The Teacher Partner Tag | Teacher Summer Series Ep 14

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all right how they feel being in my big chair feels really good oh yes my hair is gonna bill lightly and I can't see just don't stick your head up too far about arms boat okay you ready well we're not supposed to work I mean you will get the camera but you're juggling welcome back to my channel guys skip out laughing all right you give that ending something Bill Cosby oh no I want you to be yourself should I come out don't poison don't be mean should I wave have your finger done Cindy okay um you want finger go look at the camera do you want my crossing what's that noise today I have my boyfriend Billy on camera with me you guys have noticed he has been in my vlogs a lot more lately since we have moved because neither of us is working and we're spending more time together so I thought this would be a great video for you guys to get to know us a little bit better in our relationship I decided to create a teaching partner tab is that way if you are also a teacher and you have a YouTube channel and you want to complete this times with your significant other mother at your boyfriend girlfriend by husband whatever you guys can find the questions down below I decided to break the questions into two different categories so there are 10 questions about a relationship and then 10 questions about teaching Billy I built a video together on my channel several months ago but the difference was those are just questions that we asked each other to get each other's opinions these questions actually have right and wrong answers so I'm going to absolutely the question we're going to see how well he knows me both as a girlfriend and as a teacher if you decide to participate in this teaching partner tag just make sure that you link my original video in the description box of your video now Billy has not seen these questions before I actually just came up with him while he was at the gym so we're going to see how well he does while you're asking - really good hair okay we are going to start with ten relationship-based questions number one where was our first date our first date was at Panera Bread and we literally stayed there for five hours yeah so Billy let me pick where we went for our first date I pick sanera because it is one of my favorite places to go I did not want a place that was expensive because I pretty sure we paid for like you pay for you and I pay for me because I don't like for the person to pay for you on the first date because that if it doesn't work out you feel guilty about it so I wanted to play some nice and casual in case for whatever reason we didn't head it off like I think it out there really easily but yeah we ended up staying there until like 8 o'clock at night just before they closed because we need just kept talking and we hit it off really well number two what was your first impression of me my first impression of you was that you were very smart almost as smart as me but when you first told me that was your first impression how are you supposed to know that though like I knew when you first saw me like visually yeah yes don't care do nothing yes sir no it's okay I don't have to dumb question answer great like you know we were to say your elbows like what do you always say look I don't want to make it sound like I was just looking for physical features yeah very pretty eyes thank you for out of the first thing that no way to save yourself I did number three what am I afraid of you are afraid of snakes a little bit I have something bite me once so yeah I'm not too fond of snakes but I wouldn't say that's my number one fear animal fear is being a disappointment well yeah but I yeah we're not helping like D it's like emotional fears I'm talking later or yes something something like typical than I'm afraid of I don't know clowns what are we just well I mean I don't think there's like awesome but I'm not grateful you're going to be telling me what you're not good heights is that no um Pierrot spiders spiders are cool you aren't afraid of okay the question was what am I afraid of not what am I not afraid I don't like you're not afraid of a lot and they're really strong there is something major that you're missing and I'm really disappointed to miss me miss something major that you're afraid of yeah like my number one fear okay when we were walking in the townhouse what have we been seeing all the time by the door buy this watch yes bees wasps Yellowjackets anything that's things I'm not a fan of you are not doing well so far all right this is redemption number four what is my shoe size enough what no it's a seven and a half slashing away do any Jew do you really think I'm an eight and a half yeah looking up all right Oh winces oh my good no we're not gonna run I have to go that exact wrong I can't get two in a row wrong because I was already in that whatever go to shoe stores you look at me okay I only look at eight and ask if I really like the shoes and you're on sale well then I know no stipulations number five and I'm scared to hear your answer this one do I have any secret talents Oh secret talent yeah I mean if I know it would be a secret talents that like other people would know about me I can't juggle can't juggle juggle you can ice skate really well okay is that acceptable sure not where I thought we were going to go but sure I'm sure talked about this before okay good well Billy midnight what just a rule I know I said but Billy did not include I can say the alphabet backwards zy x BB u TS r QP o n m lk j IH g f e d c b a I also can take the first 20 digits of pi well that's so nerdy that I'm not going to say I hate math so like why would I say that I thought it was impressive and I can only read about it on pi day so I will try to you know what I'll do it with my eyes that way you know that I'm not cheating 3.14159265 3 5 8 9 7 9 3 2 3 8 4 how would you be cheating with ultimate I don't know if I had like a poster or something Oh sir just lie like the 5 I learned it when I was in like elementary school one of my teachers of probably middle school they had a poster around the room with all the digits of pi and I used to go I don't have I can't go impressive good job number six what am I really bad at you are really bad at directions I'm not so are you whoa whoa whenever we talked about going on The Amazing Race we've always said that you were driving and I'm in charge of directions and there's a reason for that you are really bad at anything any sport with hand-eye coordination that is true that I was on tennis orgies in a pool you're pretty good boy play bowling yeah I'm not gonna go snowboarding I guess even they did at one time yeah that was not fair because Billy did not teach me he put me at the top of a bunny hill that was nothing fun you know it was a huge hill and he just said go for it and I went down and I crossed and fell on my butt and it was extremely painful a rabbit oh gee I am insane I'm not very good geography but I love that you're coming up with so many things that I'm bad at but I asked you about a secret Talent and you fill up with ice skating because they're not secret to me like so you didn't know I just a pile of the first 20 minutes no no before you brought into the first week investigating number 7 what sports did I play you ran you sport I agree running isn't a swimming is are we did track did into a track which cross-country yeah you barely played lacrosse and you karate or Taekwondo Hyundai Lian where you did like the hood what on all that good stuff okay well let me ask you this and track what events did I see I'm not gonna try I don't know a lot about try I just think I supposed to know about me did you do like a 400 I did okay did you do the 100-meter yeah okay I might pull back we were really good at that yeah did you very straight before yeah and I'm very slow I have heavy feet I led feet that's what they called me once I get going it's hard for me to stop but it's the get yelling part you did the relays cool that doesn't really narrow it down there's love there's a dolphin member what field event did I do hi Joe no whoa yes okay you know no I can't jump on that's what were you like running to come backwards yeah and I tried it and I land up with the farm coming back and it hurt really done okay number eight and I'm asking this because of one of my past blogs what drink do I always order doctor donuts or something yeah be more specific Dunkin Donuts large are you see Florida's always a large I just vanilla latte with cream or an iced coffee with cream in french vanilla swirl okay there we go so either an iced coffee with french vanilla swirl and cream or a vanilla latte you don't get the lucky with cream well Nikki so that is what you're drinking yeah I've already won today I know he did not go so my drink winner today but a lot of people telling me that they were screwing my order at the computer or as they're screening it because you got it wrong you know I know there's a lot of pressure we just woken up I had coffee yet hence ordering it was like eight word order Wow large large iced vanilla or large iced coffee with french vanilla swirl and cream is ten ten words to one drink order I'm very simple are go hot macchiato and then they usually ask me and they say you want a flavor nice and gets french vanilla five but you are the person that they hate because they like when people go and they have their whole order is french vanilla sort of creamy like you wait for them to ask you question nothin inconvenient I'm not always positive whatever maybe a hot coffee maybe a 1 and I see maybe I want the chicken sandwich or a done I don't know I don't know I there's some possibilities and sometimes they have new things I'm not aware of a venue I don't appreciate you comin at me like I'm a zoo number 9 do we have any traditions together if so what are they generally first receive yes something with us I think the melting blobs kind of become a tradition yeah we've gone to melting pot quite a few times the first time it was because Billy tried to take me what was the movement party report Billy tries to take me a senior point we drove nine hours got there and all the rides were like shut down that day because it was windy and was hailing doing ones multiply instead and that has got to become a place every time we go though we lie and we tell them that we've been dating for like five years and hoping we get a dessert and it hasn't really happened you keep trying to keep no no number ten complete the sentence my girlfriend is blank my girlfriend is best person I've ever been in really smart and you challenge and is leaving for California without me tomorrow and my girlfriend is no I didn't mess up the lipstick today no my house alright now we are going to go ahead and start these school related questions so number one how many years have I been teaching three job number two what is my degree in elementary education and and a minor in mathematics job and what about my Master's you're a master or you haven't completed it yet I don't know what is it with technology I don't know the specific technology forgive me apply technology in education that's is it sound like a specific technology you white board because the white board is this you know like the smart boards they uh number three how many students are in my class and since it's a summer will do how many students were in my class last year 22 I started the year with 22 ah see how good with Matt what did I am a girl in well a couple left right now you gain one yeah her too so 23 thanks mother when did you commit oh you meant in like January 22 23 number 4 what is my favorite subject to teach I'm not interesting have you explicitly told me you have a favorite subject to teach yeah yeah yeah science well scientists seems to be the one that like you having the most fun with because I like science you do like the staging of like the classroom even on some for science don't like my ankle's well that you do like the dinosaur thing but that was actually for a reading lesson on imprinting so every no is a man of course not no saying that funny I hate that but the question is know what is your baby I don't mind these but it bothers me that your kid or something some teaches math number 5 what time do I usually get to school in the morning like you very I've seen you get there as early as like 6:45 or 7 sauron high early in here I mean I have seen you leave the house with like 10 minutes to spare what time is going to usually get there like most often what time do I get to school morning about 10 minutes to spare and what time is that Oh 7:25 730 okay you realize the kids come in at 8:15 right we go what how does that what 10 minutes to spare don't you have to do that early I'd be there by 8:15 and the kids come in why do you get there earlier than I thought Oh didn't you brushing your to get there like 7:30 or 75 no I wanted them there by 8:15 or you give this world because I need time to set stuff up and they copies in all that usually I was there and enjoy the moment for most of them I probably get there at 7:45 I say that's my usual talking system it says with or without the Dunkin Donuts number six what is my favorite thing about teaching everything about teaching is probably just that feeling of like helping to get along like at the end of the year we need to see again proved the reading level yeah is like the satisfaction knowing that because of you and because of your great teaching skills the kids have improved and are better prepared for the next grade yeah I think what you're doing now is you're trying to make up for some areas where these are a lot more cutting driving yeah yeah he's right my favorite thing is just seeing growth in students not necessarily their performance on my tests but just seeing how far they've come since the beginning of the year at the end of the year oh no I love this one because your answer is these are going to be way off in a bad way or if it's right like that's a bad thing - okay just if you come up with this question yeah Mario Super my gosh I'm a cancer okay good number seven how much money do I suppose that on my classroom in a year I don't know I don't even know the amount because sometimes you buy things you don't tell me so I mean I don't have like a good I don't have a good working knowledge of how much you purchase so what do you think I usually spend in the year in one year anywhere from like three to five thousand that's way more okay I was going to say probably like somewhere between one and two thousand really yeah I mean you're under estimating how much has been honestly my detail I'd say at least to this we're not going to look into it we don't I'm aware of my problem there are Atari bags right here you know make a color man well I mean I'm being honest all right number eight what is my must-have teacher item do you want like a practical answer must have teacher item I want whatever II think the answer is like something that I could not live without as a teacher I mean if I said bins that's really wrong probably dream though it is true okay what are those special kind of pencils if you got on me for my ganda Rosa Connor oh yeah um yeah I wouldn't say that's my must-have item I mean I would just say like organizational things I don't think you can function without the organization that you and so by default you have to have the bins like when we go to Target and we're going for like snacks or and you say you're not right we go for ice cream and you see Ben do like light up if you say that like take the rather thing and you're like a light bulb as soon as you've accidentally so probably opens what would you say and I should have had an answer to this already you're doing evidence well I mean there's a couple things I gonna don't yeah actually that probably would be my answer don't you know that isn't that sad no you couldn't function as a teacher without bucket o nuts why is that sad what just is you should have asked me how much money have you spent at Dunkin Donuts in the past year you have nothing was saying that to you I am never dying if I wasn't a teacher what would I be doing I don't know probably I would say like you'd be good at personal training I mean I would feel bad for clients get hurt he's like you would push them to the max and you'd be frustrated and the competitiveness and you would probably like Drive them to go and say did you go to fit at the end of it okay what I can see you as a lawyer I can see you're like a defense attorney anything you're really good at debating almost true that's like is the last video that I film I thought about how you were really good at like arguing well we're both really good at arguing and that's why sometimes our arguments become much more than they should because I'm really good at it you're really good at it Curtis okay so I think you would be a lawyer during the day personal trainer at night we can really decide business and so I don't think you want to do a full time that's fun okay so number 10 if I could change one thing about teaching what would I change why am I so white I look like a ghost I'm blending in with the wall are they beautiful girls you guys you're probably just changed some of the difficulties when it comes to the regulation and education like policy okay let's do it again no no no let's do it again keep going what would you rather me say well no I want your honest answer well that is my honest answer on a political science major so what's for them until I talk I talk to very political term meaning but there's a lot of bureaucracy when it comes to how like the curriculums are made and the standards that are applied to not only you and as students I think you would probably change like the lighting right now change that probably change like how you're judged as a teacher or how teachers are judged mentally possible I know you would definitely roll back some of the testing yes and that's just what I mean like the overall red tape that goes with teaching I think you would do you regulate the classroom do you know but like what is happening right now gradually cloud I know but it's believe me do you see what I go through and I just sit here and I can wait for the light to come back I think you did better than I saw you would I don't know there were some of the relationship ones that you got wrong that I wasn't expecting you know like what am I most afraid of he's a clown well but it's not like wasp or something that you interact with on a daily basis and I'm kind of afraid of that I know but I'm not constantly reminded that like you're deathly fear and I was trying I was trying to go to much deeper direction what are you afraid of as like if you enjoyed having Billy in my video and you guys must've seen him more on my channel go ahead and give this video a thumbs up it really helps me out and it helped this video to be able to reach more teachers and don't forget to subscribe to me if you haven't already so you don't miss your sis interject there with what well I say they don't miss any videos I can't believe you expected me to know that like that I'm thinking about food and you're sitting here quizzing me thank you for watching I love you all so much and I'll catch you in the next one thank you so much for watching all the way to the end and for supporting my youtube channel if you want to check out any my older videos you can you can see links right down here if you want to subscribe my tail so you don't miss any future videos you can use the link right up here so the links to all of my social media sites my teachers pay teacher's store and my Amazon store are down in the description box for you and I will catch you guys in the next one [Music]
Channel: Pocketful of Primary
Views: 49,664
Rating: 4.8963113 out of 5
Keywords: teacher, classroom, vlog, 2nd grade, teacherspayteachers, teachers pay teachers, tpt, pocketful of primary, tips for new teachers, tips for teachers, new teacher tips, teacher tips, classroom vlog, vlogger, teacher vlog, teacher vlogger, classroom tour, a day in the life of a teacher, a week in the life of a teacher, the teacher partner tag, teacher partner tag, teacher tag, i teach too tag, teacher boyfriend, teacher husband
Id: qYxY-GR-Pjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 16sec (1276 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2017
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