The Strongest Nen Manipulator CONFIRMED!

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this is every manipulator in Hunter Hunter ranked by a man on the internet and we are starting with bass who has a very good base of a manipulator with her ability instant lover anyone kissed by bass becomes immediately infatuated with her morphe into a type of Love slave who will take her command for three hours pretty basic manipulation here simple condition little bit of control short period of time it's an ability that's actually pretty overpowered at lower levels specifically on those who aren't nen users think that kind of low level at higher levels however this ability becomes pretty neon useless because non-veterans aren't just going to let someone kiss them even if it's someone of how shall we say base's physical Persuasions opioid game power but terrible late game Power which is going to land base smack bang in the Middle With A Beat here next up we have boki someone who we know so little about that his abilities in power section on the hunt onto Wiki is one line which reads as follows as a chimera ant boki is already stronger than the average human that is an excellent in-depth analysis right there but bulky to be fair he's also pretty standard manipulation as a whole is very tried and tested field you encounter a lot of the same sorts of conditions that achieve the same sorts of results in boki's case he equips a device to a Target and is then able to manipulate them using a game controller it's unknown whether he can control more than one person at a time in some sort of two-player mode I suppose all in all though boki May indeed be stronger than the average human but when it comes to manipulation he is nothing but average and as a result he would be joining base in the beat here next up is ikalgo who takes on a more left field version of manipulation that is if we picture just left of our field being the graveyard because the cowgo engages in The Morbid practice of corpse manipulation from the inside it's a gruesome but actually quite rare form of manipulation because whilst in the body ikalgo can use the nenability of the corpse which is crazy because unless post-mortem netas involved the heartsu should vanish from the corpse when the target dies so okalgo actually functions as a more Macabre form of crawler in fact if he's so desired hikargo could construct a body preservation facility and even build his own library of net abilities that he can just slip in and out of you know come to think that it's so rare that we actually see nen users being manipulated themselves it's usually like a standard non-nen using person so I don't know if it's normal to be able to use their powers or command them to use their heart to and in a weird way it's kind of like a forced activation of postmortem then to briefly resurrect an ability for your own personal use and for that factor alone ikalgo skyrockets as a manipulator and lands straight in the atier is what I would like to say however ikalgo is not a manipulator according to tagashi's memo ikago is actually an enhancer despite being branded as a manipulator in the data book and also displaying all of the behaviors of a manipulator so apologies Mr octopus but you're not actually allowed to be ranked on this list but I wanted to talk about him anyway because he has a pretty interesting use of manipulation anyway to the poster boy of manipulation and honestly a man who carries this entire category on his rather slender yet malleable shoulders illumi zoldick is manipulation perfected he's worked out a system to achieve maximum output with minimal input I mean the dude can create an entire Army of manipulated people whereas the standard in this Affinity is control of one maybe two people at a time if you're really skilled but to that illumi says I'm gonna just take all the people I can currently only think of one character in the series who has manipulated More Humans than illumi has with an inability that is there are characters like pariston who just manipulate the whole world but that's a different thing but I also can't think of any other character who has manipulated more than two humans at a time which I think makes this decision fairly simple as illumi is a definite Hestia but another zeldick has appeared and get used to it because we'll be seeing a lot of those today but this is Carlito the first manipulator where meeting whose abilities don't focus on controlling people because manipulation is such a broad concept you could use it on anything objects substances abstract Concepts like music but despite that the overwhelming amount of users get funneled into controlling people not Carlota he instead chooses to manipulate paper very very deadly paper as if even a single piece gets stuck to an opponent then all of the papers will Target that same area and death via extreme Papercut will almost certainly occur Carlito also has this very sneaky ability to surveil people using paper cutouts so sneaky that even the Phantom troop did not pick up on it and whilst not the Paragon of this Affinity that his older brother is Carlito is disgustingly talented for a 10 to 12 year old and is an easy a tier moving now to a manner but not that the money there are actually two amaneis in Hunter Hunter and you've probably never heard of this one and that's that's for good reason because this Amana comes to us courtesy of Hunter Hunter altar of the DragonVale a game for the PlayStation 2 which features a very blue head 1999 3D rendered hisoka amane is like a sub villain of the game but a pretty incredibly powerful one his ability is called trembling Melody whereby amane Rings a little bell and those who hear the sound of said Bell are able to be controlled and that is ridiculously overpowered it very much Breaks the Rules of nen but in addition it can also control both living people and dead bodies manipulators usually need to choose one or the other but as some form of restriction Amana can only control up to two people at once but the power is still pretty incredibly broken and if he did actually exist in the world it would be right up there in the S2 meanwhile we now have zeldick Mama Kikyo someone only identified as manipulator through the hunter hunter Data Book Kikyo has yet to show us anything literally anything with the exception of the 1999 anime which alluded to some sort of ability to do with kikyo's vision as advisor would change color or even cut static in response to kikyo's emotions at the time as is old dick even one who married into the family I'm gonna have to give Kikyo some respect because she's definitely not going to be a bad manipulator but without knowing anything else so far I think the best we can do right now is plonk her straight in the sea now I believe it's leecher clock featuring leech the shadow Beast who serves as a fantastic example of how to squander your innate magical abilities leech manipulates leeches that's it that's the ability which is interesting because it means that his entire ability is like the activation requirement of most abilities I feel like a more veteran nen user would structure this leech insertion as a condition to manipulate the opponent kind of like what bokish do with their antennae and needles respectively militia is pretty happy stopping halfway but we we are not happy and so he's going to get smacked with a great big disappointing D and now for the zeldick who most aesthetically resembles leech here is a piggy millerkey is actually a really difficult character to rank because like Kikyo he hasn't shown us anything but unlike Kikyo we know that miliki is a world-class trained assassin in fact apart from his anime sex dolls the only thing miliki did show us was a bit of a manga exclusive but he was introduced smoking a cigar very Bond villain style and even putting that cigar out on killua's chest I'm going to give milliki more credit than Kikyo he is a piggy but he is a powerful Piggy and so he's going to sit in the waiting room of mid that is the beat here to someone who is anything but mid next up is moral one of the best General nen uses in the series but we're not looking for the best General nin user I want the best manipulator and I just don't think that's moral moral's d purple relies far too heavily on two other affinities whilst only applying a layer of manipulation on at the very end like a coat of lacquer on a smoky chair this does however make him extremely versatile so versatile that the hunter hunter mobugger card game features him making a kebab which makes me hungry moral is best described as a utility manipulator he only really dives into his Affinity at a surface level because his interests lay elsewhere and that's fine especially since that surface level dive still significantly outranks most manipulators and is still going to land moral in a very respectable 80. honzu is a character that also exists or did exist past tense despite not becoming a hunter she tagged along with popcorn and learned a bit of the old nen specializing in be manipulation so kind of like leech but much more better because the bees were capable of taking complex commands and so ponzu lands quite safely in the sea but everyone please give a round of applause for Sancho yeah it's it's on show because he has won the award of worst manipulator on the list today Sancho is a character from Hunter Hunter each one's determination which is better than known as the game where karapika wears a very pretty dress and Sancho is a manipulator who fights very Joseph joestar style using enhanced clackers with no tangible evidence of manipulation at all and whenever a user ignores their own natural Affinity well there's only one place for them to go which means we need to open up the Castro tier so hop in the bin you naughty naughty manipulator and you think about what you've done or more accurately what you've not done which is manipulate but here is our true heavy hitter of the video shirepoof is up next and if illumi is the poster boy of manipulation then shirepoof is his talent producer behind the scenes manipulating illumi for profit shayapoo's abilities may as well have no limits he can control armies of people he can read your emotions he can transform his body into any shape in fact he can just transform into however many bodies it is that he wants he can even cocoon people up and gift them nen abilities he's such a poet manipulator that the estia is too low for him which is why in shyapu sauna we are going to open up the very special violin tier for him to reside in troop time now and shall knock is honestly a fairly disappointing candidate but only when compared to shirepoof because black voice is about as good as you can really hope to get as a manipulator being able to control up to two people at the same time with complex commands since it's pretty good and also even control yourself to the point where you become a Super Saiyan an Exquisite specimen of manipulation and so shanak must be an S to someone equally as currently dead a shall knock we also have shikaku someone who had this very fascinating power to turn the abilities of others into cards and then potentially even steal and wield them I don't know and you know to be honest we may never know what I do know is that this is not manipulation and if it wasn't specifically stated in the series then I would have thought that shikaku was a specialist so into the Castro bin you go shoot McMahon is also here and look he's a bit of a weird manipulator I mean shoots a bit weird in general because he has three entirely separate hatsu but none of them like you know synergize with each other hotel where falcia the disembodied hands and the power to weirdly insert things into shoots own hands are a good example of some someone spreading themselves a bit too thin the really weird thing is that Shu can't even use the disembodied hands as a condition to activate hotel rafelsia which activates when hands touch opponents but they need to be shoot hands shoots hands that are attached to him so at most all his floaty hands can do a serve as a bit of a distraction he's an all right nen user but not an amazing manipulator probably even below average and so we're gonna Mark shoot with a c Sodom is an interesting fellow who we know nothing about yet so DTA I don't want to deal with you and then there's squalor who practiced dog manipulation I would personally love this ability it's a great excuse to have so many dogs all over the dogs on the condition that you need to take care of them mate sign me up although in the grand scheme of manipulation it's not amazing in fact it's really not amazing and I can't bring myself to put this anywhere but the detail to dessert I now serve you a zakuru costed a really cool blood manipulator specifically of his own blood which is a really hard condition and as a result it comes with some pretty amazing power in addition to deadly deadly Bloods you can even create great little conscious bloodlets that roam around and give zakaro information even so it's like it's still pretty middling the whole needing to use your own blood makes it very difficult so I think that sakuro is a plain old bee our final Chimera and candidate comes in the form of zazan who is ridiculous utterly utterly ridiculous as Queen shot doesn't just take control of someone but it transforms humans into permanent animal hybrid slaves that is a really big thing for manipulation because most control is only temporary or involves killing the person in question this however is a One-Shot recipe for Eternal slavery there is a condition that the human targeted needs to be strong enough to survive the brutal transformation but if anything that only works in zazan's favor ensuring that she only receives the strongest of slaves while she has her own body transformation as well and look if it weren't for shirepoof then zazan would potentially be the greatest manipulator but as it is I think she slots quite nicely into the istio we now have but one manipulator left so is the best still to come well at Zushi so so no because he's a manipulator who can't even manipulate yet so we're going to temporarily store him in the castrate here and that is every manipulator in Hunter Hunter ranked arbitrarily by a man on the internet
Channel: NewWorldReview
Views: 122,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: newworldreview
Id: xhLvn7z1Iv8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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