Every Nen Enhancer RANKED (HXH)

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here is every enhancer in Hunter Hunter ranked by how good they are at the things the things being enhancement usually thought of as the most boring in Affinity yeah I I don't actually have anything to follow that up but we are kicking things off with Bill anime Watchers may not be familiar with him and manga readers May periodically forget that he exists but he's an enhancer and a very non-standard one at that bill is a very rare support enhancer with his ability being quite simple it accelerates the growth of living things which karapika is currently abusing to its fullest to accelerate the development of new nen users in the succession War but Bill has this ability because of his rather frankly cowardly nature as he prefers not to really fight battle himself hence why he chose to guard a baby because he thought that with the baby there would not be any major conflict he was wrong oh how wrong he was interestingly enough completely counter to his nature bill is actually part of Beyond netro's Expedition team meaning that his ability is in some way essential for survival on the Dark Continent however bill is the kind of enhancer who's only as good good as the thing it is he's supporting or more accurately he's only as powerful as the person is who's using him and due to this coin flip nature he's going smack bang in the middle beat here because he's neither horrible nor remarkable he's just bill two things which cannot be said of dog man our next enhancer who was both horrible due to all of the murdering he does and remarkable because he is a dog man he is a pro wrestling member of the Haley family and a current level 36 under morena's game meaning that he has potentially killed 36 people like the rest of the family he is almost certainly wildly inexperienced when it comes to using Aura which would ordinarily sent him straight down to the detail however in dogman's case I will make an exception Moreno's 36 Aura boosts Elevate Dogman at least one level beyond your classical nen chump so for now Dogman will make his stand in C but for someone quite literally incapable of making a stand our next enhancer is Guido the heavens Arena dude who assaulted our main protagonist with children's Amusement toys Guido is about as basic as they come but to be Fair he did beat gone but that's not uncommon lots of people do that in fact it's a club so large that the people who couldn't be gone went on to become a far more exclusive Society I do have some sympathy for Guido I mean he had a pretty rough what would the whole having his lower body ripped off and everything as his initiation to the world of Nan nonsense it's not the best way to do it sadly though sympathy does not equate to Aura skill or competence hence why Guido was ultimately defeated by a fellow enhancer who had only learned that Nan even existed a couple of weeks beforehand and thus Guido is one disappointing big old detail but have you ever wondered what would happen if you took all of the potential of Guido and actually taught him properly well what you get in that case is goto a man with a similar enjoyment of enhancing small objects but one that actually stops to think about what he's doing and much more importantly why he's doing goto is a fantastic example of making the best of what you've got because what got us got in terms of aurum it isn't much however what he lacks in Talent he more than makes up for with hard work and using his mind brain the fact that he could apply his micro quantity of Aura to present even a minor challenge to hisoka is something exceptionally praiseworthy and the only reason why goto can't rank higher on this list is due to the unfortunate limitations placed on his talent however with that said he did the absolute best he could with what he had and he shall be rewarded with an a tier for the somewhat opposite now he is an enhancer with infinite talent but a distinct lack of intelligent application now I make fun of gone a lot on this channel mostly for his very basic air-headed ill-fated and poorly thought out approaches to life in general however that pretty much describes the perfect enhancer because it's an affinity that is very forgiving of ideas that are well not particularly well thought out gone is a stupidly powerful enhancer and even though he never came close to reaching his full potential he in the span of less than two years was able to outclass a whole ton of fully grown adults who had long reached their own comparatively low and very sad limits bearing in mind that this is not a tier list of the greatest nen users in general it's a list of how well enhancers perform at their affinity and with that in mind gone is about as close to a perfect enhancer as we can reach and so he is an easy s tier now for someone who is easily not that I present Castro I legitimately love Castro because he's a character inserted into the series specifically to be a tutorial of what not to do he's like a living example of a textbook problem if Castro and enhancer creates an inability consisting of 50 conjuration and 50 manipulation then calculate how much of a [ __ ] he is the answer being 100 because to put this bluntly Castro is quite possibly the single worst example of an enhancer and maybe even an end user in general in this series he is so terrible that I honestly believe that putting him in the detail would be insulting to those in that tier because yeah those enhancers are awful ever so awful but at least they're trying you know that they're trying to enhance so we're going to need to open up a very special Castro tier just for this very disappointing man now here's someone I bet that most of you didn't even know was an enhancer it's ikalgo and he was very recently identified as an enhancer by Yoshi hirotagashi himself through the exhibition memo and although this comes from the mouth of dog himself it does raise a lot of awkward questions to be straightforward it makes no sense and I think that Togashi may not have been at his very best when making this decision mostly because he cargo's abilities are entirely based in manipulation and conjuration aka the two most unfriendly affinities to him by far Living Dead Dolls is pure manipulation and freedom literally conjures bullets and I should say that their cargo was labeled as a manipulated in the data book which makes sense but the authors were trumps that and funnily enough the corpse of cargo was most known for controlling flutter also had abilities based entirely in conjuration and manipulation and look it's unfortunate for a cowga that we have to do this but we have to judge him as an enhancer and if he is indeed an enhancer as tagashi says then he is one very akin to Castro AKA pathetic and choosing to base the entirety of their ability sweet on their worst natural affinities almost in denial about being an enhancer which means that unfortunately this octopus is getting slapped with a Castro tear and now here's where things get a little bit hypocritical because our next fictional character is Isaac natural a man who did pretty much exactly what Castro and icalgo did just much more better it's debatable over whether netro uses conjuration or a mission to construct the statue of guanyin but what isn't debatable is that he invests heavily into manipulation to use it natural is an enhancer who is strayed quiet far from his natural path but look this this just isn't fair because Isaac netro is an example of an end user who has transcended natural limits pushing the art form further than any human we've seen and by quiet of the gaping Chasm his base Affinity almost doesn't matter because he is just so far and above everyone else that you would never be able to tell that what he's doing is in any way inefficient and to display that we're going to open up an entirely new god tier well above us Vanessa wrote rather appropriately look down upon all of the feeble masses one such feeble mass of meat being comedy someone who we recently Learned was actually an enhancer in the memo alongside ikalgo except that with comogy it makes a lot more sense the super gungy ability might look like a weird specialist power at first but broken down it's essentially comogy enhancing her mind to superhuman levels in this one very Niche practice with of course the insane self-imposed restriction that if kamuki loses a game she dies funnily enough comedy's enhancement did what natural's enhancement could not and actually delivered a big fat L to the ant king several fat juicy elves actually but comogy is the quintessential example of self-taught innovation redefining an entire art form she is certainly unorthodox but so successful that comigee cannot be denied in estia moving now to Maha zoldik and this is difficult for quite a few reasons one the fact that he's an enhancer comes from an unreliable Data Book Two if this is true then he's potentially an even greater enhance of the netro and three we can't even guarantee what his name is it might not be Maha don't actually know that so he's a he's a tricky thing to discuss in general to make this as simple as possible though if all of the above information is true then I have no choice but to place Maha in the God here because regardless of how feeble he may appear today Isaac Nitro was said to be the only man to fight against Maha and survive I'll say that again survive not win survive implying that Maha was he was quite something so until proven otherwise he's going to sit rather comfortably in his old man chair right up around here finally hitting the Phantom troop now it's Nobunaga a man whose enhancement is so proficient that throughout the course of Hunter Hunter he's never even had to reveal his own personal hatsu because his basic enhancement is so damn good and precise that he's not yet deemed it necessary enough to do so and while we're here I'm going to lump thinks into this discussion as well because we have seen his ability and rather typically for an enhancer it involves a big old punch I think that no binagar is definitely the better precise enhancer but on the other hand thinks is definitely the better big punch enhancer which about balances both amount out to me and as they are both world-class criminals nen users it is very difficult to award them anything less than an S but for quite possibly the most unique enhancer candidate though we turn to Palm Siberia unique because her ability like to this day it is still completely unknown how it works in terms of our use because I'll tell you one thing it's not enhancement or transmutation or conjuration or manipulation or emission and apparently it's not specialization either because she is an enhancer but merman Clairvoyance allows Palm to magically stalk a Target after feeding a moment Corp some delicious delicious Bloods which I guess also casually confirms the existence of merman in this world but this should be a specialist ability it's not but it should be after becoming a hybrid ant however bomb does actually embrace enhancement through Black Widow a shockingly effective and devastating suit of hair armor if this was pre and palm she would probably rank pretty low but post and palm now actually embracing the affinity and with absurd Aura quantities ripe for abuse is going to sit pretty damn comfortably in the a tier but as for some someone who gets nowhere near that Prestige here is rabid dog absolute garbage the dude enhanced his teeth and tried to bite people and they got surprised when it didn't work oh my shitty idea didn't work no no where did I go wrong still at least he tried to use his Affinity so let's smack rabbit dog with a big fat detail and then continuing our journey into the animal kingdom here is a strange rabbit ant bird remote is another tricky one because you know he's powerful but nowhere near world class powerful and he's dumb like really dumb but you know not she too dumb so it's it's really difficult to see where he sits I guess in the end Vermont is the epitome of the word mid as is his nenues and so he's going to slot into the mid-tier of B but you know there is someone who could only dream of a bee and his name is orangey we are going to deal with him swiftly all he's done so far is enhanced copy of weekly Shonen Jump so couldn't even get the words out and that's how disappointed I am in him and the same goes for fellow Haley member tevolares until proven otherwise D both of you also as recording this I realized my hypocrisy of putting dog man in sea but those indeed but in my defense he is a dog man and that automatically makes him better on all fronts but for someone slightly more proven and I only mean slightly here is Wang an assistant Master of the shingenriyu school of kung fu who trained gone in kilua who were also trained by biskey who also trained Wings nice little training triangle they have going on there but Wing himself is a largely unknown quantity however given his pedigree is a classically trained nen boy under bisky I wouldn't be surprised if he turned out to be an a however that is a little bit too speculative given the almost nothing we've seen from wing and the almost no achievements we've heard about him so until he actually does something I'm going to go with a bit of a safe B now for everybody's favorite enhancer it's Tron yeah the guy from the game called Hunter Hunter each one's determination an exclusive title for the Wonder Swan color an ill-fated competitor to the Game Boy that only sold 3.5 million units I mean that is that's how old Hunter Hunter is it has a title for the Wonder Swan color with that said Tron himself is a bit of a boss I mean quite literally in the game he serves as a boss but in the game not only does he One-Shot karapika but he also agreed to train karampika although his greatest achievement definitely comes when he convinces krapika to wear this very pretty dress as a party disguise and look as painfully non-canon as he is Tron is a guy to be taken very seriously within this particular Wonder Swan world but also not too seriously if he were to actually exist and to be clear none of the hunter hunter characters actually exist it's it's all fiction but if Tron were to exist in this particular Cannon fiction then I imagine he would be at least whatever Wings level is so he is going to be a solid B they're getting much more serious we arrive at uvagin a man who is typically thought of as the ultimate traditional enhancer big punches big body big body count and even a big brain albeit mostly empty but still like it like a physically big brain and duvagin is an obvious easy s tier although honestly he almost this makes everyone in the St look a little bit banned by comparison so let it be known that uvagin is at the very least the Undisputed punch king of s tier however we have one last enhancer left to rank and he has the potential to be the most powerful enhancer of all but it is a ho and therefore he is not zeppo sucks I mean to put this guy into some perspective kilowa said that he could have beaten zeho without using them that's how good zecho was not very so into the D you go and that is every enhancer in Hunter Hunter ranked arbitrarily by a man on the internet
Channel: NewWorldReview
Views: 300,856
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: newworldreview
Id: tCGv9q0EW98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 20 2023
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