Climbing with Adam Ondra - The World's Best Climber

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Ondra finally gives his opinion on whether one can onsight a boulder vs flashing it

👍︎︎ 54 👤︎︎ u/Praelina 📅︎︎ Oct 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

That start was so wholesome. You could just see how excited he was to hit 1 million.

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/Archaya 📅︎︎ Oct 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

Honestly very curious how much he's making from YouTube. I guess it would be hard to estimate at this point though because he's also got a brand and a few gyms.

He's one of the first real climbing "celebrities" besides our boy Alex Handhold so it's fascinating to see.

👍︎︎ 104 👤︎︎ u/ShenaniganSkywalker 📅︎︎ Oct 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

Awesome 8 minutes and then double shirtless.

👍︎︎ 44 👤︎︎ u/saruman_70 📅︎︎ Oct 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

Super fun video! I got into climbing after the Olympics this year and Magnus’ channel has been a big source of motivation/education along the way.

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/BOOL12 📅︎︎ Oct 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

I really want to find his book (AO) but there is not a vendor in the US. Not even when you are willing to pay for the crazy shipping cost...

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/akkusatz 📅︎︎ Oct 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

Magnus got me into climbing, just awesome watching these guys have fun together.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/xMILEYCYRUSx 📅︎︎ Oct 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

I thought they would be awkward together, but they seem to have a very nice chemistry together, and also cool to see an honest Adam.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Soifon99 📅︎︎ Oct 29 2021 🗫︎ replies
okay i feel like it's new year's eve almost 999   998 and it goes up and down a little bit so but  it's soon gonna soon gonna be above a million   it's like so quiet so we're currently  in the hotel room in czechia oh jesus christ congratulations yeah  thank you how does it feel to have   one million subscribers it feels very it feels  a little bit strange i mean i've been so close   to a million for a while now and  to people who ask me like i say   i have a million but now i actually  have a million and two subscribers when i started youtube i could never  have imagined that i would get a million   i don't know it's kind of it's kind of it feels  kind of empty at the same time because now i don't   know what's the next goal like 10 million seems  impossible like i i don't i don't say that to   be humble i say that because i actually mean that  i mean i'm just really happy with one million so   trying to make the best videos i can for for the  one million that are subscribed i think will be my   main priority and then growing the  channel is like the second priority do a refresh shot yeah foreign there's nothing else to say  than to thank you i mean you   are subscribed that uh allow me to do this full  time and i don't know i'm just i don't i don't   really have words uh to describe how thankful i  am but uh i guess we should start the first video all totally fresh yeah totally fresh just go out  of a place it's only a mental thing so thank you   for doing this uh first of all yeah this is the  million subscribers special it's actually not   only one video we're gonna make four videos in  total we're gonna go climb outside we're gonna   train together we're gonna do some urban climbing  and i also have to thank you guys for a million   subscribers this is all because of you and thank  you adam for doing this very welcome you and all   of you guys it's it's like the coolest thing i  could think of for a million subscribers and i'm   so happy that you agreed and said yes to this and  we're going to make a video for for adam's channel   as well so you guys should check that out we're  pretty active on youtube these days right yeah   we've been producing some sweet youtube videos  maybe different style more hardcore climbing but there's never enough hardcore climbing videos  i think it's like five years ago since i last saw   you or something yeah we met last time in  zlatan 2017. i think it was the year that i   sent silence okay yeah actually the first time you  probably don't remember this but the first time i   met you that was here in brno for european  youth cup um i think it was in 2002 or 2003   uh and you were yeah you were demonstrating  our roots because you were too young   you were too young to compete and i remember  you fell off the route and you were so upset so that i i thought i thought you must have  been like ten yeah yeah you were like this big   i was pretty short for my age yeah okay then we've  been competing on the same youth categories oh   yeah you were like older category i was younger  luckily i was always one older category than him   we are in our gym called hangar there's  lots of commercial amazing boulders also   more like modern style i've been training  here a lot for the olympics i'm actually a   little bit nervous to climb with you because  i haven't climbed with any like top climbers   in a while and i mean he's like the best  climber so i think a lot of people who watch   this channel think that i'm the best climber  and that illusion is about to be broken now well i'm just going to start  like doing some easier problems   yeah a little bit nervous now actually  what if i can't even do adam's warm-ups uh   first downside that was a five day i'm gonna roll do you like to warm up on slabs yeah normally  i like i don't need that much warming up but i   feel like when you get straight off a plane it's a  little bit different you feel strange and you have   to warm up adam just warmed up on a grade harder  than me like a full grade like a number great   harder than me not so easy for a local 6b too  hard for you yeah i look for something easier so   it's the volumes are they on usually they're on so  as long as the volume is a wooden volume it's in so is this volume 2 on yeah i'm nervous about all the like technical stuff  i see there's so many technical bowlers here   oh slab7a that's what you're starting off i don't know maybe maybe  it's meant to go with a press let's start with some physical all right what about this yellow one 7c yeah i think it  looks really hard adam just said it looks okay come on uh nice job thanks do you usually climb shirtless  or do you um use your glam shirt let's just look   okay i get as i feel warm so you're allowed  to climb shirtless i think that already nice 17 is easier than 7c powerful 7c is definitely  easier than 7a slap yeah but that's what you   have to be pretty good at in world cups right  7a slabs and stuff yeah so like just like on   the world cups you know the slabs are not more  than 7b or 17. yeah they're just really hard   to do under pressure within four or five minutes  you know the style of the setting is usually like   maybe medium difficulty but high risk and medium  intensity right so how's it been for you after   the the olympics you haven't done much competing  right no i was sick of competitions and i was like   really tired after the olympics you know also as  the result was not as good as i was hoping to yeah   you know there was the psychosomatic i think  processed it in the body that yeah as soon as   i got back i really wanted to climb but my money  just said like no so i was climbing a little bit   mostly on the rock but at the same time i couldn't  really try so hard because i just felt constantly   so tired but are you gonna try again uh in paris  in three years i was surprised that you know the   aura of the olympics just really got me you know  it's something to be special yeah so yeah i think   i think i'm gonna give it a try especially  as there is no more speed climbing in paris   it's becoming definitely starting but you did  well in the speed club i mean in the end this   is paradoxical that you know i was trading  speed climbing for almost three years and   pretty much repeatedly got more and more and more  frustrated yeah sometimes i was pretending that   i was like enjoying it but now i can say like  straight on it was like such a pain in the ass   you know the biggest admiration goes to the speed  climbers that they can really do this all day life   like i would never do it or anything in the world it's so cool to be here man like i haven't i  haven't traveled anywhere in like two years   wow and now being here with you i mean  it's like such an honor to be here   it's a really cool thing i mean it's pretty  crowded right now there's a lot of people here   and it's gonna get even more crowded i don't know i feel a little bit shaky today  i don't know what it is it's like my my whole   body is like a little bit tense i don't  know if it's a nerve supplying without him   but if you feel more nervous now or when you were  competing back on the world cup uh about the same so how long have you haven't been competing uh now  it's i retired in 2017. the last competition i did   was the world cup in savannah yeah okay did you do  that one yes yes did you win that one i was second   second yeah i was like half of them i was  ninth in that one so i was just outside the   finals that semi-final was terrible yeah it was  like the most old-school climb i know such a   long climb too yeah it's so grimpy so haters  yeah but being with you now brings back so   many memories you know from like world cups and  everything yeah yeah once we were traveling like   three weeks together with the austrian team  yeah in asia we were in japan china south korea attack that's too fast it's just a first move  starting sitting on things and stuff i've been   watching almost all the welcome so i feel like  i learned a little bit just from watching them   i think that's pretty important yeah i definitely  feel i keep my modern bouldering shape if i keep   watching videos if i if i if i don't do it for a  few months yeah i think i like just get out of it   completely is it because of like do they come  up with new stuff or is it just that you kind   of forget it the style a little bit i think if  you watch it i kind of you know refresh the body   positions and yeah more like the framework of  how how you move from one jump to another yeah okay easy better than i it looks besides all  the boulders that are just graded normally   there is so-called challenge so every  month there is a free 30 new boulders and   it doesn't have a grade but more or less  the 30 should be 8a something like that i think that for me that was the  hardest like going out to actually i have like adam's showing me how it's done  and then i just try to copy him what he does come on yeah nice foreign very nice blower dude i mean it looks like a 7a  when you find it it's 8a though right i think yeah   i think if i don't do i'm not going to do  that many twice on it yeah just because   we have so many goals no problem just try hard  enough okay just try hard enough just try hard   i was surprised like this move is not so easy yeah  this food is shitty yeah but you just have to keep   the body tension and i think don't remember that  remember that you can still still use stuff yeah all right come on easy thank you for the beta i was right  that he was going to flush it uh that one suits me better like we  don't want to do too much uh today   because we're gonna do another three videos  we're gonna go outside to the crag where your   9b plus is we're gonna do a training session at  his like local gym uh he owns that gym actually   and then we're gonna probably climb at the you  know the bridge uh i guess you guys have seen   it's the second most popular video on on adam's  channel it's like a corner thing we're gonna try   that as well and then we're gonna make videos for  your channel so we have a lot of climbing the next   days so we don't want to exhaust ourselves uh  completely three days it's only in three days we are we have two root centers two japans  in hangar one is one thinks it's eight a and   the other thing is it's eight eighty plus  probably the most physical one yeah and   involves probably a tow hook which is i don't  like to hook so much oh wow this is 88 plus huh i think you can still use this and  span yeah and then put it a hook come on nice come on come on yeah nice so easy come on man oh lot of things come on it looks like you were spending a little  bit extra time like trying to figure it out   and things like i think you can make it look  really easy and nice yeah if you're just a little   bit stronger okay if you are struggling it's just  not looking nice who's stronger than you though   like quite a lot of people like physically yeah  you think it looks girly this i mean it should   suit me this style so i don't really i'm not  i can't make any excuses so it looks like this   was the crutch that's it yeah it's also like my  left hook what didn't really feel very well yeah   grab this so i just stepped like yeah then i put  the left heel up here that's hard yeah matched   yeah and then this one right then i went here to  readjust come here yeah here then i put a tow hook   took this one cut loose and left a hook  right and then one okay yeah i'll try out to this all right and then  i get to put up and then come in oh that's that's also hard maybe we should  continue alright yeah i think i'm going to   give up on this one i don't want to wreck myself  on this i can come back to it maybe all right so are you uh involved in this gym at all you're   cuz i tell you your name on the yeah the board  so i was partly involved in the designing   okay yeah yeah that are my photos and like  yeah i see your posters all over the place it's kind of strange you know enter the  gym yeah and see like my big posters yeah   so it's number 27 on the challenge so it should  be 70 but ship is saying that it's quite sensitive   it's hard seven seats so i know i i kind  of wanted to try the 8a plus again but   i don't want to wreck myself the first day and  that one i felt like took so much skin yeah so   i'm going to be a little bit careful because  we have a lot of climbing the next three days   and adam has a surprise for me that he hasn't told  what is yet and i asked him if i needed skin for   the surprise and you said you don't need skins  i now i wonder even more what the surprise is   and that's going to be on his channel so you  have to check it out maybe i can try it first   i can try to give adam some beta on  this he's going to ruin my own side do you think is is on side bouldering is  that okay i mean everybody is now talking   about the flashes in one side that's the  thing because some people think that you   can't onsite a bowler you can only flash a  builder i think if it's a stance start that   everything that you can like touch is only the  starting hole you should still call it outside   it just doesn't really make sense  to me to call the flash yeah hey wow is that the top nope one more nice i think i did it the completely wrong  way no i'm trying to trick you into doing it i oh man you were right about the motto yeah nice it felt really hard the way you did it  without the model yeah yeah but i did it this   way though i went all right it would be okay but  we actually discussed it on the ground and i said   maybe it's an underplay mono and we're kind of  laughing at it because it sounded too stupid but   then he did it but then it felt quite heinous  but yeah like not very nice to climb but it   worked yeah we could do one more and then we tried  the the bowler they have set specifically for us   i'm just trying to respawn that because  i think i think the boulder they've set   for us looks stupid hard like it's like a  competition style i'm so bad at that yeah that's right yellow so that's an a  day it looks pretty sloppy technical   compression i like the texture  of the tools they're not like   too they're good for the skin but  yeah as soon as you sweat a little bit that was too bad you should have the foot  on uh probably he'll hook to the left you don't think you grab it on top  like i have no thumb probably better   it looked good with the left tail yeah yeah maybe  it's better to go first like he look this one yeah   this one and then put the right heel go right up  and then this one this one felt really i didn't   really touch it though or it didn't really feel it  that much not so good it's not so good right yeah come on it is hard nice oh that's so bad do you usually do like all the  hard problems in this gym with the first session   in one session yeah usually when i come there's  maybe like four new boulders so i would do them   like when i was like especially training for  the olympics i would usually like have one   rootsetter that would set like four specific  boulders oh wow just for me oh that's cool   so i would probably make like a simulation of a  competition like one session with a timer of four   or five minutes yeah and then sometimes like try  harder version or like try to tweak it a little   bit at the same time i think i've i've made a  lot of progression in this kind of style while   at the same time you know at the competitions  it's just such a roulette alright let's see it come on come on this is just going to be like a pretty  short session we're gonna do so much   this uh this next three days so you're definitely  in for a treat uh i thought it was like doing one   video for a million subs wasn't enough so i think  doing four that's the right way to go for sure so stefan is the guy who set this bowler  he's going to demonstrate how he's done   he's a really good climber as well world  cup climber hey this is the creation the   blue one so it looks like you're dialing  up to this and then you have to go again   land the foot at the same time so it's like a  kind of like a coordination jump very typical   in the world cup so i guess right exactly so  you're a master at this stuff demonstration i was actually not sure if this will  even work because i said it like   like one hour ago and it  took me about 20 minutes so definitely hard one to flash because i really wanted you you to try some   coordination boulders okay alex  very nice of you thank you very much oh nice who goes first one two three so you go first all right all right no no i won  so i go first now you won so we can decide okay i   can go first whatever i guess that's the sort of  thing you should agree on before you do it it's   the last move forward oh no it's just a little  bit scary but yeah it looks scary it's high up it's even harder than i thought it'd be  good job okay i think i'm gonna try to   put the foot even higher i kind of want  i feel like i can't jump high enough okay   so using the starting hole there's a foothold wow yeah there you go come on i thought like no just don't be scared  it's easy it wasn't worth it really i'm a little intimidated by the last one right  now especially when you fall in once on it like   yeah because there's not much you can do  different too you have to just do the same   thing again just yeah i think you have to commit  anyway yeah yeah but i think you should have just   concentrate more on the right arm  yeah i just thought i just have to   commit enough and once i just land perfectly  with my left hand yeah it will just work out   okay and i just let go with the right hand and  that was the mistake come on get it come on nice oh there's so much stuff going on at the  same time i'm just like my head is like about   to explode you have to focus on getting high  enough and as soon as you grab that you have   like a split second to get to this i feel i'm  like i'm too old for that stuff you know me too   now there's a new generation yeah that  like is growing up while doing this yeah   and basically while we were growing up this thing  did not exist right like the holes the volumes   didn't exist that would make it possible  to set something like that trying to learn   this in your 20s yeah or 30s is way way i feel  like it's kind of like skateboarding you know   it's like a skateboarding trick it's a lot of  coordination stuff if you learn that while you're   like 12 years old it's kind of it's much easier to  learn yeah so how hard do you think this is like   this is a very special so i guess we should ask  uh stefan the root center it's difficult to give   a give it a grade but for me it feels like seven  seers doing this stuff for the last two years   was definitely not so good for the body i think  for this kind of bouldering from the physio point   of view your body has to be perfect yeah in  order to keep on doing jumping and [ __ ] like   this like the world cup and not to get injured  right and for the next video we're going to a   your training your local training gym that's  a very different style right that's not like   the competition the world cup style that's a more  old school so that's the gym called coterna yeah   and that's where i've been training since since  i was a little kid actually now i'm starting to   feel better in the beginning i was a little bit  shaky my body i don't know what it was i think   the travel or something but now i'm starting  to feel better there's a lot of people in here   there's the cameras there's adam andra there's i  think it's a little bit overwhelming for me almost this is the kind of baller you feel like you can  try a lot of tries within a short amount of time   but you get more tired than you think just i  i think in the world cups if if they should   switch back to into like really hard old-school  style yeah they should maybe change the format   not give like four minutes but give like three  tries with like long time to rest in between   that's true that would be actually closer to  the core of the bouldering because when you are   outdoors you just press for as much as you need  yeah whereas like the the format of the bouldering   competitions at the moment it's more like short  power endurance yeah that rather than pure power   but it's also more for the spectators i guess  yeah for spectators it's more interesting and also   spectators they don't like really if you give it  one try and you rest three more minutes until you   give it second try you know they want more action  going on yeah i'm just gonna try a few more times   you're gonna rest because of the shoulder  yeah i i don't think i'd do it come on yes when i grew up it was all lead you know  there were no bouldering use competitions so   yeah i mainly just did lead even though i probably  have more like the body of a boulder but just   always always more attractive should we end the  video there though you should rest your shoulder   for the next session all right so i guess uh  thank you for showing me around we're gonna do   four videos in total so we have three more uh  in the next video we're gonna go to his local   training bouldering room i'm really excited to see  that uh make sure you check adam out on youtube on   instagram and also make sure to like and subscribe  to this channel and we'll see you next time see ya you
Channel: Magnus Midtbø
Views: 2,604,787
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adam Ondra, Ondra, Magnus, 9C, Silence, training, insane, World Cup, IFSC, Epic, Climbing, Climber, Bouldering, Boulder
Id: Jozh3R2YLXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 41sec (2021 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 28 2021
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