The WORST Boss from Every Single LEGO Game

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combining together every single lego game we have had a total of four hundred and seven bosses and hey you know what that means we're gonna be looking at the worst boss from every single lego game and not to forget yes it is my opinion but i hope it goes to resonate with a few of yous and maybe bring back some dark memories so then let's cue the music actually we'll pause it pause it let's go full 80s on this one [Music] so hello hello hello there guys i'm broken eagle and welcome to my lego game youtube channel if you do like what you see please feel free to subscribe and go to drop a like that will really mean a lot to me and the support has been absolutely crazy and this one did take a while to make anyway i hope you're going to enjoy let's get into it oh yeah a quick disclaimer i am not counting lego souls the video game or lego stars the original trilogy because we have the um complete saga and as we look at the worst boss battle from every single lego game we're going to be going in release orders starting off with the complete saga working our way all the way up to the skywalker song so then let's get into it our first one on the list is lego stars the complete saga and give us a bit of a drumroll the worst boss battle in the complete saga is zam wessel now what doesn't help it is that it is one of the worst levels across every single lego game a wrestler with wessel is a pain and you know what fuels me that cutscene where she shoots out the electric thing now once you've pulled yourself through this entire tedious level you're then greeted with a boss battle which literally lasts five seconds i'm not even joking i'll let you watch the entire thing it's just such an underwhelming boss battle and it really isn't engaging you're just firing at zam wessel after completing a really tedious level anyway it's time to move on to lego indiana jones [Music] so for lego indiana jones this boss battle is really forgettable and i've got to be honest i totally forgot it win the game and that is the giant snake now yes i know what you're thinking snakes why did it have to be snakes see i did that now the giant snake is technically the second main boss within this game and it is a very easy boss battle and it does get quite repetitive all you simply do is pick up some torches off the wall and just throw it at the giant snake and the answer is no if you sat there thinking does the giant snake appear in the movie no it doesn't it does the whole reason why this boss battle got put in there is because of the level the well of souls it is very puzzle oriented throughout the entire level and all you really do for combat is punch a few beetles not the band the creatures i mean indiana jones is literally whacking him with shovels mate calm down it's a beetle it's not you know now in all fairness yes the snake is the worst boss battle but it really is a fun creative choice to add on to this level and i really do like it but it is the worst boss next up releasing after lego indiana jones one is lego batman one one of the best lego games ever literally a flawless masterpiece and the boss battles are all really really good i mean just to put it into perspective for you you've got poison ivy mr freeze riddler two fish get the clock penguin catwoman and kill him off one of the funnest boss battles i gotta lure him towards the light and out of all of the hero missions i actually don't think there's one bad boss battle but that is for the hero missions we've still got all the villain missions and that is definitely where the worst boss battle lies so i think for lego batman 1 i'm gonna go with commissioner gordon now this boss battle starts off pretty decently until commissioner gordon runs away and he calls in a backup van and then oh boy does it quickly go downhill from there you have to use this crane which has some really clunky mechanics and you've got to drop these detonators onto the van and it can literally take around 10 or 20 attempts and the main reason why it's so bad is because of the cranes clunky mechanics lego games have done cranes before in the complete sag where you pick up r2d2 and all that but this crane oh it's unearthly it won't move left and then when you move it left it goes right oh stupid you know what i've met up my mind i don't like this crane i don't like it this is the worst crane in a lego game and the worst boss battle than lego batman one releasing in the year of 2009 is actually one of the worst rated lego games and that is lego indiana jones 2 and they have a weird obsession with making every single boss battle this gigantic creature and i'm gonna have to give it to donovan now you may be sat there thinking who's donovan well my friend that's donovan now ignore the fact that this did not happen at all in the movie but the boss battle is actually kind of simple all you do is use salad to dig up these metal crates and then basically donovan picks him up when you destroy the metal crates and that is the boss battle i mean you could say the same with them all around one all you do on that one is throw water bottles out and get short round to climb up and boot him off that is that is it and then there's the one from raiders of the lost ark where he turns into this big electric creature but hey it gave us an absolute amazing cutscene of the disco song i'll let you have a watch it [Music] now that song right there belongs in a museum it's time to move on to lego harry potter years one to four which dropped in the year of 2010. now for this one i was really debated between two bosses that both come from the same movie the prisoner of azkaban you've got the buck boss battle and then you've got the whomping willow but i think i'm going to give it to the whomping willow because the book boss battle is very unique i mean you're fighting a book i think they did a really good job on making this one very creative i know all you do is use lingard and levy also on the paintings but it's it's a different one now for me the whomping willow is the least engaging boss battle on the entire list now in grand scheme of the entire overall level it's totally fine but classifying it as a boss it really is pretty boring so to sum it up basically you wait for the wamping willow to attack and then you jump inside its hands and it also aims and does all the aiming for you and you just shoot its leaves at the top and then it opens up and you move on that's the boss and i'm going to be brutally honest i found the bit more engaging where you're going after peter pettingro and he's a little rat and you have to shoot the furniture i found that more engaging than shooting a tree anyway give us the clone wars theme the next one is lego star wars 3 the clone wars so for this one it is very easy the worst one has to go to r3s6 the little backstabber look look at his smug face and pretty much all you do on the boss battle is just button mash the same button over and over again it's more of a little you know fun boss battle to get you through the level and just progress you further it's not really to be taken seriously but he is a main boss but i tell you what it does feel good when you kick his little tin can straight off the edge now surprisingly lego pirates of the caribbean has the worst of the worst on this entire list and that is the giant crap and like i said in one of my past videos pretty much all the crab does is pick you up and throw you he should have been a lobster you get it and very similar to lego indiana jones one with a giant snake the crab is exactly the same it just comes out of nowhere he has very little hearts and he's very easy to defeat all you do is throw coconuts at him then dropping the exact same year as lego pirates of the caribbean and lego star wars 3 we have lego harry potter years 5-7 and the boss battles take a very different approach because they're all the same technically so the game uses what it calls the dueling system where you enter a small ring and you basically enter a spell duel and you have to switch your spells to meet the exact same spells as the enemy to basically jewel them now the main problem here is all the jewels remain the exact same in terms of difficulty as you progress through the story they don't get any more difficult and it don't really matter who you're fighting now yeah yeah i am aware that there are other boss battles where they do differentiate themselves kind of from the dueling system there's the one where you're battling voldemort as dumbledore and hey you'll never guess what there's also a giant snake too how many giant snakes on this list i know we've had tubal so there's a lot of giant snakes about why does it have to be snakes so this one's going to have to be an exception because i can't really give an answer because like i mentioned all the jewels are very very similar anyway it's time to move on to you know lego batman 2. now one thing that lego batman games always nailed to perfection is pretty much the boss battles i really struggled with lego batman 2 but i have come to an answer so for this one i have chosen poison ivy penguin bane catwoman riddler and two fists oh yeah and i forgot harley quinn now you're probably sat there thinking eh well let me explain so during the third level of the entire game of lego batman 2 you fight every single boss i just listed oh yeah and not to forget the amount of times you are going to get ran over or does it get annoying now in terms of the level design this level i think is very average i didn't really like it when i was younger but i do quite like it now it's got a bit of a different camera perspective and you technically fight all these bosses within one level and yeah the boss battles are a bit underwhelming because it's merely designed around the level design not actually being a boss battle even though they are classed as bosses now there is no actual combat involved within these boss battles all you have to do is basically set up two apps using the different bat suits and robbing suits to defeat them and you basically have to watch your back all the time otherwise you're going to get ran over over and over and over and over and over again and i think tt games handled it pretty decently to say there's that many bosses you have to defeat in this one level they did a really cool creative approach having to set traps up in this maze it is a bit of a different level design and to say it's the worst one it's pretty decent in terms of lego batman 2 because lego batman 2 is undoubtedly a masterpiece so next up is [Music] lego lord of the rings right don't ask me why i did that but this one is going to shock quite a few of you and the worst one for lego lord of the rings is the ballroom no hold on a minute hold on a minute i'm not on about the one where you're falling down as gandalf in the minds of maurya just smacking the ball rug on the air because that is pretty epic i'm on about the one at the start of the level taming goal now i'm sure you're all aware lego lord of the rings is my all-time favorite lego game and i love lord of the rings but this boss battle it looks really epic you're on top of this snowy mountain cliffside thing and the ball logs there it the visual air it's one of the best boss battles it just gets very very boring now don't get me wrong at the start of it it is really really strong then it just gets very repetitive you're sat there waiting for the battlelog to attack you jump over his attack and then you wait for some lightning to strike and then you propel the lightning back at it and what i think would have made the boss battle a little bit better if we had some enemies flooding in i know that would be inaccurate to the film but hey we've seen it before in other lego games so i'm sure it won't harm it here i mean hey at least we get to appreciate the amazing lego ball log i'll let you have two seconds to look at it there you go now it's time to go from middle earth to lego city which is a bit of a jump it's lego city undercover now this game funnily enough actually has about one main boss battle and like i'll see you undercover don't get me wrong it is one of the best lego games i had an entire video on why it is forgotten and it really is severely underrated but they don't have many boss battles which is totally fine so this one is gonna have to go to the rex fury mech one now i know so many people love the mech boss battle but for me it's just not that engaging you just throw something at the rex fury dinosaur mech and then you swing him around with his tail and throw him at the wall it's not mega amazing for me i can see why a lot of people enjoy it but it's the worst one in the game because there's really there's only two you've got rex few in his mech and then rex fury and space and that space level oh that is mint now to say there's really two i can pick from i'm not saying the mech fight is terrible it's just one or the other it's either x fury and space or it's wreck fury in the mech in space too i know now it's time to move on to lego marvel super heroes one and this one is it's galactus it really is bad now i'm only messing with you for lego marvel one is going to have to go with toad this is literally the shortest boss ever how can this even be a boss it's over before it begins now i am aware it's not meant to be a proper boss battle even though it is classified as a proper boss it's just so you unlock the character of storm but in terms of a boss you can actually fight i'm gonna go with the leader from the fourth level in the game and he just comes out of nowhere and he's got one heart literally he's got one heart look at it so this frankenstein look-alike all he does is shield himself you blow it up as iron man and then he controls whichever player you're being and you simply have to switch player and whack him once there you go anyway moving on to the year of 2014 we have lego movie the video game now yes you could go to say everything is awesome but in terms of boss battles everything is just pretty mediocre this is one of the worst lego games for boss battles because let's start off with there's not that many in the game there's around two to four and then they're not the greatest when you get onto them now in terms of the grand scheme of the game this is totally fine because the lego movie video game has some really strong level designs in certain areas and i do like the super pants does anyone remember them so for the worst one i'm gonna have to go with the first ever level where you battle lord business in a sort of way like i said there's not many to go from all you do is jump over the laser and there is some really funny dialogue because the lego movie is absolutely brilliant i love vitruvius as a character he's one of the best characters going and as you're playing a few enemies flooding as you play as cleopatra or shakespeare or if you want vitruvius now selecting phone thou two boss battles it's gonna have to be this one because it's either this or the last boss battle and i really do enjoy the last boss battle in the mix and you've got superman coming in a random magician gandolf and this boss battle actually has pretty good design it splits the characters up once playing as this mad raging unikitty and one's in the mech and you have to meet up and then defeat lord business at the end it's pretty cool so yeah for the lego movie video game i didn't have much choice everything's mediocre in terms of the boss battles let's move far over to the misty mountains in lego hobbit now the lego hobbit game a lot of people haven't actually played it and it is a really decent lego gamer set from they didn't finish the third movie even though they promised you know leaving me leaving me on this cliffhanger and the game throughout does have some decent boss battles you've got the goblin king you've got that bold looking block orc with the no hand off is it a zombie destroyer is that his name i don't know i know you can forget the level where you're playing as bilbo baggins trying to hide from the big dragon smog that is a really amazing level but the actual boss battle when you fight the dragon smog not too good so the final level of the lego hobbit you basically set yourself up to defeat the dragon of smog and it's a really disappointing conclusion when you finally get to it and this is classified as a boss now don't get me wrong i really love the lego hobbit game it's just it didn't really satisfy me the end in it you just throw some water bombs or fire bombs at smog and then that is pretty much it and it leaves you on this cliffhanger and they never finished it but at least when you finish the game you can explore middle earth because this is one of the best open worlds across all lego games so i guess there's that boldness and now as i like to always say we're going way beyond gotham in lego batman 3. now for me the boss battles in lego batman 3 aren't all too rememberable off the top of my head i can vaguely remember the final boss which i think is superman when he's massive in the fortress of solitude but i recently replayed all of lego batman 3 for my video the best character from every single lego game if you haven't seen that there'll be a link at the end if you want to watch it and after cycling through all the bosses none of them were that bad but i do know the worst boss and that is the joker space battle now this for me is a really weird level design because they did get a little bit funky with it and i do quite like it it's got that 2d approach with the classic arcade game style to it and pretty much all you do is fly around the watchtower and just shoot stuff and never let go of the shooting button like i always do and that pretty much is it joker gets in your way and then you shoot him out by never letting go of the shooting button and i do quite like it's a bit of a funky boss battle with a funky level design and he really does stand out upon the rest in some sort of way anyway next up i'm going to have to welcome you to jurassic park of jurassic world so with lego jurassic world i'm actually quite a big fan on how they tackled the boss battles because obviously you cannot be alan grant just punching a spinosaurus they kind of integrate the bosses more into the level design than any other lego game and you kind of have to do puzzles to tackle the boss and hey i'm all for it because i really like the different approach you have to sneak around the dinosaurs because you have no chance against the spinosaurus mate you ain't going nowhere i'm talking about the worst boss i'm gonna have to give it to the spinosaurus the second time you're fighting now the first time you meet our old buddy the spinosaurus it is really awesome because you have to sneak around him and you have to kind of aid the t-rex in fighting the spinosaurus and this is a really fantastic level and i really appreciate how they brought back the level design from lego lord of the rings when you're trying to hide from the ring griff and you have to distract it it's a very similar approach here you have to aid the t-rex in fighting the spinosaurus and not to forget you do get to play as the t-rex and yes yes i know it's only quick time events but hey it looks good now the second time you do come to fight the spinosaurus it's not as great in terms of level design from the first time you meet him i really love the visuals of all the water and the fire and it is a really good level but in terms of a boss it's just really flat all you do is fire some flares at some canisters and that is all you do to fight the spinosaurus and like i mentioned earlier i'm not expecting to get into a boxing ring with the spinosaurus i'm not expecting that so i think this is a really good boss but it is the worst fun lego jurassic world so the next lego game that we would have been talking about would have been dimensions and unfortunately i don't have it anymore because i play on pc and i got rid of my consoles and dimensions unfortunately isn't on pc so i can't really talk about it because i haven't replayed it with that being said we're gonna have to move on to the next lego game which is lego avengers now lego avengers is a really mixed bag in the lego game community some people really enjoy it and some people don't because lego marvel one is really hard to beat but lego avengers does have some really solid points to it such as the open world certain characters like stan lee but i'll tell you what one of it's not so many strong points is and that is the boss battles now i'm gonna be honest the boss battles aren't really rememberable in this game i did play it a few weeks back but i had to go through it again because i didn't remember any of the bosses but when i look back through them the worst boss battle for me was maliki from the for the dark world level now the malekith boss battle is a really basic boss battle you don't even technically fight malekith you just have to do wave after wave after wave of enemies and a few puzzles here and there and the puzzles just feel a bit tedious because they're not really well thought out and then once you finally get to defeat malik if this weird red filter comes onto the screen and hey guess what happens 25 more enemies spawn in and then once you defeat them all you simply do is tap one button and propel lightning at him and that is the boss battle over it's a really basic boss that just feels like waves of enemies and you're not really getting that boss battle connection and it's not like lego jurassic world let's say where you're trying to do puzzles to aid a certain t-rex to defeat a certain boss or you have to work round certain areas of the map to defeat the boss this one it's just wave after wave of enemies with a little puzzle thrown in there and then at the end you just defeat him using lightning because you're the god of thunder next up is my least favorite lego game lego star wars the force awakens now with this game being based off one star wars movie there ain't many boss battles they can do and i do think some of the level design in the force awakens is pretty decent but a lot of the levels are drawn out because it's literally one movie now i have a choice between either palpatine or kylo ren at the end of the game or fn 2199 i think i'm gonna go with fn2199 here because he's just an average storm trooper i do find it hilarious how they actually gave this guy his own boss battle and it is a pretty fun one even though he's just like an average enemy with a bit more extra health and i admit i said stormtrooper i'm sorry first order trooper like now in all honesty it ain't a terrible boss battle there's just not much i can choose from so it has to be fn 2199 and i really love the indiana jones reference at the end when harrison ford or aka han solo gets the ball caster and shoots him which is a straight up reference to the raiders of the lost ark i'll put the scene side by side right then it's time to move on to lego worlds and now we're going to move on to the next lego game because lego worlds doesn't have any boss battles and that is the lego ninjago game up next now every time i come back to the lego ninjago game i forget just how good this one is and it really is a bit of a forgotten underrated lego game because it has some of the best combat across all lego games and for the worst boss battle i think it's gonna have to be sergeant mazu or meizu now the lego ninjago game really does get funky and it has quite a few bosses in the game and sergeant mizu he literally is just an average enemy with a little bit extra health i'm not even joking he's defeated really easily and he's just one of the more forgotten ones from this game and no wonder he definitely is one of the worst bosses and he's just kind of thrown in there dropping the exact same year as lego worlds and lego the ninjago movie video game was lego marvel 2 one of the most highly anticipated lego games and the worst boss battle for me is the tog boss battle now you're probably sat there thinking who on earth is talk well i don't really have to explain this one it's an underwater level boss battle and boy i don't like underwater levels and i don't think a lot of people do but to put it into a proper perspective for you is technically just a big big fig underwater that you need to battle during one of the levels midsections and he's a really forgettable boss in terms of lego marvel 2 because lego marvel 2 really does have some great boss battles and i'm actually interested to know do you like lego marvel 2 because i know a lot of people like it and some people really don't like it so please let me know in the comments what are your thoughts on lego marvel 2 overall i'm kind of interested to hear that next up we have beard lego incredibles now one of the things i hate about this game is the long loading times between the levels when you just sat there with all your heaviest bum duh dum bum bum bum bum over and over again but anyway on to the worst boss so this one without a shadow of a doubt has to go to brick and crusher and i'm gonna be honest i totally forgot this boss battle existed so really just to sum it up for you it's really that forgettable all you do is defeat some enemies in the backyard of the incredibles new house then once you've done that you basically do a super incredible build and you create a little boxing ring which is quite funny and then you just bash the reds in and that it's done anyway hit me with your best shot it's time to move on to lego dc super villains now one thing i always big up about this game is how phenomenal the boss battles are i really love how the camera perspective always changes one of my favorites is the caliback boss battle where he's on the dinosaur i love the background scenery and how the camera works and that's what i really appreciate about lego dc supervillains how it's always changing it up from boss battle to boss battle and it really feels like it's got the perfect mix of all the boss battles from all the lego games but i'm not even joking here there is literally one boss battle that falls a bit flat and really is just very plain and that's the poison ivy boss now all poison ivy really does in this boss battle is just sitting in the background like a dummy and now and again you attack her when she opens up after you've done a few puzzles and you progress further and further and then that is pretty much all you do over and over again until the level finishes and in all honesty the level is totally fine i really like the visuals but in terms of a boss battle what we're looking at today it's not that great anyway it's time to return back to where everything is meant to be awesome it's lego movie too now this lego game really gets weird and wacky with its boss battles you fight a giant dupe lord your half a giant duplo chameleon come a coma coma comer come a chameleon but the final boss is probably the most terrible boss battle ever all you do is punch a leg or heart and that is the end of the game that is the final boss yes there's a little bit before it where you're avoiding sweet may him shooting at you and you're going up these clouds but that is the final boss and if you want to hear me go into a little bit more detail on that there'll be a card up there to one of my videos the worst lego game to dating yes it's lego movie 2. anyway it's time to move on to lego star wars the skywalker sun alright then so for the worst boss battling lego stars the skywalker saga give us a bit of a drumroll i'm gonna have to go with captain phasma from episode 8. now i'm going to be honest i was super excited for this boss battle to see finn and phasma going at it with all the fire in the burn instead fast but it really disappointed me because all you do is shoot out some ats teas above captain phasma and just let it drop on a head and you repeat that process quite a few times now what i do like about this boss battle it does have a very classic feel to it compared to all of the other bosses in lego stalls the skywalker saga because a lot of the other bosses use the new combat mechanics but this one does have that classic feeling to it but it just really bored me because the rest of the boss battles were really excellent and when i got onto this one it just felt really repetitive and a bit of a chore to do now the whole reason for this is i might not have got over how amazing the darth vader boss battle is in episode five or that is the best boss battle we have ever gotten out of every single lego game truly phenomenal work and then you get on to this one you're just shooting targets at 80 st letting it drop on phasma's head it's a bit of a contrast but anyway thank you so much for watching today's video and if you did get this far please feel free to drop a like that will really mean a lot to me because this video did take quite a bit to make and if you do like what you see please feel free to subscribe and if you want to check out any of my other videos there'll be playlists at the end here and another video of the best character from every single lego game anyway hope you have a good week and i'll see you in a bit adios
Channel: RuggedEagle
Views: 1,092,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lego games, lego games all bosses, lego star wars the skywalker saga, ruggedeagle, lego, lego game bosses, all bosses lego games, best lego games, worst lego game bosses
Id: cU8UWjfKyhY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 7sec (1687 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 03 2022
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