The world's strongest powerlifter tries climbing // Larry Wheels

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The harness pants are finally back in stock.  These are my favorite pants for not only   climbing, but for anything. We also have a new  upgraded sloper tee and this is my new favorite   color Old Rose. I think it looks really fresh.  And for those who don't know, I started Rungne   in 2019 and I'm extremely proud of how  far we've come and to celebrate that I want   to give you guys a very unique offer. Click  the link in the description to check it out!   Larry Wheels is one of the biggest names in  Fitness. He holds powerlifting World Records   in three different weight classes and is pound  for pund one of the strongest men in the world and on top of that he has crushing grip strength.  So in theory he should have what it takes to be   an amazing climber. So I'm here with Larry Wheels, one of the strongest men in the world.   You look forward to climb? Oh yeah. Have  you tried climbing before? Not as an adult. Okay,   well I just had Eddie Hall climbing for the  very first time and he did surprisingly well.   I did tune into that video and I was impressed.  Yeah you saw that video? For a behemoth over   400 pounds he did good. Yeah I'm shocked. You think  you can you can do better than him? Most definitely.   I like the confidence. 100%. But you never climbed before right? Not as an adult.   And Eddie had his own shoes, do you have your  own shoes? I don't, so he had his own shoes   does that mean he's climbed like regularly?  No it was because of, you know when   you pull cars and stuff? Oh yeah. Okay. But you do strongman stuff, you   do arm wrestling. You're like a multi-talent. Jack of all trades, yeah exactly. How's your grip strength?   It's pretty good. it's pretty good. From powerlifting,   I mix grip deadlift. I've done lots of  arm wrestling last three years which has built   up my grip strength as well. I've even  seen development in my wrist. But you have no   pain in your elbows? Oh I have pain. You do have  pain okay. These look massive. So my toes should be..   Toes should be touching, but it shouldn't be  too uncomfortable. Socks or no socks?   You could have socks in rental shoes. Okay. Yeah  all right ready for action. Feels weird walking in these. So let's start on this green V0. Okay so this is the   baby wall? You can call it the baby wall yeah. So the main thing is that you should keep your feet like this, not like that.   Okay. Because when you have your toe on you  can pivot around like this. And also keep your   body close to the wall. Two hands here and and end with  two hands at the top. Only green? Only green holds.   So I don't touch any.. No but when you have two hands on  the last hold you can down climb on everything you   want so you don't have to jump, because I guess  for you it's kind of uncomfortable to jump down?   Oh yeah if I jump down something's gonna  break. Something's gonna break? Probably yes.  Yeah and also don't put your feet too high, just  do small steps. Okay yeah come on nice oh that   looks very easy. Yeah. Well that looked like a baby  climb for you. It was very easy yeah.   You're definitely going to get a V3, oh  you're definitely gonna get a V3   I'm feeling good about that already. So what is the the records you have?   So it's in powerlifting and it's in the  raw division. So that mean nothing but belt   and sleeves, no wraps or suit. And that is is it in your weight class or any  weight class? So it's in three different ones. In the 110 kilogram weight class, 140 kilogram   and 125 kilograms. What's your body weight  right now? Now I'm at in kilograms like about 114.   Wow, okay that's not that much. You look a lot bigger. It's the bicep and the chest bro.  All right here. What happened to your biceps  though? Atlas Stones, strong man. Okay yeah.   So that's one of the reasons why I'm not pursuing  strongman, because there's a learning curve and   the likelihood of me getting more permanent  injuries is very high. Yeah. So all right   do you want to do another V0, or just we go straight to V1? So a V1 is not the   Eddie level right? No, I think he was around V2,  maybe V2-V3. It's hard to say though because that   gym wasn't graded. Okay yeah so let's let's go  for it. Yeah because I want to conserve some power. So this pink one here that's a V1. That looks tricky. And it's important to   trust the feet, you know put a lot of weight  on them always stand on your feet, don't put   the feet too high because you're just going to  push yourself out from the wall. There's a lot   of underclings on this and that's all biceps.  Okay. So that's perfect for you. Bicep and grip.   And then you match to two hands on the  top hold. I love how effortless you make it look.  If there is ever a roll with like an old Spider-Man  it's definitely gonna be you. Like an older Spider-Man.   You start two hands there and then right and then left  here. You know what, I am going to need a bigger   size shoe. You are? You know what it is, it's my toenail.  I will need one size bigger hopefully you have it.  All right you anticipated it already. I was prepared.  Perfect, thank you man. So does that feel better?   Slightly better, yeah for sure. All right V1 here we go!   V1. My left hand here? Yeah. Right hand up there,  move your feet up a little bit. What's that?   Here? Yeah and then you go under cling, yeah  under. Come on! Get your feet up.   You can get your foot all the way up there  that's good. Yeah and then the next hold is the   same kind of hold. It's good, yeah perfect  and then move your feet up a little bit.   And then on the left side of that it's good  on the top hold. Left side? Yeah there you go,   two hands on that and then.. easy nice! Okay so  that felt a little bit harder right? Oh yeah. That was good though. I mean so far so  good. Not too bad yeah.   All right is that V1 okay. That's a V1 yeah. So  whenever you have underclings you want to be   pretty high with your feet, because this is  bad like when I'm here it's bad, but when I'm here   it's good. Okay. And also look for the chalk. You see where people have used it before.  That's smart yeah. And you see these have no  chalk, that's because they're footholds. So I wouldn't   say it was easy. It was mildly challenging, like a five out of ten   It's all about finding a good V2 for you as  well. Like finding something that you can use   your strengths at you know. I think small holds don't favour you. You want something big that   you can put a lot of meat on. How is this one  looking? This looks different. Planning it   from the ground is like a big part of it. You  just have to really know where you want to go,   so when you get on the wall you can just execute,  so you don't have to spend too much time on the   wall. And I can use the gray to down climb? This one is big. Yeah it's tall. Yeah it's very tall.   What are you thinking? Is it not such a good idea?  You start here and here. Okay. And you take this.   The feet are kind of bad. This one is not so good, so maybe.. Yeah maybe we find another one, because these are not very good.   Challenging? Yeah so they're slopy. You know in climbing there's in-cut holds   that means they go down like this and then  there's negative holds, or slopers.   These are a little bit slopy, so they don't  really have an edge to them. I really see how this   is challenging. This is the very first one  you grab on like whoa this is not comfortable at   all. Yeah like that yeah nice match that so you  get another hand in, make room for it yeah so   if you just plan ahead you would put it here  instead so it'd be easy to get the second one in. Come, that looks better! The feet are slipping. Yeah it's the rental shoes. Come on Larry come on, next one. Yeah that was very good!    See how those holds are pretty. Yeah. If you only got the next part there I think you'd be good.  I think I would have been okay yeah. It's like thrusting the hands as well because   it's not as much of a comfortable grip. Right. Maybe I could try something while you rest?   Because I haven't been to this gym.. well I've been here once before, but that was like a year ago. So how are your forearms feeling though, do you feel pumped? Not, I think if anything like the stamina, it's probably   depleting but yeah like my fingers feel a bit  taxed. Okay yeah. All right I'll try this blue one.   So how challenging is the blue one? That's  a V7. Oh wow yeah so it's quite a bit harder. My God. Oh wow. What do you do here though? Oh my god wow. That's Madness, oh my God. Oh just jumps down from the top. Now that I was able  to try it myself to put into perspective how   impressive you are. I didn't know how hard it  was until I actually got on the wall. That's only   a V2 and you just did V7 like I can't imagine ever  doing that, no way. I think if you climb a lot you   would be able to. Within time maybe. But that jump, you  just jumped from one to the other. That's a pretty   big jump yeah. And I mean there's no way  you can comfortably grab that thing over there.   It's really impressive. Well it's like when  you've done something your whole life you know.   Right right. It's like your warm-up lift, I  wouldn't even be able to roll the weight   you know we're specialized in different things. That's what I find so beautiful   about what we do though. And then  like trying to cross over. I gotta try one   more time at this V2. Are you sure you want  to keep trying that? All right we can try something else.  Yeah we could try something else. You  could try this but I think this V4.  Like you can try it afterwards but that would  be like way above uh..   what Eddie did. Not that it's a competition.  Bro it's already a competition. You could try the purple one first. There you go. Cross. Nice. Damn it.   So the the leg is acting as like a counterweight  it's making me fall. So where can I put the   other leg, can I just put it on the wall? You could always put it here. So you want  to kind of roll over your shoulders. You're kind of   like just pulling. But if you always  switch and then instead of actually pulling   with that you can just roll the shoulder. You  see then I don't even use my arm at all.  Okay kind of get that. Start from here right? yeah  and the next one and then just yeah match feet and   then just roll there you go come on now it goes  left hand to the next one left ten oh left hand I'll figure it out again don't  exhaust yourselves though   you uh you've tried a lot in a short amount of  time yeah yeah you think so yeah you're going   fast okay I'll give one more time then I'll  rest properly yeah good uh but when you're on   the wall it's important not to use too much time  you want to be as efficient as possible you know   because every second you're on the wall you're  spending power that's the thing so I should know   exactly what I'm doing yeah from the ground and  then when you get on the wall just execute okay   come on there you go yeah that's very good  come on nice get your feet up left foot up too   oh that's good now guys come on come on there  come on left hand again come on left hand yeah   get your left foot up left foot up yeah oh come  on left turn out to the here I'll probably even   further out left here yeah then cross over come  on come on oh come on come on come on you got it   nice oh that was so close good job just take  it take a break and you'll do it easily yeah   yeah that was good but moving quickly helps a lot  yeah yeah yeah I gotta say though that the V2s in   here are pretty hard like this is uh some gyms  have hard grade some gyms have the East grades   but this is definitely a hard V2 this is like a  proper plant so uh yeah you can see that you have   so much strength it's just about like not using  the strength kind of yeah considering the string   till I get to the top yeah yeah not wasting it  at the bottom right yeah but the pace you had   now was so much better you saw that you were just  not hesitating you're just going yeah yeah yeah foreign do you feel like you get a good workout  out of them for sure good especially my fingers   yeah yeah which is why I think it'd be fantastic  arm wrestling yeah you think for sure but every   time I've tried armresting my arms have hurt  so much I mean that's normal yeah but you still   probably kick ass until they do I don't know man  when I see your arms compared to mine well like   you're pretty jacked you're only 170 160. uh no  I'm 155.50 pounds so yeah so guys you know weight   class yeah I think you'll give them a really hard  okay so I'll be in my weight class exactly yeah   you want to go against guys as big as me I'm super  heavyweight so yeah you'd be against guys in your   weight class okay well done and you do really  well okay maybe yeah yeah dude seriously before   you leave back to Norway yeah I will do it on  the last day I'm here oh yeah yeah we'll save   the best for last yeah it was like the dessert  of this whole collab yeah I can't Pace myself you   know so when I go when I try arm wrestling I just  go Max yeah that's that's the issue like like you   said here I'm going too quickly probably right  yeah yeah so I think if you have a competitive   mind that's how you work and you just try  your hardest always yeah you put Eddie in   the back of my mind yeah I only had V2 did V3  yeah which I'm realizing is so important here   is moving efficiently you keep saying Planet  yeah because every second you spend you was   like in the deadlift yeah I don't want to spend  time down here thinking about that I just wanna   breathe at the top and pull straight away right  so I'm fatiguing my lower back every time I spent   hunched over yeah so how much do you deadlift my  best is um 422 for three wow and that's crazy that   was uh in the summer that I just passed yeah and  you also bench press a lot right yeah I've done   um 307 kg for one 307 yeah 307 kilograms yeah that  was my best friend goodness yeah a bad bike Double   D's at that time yeah yeah my chest was enormous  it's crazy how strong you are because you're not   that heavy I mean you're not like half door heavy  you know right yeah and but you're you're almost   I mean you're as strong pretty much power per  pound yeah yeah you're stronger right yeah yeah   but they're overall strong interest is just much  bigger right yeah and um yeah those guys went to   another extreme for sure yeah yeah that must  be really hard on the body right yeah always   with a Thor for two months in Iceland seeing  how much she was eating every day yeah well   it's something to behold yeah it was just jaw  dropping how much he was eating every day you   know I didn't want to talk about half soil with  Eddie because I know they have some beef but is   that real beef or is it it's real beef I would  say they definitely eat each other yeah oh yeah   yeah I tend to hate each other yeah I mean just  from what I've gathered talking to both of them   yeah I mean they don't even want to be in the same  room with each other it seems like so oh wow huh   crazy I mean most people after boxing  match they kind of become friends again   but that didn't happen I guess it was  more likely to happen is a rematch get the next one come on and then  go again or you can cross get your   feet up yep take your feet up here yeah  either Cross or do you match the left hand oh is it too hard that move I just wasted  too much energy slipping there but man it   looks so easy now you remember how you were  struggling with this move yeah now you do it   so easy you know so it's just for the  body to learn how to move on the wall   yeah for sure you're right if you like if you  rested a day and came back like uh two days   from now you'd do everything so easily  because it's just like yeah I'd like to   think so muscle memory and stuff I'll give you  every second like I slipped twice on that yeah   yeah yeah that's you have to make sure you stay  on the wall that's uh gonna cost a lot of power   a lot because I'm like oh yeah moving I'm moving  I got this oh [ __ ] I don't got this yeah um let's see something else  these black ones how do you   like to see you go on one of  these black ones this one yeah uh that's wild ah it's like his hands are really  even on there just these fingertips wow that's impressive I wish you could see I hope you can see how little  contact your hand has just looks like just your   fingertips really impressive and so what would  the most challenging would it be V8 in here now   probably something like that yeah V8 so there's a  v9 over there I think the white one you could try   that too actually yeah definitely conquer it the  wall conquer the wall yeah yeah conquer the wall   that's the hardest one in here it looks like so  would V be like intermediate what would v stand   for because there's B over there right that's a  good question I should know this but in Europe   we don't we don't have the vehicle it's that's in  in the US okay but the hardest bowler in the world   is v17 oh that's the hardest humanly possible  right now at least and that's in a gym no that's   outside the holes are so small it's so steep that  usually looks like a blank well you know oh my God   but even for me it looks like a blank wall  I don't understand how people can climb   it I need to see that yeah yeah I need to see  that have you ever tried the captain's a crush   yeah I'm excited I'm bad at those that's shocking  yeah because it's about squeezing and I have small   hands too I think that's also a disadvantage I  mean compared to the really big guys and compared   to like you I have small hands so what's your  hand size slack though um it's okay we could uh   we could try something that's more on the legs  if you want on the legs because you have the   strong legs so the less steep it is the more on  the legs usually okay you find something that's   more vertical or even slabby should I try the v9  first though yeah most definitely RS these are   small holes feel this one whole that's that's like  grabbing a flat wall like you're just trying to   grab onto this there's no difference you can feel  this come over here bro look how I can't even get   my fingertips look that's my fingertip right there  see that flesh that's like half of a fingertip oh that's ridiculous it's pretty  hard I gotta say I don't know sandbag enough yeah v9 is hard geez oh ah man oh my God I was going all the way up there wow sheesh wow those ridges are incredibly thin they're small  not even a fingertip they're hanging from a   ceiling yeah that's well that's nice yes I'd love  to conquer at least one V2 yep that would be good   or maybe there's like a V3 or before that there's  a V2 oh it's all on the biceps you start like this   wow and then you could even skip  that just go straight to this   and you have big footholds here as well what was  that what do you just do it yeah you don't have   to do it that way oh wow you're not kidding two  feet on this like drains you before you have to   go like blowing your load and then okay you  gotta climb yeah just jump the other foot on yep yeah yeah you'll do that come on nice  yeah next one oh yeah yeah you could also   skip to like uh you could go straight with the  left as well come on there yes and then right   turn and then move your feet up there you go  oh she just slipped with your feet yeah if you   get that you you're gonna do it I'm sure  for sure yeah just slipping like a mother   yeah come on yeah there you go come on yeah  get your feet up on the big one here oh yeah feet up next one is good come on  there you go watch this next one   yeah next one straight up come on you got  it match move your right foot over here yeah smash that one next one is super good come on  yes nice next one get the next one yes there you   go just match it two hands yeah and then you can  dance whites yes all right yeah nice your first   V2 yeah ah it's all about finding something that  suits you man yeah yeah good job that was good   yeah it's addicting I don't think it was an easy  V2 either like the beginning was pretty hard I'll   say it was not easy too yeah we have strong  biceps that help you on this for sure I think   I need your time more vertical yeah I don't feel  my weight as much uh-huh over there that Wall's   like right hanging from a ceiling yeah yeah well  what do you think do you want to try harder or do   you want to uh I have enough juice in me for one  more one more okay I got one more not me let's   uh let's try a V3 then okay B3 yeah we have to  step it up right yeah I mean the Orange is only   two so if you said it feels like it's addictive  it is yeah so like conquering it making progress   is addicting yeah yeah I barely got the V2 oh I  didn't get the V2 over there so we're getting it   here it was like oh yeah yeah amazing progress  yeah yeah and that's addicting yeah I mean it   would look really impressive on the wall you're  so strong just a little bit of technique and you   would I think you'd be five like yeah today  yeah and now today I have the stamina Maybe   yeah but if you're just getting this week in like  two days a week or something for uh in a few weeks   I think you'll do V5 it's pretty good to know  yeah but also with your mindset and everything   I mean you're competitive you know how to train  you know how to work towards the goal and stuff   that really helps and personally competitiveness  is what pushes me yeah I can't push myself without   doing like some competitiveness right yeah in  the mix but it's easy because you have a grade   like there's a V5 that's your competitor account  that's right yeah yes and you can go to your own   pace yeah yeah versus there being someone like  right here like competing with me like a neck   yeah but you would prefer that though having  a person a person will push me even further   yeah for sure yeah 100 I feel the atmosphere  yeah how do you think Brian Shaw would be at   uh because he's well he's huge but yeah he does a  lot of great stuff he'd be okay it's hard to say   because Eddie did so good yeah so and Eddie  isn't that much lighter yeah than Brian and   Brian has this really long arms so right and  Long Legs that'll be funny to see him climb   actually yeah I'd love to see that I'd pay to  see them it's like that a pay-per-views yeah split it three ways uh yeah what do you think about this one uh  Larry oh this is like the ceiling again bro   yeah but look at this ah I mean compared to  every everything else in here it seems pretty   comfortable okay I'm gonna eat my own words very  shortly I think from here feet up there right yeah   come on there nice come on yeah come on  next one yeah come on yeah nice next one   keep going just a few more holes come on  next one is huge next one is huge just   go now I'll get you you can get your right  foot out right the big one the huge one you   see the huge one all right yeah you could  get your foot up okay if you want come on   yes nice match that one come on you're almost  there two more holes come on like come on next   one and then the last one smash that  there you go nice that was a flash I mean this is a lot steeper than it looks  like people it looks deep because people   are probably gonna comment that the  holes are so big but it's really steep   uh so that was good and it's a long  bowler too like it's a lot of moves all right so how was it a lot of fun yeah you  think you're gonna come back to Climbing Gym   ever I definitely might yeah I wanna so  come on conquer I want to go to v9 yeah   I think that I would go cliff climbing yeah  but this I've been comfortable here yeah yeah   well thank you for joining me yeah that  was awesome thank you for having me yeah   all right finally me oh yeah uh you guys  should check out Larry on YouTube Instagram   Snapchat you're active everywhere right yeah  every every single platform Facebook too yeah   snap show right yeah and make sure to like And  subscribe and I will see you next time yes sir
Channel: Magnus Midtbø
Views: 1,975,587
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Climbing, calisthenics, Insane, Viral, Giant, Boulder, Pull Ups, Fit, Fitness, Inspiration, Strong Man, Eddie Hall, Thor, hafthor bjornsson, Training, Larry Wheels
Id: Hy6SpI4vg-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 1sec (1621 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2023
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