Life of a Teacher Boyfriend | That Teacher Life Ep 36

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haha silly all right you can come cut it out right can you do my feet No welcome back to my channel guys today videos can be a little bit different than my typical videos I finally convinced my boy friends who come on camera with me and film so we're going to do a little bit of a question and answer video so we each have prepared ten questions to ask each other we have not seen these questions in advance so our answers are completely genuine so my questions for him are mostly about his perspective of dating a teacher and I have no idea what his husband for me are but we're going to go ahead and just alternate I'm gonna ask the first question and then he lost him and so on until we finish old fashioned I really mind off of my phone but he has not seen him he typed his up on the computer so we're going to go ahead and get started all right number one what is your favorite thing about dating a teacher um my favorite thing about dating a teacher would probably be coming home every single day and there's always something there's atomic oh yes I plenty of stories she does lots okay number one ready it's Friday and you've had a long tiresome week your boyfriend has dinner waiting for you on the table what is your dream post-school week me your detail that's all I don't you my dream post week meal would probably be some kind of pasta maybe like an alfredo with shrimp and garlic bread I know I should alright number two what annoys you the most about being a teacher Oh be honest I'm not going to be sleeping on the couch probably the most annoying thing about dating a teacher is somebody think it's a big problem there are probably the most annoying thing about dating a teacher is when we leave somewhere whether it's the gym or the store or from grabbing a bite to eat and she was to be in says can we stop by Target and I just cringe deep down it's not that bad but considering she spends a lot of time to target also a lot of money could be a little little it's a little bit number two what is your favorite holiday to spend with your students oh that's a good one um holiday to spend with my students cuz then just be your account Oh kiss me my favorite holiday would probably be Christmas only because working at title in school a lot of my kids don't really get a lot for Christmas so I like being able to provide them with as much as I can in the classroom plus I know that I have to exhaust faster that so I'm in a much better mood number three what is the hardest part of dating a teacher I know mine were kind of lame in comparison that's okay um okay I bring like every minute out all right okay I asked a good one because I can't think of an answer probably the most difficult part of dating a teacher is just the amount of work that comes home with her every single night it seems I normally work til 11:00 on the weeknights and I come home and probably 1120 1130 and she's still on the couch this couch hard at work and she never really gets a good night's sleep the eight hours that she supposed to get but yeah just in general the amount of work that comes home with you number three I'm on President's Day just passed which president is your favorite to teach about um probably Abraham Lincoln that's who I'm one probably Abraham Lincoln because that's who I'm currently teaching about and my students already have some background knowledge but I like to go a lot more into like the Civil War why it happened and just slavery in general which my students always take a really big interest in slavery is a really high population of African American students in my classroom I think I'd like 80 percent so they always are very very interested in it and there's just so much to actually teach about and if they always like to know how Kali is and all right number four how can you tell I've had a bad day at school does she really want me to answer this honestly um I can always tell if you've had a bad day at school because those we do know keep them I know she's had a bad day when no matter for at the gym or dinner or would just comes home everything I asked just has a little more zing little extra you have to be a little big of that I kind of know that it's my job as a boyfriend to be the punching bag whenever she needs it actually I can always tell by the sound of the way the bags are dropped on the floor if it's gentle she's had a good day if it's loud I'm in trouble yeah oh that number four yeah my 4x all right um oh you okay what is she doing this one's number four this one's a little more difficult if you could change one thing about your teaching right now that has nothing to do with money what would it be probably something to do is behavior management because that's what I'm currently struggling with the most in my classroom am I allowed to just like take away the behavior problem what does it imagine or just see behavior problems and I guess I would I don't know because I don't know how to solve it through my teaching like I feel like I'm trying everything that's not working so I wish I just had more strategies for that thank you better but that's a good number sighs what surprised you the most about the behind the scenes of teaching so the things that you see at home that you may not know take advantage she probably the most surprising part of like the behind the scenes of teaching is number one just how much work goes into all of the daily activities that you plan the lesson planning itself whether it's anchor charts or planning like the school transformations but then also how much money is invested into your classroom that was definitely a surprise once I started dating you and you're a teacher and seeing how much an energetic teacher like itself would actually invest in in the classroom and with shopping doing Amazon or it could well or Target Dollar Tree it's a lot more of a investment so I guess I'll give a little bit of background of how we started dating so we started bidding right before the start of my student teaching we met early December we started dating late December and I saw my student teaching right at the beginning of January so he's actually never been with me when I wasn't teaching so he's definitely seen like the entire progression as a teacher starting with my internship and in my first year of teaching second year and so on number five right my number oh sorry number five if you weren't teaching and you weren't a youtuber what would you be doing hey this guy like okay if I wasn't a teacher and I wasn't a youtuber and notes PPT you have nothing to do with teaching okay nothing to do with teaching probably just graphic design that was the only other job that I really consider taking I chose a graphic design class when I was in high school I really really liked it and I mean that kind of goes along with TPT but I guess just other graphic design that's not related very good number six wrong - yes what do you think I spend the most time doing for my classroom at home besides just like the generic lesson planning is planning an experiment or some fun activity going to the store grabbing the materials bringing them home plopping them right on the coffee table and just spending time getting them together okay so like prepping materials yeah so the real practice school prep yes number six what would you rather have well be these kids on the low learning level or poorly behaved kids on higher learning levels I'm probably gonna regret saying this because it kind of is exactly what I'm dealing with right now but I would rather have well-behaved oh no it's not what I'm dealing with now mine aren't well behaved I'd rather have well-behaved students on a low level because I feel like eh I can help them a lot more because they are well-behaved and B I'd rather help those students that are struggling just because I feel like it has a bigger impact for them so right seven what is the worst thing about back to school beeping no no there's like something nope it's the like facial recognition I chose to get probably the worst thing about back-to-school time is the week where week and a half before school actually begins it's where she starts to realize that gosh summer is like coming to a halt and she's rushing to get everything prepared and usually what happens is she'll come to me the night before school start to says I feel like I'm way underprepared and then i have to play boyfriends and insists that she is a great teacher and more liking them around number seven who was your favorite childhood teacher and what that's a good one okay my favorite teacher was my second-grade teacher mr. Pilon and I'm pretty sure it was his first year of teaching which is really ironic because I felt like my first year of teaching I was a horrible teacher and I don't think I was anybody's favorites but he was awesome he was engaging he was super super fun he had an entire wall of like half that you could wear and he did something called Pilon points and like every 25 you would get a prize and he played guitar which I really really liked he had songs that we would sing and that actually inspired me to start learning guitar later when I was a teenager but he was just by far the most engaging teacher that I had plus that is a year where I realized I wanted to be a teacher too so it's very symbolic for me alright number eight and this kinda goes along with one of the ones you asked if I wasn't a teacher what career would you see me today surprisingly enough I could see you as a lawyer you're very good at arguing and you're very smart and you're very persistent so I think any law firm would be lucky to have you if you chose that group I don't know if I want to go to the boys house I don't know I can do okay number eight in a scenario where your boyfriend is also a teacher what subject is she not teaching math great what he's not very good at math I suck in that I mean I say you're above average oh great big at least him at least in math he matters not a strong point but you would be a great history or government type of teacher because that's his Don point and that's like the exact opposite I'm really doing that and I'm horrible at history and social studies and government and all of that number nine how is dating a teacher changed your perspective of teaching and education so when we first started dating probably like most people out there who don't have any affiliation with education or teaching or dating a teacher they probably think that teaching is not that hard most people will say well yeah summers all and you know weekends off and he now knows that if I ever hear that from anyone is going to spark if you heard that argument but in Iceland so I would say I've just been enlightened to the day in and day out like dedication you have for teaching and considering that you stay at school late well past 3:45 which is when you get to get out most of your work comes with you you're not having like 8 or 9 hour days but it's more like a 12 hour a day normally she wakes up at 6:30 doesn't get home till maybe six at best and then another four or five hours of tea of teaching work definitely allows dedication so she's very dedicated number nine it's a snow day you have the day off you're very excited you have to binge watch one TV show what do you be showing us it well currently we are watching the show this is us so it's better home with me I would probably watch that with you but if you weren't home and I just had a day to myself probably Grey's Anatomy I have seen it all the way through one time but I feel like I really need to go back and we watch all episodes so great for asthma okay alright my number 10 and this will probably make you think a little bit what advice do you have for other guys dating soon to be teachers wait did he got one like that what is ice the chicken hall teacher bar anyway put this in there so ironically we both ended up having the same last question this is why we're dating we tended to finish each other's sentences a lot but I figure if we were both just insert from our own perspectives so my question to you was what advice you have for boyfriends of soon to be teachers or current teachers the best advice I could give any boyfriends out there who have a significant other who is a teacher or graduating and about to become a teacher or new teacher would definitely be to grow some thick skin what do you mean by that well I just mean that there are going to be plenty of days throughout the school year where you did get a lot of sleep the night before because you're out late doing lesson planning or sub plans and you woke up and you didn't have time to get buck go nuts or you got to school and you dropped your camera or you hit them or your students were just terrible or the full moon to get it's problematic for kids I don't believe and hopefully even that personally here's okay if you were a teacher please comment below because he swears that full moons do not affect students behavior and as a teacher we all know that that is not true big difference makes no sense but anyways there's just going to be a lot of days where she's going to come home and she's going to need all the boyfriends out there to be supportive tell her you love her tell me you're proud of her I know I'm incredibly proud of her and she will definitely be a lot happier and a lot better off lying to keeper so we have obviously had the same question what advice would you as the actual teacher so if you are dating a soon-to-be teacher or dating a teacher or married to a teacher engage whatever it kind of goes along with what he said just be supportive do not underestimate how much a simple foot rub or back rub can really really help when she is stressed stressed out and do not underestimate how much just how I heard that proud of her really really helps and that she is a good teacher because a lot of times as teachers we need a lot of reassurance because there are definitely times where we don't feel like we were doing our best so reassure her support her rub her feet and bring her treats and food and things when she wants it so hopefully you guys enjoyed this video I know it's a little bit different than my typical videos but normally I feel when he's not here or if he is here I make him relocate to a temporary part of the apartment but today it actually worked out that he was here and was able to film with me so go ahead and see what I always think if you liked this video make sure to give it a thumbs up it really helps her out and don't forget to subscribe to watch future videos I will catch you guys in my next vlog which goes live every Saturday morning at 7 a.m. thank you so much for watching all the way to the end for supporting my youtube channel I appreciate it more than you guys realize if you want to check out any my older videos you can use the two links right down here and if you want to subscribe to my channel so you don't miss any future videos you can use the link right over here in the description is the link to all of my social media sites my teachers pay teacher's store and my Amazon store and I will catch you guys in my next video
Channel: Pocketful of Primary
Views: 113,738
Rating: 4.948956 out of 5
Keywords: teacher, classroom, vlog, 2nd grade, teacherspayteachers, teachers pay teachers, tpt, pocketful of primary, teacher boyfriend, life of a teacher boyfriend, day in the life of a teacher, week in the life of a teacher, dating a teacher, teacher tips, tips for teachers, new teacher tips, tips for new teachers
Id: XH1q3I6TIlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2017
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