The Story of Stormsong Valley - Battle for Azeroth [Lore]

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What are we tortolians hero rate love the story of Loh and estimated funeral expenses.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/slackerdc 📅︎︎ Sep 24 2018 đź—«︎ replies

This happens throughout the entire game.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/HugItOutWithTibbers 📅︎︎ Sep 24 2018 đź—«︎ replies

I play my first playthrough of any new piece of content with the sound on, and then my sound is dropped low enough that the only thing I can hear is the DBM air horn telling me not to stand in the poop.

The cacophony of combat sounds and annoying voice lines is too much to put up with over and over. Plus, makes watching a TV show at the same time much easier. It took me a while to understand the turtles making it to the water meme because I've only heard the line maybe twice!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/delocx 📅︎︎ Sep 24 2018 đź—«︎ replies

It's constant. Feels like almost every quest a character will end up delivering two different lines of dialogue overlapping.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/theslyder 📅︎︎ Sep 25 2018 đź—«︎ replies

YES!!! And, it seems to happen most on quests that are so repetitive that you just can't let the first "talker" finish up - like the tortollan world quests. Yeah, I know Loh has been all kinds of places, dammit.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Aurochbull 📅︎︎ Sep 24 2018 đź—«︎ replies
Hello everyone! “In stormsong valley, to the north, the tidesages of house stormsong craft and bless the ships of our legendary fleet. But nobody has heard from the fleet in months! The tidesages have withdrawn into their cloisters and seem uninterested in finding our missing ships.” Stormsong valley is our final major zone to cover and during our questing in Tiragarde, we already got a taste of the darkness that’s spreading in the land. At Anglepoint Wharf we meet up with Brannon Stormsong who’s uncle is the lord of the area. Mindbenders, kraken all kinds of foul corruption is coming from the sea which is a bit of a problem for the tidesages seeing their strong connection to the waves. A connection that has been there since the time that their people moved to settle in kul tiras. Stormsong was the first to hear them, not the crashing waves at the surface, but gentle whispers, imperceptible to all but him. They guided his mind ever deeper, revealing untold truths of the powers within him. Their people would never be the same as what started small at first, guiding fish into their nets and fresh water into their mouths soon enough turned into commanding the wind into their sails and the waves pushing them ever onward. They learned to command the elements, claimed the most fertile valley in the northern reaches and named it after the first lord that learned a form of shamanism. Strong allies to have but with the fleet missing and the tidesages not really caring, something’s going on and we have to figure out what it is. Good place to start is at the Stormsong Monastery in Tiragarde. Walking around here we can see the tidesages performing their rituals and preaching their beliefs, but none are willign to talk. All of them are rather anoyed by us asking questions and tell us to pester brother Alen... “You have no idea of the danger you are in here.” “What do you mean danger? “ The fleet is not lost. It is being held prisoner in an unnatural storm.” “Heretic! You will not interfere!” “I was only...following...orders...” “Are oyu all right? I should have known better than to think Wade above the shadow that has taken HOuse Stormsong. Our people follow a dark path. But there are those among us who have sown the seeds of resistance. Find Brother Pike in Brennadam. Give him this pendant. Our work is just beginning and he will need your help. Now leave while you still can. The others have surely caught on to your efforts.” On Galeheards back we fly into Stormsong Valley where the soldiers are blocking the path for anyone to get in. Quite strange, but nothing we cant handle with a couple of brides, hard words and hard punches. “Isn’t the valley majestic? No wonder so many people settle down here. Brennadam is the largest trade hub in Kul Tiras outside of Boralus. We need to find Brother Pike right away. HOpeflly, he can help us bring the fleet home. All of Kul Tiras is exposed without it. It’s only a matter of time before we’re attacked. Brennadam is just ahead. Come on!” “The militia hasn’t been on patrol in days! Too busy taking our garvest for the soldiers. We demands answers, Pike!’ “Once you grab their attention, I’ll get them out of here.” WHISTLE “Citizens disperse at once” “Ah yeah you’lll surely save us.” “Stop! I just want my family to be safe again.” “What’s going on here, brother?” “I wish I knew.” We’ve found Brother Pike but not even he knows what is going on. The people are right, they are sworn to protect them but house Stormsong seems to be occupied with other thigns. Perhaps his brother Addington at Mariner’s stand will know more... “House stormsong changed when the fleet failed to return.” “Do you know where the fleet is?” “When I search the water’s surface, I encounter a dark storm that clouds my vision. Lord Sotmrsong now forbids such rituals. He focuses instead on building new ships. I often wonder whether he is right. Addington! By the depths...” Addington isn’t doing too well. Someone took his life while down below, the laborers are not having the best time of their life. Stormsong is working them to the bone with the harvesters altered to keep them going. Taelia has us take them apart to collect a spring, that will help us identify who’s responsible for altering them and Addington’s death. The laborers are rejuvenated while Lord Stormsong he never really leaves their holdings and visitors are forbidden. Instead he sends out proclamations with orders to his people... “Children of the sea. Today is the dawn of a new age for us all. House Stormsong must take control of this shattered kingdom and restore it to glory!” “Today is the dawn of a new age for us all. No more will we work our fields and build our ships for the haughty boralus elite to give nothing in return. We must work as one and muster our strength. Kul Tiras will forever belong to its people!” “Our mighty tidesages shall guide us all to victory with the very power of the sea itself! Together we shall return to the tides. Together we shall be powerful once again!” His aim seems to be independence for their land but a shattered kul tiras will never stand. Pike’s brothers and sisters have fallen to madness so we’ll need to do something, but in order for him to use his powers he’ll need a Tidal Kriss, Abyssal Beacon and wavecallers mantle. The one responsible for Addington’s death, that turns out to be a tidesage, Sister Ava to be precise so we bring her to justice but the harvesters are not the only ones feeling the sting of the tidesages. Samuel williams and his crew were working hard on fullfilling the orders of more ships until the tidesages showed up and bound them to anchors, forcing them to keep going. We set them free of course and then join Brother Pike in a ceremony to release the fallen souls back to the tides. Dinagling “Hear our call fallen, Your wicked deeds are forgiven this day, Return to the storm and know peace. Flow through the shrine so we migth share your strength. It is done.” They dont barriew their people, they send them back to the tides. What is dead may never die. Taelia wants us to get some weapons to arm those we just saved and get them ready to fight while Samual noticed that those ships they were building, something’s off about them. If we can collect some of the blue prints we might be able to figure out what stormsong and his boys are scheming. Their encrypted though, a cypher will be needed to read thwem taken from Tideguard Pontus. Seems like the darkness amongst the tidesages is running deep as Pontus transforms into something known as a K’thir. On top of their command of the elements, some of the tidesages also command the void..quite a powerful force to deal with. “They the depths...” When Pike performed his ritual, he could feel the presence of Wavespeaker Reid, one who’s part of Stormsong’s innermost circle. If anyone can locate the missing fleet it would be him so lets go and try to convince him to aid us. “Reid! The fleet must be returned to kul tiras at once.” “The tides shift brother. If you do not stand with us, then you are lost.” “It is you who are lost! “” You were always too weak to serve by lord stormsongs side, languishing in brennadam like a fool.” “We swore to protect Brennadam. To protect our people! Have you forgotten our oahts?” “Can you not feel the great one deep below? By her will ,we shall be whole once more!” “Those voices offer only lies! “I bore of this prattle.” “I have much to prepare. Deal with them.” Riptide is summoned, we take care of riptide but reid is outta here. “Thank you hero. I’m afraid matters are war forse than we thought. I sall return to the others. We must stop this while we still can.” “Tidemother...what have we become?” Reid is too far gone and the others have already moved on ahead to Port Fogtide, doubtfull that they’l lget a warm reception. Before we go, brother pike wants to listen to the tides and figure out what that terrible darkness is he’s sensing nearby. “There is a bridge nearby that has clear sight of the shrine of the storm. The omen comes from there. Long has my order listened ot the sea to guide our ships and our people. Gentle whispers, imperceptible to most... OVer time, the whispers...changed. At times they were demanding, even violent. We attempted to guard ourselves against them, to resist them, but I fear we may have failed.” Cutscene: Sailors bound, void is present Brothers and sisters, behold our glorious destiny! HAhahahahahah OW snap that ship is going bye bye “Those things...are k’thir. They come from the darkest reaches beneath the tides. MOst think them mere legends. Stories used to warn of the danger of peering to o deep with our magic. If they walk among us, the fleet is in grave danger. We stand with you. For the storm’s wake!’ The tidemother has spoken to the tidesages since the very beginning, but overtime the voice has changed. It’s unknown who or what the original tidemother is, but those that are familiar with those that live beneath the waves, you might have already have a good hunch as to who the new tidemother is. “Those basters will pay for what they’ve done! FOr Addington! For Stormsong Valley!” “Sam, no!” “Let him go, Taelia!” At Port Fogtide another one of our vessels known as the abyssal melody is being made ready to set sail for the shrine of the storm, the seat of power for both house stormsong and the tidesages alike. We must board the vessel and save the myriad souls in her decks before they too disappear into the shrine. A barrier is being maintained by the tidesages so we dispell the writhing grasps while also clearing out the skeletal sailors and tidesage seacallers. Samuel already charged forward so when we can board the ship we not only place beacons for the ritual to destroy the vessel, we not only stop the foolish ones from giving themselves to the darkness willingly, we also look for samuel who’s in a bit of a pickle. “Run...Run!!!” Transform into ktrhix “playing a record backwards” “playing more records backwards.” Transformss back “Bless ya. .. I thought I was a goner. They were unable to complete the ritual before we got to him, but samuel has been touched by the darkness. With the beacons in place, brother pike can use us as a caonduit and perform his ritual... “Great storms upon the sea, heed my call. Smie this wretched vessel and free our people!” ZAP bye bye ship Not all of house stormsong are down with what their lord are doing. They don’t know the true depths of his depravity yet so perhaps we can find more like minded to join us in our cause. Up ahead Sagehold looms, the place where all tidesages study to wield the sea’s power. It is there we will build upon the Storm’s wake and save all those who are willing. The rest....will perish. “we should strike now, before word reaches Lord Stormsong.” “I’ll be right behind you. No need to wait for me!” Oke, we ride! “Beneath the tides...waiting...calling...” “He can hear the whispers now. We may not have much time.” “I’m so cold. Will the voices stop soon?” “Yes, Samuel. Just stay strong.” “These people were trying to escape. There must be survivors somewhere.” Inside the Sagehold we can see that the darkness is becoming ever more present, but there’s still hope. There are still those amongst them that remember the oaths they took and are willing to join our cause. Tideguard Victoria even wants to help us with reaching lord stormsong, but to do that, to get to his shrine, we’ll need her aid and the Rod of Tides. Meanwhile Sam isn’t feeling too great. The touch of darkness is assaulting his mind and he spreaks in riddles. Sails in the fog. A light below in the darkness. Water rising... given form... But the pain is madning, torture. Make it stop he begs us, make it stop by killing the bound tempest and enthralled Tidefury. With that done, we run into an old friend... “Return to the shrine. The fleets rebirth draws near.” “At once, my lord. I need only to get rid of a few pests first.” “Lay down your arms! You don’t have to do this!” “Do oyu mean these pests, Reid? End” “The depths spoke of your coming and your demise!” “Look at what you have become. All of this bloodshed is on your hands.” “Our destiny is nearly upon us. THey must not enter the shrine of the storm.” “I was merely toying with them my lord. It shall be done!” “Thefleet.. will be hers...” “LEts get out of here before we’re the cornered ones. Come on!” “House Stormsong will rule this drowned realm. The tidemother’s wrath will ensure it.” Lord Stormsong definatly knows we’re out there now and will do anything it takes to stop us. Victoria has been kicking some serious butt, but her wound have taken their toll so we need to escort her to open up the way. “Tidesages walk this ceremonial path on their way to be blessed at the shrine.” “Is that good?” “It’s direct. It will be good if Stormsong doesn’t notice us taking it.” “We’ve got company.” Fight “So much for not being noticed.” “Was lord Stormsong always this cruel?” “Not at all. He was so kind before the whispers took him. It ws his father who guided us to this valley, many years ago.” “And it is I who will deliver us to our glorious future beneath the tides.” It’s interesting that she mentions it was lord stormsong’s father that lead them here considering the kul tirans settled in the land around 2000 years ago. It could be that tidesages become very long lived or much more likely, she’s talking on a much more personal level as in she and her family were brought in by lord stormsong’s father. Alternatively it could also be that the tidesages didn’t make stormsong valley as their base of operations until recently perhaps guided by the new whispers of the tidemother... It’s a bit vague and we may never know... COme on we’re almost there.” “You think you stand in my way, but Kul Tiras’ fate was sealed long ago.” “Give them a taste of our new allies’ power.” “I...I don’t think I can go on.” “It’s only a few more steps. We’re not leaving you behind!” Fight “The kul tiran fleet bows to my will. And now so shall you.” “Run. RUN!” Uhooooo that’s a lotta power “I’ll hold them off for as long as I can. I won’t be able to hold them for long. Take the rod and get out of here!” “We aren’tleaving you to die!” “You have to, or we are all lost. Now go!” “Victoria...She didn’t make it.” “Endless shadow...a thousand arms... Four eyes...the end...she rises!” Wield the rod to reopen the path to the shrine. “We must ensure victoria’s sacrifice was not in vain. Her staff is the key to opening the way to the Shrine.” “This darkness shall not bar our path.” “The shrine must be opened once more. Our redemption has come.” OEeeeeee rainbow road, this leads to the bonus level doens’t it?! “We’re with you!” “Tread Carefully. This span’s name is well earned.” “Writhing...twisting...the whispers....” The way is open and Lord Stormsongs time has come. 3 wars ahead, the Tidemother’s Wrath, radiance and pride, threaten to block our entry into the shrine. Legends say that the wards were gifts from the sea itself. They once protected their flagships against even the fiercest storms. Ever since they settled here, they’ve instead kept the shrine of the storm safe so we must destroy them to gain entry. The path ahead is packed with his cultists and we’re going to put their souls to good use. The dead ringer rings again, this time not to send them off into sweet release, this time they’ll be used to open the final door to the shrine. “will the rest of the storm’s wake even get here in time?” “Patience Taelia, they will come.” “You have no idea of the forces at play here, child.” Ringaling open up please. “Come brothers and sisters. We stand toether!” “Tides of blood. RISE! RISE!” “Hang in there, Sam. We’re almost there.” “Keep moving. The darkness claws at his mind.” Cutscene: Hello lord stormsong, we meet at last. Its over stormsong. Look around you...Youre surrounded. All I see are lost souls, crying for release. Uhoooo looks like we brought him dinner. STORMSONG!!! Sam, no! Ow sam you did it again YOu brought your end with you, Pike. I must deliver the fleet to our glorious savior. Azshara. Darkness takes sam fully now and he becomes sexyer because of it. ROAR SAM SMASH, SAM SMASHHHHH Azshj’thul the Drowned. “Sam I know youre in there. You have to fight this! He is lost! All that remains is darkness. Äll this pain and suffering is your fault, monster!” “Do not let it into your mind. Stay strong!” “I will shield us from its assault!” “Let this be a message to your masters. The storm’s wake will never waver!” “My fall is but a beat in the heart of the infinite abyss.” “Sam...he is gone...” “But he will not be forgotten. Not so long as we stand. It is not safe here. Come, there is an old watch post overlooking the Shrine nearby.” Samuel was a good man with a true heart. A fool...but our fool and we must not let lord Stormsong finish his work. If he delivers the fleet to azshara, all of kul tiras will be vulnerable. Countless innocents will perish...or worse. There is no time to wait for more of the storm wake to arrive, we must finish this now for the good of all who call this valley home. We must enter the Shrine of the Storm and confront the fallen lord as well as the darkness behind all of this. Queen Azshara has taken upon the rol of tidemother which makes you wonder if she was the tidemother all along or if she replaced the one that was talking to the tidesages so long ago. If that’s the case then what has happened to the original tidemother? Questions for another day as for now we’ve finished up the story of Stormsong valley. Tomorrow we’ll talk about the dungeon, the day after that I have the siege of boralus and then I’ve covered pretty much the main stories of Battle for Azeroth. Should there be a story or side quest that you want me to dive into then by all means let me know in the comments down below and I’ll see what I can do. It’s been amazing to go from 1 video a week to just about 1 every single day but at the same time I’m also happy the initial rush is over. Ahwell as always thank you very much for watching everyone! Subscribe if you like my videos, leave a like if you enjoyed this one aaaand until next time guys...see ya!
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 81,126
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Story, Lore, Stormsong Valley, World of Warcraft, Battle for azeroth, Stormsong, House, Fleet, Kul Tiras, Kul Tiran, Azshara, Naga, N'zoth, Old Gods, Taelia, Pike, K'thix, Shrine of the storm, Jaina, Proudmoore, Katherine, Daelin, Derek
Id: xCziQSOKg9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 46sec (1486 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 23 2018
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