The Tabatha Tour

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it is November 14 2008 and I am in Ridgewood New Jersey outside of Industry hair gurus hi tabatha I Maggie Mulhern modern salon magazine it is so nice to meet you do you want to do - sure like I'm just calling you where are we following you literally homie front desk hub of every place and we are here as I mentioned in Ridgewood New Jersey and I understand there's a big article about you in the paper today there is it's really nice um the Hackensack hospital in New Jersey contacted me about doing a little girl of 17 years old she's going back to school she was went through leukemia and lost all her hair so she wanted me to cut her wig which was very nice my ask me but the wig was horrible it was just really really awful and so I found a local place in town that does weeds for cancer clients they donated a wig and she came in and I cut a wig so now her wig is fabulous now her wig is fabulous amazing she was really sweet and now I'm setting up a foundation for children that can't afford weeks after they've gone through chemo and radiation we're setting up a foundation to make sure that they have elites so come on back this is a shampoo area we nice and small which is how I like it I like to control everything so I like salons and a wall after all clients that come in it it's a relaxing experience to come here and that's how it should be so I have nine stuff we're a nice small so long we make sure that everyone is very hands-on I guess we could all hug back here with laundry and mixing room and all the fun things if a little bit it's not that and it's petite but efficient it's really efficient so this is and this is thankful so we do cut and color in here I like everything again just to be together at clients while they're waiting and even while you're having stuff done get to watch the Bravo show they do I'm piggy in the middle so I kind of sit in the middle of in the middle of everyone which is good for me because I hear and see everything so another is going on with everyone I was noting how very nice and clean the place is always nice is that a bit of an issue is an issue good stuff for real used to announce are actually really good I don't need to point it out [Music]
Channel: Modern Salon
Views: 262,250
Rating: 4.914391 out of 5
Keywords: modern, salon, magazine, tabatha, coffey, maggie, mulhern, tour, industrie, hair, gurus, new, jersey, interview, bravo, tv, shear, genius, personality
Id: 033uFmV6k0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 30sec (150 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 08 2008
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