The STRANGEST Character from Every Single LEGO Game

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[Music] you know if you put together every single lego game we have had a total of 28 character rosters amassing over 4 000 characters but hey hey when there's something strange in your character roster who you're gonna call oh yes so join me as we look at the strangest character from every single lego game cue the music hello hello hello there guys i am rugged eagle and nice to meet you and welcome to my channel without a further ado let's get into it and hey if you want to enjoy a like would be really appreciated thank you and hey maybe drop a cheeky subscribe too only if you do go to india but there is a quick disclaimer i will not be counting lego star wars the video game no lego star wars 2 because we have the complete song as we progress through our list we will be going in chronological order starting with the complete saga working our way up to the skywalker song kicking things off with we have lego star wars the complete saga and the strangest character in this lego game is indiana jones now hey there is nothing wrong with lego indiana jones in this lego game i definitely think he's one of the best characters in this lego star wars game and that is really strange to see and the main reason why he's in this game in particularly is because they wanted to promote the next lego game and if you didn't know there was actually an entire bonus level themed on indiana jones that was meant to make it into the complete saga but it got cut at the last minute i really love how indiana jones is pretty much identical to han solo because they are the same actor now obviously indiana jones has his whip and his revolver sounds absolutely amazing in this game have a listen this was before they decided to give indy his proper first print and here he has han solo's face they literally go hand in hand as the next lego game on the list is lego indiana jones the original adventures and the strangest character in this one is han solo i'm loving cloud city my head's in the sky i'm so low i'm hiding so low i'm heading however this one was a little bit different because it wasn't like they were trying to promote the next lego game because it was obviously lego batman we just simply got han solo and hey i'm all for me now this may go down as the funnest character to unlock across all lego games and it kind of reminds me of some sort of regard to stan lee in pebble so to unlock han solo in lego indiana jones you need to find five star wars characters in peril and then you get to obviously purchase han solo for a hundred thousand stunts the character is an exact carbonite copper see what i did there from obviously his character in the complete saga and though this is the strangest character in this lego game he definitely is one of the more unique characters and we haven't really seen many characters from older lego games cross over into newer lego games ever since this obviously excluding lego dimensions that's a bit different next up is lego batman the video game and oh oh what a lego game it's too good it's too good remember the days of sending alfred to his demise choosing all the different bat suits when you finally get the sauna suit and all that good times so the strangest character in this case i'm gonna give it to the yeti lego batman one only has a total of 46 characters in its character roster and it is the smallest lego game character roster and it doesn't really have any filler characters except from the yeti and let me tell you about the story of the yeti give me a bit of ominous music what is so creepy about the yeti in lego batman one the video game is the yeti does not appear in the game at all this character is only ever found in the character roster and some speculate the yeti is one of mr frieza's henchmen but he does not appear in the mr freeze level and he's only seen on a few boxes the character if you look very closely resembles killer croc without the blue jeans and without the scales so you may be sat there asking yourself how do you unlock the yeti while you unlock the yeti by completing the worst level in the game that being penguin's light and this is all we know about the character of the yeti so when you sleep tonight ask yourself who is the strangest character in this case is the janitor and he's actually a main character so when you begin playing lego indiana jones 2 and you start out on the crystal school the first two levels you mainly play as indiana jones and the janitor and what is so peculiar about this character is someone has hurt this man look at him when he swings that broom he's just he's vicious yeah i'm aware that my voice broke then but he is a vicious man in all honesty the lego indiana jones 2 character roster isn't the greatest and i think it is the worst lego game character roster because it's got a lot of filler characters such as the peru nurse the market trader the greaser and what we do it's that time again where we sprint at a brick wall and head over to hogwarts in lego harry potter years one to four now this actually was my most played lego game when i was younger and it always kind of frustrated me how much you had to grind for voldemort you literally had to get every single gold brick and then complete a bonus level come on i mean at least voldemort is worth it unlike supergirl in lego batman 2. no no no no out of the entire list this may be the most daftest looking character across all lego games and that has to go to crumb shock yeah this character is literally jaws gone wrong i mean look how stupid he looks now this character has the exact same move set as professor lupin as a werewolf and there's just something so fun about crumb shark walking around diagon alley waving at people doing front flips and i still don't understand how this character can get about with his eyes at the side of his head but hey that's off to him to be fair the character is useful in the one underwater level but that's about it but hey he's a happy chappy shark so we'll leave him big oh it seems like the clone wars have begun with lego star wars three the clone wars now i'm gonna give you a fair warning here this next character is a little bit suspicious and it has to go to the luxury droid now the name kinda explains it itself and this character is the most useless character and it takes the spot over chancellor palpatine and the complete saga you cannot even jump nor attack to make it even worse you cannot even sprint as this character neither and it kind of begs the question what is the luxury dried for and oh yeah mate your ears are not deceiving you next up is lego pirates of the cabin [Music] now the strangest character in this game is actually one of the most overpowered characters just under blackbeard and that is the ancient sailor now this old chap here does not have a gun nor the sword he has a fish now i don't notice this feature was made on purpose but for some reason the fish just bypasses all weapons in this game and you can easily defeat every single enemy and boss usually in lego pirates of the caribbean before you actually hit somebody you enter like a little duel mode with your cutlasses and then it registers the attack but for some reason the fish just bypasses this so this old chap is literally the second most powerful character in this game he can defeat david jones pretty much everybody the only guy who's a little bit more powerful is blackbeard now in terms of most other lego games this character would have been a filler character but this character costs a hundred thousand studs he has his own unique animation when he double jumps where he does a cartwheel and he he's pretty overpowered i mean listen to this yeah seriously do not mess with the ancient sailor boom bomb is an ancient sailor sailor boom boom doom he'll slap you with his fish and oh look what time it is time to run through a brick wall again and head over to lego harry potter years five to six this next lego game character is kind of a universal character across all lego games and he's pretty much depending every single lego game and that is the lego skeleton now in the lego harry potter games the skellington is kind of like an iconic character very similar to deadpool in the lego marvel games and every time you see me kind of dances with that stupid music but hey it's a pretty banging tune i'll let you have there is a major issue that i do have with this character and that is just how long it takes to attack the character doesn't indirectly attack people he has this little scare animation for his main forward attack but it's really delayed in the frames until the actual person gets hit and if we just fast forward two lego stalls the skywalker saga real quickly it was awesome to see the dancing skeleton return which is a straight up reference to obviously the lego harry potter games no no no no no no that doesn't mean lego harry potter is the next lego game it's a lego disney game you can trust me it'd be like lego dimensions with all your disney characters anyway the days of mumbling are now over it's time to head over to gotham city in lego batman two out of the entire list this definitely was the most difficult decision for me because lego batman 2 is kind of one of the more serious lego games there weren't really any filler characters and all the characters were rather serious there wasn't really a strange character the base game has bob on 50 characters and if you have dlc it takes it up to 60 characters in total which is rather low for a 2012 lego game i mean i grew up with this look how tiny this character roster is i swear it was bigger when i was younger so i'm gonna choose mad hatter for this one i really love the animations for this character in particularly because he doesn't have a weapon as such he just attacks people with his hat and he's got some really fun animations such as his jumping animation he does this little heel click and it's so fun just to run around spamming it and i love his other moves such as his tiptoeing when you sneak around as him it just looks hilarious i mean look at his little walking animation too the only problem about gotham city in lego batman 2 is every 5 seconds you literally get jumped by a group of goons and here's a quick question for you please let me know down below in the comments what do you prefer new york city and lego marvel 1 or gotham city and lego batman 2. let me know below it's now time to jump over to middle earth and lego lord of the rings lego lord of the rings is by far my all-time favorite lego game and it has a whopping 74 characters which is a big improvement above lego batman 2 but i couldn't really pick a strange character because again this lego game was rather serious call me a fool of a 2 call you want because i'm gonna go with the strangest mythical weapon for this one and after looking at all of these very strange mythical weapons i've decided to go with the mythful music boots and they these are a bit weirder they're a bit funky there's only one way to explain this one and that's to have a listen it is rather funny i'll let you have a listen [Music] i tell you what you can get me a pair of them boots hang on a minute copy that copy that yeah yeah an emergency looks like it's like our city undergo now this one's a bit different because the characters kinda work as disguised as four chase mccain so i'm gonna go with the weirdest character class this was a very easy choice out of all of these character classes here it's gotta be the farmer i mean you literally run around firing eggs out of a chicken's backside i mean can we get stranger than that oh boy yeah we can next up is like on marvel superheroes one with squirrel girl now i don't know if this is a joke in the tt games office but squibble girl has been in every single lego marvel game and in lego marvel avengers she has her own squibble mech i mean hats off i don't know what these squibbles are made of she has explosive squibbles in the game this to me is just one of the most baffling lego game characters however though i have grown to like the character because she's got a really overpowered ability where she charges up a lot of squibbles around enemies bodies and it literally just tears them apart and finally she also has a suit which is a little bit disappointed doesn't really work correctly and i think that squirrel girl i'm gonna do it again in a nutshell time to jump over to where everything is awesome in lego movie the video game this character is a very unusual character and it has to go to michelangelo now just in case you don't know who michelangelo is he's an italian sculptor painter when he was born in 1475 and now he's in a lego game sculpting with lego blocks nice yeah if this is not the most unusual choice for a character in both the movie and the game and he's also with shakespeare alongside abraham lincoln it's cool to see him so what does michelangelo do well he basically throws explosive lego paintbrushes and he even returned in lego movie 2 the video game is literally a playable character in that too never in my life would i have ever pictured michelangelo flying around a western town in super pants and i'm so glad i've seen it anyway it's time to head far over the misty mountains cool to lego hobbit this one goes to bomber barrow this character was purely created due to the scene in the hobbit where they're going down the stream in the battles i'm gonna use a star wars quote to explain this one try spinning that's a good trick well yeah in this case it is a good trick this to me is one of the greatest characters ever all you simply do is just spin around waving your axes around attacking every single orc in your vicinity to top all of this off too he has his own special ability if you hold down one of the special buttons he just rolls around inside the barrel if you are sat there wondering does bomber do this in the movie yes he does and i just think it's brilliant how the devs decided to add this concept into the game and added him as his own separate character too now once you start spinning as this character nothing else can penetrate through you are kinda invincible granted the character is a bit bizarre but this is one of the funnest characters to play as and i think it's a brilliant concept next up is the one lego game with the planet oh yeah it's lego batman 3 way beyond golf i still ponder the question today why why did they add the planets i mean if you like the planets you like the planets but gotham city all the way now i did state that this list would get very unusual and the weirdest character in this game is bat cow as any normal person would i just had to know what bat cow was about so i went to look it up on google and back out he's just an average cow with a cowl and a kit in terms of his backstory though he was basically rescued from being turned into beef and he's just a pet for batman and robin so i guess he moved in in all honesty the character is just simply put into the game's character roster for a laugh he doesn't really have any abilities that kind of makes him stand out and there's no point in really being bad cow but in all honesty just running around as a cow is pretty hilarious in the middle of space his neutral attack is very very slow however his slam down ability he kind of like drop kicks the enemy so i guess he's got that going for him still to this day i really love how diverse the lego batman freak character roster is i mean you've got super funny characters such as batman 1966 batman you've got some awesome characters like atrocitus and what really brings this game down is well the planets time to spare no expense with the next one and head over to lego jurassic world and give us the jurassic park now we all know lego jurassic world doesn't have the greatest character roster because the main highlight is the playable dinosaur so i'm gonna pick a dinosaur for this one and it has to go to the velociraptor baby i mean most of the other baby dinosaurs actually look like a baby dinosaur but this one looks like a plushie and when you move around as this character it always reminds me of the pixar lamp and that is actually a character in lego incredibles thinking about it no yes the little baby velociraptor does look cute but it's just a very strange model for a baby velociraptor wouldn't you just shrink the main raptor to be a lot smaller because all of the other baby dinosaurs look correct this one just looks like a toy up is lego multiverses lego dimensions now unfortunately i do not have dimensions as of yet i did have it when i was younger but i'm trying to pick up all the packs so i can finally talk about dimensions and maybe do a few videos on the game itself it will be coming very very soon that being said let's jump over to lego avengers [Music] butterball is the strangest character for this one now butterball is one of the most expensive lego game characters costing you 500 000 stunts so butterball was a fry cook who basically got mutated and he basically becomes invulnerable and invincible to pretty much everything and he's got no combat experience and a super fast metabolism not allowing him to change his body shape now lego avengers perfectly reflected this for starters the character has silver hearts which basically means he cannot be killed very similar to superman and lego batman 2 and he also deflects bullets whenever he gets hit then he's got a really powerful thunderclap very similar to hulk where he smashes two frying pans together and it just causes a shock wave and yes that does not happen in real life if you smack two frying pans together you're not gonna knock down your house don't worry going back to what i mentioned earlier this character has very little combat experience and you really do see this reflected in the animations for example when he's running around he falls over most of the time then when it comes to combat he basically flops himself onto the floor starts throwing frying pans at people hugging them to squeeze them it really is a fun character to be fair from a galaxy far far away again next up is lego star wars the foursome now out of all of the strange creatures in star wars that being big or small i still believe the worst character and the strangest character is kathleen kennedy and i did mention this one in my worst character from every single lego game video if you want to check it out there'll be a link at the end of a card up there it still baffles me why kathleen kennedy is in this game i understand with jj abrams and colin trevaro in lego jurassic world and steven spielberg in that but for this one i don't get why she's in it she's just a producer and none of the movesets match what she does however she is good at destroying stuff with her abilities it's now time to swoop on over to lego worms now for me i absolutely love this lego game it's a sandbox lego game so if you enjoy building stuff and just messing around this lego game is for you in terms of the character selection i love the character roster it's got mainly nostalgic lego themes as characters such as lego power miners you've got lego monster fighters lego atlantis nexo knights and if you used to collect the lego character blind bags when you were younger you'll probably recognize quite a few of the characters now this is a really tough decision because it's kind of a bit different this one because it's a sandbox lego game but for the strangest character i'm going to go with the caval singers i mean they've got a very peculiar singing voice but it's kind of harmonic at the same time i'll let you have a list [Music] yes well of all of the abilities for the characters i do think this is the strangest ability so i'm going with this and parkour on its way into the list is lego ninjago the movie the video game that was the uh ninjago theme just in case you didn't know the acoustic version now i'm sure we all still know the best character in this game is the hot dog guy and well he's the strangers too he's got to be the hot dog guy again i love the hot dog no in a world full of ninjas constantly battling it out with katanas doing ninjitsu the hot dog guy literally holds his arm with his mustard gun and his ketchup gun i mean look how amazing the character model is just running around waddling about shooting mustard and ketchup we all need to appreciate this guy again let's have two seconds we all love the hot dog dropping the exact same year in 2017 up next is lego marvel superheroes 2. lego marvel 2's character roster is absolutely enormous and it's got tons of characters especially when you add on top of all of the dlc and as i stumbled across this character it really did baffle me and that character is four bushman and yes your eyes are not deceiving you that on top of his head is a frying pan technically speaking there is two versions of four bushman you've got four bushmen from the 60s who basically is just an average bloke who's put a frying pan on top of his head and he's defeated quite a lot of villains then there is the other version of four bushman who is pretty much the exact same except from every time this version takes off his frying pan he sends out a signal called four bush vision which is basically his special ability and i absolutely love the concept he is basically just an average bloke who's carved out two holes in a frying pan and shoved it on top of his head and gone out to fight crime and i guess he does this by bashing his frying pan head on the floor and causing a shockwave like he does in the lego game i love his little ability too where you just charge it then with a frying pan on your head and imagine that coming at you in real life someone's sprinting at you like a bull with a frying pan on their head and you know what i really like for bush man i actually do next up is lego incredibles and the strangest character is a pixar character and it comes from inside out and that is bing bong so bing bong is ali's imaginary friend that she created when she were three year old and he's basically just a mix up of loads of different stuff and he kind of resembles an elephant some of the dialogue that leaves this elephant's tusk is ridiculous and i've not to forget he can play a saxophone from it too i ain't even joking have a listen i know my rocket's around here then he's got his little super chariot which i don't even know what this is it's got like rainbows coming out of it and it's pretty fast not to forget just how sadistic this character is he's got a move where he starts dancing with you to kill you and then some of the stuff that leaves his mouth i i'm scared of bing bong i know my rockets around here somewhere that is literally a demonstration of all you hear playing this character that is pretty accurate i'm proud of that this next character is very very weird and it's from lego dc super villains and that is chang zoo yeah there you go behold an egg with robotic spider legs now if you do want to know a little bit more about this abomination of a strange character you can pause here and have a read of it though the character's appearance is very questionable he is kind of fun to play you can bounce around like most big figs do in modern lego games he can fire out explosive eggs that just detonate he also has a spinning move where his legs spin around and just imagine this character in live action i have no idea what that would look like no idea next up is the worst rated lego game and for me this isn't the worst lego game i would have to say lego stars the force awakens but it's lego movie two and no for this one it is not michelangelo now i'm not gonna select one character for this one i'm gonna put down all of the mini doll characters because i just think they are really cursed and they don't feel like they belong in a lego game now i am fully aware these are actual lego characters and they originated in the lego friend sets back in the day now playing lego games all my life growing up with them and now making videos on them i just don't feel like these mini dolls belong in lego games they don't look right and i'll never get used to them hats off to the animators though they did a really good job at animating these characters but they don't feel right and in terms of the overall character roster 4 lego movie 2 it is rather disappointing because the characters are more outfits they don't really change and nor characters have special abilities but it is now time to move on to another galaxy far far away and that is in lego star wars the scowl now very similar to probably most of you here we have all just recently played lego star wars the skywalker saga and the strangest character by far for me is claude i mean do i need to go into detail and look at him it's just a moving slug and when this character starts sprinting oh my proper goes for it i do love fighting with this character though when you start sending them up into the air by spinning your head around and you start using your feet to attack them it can be rather funny to watch and hey thank you so much for watching today's video and if you did go to enjoy a like would be greatly appreciated if you want to check out any of my other videos feel free to subscribe and there'll be a link to my every single lego game series playlist here if you want to check out any others and anyway i know my rockets around here somewhere i'll see you all in a bit adios
Channel: RuggedEagle
Views: 1,418,534
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lego games, lego games all characters, all characters, lego games ranked, all lego games, ruggedeagle, all lego game characters, lego star wars the skywalker saga, lego, all characters lego, best lego games, worst lego games, lego star wars
Id: OeloTUr8Cug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 24sec (1584 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 18 2022
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