The BEST Level from Every Single LEGO GAME

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the best level from every single Lego game has been decided but there is a Twist as I go through the list of best levels the better the best levels become meaning are you ready to find out the best ever Lego game level let's go starting off with the weakest best level is Lego Indiana Jones 2. you know when everyone says sequels are as Never As Good As the originals well for this game's case that is true Lego Indie 2 has some stinky levels Doom town is by far the best why the concept is different it is more about trying to locate items to help you escape a room so then eventually get into a fridge before the town goes in or boom you have the return of the dancing chairs with creepy mannequins staring you down even to the little things I like how the canva is attached to the front of the home to accentuate the dollhouse Vibe as stupid as that scene was in the movie ain't nowhere you can survive that it made the best level in this game it is just a little short for my liking granted it makes sense under its circumstances hence why I think it is the weakest best level it's just a really neat concept I enjoyed it foreign one thing I am never ever a fan of is how the game uses the movie scenes for the cut scenes it just makes the game feel weird all in all I do not like a lot of Lego Movie ones levels do not even show me that level ah too late that's right there is the worst level in this game so that begs the question well which is the best it is flat Bush gulchman the level opens up with this crazy Subway Surface style opening I played that game for so long as a kid maybe that is why I really love the opening for this level and that is purely why I believe this is the best level because I don't know why but for some bizarre reason when you enter the middle section of this level it just becomes really stale it is very reminiscent of the other Lego Movie levels you simply drill something with Emmett do a little building mini gaming while the saloon fight at the end is brilliant though everyone loves a good old Saloon fight whether you've been Moss Eisley Cantina or hey even Hogwarts yes if I am being honest it doesn't have the consistency of Doom town from start to finish but that opening is so strong on its own I think it is deserving of this position and all the other levels in Lego Movie one are nowhere near on par with this one saw near Flatbush Gulch it is [Music] what is something we all do not like flies inspired is of course that is the name of the next best level Lego Hobbit is massively overlooked begging the question is Lego Hobbit bad no no no no not at all but I can go on to say though the levels for the most part can be extremely forgettable Okay this may be a bit of a bold statement but yes TT games have made many exclusive level environments across their plethora of Lego games I think the forest of merkwood is actually one of their best imagine if you were here and your mates got captured by a spider the backdrop is so disgusting it somewhat reminds me of a darker version of one of the greatest Lego game levels ever made which we will actually get on to looking at these lower entry-best levels though they are best levels in their own respective games they just lack that Lego Whimsical humor that I saw a parent in the next lot of entries yeah it is a pretty decent level I love it when you defeat the spiders TT decided to use this as their death sound this may seem a little little bit harsh but as much as this is the best level in its own respective game it really can't go any higher on the list because the bar from this best level 2 the next one is a significant jump and well you will see exactly why this is let's make the jump shall we [Music] played this game for so long as a kid and you might have too anything from the trolley the world of Lego Harry Potter years one to four is filled with enchantment and danger but the most exciting level and the best of them all is the face of the enemy it is kinda ironic it takes place after what I believe is the worst level in this game The Forbidden Forest or I would rather walk around as your order for 12 minutes instead of fighting them ugly gigantic wasps now when I think about what makes me truly enjoy Lego Harry Potter years one to four two things come to mind Lego Hagrid and this Mission because well it it has it all from the outdated model of the three-headed dog to watching this wizard take a bath with harmonic music glistening in the background and finally this is where the best levels begin to bring in the Lego Whimsical humor and not only is this level a lot than the lower three it's just got that humor on top of it too then you enter a room of flying keys look it's the Wizarding World anything can happen it is rather basic but I quite like it you just chase them down and can I just mention Javi is low-key flexing upon running Hermione here these two cannot even sit straight up on a broom and Harry's just there spinning when I was an itty bitty kid I really enjoyed this boss fight and yeah I am aware it is so part of it best the best way to do it is to use Hermione as a human shield you know the saying less is more well I think this is a perfect analogy of this boss fight the constant change of scenery really helps keep this level feeling fresh and if the final boss fight was a tad bit better it may have beaten the next entry [Music] how did uh this next one beat this one in life you are either one or the other the person who loves Lego happy party years one to four or the person who prefers years five to seven and if you prefer years five to seven seriously this hurts me so much but the best level in years five to seven does beat the face of the enemy and uh that level is actually hello hello there guys how are you doing I am working eagle and if you love Lego games do yourself a favor and subscribe also this video took so long to make and it would really mean a lot to me if you guys could drop a like oh thank you so much this Choice was a very difficult as it was either gonna be the horcrux and the hand because the segment where you protect Dumbledore is so different and we haven't actually seen anything like it since or Burning Bridges which is lorded with Incredible platforming and is one of the few levels where you get to explore Hogwarts even to the Chamber of Secrets so I decided the best level from these two had to be Burning Bridges only because of one one stupid little thing you know what I actually take that back it is not even that stupid of a little thing and prepare to witness greatness ever since little me sat down to play the Lego Harry Potter games back in 2010 and 11. these have been engraved In My Memory ever since come on you know what I am talking about dancing skellingtons now you most likely have seen the average dancing in Skellington but what you have not seen is the king of all dancing skellingtons oh man seriously I was watching this for ages still am [Music] remember what I said earlier sequels of is Never As Good As the originals well for this Lego games franchise it is true again Lego Marvel 2 as much as I love and I mean really love this Lego game I think it prioritized the game's open world a little bit too much this then led to an assortment of forgettable levels with set pieces that felt drained you have levels such as on board the sword the entire interior felt lifeless to the great concrete Hall that is hella is it Cree you are looking for so believe you me I cannot express man how jealous it was to finally have a level that felt full of life and excitement High Noon Saloon is what I am talking about and it is easily best you know I do not actually know if it is just my love for trade levels in general or have it reminds me of one of my favorite childhood games Toy Story 3. man this level goes hard to reversing across this vibrant Behemoth of a train jumping through flaming hoops and feeling like Juke Kaboom Cowboy Captain America is a character I never knew I needed in my life and when Lego Marvel 2 Embraces its core Elements which are time travel and the Multiverse the game can cook up some really great stuff such as the level Noir Knight for Maya it is just a shame towards the end of the game half of the levels are just you stuck in a boring looking space sword I like how the level Embraces a 50s movie torn throughout its second half Captain Corbett sounds like every Scooby-Doo villain going and her going back to what I meant mentioned earlier everyone loves a saloon fight and there is a saloon fight in this level with I am modak TT you really did a great job on this level and can I just say that soundtrack is banging Lego Marvel Avengers I was sat there the other day and I solely believe this game was made just for them to make this One Singular level then after the film was over they were stuck creating stretched out levels from simple scenes in The Avengers movies like why am I cleaning the helicavier anywhere that One Singular level is Earth's Mightiest Heroes featuring one of the best scenes from any Lego game we will get onto that soon I am sure you have heard this before they see when you get older you grow out of certain things I am sorry but this simply ain't the case when I I'm beating the bricks out of people as Lego Hulk I still feel the exact same as I did in 2013. do you remember my love for train levels of course you do it was only a minute ago since I told you but this is kind of like a disguised train level instead we are riding an armored space snail the next part has you playing as Hawkeye and Captain America rescuing civilians this is your typical Lego Avengers style level Design coming to think about it the amount of times you battle on the streets in this game they should have called it Lego Street Fighter TT games knew exactly what they were doing here forcefully feeding me more hulk slamming Loki back and forth and yeah this level is pretty epic and I like it how it does feel like a pure Lego fired version of the movie it just has that edge or the High Noon Saloon because it has a little bit more going on with it having three separate gameplay sections now yeah I know all this technically in part of the levels gameplay but the court scenes in this level are killer and it really does help impact My overall enjoyment of this level seeing a baguette fly at Loki's face at full Pelt is a what I am on about foreign the force just awakened yeah do not ask me what that was there have been six Lego Star Wars games technically four with two being combined into one if you love The Complete Saga I respect that Nostalgia is powerful if you love Lego Star Wars 3 you are a legend but if you love Lego Star Wars the Force awakens the most I seriously have to know why it is time to shout yeah well said Finn it is kind of funny to me that Lego Star Wars the Force awakens best level isn't even based upon the force awakens when the game includes a level where you are trying to open your own front door a massive battle with teddy bear stands out to me the Battle of Endor is a spiffing opening and I really mean that for an opening level it does a great job it has three different settings in one level however one of the three sections really drags this level down and it could have been five entries higher if it wasn't for the Palpatine boss fight this um may seem harsh but the Palpatine boss fight is very boring the interior is lifeless when in contrast to the complete sagas like that game had a full-on 360 degree access around the throne room here I'm just sat looking at an electrical bubble this is a major step up in terms of the best levels having three different settings in one level from the vibrant Lush Forest of Endor to weaving through the trenches on the Death Star too yeah admittedly Palpatine's thrawn room does pull it down them over two sections are really the Saving Grace commanding your own Army of little teddy bears to riding an atst across the vastness of endo and I really just want to say whoever is responsible for the flying controls in this game sir you did a great job oh look hey rubber dork I missed it [Music] just like a fart in the wind this Lego game seemed to come and go mainly due to the failure of the Lego Ninjago the movie at the box office but it does feature Master Woon or who get ready for a bold statement but this Lego game's level design is pretty flawless I mean fair enough there's only like eight major main story missions I feel like when TT games were making the Lego Ninjago game they fought let's put all of our eggs into two baskets one being parkour and the other being combat saw which is the best level and why is it so high upon the list well it is the uncrossable jungle Welcome to the Jungle I guess jungles are filled with her fun and games can I just points out that this densely crowded jungle left me dazed swinging wall running jumping along giant lily pads to then climbing a giant Pagoda I was actually gobsmacked on how stunning the scenery looked here you do also got alone Spinjitzu in this level but I always felt like it was kind of pointless if you really look at it is it not just a glorified batarang for each character I mean it works the same way you hit a terminal and then voila all in all this level actually blew me away I was not expecting this from the Lego Ninjago game but hey here we are there is actually a massive Easter egg in this level you can see the Predator from the 80s movie up in the trees if you go to look closely here you can actually see him as much as this level is amazing I did did get severe flashbacks to a dark time that I simply wish I forgot in the finale of this level battling on Bridges hasn't always been this fun has it how did they make such an awful boss fight for maula Ram in the first indie game wow this level was originally higher on the list until I found out one little thing well it's not really little the level is just the open world with henchmen thrawn in so with its true colors shining through I think it is deserving to be at this spot because I did enjoy it a lot more than the Battle of endo and can I just say if you fell for that Predator Easter egg have you even seen the movie half the time is invisible admit it I got you [Music] oh can I just ask why is that hot dog green quit complaining fair enough time for the Skywalker song This Choice was like trying to grab a Lego stud out of a haystack many of you guys argued to me saying better Cornwall is the best level my friends you clearly haven't played a plan to save Han this level is a buffet of juiciness you are either the person who just blasts their way through like your chewy Rambo or you prefer Tom Cruise in your way through the level this is the sheer beauty of this level hence why it is so high among the Hall of best level four starters Jabba's Palace is so dense and detailed and that is no lie I think it is rather criminal actually how this was never a part of the open world then they have the audacity the audacity to tease me with the return of the burger I built that burger back in 2011. guys come on I deserve a bite I now call this the Big Mike Mega Burger I weren't lying about this level there is so much you do not even notice such as when you are in Jabba's Palace at night time you can find tons of cartons of blue milk and party hats may I am ask what percentage is blue milk I mean Luke drinks it for fun Jedi business get out oh yeah I did forget to mention the level also has a Rancor boss fight yeah there is actually two endings to this boss fight you can either lure him towards the door like a true Star Wars fan that you are or you can just beat him down with a born how did did you not see the movie actually I do not remember seeing this in the moon then some disguise [Music] come on when you look at Lego Batman you think about a few things why is he so perfect how is he so perfect and why does he even bother with Robin but I can reinsure you what never crosses your mind is space according to Lego Batman 3's best level space suits you sir Lego Batman 3 is really up and down with its level design again you have some really stinky spaceship missions which are so Bland and forgettable it makes me yearn for what we had granted I did enjoy the lantern Planet levels they were a little bit more interesting to me let me draw your eyes to the menu I understand the Beyond Gotham part but this ain't a Lego Batman game really to me hey do not get me wrong I still really enjoy this Lego game on a score system I would probably give the open world a 4 out of 10. the level design I would go with a 6 out of 10 and the character roster is a 10 out of 10. on two space suits you sir this is the amalgamation of when this game perfects what it is trying to be a Batman game that goes Beyond Gotham We Begin off in the newly decked Outback cave which is fun to explore and is a nice change you'll find the Lego Batman 2 Bat Cave there is also an Easter egg too Doctor Who and I am not teasing you this time you can you can see adapting old bat suits into this level was a really nice homage to what we have come accustomed to seeing in a Lego Batman game then you fix the bats rocket and head into space Joker for some reason has a dodgy version region of Lego Batman the video game why does he have this space suits you sir has a bag filled with different gameplay styles from the arcade shoot him up to fighting on an oscillating tower in space this level is actually perfect in terms of Lego Batman 3. come on when do you see a washing machine shooting space clowns this easily could have been another Bland Mission with a smelly spaceship interior but damn TT surprised me with how creative this level was I really love the concept Batman goes Beyond Gotham and that is why space suits you sir is such a strong best level and he easily beats the lower entries next up we are going very low actually we're going very deep oh I cannot say many of the Lego games have ever impressed me with flawless level design consistently from start to finish but there is always one minor altercation such as Lego City undercover and well I already told you what the best level was it's a minor altercation TT game sprinkled so much flavor into this level and once again with Lego City Undercover the sound track is just they made a full-on Donkey Kong style section for this level exclusively Chase McCain even referenced I hope there isn't a giant ape at the top of this thing may I ask what was TT games thinking so the level starts off very strong as it teaches you about the mining suit but all oh no no no you then move into the next segment where you literally dissenter of how deep is I unheard that song in years what's he even called see I just listened to like 80s stuff I have no idea when looking back I was actually mesmerized by how seamlessly this level flows from one area to the other because the level has very limited amounts of soft Lords which is basically a saying for whenever you enter a door the environment changes here you just seamlessly progress through the mine the platforming is better than ever I like how you have to time yourself to avoid Boulders from crushing your Lego head just adding more sticks to the level man this level goes hard and deep well very deep from the platforming to the diving section this best level has a lot more flavor than the lower entries even though they are all still best levels minor altercation just flows super well and just listening to the miners ramble on about still foresaw entertaining he would spend my bonus on going one of those Health Spas to get pampered yeah this level is pretty pretty good [Music] Lego Incredibles really does go beyond par and it does beat a minor altercation and the best level in this Lego game is no Madison island TT games are like these safe not in a harsh way they have to abide by these strict rule on how they must be two players at all times and this is where this level gets a really interesting dynamic as froze on Giant's Mr Incredible on normandyson island this did not happen in the movie so it is really interesting to hear their lines of dialogue this is literally how all Americans see the British mind you I am having a cup of tea right now so no Madison island is very similar to the uncrossable Jungle but it is merged with the best part of Flatbush so you can pick begin to see why this is actually a really great level then you move over to the omnidroid boss fight finally after years of Lego games we actually use the weakness of a boss to defeat them we have seen this a few times in the past but I am not a fan of when you simply beat the living blocks out of a boss and Lego Batman the video game suffers a lot from this whoa whoa whoa whoa I am not saying Lego Batman is a bad game because you'll see where Lego Batman the video games best level is it's just a few boss fights such as the Catwoman one and the color corrupt one or a little Bland yes there is a few exceptions such as kill them off where you lure him towards the light bulb and where you use a phonograph to pop manbat's ears so what I really like about the omnidroid boss fight is how you use floor zone to freeze the water to then load the this British bowling ball up the ramp to get him stuck and this boss fight does something really clever and unique it splits both of the players up to fight two separate Omni joins look I do not know why but when a Lego game splits both players up it kinda excites me maybe because you get some personal space from each other especially if you are playing with an annoying sibling or how it can be entertaining to see two sides of one level such as in the final level of the rise of Skywalker battling 2 omnid rides separately at the same time it's just a really awesome way to go about doing this boss fight and that is why this level just goes above minor altercation for me I really like the creative Choice final point no Madison Island feels like a cavernous death trap you never know when you're gonna walk into a trap or get attacked by a robot and all or auto-tune be like [Music] foreign s what a Lego game I feel like when TT games were designing the next best level they kept refurbing it to the one with the T-Rex Mech and they simply kept that as the name Lego DC supervillains is the one with the one with the T-Rex Mac geez that was confusing I am gonna outright say it I am fanatical about levels that take you to different places in one level despite having three different locations that being femi skiver this little mountain area and volcano Bay this is the area with the one with the T-Rex Mech I really like how each area is unique to the last and these are actually exclusive locations for this one level unlike The uncrossable Jungle which just uses the game's open world yeah this level has a boss fight with Granny goodness yeah right this boss fight is so strange but I love it I really enjoyed getting hit by a big gigabuffed granny while dodging her neatly knitted obedient serving men of yarn I just realized how weird that description was for this boss fight it's accurate then we move into the mountains where you see something that you barely ever see Batman and Joker teaming up with Joker being Mark Hamill and Batman being the legendary Kevin Conroy I could listen to these two talk all day I'm not many people I'm Batman yeah I have literally no complaints here I love hearing the dynamic between Joker and Batman as you platform from Peak to Peak yeah maybe a death stroke boss fight would have been nice at the end instead of him just getting teasered in a cutscene however they are already two bosses in this level talking about the other boss it is Cali back who is the one with the T-Rex Mech even I did it is it um just me but TT games love their Lego mechs in particular in the Batman slash DC Lego games how many mechs are even in Lego Batman 1 especially in the villain missions also please ignore my custom Buzz Lightyear you rarely ever get to see this in most games but you actually get to use the villains on Mech against him and I really enjoyed that yeah this level does a lot and I mean a lot very well if I were pulling strings I maybe would have improved on the granny goodness boss fight maybe using her own weakness against her such as rapping her up in a ball of yarn and uh that is really all I have to say that is really pulling strings also you get to see Superman with son glasses on how cool is that [Music] my my we are now into the final 10 and seriously this is where the levels all become sheer masterpieces just making its way into the top ten is my favorite Lego game Lego did I mentioned oh I kinda like to picture this next level like I made it because it seriously feels that way when I was younger little me loved Lego games and the Lego in general and I am sure you are the exact same getting yourself a Lego Batman set or hey even a Lord of the Rings one maybe a Scooby-Doo one then when you sit down and mash them all together and do a huge gigantic battle that is a really long analogy for what Painting the Town black is and that's the best level in Lego Dimensions it is like a love letter to Lego game fans and more particularly Lego Batman 2 fans I tried so hard believing there was a way to explore Metropolis in Lego Batman 2 and well with Painting the Town black I can now do that this may sound like I am geeking out but when you plonk Mordor into the center of metropolis and let me battle Sauron on top of a Dalek ship from Doctor Who yeah I am geeking out all in all this level felt like an open world can we just appreciate how open it is and seeing medieval structures in an urban jungle is really peculiar but fascinating the final boss fight against Sauron has you using structures from different worlds to channel light against him and again we are effectively using the core weakness of a boss to all the floor then tell me if I am wronged but that yellow bus is from The Simpsons I am sure this level goes hard and there is no reason for it to be this great even outside of the love letter to the fans if you are curious which is my favorite level pack I'm gonna go with mission impossible however Sonic is very very close [Music] Lego Indiana Jones the Original I must say the Original Adventures I cannot even begin to think about how many times I have played this next best level seriously they should just change the name of the level to the temple as I ain't getting lost the Lost Temple is like the Mona Lisa of all Lego Indiana Jones levels I don't want to beat around the bushia the setting is a 10. co-op player again 10 big boulders are always a juicy tank there is a handful of distinctiveness in each area keeping the theme of what is Indiana Jones so close to its Dear Heart Steven Spielberg literally made one of if not the best Adventure film going the opening to Raiders is timeless so if this doesn't scream adventure of a lifetime I do not know what does I would nearly go as far to say this level is a masterpiece but like any good old antique if there is a small Mark the value significantly drops and well the plane repairing part is just a bit of an underwhelming finish I know that is a really minor gripe however blame this on him he pushed me in the water when I was nearly finished he did it not me not me oh Moss Eisley a wretched place of best levelness this is my go-to level in the Complete Saga and well it may not be the best one now who am I kidding it is I had this level as a demo on a disc before my parents bought me the wrong Lego Star Wars game they got me Lego Star Wars free I ain't complaining Moz Eisley even on its own is dangerously good the level is pretty much an open world from the container to the cinema then TT games decided to make the Imperial spy a full-on boss fight he literally appeared in the movie for like four seconds now when I tell you this hidden little secret you will be blown away I suggest you uh hold on to something in episode 4 of Star Wars there is a very small all four away line discussing how they must sell the land speeder you can actually do this in the level of mos Eisley if you drive the land speeder into the car wash then take it over to this lovely Jawa he will pay you a few studs for it yes before you ask you can just simply rob it back off him like the little villain that you are my only complaint about this level goes to them annoying Stormtroopers who literally just hijack your atst and find it hilarious to simply walk all over you mate you just wait compared to the catalog of levels in the Complete Saga I have to argue this one was way ahead of its time there is so much to explore in both the story and free play and how many canteeners have we seen now in Lego games there is even one in Lego Indiana Jones fair enough I still do not understand why Han Solo rides the Jew back backwards other than the atst segment being a little bit annoying due to the Stormtroopers this is a top class Lego game level [Music] oh insert a bold opinion here Lego Batman 2's levels are good not great as you swear towards the mid section of the game they are some very forgettable levels such as this or this core instability is terrible they literally just grabbed the first section of the Juggernaut and made it into an entire level so which is the best to level in Lego Batman 2 that will be asylum assignment when Lego Batman 2 does Batman it paints Batman like royalty straight off the bat the cold Hue throughout the Run of this level just enhances the repulsive nature that is Arkham Asylum like I rarely latch onto the style of Arkham Asylum in this game it is so interesting how all of this is Beneath the Sea outside of Gotham now I know this game is aimed at a young Guardian same for every Lego game where anyone can pick it up so it is important to keep the level design interesting so it doesn't feel like random puzzles mixed into set pieces to be aimlessly completed this isn't the case for asylum assignment as in the previous Mission there was a breakout so water is flooding into the Arkham Asylum the clever use of Robin's Freeze suit to freeze the water to help platform your way through Arkham Asylum really stood out to me and a lot of thought went into this level seeing all of these little boogers Behind Bars is like an early retirement I spent my youth taking down these guys in Lego Batman one then you fight a horde of ill patients in an X-ray scanner to then going face to face with Scarecrow in what I believe to be the best boss in this game this kinda goes full circle as the Scarecrow boss fighting Lego Batman the video game was Despicable as if they would even do this to my man's scarecrow I really did feel like a proud father it was beautiful to see such a strong Redemption if you want to hear me talk a little bit more about the Scarecrow boss fight there is a card up there to the best boss from every single Lego game overall this level the amount of effort that went into this to the environment to all of the gameplay it is so cleverly thought out phenomenal job TT you see that smiley face that is the pure visualization of how I feel every time I see this scene even in Lego I am in awe let's all be real here Jurassic Park one is the best and world is pretty good two and three are met at most the scene in the field in Jurassic Park 2 is excellent though after my spiffing analysis of asylum assignment the this best level needs to be the finest and well everything about this mission is Tip Top restoring power is what I am on about the first area basically sums up why I love Lego Jurassic world TT had no chill here the bunker feels so claustrophobic and unnerving as you simply rely on a UV torch light the sound design doesn't miss at all just adding to the whole horror feel of this level what a perfect intro for the mission then we get a complete contrast as we enter the Lost filled vibrant Jungle of Isla nubla other than a early settler full-on diving into a giant pile of Dino you know this level um takes itself rather seriously getting jump scared by Raptors every time I take a turn and again I know Lego games are meant to be simple and enjoyable but this little little mini game where you have to watch a dinosaur swap between three bushes and hit it with a rock or super engaging and interesting I was generally enthralled in this simple carnival style boss the final cut scene is Cinema man is clearly compensating for something here compared to asylum assignment these two levels have a similar tonal approach but I really enjoyed how different restoring power was balancing between two different contrasting scenarios while holding its horror feel and changing up the Lego game formula which Lego Jurassic world does so well putting this one above the over for me oh time to go into the top five are you ready [Music] foreign [Music] Ty here as the final five best levels are all top-notch Lego games there is no surprise there so I ain't gonna sand about Lego Marvel Superheroes one me and you both played this game for so long as a kid still do now because how can you not Lego Marvel Superheroes is undoubtedly a masterpiece so when I came to pick the best level I was stuck and I mean Lego games simple puzzle stuck we have all been there oh just look at how many levels I had to choose from in the end it was either rap Taurus rise or sand sensual and well I went with sand Central I love how wacky Sandman is like he is just the most cliche boss ever he turns himself into a literal sand castle and is constantly spitting out puns like there is no tomorrow even referencing The Wizard of Oz the game player is simple but Charming blowing stuff up as Iron Man swinging about a Spider-Man smashing stuff up as the Hulk all in all this is one of the greats each area felt unique from the bridge to the inside of the station to outside of Stark Tower all while keeping its tornal value and fame on point Grand Central covered in sand is like a Vincent van Gogh painting it's really stunning Lego Marvel Superheroes one is the highest selling Lego game so I am sure a lot of you guys have played this level you knew and I knew it was going to be high on the list foreign [Applause] Trilogy as Flawless as Lord of the Rings it is near impossible for a level to be outright bad Okay I lied slightly taming Golem is a pretty dull boring level just sprinting around in circles grabbing fish so must have ever hear him the best level in this game without question is the minds of Maria just thinking about that Running Scene gives me goosebumps down my entire body now if you just agree with me here you are a fool of a talk please it will be an honor to list why this level is a masterpiece they have AKA of troll cutscene awesome cave 12 boss fight masterful soundtrack in the background epic running cutscene fighting herds of Orcs spiffing background scenery the broken stairs throwing Gimli great Co-op feature more epic running you shall not pass Michael Bear's take on Lord of the Rings a barrage of arrows somehow epic but sad running did you get the gist of it the minds of Mario doesn't miss TT beautifully combined lots of unique flavors of gameplay to deliver the Masterpiece which is this I would go as far to say this level is perfect I am not going to criticize a Lego game for keeping certain segments simple I like how this level has a balance I mean slashing down the balrog isn't much other than a glorified cut scene but I absolutely enjoyed it the falling stairs is a perfect Lego qualified adaption of the movie scene this may be a stretch here but the canva placement is wonderful it just helps set the sheer scale of this treacherous mine as a barrage of Arrow sets its way upon your depending Doom that was a very dramatic description of a Lego game level but oh well the minds of Mario yeah it's pretty near a masterpiece Master Frodo Master frodor we are nearly in the top three well we are [Music] remember that Lego Star Wars game my parents accidentally bought me happy accidents you know what I'm gonna say outright how TT games made free Lego games in a short span between each other all to release in the golden year of 2011. two of the three were absolute Peak Lego games and I mean that this was probably the most challenging decision among the entire list because Lego Star Wars 3 has a catalog of just outright perfect levels the choices were Grievous Intrigue the hidden enemy blue shadow rookies Lair of Grievous and Legacy of Terror out of these six levels this will be a huge surprise but in the end I opted to go with blue shadow I am sorry but you know this Lego game is a different breed of bricks when six levels could have been the best to say we're at the number three spot that is sheer impressive most impressive the first time I played this level I was like 80 years old and what this best level has that the offers didn't is the mixture of unique settings paralleled with the addition of the new co-op system this game brought forth the premise is rather simple and to ABS tick down the boss but TT did so much more than that with three teams of characters all entering the base at different points utilizing the new co-op system then when the game splits the teams of characters up to fight two bosses consecutively at the same time which can be done on Co-op you just know this level means business similar to the Raptor fight from Lego Jurassic world I don't know why I am so entertained by these carnival style bosses I love the contrast between between them too one is a full-on battle and the other is this little Carnival minigame it is just one of those Lego game levels which doesn't get anything wrong it has one of the saddest Lego game moments ever too poor clone he fooled them all with just a sticker and Obi-Wan is out here having none of it it's just a prank bro [Music] Lego Batman the video game was my first ever Lego game back in the day I would visit my mate's house and play this gem for hours so I like to see myself as a Lego Batman connoisseur and when I tasted the fine dish they called into the Dark Knight it made me truly happy for Life extreme I know Killer Moth is the light in my darkness this level could have been such a dull level and I mean Hala is it clear you're looking for dull but it wasn't the level depicts awesome as this heavy decrepit City you can almost taste the foulness of The Grubby back streets from the boarded up buildings to the distant police sirens echoing in the background as you begin to enter the unsettling night club I know that is a very pretentious description of a Lego game level but when I think of a Lego Batman level this is it and I need to get something off my chest whoever is responsible for this minikit placement needs to be banished to The Phantom Zone immediately that little section where you run down the back street facing a burning building with a gang of purple looking jobishes is like Starry Night by Van Gogh it just captures the vibe which is Lego Batman the video game TT games just embraced kill em off for the beautiful white bulb obsessive man that he is and it feels like a cliche Batman 1960s episode Lord as you simply switch on a light bulb to lure him in then you spray him down with some specially made Killer Moth detergent who is making this stuff you know the saying leave the best till last well I did the level has a disc or flaw look at him go come on oh yeah hey if you want to jam to the Lego Batman disco music be my guest I'll I'll just finish up into the Dark Knight truly feels like the amalgamation of the best levels it has the humor the atmosphere a great boss utilizing his weakness as cliche as it may be fun puzzles thought out platforming and a disc or floor this level is what everyone needs and my my my we have been through a total of 23 Lego games this is my biggest video yet and thank you so much for watching into this point and if you enjoyed a like would seriously mean the world to me I do have to come however there have been four major headline Lego games missing from this list before we move on to the number one spot the best ever Lego game level the ones that were missing were movie two because they are no levels same for Lego worlds and finally Lego Star Wars one and two are pretty much the complete song we are now at the number one spot so come on get excited this is the moment you've waited for the best ever Lego game level is interlude time thank you [Music] Lego Pirates of the Caribbean has the best ever Lego game level if someone would have told me this I wouldn't have believed them the level is Singapore I am speechless this is visually stunning from the music to sailing down a stream in a gondola to the Fantastic door puzzle a steaming hot jacuzzi how on Earth are these guys just sat chilling in this Singapore made pushing a car entertaining the vastness of this level is breathtaking how was this not the Hub world this and Into The Dark Knight were neck and neck but the environment in this one is so different and the original soundtrack by David Whittaker for this level is unmatched I assure you my intentions for this being number one are strictly honorable from the all-out water the jacuzzi to the stunning environment thank you so much for watching this beheme of other video and for 200 000 subscribers you guys are amazing please do let me know which is your favorite Lego game level below anyway adios
Channel: RuggedEagle
Views: 651,881
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lego games, lego levels, lego game levels, lego marvel superheroes, lego, ruggedeagle, lego batman, lego star wars the skywalker saga, lego star wars, best level lego games, lego level, lego games 2023
Id: LNXrRu7nOfo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 26sec (3266 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2023
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