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are you done now [Music] look they have red numbers but then it's like no no we don't [Laughter] look at the retreat he still broke it what [Music] three tanks dude i don't even understand the mathematics here we have a red two he he kills them so quick that they can't reinforce look at this ah you break the this is breaking the game you kill them so quick that they cannot reinforce look at that you have a red one what show template again this is literally the best you can do full mechanized two artillery this is a artillery killer dude they solo everything we broke the game you will never see a more bloody war on this channel then that that's just gonna happen what the [ __ ] bye bye bye bye bye bye oh [Laughter] this game blew my mind but it also shows the limits of hope for you just reach a point where there needs to be a limiter on on how much someone can have you you see how ai just has infinite divisions after a while boys boys boys thank you for 300 k subs on youtube we have a big one for you right now this is a trance amor kaiser video i started playing the small nation of transformers suddenly it became the biggest single player game of my entire 4 career we're going to 1960 this is a long one stay tuned watch it with breaks in your playlist or do the whole thing right now you crazy crazy boy and have fun with this video i obviously had lots of fun plants was actually hard and cool at the same time you're trying to become russia slowly tantamous sounds so [ __ ] hard i want to look at the focus trees i want to look forward to transfer more sounds exactly what i want to do cool story question can you form a nationalist hunt some more and do you get a new focus tree i think i'm feeling cancer more i think i've made my decision let's [ __ ] check it out let's check this [ __ ] out this is gonna be hard man i love this hmm i can't build anything hey okay once a polar explorer and commander in the pure russian navy who had also fought in both the russian japanese war and in the russian japanese one the battle creek kolchak had tried to proclaim himself the supreme rule of russia but failed to garner enough support his relations with the newly created russian republic's government were quite hostile due to the breast li watsky which they had agreed to and signed and had only worsened in 1925 after kolchak's unsuccessful coup d'etat against the german lapdogs the rogue admiral i used to be an admiral for russia at school managed to flee russia and found shelter in the pro-japanese state of tranzamore now an effective puppet state of tokyo kolchak is trying to get her enough power and support to overthrow the government in russia dude that is a cool story that is a cool story man i like this let's take this really really serious man siberian the russian far east has been a major area of conflict during the russian civil war as the location of a short-lived democratic republic the rising of the czech legion and the japanese intervention what while forced to evacuate the forces due to the german pressure as well as intense resistance from local kozaks the japanese remained eager to extend their influence and in 1922 pushed for the establishment of an independent state in the transamour region the new nation gained a prominent figurehead in the form of admiral kolczak i like his story i like this character one of the more successful white generals of the civil war and the one-time self-proclaimed supreme ruler of russia and yet kolchak has ambitions of his own could he simply be playing a very dangerous game using the japanese protectorate to establish his own rule first over siberia and then or russia that's cool i'll i'm digging this it's a good storyline ah i want siberia man i hope there will be a russian [ __ ] uh revolution but sucky japanese dick gives you insane bonuses yes yes yes probably should do that let's suck japanese dick letting japanese girl makes you puppet forever japanese authoritarian democracy your paternal autocrats oh okay also what i did was good the minus five percent [ __ ] him a bit you can't let the grade get too big okay okay i get it i can build my first superman after this let's not suck too much japanese dick then you gotta kind of balance it i like that that's cool man [Music] wait that's bad wait what the position have started an open revolt against us destroyed generals and soldiers led by sergey whatever have captured the most important neighborhoods and are now marching right to us i can choose what happens oh i kind of like this guy he has a cool story i want to keep him i'm going to keep him his story is so funny man he wants to become the king of russia so all power to the admiral kolchak has managed to survive the group and has defeated the rebellious generals however the spirit of uncertainty still lingers over bloody buttstock only a strong leader is capable of pacifying the people and restoring order and trends and more 10 stability 20 to my party which means i can't suck more japanese stick let me suck your dick dude the white eye i like that then racist the white eye because of the snow of siberia let's create that so i can start leveling uh one spy at least and maybe put i mean i'm such a small nation i should i should actually steal technologies that doesn't seem too bad it saw them as is that bad that's hot wait that means no revolution right am i [ __ ] now but yeah that saw them and russia has been rebuilt i love this tactic where you watch artillery 2 so you build it earlier which means you build it longer you know what i think that's a good tactic i love that i did that since release the earlier you have it the longer you build at the whole game hey we're actually getting a little industry going here i like that the game gives me for recruit the head of intelligence giving me plus one spy very nice i'm in we shall see where this all goes slowly i obviously russia i need germany to kill russia otherwise there's no chance i will not one-on-one russia that's not gonna happen i obviously have a very bad game already there's no russian civil war russia is already super strong they're killing everyone this looks really bad for us so here comes the mountaineers that will already upgrade them the white core if you're like an elite soldier in this land you join these guys support cavalry attachment engineer that is the white core i like them very much i'm only allowed to make i'm allowed to make a lot of them so this is the army i have to kind of get okay four mountaineers and then that's that's kind of it man and then i'm attacking russia when they're at world war ii and i just got to be lucky that germany is doing a good job man i'm making very high quality units here the best i can obviously it's 20 for not 40 with but what can i do oh man siberia is so big though this is gonna suck oh occupy russia gets oh russia is now in a state of war while they are busy in the west we compress them the east we must immediately per here we go seven days seven days oh this is epic man that's just good war i guess right that time has come day by day we dream about the time when we will strike our enemies moscow we are no longer merely transamore no our claim to the mantle of the russian republic will no longer be the pretense but solid fact we will liberate by russia so what was that event where he refuses to intervene enter a truce oh he gives me [ __ ] because he's scared i put them under pressure in november i can attack so right now we just build up for a second and then the long road to moscow baby i look strong man i'm [ __ ] ready for anything my army is so high level my army is [ __ ] high level dude september when it comes to win bro yeah september october november or october comes first okay yeah they teach me that song in school i still don't know the months i don't know if june or july comes first but you guys are going to tell me right and then i forget it after five seconds and in a second it all starts man the boys are trained man these guys have they almost have 100 a winter look they're actually white when the war starts they have 100 uh winter knowledge i show the attack actually right now before he brings people in and here is the great war for the homeland aka nobody is moving good job i mean they're waiting for orc right let's see how fire can go before russia meets me [Music] so [Music] net back to thank reality them i'm even getting pushed now dude now there's a lot of ruskies coming jesus could maybe try something here he's trying to move out pin him connects so many russians they don't care germany is in so much trouble uh austria is almost dead oh this is really bad because if they die they will send their entire army to me and i'm gonna get destroyed man who cares if it's 200k or whatever and i need to stay sharp here killing two divisions very beautiful obviously keep trying to circle you can do it not so easy in these lands here dude not so easy in this god forsaken snow desert the frontline is getting longer yeah i mean right here it's ah [ __ ] that's bad oh no i want myself here i actually took it that's just one division man i mean it's something but obviously i would love to have bigger ones than this but the cavalier might get a foreign circumstance here which looks good man i'm killing thousands and thousands but it's russia it's russia after all killed 660 000 russians man feels like i killed zero but that's how this game works let's rebuild for a second field marshall almost with the level up here which will obviously be very beautiful i have adaptable huge huge huge you're going on a little offensive here let's do a little broadband offensive i like pressing offensive and then instantly stopping it just to have some little attacks like this i [ __ ] like that it's good tactic and the reinforcements are underway man this is highly elite units the guns are coming back uh the green army breaking the self and we're doing mad damage here on these this guy's becoming a [ __ ] crazy general it's so cool how my leader is my general that's kind of cool can you jump over here no oh it's like stuck here now huh i mean my my army is so elite now at this point later i will do them 14 fours and they're going to be so [ __ ] elite man oh what a [ __ ] war man step by step there's another tank here every centimeter is fought after so hard [ __ ] they killed austria ah [ __ ] and they're gonna kill germany now oh this might be ggg this might be the game here i think it's becoming too overwhelming germany is dead now and that means all the russian faction comes to me unlucky in the end unlucky that germany and austria die oh no city you can't germany's dead [Music] you can't believe all you want [ __ ] man there the entire all the green stuff is coming for me now g [ __ ] g man no way in hell let's slowly retreat until the land gets more narrow like here i will try just like this river here we totally deserve to win here man we totally deserved it dude i'm alone look at that grandson versus okay bye have a great time so let's hold a bit see what russia has to offer here dude can someone go down there for [ __ ] others okay looks like i'm holding okay so they left who left what the russians left wait what so they're gonna come back though that's why i'm not gonna sit you like oh wow guys holy [ __ ] it's happening jesus man that's not even achievement for this i'm just doing just for [ __ ] for pain not even an achievement in this [ __ ] okay that green get in a position blue can push a bit more and blue is actually getting friends here in a second and then i make no more army i might just make them 14 force if one day i'm rich enough which might never happen green army here we go now i'm spreading so hard the spread is happening now the great spread is coming now oh and you think anyone will declare war not happening man kai's wreck is over all the eyes like oh we achieved our goals no nothing more to do well boys what a game god [ __ ] damn it man this is insane well i'm slowly switching to 14 fours and they're gonna hit very very hard this could be one more chance i have obviously gonna take a while so i have that i'm not giving up yet it doesn't look good but i'm not giving up yet i mean look at all these russians and here i stand little transamour against these masses of russians they have a lot of medium tanks now my time is running out i have a very good economy going on and i'm slowly now switching my army to 14 force i'm totally stuck here people in chat are saying if i reach this i get a scripted piece which i think is a lie you can never trust chat getting very spread now let's let's fix this actually a bit i mean green is so useless they don't do anything so green you help blue bit blue is who's actually being successful here so i'm actually liking this because this is this is very different i never had the game like this in a long time where you literally have to fight for every centimeter i wonder if chad lied some people say if you take action book you get peace deal which i don't believe for a second you cannot believe twitch [ __ ] ever look how many dudes he's sending i have to cast in it though hold it where's the there it is look at the cast man look at the cast hold it hold it hold it you're holding go go go go go this is the one i'm running out of [ __ ] dudes here oh god he's holding look how defended that is this is like a multiplayer gamer i could go in here but i'm so spread my manpower is dropping he is everywhere my what a [ __ ] fight man let's work on it if i take this i can integrate the city and get manpower from it and in the end manpower i have infinite resources so manpower means i'm fine push brothers there will never be peace conference i don't believe chat for a second oh here we go i've got pushback even i can't find opening yet where is the encirclement ah he just got a tank the minute i attacked the counter-attack six divisions he is everywhere yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah keep them busy you retreat yeah yeah nice nice nice nice nice oh you run run run ah [ __ ] i'm not keeping it i'm keeping this one though ah [Music] clean it out quickly man i think the goal now would be this year if the entire agreement let's make actually let's play like this is real thank you harry firebird if the green army killed moved this move and then find themselves here our frontline will be so much smaller i mean here bam here we go operation caspia can i do it oh here i get two i get two lands i get two lands [ __ ] nukes oh my god that's all come on look at that look at that d walk yes yes yes yes yes i thought let's go let's go let's [ __ ] work let's get working the great counterfeits if you can only trust the green army man red army is trash dude they can suck it big [ __ ] offensive here [ __ ] your shitty tank oh the cast man oh here we go man enemy ac 130 is that a call dude i think so here we go here we go look at that look at that look at that where's the airport here the city oh he doesn't want my jokes oh [ __ ] oh thank you captain wreck oh god i'm so scared i thought i'm winning and now he's like this is this is multiplayer man this feels like this is being played by a human doesn't it doesn't this feel like a human is playing against me like the way it behaves and [ __ ] sometimes i think a death is actually [ __ ] going into my game or something i swear to god reposition reposition i lost three divisions i lost three why will i lose three divisions out there because he's over running now with his shitty green air voila thicken he lost trillions man this is just me he also lost millions from the world war he doesn't care he's infinite man look he's it doesn't matter don't ever tell me look at manpower push forever no more no more mr nice guy [ __ ] everything you know what i need to i need to play the russian tactic no regard for human life kill everything that you see no love for nothing complete and other disregard for human life i don't care i'm running in i'm walking into you i don't give a [ __ ] anymore i'm just gonna run into you [ __ ] tactics man you wanna play like this eh [Applause] uh ah [Applause] three oh yes look at that relentless attack man [ __ ] everything i'm gonna eat your corpses man literally the leader of this country man he's [ __ ] tired of this [ __ ] man he's tired bro so why is everyone so [ __ ] [ __ ] weird man how can i not have a normal game for once just me hanging out having fun no it's always like complete [ __ ] all-out war straight up [ __ ] kill or be killed no peace no love [ __ ] died man i can't handle this anymore i just wanted to have a little kaiser i came and i get the craziest war ever i don't need to cheat man i [ __ ] oh wow oh my arm feels oh my god playing video games all day is not good for your oh god ouch here here here work on it work on it no more love no more love for the russians anyone that stands if you're not with us you're against us and you will be [ __ ] sacrificed man oh look at that what happened here man what happened here death and destruction happens death and mother [ __ ] i'm losing my mind guys i have to take a week off or something i swear to god man world of warcraft and this [ __ ] [ __ ] here is just [ __ ] killing my brain man hello people hi mine shots hey be gets deal jun [Music] shots yeah i just wanted to have a chill game i just want to hang out a bit hey chad let's have some kaiser egg fun huh and it becomes this man it becomes this crazy stuff dude this green army is i've never in my entire life in hoi 4 have been prouder in single player of an army like this call it shock number one the greatest army ever in hoi4 what they have [ __ ] done what they achieved dude holy [ __ ] they need to look for these supplements but i don't see them yet here here this one just just kill as many divisions as you can yeah yeah yeah yeah just death death and destruction russia might be infinite but he's not no one is infinite no one is infinite no one has infinite units and i'm coming for you oh you're all dying they're all [ __ ] falling apart and i'm taking caspia man operation caspia is funny success oh my god i'm gonna i need vacation dude this is insane come on man push through here and as i said the whole time here my front line will be so much smaller and everything will be better yo hold four players out there does this happen to you too that all your games just turn into these crazy things it's [ __ ] mental 1947 it happens to you guys a lot too oh [ __ ] it makes you proud when you it works right but look that was the goal that was my goal my front line is so much smaller now which is my my uh advantage kai's right developers if you ever watch this and i think you will what the [ __ ] is focus 3 you should give the player the chance to get the stuff when he took it look at this focus tree i still have a huge focus when i'm russia but i'm already gonna be [ __ ] in in a hospital for mental issues man i was fighting from here to here for eight hours man jesus christ i'm not even close to moscow yet but he's falling apart slowly and here comes super modern tank at the top time to uh prepare these super heavy tanks uh not super heavy modern tanks but imagine you're this guy in real life and you're in heaven right now and some [ __ ] weird ginger is doing what you wanted okay here we go it seems that russia is slowly finally reaching a point where it uh can't keep up anymore so [Music] here's the bad boys they're totally unfinished yet though oh oh we need a good name for them the black ones the black ones is the leads of this army they're not ready yet but [ __ ] man that is the best tank i've ever done on the stream we're going to reach a point oh whoa [Music] you don't push me anymore brother doesn't care no man there there's [ __ ] ghouls attacking me now ukrainian ghouls people will never forever can you stop pushing me now for [ __ ] sake i said what the [ __ ] man you can't stop you can't push me anymore it's [ __ ] come on what the [ __ ] that is so metaman using nukes so you stop the push of someone did they just keep pushing dude respect to other cranes and [ __ ] you guys don't give a [ __ ] about nuclear fallouts do you just give it some years and all the instagram girls are coming to [ __ ] crimea i'm making pictures there [Music] is i can't even see how many uh ukrainians i killed i killed 700 000 people with nukes oh god it's not funny obviously do you ever look at someone and wonder what is going on inside their heads [Music] the black ones are arriving dude this this is the stories they will tell there's always the nuke exploding and then the black ones the modern tanks roll in we almost won against the transom marine but then the black ones came before you could see them you will see a mushroom on the horizon thank you stop i shall nuke moscow man i want to actually liberate the people of uh russia and that's a true russian i don't give a [ __ ] about crimea yes russians should presidents shouldn't say that but he's building a balance on your [ __ ] tax money okay don't act like putin is great the best division ever seen on the tommyk channel i present to you fully mechanized fully modernized soft attack tanks 56 initiative 1100 breakthrough but that is not enough that is not everything and now the world truly shall no pain for the black ones a [ __ ] trash and can't do anything because river crossings are still broken in this game thank you dan lynch five noobs is not enough okay yeah yeah i get it okay the black ones are the untouchable force that unites chaos and order on the russian peninsula dude what they break them even though they have red numbers they're breaking the game bro this black magic dude what the [ __ ] holy crap these guys are crazy look they have red numbers but then it's like no no we don't what the [ __ ] is this tank jesus christ this game is over look at the retreat he still broke it what [Music] [Laughter] free tanks dude what the [ __ ] they don't care about numbers man they just do what they want dude three tanks against millions of ukrainians wow three tanks killing thousands of dudes here i mean they're still getting what this is insane oh my god dude that i think we broke the game i mean i don't even understand the mathematics here we have a red two he he kills them so quick that they can't reinforce look at this ah you break the this is breaking the game you kill them so quick that they cannot reinforce look at that you have a red one what what the [ __ ] i broke the game they killed you so much that you can't reinforce this these divisions could kill one million people if i give them air don't doesn't that mean they overrun everything dude three tanks to kill an empire dude they don't even need hell sure template again this is literally the best you can do full mechanized two artillery this is a artillery killer dude they solo everything we broke the game we broke the game if they break this river man then come on almost actually if i was russia here i will [ __ ] sue paradox russia should be done soon russia is almost done oh 14 million plus 4 million world war two that's messed up though now uh oh that's messy that's messy oh let's mess it up [Applause] is i need the peace deal man and then i make my own russian sphere and then i unlocked my focus tree ah this is the [ __ ] dumbest [ __ ] eh i need to kill romania yugoslavia getting counter pushed now should be fine though they cannot oh why is there a huge million army coming what okay i need to kill this quick what the [ __ ] is this bulgaria agreed dude just like the persians coming in 300. i need to kill this guy quickly so i can fully focus on that bulgarian greek whatever the [ __ ] is happening right now cleaned oh god what the [ __ ] there's a huge army this is like level two now i can't handle this anymore what the [ __ ] is this army ah this is a joke man where this is becoming jokey stage two of the boss fight oh my [ __ ] god man i saw what it's like i unlocked them if i take if i go like here and here i uncircle the entire front line and then circle millions of people that could be bigger than the front document okay oh it might be too risky though i don't know we'll see look at these three tanks these these three tanks do what they want look at these three they just they're just gonna do what the [ __ ] they want no one is gonna stop them one thing is for short [ __ ] i think this really will be the number one game my biggest game ever in kilts you will never have seen this many kills in one of my hoy4 games at least i think the since recommend here for entertainment is not clever because i'm actually getting in trouble now and i should actually play clever and playing clever means doing this here exactly mundo that's what it says dude how are these four tanks being stopped it's the tank it's the river but once in a moment the river is over come on yes yes yes yes yes the enemy just has infinite stuff this is completely broken we actually kind of reached a point at the game where it's just i think no developer ever thought that a stage like this will ever be reached i took it i took it because these tanks are broken how many tanks do you think i didn't actually lose a lot of tanks okay so let's clean this out wow europe is is just a graveyard now the thing is i'm just finding the russian faction we're not even fighting a world war here look at prussia already ready man oh god so close man oh that would hurt dude that would be a big one oh jesus christ look at that tank man holy moly oh my [ __ ] god these tanks dude oh wow huge defense here all of a sudden gotta support the tanks what the [ __ ] dude these people get nuked and they don't just don't care man there it is encircled and circled dude if i turn this off then everybody stops attacking right yeah okay clean clean the pocket okay that's a lot of dead dudes again and still they have so much left man they still have so much left how much pain can i inflict on the human race before they [ __ ] stop resisting that is the most bloody war you will ever see on my entire channel ever you will never see a more bloody war on this channel that that just cannot happen this game blew my mind but it also shows the limits of hope for you just reach a point where there needs to be a limiter on on how much someone can have you see how ai just has infinite divisions after a while for i'm gonna be such a big boy that i'm so excited for the peace deal by the way i have uh played at peace conferences so i'm gonna build my own russian utopia here man where does mcconaughey live [Music] where do you love makoni don't you live like you're from novi sad but you live somewhere else no no no no we have a bunker here gentlemen you just witnessed the longest war ever in my channel's history what a battle man from a little village right here to this i'm so excited for this piece deal man so excited gonna be so cool i'm gonna build my own little utopia there we go over 40 million people die in the [ __ ] and we're not done still kill the biggest faction in the world oh what i know no no no no no no please oh oh let's just paint the map right now oh i'm the only guy in this uh okay let's paint the map a bit so a few moments later still scuffed over here though i think i'm getting albania return albanian lands and that's it i painted the map dude i don't have a faction though this is so weird man these puppets are going to produce i don't want to fight that oh jesus that that would be the craziest [ __ ] war of all times oh okay boomland dude look at all these tanks dude this is just austria this game is completely broken the game is completely broken now even a minor nation as austria has this army that is just austria fighting this will completely break the game so should i make jets let's talk i do jet fighter 2's yeah what the [ __ ] jet fighter 2 here we go man the craziest planes also ever seen on my stream jet tech bomber compared to tech yeah jet tech bombers better what are you talking about the jets are so much better holy crap man i'm going to reach the entire world of these bombers i will now have to fight the third international the first international is in possession of over 1 000 divisions austria alone so before i do anything i was thinking of liberating all this [ __ ] killing this all you know killing azerbaijan and iran making a puppet there like if i if i play this till 1960 i'm gonna [ __ ] take my time here i'm not gonna just attack like an idiot so let's secure some stuff we're literally in the cold war now this is the cold war i'm trying to establish puppets like communist russia used to do this is legit the cold war man even azerbaijan has so many planes now because again where we reached a broken point of this game where everybody just has infinite stuff man it's completely ridiculous jet fighter look at that this is [ __ ] jets i've never had jets before first time ever i have jets we're giving them to the black ones i need to take airports for that though now black ones are just going ham i have very bad feeling about the world war three i do not see me winning that i just think i'm gonna get completely overwhelmed and this should be the end of azerbaijan 70 000 guns okay that's submarine force here we go time for navy oh that's the ones oh my god that is legit the best submarine i've ever done ural tractor plants 25 steel minus 15 tank production you know broken that is in late game in [ __ ] modern tanks by the way can i upgrade these tanks oh [ __ ] oh oh [ __ ] afghanistan iraq turkey and then world war iii which is gonna take so much preparation is this guy oh [ __ ] i already have ideas we're gonna talk about that soon though i mean i this will need so much [ __ ] planning okay finish this and then the domino war the proxy wars are over man now we [ __ ] talk blue is the final enemy america the anton and japan is already with us east is completely safe there can't be any innovations there's no colonies nothing that's nice though africa also safe mediterranean not safe i'm on that though my idea is a huge army of mostly infantry millions of planes and lots of anti-air defending the major front line obviously big issue here the [ __ ] chase slovakia right while the main a main attack force under the black army is going to bring a swift victory over sweden and finland crushing them out of the war making the front line easier securing this entire area but also in the first phase of the war this country needs to go away and maybe a little schnitzer would be nice question is do do the black ones want to rush helsinki or do they want to cut this off could also blitzkrieg from prague into into berlin and get a peace get the capitulation of prussia quickly maybe actually don't care about the northern war and invest in this war i want six more black ones though before i start the war i want the full black ones army the craziest literally army i've ever done in my entire r4 career we need to bring this war this area quickly i want this death that quickly and the north dead quickly just don't call your friends in they will not declare that's so unfair if i don't call my pop that's so unfair if i don't call my puppets wait i can just not call my puppets that is so unfair i have 5 000 jet fighters i actually made a deal these are to stop the stream early day to cook for her and just for you [ __ ] i'm gonna go a bit longer now because you guys want to see this war thank you savage [ __ ] can't even subscribe for this commitment man look at that austria oh they're all coming oh they're militarizing the border oh they just all came [Music] ladies and gentlemen it all started in a small village where alexander grew up in vladivostok he had a dream that he was laughed upon it and called the clown for he had a dream of a greater russia with him as a leader and after 40 million people died and a lot of sacrifice has been made he did it he united the russian republic and the winners of world war ii the third international kapoor has beaten the rice puck and the kaiser making italian austrian german and other puppets affection culminating into one thousand divisions overall the biggest war ever seen on the stream is about to commence in the north dimitri semioff will try to get a swift victory over finland and sweden making sure the north and the baltic sea is safe the main front the biggest ever filled with enemy tanks scary overwhelming our own forces we stand alone but a secret plan by the black army on the sega by ranowitzki has been made after the swift defeat a quick encirclement of current expects gonna happen and a quick capitulation and march into berlin will happen we're bringing the tanks over this is too big dude they're bringing all these dudes over here but i have to have the submarines they're actually unworked right now i could just go in yura thank you i see you on the other side do not call allies okay finland easily invaded quickly prussia i don't even need the tanks i don't need the tanks oh it took if you took it quick and swift quick and swift good job good job swift victory here prussia actually totally falling apart already i don't even need my tanks it's a bit broken that i don't have to call my puppets in you know what full content oh [ __ ] yeah austria big weak spot big weak spot because the austrians are all on vacation in italy hey let's make a vacation yeah nice location man not on campaign it's everything's looking just amazing complete defeat on all fronts here crash are almost done wait they're 14k planes submarines are doing some [ __ ] berlin is at the horizon that will encircle so many dudes did that just they count the new king but this guy doesn't even care [ __ ] liquor [ __ ] liquor he's just ah i'm from [ __ ] serbia you think when you give a [ __ ] i don't care about you shitty nukes [ __ ] give a sing a [ __ ] about a nuke oh [ __ ] off man this game we're going to leipzig man i can already hear them drive oh [ __ ] there's a beautiful black tank driving by sexy man who designed that dude what the [ __ ] do they have against serbia i mean we're walking on the green air black ones go oh the black ones man these they're unstoppable they're too broken man these tanks are completely mental push or not push man full push this might be the greatest army i've ever had noise for obviously you will never do this multiplayer games will be that long but this this is the greatest single player army ever they're just untouchable i think they will need anti-air instead of artillery in them and then they will even be stronger i wouldn't care about air anymore but yeah this is completely insane that was not me nuking by the way that was someone else that is not even me doing this what the [ __ ] the whole world is this is this is this is the this is the pre-game to fall out of the new vegas men bro i didn't think i would kill them this hard to be honest this is annihilation i did 27 million damage already oh okay this i think that's the best ratio we've ever seen what the [ __ ] you can't see oh get your dicks out there you go there you go i will not fight the allies by the way you can suck my dick man 100 subs right now i will do it [ __ ] you i will not fight the allies my ass dude okay finish i will be confident canada in 1946 has the option to give kolchak 100 guns imagine being canada now investment paid off right i thought that was 100 subs that scared me abdul aziz with the five yeah you guys are so funny huh why you even want to see that you guys [ __ ] suck i know it's like oh he's acting who wants subs but that why do you want to see that i need more strat bombers because i can only carry a further nukes thank you badger this should have never been reached this level should have never been reached 19 subs left yeah it's gonna happen dude that's so dumb for me guys though why didn't you want to see that i have to go to america five by madness crowd thank you if we keep playing this might be the longest toy for game i've ever done this will be the longest type four game ever for me personally so that was like a team effort that wasn't like one guy gifted that was it makes me proud man that was a team effort you guys actually gifted everybody small and reached a goal together we did a hundred subs in 10 minutes i will keep playing this peace conference thank you so much for all the subs i [ __ ] mean it gentlemen this next move is for you this next move is for you guys wait are they already waiting they're already invading okay gentlemen how many 54 okay this is for all the gifted sub people man this is for you okay let's see let's see what happens i think we might land i can't even see where's the front line jesus christ yeah welcome you guys always wanted to play the fallout mod right here it is this walk 22 million the one before 35 million there was a guy in chat yesterday who said 60 million was his record i think we broke that almost 70 million dead [ __ ] the problem is when i keep playing which i do now i need the north navy for animations and [ __ ] that makes the game playable okay we're gonna take all and then do the decisions i have to take all i have to okay here we go watch these events man watch these events so this is gonna be so mental a few moments later oh my god look at that map that's it that is my new world order and you guys want me to keep playing jesus christ decide who leads germany leo gaia from schweppenburg who leads france patrice martin in england and anthony ludovic in scotland are for donaldson okay guys you guys voted for me to keep playing this jesus christ world conquest huh not even an achievement involved god look at that faction man america on taunt and japan and the game is finished i mean this was dumb for you guys to subscribe for this because i'm just gonna kill them all now easily so let's do blitzkrieg against japan real quick we're gonna set that up okay let's kill japan uh that's actually wait i'm at wharf japan oh oh what okay how close are we to researching completely everything the bloody the war between japan councilman has clearly not entered in a russian defeat japanese troops taking immense casualties from brave russian defenders ronaldo to conquer the woodstock emperor hirito and kojic metronome but also to sign a peace treaty no what peace treaty the [ __ ] can suck my dick oh he lost sakhan oh there's a scripted event happening okay oh wait i have the wobble oh here we go and let's destroy him those viewers i didn't see it though because it's back for me would it these puppets the puppets will hold don't worry that's just [ __ ] blitzkrieg japan away taking down korea quickly means the japanese have big issues oh money there my puppets are so useless yeah let's store them a bit i have to do it like this man this is all so [ __ ] weird oh i'm blinded flashbang i just don't know how to reach japan i mean the answer the goal to answer is always uh that's not me nuking by the way it's like these tanks have their own nukes built in i need to para drop it right i mean oh they're so defended there's forts everywhere all that's gonna suck so hard man you think you get an event if you get nagasaki niroshima but i don't think that happened that's that's in vanilla ah that's true that could get me banned it's just a video game jesus okay get ready so let's nuke it again and again and again so when i drop no one can defend him technologies let's see if i can land oh there's no one here what happened weird where is everyone where is everyone what what happened here that's how you name away japan welcome to my guide oh that didn't feel right man let's get the peace down here huge peace deal just take everything no one cares anymore and then go for the big europe that's not even a big europe war they're just gonna get annihilated jesus christ okay no more [ __ ] [Music] jesus so green army india war the black ones kill italy pinky boys over here let's finish this [ __ ] big question how the [ __ ] do i reach canada that's going to be so annoying how would i reach them though well iceland denmark canada empire of sin imperator and ck3 are so arcadey man dude we broke the game guys i have automatic dukes i'm not even nuking anything dude i broke the game whenever my tank attacks it drops a nuke i can't reach america wait i can oh no bye bye bye bye bye [Laughter] newfoundland yeah so i have to build that up yeah we have to be patient dude who will the thought that it's gonna be such a [ __ ] struggle to god damn take this [ __ ] here man jesus christ i self-nuked again i completely self-nuked again we went too far in this game this is too far man this one here i can't even work out of me because i have more than 40 percent of the total i'm too big i'm too big i can't do war economy anymore the enemies are too weak now the funniest thing about this to me is that i have automatic nukes i don't even nuke myself anymore people do that for me actually five head nuking your own soldiers to get mutant troops ah thank you for the five dollars actually a good joke from a viewer man that doesn't happen a lot that some video games out there get killed by by the players man well guys that was a mega campaign that was a world conquest pretty much jesus why are you breaking through like this god damn dude people are dying weird front lines if i learned something about this ultra game is that front lines are [ __ ] you guys you guys always do this whenever i play a strategy game and you know in strategy games at some point you reach a point where you're unbeatable you know it's done and you stop caring a bit but twitch [ __ ] is let's say i play a player four right i took the entire planet there's only one enemy left and that is [ __ ] nepal so i invade nepal with the biggest army ever i took the whole world and i don't pay attention because i know i'm gonna win but suddenly nepal in circles one of my tanks and you know what twitch chat does then oh twitch [ __ ] ain't liking that [ __ ] man you might have five million tanks in the bank but one tank is encircled omega two i'm so to react i need to close him on discord he needs to [ __ ] listen you always do that man i [ __ ] won dude it's over and you guys always probably you're not using your mills yeah we're fine man don't worry about it i should play pong oh come on who wants to play who wants to play you [ __ ] gonna [ __ ] destroy you i swear to god oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] who is that that's someone from chat dude you gotta move oh god he's from chat trash oh you suck what the [ __ ] are you playing for chelsea what the hell is that guy doing no [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow ah he's done but i have ten don't talk about pong with the with the god okay don't talk about pong that's [ __ ] i'm so [ __ ] done with this the longest toy 4 game ever the biggest casualties ever everything research i am so [ __ ] done bro gentlemen i took over the world i shook the world i shook up the world i still got the world i literally took over the world took over the world starting as a little village called vladivot oh okay [ __ ] i'm exhausted oh boys out the ford uh hey yeah [Music] [Music] which so far has been amazing fun [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: TommyKay
Views: 541,334
Rating: 4.966496 out of 5
Keywords: tommykay, tommy kay, tommykaylive, tommyk, HOI4 GAME THAT BROKE WORLD RECORDS! THE TRANSAMUR WARS CHALLENGE! - HOI4 Kaiserreich, hoi4 tommykay, tommykay hoi4, tommyk hoi4, hoi4 tommyk, kaiserreich, tommykay kaiserreich, hoi4 kaiserreich, kaiserreich tommykay, kaiserreich transamur, transamur, kaiserreich russia, russia, hoi4 russia, hoi4 transamur, hoi4 kaiserreich transamur, hoi4 tommy, hoi4 game that broke worlds record, hoi4 world record, hoi4 challenge, hoi4 transamur challenge
Id: OIc-Y988bj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 20sec (3440 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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