"The Strategy of Silence" Pastor Reginald W. Sharpe Jr. Wednesday September 29, 2021

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welcome aboard the virtual ship with fellowship chicago while we can't have church traditionally we can still be the church consistently new method same message new platform same power new season same god now let's go into our worship experience what's going on fellowship what's going on fellowship it feels so good to be back with you for our refuel i'm so happy that god has brought us together again thank you for sacrificing your time thank you for pausing in your day to dig into god's word with me this evening i hope you're well god knows i'm praying for you and your family i pray that his peace is still perfect for you his grace is still sufficient and his joy is unspeakable come on just clap your hands right with us you may not even know what you're clapping to but somebody just needs to put the hands together and just thank god on the beat for the blessings of this day the favor that is on your life the strength that god gives you through it all come on put those hands together [Music] i can't sing it but the song says any day now any day any day now god will do [Music] time one more time put those hands together every day any day god will do god will do what he said he would do he may not come when you want [Music] stay right there right there right there listen we're gonna give and i'm gonna jump into this word i'm so excited because refuel is back refuel is back somebody drop those anchors in the chat drop those anchors in the chat and let us know that you're with us on the virtual ship tonight i am so grateful that god has done this god has favored us god has blessed us to continue worshiping and growing together let's pray god thank you for bringing us together another wednesday we don't take it lightly god there's so many things going on in the world so before we ask for anything we just want to thank you for your mercy your strength and your grace thank you for the family of fellowship chicago thank you for those who are visitors and joining us tonight who just stumbled across this broadcast i pray god that it blesses them and does exactly what it needs to do and now god as we prepare our hearts and minds to give and to grow we pray that you would bless it all in jesus name we pray let the people of god say amen amen amen look at the seven ways to give family and pick your way to give i know that you already know that whenever we come into god's house whenever we join together for worship or learning that we bring a gift into the presence of god so i want to thank you in advance for sowing tonight everybody who can get a 20 seed in your hand and let's sew together let's sew together sometimes i stretch your faith because if i don't stretch it you you know just put whatever no no let's stretch our faith together on this wednesday as we close out this month of september which has been an amazing month our 71st church anniversary month it's been an installation celebration so many great things that happened this month let's close it out honoring god with our gifts and our giving family i'm really excited because i get to jump into a brand new series that we're going to rock through for the rest of this month and all of the month of october i'm so excited because this series is entitled strategy somebody say strategies there's 25 minutes on the clock in a minute they're gonna press go so i'll know how much time i have but i want to make sure that i utilize all of our time together so that i can give you what god has given me somebody writes strategies somebody say that with me strategies i got three people in the room and i have hundreds more online so i want to hear everybody say strategies strategies strategy strategies do you remember my first sermon back from my sabbatical i talked about how moses was just sick of everything and everybody he was like god i can't do this anymore it's too much it's too much i believe i was out of the book of numbers on the first sunday of this month and moses was like this too much for me i think the title of the sermon was i'm so over this because sometimes we're just absolutely over it and one of the first things that god had to do for moses was give him a new strategy he was dealing with all the stress by himself he was carrying the burdens of the people worried about what they were going to eat what were they going to do next organizing uh leaders he was trying to deal with disputes and conflict in the congregation and then moses lets us know in numbers 11 it was 600 000 people he was leading don't you know that's a lot of people he 600 000 people and whenever you have two people in the room conflict is gonna pop up so imagine all the drama and the conflict and the disagreements and god was like hey bro you need a new strategy how about you appoint 70 responsible and respectable people out of the out of this group of people and set them over the affairs of the people and i'm gonna give them your spirit so that they can help you lead the people what was that that was a different strategy moses you cannot keep going like you're going doing what you're doing flowing like you're flowing and think you're gonna make it sometimes you need a new strategy sometimes we praying and we're begging god for an answer and we on our face and we're fasting and sometimes god's like ain't even that deep in this season you just have to try something new you have to do something you've never done before to get something you've never had before that's quotable that's tweetable that's facebook postable sometimes you gotta do what you've never done before to get what you've never had before and it's okay to have a new strategy so for the rest of the next four to five weeks that's all i'm going to be dealing with nothing deep just direct nothing profound just practical it's us preparing ourselves to work with god with some brand new strategies i want to give you some applicable strategies that are going to help you deal with the life that you have to live number one this is the first strategy we're going to talk about today and it's so simple i'm embarrassed to tell you but i want to equip you with the strategy of silence [Music] think about it think about it think about it the strategy of silence sometimes silence is a strategy there's a there's an old quote that we know that says speaking is silver but silence is what golden because sometimes you can say nothing and say a whole lot sometimes you can be quiet and be very loud one day i was scrolling through instagram wasting time like we do sometimes don't we wasting time on instagram scrolling through looking through people's feeds and this post this quote came up that changed my life and the post said this a wise man once said nothing changed my whole life as simple as it is it changed my life because sometimes we think retaliation is the answer uh oh i'm getting close sometimes we think revenge is the answer sometimes we think getting people back is the answer sometimes we think giving people a piece of our mind is the answer instead of minding our peace is the answer sometimes we think what we say is going to solve it what we say how we get them how we put our words together string our opinions together cuss them out cut them with our word we think our words are going to do the work and the truth is sometimes you need and i need the strategy of silence one day just a few months ago i met with a young man who's who grew up in chicago and he's been a big brother to me and i asked him do you have any advice for me a young new pastor surviving these chicago terrains and he gave me some advice that i held on to and i want to pass it to you too and you can use it however you need to use it he said sharp whatever you do maintain your mystery maintain your mystery ain't that good that sounds like some advice the godfather would give right he said everybody don't need to know what you think everybody doesn't need to know what your next move is everybody don't need to know how you feel about everything sometimes when you maintain your mystery you actually gain more power because people are more interested in what you have to say and then what you think i don't know where you are in your life but everybody does not deserve to know how you feel about everything everybody does not need to get all of your business on facebook and twitter and instagram and snapchat every day no sometimes it's okay to maintain your mystery and sometimes maintaining your mystery includes closing your mouth sometimes maintaining your mystery includes not giving your opinion about everything because everything does not warrant your response everything does not warrant your reaction or your response and just because and just because i'm teaching this today does not mean i'm not in bible country because this strategy of silence will change your life sometimes in your marriage in your relationships with your children with your coworkers sometimes we've got to learn to shut our mouths just because you have something to say doesn't mean it needs to be said teach sharp i'm trying just because you think something don't mean you need to articulate something because god may be moving in your silence watch this what if god is saying you be quiet so now i can speak what if god is saying you close your mouth so now i can open my mouth and handle it this in ways that you can't even imagine lord i have testimony after testimony about how many times i closed my mouth and god started talking on my behalf so this is a strategy of silence somebody say silence somebody write in the chat shut your mouth shut your mouth shut your whole entire mouth shut your mouth and just because just because you think i'm just giving you my opinion let's jump in the bible exodus chapter 13 and 14 exodus chapter 14 excuse me verse 13 and 14 moses and the children of israel are in the in the middle of a crisis at the red sea and then they're talking i mean they are talking do you hear me they're talking verse 10 and 12 i'm in the message bible exodus chapter 14 watch this uh uh exodus chapter 14 verse 10 through 12 as pharaoh approached the israelites looked up and saw them egyptians and uh coming at them they saw them egyptians coming at them they were totally afraid they cried out in terror to god they told moses weren't the cemeteries large enough in egypt so that you had to take us out here in the wilderness to die what have you done to us taken us out of egypt back in egypt didn't we tell you this would happen didn't we tell you leave us alone here in egypt we're better off as slaves in egypt than as corpses and dead in the world do you hear all this talking moses just got them out of slavery moses just was obedient to god and led them out of captivity they're headed to the promised land and they get to one crisis and they start running their mouths moses why you bring us out here dawg i mean we were cool and each they went slavery now but we were cool in egypt at least we were alive in egypt now you're going to bring us out here to die in the wilderness and watch what moses tells the people verse 13 he snaps moses spoke to the people don't be afraid stand firm and watch god do his work of salvation for you today take a good look at the egyptians today for you're never going to see them again verse 14 he tells them god will fight the battle for you and you you keep your mouth shut that the red sea and he tells them hey y'all god's gonna fight this for us but what i need you to do is close your mouth what i need you to do freeze your lips what i need you to do is stop talking what i need you to do is absolutely comprehensively wholeheartedly close and shut your mouth because what you're about to do is interrupt the plans and purposes of god because what if i told you this crisis was set up by the creator you in the middle of this and all of this was so god could get some glory out of your story y'all think i'm still making this up moon walk backwards moon walk backwards to exodus 14 verse 3 and 4 put it on the screen put it on the screen pharaoh will think this is god talking to moses before he ever gets to the people pharaoh will think that the israelites are lost they're confused the wilderness has closed in on them then i'll make god says then i'll make pharaoh's heart stubborn again and he'll chase after them and i'll use pharaoh and his army to put my glory on display then the egyptians will realize that i am god wait a minute god so you made the egyptians chase us god so you set us up in this crisis just so you can put your glory on display just so you can prove to our enemies that you really are god and that you look out for your children and that you're not gonna let any hurt harm or danger come near us that you don't approve of that you don't sanction god god you set us up like this and god says absolutely i set you up because sometimes your setback is a set up for your comeback you know you've heard that before sometimes god has to set you up in a situation where it looks like you about to take a l just so he can show you he is the w oh i'm dropping bars tonight it ain't about you winning it's about that you walk with the winner that you walk with victory and so while you down here running your mouth snapping off at moses to my why you do it like this we were better off in egypt oh god's gonna fight for you close your mouth god's got your family close your mouth god's going to get the last say in all of this close your mind this is not the season where you got to defend yourself with your lips this is not the season that you've got to retaliate and get people back god says i'm about to give you a new strategy silence close your mouth so i can prove that i'm god not just to you but to everybody trying to kill you but to everybody trying to ruin your reputation to everybody thinking that it's all over for you and that you can't bounce back from this when this is over everybody gonna know that you are a child of god so if god doesn't need your vocabulary just let god show his authority you're trying to use your words and god is like let me go to work you're trying to talk god's like let me walk it out i don't need to talk i'm about to walk i'm about to prove to you that i'm god but i can't prove that i'm god if you think your vocabulary your lexicon your definitions your synonyms your antonyms your words are going to solve all of this because sometimes god is like i got this so so here's the first thing here's the first thing here's the first thing even in your adversity you've got to learn the strategy of silence just because you're in a panic does not mean god is panicking am i talking tonight just because you are in a panic does not mean your divine creator is in a panic so close your mouth and the moment you close your mouth god starts working matter of fact he ain't gonna start working he already is working because before they got to the red sea god had already told moses the plan i'm gonna make them chase you so that i can use this as an opportunity to show my glory somebody say silence silence silence silence oh this is good and it gets even good it gets even deeper because proverbs 29 11 tells us that you don't just use silence in the middle of your adversity you got to use silence in the middle of your anger [Music] yeah i'm talking to you they get ticked off uh filled with positivity you that's always snapping you with a short temper you that one of you come on you who who on edge all the time god says i need you to use silence even when you're mad even when you're ticked off even when somebody just tried you why because proverbs 29 11 drops some nuggets that i need you to pick up real smooth verse 11 says out the message bible a fool lets it all hang out but a sage a wise woman a wise man quietly mulls it over all that means is a fool vents and let it all hang everybody know they ticked off everybody know somebody did them wrong everybody know there's a problem but a wise person quietly thinks it over molds it over are you a fool or are you wise because sometimes we really don't know if you a fool or if you got your right mind and i'm not just coming for you i'm just saying by the way you act i know what you believe but people see how you behave and sometimes you'll behave which how you behave and align up with what you believe because if you believe that god says no weapon formed against you will be able to prosper in every tongue that rises up against you you shall condemn it this is the inheritance of the servants of the lord god says vengeance is mine god says fret not yourself because of evil doers that's psalm 37 and neither be thou envious of the workers of iniquities for they shall soon be cut down god says everybody trying to hurt you i'm gonna cut them down god says everybody that did you wrong i'm gonna pay them back god says that no weapon so so i know you believe it now since you believe it now let me watch your behavior because a fool lets it all hang out all over facebook calling everybody at church calling everybody in the family with the mess with the drama with their passivity with their uh anger but a but a wise person quietly thinks it over because sometimes when you get quiet when you're really really mad really really ticked off god starts speaking to you in your quietude in your solitude in your silence and lets you know that the way you are about to go about it is not going to help anything god will speak to you and let you know it ain't even that big of a deal you got bigger fish to fry you you you can't be a giant and have a dwarf mentality you can't be big and little at the same time you can't be an executive and a peon at the same time you either you're going to be a big man or you're going to be a small man either you're going to be a big woman or you're going to be a small woman but because big people don't handle things like small people uh-huh you got to decide quietly just this hush now you heard them you heard them disrespect you you saw them cross you you know they betrayed you you know they disappointed you you know you expect more from your child you know you expect more from your leader and you didn't like it but before you get on the telephone excuse me the telephone the cell phone and tell everybody how ticked off you are why don't you quietly mull it over and think about that thing there have been some moments in my life people have done me wrong i know i told them something personally privately that i entrusted to them and then one week later i hear somebody else repeating what i only told one person hmm i don't know if you haven't been there before but i don't do i i don't play around with that trust word no no i i'm already on edge with how many people i really see some of y'all can feel me right now somebody when i say i trust you i mean that but but but but i had to i could have vented i could have called them i could have i could have i could have got them together but but god said quietly mull it over because while you're mad that they crossed you betrayed your confidence you ought to be glad that they just revealed who they really are so now that you know they are not trustworthy you won't trust them again so you could go one route and confront them or you can go another round and say god thank you for revealing who they really are you go one round and have confrontation or you can just embrace the revelation i'm trying to set somebody free because god is always speaking even in the moments when you're disappointed god is always speaking and showing you something if you only open your spiritual eyes and say now i can use this as a moment of confrontation and get you back and ask you why and check you oh i could use it as a moment of revelation and say god was just trying to show me that that person is not somebody that's qualified to be in my inner circle you see what i'm saying but you don't get that kind of revelation if you're gonna be foolish and just fly off on the handle instead of quietly silently mulling it over thinking it over somebody write in the chat and say lord help me uh close my mouth right in the chat right in the chat right in the chat say lord help me close my mouth see some of us are professionals that getting folk together but that might not be the best strategy in this season i'm just trying to tell you now you can do it your way but i believe that god brought me back with this fresh series because some of us need a fresh strategy so when you're in the middle of adversity like moses at the red sea he said please keep your mouth shut when you're in the middle of anger and somebody has wronged you before you snap quietly think it over and then here's the last one here's the last one this is the hardest one i'm gonna be real with you this is the hardest one now because um the first one was adversity second one is when you're mad you're angry you have anger but this third one you've got to use the strategy of silence when you've been wrongly accused when you've been wrongly somebody said accused accused accused accused accused watch jesus matthew chapter 27 you already know jesus is one of the the he's one of the greatest men that have ever walked the earth he's god in flesh he's the very god of god and the very man of man he's god enough to to yeah yeah he he's god enough to walk on water but he's man enough to still need to drink water he's got enough uh that he is the door but he's still man enough that he can walk through doors he's got enough that he needs to eat bread but he's he's got enough that he is bread but he's man enough that he still eats bread he's got enough that he can answer your prayers but he was mad enough that he had to pray too i'm just trying to tell you he's the god of god in the man of man and all he never did anything wrong he was without sin he was without blemish he was without blame but they still arrested him and they still accused him and they still brought him before pilate and right here matthew chapter 27 verse 11 he is now arrested he has been betrayed and he is now imprisoned he is incarcerated he is in handcuffs if you will and verse 11 says that jesus in matthew 27 verse 11 message bible jesus was placed before the governor who's pilate who questioned him are you the king of the jews jesus responded sarcastically if you say so but when the accusations rained down hot and heavy from the high priest and the religious leaders he said nothing pilate asked him do you hear that long list of accusations aren't you going to say something jesus kept silence not a word from his mouth the governor was impressed really impressed listen they accusing him of everything they could grab out of the sun he's saying he has more power than pilate he's saying he's the king of the jews heresy a heretic he is he he's trying to start his own country he's trying to do his all that all he's trying to do is set people free jesus said i have come that you might have life and having more but i ain't interested in being nobody's ruler i'm not trying to be the king i'm not trying to be the governor i'm not trying to be the emperor i i just came so people he's told y'all what he wanted to do in luke chapter four he said the spirit of the lord is upon me for he has anointed me to set the captives free to to to help those who are blind to set at liberty those who've been bruised and wounded by the politics and the and the evilness of this world he just came to help people but sometimes you can have good intentions and people misinterpret what you're trying to do and so his his his his his his innocent intentions were misinterpreted and when they start accusing him jesus says nothing i know you growing in your faith when people start making up lies all over you lying all over you and you stop feeling the need to stop the lie because sometimes lean up lean up lean up lean up you won't be able to stop the lie but god will let you out live the lie you'll live long enough that the same people who either started it or received it will learn there's more to you than meets the eye jesus anybody said we're going to argue over you but no accusations because if you just give me a few more days i don't care if you kill me i don't give you crucify me i don't care what you trying to do to take me out it won't be enough because three days after you kill me i shall rise again and listen to me that is not just the testimony of jesus because you are a follower of jesus and because jesus is your elder brother in the spirit and because god is your heavenly creator you have resurrecting power too some of y'all right now if the room was packed i could ask you who in here has ever bounced back from something that was supposed to take you out who in this room has ever come back after betrayal after a lie after somebody threw mud on your name and your reputation and now you're stronger now you're more intentional now you're more focused now you're more spiritual because sometimes you got to be quiet and let them do what they got to do say what they got to say and your behavior your spirit your character will reveal the truth before anybody can figure out whether it was a lie or not sometimes you can live so well and this is why god wants us to live well and be ethical and moral because some people will start allowing you and somebody'll be in the room and say that ain't true i know them better than that i know you lying now i know this i know you making this up because i know that person's spirit i know that person's heart and that's why he says blessed are the pure in heart for you shall see god you will see god in moments when it doesn't look like anything's working in your favor that's why when you live right and you treat people right god will put somebody in the room that will speak up for you when you're not in the room to defend yourself teach sharp i'm trying that's why your character matters that's why your heart matters so even when people misinterpret your hands somebody will speak to your heart and they'll say nah that ain't real that ain't real that ain't real i'm trying to tell you it's a strategy of silence the final one the final and final when the musicians are coming in john chapter eight the woman is caught in adultery and the bible says that the religious leaders and the scholars verse six had left the woman who have been caught in the act of adultery they stood her in plain sight of everyone they trying to embarrass this woman and said teacher speaking of jesus this woman was called red-handed in the act of adultery moses in the law gives us orders to stone such persons what do you say what do you say hear that what do you say they were trying to trap him into saying something incriminating so they could bring charges against him you see how deep this is jesus verse 6 bent down and wrote with his finger in the dirt they kept adam badgering him he straightened up and then he said something he said you who without sin you who are sinless among us go ahead i dare you to throw the first stone bending down again he wrote some more in the dirt pharisees religious leader church folks trying to not only get the woman murdered but now they're trying to trap jesus listen here's one reason why you better enjoy the strategy of silence because some people are just trying to get you to talk enough so they can trap you some people are trying to get you to talk enough so they can ruin you some people are trying to get you to talk enough so they can take something you said go take it somewhere else and my grandma used to say if they bring a bone they'll take a bone if somebody bring you stuff all the time out there now girl i heard boy man bro you heard if they bring it they'll take it and so some people are trying to trap you and so god has released me to try to help save your peace save your joy mm-hmm save your reputation because while you think you need to address everything god is like you ain't got to address everything you have to say everything be like jesus they were trying to trap him he bent down and wrote in the sand to this day nobody knows what he wrote i think he went down and wrote in the midst all of those religious leaders this is what i think he wrote i think he went down in the sand and wrote i know what you did last summer i don't know but that's just what me thinks and then he stood up and he said now finally he spoke because you got to know there is a time to speak there's a time even the book of ecclesiastes says there's a time to speak and there's time to keep signing the problem is we think every time is the time to speak but there's a time to speak and there's a time to keep silence so jesus is silent then he stands up and he finally speaks he said and one of y'all that's my georgia coming out any of y'all that don't have any sin i dated through the first stone and he bends back down and gets quiet and he wrote some more in the sand now the first time he wrote i believe i know what you did last summer when he went back down there i think he wrote i know what you did this summer too i don't know nobody can prove it but jesus was basically saying how dare y'all try to kill this woman and everybody in this room whether caught or uncaught have sinned and fallen short of the glory of god all i'm trying to get you to do tonight is embrace the strategy of silence in your adversity in your anger and even when people are falsely accusing you [Music] so many stories are running through my mind that i can't even tell because there's so it's been so many times in my life people have just made stuff when i say made stuff up i'm talking about just pulled it out there and made it up trying to hurt what people thought about me trying to influence how somebody felt about me and i'm not the only one if i pass the mic around everybody listening because they me too pastor me too been there done that got a t-shirt sweatshirt socks and the hat but every time they tried it [Music] god stepped in and intervened and worked it out because that's what god does before you get to your stress in exodus chapter 14 verse 12 like the church of israel in exodus 14 chapter verse 3 and 4 before you got to your stress god already had a strategy he was setting you up so his glory could be revealed all over your life and now the same people that were trying to kick dirt on you are the same people that have to watch flower after flower blossom out of the dirt they threw to god be the somebody ought to just give god praise right there come on help me give god praise for working everything out for our good i want you to trust him i will be with you that's what richard smallwood said i will be with you you gotta remember that in your fight i will be with you come on sing it with me i will be with you if you if you will only trust me don't worry about it trust me i know it hurts you but trust me god says number two i'll fight your battles i'll fight your battles do i have a witness i'll fight your battles every time watch god do it i'll fight your battles if you will only trust me trust me trust me trust me trust me and even when they're trying to ruin you i'll never leave you i'll never leave you somebody ought to lift your hands and worship god tonight i'll never believe you i don't care who left you i'll never leave you if you will only trust me trust me [Music] trust me listen if you don't know jesus christ today jesus prepares us with the strategy of silence because he himself knows all about it aren't you glad you have a savior that had to do what we have to do there in the middle of accusing him middle of making stuff up and he says nothing because when you know who god is over your life when you know the purpose god has for your life when you know the power that rests on your life i don't owe you a response to everything i don't owe you a reaction to everything just keep saying good morning and you will see the favor of god manifest itself over my life ah i gotta stop come on to christ come on to christ come on to christ come on to christ i'm feeling this thing in my whole body right now because you losing sleep over something god is already fixing for you i need you to come to christ so you'll know you're not alone i need you to be a part of a church home so you can get teaching like this that can transform your future in spite of how bad it is right now come to christ email us text us is right there on the screen i hope you come come on come on come on this sunday hey we're opening back up 300 capacity the word on the street is 300 people have already signed up so go find another sunday make sure you get registered so that we can control the capacity but i can't wait to see your face in the place we're opening back up the first sunday of october praise god praise god but we're going to do it safely we're going to do it wisely and we're going to do it carefully and cautiously so you still have to wear your mask i'm encouraging you to be vaccinated because if you're not you're going to be entering the sanctuary at your own risk but i encourage you to be vaccinated before you come back into god's house but we're going to do our best to keep you safe temperature checks uh sanitizing your hands social distance in the sanctuary but we're coming back this sunday somebody write praise god praise god praise god through it all we'll gather we're beginning to ease back into god's house slowly and i thank god for that i pray that this message on strategies this series on strategies will literally transform your life is simple but it's applicable and you can just drop it wherever you need it to go that's the plan that's what god gave me as we shift gears sometimes you need some real simple practical teaching that you can apply in your marriage your work as you grow as you evolve that's all i'm trying to do so let's give one more time let's give one more time look at those seven ways to give look at those seven ways to give trust me i'll fight your battles i'll fight your battles i'll fight your battles that gives me peace i'll fight your battles [Applause] i'll fight your battles if you will only trust me [Music] trust me trust me thank you for sewing i'm encouraging everybody to sow a 20 seed tonight i'm encouraging everybody to sow a 20 seed tonight join us with your faith or if you cannot do that get as close as you can give 19.99 get as close as you can give 18.85 get as close as you can as they're playing this song i was kind of wondering why god put that on my spirit teaching a lesson on being silent because sometimes you gotta trust god even in times when nothing is looking good my memory comes to me i never will forget a lady in my church miss betty jackson my home church i have a sweet memory of her she was our church secretary for over 40 years taught sunday school i mean just one of the sweetest most kind ladies you'll ever meet and one day her daughter passed suddenly nobody really knew what happened but her daughter passed and this lady was full of faith and i was on to do something on the program sing or read a scripture something but i was in the pulpit and the family was being escorted into their seats and i watched this lady come down the aisle smiling at her daughter's funeral singing i will be with you if you would only trust me i don't know that it is etched in my memory every time i hear this song i think about her how do you smile at your daughter's funeral because sometimes this faith thing has to become real and i don't know what you're carrying miss walterene johnson and the passing of your sister nicole as you're still grieving the passing of your mother so many others member after member that's grieving i don't know but i just hear god saying trust me yes we're gonna close right there trust me trust me trust me come on here's what i'm gonna leave you with i'll never leave you leave you i see you i see you god says i see you i'll never leave you i'm closing right here i'll never leave you [Music] if you will only trust me or my trust me [Music] trust me now may your struggles keep you near the cross may your troubles show that you need god may your battles end the way they should [Music] [Music] may your bad days prove that god is good i pray your whole life proves that god is good to god be the glory for every time he fixed it to god be the glory for every time he made a way out of nowhere to god be the glory of every time he resurrected you after crucifixion to god be the glory for changing the trajectory of your life to god be the glory for all the great things god has done i see you sunday peace peace i love you i love you i love you thank you for worshiping with fellowship chicago on the virtual ship we've always had a commitment of service and during this season we've increased our efforts to serve you better we have made it easy for you to stay connected to get the complete resources you need you can email us at info fellowship chicago dot com call the church office tuesday through friday 9 a.m to 5 p.m at 773-924-3232 and our social media on instagram twitter and facebook for real-time updates you can text fellowship chicago to 55949 we have exciting and informative resources throughout the entire week designed specifically with you in mind go to fellowshipchicago.com for the full schedule until we dock again thank you for your prayers and financial support of fellowship chicago remember we are in this together shock your spirit
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Views: 4,319
Rating: 4.9281435 out of 5
Keywords: Worship Service, Pastor Sharpe, Fellowship Chicago, Reginald Sharpe Jr, Reginald, Sharpe, Reggie Sharpe
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 41sec (2621 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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