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tropes let's be real there's a ton of them inanimate the man who couldn't talk to girls in one world is murdered and now he has a harem of 17 women who all want his children the dumb incredibly strong character the main character who does everything right but every time he gets near the girl he likes he clams up there are hundreds if not thousands if not millions of tropes in anime and while some of them get very very old very very quickly looking at you excessively cryy characters or excessively horny characters there are some tropes that like a fine wine age with time sub tropes no matter how many times I see it every time I see it it puts a smile on my face and today we're gonna be talking about one of those tropes arguably my favorite Trope in all of anime because today we're talking about strong old men specifically ranking and explaining the strongest old men in anime see the strong old man Trope is a Trope as old as anime a character in their 60s or 70s or who said several centuries old pulling up on a battlefield and being one of the strongest people we've ever seen usually by using the decades if not centuries of battle experience that they've gained it doesn't matter how many times I'm introduced to a character that walks around with her hands behind their back until a battle starts the second I see that old man shake off the weights and become the strongest person in the universe I get way more invested in that anime which is why today we're gonna be talking about the top 10 strongest old men in anime and quite honestly this list is gonna have a lot of my favorite characters in fiction so with no further Ado let's get into ranking and explaining the top 10 strongest old men in anime before we get to ranking or explaining anything guys please for me like this video subscribe to the page nint that naughty Bell and if you love the idea of me talking about old men and Anime well we don't really do it that much on my podcast but I'll try and shoehorn some bits in there for you podcast is called to talk is anonymous and I do it every week with Danny Mata where we break down everything that happened in anime this week it's available on YouTube Spotify and apple podcasts so old men in anime well some of them are weak and frail and senile it feels as though the majority of the old men were introduced to in anime end up being some of the strongest people out there now this could be because in Japanese culture respecting the elderly is massively important or because in Shinto lore your ancestors were on par with gods or simply because a lot of mangako want to reject the aging process that's slowing down how many chapters they can draw a week whatever the reason is I don't mind because there's nothing more badass than an old character walking up in a powerful universe and absolutely serving some young bull now keeping this list to only 10 people was difficult mostly because I wasn't entirely sure where to draw the line between middle-aged man and old man so I'm gonna do a couple of honorable mentions because I know if I don't mention at least a couple of these characters that I'm gonna get bunch of very angry comments so my first stop out of the honorable mentions is the owl well more accurately the one-eyed owl because the owl is actually the one-eyed owl's daughter now the one-eyed owl is actually a man by the name of Yoshimura a triple S rated ghoul now the reason that Yoshimura became the one-eyed owl because he was trying to cover up what his daughter the real owl was doing however rather quickly the ccg realized that there was two owls in play and they began referring to the one-eyed owl as the non-killing out now this makes sense we consider the fact that yoshimuro was the leader of the cafe that took kaneki in tried to Shepherd ghouls in the way of not consuming humans now Yoshimura as a ghoul himself had ghoul physiology which gave him superhuman speed strength dexterity resilience and a regeneration Factor but what made Yoshimura a bit unique is that he had both a kagunae and akakuja now yoshimura's kagune allowed him to fire a continuous stream of projectiles however he was able to fire these projectiles from more than just his cognitive he was able to fire these projectiles from any part of his body body and these projectiles can either come out as a continuous stream or fan out like a shotgun blast the yoshimar wasn't only confined to long distance combat as his kakucha that he got through cannibalizing other ghouls allowed him to manifest two scimitars and with the combination of his swords and the projectiles coming out from every part of his body Yoshimura was able to battle against multiple special glass investigators simultaneous which is how he gained the triple s rating my second and final honorable mention is gonna be Silver's Rayleigh now I understand that Silver's is 76 and therefore is definitely old enough to be on this list and is also definitely strong enough to be on this list but I just finished dressrosa I really don't know how powerful Silvers is I know he recently reappeared in the manga and I saw him battle against kizuru and Saba ODI archipelago but I feel like I don't have enough information about Silvers to add him on this list and do him any real Justice and with those two honorable mentions out of the way with no further Ado let's get into our top 10 strongest old men in anime and coming in at number 10 we have yoshinobu gakuganji also known as the principal of Kyoto Jiu Jitsu hot the place where toji and makamaru go to school now outside of being the principal of Kyoto Jiu Jitsu High he's also one of the higher ups in Jiu Jitsu Society being one of the voices that makes decisions for the Jiu Jitsu society as a whole and therefore being one of Gojo's least favorite people on earth now when it comes to appearance yoshinobu is not somebody you would assume to be powerful which I guess is gonna be a pretty common phrase we say during this list however when yoshinobu gets ready for combat you realize why he was elected principal of Kyoto's Jiu Jitsu High when it comes to move sets in jjk yoshinobu has one of the cooler ones as yoshinobu channels all of his cursed energy through the medium of music now for a while the only way we thought he was able to channel his energy was through an electric guitar in the second to most recent chapter in jjk chapter 223 and we saw that he was helping urahime boost Gojo's cursed energy output but he wasn't using his electric guitar he was using I think it's called a biwa oh my God it is called a b y I'm not but the technique that yoshinoba uses is relatively easy to understand yoshima uses his own body as an amplification machine and by making his body his own amp amplifies his own cursed energy through the means of sound waves that he creates and then these sound waves travel as waves of cursed energy and when these sound waves or these waves of cursed energy hit you it does damage now technically we've seen yoshinobu battle twice once in the manga and once in the anime well I guess that would technically be twice in the manga but you get it now the first time that we ever see him use his techniques is against juzo see well technically zuzo was listed as not nearly as threatening as the special grade curses that showed up during the Goodwill event he did have an incredibly high amount of curse energy and wielded some of the strongest cursed Tools in jjk as he was creator of cursed tools and the creator of dragon bone which is now maki's greatest weapon however before yoshinobu and juso can truly fight Gojo shows up and flattens all four of juzo's Limbs however after flattening juzo's limbs Gojo says something rather peculiar to yoshinobu he tells yoshinobu that they need him for questioning that yoshinobu should heal him implying that Gojo knows that yoshinobu is capable of reverse cursed technique which is a relatively rare thing in the jjk universe outside of this in the manga we also know that yoshinobu was able to defeat a high-level grade 1 sorcerer whose name I'm not going to reveal because it's a massive spoiler meaning that yoshinobo is very easily a grade one sorcerer though not a special grade sorcerer because there's only four of those but enough about a character that's only gotten like three minutes of collective screen time let's go to our number nine spot Zeno and not the little purple alien from Dragon Ball Z no Zeno zolder kilua's grandfather Silva's father the true current patriarch of the zoldick family though technically Zano's father mahas still alive and very active in the assassination game actually we don't even know if that's true because in a 2004 data book it said that Maha was Zeno's father but also kind of got retconned in chapter 264 of the manga because in chapter 264 of the manga we see that there's somebody between Maha and Zeno however we don't know that person they kind of look like Garo Loki now when it comes to the old man Trope and Anime Zeno while he may not look super intimidating has always been very intimidating to me which is most likely because he's always wearing a tapestry that says one kill per day meaning he needs to kill one person every single day at least though as you spend more time with Zeno throughout the plot of Hunter Hunter you realize he's actually kind of a good guy see when Zeno attacks the Chimera and hide out and uses his Dragon dive and Reigns down on the entire Fortress he realizes that he injures kamogi who he deems to be an innocent person and he's so dejected by the news that he might have killed an innocent that he just dips out of the Ark as he tells Chito the reason he doesn't want to fight against him is because he might have killed the first innocent person and his entire lifetime and it's really affecting him now does that stop Silva from crushing Cheetos head in no and honestly thank God for it it's an incredible scene now Zeno is the reflection of nearly a century of being trained to be an assassin and honestly he shows it ezeno told an entire group of mafia members that it would only take him seven seconds to kill every single one of them and told Carlo one of the strongest people in the universe that if he wanted to truly kill Zeno he was gonna have to take the fight seriously and Zeno can back all of this us up as he's one of the most talented net users in all of Hunter hunt see Zeno is an admitter but also an incredibly talented transmuter but on top of being probably the most talented admitter in all of Hunter Hunter his net reserves are insane as Xeno is able to stretch his n 300 meters in all directions meaning anything within 1 000 feet of Zeno will be detected the second it gets close to it but in combat is where Zeno truly shines see we saw Zeno use a myriad of emission techniques in his battle against crowler like when he uses auroblast that was able to destroy the entire room they were fighting in and lightly injure crola but objectively the cooler techniques that Zeno uses are his transmutation techniques like his dragon head transmutation technique where he transmutes his Aura into a tangible extension in the shape of a dragon which he can use to Lunge at his enemy or simply fire dragons off at them in combination with his admission techniques because the second that aura leaves your body it becomes an emission technique but outside of being able to manipulate an End Dragon for combat abilities Zeno is also able to Manifest this dragon head to fly on which is how he got himself and netaro to the battlefield against the Chimera ant and one of the craziest things about Zeno is the fact that he can maintain this dragon head from kilometers away see NATO America rode the dragon head to an area miles away from the palace so their battle wouldn't hurt any more innocence but the thing is Zeno wasn't there on top of it guiding it he was controlling that Dragon bringing it to a location miles from his physical body meaning he was constantly transmuting his Aura into that shape and admitting it to control it over there which isn't even the craziest combination of a mission and transmutation then technique he has because that would be Dragon dive which is the ability to split his dragon head into a falling reign of stars well I guess the more accurate summation would be he breaks this large dragon head into hundreds if not thousands of smaller Aura dragon heads and while this technique can't kill High Level Threats like the royal guard or marowen who was able to decimate the entirety of the Chimera ants Palace in one go as every single Aura Dragon was able to pierce through multiple levels of concrete when it comes to all of the old men on this list Zeno is probably the last one you want to betray but Zeno isn't even the strongest old man from his Universe no that title would go to the person he brought to the Chimera ant Palace Isaac netarel cinero is one of the older old men on this listing anywhere between 110 and 120 years old at the time of his death and nettero for more than half of his life has been known as the strongest nen user in the world dinero when he believed his power had reached a plateau went into the mountains to pray and he prayed every single day and after every single prayer he would throw a punch he practiced this movement for years if not decades until eventually he was able to pull off this movement in 0.1 seconds and from these possible decades training in the mountains nettero gained the ability the hundred type guanine bought it stop this technique allows had wrote to summon a massive nen construct that takes the form of 100 armed guanya which in an Anglo-Saxon way of describing is essentially the god of mercy and now every single one of these 100 arms Unleashed a different attack and before every single one of these attacks nederro would do a prayer motion and then unleash one of the hands this technique happened so fast and was so powerful that when Pito jumped at nederro he hit her with a palm strike that knocked her miles away before she even registered what happened on top of this all of these 100 moves can be used in combination with each other which made merum realize that the amount of combinations that netero is able to pull off with this Guan Yin are almost Limitless and it was only because of merweb's proclivity for playing board games and trying to break the Habits by identifying the unconscious bias of the people he was playing in these board games that marowam realized that netero has an unconscious bias towards using different combinations and once he figured out this unconscious bias he was able to get to nedero faster than nederro could react now while the majority of the hands of the hunter type Guan Yin are just one strike the 99th hand allows Nero to strike multiple times without praying in between these strikes are so powerful that he was able to blast Nero through the ground into an underground bunker now mind you nadero and marowen battled for hours and all the damage that netaro is able to inflict on Marrow and was relatively surface level the most damage that netero was ever able to do to marowen was through the usage of his zero hand which focuses all of nederro's Aura into the mouth of the guanyin and fires it as a bee a whatever enemy that the Guan Yin has in its hands now since this technique uses all of nedero's Aura it essentially kills which is bad news for you if you survive because once nedera's heart stops it releases a bomb a bomb known as the dictator's Rose which is essentially a dirty bomb that poisons anybody who happens to get blasted with it should they survive the blast now mind you this blast was strong enough to basically leave Nero as a chimera ants nugget possibly even more nefarious than this anybody who is poisoned by this bomb poisons anybody they come into contact with and what's craziest about all of this is that netero hypothesizes that he's only at 50 of his strength in his old age meaning if nedera had fought marrow I'm in his prime he would have been twice as strong which is terrifying when you think about the fact that Nedrow at the height of his battle against Maryland was able to launch 1 000 attacks a minute and also had such control over his body and his Nan and his endurance that once marowim cut off parts of his body he could simply come into contact with him and close the wounds Nero is was and will always be a certified badass however unfortunately all the praying in the world won't make him as strong as our next entry on this list because coming in at number seven we have a Nokia is the second video in a row I've done this I accidentally have two number one spots so if I've been messing up the numbers I'm sorry we are most definitely on number seven when you think oldsmen in Naruto your first thought may not be Enoki but arguably it's should be Enoki is the only person in the entirety of the Naruto universe who lived through all four Ninja Wars and even though he was in his mid-80s in the fourth grade Shinobi World War matara marked him as the most dangerous person in the Allied Shinobi forces saying that his abilities would be the most meddlesome against the likes of modern he has been the third to Chicago since the first great Shinobi World War meaning he has led Ewa for almost 50 maybe 60 years and while in his early days obviously Hitman move will cut slapped around by Modera when he just popped over to Ewa to show konoha's superiority I guess with time it seems as though Enoki only got stronger so the version we see of him in the fourth grade Shinobi world war is substantially nerfed which is crazy when he considered the fact that he went toe-to-toe with the likes of moo who was his former master and who died in the prime of his life but was brought back with an Edo tensei body and since move died in the prime of his life as Edo tensei body was relatively powerful not to mention had infinite regeneration and infinitely refilling chakra and when Tsunade was boosting his chakra in their battle against Modera he was able to destroy five of matara's susano clad and Shadow clones with his particle release so you know he's able to use earth wind fire lightning and yang release however when he combines Earth Wind and Fire he doesn't get catchy music he gets dust release or particle release a technique that allows him to create a geometric shape that destroys anything it comes into contact with and as this is a combination of three different Elemental releases it's referred to as a kekkei totem one passed down to him by moo the inventor of it in Enoki with the power of this technique is able to wipe out entire Islands in massive forests he can also hit incredibly quick moving objects like meteors that were showering down on Ewa during Naruto the last but dust release isn't everything to Enoki he's also incredibly talented when it came to Earth release being able to clad his fists in Earth release to increase his punching ability being able to control something's weight making it either incredibly heavy or incredibly light which he used on himself to make himself be able to fly he was able to create massive stone golems that could Aid him in combat and his control over Earth's release was so precise and so powerful he was able to essentially stop one of matara's meteorites now obviously he was helped by Gara and the rest of the Shinobi Allied Forces without Enoki flying against the meteorite and making it lighter with his technique Modera wouldn't have needed a second meteorite Enoki isn't the end of the old men in Naruto no because coming in at our number six spot is the real old man you think about when you think of Naruto here is this he love him or hate him heerazin was an incredibly powerful character here is it much like Enoki was the longest serving Hokage in the Leaf's history outside of being the longest tenured Hokage in the Leaf's history in the early days of Naruto hirazin was referred to as the strongest Hokage in history with early data books slightly corroborating this point now obviously everything we've seen from Heroes in kind of flies in the face of him being stronger than hashirama and tobirama or even Minato for that matter him being dubbed the god of Shinobi long before hashirama was dubbed to the god of Shinobi definitely points Us in the right direction when talking about his strength unfortunately for us we never really got to see what a prime heroism looked like as he was almost 70 years old when he died but we can assume that Prime heroes in was a menace one he was the Sensei of the legendary sawning three of the strongest ninjas in konoha's history one of which was Draya who was offered to be the Hokage four times in Tsunade who was the fifth Hokage and now Rich Morrow who is one of the strongest ninjas in all of Naruto's history not just konawas now Harrison was able to wield all five Elemental releases and yin and yang making him one of only 10 or so people in the entirety of the Naruto Universe capable of doing that and like I've already said the data books kind of Swing Harrison's way when talking about power as here as it was picked directly by Toby Rama to be the third Hokage with the fourth data book stating that Heroes it had surpassed his teacher Toby Rama in his childhood with the First Data Book saying that heroes in was the strongest kage of his lifetime and him and hashirama were alive simultaneously now if you want to highball heroes in you could say that that's corroborated by his battle against Orochimaru where he battled not only against the roshi Maru but the reincarnated versions of hashirama and Toby Ram all while being old and significantly out of his Prime and thus very much weaker than he was in his prime and when it comes down to it he was heavily nerfed by age as Orochimaru after their battles stated that if he was in was even 10 years younger he would have killed Orochimaru but the thing is hirosin was semi-successful in his battle against Orochimaru being able to use Reaper death seal with two other clones to seal both hashirama tobirama and orochimaru's arms now what's technically kind of crazy about this feat is that Reaper death seal is a tug of war based on chakra and you can only pull out 100 of somebody's Soul if you have more chakra than them which if you want to take things super Loosely here means that he was in in this weekend old state had more chakra than both hashirama and Toby Rama combined now obviously orochimar hadn't mastered at otensei yet so to assume that hashirama to Brahma were at their strongest here it's kind of a stretch especially when you consider the fact that during this fight heroes in states that splitting his chakra to any more than two clones would put his life in danger but he was in offset a significant Nerf to his chakra pool by controlling his chakra at one of the highest levels we've ever seen so herizin was known as the professor and had mastered every single Jutsu of the leaf and the only Jutsu from the leaf that he couldn't use was flying Raj this is why we see heroes in especially after he's brought back during the fourth grade Shinobi World War use a myriad of different jutsus and while some of the jutsus we see him use are stupid like roof tile shurikinjutsu here is in during the 4th grade genome world war was kind of a menace as he did have Mastery over all five Elemental releases in at an incredibly high level try all that into the fact that he has probably the strongest summon in the entirety of the universe monkeykin enma who's able to turn into an infinitely extendable Adamantite staff Adamantite is the strongest material in all of Naruto it's basically impenetrable even orochimaru's kusunagi blade which is said to be able to cut through anything couldn't cut through Adamantite though monkeykin and must said that he would be bruised if he was hit by it a lot and even in hirazin's old age in the data book he received a 34 which is a half Point higher than both alive Itachi and Jiraiya at his Peak so you may not love him for completely abandoning Naruto and honestly there but when it comes to power herizines was unmatched except of course Maybe by our number five spot on this list white beard also known as Edward Newgate one of the four Emperors of One Piece well at least he was before Blackbeard now Whitebeard was the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates and known as the strongest man in the world though he only get into this moniker after gold D Rogers death though it was said that his strength was comparable to that of gold D Roger as Whitebeard was his rival which is corroborated by the fact that Whitebeard held the second highest bounty in history second only to Goldie Roger now the majority of whitebeard's power came from his devil fruit the Quake Quake fruit which he used to battle against Goldie Roger for days but the battle eventually ending in a top but in a relatively Common Thread that we're going to see throughout this entire list Whitebeard for the majority of the time we know him is significantly nerfed white beard has to be constantly connected to a myriad of different machines and IVs that keep him alive but even in this weekend State he's still able to defeat the likes of Ace over 100 times even when Ace tried to attack him while he was sleeping this nerfing was only made worse by the fact that in the Battle of marine Ford Whitebeard refused to go into the battle while connected to his life support which meant that the longer that the battle went on the worse his health got which is honestly a good thing for the Navy because Whitebeard in the deteriorated State still went against all three of the Admirals relatively simultaneously and after Akainu did you know his thing white beard in this highly injured state with hundreds of stab wounds and bullet wounds stepped up and almost killed Akainu with one blow now mostly this strength comes from his actual physical strength we've seen him stop strikes from Giants one-handed we saw him stop squad's paddle boat with one hand there's a reason he was known as the strongest man in the world when Giants exist but on top of being incredibly strong even in this nerfed state he was fast enough to speed Blitz akaini with Akai you know only realizing that he was being jumped by white beard when his soldiers yelled out but on top of that white beard was the wielder of the Quake Quake fruit said to be the strongest out of all of the paramecia type devil fruits and according to sengoku with this power Whitebeard could destroy the world which makes sense when we consider the fact that in this incredibly weakened State he managed to tilt the entirety of marine Ford and the ocean around it and not to mention with the que Quake fruit he was able to battle against the Magnum Magna fruit which has the highest level of attack power out of all of the devil fruits in one piece tie this into the fact that Whitebeard was one of the strongest users of conquerors Armament and observation hockey out there and you got a scary 72 year old man not quite as scary as our number four entry on this list bang why Nick can put it back from one place man over Edward Dugan yes pretty easily actually bang also known as S-Class hero number three from one punch man is one of the strongest old men in history sibang is the Creator and teacher of the water stream Rock smashing fist however that's not always who bang was he used to be referred to as wind of blood but that was back when he was young and he used a different fighting technique known as exploding heart release fist which was an entirely offensive focused martial arts that would explode the hearts of those he was fighting against however after losing his way as a martial artist and being corrected by being defeated by his brother bomb bang changed his style to the water stream Rock smashing fist which is more defensive in redirection focused now here's the thing about bang well we have seen some very impressive Feats from him there's also some moments that are not so impressive from him see we've seen bang in the early days of one punch man that is the parts of one punch man that have actually been animated fly out of the sky and punch Garo into the ground and create a crater the size of a city block we saw him easily defeat the likes of fist fight jyn a demon level threat and we saw him when we're working together with bomb knock back Elder centipede and Destroy its Caprice now obviously this wasn't enough to kill Elder centipede but the only person who was able to kill elter said to Pete was saitama which isn't really a knock against bang on top of this destroying eldersen to Pete's Caprice in the first place is incredibly impressive when you think about the fact that that Caprice was able to withstand not only metal bat swings But Metal Knights missiles not to mention during the monster Association Arc that bang went up against fewer ugly and gums simultaneously and managed to critically injure both of them if you were ugly and gums are two of the strongest dragon Level Threats we've ever seen on top of this bang was able to outrun a falling spaceship and is faster than Atomic Samurai a man with the capability to quite literally dice a person on a microscopic level thousands of times in less than a second not to mention that bang has sparred with the other S-Class Heroes multiple times sparring with the likes of dark shine and metal bat neither of which were able to hit him once but the true genuinely most impressive thing about Bang is that he went toe-to-toe with evolved Gara now one will say yeah but he lost that battle here's the thing he did lose his battle against evolve Garo but he also could have won see bang is absent piecing up evolved Garo for a chapter or two until evolve Garo proceeds to use his explosion heart release fast which apparently he found the scroll that bang hid a couple of years ago when he used to be his student and after simply reading it once he was able to master it now bomb states that if bang had also used that fist he would have defeated evolved Gara a bang willingly decides not to and continues to use his redirection in defensive fists and because of that bang loses now well technically this is just speculation if we put this old and kind of Nerf version of bang on slightly equal footing with evolved Garo that scales him to an insane level evolved Garo was able to defeat evil mineral water the combined versions of gums and pure ugly in another Dragon level threat in three 100 thousandth of a second mind you every single one of these Dragon Level Threats was really pushing what it meant to be a dragon level threat after defeating those three dragon level threat he went on to battle against flashy Flash and platinum spur flashy flash being the fastest out of all of the s Class Heroes massively faster than light and was still completely outclassed in terms of speed and strength by this version of Gara then after defeating flashy flash Garo and platinum sperm battled against each other and in this battle they moved so fast that they left a Labyrinth of lights that spanned hundreds of miles all in 1700 millionths of a second which makes this fight also massively faster than light this version of Garo also goes on to defeat Sage centipede pretty much by himself even though metal bat was there as well so yeah the fact that bang was in that battle at all and it was Loosely implied that he could have won puts him fairly far above everybody else on this list we've listed thus far not quite as high as our top three because coming in in third we have Yamamoto specifically Captain Yamamoto the captain of the first division of the gote 13 in Bleach being the strongest man outside of the royal guard in the entirety of the Soul Society now Yamamoto was kind of in a two-man race for oldest person on this list as supplied at his death that he was close to 2 100 years old making him probably view everybody else on this list as children what made this old man so powerful was it experience bloodlust his Bankai how about all three Yamamoto is so powerful that he was able to battle against two of the strongest captains in the history of the Soul Society Chun sui and juiciro simultaneously and leave the battle with no sign of injury but here's the thing Yamamoto was so strong that he doesn't even need his zampark toe half the time as it's clear that his pride was with his fists is almost as good as with his sword as with just his fists alone Yamato was able to smash through a spot of level jieros which is like an espada's armor with his fists he has two techniques ikotsu and sokotsu which roughly translates to single bone in double bow with the power of equal TSU Yamada was able to destroy the entirety of Wonder Weiss's abdomen with the power of sokotsu he was able to destroy pretty much the entirety of one device I mean his head was still there on top of this Yamamoto is one of the most talented keto Masters in the universe being able to use ketos without even calling out their names now mind you the longer the incantation you use for keto usually the stronger they are and the higher the number the keto the stronger it is which is why it was terrifying when Yamamoto used hotto 96 at a high level of efficiency without an incantation they only go up to a hundred mind you the Yamamoto has been the head of the gote 13 for over a thousand years and in those 1000 Years there's never been a Shinigami stronger than even Eisen stated that if he was the battle Yamamoto straight up he would lose which backed up by the fact that oh what is it how do you say it I am not looking forward to July when this show comes back I mean I am looking forward to the show coming back but I'm gonna have to talk about it and I'm gonna have to say this Yiddish name that everyone's like oh Nick you can't say Yiddish what's wrong with you Alex it up it's you would figure the Jew would know but no what was it talking about oh yeah yeah momoto is the person who defeated yahaba a thousand years ago and even in tybw yahaba decides to trick Yamamoto to Tire him out before facing him directly now this is mostly because of Yamamoto zambakta which in a shikai forum alone is terrifying its sheikhai command is reduce all creation to Ash which is terrifying and when is she Cairo jinjaka is released it emits fire so hot that it melts away the clouds in the sky and immediately evaporates all of the water in the cerate and the fire emitted from hashikai is so powerful that the only people in the cerate who could resist it were shunsui and ukitate Flames are so hot that one of the stern ritters that invade the cerate during Thousand-Year blood War arc's first Arc Driscoll is immediately incinerated when these flames come into contact with him now mind you Driscoll is a captain level threat Yamamoto can do a lot with these Flames things like jokaku Enzo which creates a massive all of flame that's so powerful to the likes of eisenjin and tosen couldn't go through it taimatsu which creates a giant wave of flames that incinerate anything it touches and lastly in tetsujikoku creates Seven Pillars of flame that incinerate anything that happens to be within those pillars it's said that the effective range that Yamamoto can create is larger than that of karakora town we haven't even got to his bunk see yamamoto's bonkai release actually gets rid of all of the Flames made by his shikai release as they go into his sword and more specifically into the tip of his soul the Flames of this bunkai are so hot they're invisible being claimed to be as hot as the sun in fact unahana states that if this Bankai is released for too long it will destroy the entirety of the cerate simply by just existing now this Bankai has four abilities zankanotachi north south east and west now East automatically happens the second the bunkai is released and it concentrates the Flames of the sun into the tip of his blade this means that anything touched with the tip of that blade is incinerated out of existence immediately even the van Derek's bluet vein is irrelevant and that's one of the strongest defensive abilities in all of bleach God do I just wish that TJ Koba would have sticked to oh I don't know one language when making up abilities yeah why don't we have Yiddish and German in Japanese and Spanish yes throw it all in there so Nick gets to oscillate between Yamamoto Wonder Viking back to the bank release the West move of this Bankai is also released immediately as the bunkai is released this technique engulfs yamamoto's Body In Flames that are 15 million degrees Celsius however these Flames are so hot that they're invisible but what this does mean is that while his bunkai is released he cannot be touched the South move of his bonkai allows him to bring back and reanimate all of the people he's killed with these flames and Yamamoto has been killing people for two Millennials so it's quite the necromancer's wet dream in the north move of his bonkey is just a slash that incinerates anything that it touches out of existence so yeah long story short there's an army of about a million zombies trying to kill you he is 15 million degrees Celsius so you can't touch him and if he touches you well bye-bye there's a reason that there's never been a Shinigami stronger than him but enough about Shinigami let's get to our number two spot because coming in at our number two spot we have one of the most iconic anime characters in history Master roshi Master roshi is one of the strongest humans in history he's the creator of the Kamehameha wave and even in the early days of Dragon Ball which aired 40 years ago he destroyed the moon making him 40 years ago low planetary well that and that alone would put him in contention with the majority of the old men on this list Dragon Ball super has had some separate plans for roshi roshi doesn't really do anything in Dragon Ball super until the Revival of Frieza Arc however during this Arc he kills 170 of frieza's soldiers all of which are comparable to Raditz in strength which means he's massively stronger than both Goku and Piccolo in the early days of Dragon Ball Z putting him probably somewhere in the region of Super Saiyan 1 Goku the first time he did it but this isn't even close to the most impressive thing that Master roshi has done in super see Master roshi well controlled in kind of a Chinese Empire kind of situation was able to exchange blows with bass Goku and in this exchange it blows Goku was complimenting Master roshi saying I never knew you were this strong why have you been hiding this now ultimately of course Master roshi is defeated by a Kamehameha wave from Goku kinda fitting and roshi is able to defeat the likes of Tien and battle against high-level aliens in the tournament of power like frost so all in all he's very easily a planetary level threat which in my opinion puts him higher than anybody else on this list but it doesn't put him higher than our number one spot on this list because on our number one spot on this list we have a God yes because at our number one spot we have Zeus from record of Ragnarok see well even though record of Ragnarok is a story all about gods and humans Zeus is the chairman and the leader of all of the Gods he's even referred to as the Godfather of the cosmos in record of Ragnarok implying he might be the oldest God amongst all of them which are by far and away make him the oldest person on this list because he's possibly as old as existence itself and beside being the oldest God he's referred to as the final Boss by gold and it was actually after winning a tournament amongst all of the Gods to see who was the mightiest that he was elected as the leader of the Gods becoming the ruler of both the cosmos and Heaven which makes sense when you consider the fact that Heimdall stated that Zeus had near omnipotent ability having the power of creation at his whim therefore anything he doesn't like he destroys he was also present for the Big Bang and enjoyed watching it happen and was stated in his final form he could destroy Heaven this is also able to blatantly disrespect other gods like Ares and Shiva it stated that he's so fascinating can launch punches and kicks possibly faster than time itself with the fastest punch we've ever seen thrown from him being delivered in one 100 millionth of a second on top of this his durability is second to none remember he was there for the Big Bang and twice Zeus has been hit with a punch that surpassed time from Adam meaning possibly an infinite speed punch which would have infinite Force however after entering his Adam estate his big muscular state it stated that he's possibly indestructible oh and earlier I misspoke when I said that the fastest punch he ever threw happened in one 100 millionth of a second it actually happened in one and then there's 20 zeros thief of a second so the punch that he threw happened in point 20 zeros and then one second and also once again I lied his atom estate is actually not when he's muscular it's when he gets really skinny however he's only able to hold this atomist form for 12 to 13 minutes but in his fight against Adam since he had been severely injured by Adam he was only able to hold it for five to six minutes but in this form Zeus is able to launch attacks that contain the entirety of his Divine might and this is the form where Shiva believed he could destroy Heaven which is either a dimension or a concept depending on how you want to look at it so yes he's both the oldest and the most powerful out of all of the old man Trope characters in anime so he's gonna get the number one spot what do you guys think did I forget some other super old God in anime did you agree with my list is there anybody you would have loved to see on my list tell me in the comments below and why you guys are down there please for me like this video subscribe to the page and hit that Noti Bell see me when I'm old I'm not gonna be strong you know what I'm gonna do the second I hit 75 I'm giving up on life but not really I'm just gonna get whatever form of AI VR we have currently and I'm just gonna live in that full time like Kirito in the nerve gear except I can take it off I just choose not to [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: The Weeb Commander
Views: 224,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: anime, anime explained, nchammer23, weeb commander, manga explained, manga, naruto, one piece, jujutsu kaisen, record of ragnarok, hunter x hunter, tokyo ghoul, dragon ball, dragon ball z, dragon ball super, bleach
Id: h96-2Lnv4zM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 11sec (2231 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2023
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