Hidden Spells - Rituals of Solitude - D&D

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rituals of solitude are the most basic of high magics and they are called such because they can be cast with a single high mage it is however important to keep in mind that even though these spells can be cast relatively quickly in the span of a couple of minutes they're still far different from true spells the idea for these spells like with any high magic is that you're manipulating the matrix of the world the weave into creating this changes for you from the very root of the world generally speaking most of the spells that I will be presenting here for you can be cast within the span of two minutes unless I say otherwise for most of these spells you will also find that you won't need any material components using the weave itself to form your spells provides a lot of freedoms and an almost unlimited potential for power but obtaining the ability to even wheel these powers takes an impossibly long period of time as we have mentioned before I should also say that these spells that I will be providing for you today and for the next two videos are some of the more well-known high magics with in elvish society and at least in part the high spells that have managed to somehow survive the destruction of the Grand elvish Empire of old specifically these are all high magics that you may be able to find within the ruins of core man for an ancient elvish empire that fell around 700 years ago to the army of darkness a massive force of nearly 60,000 troops comprising of demons augers Giants and more lastly before we start I should also mention that any high mage casting any form of high magic is provided magical protections by the weave during the casting this we call a high magic word the words become more powerful the more high mages casting the spell and the more potent this spell is the word taking the shape of an invisible bubble around the entire perimeter of the casting for some of the more powerful high magics the shield can become so powerful as to even deal upwards of 20 d6 dies of raw Unruh system all magic damage to anyone who tries to force their way through physically attempting magical intrusion has the word inflict what is called a sink spell upon the caster which basically plops the caster down into the earth and imprisons them below any form of mental or psionic intrusion upon the word has the intruders be subject to an imprisonment spell where they are sent inside small crystals and entrapped there the health of the ward is equal to that of the primary caster and saving throws necessary also use the stats of the main caster as well but without further ado let's begin with the high magic rituals of solitude ado s your the reverie of the ages quote this ritual places a subject in deep reverie and the weave rather than mortal food consumption sustains the elf thus an elf can be placed in a trance that allows him to ignore the passage of time and quote the spell basically puts an elf in a complete time stasis where they will not age but instead of being unconscious they stay in reverie for the whole time replaying their memories and reliving their past events over and over again as you can imagine the elves would use this for long extended periods of meditation or for circumstances in which one needed to survive in isolation for a long time the important little detail of this spell that makes it so much more powerful than you might first realize is that you could actually maintain concentration during the entirety of its duration in fact many a time the elves would use this spell in order to establish a controlling mental influence over a powerful artifact of magic back fine tell kes live of duty form of the people's need quote this ritual the most intensely private of all rituals alters the form of an elf into any living elf race or sub-race the elf becomes one of another elf race including the lost burial physically but not mentally this transformation ritual is undertaken only with the full consent of the clan elder or the Coronel and the participant on and management and is usually invoked only for an important mission for a community the change is permanent until a second ritual is performed to revert the elf to his original form or upon death the change happens slowly over one to twelve hours after death and quote this ritual just how it sets it literally transforms an elf into a different sub race adopting every single one of their physical properties including every single benefit and drawback from being that type of elf your mental state however stays the same you get to keep your memories and personalities now there are a couple of really interesting things about this spell but most important by far is how this actually differs from something like true polymorph you as the caster are changing the matrix of the world you're changing the weave in order to enact this difference that means that as far as the universe is concerned you are that thing that you just changed to if you change to a drow for example you become one with every single one of its baggage meaning you can say goodbye to being ring coronated you can say goodbye to the elvish heaven you can say goodbye to relieving your primal memories using your trance when the elves were primal elves they chose the shapes that most represented their personalities and emotions which means a gold elf chose to be a gold elf back in the beginnings of time and permanently changing that is will a monumental change this is why this is considered to be the most private of all rituals now it's impossible to know how many of these have ever been casted all we know is that officially we only have records of this being done five times ever in over 10,000 years we only have records of this spell being cast five times two times in order to turn an elf into a drought for the purposes of infiltration both of which were turned back into their normal shapes later on and three times to turn an elf into a drow as a form of banishment essentially the greatest punishment that one could ever do to an elf according to the lore it is indeed possible for this spell to turn an elf into a human or a dwarf but no high mage has ever dared to attempt something like that neither had there ever been any volunteers willing to test it out dowan Teague fear star shine upon the people quote this ritual of rejuvenation is one led by a time age or an elf of royal blood but there can be as many as 100 other participants under a clear starry night sky the ritual cleanses an elf both physically and spiritually this ritual of chant and dance is often used in wartime to bolster morale and prepare the troops for battle and quote what this does is it summons a shower of glittering Stardust all around the ritual this Stardust falls upon the Warriors and makes them glow slightly cleansing any impurities in their armor and cleansing them of any dirt or grime it also cures them of diseases and any form of lesser afflictions like blindness or deafness it also cures them with healing magic as well as neutralizes any poisons in their bodies on top of all of this the high magic spell bestows an elven blessing upon them all equal to a powerful aid spell for up to 12 hours for the duration of the ritual all the participants that wish to obtain the benefit of this power must join in both song and dance with the high mage this is an extraordinarily powerful spell that can truly shift the tide of a war now this particular high magic is interesting because there is actually a true spell equivalent to it though the spell is reserved only for elves of royal blood the spell can be accessed as an eighth level wizard spell or a seventh level cleric spell to those who possess royal elvish blood now if this effect is used as a spell instead of a high magic the effects are slightly weaker all the effects happen except that the healing is slightly weaker and the elven blessing is not an aid spell but instead is just a normal blast on to each of the targets the true spell for this effect never been recorded instead it has been passed down from elder to royal heir throughout generations a valeer innovar the song of anavar quote this spell allows a high mage to inspire allied troops and demoralize opposing armies the only battle intended high magic this ritual places the singing high mage among the troops to sing of elven glory and the folly of the foes will pose them and quote this is the only high magic that is meant to be used literally in the middle of combat with the enemy its effect is pretty straightforward within the range of 300 feet radius around the caster all allies gain bravery and morale from the song and become immune to fear enemies within the same radius regardless of understanding of elvish are infused with fear and terror enemies who succumb to their fear flee in panic for at least an hour the Laura says that the high mage is so intimidating to all well in this ritual that none dare approach him whether due to awe or fear kai saw it too cow skin and breath of the worm quote the elf reaches through the weave connects with a metallic dragon and adopts some of its energy in essence the high mage wraps himself or another target in the aura of the dragon granting himself or another the abilities of the chosen dragon for a short time to the weave the target is a dragon not an elf and quote the spell can functionally work differently depending on exactly what it is that the elf is looking for for example the elf could simply adopted the ability to breathe fire like a gold dragon does or could empower himself with the strength of a silver dragon in order to move gigantic rocks out of the way if the elf wanted to he or she could literally fully transform into a literal dragon not just getting its abilities but also gaining his shape of course the last the elf adopts from the dragon the shorter the high magic is to cast and the more you change the longer the casting becomes once again I want to remind you that this not just about changing your body but about changing the universe to allow for you to become actually become something different though this particular spell does not last for a long time all eert all a tune flights of true mark arrows of art quote one of the few combat oriented high magics distrito allows the high mage to in spell a quiver of twenty arrows with one affect these enchantments last for 24 hours after the completion of the hour-long ceremony and the arrows magic can be canceled only by wish and limited wish spells often word of an impending battle will prompt at least one or two Quivers of arrows to be prepared and the high mage divides the arrows amongst the archers ranks to provide a unified effect across the battlefield and quote there are five possible effects that the high mage can enchant the arrows with but all the arrows of the quiver must be enchanted with the same effect the first type of all air tall a tune is dispel arrows any arrow enchanted with the dispel arrows high magic will dispel whatever it touches with a dispel as if cast at us a ninth level spell kind of a tongue twister that one the arrows basically uses the spell magic at ninth level on whatever it hits the lore says that they are used against spell casters in order to remove every single enchantment on their bodies things like fly or mage armor or shield the second effect are snuff arrows snuff arrows are used to quench fires an arrow hitting a zone of normal fire basically eliminates the fire on a five feet radius and an arrow hitting the zone of a magical fire will reduce the damage or strength of the fire by half this effect might seem somewhat tame but it is in fact the most common out of all of the options used with great effectiveness against dragons who wish to burn at the elven cities Eagles mark arrows is the third option and it effectively makes the arrows work like magic missiles that being it makes arrows hone in on their target and never miss there is however a restriction from mistre the goddess of magic upon this high magic where only two such arrows can ever hit the same target within the span twenty-four hours any third arrow or more sent to the same target will quote merely burn up a few feet from the target and quote the next option is what we call targeting arrows these arrows crackle with an ominous purple and create a form of beacon or mark upon the targeted hit after the target has been marked else can use a command word in order to make sure that any spell they throw after the fact will hit the marked target an elf could for example throw a targeting arrow in order to mark a castle and then cast a meteor swarm or an earthquake spell and only affect the castle the last option for this high magic our message arrows which work exactly like how they sound when an arrow lands it will deliver a message of up to 30 words which can be heard easily by any creatures within a 10-foot radius Salo Sint Nia's gift of Alliance quote this ritual allows a high mage to call upon the ancient allies of the telcos ear for aid in the defense of an elven realm the summoned aid is often an animal or monstrous form though the creatures tend to match both the surrounding area and the caster's alignment other planner creatures can also be summoned with additional ritual time though the larger creatures and the more powerful extra planners require longer summoning times and produce fewer allies and quote there are many monsters and magical creatures that have for one reason or another swore allegiance to the elves and elven gods by using this high magic one can call upon the ancient contracts in order to receive help the law states that the ritual acts a powerful and highly specific monster summoning spell whereas by using this power you could specify the type of monster you would want to summon and you could summon it the power of this high magic is such that it is meant to be used for big scale Wars as you could be summoning something close to over 100 low level beasts on the other hand you could summon powerful ancient dragons with this high magic you could summon Krakens and divas if you simply channel for longer thier Fogel summoned shield conjured screen worked this high magic creates windows of magical energy stronger than glass if the area where such a field is set is bounded by physical walls it can be placed anywhere and quote this a magic is quite simple and has a very simple use it basically functions as windows for the houses of elvish spellcasters or the houses of elvish Nobles the idea here is and you could create a transparent forcefield that is stronger than traditional glass while simultaneously allowing for air to pass through it if designed and worked on for longer you could make the window be heat proof or maybe even soundproof ooh I star kiss one heart one mind one breath quote this ritual provides a creature and an elf with a mental link not unlike the one shared among elves in communion this link is permanently forged most often this ritual is to used as a marriage right forging a bond between spouses though it is not limited to pairs of elves an animal mountain rider might form an in pathetic link that allows them to interact far more closely than two creatures normally could and quote the length of the spell provides is permanent and cannot be ever taken away not even by using the same high magic again the communal nature of the link thus more than simply allow for a simple connection it almost binds both entities into a kindred relationship that binds the both of them emotionally together quote the two creatures are partners friends lovers or kindred in all but form each knows when the other is in danger and will stop at little to render aid and a quote the link goes even further though if intense concentration is achieved both creatures could even be able to telepathically communicate with one another now even though the ritual is assumed to have elf targets the union can very easily be formed for all races linking the elf with a human or dwarf or anything of the sort the only restriction is that this link can only be ever formed with a maximum of two beings in the lifetime of the elf most often these two lengths are used on a spouse and a beast amount such as a dragon and the last ritual of solitude that we have is Worrell Kossuth a message and birds wings to Silver quote elven high mages use this ritual to mentally visually and audibly communicate with other high mages or other dignitaries without leaving their strongholds and quote this high magic essentially allows a high mage to use a physical object that could reflect light into reflecting the other person that the mage is trying to communicate with for example the high mage could use water or a polished shield or a mirror to summon the image of the other person and then communicate with that person perfectly regardless of distance this communication is maintained for as long as the high mage maintains concentration without any limit to how long this can take this particular high magic was incredibly important in establishing relations with distant empires as the only restriction was maintaining concentration so theoretically you could keep the line open for many days at a time particularly crucial in times of war to communicate with outposts now that's all I have for the rituals of solitude but for the next video we will be covering the rituals of complement rituals that require a minimum of three high mages in order to cast just keep in mind the high magics that I just showed you are the weakest they just get so much more stronger from here on out I would like to personally thank my patron supporters Ricardo fan Daniel Luna doctor cowbell skids your boy ELISA Russell major fail gaming Cody Hereford Sealy ugh Barry mask and 5e magic shop doc feeder Daniel Umar Mork & Johnson sach Powell Brad Salazar guess earn em rusty rain biotech no frag cash bein and mediocre at best for supporting me on patreon at the $25 level if you would like to support me as well then please head on over to patreon calm slash mr. Rex to support guy sorry for the waiting on this video this was supposed to come out basically directly after the last one but you know Christmas Christmas happens the holidays happen people get busy is just kind of how it goes but I still want to apologize for that hopefully I can get the next two videos pretty quickly after this one and we can just wrap this whole sort of high magic cycle so that then we can focus on space I know that I promise you guys said what's gonna do space so look forward to that anyways see you guys in the next video and thank you for waiting bye bye
Channel: MrRhexx
Views: 297,896
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Id: VN6As451_hM
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Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 01 2020
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