The Best Spell Of Every Level In D&D

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here's the best spell of every level in dnd can trips eldritch blast so here's the thing if you have to sell your [ __ ] soul for a can trip it's probably pretty good eldritch blast deals 1d10 at a range of 120 feet just like the cantrip firebolt also just like firebolt it deals more damage as you level up at level 5 it's stealing 2d 10 at level 11. it's dealing 3d 10 etc but unlike firebolts lg's blast lets you split each d10 among different targets and it also deals a better damage type force however elgit's blast is really the best because no other spell has an entire class built around it warlock invocations take this can trip and stick so many fireworks up its ass it becomes the second most versatile spell in the game after wish now sure guidance might be the mathematically best cantrip because that spell is insane but eldritch blast is arguably on the same level of power and way more fun thanks to the whole build your own war crime thing you can do with the warlock invocations first level find familiar find familiar is the highest value spell in d for a first level ritual it summons a spirit that takes the form of an animal from this list you can command it communicate with it telepathically look through its eyes and even cast spells with the range of touch through it it can also take any action aside from the attack action which includes help this can give you advantage on a ton of different ability checks or on melee attacks which is already nuts then it can scout stealth trigger traps create a distraction or just be adorable and then you've also got to give a nod to the role play d d is at the end of the day a game about immersing yourself in a story and a character having an animal companion is amazing for this try not getting invested in your character when you have a pet weasel called pop-tarts it is impossible two invisibility wow didn't see that one coming so invisibility is obviously great when it comes to hiding and sneaking in d sniffing around stealing stuff running away it's all good and you can cast it on the whole party at higher levels now granted the invisibility ends early if you attack or cast a spell but there is little room for cheese here if you're a dragonborn you can use your breath weapon and remain invisible because it's not technically an attack your dm might have something to say about that but rules is written and according to jeremy crawford this is totally legit you can also use items that deal damage like throwing a bead from a necklace a fireball for an invisible explosion cannon even if your dm says no that would break the spell invisibility is still fantastic for infiltration and assassination or just demolishing all your enemies in a surprise round with your entire party perfectly positioned for murder hoboing third level conjure animals this is the best third level spell if your dm isn't a total troll country animals lets you summon a bunch of spirits in the form of beasts you can choose what challenge racing you want the spirits to be at and if you pick a lower challenge rating you get more beasts to compensate now every dm i've ever had let players choose what beasts they got with this spell which is insanely strong you could just always summon eight wolves for example and pack tactics your way to a furry massacre technically though you don't get to choose what beasts will appear you only get to choose what their cr will be still you know that's amazing you get to put a ton of bodies on the board that will deal damage and eat up your enemies attacks obviously if your dm nerfs this spell by giving you trash every time it's probably not very good and the best third level spell is probably like revivify i don't know there's a lot of good third level spells fourth level polymorph so i made a video already about how creative and powerful polymorph can be but it's always worth taking a moment to realize how badass this spell is it lets you turn any target into a beast of cr equal to or less than their current level if they resist they need to make a wisdom saving throw in an attempt to stop the effect this is both an insane buff for you and your friends and an instant loss for your enemies if you polymorph them into a spider they're effectively beaten if you polymorph your friend into a giant ape they're effectively beating the [ __ ] out of everyone else and now a dick joke brought to you by dice geek's random tables [Music] i am so hard right now what og is planning d d session for friends is making me so hard it's very difficult you mean you're working hard that is what i said okay two things one you're not saying what you think you're saying and two just use dice geeks okay what is this dice geeks well dice geeks is a website where you can get free dungeon maps for a start and then pick up pdfs of random tables with everything you'd ever need to make an adventure they got npc names randomized encounters randomized loot backstory prompts and plot hooks you can build an entire session in literally a minute by rolling randomly or put it together from the ones you like best it's less than nine dollars for a book or you can get the pdf for like three bucks that's three bucks to save hundreds of hours of prep time across the campaign aug approve your words and feminine eyelashes all will use dice geeks to create fun stress-free adventure for friends now if only i could do something about this constant direction cut down on prep time and make dming a breeze with dice geek's random tables get your free maps and up your game right now by following the link below fifth level wall of force wall of force conjures an invisible wall that nothing can physically pass through it's immune to all damage it can't be dispelled it floats freely in the air and it extends into the material plane [ __ ] that is excessive wall spells are good because they divide up a fight to suit you are you fighting two powerful enemies boom wall of force now you're fighting one powerful enemy and you've got the other one trapped in an invisible cage watching you murder his best friend i've seen a guy sink a galleon in a naval battle just by conjuring a wall of force right in front of the enemy ship it's also a bridge over lava or a canyon or an emergency shield for the entire party yes i know it's not as exciting as animating 10 flying dildos with animate objects but wall of force is one of those boring but powerful spells you're always grateful to have on hand sixth level mass suggestion so mass suggestion lets you target up to 12 creatures and suggest a course of action that won't obviously harm them then each one makes a wisdom save and any that fail have to do that thing and it lasts for 24 god damn hours no concentration the effect ends if you or your companions deal any damage to a target but aside from that it's free mind control the only thing about this spell is that the course of action must sound reasonable but the example the spell gives is ordering an entire score of soldiers to give all their money to the first beggar they meet clearly it doesn't need to be a smart idea or one that's even in the character's best interest it just needs to be not suicidal this is insanely powerful it can just end a fight tell them to just go home also in social situations although a little bit unethical mind control is a great thing to have on your side seventh level simulacrum ah yes the spell that lets a bard literally go [ __ ] themselves simalacrum lets you create an illusory duplicate of one beast or humanoid in range for the entire casting of the spell and bear in mind it takes 12 hours to cast it is exactly the same as its target except it has half hit points can't regain star slots and doesn't have its equipment otherwise it's the same it obeys your commands and is an ally to you and your party i probably don't have to explain why having an additional repeatable level 13 spellcaster on your team is insane the only drawback is the material components are quite expensive and the similac room can't gain experience or level up eighth level clone funnily enough immortality is pretty good clone grows an inert duplicate of a living creature inside a vessel over the course of 120 days once formed this clone lasts forever as long as the vessel is never disturbed then if the caster ever dies their soul just hops into their clone and they're back you've got a funky new identical body with all the same abilities the only thing you lose is your equipment funny thing clone used to let you turn into all sorts of crazy stuff like an adult gold dragon you could shape change into one clone yourself and then you'd have a new gold dragon body to go into when you die however they changed it because they were afraid of our power and now it only works on medium creatures cowards the stupid thing though is that because of that change you can't use clone if you're any small race so uh bad luck if you're a halfling wizard i guess only tall people get to be immortal [ __ ] you frodo still immortality is really good but it's not quite as good as 9th level wish wish just [ __ ] tells you in its own description that it's the best spell in the game but to be fair it is the best spell in the game it does so much that people constantly forget what wish actually can do however wish is not all powerful if you wish for something too powerful it can just not work or work in a different way to what you intended still it is the best spell in the game but hand on heart i really think it's only slightly better than true polymorph which is another insanely strong and very fun ninth level option remember to check out the patreon to get awesome stuff and join in d games with the community and like and subscribe also check out other videos on the channel bye
Channel: DnD Shorts
Views: 476,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dnd, dungeons and dragons, critical role, best build, most powerful, wizard, rogue, cleric, monk, sorcerer, druid, character creation, dnd character, building a dnd character, Best Spell, Cantrip, 1st level spell, 2nd level spell, 3rd level spell, 4th level spell, 5th level spell, 6th level spell, 7th level spell, 8th level spell, 9th level spell, Best Spell for, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4, Level 5, Level 6, Level 7, Level 8, warlock, artificer, bard, eldritch knight
Id: FefMFEw3n40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 43sec (583 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 05 2022
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