Everything You NEED To Know About Bleach Before TYBW!!

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okay it's come to my attention that there's a lot of people out there who want to watch Thousand-Year blood work the final Arc of bleach but a lot of these people who want to watch thousand year blood work don't want to watch the first part of bleach and by the first part of bleach I mean the first two thirds of bleach because thousand year blood work is about 200 chapters chapters 480-68 while the rest of bleach is obviously those first 480 chapters but if you want to watch those in your blood work and you haven't seen or read the first 480 chapters you are going to be so lost as somebody who has read the Manga cover to cover even I get lost sometimes bleach is dense and not in a bad way it just has an incredibly fleshed out power system with a lot of really fake sounding words and while we've technically done a video on spiritual power explained that far from covers all the things you need to know before you start Thousand-Year blood War so for those of you who want to see Thousand-Year blood War but haven't seen the rest of bleach this video is for you but it's not only just for you it's also for people who haven't consumed bleach since 2014. or possibly even before then this video is to serve as a guide and or a refresher for those of you returning to bleach for its final Arc but before we get to guiding or refreshing guys please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that notification oh God where do we even start there's a lot of things we need to cover we need to talk about the races within bleach there are certain powers their motivations who protects who who attacks who what Hollows are what the Power Systems are how did we get to the Thousand Year blood work why are the Quincy's pissed we have a lot of things to get into so let's start this video the way that we tend to start these videos off at the beginning and while the beginning could be like hundreds of different places because technically the bleach timeline is thousands of years old we're gonna focus on Ichigo because that's what bleach focuses on and as Ichigo encounters certain time periods being explained to them I'll explain them to you Ichigo was born to ishin in my sake he is the oldest of three children with two younger sisters and he was born Predator naturally strong but he wasn't only born Predator naturally strong he was also born with a certain ability an ability that allowed him to him now what is a plus well a plus is essentially a benign human soul a ghost now these ghosts come in two forms those who still have their chain of Fate attached in those who have had their chain of Fate sever now a chain of Fate is a chain that connects a ghost to its physical body if a ghost still has its chain of Fate connected to its physical body that ghost can at some point return to its body and continue to be a human however should that chain of Fate become severed that plus can never return to their body and they are officially like dead dead there's things that can reverse this but we're not getting into that yet now in order for a plus indoor's soul to move on to canonical Heaven canonical heaven in Bleach is referred to as the soul Society a Shinigami also known as a god of death also known as a soul Reaper has to come to the plus and perform something called akansu akansu is basically just a ritual performed with the butt of a shinigami's sword to send a plus to the soul Society but the problem is after a plus has its chain of Fate severed that chain will slowly erode and should that chain erode completely the plus will become a hollow a hollow is a plus and or a soul that has lost its heart because the chain of Fate is connected to the heart of Every Soul follows for the large part have no sentience they are creatures of pure Instinct a hollow's heart erodes and becomes the mask that it wears on its face which is why the only way to kill a hollow is to destroy its mask the problem is Ichigo could see pluses so well he couldn't differentiate ghosts from humans which is why when Ichigo was nine years old and he was walking home with his mother he saw a girl on a bridge and he thought she was about to jump thinking she was a human he ran to help her only to find out that when he got there she was a ghost but she was more than just a ghost she was technically a lore an intelligent Hollow called the Grand Fisher used this ghost girl as a lore to pull people in before Ichigo could be snatched up into the grand Fishers trap he was grabbed by his mother masaki and it's at that point that he went unconscious and when he came to his mother's dead body was on top of him this fleuchi go into a despair as he would often return to the riverbank where his mother died and look for her soul a couple of years later Ichigo enrolled in high school where he was often bullied or picked on for the weird color of his hair this led him to getting into a lot of fights with thugs which is actually where he met one of his closest friends Chad also known as Sada Sada was a monstrously large high schooler with latino blood so people often picked fights with him because of the color of his skin or his size and since they were both often pitted against thugs they have each other's back in fight against thugs in the future but that's enough backstory let's get into Ichigo becoming a Shinigami oh wait also ichigo's father ishin is a doctor and one day an injured boy was brought to their Clinic their Clinic which exists in the bottom level of ichigo's house however the boy was incredibly injured so while ishin could do was call an ambulance but the boy died before the ambulance got there but the boy was brought there by his little sister his little sister who would turn out to be Orihime or Hime is also an incredibly important person to the plot line she's widely considered best girl and she's ichigo's love interest so thus far we have Chad in orahime now we can talk about Ichigo becoming a Shinigami one night Ichigo sees a bunch of skateboarders defiling the place of rest for a little girl so Ichigo goes to shoe off the skateboarder so the little girl can rest in peace however as he's showing off the skateboarders he sees somebody in his bedroom that person is Rukia rookie akuchi Ichigo quickly realizes that he's the only person who can see Rukia in his house and thus that leads him to believe that she's just the ghost however since Rukia sees that Ichigo can see her she explains that she's a Shinigami a soul Reaper the people responsible for killing Hollows and performing contou on pluses but Ichigo doesn't believe her and tells her to get out of his house and it's at this point that Rukia binds Ichigo with a little thing called keto keto is like Soul Reaper magic and it falls into three classifications bakudo Hado and kaido now I could do an entire video about keto but basically all you need to know about bakado Hado and kaido is that they are binding destruction and healing spells and that their number and that the higher number you use the harder it is to pull off said keto so using hotter number three would be significantly easier than using hotto 93. once again I'll say bakuto is binding Hado is destruction and kaido is healing so the keto that Rukia uses on Ichigo binds him so what kind of Keto was that bakuda but after Rukia uses his bakado on Ichigo a hollow breaks into their house and upon hearing his little sister scream in fear because mind you they can't see the hollow they just see their house exploding Ichigo breaks the bakudo with sheer strength alone this impresses rookia because it's almost impossible to do but there's no time to be impressed because the hollow has taken ichiko's little sister as a captain and rookie needs help so rookia takes her zonpok toe which is the main weapon of a Shinigami and usually manifests as a blade and Pierce's you go with it to transfer half of her Shinigami power to Ichigo to make him a temporary Shinigami to help in the battle Ichigo with his raw strength in this new additional power easily dispatches the hollow however since Rukia gave half of her power to Ichigo she can't return to the soul society and since Rukia is in charge of protecting karakura town where Ichigo lives they now need a New Soul Reaper for that area and since Rukia can't return to the soul society and the Soul Society thinks she's fine because she's still alive they're not going to send any additional help to karukur attack and thus Ichigo has to pick up rookia slack so Ichigo and rookie are trained for a little bit to make Ichigo a strong enough Soul Reaper that he can protector rookia moves into his closet there's a whole training Arc and one of the first Hollows Ichigo ever has to fight turns out to be a kid named Sora or hime's older brother it's at this point that we find out that Hollows tend to haunt their family members because Hollows and pluses are tied to the Earth by things they feel are left undone in Sora or hime's older brother wanted to protect Orihime however as a hollow he was just basically battled it out until eventually Sora gains Consciousness by biting oruhime when she jumps in front of Ichigo and it's that point that Sora allows himself to be purified using ichiko's unpakta and since he was purified with his unpock doe he gets to go to the soul Society yay Rukia then wipes orihime's memory of the entire event like she did with ichigo's little sisters because Soul Reapers can do that and Ichigo gets to go back to a somewhat normal life of a high school student but here's the thing not all Hollows get to go to the soul Society if a hollow has been particularly evil in their hollow life or were particularly evil in their human life a soul Reaper can send them to Hell which is it's just what it sounds like oh this is a good time to mention by the way that in order for Ichigo to fulfill the duties of a substitute Shinigami his soul has to be separated from his body rookia who's a soul Reaper can separate a soul from a body and therefore she does that for Ichigo but while ichigo's body is separated from his soul his body's just slumped I'm bringing this up because rookie acquires Ichigo a geekon which is like an artificial soul that takes the place of your soul in your body to make sure that nobody's suspicious of you while you're running around defeating Hollows it's like a placeholder this placeholder soul is supposed to act like you so nobody comes suspicious however rookia didn't acquire a geek on she acquired a mod Soul which is a geek con that's been modified to be stronger smarter or faster in certain areas problem is ichigo's mad Soul wants sentience and also the model wants to fight Hollows the only problem is the mod soul is fighting Hollows in ichigo's physical body so after chasing down the mod Soul Ichigo gets the mod soul out of his body he retakes over his body they then put the mod soul in a stuffed I think he's a lion and that mod soul is forever known as cone is cone the most important character in this show some will say yes I'm probably gonna have to say no though and now that Ichigo and Cone are friends Cohen gets to take over ichiko's body every time he gets separated from it to go fight Hollows smash cut to a couple days down the line ichigo's woken up by one of his sisters today is the anniversary of his mother's death and every year on the day of his mother's death Ichigo and the rest of his family go up to a grave to pay respects however this year rookie decides to along which is good because Ichigo detects the ryatsu of a hollow at his mother's grade now what is riyatsu well I have a whole video on it but we'll go over it quickly ryota is also known as spiritual pressure also known as the amount of ryoku somebody is leaking out of their body but what is ryoku well it's spiritual energy think chakra Mana magic any of those things ryoku is the lifeblood of a Shinigami or a hollow for that matter is what powers all abilities in the bleach universe ryatsu is the pressure of somebody's ryoku that is to say how intimidating their spiritual power might be and after following the spiritual pressure Rukia and Ichigo are faced with the grand Fisher kurukia reveals the Ichigo uses this spiritual little girl to lure out people with strong spiritual power so the hollow can eat them because only people with strong spiritual power would be able to see the little girl lore considering she was made of reishi which is the structural component of all things pertaining to the soul Society you know how humans are carbon-based life forms well Shinigami Hollow all of them they're created with reishi and only Shinigami Hollows in those humans with high spiritual power can see things made of reishi the thing is as Ichigo and Rukia go to attack the grand Fisher the grand Fisher changes the little girl into an image of ichigo's mother this is the grand Fisher's ability it's called transcribe because Ichigo doesn't want to attack his mother he stabbed through the chest and the grand Fisher Retreats rookia then uses kaido a type of Keto to fix this wound in ichigo's chest and then there's a bunch of things that happen with a character called Don kananji essentially bleach's Ghostbuster and like he can actually see ghosts and he makes a TV show about like haunted places and like exercising goes from areas but he has no idea what he's doing so he's just making the hollows worse but basically from those couple of episodes the most important thing we learned about is GB kurai also known as Earthbound Spirits they're essentially human spirits that aren't able to go to the soul Society because they have regrets tying them to the human world a bad investment a grudge a family member basically all you need to know is Don kenoji makes a couple of Hollows really bad Ichigo has to defeat them it's kind of a long and arduous battle at a hospital nobody finds out that he's a soul Reaper ping bang but here's the thing Don kanochi isn't the only person who can see spirits outside of Ichigo and Rukia because ichiko keeps running into the problem as he detects the New Hollow they're dead before he even gets there which leaves you to go to believe that there's another Soul Reaper in karakora town however this isn't the case the other person who can see souls in karakor town is or you Ishida also known as the last of the quincies sequencies also known as monks of Destruction were humans that were able to see Hollows and pluses these humans use reishi in the atmosphere to manifest things like bows or swords to kill Hollows however since Quincy's aren't Soul Reapers they can't send the souls of Hollows to either hell or the sole Society Quincy simply destroy Hollows you see this is a problem because if Souls aren't leaving Hollows and going to the soul Society there's an imbalance basically the soul Society in the human plane are a two-way Highway souls go into the soul society and souls go out of the Soul Society souls go out of the Soul Society in the form of newborn humans while Souls return to the soul Society in death the problem is if Hollows are completely destroyed their souls are also completely destroyed which means that Souls would only enter the human plane but not return to the soul society which would lead to an imbalance of Souls and if the imbalance in Souls becomes large enough the soul Society will begin to spill over essentially making the soul Society in the human plain one place but the problem is that would also combine the life in death because the soul Society represents since death will the human plane represents light but if you combined life and death both these worlds would collapse and thus the Shinigami begs the Quincy's to stop killing Hollows because you'll destroy the world sequencies didn't listen so the Shinigami killed all of them 200 years ago which is why or you is one of the last ones but because are you as a Quincy he hates Ichigo because Ichigo is a Shinigami the shinigamis kill all the quincies and because or you hates Ichigo he wants to battle Ichigo the way he goes about the battle is a bit non-conventional basically or you sets a bait trap that attracts a ton of Hollows or you says to Ichigo whoever defeats more Hollows in 24 hours wins the only problem is he dropped this bait in the middle of karakora town so all the hollows are probably going to kill a bunch of people but obviously attracting a ton of very powerful Hollows breaks down eventually and or you and Ichigo have to fight the hollows together it's at this point that Ichigo finds out that or you watched his Sensei die essentially or you in a Sensei who is his grandfather were on the run from Shinigami their entire lives and how even though Ishida Sensei his grandfather wanted to work with the Shinigami to fight the hollow the Shinigami wouldn't work with him and thus ishita's grandfather was killed in front of him and fighting off the hollows going relatively well until a Manos Grande shows up you see there's four different classifications for Hollows well there's technically three there's Gillian's at hookahs in vasto Lourdes and I'm gonna do a whole video on Hollows as well but for the purpose of this video all I need to know is Manos Grande is the weakest of the strongest types of Hollows cause menosgrande fall into the Gillian class and it goes Gillian at hookus vastalordes in terms of strength I said there was four different types of classification because technically everything under Gillian is its own classification but there's not a word for them and while technically they get the menosgrande to turn around and then they save attracting all those Hollows attracts The Eye Of the Soul Society who found out that Rukia has transferred her powers to Ichigo which is not allowed Soul Reaper's not allowed to give their power to humans and thus the sole Society sends a couple of lieutenants to get Rukia back and to kill the human who has received her powers the person who was sent is renji Abra a lieutenant of the 11th division of the gote 13. you see also Reaper are split into 13 divisions in all of these 13 divisions are led by a captain the captains are the strongest people in the entirety of the cerate the cerate is a place in the sole Society where Shinigami AKA Soul Reapers live lieutenants exist one step below the captain and the 11th division is considered the strongest division amongst the gote 13. arungi isn't the only person who was sent byaki yakuchi was also sent byakiyakuchi is the captain of the sixth Division and also Rookie's older brother ranji and piakya proceed to kick the ever-living [ __ ] out of Ichigo so much so that byakiya actually thinks Ichigo is just gonna die and therefore feels no need to finish him off and in this exchange biyaki has actually cut parts of ichigo's body that allow him to create ryok and thus by cutting these essentially vital organs Ichigo was no longer a soul Reaper Ichigo then loses Consciousness as rookie has taken away and it's at that point that he awakens in Aura Hara shot you see urahara is a former Soul Reaper and he now runs a shop in the human world where he can buy things that help you with soul stuff the geek on AKA mod sold at Rukia bought for Ichigo to that point that urhara reveals to Ichigo that Rukia is going to be killed in 10 days for the crime of giving him power oh wait no it's a month and that if Ichigo trains with uraha for 10 days he can give Ichigo the power to go through the soul society and get rookia back what is the training entail with urahara well essentially your heart takes you to go to a large training area under his shot where they separate Ichigo from his soul and sever his chain of Fate however since they severed his chain of Fate that means that his chain is slowly encroaching and if his chain of Fate fully encroaches that his corrodes completely Ichigo like so many humans before him will become a hollow it's at that point that urihara throws Ichigo into the bottom of a very steep pit he tells Ichigo he has 72 hours to climb out of that hole or he will turn into a hollow and they will kill him however Ichigo isn't able to get out of this hole in 72 hours and thus he begins the hollow five the thing is though usually a human's body will turn into a hollow and the last thing that will form will be the mass however Ichigo begins to form his mask first which according to urohara means he's resisting the transformation and this forces Ichigo to get forced into a different plane of existence at least mentally and as Ichigo enters into this different mental plane of existence he sees a man and the man says his name but Ichigo can't hear it and this man basically tells Ichigo to suck it up buttercup and use the reishi around him to form a zonpok toe that can break this Hollow mask and stop his holification so Ichigo figures that out finds the hilt to azonpto and then uses this broken sword to smash his holified mask but what does this mean Ichigo just got severed from his chain of fate in his chain of Fate fully encroached which means that Ichigo is now officially a Shinigami and is technically no longer human and since Ichigo is now a Shinigami he jumps out of the shack and goes to fight urahara who he's upset with is it that point that urahara reveals to Ichigo the next step in his training knocking the hat off the top of his head however Ichigo was severely outclass but you were horror and at that point the Ichigo remembers what renji said to him about his sword renji when he was kicking ichigo's ass asked him if he knew his zonpokto's name Ichigo had Justine orahara call out the name of his zonpok toe to create a shikai what is a shikai while most just looked like a sword right if you know the name of your zunpakto because all zanbakto are sentient and you call the name of your zonpok toe it will undergo a shikai or a transformation this can make your sword a whip or a giant ax or two swords to Ichigo as he runs from urahara is once again teleported to that different mental plane where the man was and it's at this point that it's revealed to Ichigo that that man is his son puck toe and his name is zangetsu and azijiko calls out zangetsu's name it performs a sheikhai transforming into something incredibly powerful that knocks off urahara's hat and tenzichiko has now passed training he gets to go to the soul Society to rescue Rukia but as he's going to the soul Society it's revealed to him that Sado AKA Chad Ishida and or he may have all been training to follow him to the soul Society because they are also Friends of the Rukia and thus the four of them go through the sen kaimon which is a portal between the soul society and the human plane of existence to save rookie once they go through the same kind they're in the cerate the place that the Soul Reapers live but none of the Soul Reapers want those four in the Sarah Tay so a bunch of them come to fight Ichigo and thus each you guys to fight a bunch of Soul Reapers of which she wins against all of them but specifically he beats a man named ikaku who also serves as a high seat to the 11th division eventually Ichigo was able to take somebody by the name of hanataro Captain you see hanataro is part of the fourth division widely regarded as the weakest division but they're not weak they just kind of play a support role to the other divisions however hanataro is a friend of Rukia and actually wants Ichigo to break rookie out and thus hanatara leads Ichigo to a shortcut to rookie is set however at the end they've said shortcut there's renji the due to cake ichigo's ass a little while ago but Ichigo defeats renji using getzig attention which is like ichigo's Rasengan it essentially allows him to shoot a big old blade of energy at his enemy but Ichigo also uses something else outside of gatsuka 10 show to beat renji and that would be his Hollow Mask you see Ichigo technically holified his chain of Fate fully encroached and while he technically should have hallified he stopped the process but that doesn't mean he can't tap into becoming a hollow so Ichigo has the ability to put on a Hollow mask that Buffs all of his abilities by tapping into the the power of Hollows after recovering from his fight against renji Ichigo bumps into Kenpachi Zaraki the captain of the 11th division the probably second strongest Shinigami in all of the seroton the two of them fight to a standstill that is to say they're both incapacitated after the fight is over however Ichigo is saved by a woman by the name of yoruichi and when Ichigo comes to he finds that he's face to face with biakia the man who helped renji kick his ass and also rookies of Ichigo wants to fight biakiya but yoruichi knows he's not strong enough to do it so she knocks him out and states to byakya that she will make him stronger than byakia in three days Time Boom another training Arc what's this training Arc about this training Arc is about bonkais you see zonpok toes can do a lot of goofy cute little things if you know your zanpakuto's name you can use shika but you can go even further than shikai by using ban Kai and bankai's unique ability to a zonpok toe that's crazy power some people's banks make black rooms that if you get trapped in it you lose all sense of sight sound touch smell all of that some people's Bankai summon giant samurais that mimic all of their moves ichigos which is known as tentas and Getsu makes him fast and strong and wouldn't you believe it Ichigo figures out Bankai and wouldn't you believe it that bunkai is strong enough to beat biyaki yakushi well while Ichigo is fighting byaki yakuchi he's asking biakya why he's trying to kill his own sister and biakya says well if you win this battle I'll tell you in the tldr of it is basically byakia once had a wife and she died because one time biakya broke the law and he's never gonna do that again and because the kuchiki household is one of the five noble families of the cerate biakya felt as though it was important for him to be the symbol of following the law and therefore wasn't trying to let his personal feelings about rookie a dying get in the way of him being a symbol and after biyaki is done explaining himself we find out that everything that's ever happened in Bleach has been orchestrated by a man by the name of sosuke Eisen she sosuke Eisen is the captain of the fifth Division and technically everybody thought he was dead because when Ichigo and the rest invaded the cerate they found his body impaled against the building and thus everybody thought that each you go ahead kill sosuke Isaac they were wrong you see Sasuke Eisen reveals to each goat and the rest of the Soul Reapers that he's orchestrated everything from Rukia giving her powers to Ichigo to Ichigo fighting biyaki in that current moment they had just fought in order to acquire something called the hogyaku what is the hogyoku and why did Eisen do this well once again could do an entire video on the hogyoku basically think of the hogyoku like a genie it is a small bluish purple orb made of reishi that is able to sense what the people around it want and make that a reality so let's say I was holding the whole gyoku and it sensed that I wanted burritos it would simply just create burritos and only two of these have ever been made one was made by Eisen and the other was made by urahara the guy with the hat who runs a shop the thing is urahara understood how powerful the hogyoku was and wanted to hide it from everyone and thus orahara actually implanted the hogyoku into rookie and then essentially gave her something that would slowly but surely deplete Oliver Shinigami powers and make her a regular human and thus his hogyoku would live in a regular human undetectable by anybody else but Eisen knew about this which is why he needed Rukia to transfer her powers to Ichigo and then get brought back to the soul Society where he could get his grumpy little mitts on her Ichigo then tries to attack Eisen and once again gets his absolute ass kicked to this point that Eisen basically donut holes rookie had to pull out the whole gyoku and then goes to a little place called hueco Mundo Mundo is Spanish for hello world is the plane of existence where Hollows live and Eisen is the god of it oh by the way everybody's cool with Ichigo now because everyone was like wow eisen's the real bad guy in all of this everyone's cool with Ichigo and they give him a little thing called The Substitute Shinigami batch which means even though it wasn't traditionally trained as a Shinigami and was actually a human to begin with that they acknowledge him as a Shinigami and then he gets to go Bia Shinigami up on the earth whenever they need him and then there's 44 episodes of filler called the bound dark which you should absolutely skip after receiving the substitute badge Ichigo goes back to the real world but Upon returning he's confronted by a man by the name of Shinji see Shinji reveals to Ichigo that both he and Ichigo are visors what's a visor visards are shinigamis who have the powers of Hollows and they're called visors because they all have hollow masks and then a couple of days later to a Ron car appear in karakora town but what's in a wrong car well this whole Arc is named after them so you better find that out an Iran car is a hollow but a hollow that's removed its mask usually these Hollows start as fastolordes who are Hollows with a level of sentience and then Eisen finding these vast the lordes are these very powerful Hollows uses the hogyoku which allows you to blur the line between Shinigami and human to make them into more shinigamis than they are Hollows see by removing their mask by using the power of the hogyoku they've kind of become visor in that they have the human-like characteristics of a Shinigami but also the powers of ahala the two Iran car that appear in karakura town are Yami and okiora who are Ron car number zero and four technically as we understood it in this current moment Yami was only number 10 but he's actually number zero oh what do the numbers mean well the Iran cars are numbered from zero all the way down to the hundreds in terms of strength actually technically only the top 10 Iran car are even considered a wrong car if you're under 10 you're kind of just a hollow but when these do a wrong car pull up Ichigo pulls up to fight them and he cuts off yami's arm then yoruichi get there to help Ichigo fight against these Iran cars they pull out and everybody gets to chill until a bunch of more Iran car come later that night these Ron car are led by the number six Iran car grimjack however these Iran car are looking for humans with high spiritual power to devour kind of like the Grand Fisher and unfortunately because Chad has a high level of spiritual power these are wrong cargo looking for him but Rukia steps up and uses her Shinigami form to fight against the Iran car that was looking for Chad which is all well and good until she gets surprised attacked by Grim Zhao and impaled Ichigo then rushes in to fight Grim job but quickly realizes he is entirely outmatched and he's basically getting his teeth kicked down in his throat until economy tosin comes out of nowhere and tells grimjo to head back to Waco Mundo but who's konamitosa the Eisen wasn't the only Captain who defected from the Sarah attack there was two other captains that defected with Isaac Jin and kanama they are in essence eisen's strongest subordinates Ichigo aggravated that he was losing the fight understand that he's get stronger so researchers out that Shinji guy that he met earlier one of his fellow visors because every time the Ichigo gets in a fight there's a possibility this inner Hollow is going to break out of him and take control and this loss of control is stopping Ichigo from achieving his pure potential and then boom Another training Arc except this training Arc isn't about Ichigo trying to fight the guy inside of his sword to get stronger no this training Arc is about Ichigo fighting the follow inside of him to get strong so Ichigo goes inside of himself fights his hollow wins boom now he can control his inner Hollow only problem is he can't control his inner Hollow for long so he's got a train with the visors in order to increase the amount of time he can control his inner Hollow aka the amount of time he can wear his visored mask because while Ichigo is wearing his visor mask he has a big boost in abilities because he's tapping into the power of the hollows Ichigo trains for a month and then he goes to fight Grim ciao again the only problem is Ichigo can only hold his visor mask for 11 seconds but in those 11 seconds he pushes grimge out to his limits but as he's about to deliver the killing blow his mask crumbles and Grim gel wins the fight and as grimchow's about to deliver the killing blow Shinji steps in and fights the Iran car off until the Iran car Retreats small problem though during that fight Ichigo incurred a lot of damage damage that really only Orihime would be able to fix you see orhime and Chad are kind of special they're not Quincy's Shinigami Survivor they're just humans but they're humans with very high spiritual power and therefore they're able to use the reishi in the human world to manifest abilities of their well I guess technically Chad's a full bringer I don't know if or he makes a full bringer though we're not even close to that yet don't you worry about it regardless or he may basically has a hair clip that can split into a bunch of little spirits and all of these Spirits do different things but one of these Spirits heals you but how does it heal you does it just suit your closure wounds no this Spirit has the control over fate and consequences let me explain this simply if I stab you the consequence of my action is a hole in your chest but if you can rewrite the reality of fate and consequences and say if I stab you nothing happens well then you'll be healed and that's how Orihime heals people but that's like insanely powerful so that's what the Iran car want they want Orihime and Orihime was actually the reason that Yami and okiora went to karakora town however she's happily protected so okyor visited her while she was alone and told her that if she went to hueco Mundo all of her friends wouldn't die he then gave Orihime 24 hours to say her goodbyes and these are the 24 hours that she used to heal ichiga only problem is she couldn't tell anybody where she was going and why so or he may basically just affected with the Iran cartoico Mundo at least that's what everybody at the cerate though but Ichigo was like no she wouldn't do that I'm going to heiko Mundo to save her boom hueco Mundo Arc worst Arc in the show and thus I will move very fastly through it Ichigo Chad and or you enter hueco Mundo looking for Orihime it's like the soul Society Arc except without Orihime because you know kidnapped they're immediately attacked by two low-level a wrong car which Chad and or you elect to fight so Ichigo can keep going but once they defeat the two Iran car the building they were in collapses and they have to go outside and this is where they see lost noches which just means the Knights by the way there's like a lot of Spanish in Bleach which doesn't at all get confusing with all the Japanese in English but once they get outside to Lost no chase they see a little girl by the name of Nell too but she's being chased by Hollow so they dispatch the hollows that are chasing her and save her and it's at that point that they find out that she's in Iran car all three of them then have to defeat this massive Sand Hollow but they can't do it but luckily renji and Rukia can because oh yeah they're in hueco mundo as well the group then breaks into the inside part of Los noches because Los noches is a big desert with a really big castle inside of it that's basically elaborate and then following the doctrine of Scooby-Doo the gang decides to split up but Nell decides to follow Ichigo but Ichigo is soon attacked by a member of the privion Espada oh I'm sorry everybody is in a wrong car only the top 10 are a spot so like regardless of your number one to two hundred you're in Iran car but the top 10 are referred to as a spotter so what's the priviona spotter well they're people that were Espada and now aren't basically at some point they were part of the top 10 then either they got weaker Eisen just doesn't like them anymore Ichigo then proceeds to just be like the worst for 30 episodes basically he's fighting this incredibly strong Ally and he's like I'm not gonna use my Hollow Mask I need to save it for Isaac and then he proceeds to get his teeth kicked down his throat for 30 episodes and then after spitting out 18 molars he's like fine okay I'll use my mask and then he uses his mask and he wins well all of this is going on everybody in the Scooby gang is fighting their own Iran car most importantly Rukia has is fighting one of the Espada specifically aspada number nine whose name I'm not even gonna try to say Iran yarrow Iran Iran Aaron naranero Irani iraniario his name's Aaron but Aaron and rookia basically trade meaning that rookia like kind of dies but here's the thing Ichigo Concentra spiritual pressure and he sense that her spiritual pressure disappeared and it's at this point of feeling her spiritual pressure disappear that ichiko is confronted by okiora Ichigo then tries to go to Rukia because that's all he's concerned about in the moment but eventually okiora convinces Ichigo to fight him and then donut holes up because okiora is the fourth aspada meaning that he is the fourth strongest Espada and way stronger than Ichigo but it's at this point the Grim gel finds the donut holds in very much almost dead Ichigo and then brings Orihime to heal Ichigo because he wants to fight Ichigo at full health it's kind of like Goku throwing cell a setsubi but this was a bad idea for Grim gel because Ichigo kills him using the power of orahime yelling basically Ichigo and Grim Dr have this big long drawn out fight and then as Ichigo is about to get struck down or he may is like and then he's like bet didn't think of that and he kills Grim Jam but after killing the sick the spotter the fifth spot the problem stabbed again my grandma and their fight so he's like really in no head space to be fighting somebody even stronger than Grim Jam but luckily for him the little girl he saved earlier now actually actually spot us specifically the third one and a real name is Nelly Al but now loses but Ichigo enraged that Nell has been cut down tries to go fight to fit the Spotter and then he loses there's more people on hueco Mundo pen pachy Zaraki the captain of the 11th division that Ichigo defeated in the soul Society Arc pulls up and now he's fighting the fifth as bottom mind you like every other character at this current moment is also fighting other respawnas both Oreo and Chad had to defeat members of the priviana spota and renji and rookie and a bunch of other captains have had to fight actual members of the asbot and all of them win their battles nobody from the soul Society side dies in a bunch of a spot to die number nine is killed by Rukia number eight is killed by mayori kuritsuchi who's the captain of the 12th division is basically Orochimaru has incredible science Powers is super dedicated to science uses real life humans as experimentation he's very evil but at the same time you kind of love him number seven is killed by biakyakuchi number six was killed by Ichigo number five gilga is killed by Kenpachi Zaraki and after Kenpachi defeats gilgan number five coyote Stark number one Super Saiyan steals or Hime back for Eisen because mind you or Hime was brought to the battlefield by grimjao without eisen's approval but grimjao wanted Ichigo to be at full strength so he could defeat him at full strike but as Ichigo renji Chad and Rukia go to chase after Ori he made their stop by okiora number four mind you currently or you is fighting Yami number zero okiora wants to fight Ichigo so a fight between okiorra and Ichigo starts Ichigo dons's Hollow mask and starts to get the upper hand against okiore but it's at that moment that okay or releases his unbox toe marcelaga and then Ichigo does what Ichi goes best at continues to get his teeth kicked down his throat and then okiora has a very classic moment where he tells Ichigo this isn't even his final form and then activates his final form but what is in Iran car's ultimate form well it's a little thing called resurrexcion in brachiora this Resurrection is called Segunda etapa think of a resurrection kind of as a Bankai 4 in a ronkar's body and upon using the second form okyor is so much stronger than Ichi go that he blows a hole in his chest using a Sarah what's a Sero it's kind of like keto for hollow slash Iran cars they're just concentrated blasts of energy and a hole in your chest is not kind of kills each like for the fourth time but don't worry Orihime is here to scream and as or Hime tries to heal Ichigo she yells at him to defeat okiora and it's at this point that ichigo's inner Hollow takes over his body and activates a new Hollow form a new Hollow form that's so powerful it quickly defeats okiora sort of okay Ora kind of just expends so much energy that he turns into dust and dice after defeating okiora and healing Ichigo then goes to fight Yami who's fighting against or you and Rukia but as he comes onto the scene to fight against Yami he realizes he can't use his Hollow Mask but don't worry because biaki and Kenpachi are there and they kill Yami mind you this entire time that Ichigo was in hueco Munda there was a bunch of other stuff going on but for you to understand that I have to explain to you what eisen's Grand goal is you see the people that rule the cerate are basically the Soul Reapers but at the same time they're not there is basically a soul Society royal family and nobody can really get to that gets them you need a very powerful and very specific key but there's really only one way to make this key one you need the hokyoku and two you need an absolutely massive amount of Souls and therefore to greatly simplify eisen's plan he wants to sacrifice the entirety of karakora town to create a key to get to the Royal Family to kill the royal family because he believes that the royal family of the Soul Society doesn't lead the soul Society in the way that it should however the soul Society most importantly the goate 13 captains knew this is what he was trying to do so they had urahara make an entirely fake karakora town and then replace the real car record him with the fake cover core town and then move the real car core town to the soul Society they did this a to make sure that Eisen wouldn't be able to sacrifice all of karakora town but B because they knew Eisen would go to karakor town and they wanted to minimize the casualties the fighting there was going to cause so the entire time that Ichigo is fighting okiora the gote 13 captains and a bunch of their lieutenants are fighting the highest ranking Espada they're also fighting Eisen tosen and Jin jinergine I think it's Gene so they're fighting people like the third the second and the first just a wrong car but not zero Yami because he's fighting against kempachi and byakia in hueco Munda and there's a bunch of battles between captains and high level of spots and it always looks like the captains are about to lose and then they win but this is mostly because the captains who are actually relatively out match are actually saved by the visors the visor to the group of people that are led by Shinji the people who are like Ichigo who have the powers of both Shinigami and Hollows they pull up in the battle against the Espada to help the gote 13. here's the thing the visors and the captains don't really like each other this is because we find out that the visors actually used to be a part of the gote 13. some are captains some were lieutenants but all of them were betrayed by Eisen who actually experimented on them to make them visors and because the gote 13 thought that they were Hollows they tried to eradicate them but they were saved in the human world by urahara so the power of the gote 13 and the visors combined leads to the defeat of all of the Espana and kanamatosin one of the captains who defected with Isaac which just leaves Eisen great news except it's not because eisen's on Buck told us a funny little ability basically if you've ever seen his shikai that is to say if you've ever seen his sword transform you are under his control basically what does that mean basically if you've ever is in shikai he can he can control what what he incends that is to say he can cast you into a genjutsu of sorts it can make Illusions around you that you believe to be real and thus is all the captains advisors tried to attack Eisen they all kind of come up short in fact Eisen goes so far as to make a bunch of the visors in gote 13 and pale one of their own thinking that she is him guys it also goes on to defeat Captain Yamato the captain of all of the captains of the gote 13. the strongest shirigami in existence but the reason that none of those people there can defeat isin is because they've all seen his shikai release you know who hasn't seen his shikai released the main character of the story Ichigo and Ichigo is currently on his way from Waco Mundo with Captain unahana one of the captains of the gote 13. specifically the captain of the fourth division you know that support division unahana is an incredibly powerful fighter but she's also a fantastic healer and as Ichigo appears in the soul Society he tries to cut down Eisen in one strike which Eisen blocks with a barrier and it's actually not until after Ichigo launches an attack that all the other Shinigami and visors step up to fight Eisen including Captain Yamato and then subsequently get their ass kicked but here's the thing fighting against it's all these people did actually injurizing but that's not really a problem for Isaac why is that not a problem for Eisen because he has implanted the hogyoku in his chest remember how the hogyoku used to be in rukia's chest well yeah now it's in his and at this point that Eisen tells us that he wants out the Hogan Q only had the ability to blur the line between Hollow and human but he realized as he spent more time with the whole Goku that it actually just made whatever you desire real and since it was in his chest and since he was injured it healed him because he wanted to be healed so now you have the strongest Captain in existence with a Genie in his chest with unlimited wishes and the only person left to fight him is ichiko everybody else has been taken out or is he the only person because as Eisen is sitting there healing himself with the power of chest magic he's telling Ichigo about how basically everything in his life was from eisen's doing and how Eisen has manipulated him from the Shadows his entire life in order to make the perfect test subject but as this is slowly but surely casting Ichigo into despair Eisen is interrupted by ishi who's ishin ichigo's Dad yeah he he's a Shinigami too not only is he a Shinigami he's one of the strongest ones ever and that's actually why Ichigo is so strong because he is the son of a Shinigami and a human then removes Ichigo from the situation and says if you have any questions I'll answer them later says he doesn't have it bishin wasn't the only person there uhara and yoroichi are also there because they're always there and they ain't going battle Isaac who is slowly but surely getting even more powerful with the power of the hogyuku which is slowly assimilating itself into his body while they're off fighting Eisen Ichigo is fighting game one of the captains who defected with Isaac but as Ichigo is fighting against Gene he doesn't feel as though Gene's heart is in his soul that is to say he feels as though geen is pulling his attacks but it doesn't change anything because Ichigo does what Ichigo does best gets his ass kicked and as geen is about to finish off Ichigo Eisen stops it and it's at this point that they open to send kaimon to the soul Society where the real karakura town is located but as you go after losing to geen who isn't nearly as strong as Eisen gets really despondent especially as he stares upon urahara yaroichi and East Shin who have all been defeated by Isaac but ishin gets up and tells Ichigo to open a senkaiman of his own to go protect the real karakura town remember Ascent kaimon is a hallway between different dimensions but if you enter senkaimon you enter a place called The Don guy think of it like this the senkaimon are the doors to the hallway well the Don guy is the hallway itself within the dawn guy time basically doesn't move I believe it's one hour in the dawn guy equals 3 000 hours in the other dimensions but usually you couldn't spend 3 000 hours in the dongai because there's a big old vacuum monster that will kill you to keep you out of there however because Eisen had fully fused with the Hope Yoku and was feeling super cocky he killed the big old vacuum monster the big old vacuum monster is called the kotetsu so when Ichigo and ishin enter the on guide they decide to do another training Arc so when ishin and Ichigo enter the dangai ishin Tells Ichigo that he can give him three months to learn the final getsue attention getsuki 10 show there's so many hard words so another training Arc but what's this training Arc well it's Ichigo going into his sword again basically Ichigo has to get zengetsu to tell him about the final gatsuka 10 show but this time where Ichigo enters his sword he's confronted by his bunkai tents us and Getsu but tenses and Getsu tells Ichigo that he can't teach him the final getzig attention which confuses Ichigo because he wants to save the people of karakura town but tensek then Getsu wants to protect something else but Ichigo doesn't know what tensor zengetsu wants to protect during this fight Ichigo has to confront the true source of his despair his inner Hollow which he thought he defeated a while ago and once he decides to confront his despair tenses and Getsu in his inner Hollow combined to fight Ichigo as one but it's when they combined that Ichigo realizes that what they want to protect is Ichigo so Ichigo throws away his sword and lets the combined being impale him and this combined Spirit starts to cry until Ichigo that he finally figured it out that all they wanted to protect was him this is because if he uses the final gets a good 10 show he will lose all of his Shinigami Powers AKA he will lose them but since Ichigo has now made this revolutionary Revelation he has access to the final show and he bids the two beings farewell mind you in this hour or three months if you were in the dong guy that Ichigo was training Eisen wood have destroyed karakura town to make the key however Keen wasn't actually evil and in fact Gene had been a double agent for Eisen this entire time because Eisen hurt his childhood love who also grew up to be a lieutenant in the gote 13. so Isa wasn't looking gean impales him with his bunkai and he impales him through the hogyoku which keen and a couple of other people are able to keep away from Eisen until Ichigo is done after Ichigo is done though he steps out of the senkaim Eisen isn't impressed with ichiko though in fact Eisen can't sense any spiritual pressure for Ichigo at all which leaves Eisen which leads Eisen to believe that Ichigo actually converted all of his spiritual power into physical strength however this isn't the situation see the way that spiritual Pressure Works is that if you're close to each other in spiritual pressure you can ascertain how much spiritual power somebody has by reading their spiritual pressure however if somebody completely outclasses you in terms of spiritual power and therefore spiritual pressure you can't even sense their spiritual pressure and that was the case for Eisen and Ichigo but Eisen didn't know this so we rushed in to attack Ichigo Ichigo then proceeds to basically dog walk Eisen until Eisen is so weakened that the hokyoku begins to reject him and as the hokyoku begins to reject him aizun reverts back to a regular human a regular human that orahara binds Eisen is then sent to the soul Society for his punishment to be decided by the center 46 who are essentially like the Senate of the Soul Society oh by the way Eisen killed the central 46 before he betrayed the soul Society he then had everybody under his spell and acted as the center 46 to make sure that some laws got passed that he wanted but the new Central 46 sentenced him to 20 000 years of prison after the battle Ichigo passes out for a month when he wakes up in his room everybody he loves is around him including Rukia however since ichiko has lost all of his Shinigami Powers Rukia is basically saying goodbye so they say goodbye to each other and that's it until the fullbringer are also known as The Lost substitute shinigamiar 17 months after defeating Eisen Ichigo is just a regular old high school student but he's so sad about not having his powers but if Ichigo is not watching karakora Town who is or you or he may and Chad it's like the soul Society Arc except without Ichigo aruki is not around because she is no longer assigned to karakora town one day as Ichigo is on his way home from school he stops a thief who stole a man's back he returns it back to the owner whose name is Cujo gingo ginjo thanks him for getting his backpack and asks if he wants Ramen Ichigo says no and not to tell anybody about this because he doesn't want anybody knowing that he heard a guy because he doesn't want anybody trying to get revenge against him this doesn't work though because apparently the guy Ichigo beat up was a member of again and the Gang comes to find Ichigo at school the next day Ichigo and Oreo beat all of them up after this Ichigo goes to his part-time job an odd job service however when Ichigo gets to his job Cujo shows up guy who's back he got and asks if Ichigo will do an odd job for it the odd job is looking into ishin ichigo's father this makes Ichigo angry saying that he'll answer any questions about his father that Cujo has but Cujo asks if he has enough information about his own father to answer those questions Cujo then tells Ichigo to go to urahara a shady character meanwhile urju is out trying to hunt for Hollows but as he's out trying to hunt for Hollows he sees a man sitting on top of a telephone pole as Oreo goes to follow this man the man turns around and cuts down Oreo Oreo is then found and transported to the hospital where Ichigo and Orihime visit him Ichigo frustrated that there was nothing he could do to help or you calls the number that was given to him by Cujo and Cujo and Ichigo decide to meet before they meet Orihime ask Ichigo if she's seen Chad around because he's been missing for a couple of days Ichigo says he hasn't seen Chad and goes to meet with Cujo when Ichigo finally meets with Cujo he asks Cujo to help him find whoever hurt his friend because Ichigo figures he's not a regular human it's at this point that Cujo introduces Ichigo to the rest of his crew a group of fullbringers who want to transfer their abilities to Ichigo what is a full bringer why do they want to give their abilities to Ichigo and how does that work well the full Bringers explained to Ichigo that everything not just humans has a soul these headphones have a soul and if I have a close enough connection with these headphones I can tap into the soul of these headphones and if I can tap into the soul of something I can change its shape I could make these headphones tiny really big I could make these headphones deadly I could make these headphones a snake that wraps around my enemies necks bullbringers use this ability to tap into the souls of things they're familiar with and then they use those items to fight as Cujo and the wrestler explain this the Ichigo chat enters the room apparently Chad is a fulbring which is why he's been missing for a couple of days is full bring abilities depends on the soul of his skin his dark skin that he's very proud of that was passed down to him by his grandfather Chad uses the pride in his skin to tap into the soul of his skin to use his abilities which essentially make one of his arms a very powerful attacking machine in one of his arms a very powerful Shield the fullbringers go on to explain that they don't like having these abilities and that the only way for them to get rid of these abilities is to hand off these abilities to a substitute Shinigami and thus the full Bringers want Ichigo to get get his Shinigami powers back so they can transfer their abilities to him and live a regular life which means ichigo's gotta get his Shinigami abilities back which means this time for a training Arc except in this training Arc Ichigo is not going inside of himself or a sword no he's going inside of a dollhouse Ichigo gets shrunk and put in a dollhouse where he has to fight a Yakuza member who's been stuffed into a plushy bear one of the fullbringers if she likes something can change its shape but she likes a lot of things so she can control a lot of things and one of those things she likes is Ichigo and the only way the Ichigo will be able to defeat said Yakuza bear is tapping into the fullbringer ability because the only way for each to go get a Shinigami abilities back according to the fullbringers is to learn full-brigging abilities but the only thing that Ichigo has on him that he has a close enough connection to in order to use as a full-bringer ability is his substitute Shinigami badge which he makes into a Manji Ichigo then uses this fullbringer ability to defeat Mr poor and after defeating Mr pork Ichigo was released from the dollhouse and him and Chad are heading home however as they're heading home they realize something is wrong with orihime's ryota or spiritual pressure see Orihime While She Was Alone was attacked by somebody and this person released a bookmark into a zanpakuta and Orihime was stabbed by this person but no physical wound was left he's confused Orihime but before she could even make sense of it Chad and Ichigo showed up or Hime who didn't want to worry Ichigo because as far as she knew he didn't have any abilities anymore decided to not tell them anything in the moment and decided she would text Chad whenever Ichigo was in a rap Ichigo realizes that or he may and Chad are keeping things from him so he goes back to Kuja he explains situation to Cujo and Kujo explains who the person who most likely attacked orhime is his name was shikuro sukishima and he was the old leader of the fullbringers who by the way as a group go as execution but it starts with an X so it's edgy but apparently it was his idea to get a substitution he got me to give all of their abilities to oh when they found the substitute Shinigami in a couple of the fullbringers gave their abilities to said Shinigami tsukushima cut down the Shinigami and the fullbringers who gave over their abilities and Kuja believes that tsukushima is attacking the people close to Ichigo most likely to keep Kujo and Ichigo far away from each other so Ichigo can't take the abilities of the full Bringers the next day Ichigo was sealed inside of a fish tank this time instead of fighting a plushie he has to fight one of the full Bringers but as Ichigo is about to defeat this fullbringer his fullbringer ability starts to take over his body and before Jackie the fullbringer who was in the fish tank with him can stop him tsukushima actually comes to the execution headquarters and cuts the fish tank in half Chad rushes in to protect Ichigo from tsukushimu but Chad gets stabbed but just like with Orihime he doesn't feel any physical womb and as Ichigo flies into attacksukushima Kujo tells him that he can't let Ichigo fight tsukushima yeah because tsukushima is too far of Ichigo in power so Cujo and tsukushima begin their battle in order to make sure that Ichigo wouldn't go try to fight tsukushima one of the other fullbringers seals Ichigo he seals Ichigo within a video game because his bullbring ability revolves around video games Cujo eventually battles off tsukushima and yukiyokujo and ichiko eventually go to a new Hideout of execution where Ichigo has to go through his final test being sealed in the video game of yukio's while fighting Cujo and what time is it another training archetype Ichigo can't beat Cujo for a long time cujo's bidi Ichigo so soundly he actually cuts out ichigo's eyes Cujo despondent over the fact that Ichigo wasn't making any progress in his fullbringer abilities tells Ichigo that if he doesn't get it together he'll kill oruhime who got brought into the video game by Yukio to heal Ichigo whenever he got hurt by Kuja and as Kujo goes over to orhime to kill her Ichigo flies into a rage finally figuring out his full prank and upon mastering his full break he fires it gets a Content show at Kuja which almost kills Cujo Cujo then congratulates Ichigo for figuring it out everybody is then released from yukio's video game having mastered his full bring Ichigo then heads home only problem is when he gets home tsukushima is sitting on his couch this freaksy to go out but everybody that he knows is there all of his friends his family or Hime chat and they're all claiming to know sukushima they're all claiming that tsukushima has been a lifelong friend and this freaks you to go out he then begins a fight against tsukushima but the thing is everybody is taking tsukushima Sai or he made Chad the rest of execution is all taking tsukushima side claiming that Ichigo is acting erratically and they're helping tsukushima in his fight against Ichigo and thus Ichigo was having to fight against Orihime in chat and people that just trained him this is when Cujo appears and explains to Ichigo that all of them have fell for tsukushima's track see tsukushima zanpakto doesn't cut the human body it cuts history so if tsukushima Cuts you he can control your memories meaning he can insert himself anywhere in your life and thus he had cut every single person in ichigo's life and inserted himself into their lives making every person around Ichigo believe that tsukushima is a childhood beloved friend sukushimokujo and Ichigo eventually end up fighting at tsukushima's mansion and as Ichigo fully activates his full bring he cuts off tsukushima's left arm however it's at this point that Chad breaks down a wall and begins to fight Ichigo and Orihime uses her healing abilities to heal him sukushima that is and as Ichigo is distracted by fighting Chad tsukushima gets behind Ichigo and goes to stab him but Cujo takes the stab for him Ichigo rushes The Kujo side and asks if he's okay Kujo says that he's fine and he doesn't believe that he's been affected by the book of the end which is sukushima zanpakto ability the one to put himself in memories he tells you to go that he still thinks of tsukushima as an enemy in Ichigo as a friend but as Ichigo turns to fight tsukushima Kujo stabs him through the back this is when it's revealed to Ichigo that Kujo technically had always been on tsukushima's side and that the second cut actually hadn't changed cujo's mind see Kujo and tsukushima wanted to steal ichigo's full bring ability but they knew if Ichigo was onto them even a little bit he wouldn't be able to fully awaken his bullbring abilities around people he didn't trust so Cujo who's actually the leader of tsukushima had tsukushima cut him in the beginning and alter cujo's memories to believe tsukushima was evil but the way that tsukushima's abilities work is that if you receive a second cut from him it gets rid of the memories he altered so the cut that Cujo had taken for Ichigo simply made Kujo remember that he was tsukushima's boss it's at this point that Cujo reveals that he was actually the person who cut down Oreo and as Cujo pulls his sword out of ichigo's chest ichigo's full brain goes with the sword having gotten what they wanted in Ichigo now being powerless kishima and Kujo Retreat and as they retreat they tell Ichigo to thank them for sparing him but after those two leave Ichigo was stabbed again but this time he stabbed by Rukia but this time it's a good stab see rookia stabbed Ichigo with a sword that was imbued with the spiritual power of all the senior officers of the gote 13. is he essentially the gote 13 heard Ichigo wanted his spiritual power back so every single captain and lieutenant and high-ranking officer imbued their spiritual power into a sword that rookia stabbed into Ichigo see apparently Ichigo hadn't technically lost all of his spiritual power it had just gone into dormancy and by being stabbed by so much spiritual power from such high-ranking officials he awoke to all of his spiritual power again making a full circle to the time that rookia stabbed him with a sword imbued with her power to make him a substitution agami except this time it was the entirety of the gote 13 making this heinous act but the gote 13 was indebted to Ichigo because he defeated Ison and now that Ichigo had all his power back he chased after Cujo but Cujo is not alone he has all of the other fullbringers on his side which means it's kucho tsukushima and I think like three or four other fullbringers how is Ichigo gonna fight all these people on his own great question he won't guess who's here Kenpachi Zaraki and biaki yakuchi as well as ikaku renji and toshirohitsugai who is the captain of the 10th Division and all of them proceed to kill the fullbringers they're up against except for rookia rookia loses their battles take place video game Kyo one of the fullbringers puts every single one of them in a little video game Dimension and the only way to get out of said video game Dimension is for one of them to die but luckily Captain hitsugaya comes into a battle against Yukio and freezes him and says if he doesn't release all the video game dimensions in five minutes he'll kill sorukia without dying gets released from said video game Dimension snap back to Ichigo against Cujo Cujo reveals to Ichigo the Kujo was the first ever substitution Kujo says that his battle is against the sole Society because the substitutionigami badge is actually kind of evil see apparently the substitutionigami badge doesn't just give you authority to fight Hollows as a human it actually suppresses the power of the substitution igami and tracks them so that the soul Society can keep an eye on them because they don't trust substitute shinigam Gojo believes telling this to Ichigo will get him to turn to his side but Ichigo who just got his powers given back to him by all of the highest members of the gote 13 does it really give a [ __ ] completely forgot Oreo is also in there fighting against Cujo with Ichigo or you is the last Quincy the fight between Cujo and Ichigo doesn't go great because Kujo had taken ichigo's full brain Cujo had all of Ichigo abilities however the knockoff is Never As Good As the original and when cujo's bonkai meets ichigo's Bankai cujo's sword snaps and Kuja receives a fatal wound cujo's body is then brought to the soul Society but Ichigo goes to the soul Society because he wants the berry Cujo in the human plane he wants cujo's body because Cujo was a substitute shinigam and he believes even though he was misled he deserves to be buried on earth oh and technically most of the full Bringers didn't die and they all had somewhat tragic backstories but they're all reformed now and they're living a better life and that is bleach could I have gone more into certain things absolutely are we already probably around an hour and 20 minutes also absolutely I will at some point make a more in-depth dive into bleach as a whole we will do you know nothings about each and every single character in bleach we didn't even talk about the fact that in the soul Society Arc or Yoshida used all the rage he could possibly ever muster and lost his Quincy abilities only to get it back because his father shot him in a specific place this was more a look into bleach through ichigo's eyes and while there is many many things I could have gone into and made a six and a half hour long video this is to serve as a short summation of bleach for those of you who have already seen it or for those of you who don't want to watch it so you can enjoy thousand year blood War if you want deeper looks into bleach that aren't a huge summation with generalizations go ahead and like the video subscribe to the page and hit the naughty Bell because they'll be coming eventually or if you want me to explain anything from bleach or from this video in deeper detail tell me in the comments below is this video 930 Clips Long absolutely if it doesn't blow up I'll lose my mind foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Weeb Commander
Views: 557,404
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, anime explained, nchammer23, weeb commander, manga explained, manga, ichigo, bleach, rukia, chad, grimmjow, aizen, shinigami, soul reaper, hueco mundo, speedrunning anime, speed running bleach, bleach explained, geito 13, zanpakto, bankai
Id: OhsTIRNX_hk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 0sec (3420 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 19 2022
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