My Hero Academia's STRONGEST Quirks RANKED and EXPLAINED

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powers in anime they're as iconic as the characters or the battles that make an anime interesting sure you can give me an interesting character with Incredible character development and a cool design but if the powers that they use aren't that interesting it's going to be hard for me to stay interested in said anime which is why for an aspiring mangaka the creation of a power system that pulls people in and keeps them there is essential in fact if I were to give any advice for anybody trying to write a battle Shonen right now I would say start with the power system identify how the powers in the universe are gonna work make it make sense figure out different ways the powers can be used in unique and interesting ways and then build characters around the powers that you've created make characters personifications of the powers that they use and then and only then begin building a plot because if you sit down and think about the most popular any manga in the world right now every single one of them has a very interesting and very different power system Black Clover has magic which is incredibly standard so far as a power system goes but Asta has anti-magic he works as a wrench in the Cog that is a traditional power system Naruto has chakra which seems incredibly magic adjacent because it is however Naruto also introduced things like dojutsu Keke genkai Sage modes and tailed beasts to differentiate themselves from a traditional magic power system it's really the best example of a power system being complex and gorgeous and well-rounded out and thus making the anime in the manga substantially more interesting is jjk with cursed energy as cursed energy on its surface level might seem like chakra or magic but is actually incredibly unique and while some people might compare cursed energy to ryatsu from Bleach there are many key and substantial power there are many key in substantial differences between bleach's power system and jjks by Far and Away one of the best ways that you can introduce diversity into your power system is by not having a technical power system see what basically everything in Naruto revolves around chakra and everything in jjk revolves around cursed energy there are other anime and manga out there that don't have what would call a traditional power system that is to say that they don't have a unit in which their power is measured but this is actually incredibly common in Western media because the Power Systems that I'm talking about right now are Power Systems where those who have powers simply have just that powers they don't have elemental releases they don't have innate techniques they either have super powers or what we're going to be talking about today quirks see because the beauty of having a power system that isn't really a power system is that every single individual can have a unique and interesting power that doesn't have to be based off some president that they had to do this in order to achieve this through the incredibly easy hand waving motion of saying they have this ability because they were born with it and they got really good with this ability because they trained in it you can introduce an individual ability to any member of your universe and because that universe is like my hero Academia have some of the widest rosters of interesting and different abilities while some people's quirks Manifest this purely offensive weapons of mass destruction like hell flame other people's quirks manifest as tools of the greater good like heal girls healing ability and there doesn't have to be some convoluted explanation of how heel girl is able to heal but Endeavor is able to Burr because at the end of the day 80 of the population are born with quirks that tie into their genetics but because the Arsenal of techniques used in my hero Academia is so vast and wide reaching it's genuinely hard to sit down and say what the most powerful quirks are because on one hand if you are in a battle against somebody else who's incredibly strong all for one would be super helpful what if you just took a shotgun shell a bird shot to the chest You're Gonna Want recovery girls Quirk and therefore today we're not going to be talking about best quirks or most useful quirks but quirks that punch you the hardest yes that's right because today ladies and gentlemen we're talking the top 10 strongest quirks in mha ranked in explained but before I get to ranking or explaining anything guys please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that Noti Bell and if you love the idea of me talking about mha or any of your favorite animal guys you're gonna love my anime podcast we talk is anonymous where me and Danny ma to break down everything happen in anime this week it's available on YouTube Spotify and apple podcasts and if you want to show off the high level of weeb that you are because I mean let's be real you are you're watching this video you should check out my merch store where I've curated some of the most incredible anime t-shirts sweatshirts and sticker packs known to man so before we get into our top 10 here I do have to do an honorable mention compiling the list of the top 10 strongest quirks was really hard because of the way the things are currently going in the manga it being the Last Arc of mha a lot of characters are displaying levels of strength that we never dreamed possible for them that is to say that a lot of quirks that we believed were so so a couple of months ago have been proven to be some of the strongest quirks out there and therefore if you're not a manga reader this list might have a couple of surprises for you the first of which is probably gonna be our honorable mention because our honorable mention is gonna be himiko togas transform see while in the anime for a long time himikotoka seemed like kind of a joke character she seemed like by Far and Away the weakest member of the league of villains a blood-crazed character whose entire ability revolved around her stealing the blood of people she loves and transforming into them however as time progressed in toga's Quirk evolved we realized she was a legitimate Contender see this is because in the early days of Togo's Quirk she was able to transform into somebody whose blood she stole and not only could she become their physical look-alike but also gained their voice making her an incredibly powerful stealth agent and while this Quirk was powerful it was dictated on the fact that Togan needed the blood of the person she was trying to transform into so there's a lot of prep work for her to pull off her quirk in the first place though that being said if Togo acquires a cup of the person whose blood she wants she's able to maintain that transformation for up to 18 hours not to mention if she consumes the blood of multiple people simultaneously she can switch between her Transformations once again pretty powerful but more of a reconnaissance assassination work then an overall outright power Quirk however in the battle against curious in a bunch of his subordinates toga underwent in Awakening which gave her the ability to use the quirks of the people she transformed into however it's not like she can take anybody's blood and get their Quirk she needs to be in love with the person whose blood she's consuming and those people like kuchaku or Jin also known as twice upon consuming their blood Togo would be able to use their Quirk which is powerful but also isn't all that powerful you see the thing is this ability is as powerful as you make it and the reason that it's depicted to be so powerful in the manga is because Jin and Togo were close however if Jin and toga weren't close toga wouldn't have been able to use Sad Man's parade however because Toca was able to use Sad Man's parade she was able to mash it with her own transformability creating a new move known as Sad Man's Legion where instead of just making a bunch of twices she was using the blood that she stole from a bunch of heroes and villains able to turn a lot of twice's duplicates into lookalikes of heroes and villains creating a mass panic in confusion so toga's kind of in a weird spot well the application of her Quirk did allow her to be one of the most powerful people on Earth for a little bit Not only was that incredibly temporary because obviously there's no more of twice's blood to get but also it was stipulated on the fact that together loved Jin and while obviously toga has affection for a lot of people only being able to replicate the quirks of the people who you love is kind of a big detractor but because I obviously can't deny the level of strength she had in the last couple of chapters she's gonna be our honorable mention now we can get on to our list coming in in last place also known as 10th is dark shadow now this might be another one that's a slight surprise to anime only Watchers fumakage tokiyami's Quirk has always been seen as powerful but not in the highest Echelon of strike it seems pretty widely agreed upon that tokiyami is in the top five strongest characters in class 1a and genuinely I'd actually be willing to give him top three but since tokyami does kind of exist in the shadows of class 1a all puns intended he and his Quirk really don't get as much credit as their due to tokiyami's court allows him to manifest a sentient Shadow however as because Dark Shadow is a sentient Shadow it's weaker in the light and stronger in night now the problem the tokiyami faces is the fact that the stronger that dark shadow gets the harder it is to control which means that the darker it gets the stronger the dark shadow gets but the less control the tokiyami has over it however tokuyami has committed himself to training in complete darkness upon training in complete darkness in a cave tokyami was able to manifest Dark Shadow in complete darkness at the same size and control that it would be if it were daytime however tokiyami soon realized that light and darkness weren't the only things that dictated the strength and control that he had over Dark Shadow as his emotions also very much play into it therefore the angrier that tokiyami is the stronger the dark shadow gets but the less control he has over it natokiyami uses Dark Shadow in a couple of different ways the first of which is black abyss or tokyami equipped Dark Shadow to his own body and essentially wears Dark Shadow like a suit of armor that mitigates his close range weakness because Dark Shadow is usually extended from tokoyami's body he's a mid-range to long-range fighter but with black abyss equipped he's able to use dark shadow in close quarter combat outside of this is also black Fallen Angel where tokiyami rests upon Dark Shadow and Dark Shadow uses its levitation ability to allow tokiyami to fly now for a long time when tokiyami summoned Dark Shadow in complete darkness it activated a thing known as Ragnarok and this technique was so powerful it was able to go head to head against the likes of rodestro one of the strongest villains in my hero academia's history however much more recently than that we got to see the true extent of tokiyami's abilities as he used a new dark shadow technique known as total release with this technique tokiyami charges the darkest of Dark Shadow with multiple sources of darkness and then releases the entirety of dark shadow at an opponent this is used in conjunction with his black best to make a truly bafflingly strong version of black abyss and through the usage of this ability tokiyami all but briefly was able to go toe-to-toe with the likes of a Peak form all for one and if you can knock back all for one or go toe-to-toe with him for even a small amount of time through the power of your Quirk it's gonna be on the list but enough about characters that were instrumental in the battle against all for one what about characters that were instrumental in the battle against the other all for one there's two now all for two because coming in at number nine we have nitomanoma's ability copy the power of this Quirk speaks for itself and wabanoma does have some pretty impressive Feats and is incredibly useful in the battle against the likes of shigaraki and all for one there has been no moment where minoma has gone dough to toe against the likes of shikarak he's more a support character but how does his copy Quirk work well you know how toga has the ability to take somebody's blood and get their Quirk if she loves them enough yeah manoman just has that Quirk but way better monoma is able to copy The Quirk of anybody he comes into physical contact with and listen I know what you're saying oh but only being able to copy one Quirk of a person you're touching isn't all that strong it absolutely is too many consider the fact that manoma can hold on to four quirks at once and after touching that person whose quirky wants the copy he gets to hold on to that Quirk for 10 minutes which may not seem like a lot of time but if you've ever been in a fight you'll know they don't last longer than 10 minutes 10 minutes is more than enough time to have a quirk copied now after these 10 minutes run out manoma loses The Quirk but he can just get the Quirk back by touching the person who The Quirk belonged to originally again now there is some drawbacks to this ability manoma isn't able to use multiple quirks at once so while he can have access to four quirks at once he has to cycle through these quirks which is still more than 99.99 nine percent of people in the mh8 universe can do two we can't copy or can't use quirks that require a previously gathered resource so let's say hypothetically he tries to copy fat gum's absorption ability because monoma isn't fat gum and therefore isn't massive and doesn't have the body fat to use absorption this Quirk means nothing to him the same can be said for once raw because it's a stockpiling Quirk but even if you could copy one for all he couldn't use it because his body isn't strong enough to be able to hold it so he'd be like Deku breaking his arm or his fingers every time he used it but still being able to hold on to four quirks for 10 minutes at a time is broken especially when you consider the fact that if he just maintains constant contact with somebody he can have their Quirk forever which is why he was so important in the battle against Chico Rocky because with isawa kind of down and out all Manoa had to do was hold on to izawa and now he has Erasure forever or until at least 10 minutes after he lets go of isawa and this can be applied to anybody it is broken Quirk it's like having a showering gun in the mha universe but after talking about people with multiple quirks that brings us to our number eight entry on this list because coming in at number eight is todoroki's half cold half hot yeah I know this is one Quark just split into two elements not two separate quirks now for as long as we've known todoroku we've known that this Quirk is incredibly powerful as Todoroki appears to be the only person on Earth who's able to control two separate elements and this because his father Endeavor purposely married an ice user to create a designer Quirk baby and Todoroki is exactly that Designer Quirk baby a child with the ability to not only control endeavor's Flames but his mother's ice now the reason that this Quirk is so powerful is because using hell Flame or any ice Court can lead to the damaging of your body if you overuse hellflame you can get heat stroke but if you overuse it ice cork you can get frostbite however if you were able to use ice and Flame simultaneously your body would maintain equilibrium thus giving you much greater stamina than a straight up fire user or a straight up ice user while also giving you the capacity to use both of these elements at their highest levels and show truly does do this when it comes to ice users in mha shodo is able to generate as much ice as anybody else being able to cover entire city blocks in ice also having the ability to generate entire walls of fire but the amount of fire the Shoto is able to generate wasn't the only way they upgraded his Fireside see Shoto once he got closer to Endeavor embraced the fire ability passed down by Endeavor and learned how to use flash fire fist which constitutes increasing the temperature of Your Flames to a white hot melting point and the shot I was able to use pretty much all of endeavor's abilities see they hell spider which has him shooting concentrated blastifier out of the tips of his fingers or jet kindling which has him concentrating all of his Flames into a fist that he delivers into an opponent's chest and upon coming into contact with an opponent it fires a massive burst of flame that severely Burns said opponent bashoto has actually taken his Quirk one step further than even Endeavor as Shoto in order to battle against his brother's incredibly hot flames created a new technique known as phosphor this technique requires show toad to merge both of his quirks together inside of his body and this technique makes cold fire said to be able to extinguish even the hottest of flames and thus with the creation of this new ability Todoroki is able to battle against Dobby on somewhat even footage in fact the Dobby is probably the strongest fire user in the history of mha that's saying something but none of that means anything in the face of Barton next Quirk because arming in at number seven is isawa's quirk Erasure see much of the same capacity that osta having anti-magic in the Black Clover Universe makes him incredibly powerful because he lives in a universe where anybody of any meaningful fighting capacity is heavily reliant on their magic so when you introduce somebody who's able to take away that magic you get a very powerful Foe and that is exactly what izawa is in the mha universe in a world where all of the most powerful Fighters are heavily reliant on their quirks izawa has the ability to take away said quirks however unlike ASA who has to come into physical contact with the magic he's trying to negate with his anti-magic izawa simply needs to see somebody therefore anybody within isawa's sight is subject to their Quirk being erased and this applies to anybody of the highest caliber of strength even the likes of all for one meaning that izawa and his Quirk are absolutely vital in battles against shigaraki and all for one however that doesn't mean that izawa's Quirk doesn't have some weaknesses as The Quirk is nullified whenever izawa blinks and using the Quirk gives him severe dry eye and outside of that technically eraser has no offensive ability which is why Ozawa has had to teach himself how to use the raps he wears around his neck because while he can erase somebody's Quirk they can still punch him in the face on top of this if a quirk is a heteromorph type Quirk they can't really be nullified it's not like izawa can nullify the usage of a tail not to max out the usage of this Quirk is heavily reliant on izawa's eyes so if one or both of his eyes are destroyed The Quirk is basically gone but still being able to erase the quirks of anybody you see is very broken especially when you consider the fact that all you need to use it continuously is a guy whose entire purpose in life is to spray your eyeballs with water imagine being that guy having an objectively useless Quirk and getting the call like hey we need you in the battle against the strongest person on earth oh what am I doing moistening a guy's eyes okay yeah I'll be there but enough about isawa let's talk about his adoptive daughter because coming in at number six we have Aries rewind listen there's a reason that overhaul dedicated basically his entire life to using Aries quirk in any way that's him that's because Aries Quirk is objectively insane see in premise Aries cork sounds somewhat simple it allows her to reverse a living individual's body back to a previous state so a lot of people tend to think oh okay cool so let's say hypothetically he gets slashed across the chest with a knife she can make the chest slash go away but it's a lot more than that within the capacity of Aries Quirk is technically immortality see Harry can not only heal people's bodies but also undo body modifications and make people physically younger but Aries core can go one step further than this Arie accidentally used her Quirk on her father and since she wasn't in control of her Quirk at this time she used her Quirk on her father so effectively that she returned him to a state where he didn't exist because prior to us being children or embryos we straight up did not exist we all have a previous state of non-existence which means not only does Arie have the ability to heal you and make you younger but also the ability to make you stop existing but Aries Quirk only works on living things it's not inanimate objects or concepts it's Alexi can reverse time and thus it's kind of hard to trade because how many people need their bodies reversed also we learned that her cork is an accumulation type Quirk and the strength of her Quirk is tied to the length of her horn which gets longer with the more time that she hasn't used her Quirk so the longer that her horn is the more of her Quirk she's able to use and at a higher level but even with with all of these stipulations in mind Aries Quirk is still insanely broken for not only being the perfect healing Quirk but also having the possibility to erase anybody from existence it's undeniably powerful it's therefore it's getting our number six spot but unfortunately we're talking about raw offensive ability rewinds just doesn't live up to the strength of this next Quirk because coming in at number five we have shigaraki's Decay now technically shigaraki's got a whole lot of quirks but Decay is The Quirk that he started with and so far as quirks go well it started out relatively weak I mean not that week it was still pretty strong back in the day it has now become a monster of a quirk see shigaraki's Decay allowed him to disintegrate anything that he touched with all five of his fingers which is why shigarak is usually wearing gloves but when he takes the gloves off things get serious now upon shigaraki touching something like let's say my palm the Decay would begin to spread throughout my body so in order to make sure that the entirety of my body didn't disintegrate I would have to amputate my arm before the disintegration got to the rest of me but shigaraki has taken the concept of his Decay spreading to a whole new level Chicago is now not only able to disintegrate somebody's body by touching a certain part of them but also able to spread his disintegration through entire groups of people or through entire cities seeing shigaraki's battle against radastro his Quirk underwent a Reawakening where he was now able to activate his Decay with less than five fingers only needing two against rodestro and also allow his decade to spread between objects touching the things that he's decaying so if hypothetically shikaraki were to use Decay on my floor if I was touching my floor I would also Decay and shikaraki uses this newly awakened Quirk to basically destroy the entirety of daika City however after the surgery that made him all for two simply by applying his Decay with one good hand down to the ground he was able to destroy a third of jakku City and now anybody hit with anything that is decaying is enough to kill a person so that is to save hypothetically shigraki were to Decay a baseball and Chuck it into your chest the Decay would spread to you and you would die what's scarier than this though is that now shigaraki has the ability to choose what's the Cade and what isn't see if I'm on shigaraki's side and he's decaying the house around me he can choose actively to not Decay me but if there was 20 enemies inside of my house that he did want to Decay he would Decay there and that's terrifying but not as scary as an army of bipolar sociopaths because coming in at number four is Jin's double now jyn also known as villain name twice is a member of the league of villains and he was a lot of people's favorite member of the league of villains because he's funny and Goofy and he loves toga and he's friends with Hawks but then Hawks Cuts him down but the reason that Hawks cut him down is because jyn was one of the most dangerous people on the planet see Jen has a somewhat simple Quirk see Jin can create an exact duplicate of anything be it living or not however in order to duplicate said thing he had to understand its exact dimensions and characteristics however jyn is limited to two duplications at a time so not that powerful right wrong see if Jen understands a person their Dimensions their width their size and their abilities he can recreate that person it doesn't just recreate that person's likeness he also recreates that person's personality and abilities that is to say since Jin understood shikaraki he could make another Rocky and while the shigaraki that he would create wouldn't have the same level of durability as the original shikaraki because it would be a double that clone jigaraki would still be able to destroy a third of jakku City by putting his hand on the ground but don't worry Nick he's only able to make two shigarakis that's not awful except that's also not true CS jyn is only able to make two duplicates if jyn makes a duplicate of himself since he knows himself his Dimension his abilities his personality the duplicate that he makes also has the ability to make two duplicates and so on in so forth leading to an infinite source of duplicates all with the abilities personalities and memories of the original meaning that Jin could hypothetically for an infinite amount of time make one copy of himself one copy of shigaraki and just make an infinite number of himself and shigaraki to make an army of Unstoppable power now the reason that Jin didn't do this for a large amount of time is because one time he made a bunch of clones but because all of them have the same memories abilities and appearances Jin lost track of who the original was in Who The Fakes were which led to him having to kill every single one of his clones but he got over this and that was a problem which led to Jin being able to use techniques like Sad Man's Parade Where Jin simply made an infinitely multiplying amount of himself and since there is no limit to how many of him he can make this means that Jin could very easily overwhelm entire countries or the entire world with next to no effort and that's with just doubles of himself never mind if he's throwing other people in there with incredibly powerful quirks why have the ability to create something in order for it to destroy something when he can just control creation and destruction simultaneously because coming in at number three we have Kai Chi sake's overhaul this technique is absolutely broken and probably should have shown up a little bit later in the manga however its power was so daunting that almost the entirety of the hero Society in Japan had to come together to battle against it it's the overall gives shisaki the ability to disassemble and reassemble all matter basically meaning shisaki's overhaul ability gives him complete and 100 control over matter period simply by laying his hands on somebody he can dissemble their entire body shattering them into a million pieces or if they've been bisected down the middle by an enemy he can reassemble their body to snap them back together but the squirk doesn't only apply to humans shisaki has the ability to manipulate all matter inorganic or organic it could take my floor and turn it into a tree what's crazier than this is that shiitake can also use his ability to merge his body with other people's bodies and the more people that shisaki merges with the more quirks he acquires because upon merging with somebody else's body he gets their Quirk which is it matter and with a little bit more legwork not to mention he's obviously very much able to use his Quirk on himself so if he's to incur an injury he can simply just heal it and the only reason that shisaki lost is because the entirety of the hero Association and the league of villains teamed up against him and the overall Brokenness of Aries cork rewind as rewind kind of acts as a straight counter to overhaul however without the likes of Arie there's no chance kaichi saki would have lost to really anyone except for probably all for one really the only true weakness to overhaul as a quirk is that without his arms he can't use it as The Quirk is activated in his arms just like how aizawa's Quirk is activated in his eyes but if he were to be healed through something like oh I don't know rewind gets The Quirk back but unfortunately for chisaki he wasn't the main character or even the final villain and thus his Quirk only gets to be in the top three because coming in at number two to no one's surprise is one for all one for all is obviously The Quirk the entirety of mha is built around and nine people throughout the history of mha have wielded it with Deku being the ninth and final wielder see obviously one for all was transferred to daku by all might in this quark I was that good of stockpile massive amounts of power to unleash in key moments making Deku one of the strongest fastest most agile and durable people in all of mha pateka wasn't the first person to be impressive with this Quirk obviously toshinoriyagi also known as Alma uses Quirk for over four decades and was so powerful with this corki was able to defeat the likes of all for one however there's some key differences between all might and Deku and that is the size let's see when Deku first inherited one for all he wasn't able to use it at 100 capacity as anytime Deku wanted to use his Quirk at 100 capacity it would shatter the bones in his body however as Deku trained to became more and more familiar with his Quirk he got to use it at a higher and higher level of capacity where now in the manga he's able to handle it at 45 capacity without breaking his bones however Deku has found ways to reach a pseudo 100 capacity sydeco is the first user of one for all to use its true stockpiling ability see what all the previous wheelers of one for all didn't realize is that the quirks that they had while also having one for all were being passed along with the quirk in actuality well everybody thought that the first wielder of one for all all for one's brother didn't have a quirk he actually had a stockpiling Quirk which allowed for every single person who got one for all down the line to add their Quirk to the greater Consciousness that is well one for all which is why on top of one for all Deku now has access to six quirks which mind you is all the quirks he'll get because the first wielder of one for all had the stockpiling Quirk and all might was corkless just like Deca leaving six wielders of one for all who had quirks on top of having one for all these six abilities are float which gives Deku the ability to float smoke screen which gives Deco the ability to make a smoke screen black whip which allows Deku to generate black tendrils from his hands that he can use to swing around like Spider-Man or grab onto people or objects dangerous ants which essentially gives him a sixth sense about incoming danger and the ability to ascertain how powerful an enemy is spot Jane which gives Deku the ability to operate like one of those old BB guns whereby repeatedly doing a motion over over and over and over again he can store energy in the part of his body doing set motion and then unleash that energy whenever he wants and with the power of farjin and a 45 capacity of one for all Deco is able to achieve a pseudo 100 as the energy released by Fall Jin covers that other 55 percent that Deku can't access yet but Deku is also able to go over this pseudo 100 with the last Quirk he manifested gear shift this technique allows Deku to change the speed or velocity of anything he touches including himself which gives him the ability to either massively increase his speed or the speed of his opponent now Deku usually uses this to make himself faster and therefore increase the power of His strikes and therefore while it sounds incredibly powerful unfortunately has a large amount of drawbacks see because while the original user of this meta ability was only able to use it on small objects because the Quirk is bid with it all for one for so long it's now able to be used on basically anything but because of this it puts a massive strain on deku's body making him borderline unable to move after five minutes of usage because the usage of this technique has Deku operating in a state where he's not getting enough oxygen therefore after using this technique for five minutes his body will be completely deoxygenated with the power of gear shift Deku is able to do things like break the sound barrier or reject the laws of inertia that is to say that Deku while he's flying at you at 700 miles an hour can stop himself mid-air and Dodge your punch all of this while accessing a hundred and twenty percent of one for all it is truly his ultimate move and also kind of a direct rip from one piece but whatever inspiration so Nick if one for all is at number two what possibly could be at number one yes that's right you guessed it Windex spray bottle head guy sure we don't get to see a lot from Windex spray bottle head guy but what we did get to see from him is that he can indeed spray things from his head and what more could you ask for than that now obviously it's all for one genuinely what do I need to say about all for one that hasn't already been said it's a quirk that allows all for one to steal the quirks of people leaving them quirkless but it also grants him the ability to give people quirks giving him complete and total Mastery over everybody's quirks on Earth and not only does he have the ability to swap people's quirks out as he sees fit he also has the ability to give one person multiple quirks which is kind of a curse because your body isn't supposed to maintain multiple quirks and basically every single Quirk you get added over one knocks down your IQ by about 30 points however just because he can steal a quirk doesn't mean that he steals a quarks proficiency that is to say that if he steals a quirk that's hard to use he can't use it at the level that the person he stole it from was able to use it on top of this all for one is realized that he's not able to steal quirks of the newer generation as quirks have evolved as the generation have gone on which is why he went to Dr karaki to transfer his Consciousness to a younger body and that younger body was tamarashikaraki all for one has to do to steal a quirk is get a hand audio now it's usually getting a hand on your face but we don't know if that's a prerequisite the offer one also went to Dr garaki for more than just trying to find a young supple body to get on in because of the Damage Done to him by all my in their battle his body can only sustain so many quirks putting a limit on what used to be borderline Limitless but it's still like a lot of quirks which in their use individually or one after another or in combination with each other kind of like sun eater's ability to manifest individual abilities based off the multiple different kinds of things he ate however in all for one circumstance it's just mashing a bunch of quirks together in order to get the most effective Quirk possible so how many quirks does he have like over 30 he has and I'm gonna have to read them search warping air cannon spring-like limbs rivet step Force Quirk activation impact recoil multiplier hypertrophy rivet spear-like bones kinetic booster Braun boost infrared life force radio waves hard flame fan Fierce Wings impure beam dark ball and then a bunch of more unnamed ones that just do crazy things like his unnamed glue Quirk or his unnamed spatial Distortion Quirk now I would love to sit here and go over what every single one of those quirks does that can and probably will be its own video especially when you consider the fact that on a week by week basis everything about all for one is pretty much changing so once this final Arc in the manga is done I'll do a big comprehensive Deep dive into all things all for one but for the moment you get he's got a lot of quirks and therefore he's strongest and yeah sure will Deku and all might win in the end into a one for all Prevail over all for one absolutely but they wouldn't win in a one-on-one fight I mean sure all might has one in a one-on-one fight we also know who won against wielders have won for all for like a century before all might came around all for one he's got a big lead in the win column and let's not sit here and act like Deku is battling against shigaraki or people are battling against all for one and straight up one-on-ones all for one is stronger than one for all that's the problem but the power of friendship will prevail what do you guys think if you had to make a list of the top 10 strong is quirks in mha what would it look like tell me in the comments below and why you guys are down there please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that naughty Bell just like scrolling my own page and I was like I haven't made a video about mha in six months time to get back on that horse foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Weeb Commander
Views: 236,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, anime explained, nchammer23, weeb commander, manga explained, manga, mha, my hero academia, boku no hero, mha explained, my hero academia explained, boku no hero explained, quirks explained
Id: Qnmx06aUKT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 38sec (1958 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2023
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