Why Wet Dry World has a "Negative Emotional Aura"

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[Laughter] deep down the mario 64 iceberg lies an interesting tidbit about wet dry world no not that that's it wet dry world's negative emotional aura possibly link to the 1995 build which you should not research or the warrior apparition or or the every cart being personalized for the game or hear me out all three spoilers it's none of them life isn't a bad creepypasta sadly personally i think people experience this negative emotional aura because what dry world is a gateway to the worst mario 64 has to offer the entire upstairs don't get me wrong i love mario 64. but all of these levels kind of suck it doesn't help that if you played a bunch of mario 64 you can beat it in a day and by the time you reach wet dry world you've probably been playing for like five hours and you're just naturally going to get burnt out at this point that's where i think this negative emotional aura comes from is just the dread of playing some levels that eat major ass but why do all of these levels suck that's what we're going to talk about today why the back third of mario 64 is kind of really really bad [Music] even though i like wet dry world it is a clear decline from all of the basement levels first off you only need the water at two levels to get all the stars either all the way up but all the way down making all of these other levels completely pointless climbing up when the water is at its lowest is way too clunky i'm not sure if the speedrun gods of mario 64 can get up all the layers without these wind-up dudes but if you're not cheese odds are you're going to need the one on the second layer to get up to the third layer they suck trying to line them up is annoying the ai isn't the greatest they just stop and wind up for some reason it's just not fun and if they're feeling kind of trolly they can just combo the out of you and there's nothing you can do about it nothing is worse when you finally line it up and then they just stop moving for no reason you have to wait for them to wind up and then when they're done winding up they come and they launch you and you just ever so slightly short so now you have to do it all over again you could just actually use the other water levels and slowly raise it up but you need it to be all the way down for this start it's where you can't naturally jump up to this level it feels like they had the level of geometry done they noticed that you can't make this jump and just added those dudes from tick tock clock to put a band-aid over the problem i still like white dry world it's just a sign of some really bad design choices to come [Music] back out of southern these stars suck the first one where you climb to snowman wouldn't be fine except this penguin sucks it could just move at a weird speed where you have to rhythmically tap forward in an odd pattern to get through or like have to crawl through under the wind or something but no just shuffles back and forth and back and forth and back and can you please hurry up dude getting blown off is really annoying because it basically restarts the level you could just jump on the penguin's head to get across that's not fun you can use the cannon to get up which is fun but that leads to the other force that doesn't suck on this map easter i hate these two guys so goddamn much to my knowledge there's only one way to get on top of this ledge is to jump off of one of these two guys and fly on over which is fine on paper except they don't respawn and this guy can just refuse to launch you if he's too deep or something you could just kite him over except the water absolutely shreds mario harder than the back third of the skin shreds my will to play it this area is involved in way too many stars to only have two chances to get to it per gun wait matt you segued into this area by talking about getting the first start how do they even relate to open up the cannon and make that first start easier you have to go talk to the bomb which is in the egg loop and to get into the angle you have to jump on this ledge and ride the shell up half of the red coins are up there for some reason so you need to go up there for the red coin star and the 100 coins start you might need those two guys for the 100 coin start but you can't collect those coins from them and get launched up to the next platform to get the red coins it's just bad level design also you can get soft lock behind this wall which is really frustrating when you have 90 coins the game basically just hands you this absolutely massive l because of really bad level design and nothing else to total up how many stars you have to jump on this ledge to get there's the one in the egg loop the one on top of the snowman if and only if you're using the cannon trick there's the 100 coins and there's the red coins meaning four stars are locked behind this one ledge except it's five because it's just one in this box for some reason it's funny that just getting up there is deemed worthy of a start when like four other stars also need you to get up on that ledge next level i like the idea of tiny huge island on paper i like going through an area as a small boy and going through that exact same area but you're a way bigger boy it's just done really poorly here traveling around the island as small mario sucks because it's way too deadly not because of bad platforming but because of bad mechanics and you need to go around those bad mechanics to get to big mario it's super annoying because the wind in this section just doesn't work i am not confident in this jump sometimes i jump into the wind it looks like it's going to carry me to the legend and it just doesn't then other times it doesn't look like it's going to carry me there and then it does it's just way too finicky to be necessary for the level the red coins area sucks when you're up at the highest part and the hardest jumps the camera just refuses to cooperate with you it's honestly one of the most heartbreaking red coins to die on to my knowledge it's the only sub area that if you die in the game doesn't send you back to when you jump back into the level it just sends you to the beginning again all of the other stars here are weird or just not that fun i just don't like this level i don't get this part i think i've been there like once in my life guys are making shots peyton's free throw is a little bit short one thing i just noticed while editing is that for every star it's faster and easier to enter the level as big mario instead of small mario so it kind of just makes the whole gimmick around entering this level useless thank god tall tall now that is better wait total mountain is even worse it suffers from like tick-tock clock syndrome where you have to go through the same path over and over throughout the whole level it's not as bad here as it is in tick-tock clock but it's still not good level design the only good part of this level is the slide which is super fun in this opening area i don't know why i just really like it monkey at the top is super annoying to catch space just feels way too small i feel like i'm just going to dive off of it and this jump is the most tilting thing in the world it's just slow enough that it feels like you can get it but just fast enough that mario can't really turn around fast enough to grab them start being an occasion it's also completely pointless it's just there to taunt you like the monkey could have just given you this start and saved you a few seconds the platforming to get the red coins on these mushrooms are just slightly too tight for mario 64's controls none of the stars are really that good on this map except the slide slide is perfect just to make a tiny huge island sub area even more annoying if you enter the slide in tall tall mountain die outside of the slide it puts you back into the slide the trawler transit commission is the worst goddamn level in this game and i hate it first off the gimmick of the level speed changing depending on when you enter the level should just be an on on off there's a whacking setting to the clock speed which i hate and i feel like they might have a panic attack because it looks unpredictable at points some of the stars are impossible to get if the level is or isn't moving and unlike wet dry world there's no way to change the level's gimmick inside of the level itself because you can't get some of the stars you have to pause and leave the level but that takes you to the foyer so it's just quicker to kill mario and get right in front of the level instead of all the way at the start of the castle it's really good game design when a player can make a mistake and they don't know they made a mistake until they get to the end of the level realize they can't progress and the quickest way to fix that mistake is to die all the stars blend into each other in this stage like the one where you have to jump on clock parts to get into a cage or the one where you have to wait on a minute hand to move around the entire map the biggest complaint with the green stars in galaxy 2 is that they take you a third of the way through the level and then two thirds of the way through the level and then all the way through the level and assuming you're getting all the stars in the level you're probably going through some missions like four times tick-tock clock turns that up to a thousand if you get all the stars in tick-tock clock you're going through that first chunk of the level at least six times it should be fine except the level isn't fun and the mario controls bad making the level less fun making you more angry making you play worse and i hate it it's needlessly repetitive and just god-awful game design only one more level though oh yeah slide again good thing it's not the most song in the game i've never not been burnt out with mario 64 by the time i reach rainbow ride if i'm doing a sunday start run of the game i don't even touch this level or any of the upstairs levels the only part of the level i like is that whole area because it's the only part that doesn't really require a lot of waiting and unlike tick-tock clock the platforming challenges here feel like they were designed with mario 64's controls in mind so at least two of the seven stars don't suck that's good these magic carpets really ruin the level for me that first one i just never went on throughout my entire playthrough on 3d all-stars because you can just long jump to that area they move so slow and at this point in the game i just want to finish it and it gets so much behind these slow moving platforms where you please hurry up mario 64's controls aren't tight enough for this type of level so trying to realign yourself on the magic carpet can kill you the 100 coins here feels like such an uphill battle the level is clearly not designed for this challenge but they had to include it because all of the other levels had the hundred coin start in them it's just not a fun level luckily there's not that much game left how can it get worse god damn slime this is one of the hardest stars in the game exclusively because of how bad the flying controls are but that's not even my biggest problem with the start there are a few levels in mario's 64 that send mario outside of the castle the metal mario stage sends you right outside the waterfall while in dire dire docks that one hole can send you right below the waterfall those kind of secret exits are fine because they're not really that punishing if you have the water lowered it doesn't take that long to get back into the level for some reason the flying stage that sends you back outside the castle isn't the one on the main floor it's the one at the very top of the castle dying in this stage is more punishing than actually dying at the very least it could have just sent you to where dying on the secret slide takes you just save me some time it's weird that they made that part more punishing than it should be it's just awful [Music] to be positive about the end of mario 64 i do like that last bowser level and it's made better by the fact i don't have to play into the upstairs levels to get to it and dude that credit song slaps it's kind of funny that mario 64 only has nine good levels and banjo-tooie has nine levels total and only two of them are okay at worst oh my god do you know banjo-kazooie more than mario 64. i hope i've been able to clear up why what dry world has a negative emotional aura it's not psychic it's just a game from 1996. honestly everything on the iceberg that isn't just like a weird tidbit about the game or some weird quirk it has just treads way too far into bad creepypasta territory am i wrong about the last mario 64 sucking complete ass is wet dryworld actually possessed by the lamest demon ever am i an idiot comment down below tune in next time when i talk about a way out and how one thing holds it back from reaching its true potential thank you so much for watching my video
Channel: Someguy_Matt
Views: 2,937
Rating: 4.7750001 out of 5
Keywords: Super Mario 64, Super Mario, Mario, Mario 64, Wet Dry World, Snowman's Land, Tiny Huge Island, Tall Tall Mountain, Tick Tock Clock, Rainbow Ride, Level Design, Game Design, Super Mario 3d all-stars, Mario 3d all-stars, 3d all-stars
Id: atU04XC3qP8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 11 2021
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