The BEST Manga You've NEVER Read?!

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recently it came to my attention and probably millions of other people's attention that Oda wrote a story before one piece a one shot by the name of monsters or Monsters 103 mercies Dragon damnation but let's stick with monsters because what is that second title I it's a one shot about basically Zoro fighting a dragon where are the where where the 103 mercies come from but as I was reading the story I saw mostly because they are incredibly obvious all the similarities between this story and one piece and well obviously monsters is only 45 pages it is a one shot after all which ends up being only about long enough to make one episode of anime out of you can see that it truly set the foundation for the story that one piece was going to become and thus was truly the Cornerstone of the Empire that one piece has built but this kind of thing isn't specific to Oda in fact many of the world's most famous mangakas got their first hit of Success Through a one shot that would later Inspire their greatest works in fact a one shot being picked up and adapted into a fulllength manga is how each and every single one of the big three got their start which is why today I want to walk through all of the prolific stories that began their Journey with a one shot and I want to cover what those one shots were about and how those on shots were different from the story they would later be adapted into which is why today we're talking the best Manga you've never read before we get to talking about a bunch of underground unread stories that influen some of the biggest cultural and literary changes in the last two decades guys please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that noty Bell and if you love the idea of me diving deep into your favorite anime and manga then you're going to love my anime podcast to talku Anonymous where me and Danny ma break down everything happened in anime and manga this week it's available on YouTube Spotify and apple podcasts and if you guys want to look like somebody who's read all the one shots that inspired all the biggest manga go ahead and Meander into my merch store tacos anonymous. net where you can pick up some of the grace anime t-shirts sweatshirts and sticker packs known to man now there's really no specific way to start this video I mean I guess I could rank the one shots of the manga they later became in terms of personal enjoyment but that's subjective and it's also been a long time since I've read a lot of these on shots so I'm just going to go through some of the most important one shots that were adapted into manga chronologically and therefore the first manga that we're going to be talking about that got its start through a one shot is a story that paved the way for Dragon Ball the first ever worldwide popular anime in manga Fist of the North Star and while I'm acutely aware that the majority of the people watching this video have never seen or read Fist of the Northstar just know that Fist of the North Star was Dragon Ball before Dragon Ball was Dragon Ball it is in my mind the first ever manga/anime to have a prevalent Western following and while Dragon Ball arguably did more for the anime and manga Community than Fist of the Northstar ever did I do believe that Fist of the Northstar walked so that Dragon Ball could run now Fist of the Northstar is one shot it's named Fist of the Northstar which you'll see is a bit of a trend in the Fist of the Northstar one shot came out in April of 1983 and told the story of our main character Ken Kasumi whose entire goal over the 45 page one shot was to battle against his rival martial arts school see Keno was a practitioner of hoto shinen which in the fif of the Northstar universe is a martial arts that focuses on striking somebody's pressure points however there was a rival school that practiced a similar martial art known as the tanji Kempo and therefore for kenro to show the world that is hoto Shinken was the greatest pressure point striking martial art on Earth he had to go to that rival school and beat everybody there however things Veer for the worse when the tieni send an assassin to kill kiro's girlfriend and KIRO is framed for that murder and thus in the second chapter of the onot yes I'm aware that it has two chapters even though it's a one shot Keno has to break out of prison to go battle against the tieni Kempo and now he's got a real reason to take them down now for the four of you who have read or watched Fist of the Northstar you'll be scratching your head and wondering when did KIRO get a last name and the answer is well he had one in the one shot but they cut it for the manga so KRA osumi was no longer KRA osumi but just KRA this isn't the only change that happens between the one shot and the manga see after the second volume of the one shot once again weird the Fist of the North Star as a manga story starts Kento loses his last name the TA on gempo become the nanto shinen and the story switches to a postapocalyptic world and thus the story of the Fist of the Northstar kind of restarts a new but we still follow kentro who's trying to essentially defeat a rival pressure point poking martial arts school on his journey to a mo shindu his way to Victory the basis for the story of the visisted Northstar was absolutely found in the one shot it's just that between the one shot and the manga the post-apocalyptic setting was added right after the Fist of the North Stars One Shot was released and I mean right after there was another one shot making its way around Japan and while it was about maral Arts it wasn't about pressure points this one shot I'm talking about is of course Dragon Boy a story about a Boy by the name of Tang Tong a young boy with wings in a tail who's in charge of protecting a princess of the flower country who looks exactly like Chi-Chi but acts like Bulma now if you haven't caught on yet obviously Dragon boy was the One-Shot predecessor of Dragon Ball and while the story might be substantially less heavy on the influence from the Journey to the West that is to say that Dragon Boy is less influenced by the Journey to the West than Dragon Ball there are still many clear connections between Dragon Boy and the Dragon Ball series like for example the fact that Dragon Balls exist in Dragon Boy however instead of the Dragon Balls being brought together to Grant a wish Dragon Balls kind of operate like pokeballs for dragons that is to say when you use a Dragon Ball a dragon is summoned and that dragon is supposed to help you with what's ever going on around you but the dragon quality between Dragon Balls varies pretty massively on top of this Tang Tong also has the flying Nimbus and a staff but it's not an extendable bow staff it's a staff with a blade on the top I don't know what they're called now the flying nus just like in Dragon Ball is a bit redundant because Tang Tong has wings but I guess Goku doesn't learn how to fly until Dragon Ball Z there's also plenty of full female nudity from The Princess over the course of 45 pages and so it's also nice to see that Toriyama has has never changed in that department now a full 13 years after Dragon boy would set the foundation for Dragon Ball ashiro Oda would release the one shot that would Inspire today's video monsters that is to say that monsters was released in the year that I was born 1996 now monsters is a story about a samurai who comes to a town after not eating for five whole days only to be given a meal by a woman who runs a restaurant that woman is also serving a man who looks exactly like mihawk from one piece and not only does he look exactly like mihawk he also basically has the exact same backstory that is to say that everybody says that this mihawk swordsman is the second greatest swordsman on earth and the only swordsman greater than this mihawk look alike is a man by the name of King mihawk on his way out of the restaurant accidentally bumps his sword hilt against the hilt of our main character whose name is Rian but is basically Zoro and Rian challenges this mihawk look alike to a duel and loses sort of see Rian goes to slash the mihawk lookalike and he Ducks the slash but the slash is so powerful that it cuts a completely bronze statue in half which was obviously the influence for things like Zoro learning how to cut steel however the duel goes a bit better for Rian than zoro's battle goes against mihawk as this mihawk look alike puts his sword to rian's neck and says this duel is over and then sheaths his sword ran then after finishing his meal leaves the restaurant and bumps into a man by the name of TK who is buggy who also bumps the hilt of his sword into Ran's Hilt before Zoro can challenge him like he did to the mihawk lookalike TK fakes that Zoro stabbed him with a dagger and then makes a show about how Rian stabbed him and then in order to make sure that TK doesn't die alone he pulls out a dragon horn which when he blows into summons a dragon to destroy the village that they're all currently residing in and then everybody in the village decides to blame Raman for the bad fortune that he's brought onto this Village because he stabs TK TK summoned a dragon but mihawk as I'm going to call him from now on was the sole survivor of the last dragon attack well I guess dual sole survivor he was one of the two survivors because the other Survivor was the woman who runs the restaurant and thus mihawk proclaims to the village that he will battle against the dragon like he did last time and save the city but everybody still leaves the city because they don't want to be there when the fire and the swords start flying which leaves only two people left in the city Rian and the restaurant owner who happened to see TK in mihawk stealing all of the valuable goods from the entire Village before the dragon comes to destroy it then it's at this point that it's revealed that they were responsible for the last dragon attack and the death of the woman who runs the restaurant's parents so riin Cuts them both down and then kills the dragon that's about to burn down The Village at which point it's revealed that he is King ran D King but nobody knew he was King because he went by his first name r now the character designed similarities between monsters in one piece are obvious and the motivations of Rian to be the strongest swordsman and to fight to protect those around him are very clearly the core tenants of Zoro but on top of this the will of D maybe a direct reference to ran D King as Odo is already establishing before the creation of One Piece that having D in the middle of your name meant you have that dog in you on top of this to a lesser known extent when Zoro kills the dragon and punk Hazard by decapitating it it is almost a one toone replica of ran decapitating the dragon in Monsters done in one piece almost 10 years later and thus well it's hard to say that a 45-page story influenced the entirety of One Piece there's definitely some key moments that Oda decided to take from this story to put into one piece later after one piece's one shot we have Naruto's one shot which aired in get this amaru jump in 1997 now in this one shot Naruto is not a young boy possessed with the soul of a demon Fox but is instead a young Spirit fox trying to live out his life as a young boy but he is the son of a fox spirit that destroyed the village that he's growing up with a couple years prior and thus everybody in the village is naturally very distrustful of him because they're afraid that he might end up like his father and thus because everybody's incredibly wary of him and therefore he doesn't have many friends Naruto is incredibly rambunctious and loves to prank the villagers that he lives with and also loves Ramen the reason that Naruto is growing up in this Village is because the village Elder took pity on it as he was abandoned by his evil Fox Spirit father and thus the village Elder raises Naruto as his own and he teaches him ninja techniques in hopes that the human connection that he makes with people like the village Elder and the people in the village will help him not turn out to be like his father but to truly ensure that that doesn't happen the village Elder after teaching him ninja techniques sends him off to the nearest big city in hopes that being in a bustling Community where nobody knows that his father was an evil Fox spirit that Naruto could begin to make friends but when he gets there after sitting down at a ramen's shop he comes across a washed up artist who's absolutely hammered and thus the ramen shop owner gives Naruto an additional bull of ramen to get the artist home at which point after dropping off the artist at his apartment Naruto gets framed for the murder of said artist who has been tasked with restoring an incredibly valuable piece of art to the city and thus the rest of the 45 page one shot is Naruto trying to find the person who actually committed the murder and return the incred L valuable piece of art that was stolen from the artist's apartment which he's able to accomplish using his ninja techniques and by unveiling his ninetail true form and the story ends with Naruto realizing that making friends is one of the most important things you can do on Earth so while the stakes of Naruto's manga might be a lot higher than the one shot the influence is rather obvious which leaves just one final entry from The Big Three bleach whose ones shot and manga are probably the most similar out of any of the stories we're going to talk about today bleach's one shot still follows Ichigo who has black hair as opposed to Orange as Ichigo becomes a soul Reaper after stumbling upon Rukia battling against a hollow however when Rukia transfers her soul Reaper Powers over to Ichigo instead of just becoming a regular girl she shrinks down to the size of and I quote a pack of cigarettes which makes me believe that TI kubo's original plan for Rukia was to make her a Tinkerbell sluck type character who is going to float around ichigo's ear and tell him about how to be a soul Reaper and for the first couple of days of being a soul Reaper Ichigo does the easy parts of Soul reic which is sending souls to the soul Society however instead of stamping a Soul's forehead with the butt of his sword Ichigo gives the souls tickets to the soul society which I guess I I it makes sense I guess but really the biggest difference between the manga and the one shot is that in the 45 pages of the one shot the major point of the plot is that Ichigo is protecting a newly deceased orime from her Holi brother because her holfi brother is trying to eat orim's Soul because orime didn't price enough for him after he died which is very similar to the plot of bleach it's just or he may is not dead in the Bleach Manga and while I've been very vocal about the fact that I wouldn't have minded if orime was around Less in the Bleach Manga I can admit that keeping orime alive was an overall good choice by T Kuba but Ichigo does look kind of sick with black hair I mean I think we all knew that from his final gets Keno form but still and it's possibility that ichigo's final gets Keno form was inspired by his one-hot look but it's probably more inspired by the fact that it's a combination of Ichigo and Yaba who lives inside of his on pucko man I haven't talked about bleach in a while I forgot how many madeup words there is but bleach isn't the last story that we're going to be talking about because well it was kind of the standard between the ' 80s and the early 2000s that a manga started as a one shot unfortunately as time has passed those Traditions have begun to fade a little bit as a lot of manga nowadays start as web novels that doesn't mean that the tradition is entirely gone because last but definitely not least because the one shot we're about to talk about is my favorite out of all of the on shots on this list we have a one shot from The Evil Genius himself totsky Fujimoto because before Fujimoto wrote chainsaw man he wrote numerous fairly successful oneshots but one was more successful than all the others and that one would later heavily influence the story of Chainsaw man ironically not until very deep into chainsaw man's run this one shot is called NAA of the prophecy and it follows the story of a Boy by the name of Kenji who's taken care of his sister na who's born at least by the world's estimations as a devil because she was born without the ability to say any words outside of incredibly violent words like gouge rip Cannibal and death and also was born with horns and in this world that Kenji and Nat reside in there's a prophecy that says a girl with horns will destroy the world and it looks as though Nat has the ability to do just that because NAA is also magic but her magic only allows her the ability to summon a ton of weapons which allows her to kill anything and anybody that she really ever wants to and yet Kenji wants to protect her from the world so he works multiple jobs to make sure that she's fed and able to stay inside but eventually she's found and people try to kill her M Kenji is fortunately able to save her another Quirk of NAA is that she's always killing animals and trying to bring them to Kenji and Kenji doesn't know why but it's revealed at the end of the story that Kenji denies himself food in order to make sure that Nat is happy and fed and that stresses NATA out a lot and thus she's always killing animals and bringing them to Kenji so that he'll eat which makes Kenji realize that protecting na has always been been and will always be the right thing to do now obviously Kenji is denji and NAA is well na who doesn't show up until part two of Chainsaw man which happens about a 100 or so chapters in now is now effectively the little sister of denji and is also the new iteration of the control devil and therefore denji and Na's relationship is very similar to the relationship of Kenji and NAA down to the fact that both Kenji and denji throw what they want out the window in order to make sure that na is as comfortable as possible and the only real difference is is that the horns ended up on Power and with that that's all of the prevalent one shots that have inspired some of the most popular anime in manga in existence I mean that's not all of them but that's the end of my list I'm actually 98% certain that Gama also originally had a one shot that then later became Gintama but I haven't read gintama's one shot so I couldn't keep you informed as to what it was about or how it's different from Gintama but if you guys find this topic as fascinating as me then please tell me about your favorite one shot in the comments down below and while you guys are down there please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that noty Bell I guess I'll go read gas one shot [Music] [Music] now
Channel: The Weeb Commander
Views: 50,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, anime explained, nchammer23, weeb commander, manga explained, manga, one piece, naruto, bleach, chainsaw man, dragon ball, dragon ball z, fist of the north star, one shot manga, monsters
Id: dqZ6BMW0Lko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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