of your place over somebody that may not even be at the church no bro you're in this room right now and you seek a change in your life that only jesus can do i do not want to leave you have the greatest offering to give of anybody in here because you have your life to give to christ heads about for just one moment nobody is looking at you but god but he is looking right through you i would love to pray for you i don't care what kind of hellhole you crawled out of how terrible the abuse how agonizing the pain how unrelenting the suffering may be how tied up and complicated your situation is hell has never tied or not that jesus couldn't get loose and before i leave this stage i want to invite you not to me not to pastor hannah not to this building but to the lamb of god the one who can cleanse every spot the one who can stabilize every emotional instability the one who can give you something you can't by peace and i want you to walk down this aisle to come to jesus and i know it's inconvenient but i've seen people walk further than that to get a cigarette i've seen him walk further than that to get a blunt i seen him walk further than that through the parking lot to get in a club and i think jesus is worth it if you are in this room and you need to really really know him in a really real way i want you to come right now and let us pray for you [Applause] come on come on [Music] come on [Applause] [Music] come on come on if you're in the balcony i'll wait on you if you're in the middle of the aisle i'll wait on you [Music] come on somebody's gonna get a new mama tonight somebody go get a new son tonight [Music] somebody gonna get a new husband tonight come on down [Applause] you doing so good you've been so patient come on they still coming platform they still coming they're still coming i'm so excited to pray for you i'm so excited to pray for you it's the most exciting thing about the night is to get a chance to pray for you because i have been you i have been you i know goody two shoes i ain't gonna give you no details [Applause] but i've done enough not to be arrogant come on down come on down [Music] if you've been playing with other gods or other religions if you've been playing around with wiccans and witchcraft if you've been searching for all the right answers in the wrong places come on down if somebody's talked you out of the faith and you've gone after some other religion that your grandmother wouldn't even recognize she prayed for you i want you to come on down right now people will fail you but jesus never fails i'm going to pray over you and then these experienced ministers are going to individually make sure that your needs are met but i want to pray for you myself because the anointing is on me to pray for you and your situation and because you matter you matter you matter to me you matter to me you matter to me i don't care what you have or what you don't have you matter to me you've been broke i've been broke you've been in trouble i've been in trouble you had your lights off i had mine off you had your water off i had mine on i i know how it is to have a struggle i know how it is to rise up and get a good job and be mistreated on it and be rejected on it and be cast aside on it i have been where you're at i care about you i'm gonna wait 60 seconds bring me a watch i'm going to wait 60 seconds last call now church folk don't know what that means but last call is what they say [Applause] i'm gonna give you 60 seconds before i pray 55. keep clapping church 50 seconds i'm gonna give you 45 seconds step over the definitely come on right now i'm gonna give you 40 seconds to bust a move come on right now right now right now 37 seconds to make a move for jesus right now right now don't let this clock run out 30 seconds come on come on don't let hell talk you out of it don't go back to your normal 25 seconds don't go back to your normal you don't have to leave the way you came 20 seconds who am i waiting on i'm waiting on somebody i'm waiting on somebody 18 seconds i'm waiting on somebody i don't know who it is i'm waiting on somebody come on right now 15 seconds who am i waiting on come on right now 15 seconds come on come on come on come on 10 seconds come on i want you in this prayer god wants you in this prayer tonight's show night tonight's show night rosh hashanah tonight's your night tonight's your night five seconds come on where are you where are you where are you where are you where are you says praise the lord like you just lost your mind just pray that just going through a fit a fitter praise a friend of praise a better prayer a fit of praise a bit of praise a pit a city praise a fit of praise a bit of praise [Music] lord you said all souls are mine but the soul that sinneth shall die there's not a person standing up here that you don't know you have counted the hairs on their head you know their fingerprint you know their voice pattern you know their story you know their pain you know their shame you know their need you know their hunger you know their emptiness you know their loneliness and you don't wait till people get saved to love them you so love the world that you gave you'll be only begotten son that whosoever believeth on him would not perish but have everlasting life i pray that that love would fall down on them right now from the crown of their head to the soul to their feet i pray that right where they are that they would confess their sins and accept you as their redeemer and as their lord and as their savior and as a rock and as their confidant right now right now right now in the name of jesus right now in the name of jesus i'm going to be so bold to ask you to fill them with the holy ghost let the power of the holy ghost overshadow them and then rapture them and envelop them and i pray god that these would be the people that went home talking in tongues these would be the people that were drunk in the spirit these would be the people that yolks were broken off in their life i pray every addiction would fall off i rebuke the spirit of suicide i rebuke the spirit of depression i rebuke the spirit of fear i repeat the spirit of insomnia i rebuke the spirit of night terrors unite terrorists night after night after night tonight it breaks in the name of jesus every yoke is broken in jesus name amen ministers go to work church give god a praise give god to pray give god a praise while the ministries are working while the ministers are working chicago i love you i hope you love me back thank you pastor hannah i love you bishop can you all do me a favor just everyone take one minute and just begin to pray that god restore bishop jake's right now everybody takes 60 seconds and let's just cover him come on we cover his body we cover his mind we cover his spirit we pray god that you would pour back into him that he have safe travel back home and that his latter continued to be greater come on y'all pray for the man come on sit in the seat of the intercessor keep him fresh keep him fresh let him keep evolving and growing we thank you for his spirit god and that he's our bishop and we thank you for it right now everybody clap your hands and release the praise right [Music] come on everyone stand we're about to let you leave and those online we want you to pay attention to something watch me every petition so with a crowd this size we don't want you to get in the parking lot and then you get frustrated but once you're getting outside and customizable and messing up what you just received in this building what kind of shift did you get tonight what kind of shift did you get tonight hear me clearly your your last three months i gonna be better than your first nine the last quarter of this year is gonna be major in your life if you receive the word from bishop jakes tonight put a praise right there [Applause] amen let's then to all the chicago pastors i love you we in this city together we will continue to preach the gospel over this city and decree plead the blood over our city um i do know that we're going to have to do something city-wide as far as a prayer for what's going on and if every pastor can just listen up it's not that i think i'm all of that but the lord gave me something he had a certain day and a certain hour it's gonna call step out and pray we will all step outside our church with your printings and we'll lift a prayer over our city how many all know that prayer changes things you don't have to come to my church you just have to step outside your church and cover your side of the city in your blood and we believe that prayer changes things for those of y'all that live in the city of chicago can you just say we rebuke the spirit of violence come on say we cover our children's with the blood let me release you so god we thank you for this three night of ribbon cutting we thank you god for what you've released in this house we thank you god for what you released over our city so god even as we leave this place we know that our last three months are gonna be more supernatural than our first nine months so we leave with a spirit of expectation bless us as we go to our various destinations we thank you god that as we leave here we're even getting the prayer cloth i ask god for every person that's in business the same oil that his own bishop jakes get on them i pray god for each of those that are in ministry the same oil that is on bishop jake's get on them and we promise you we'll be glorified and we give you glory we give you honor we give you praise and it's in jesus name we pray amen amen fist bump somebody into my last three months i'm gonna be better than my first nine god bless you consider yourself dismissed put your mask on as you walk out the building if you don't mind put your mask on of you as you walk out i'm just overwhelmed at this experience tonight it was phenomenal some of y'all need i love you man you know i love y'all and i believe that somebody was blessed oh i know that they were okay okay yes join this church this is an opportunity for you to sow tonight as well get in on the blessing this is good ground and if i were you i would take this moment to sow into this incredible night don't let tonight pass you by whether you're sowing into the kingdom or whether you're placing your life into the kingdom and saying i want to be saved and number three i want to be a part of new life absolutely and you can just go to our website right now and you can get instructions on how to do that let me tell you something tonight was just i'm overwhelmed me too i mean the third night of the three nights okay the first night we had uh pastor mike todd the second night was pastor i apostles ivy hilliard and tonight was bishop jake's it i am spent i am just spent how about judith mcallister listen i love her ministry phenomenon oh my god she did sing a piece of my song she did it she did yeah she did you saying it wrong but she's saying it right and so i was so glad to hear her sing but that's the first time i've heard her do a melody like that yes you know for that amount of time so she is automatically just spraying to like number one on my on my list what i love about her is she's she's still she's so strategic yes you see how she just you know finessed that whole all the way through it i had my help you engaged the entire time i mean it was like just a flow it was just absolutely phenomenal i'm gonna tell you what else i liked what was that the dancers the young man had them on the ground he's building the church and there was different generations of dancers yes they were on the floor yes giving god the glory build your build this church pastor hannah that was one of his uh desires for his church because he loves dance and so he always told the lord i want an amazing dance ministry and we have a dance ministry that's out of this world i mean first of all the video i thought that was incredible wasn't it and then when they came out on stage with the hammers and the nails you got to give it up for the tech team yeah you got to give it up for the musicians you have to give it up for everybody that's played a role yes the praise yes the choir we had i acquired the first night just i'm telling you i'm spinning and whoever put the clothes together because the praise team was good they were color-coded tonight they every night really it was like that every single night just a spirit of excellence from beginning to end we're just so thankful for what god has done for us the message was phenomenal seismic shift and i believe a lot of us are going through a seismic shift it was very evident by the response in the room and the thousands of people that were watching online we had put 5 000 on youtube 4 000 on facebook 3 500 here in this building then we had overflow thousands of people yes yes and everybody was fine everybody has i know we don't have on our mass now but we have our mass everybody was fine we were safe and the lord came into this place from the beginning all the way up to the ending happy new year happy new year yes if god would do it he'll turn it around right now he preached that message tonight all of us got a new beginning right now if you don't know what joel and i are talking about just push rewind go to the website go to youtube go to facebook watch this message and you'll know exactly what we mean by happy new year here's what's amazing to me what is that our team right now that's controlling these questions yes they got a question on the screen that i can't i can't ask this question i'm gonna tell you what it says wouldn't you love to see td jake's move to chicago absolutely not he's my pastor i'm not watching no television i'm not watching the screen no so we don't want to see him move so we're not even gonna ask that question what they mean is you know have a presence here no we that's what they mean you can go to you can go to youtube you can go to here you know pastor hannah calls him the world's bishops he is the world bishop yeah well i don't want him leaving you he's not gonna leave you he's just gonna have a presence in a few places and also if you didn't watch the sermon you didn't get a listen to it go back and listen to it because he also said he wants to leave a legacy that's right in different places not only ticks that didn't mean move to chicago i'm not going to move that's the president yeah we know he's not amen so team thank you all so much for putting a phenomenal question up we're going to disregard that for all our dallas presents all right you're right you're right the atmosphere it was amazing it was charged from beginning until the end and you can hear it now yeah it still is it was charged from beginning until the end when we walked into that place the act they were ready they were ready coming down that middle owl behind pastor hannah and bishop yes when we were walking in yes and i'm a sports guy it had that feel of walking into a national championship oh wow you know i'm not discounting god or discrowning the presence of god exactly because you know i'm not trying to compare the two right but when you walked in the energy in the room the expectation in the room yes yes and then you slap the holy spirit on top of that yes it felt like you were walking in and getting ready to really do something great yes and yes and you guys have yes this beautiful place you did it he did it god did he did it for us in a pandemic in the pan smack dab in the middle of it he did it for us we're in the belly of the promise don't start yes we are and you also have a promise for you god oh my god joel what did he say tonight about this seismic shift it's for every the the scripture says for you for you please if you didn't watch please rewind go back to it now and you will understand what joel and i are talking about go to it some way somehow but you know i was talking to um someone and i was telling them even all of the messages from this week one one watching it one time won't do it for you it's too rich yes it's too rich it's like eating a cake that's so rich you got to take a bite here and a bite there same thing with the messages you gotta just you gotta watch it like four weeks and you know that god gave them the messages because it's like layers of a cake each piece absolutely that was laid down was specifically for members and partners of this amazing ministry absolutely new life i want to tell you this congratulations yes just about 4 000 people in this building tonight yes that is amazing yeah and then you said we had people in the other property as well in the overflow and the thousands of you that been online listen this has been an amazing week you know what i'm really happy about too because i love pastor hannah so much and i'm just so happy when the other pastors support him absolutely and oh my gosh the pastors that came out uh every night this week we had so many of them they were fellowshipping together and i know that that just did his heart so good to see all of the pastors tonight uh bishop dr smith was with us tonight and it was just amazing to see the outpouring of love from other bishops and pastors that are leading ministries mega ministries just to let pastor hannah know hey we're with you absolutely and we celebrate you nothing like real support yes real love it means everything it means so now if you're watching us right now still and you don't know i'm about to tell you you got three opportunities yes to join us in services on sunday yes 7 30 9 30 and 12 30. all right so we want to encourage you to join us on sundays pastor hannah dr glenn the preached word is on both of those men 7 30 9 30 and 12 30. three opportunities three opportunities if you wake up late for 7 30. no worries catch the 9 30. you don't want them to rewind no no come to church if you can't get to 9 30 catch the 12 30. i love options don't you love options i love options i do you never have to miss church when anybody at our church tells me they miss church i'm like why you got three opportunities you never have to miss church opportunity i'm gonna say it again i love it 7 30. yes 9 30. yes and 12 30. yes i hit all of them you know yeah well you know sometimes i might even stay over you know if the 7 30 is just so good team i might just you know come on back in well praise god i'm we need more members like you praise the lord i just stay over sometimes y'all it's just that good you know what i'm saying we're so blessed we'll see you later love you guys god bless you you
Channel: Jermone Glenn
Views: 1,438
Rating: 5 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 5sec (1985 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 30 2021
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