The Story of The Zandalari [Lore]

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Hello everyone! With battle for azeroth, zandalari trolls are going to become a playable race for the Horde, but what do we know about them? Where did they come from, how do they live, how do they view the world and what have they done in the story of warcraft, that is what we’re going to be talking about today. I do want to give a heads up, I’ll be using footage from the Alpha to accompany the story. Now I won’t be going into any major details, but say you want to be completely surprised with everything for the next expansion then be warned...spoilers ahead! Let’s begin shall we?! In the beginning, when the titans had imprisoned the old gods and brought order to Azeroth, life bloomed. Nowhere was this more evident than in the dense woodlands around the Well of Eternity. The found of Azeroth’s arcane lifeblood accelerated the cycles of growth and rebirth. Before long, sentient beings evolved from the land’s primitive life-forms. Among the first and most prolific were the trolls. The early trolls developed a wide array of superstitious customs. Some practiced cannibalism and devoted themselves to warfare. A rare few sought knowledge through mystic practices and meditation. Still others honed their ties to a dark and powerfull form of magic known as voodoo. Yet no matter their individual customs, what all trolls shared was a common religion that revolved around Kalimdor’s elusive wild gods. The trolls called these powerful beings’loa,’ and they worshipped them as deities. Countless loa exist, most weak, but some very powerful. Most are shapeless, whereas others have animal or creature forms. So the term Loa can be used for someone like Cenarius or Goldrinn, creatures known as Wild Gods, but the term also applies to a being like Bwonsamdi, the Loa of Death or Hakkar the Soulflayer, the loa of blood. Powerful, enlightened Zandalari can become loas upon their death - or at least so it is believed, and I wonder if it’s just for the Zandalari. Vol’jin has had several visions where his father popped up, hinting at Sen’jin of the Darkspear Tribe being a loa, but that could also just be his spirit. Zandalari families often worship their own family loas, cities usually have their own civic deities, and the greatest loa are worshipped by the nation as a whole. Due to their reverence for the Wild Gods, the trolls gathered near a series of peaks and plateaus in southern Kalimdor. This was home to many of their honored loa. The trolls gave the holy mountain range the name Zandalar, and soon they built small encampments upon its slopes. The most powerful group of trolls was called the Zandalar tribe. What makes de Zandalari superior? Two words mon: good posture! Its members claimed nearly all of Zandalar’s tallest plateaus, believing them to be sacred ground. Atop the highest peaks they constructed a small cluster of crude shrines. In time, these grew into a bustlin temple city known as Zuldazar. The Zandalari society has remained an unchanging hierarchy for thousands of years. Hardworking farmers, fishers, and craftsmen are the peasants, they form the foundation of the empire. The Zandalari elders tell them what to harvest, when to plant, and how to behave. To disobey the elders is to disobey the gods, an offense punishable by exile or death. The Zandalari warrior caste sits above the peasantry, acting as the arms of the king and the might of the council. Dexterity is not prized among Zandalari warriors: brute force, backed by ancient magics, is the preferred combat style. Above that are the scholares and the priesthood, those that dictate every aspect of Zandalari society down to the very last detail. They are masters of magic and communing with the spirits while the highest of these have a seat on the Zanchuli Council, which both advise the King and ensure his every command is executed upon. The council is consulted before every battle or major decision. But above them all from a golden throne lords the king of the Zandalari. Dazar was the first, but in the current day and age it’s the great King Rastakhan. Empowered by the Zandalari gods themselves to act as their voice, he has ruled for over two hundred years. Trolls are long lived, but that seems to be exceptionally long, that has to do with Rezan, the Loa of Kings, standing at Rastakhans side and empowering him. To figure out where they belong, the zandalari start testing their children at a very early age. Those blessed and showing signs of connection with the loa receive full priest training and all of the honor and privilege that accompanies it. Those that are not blessed will be given an oppertunity to prove they will grow into strong warriors someday. Those that fail both tests, well, they end up at the bottem. That’s the zandalari society in a nutshell and at the beginning, life was good, Azeroth was pretty much their playground to learn, to worship, to grow. Of course over the next several centuries, other tribes arose to challenge the Zandalari for territory and power. The most notable of these were the fearsome Gurubashi, Amani and Drakkari. They laid claim to enormous swaths of lands in Kalimdors’ lush jungles and woods. On occasion, tribes would clash with eachother, but trolls were such skilled and fierce fighters that any real conflict would cost both sides dearly. There was so much land to go around that it was often wiser to resettle than to risk war. Only one spot was forbidden by the tribes witch doctors and priests, a small mount of blackened stone at the base of the Zandalar mountains. Over the years though curiousity won out and a group of rebellious trolls, believing that they had found an undiscovered loa, started to perform vile rituals and living sacrifices to awaken the slumbering monstrosity. Unknown to the trolls was that this being was actually Kith’ix, a C’thraxxi general, and with their actions they kicked off the Aqir and Troll war. Kith’ix was a monster from the days of the black empire and he figured it would delight the old gods to see the troll civilization rent to ashes. He rallied the Aqir swarms, another remanant of the days the old gods ruled the world, and they started to swarm the land. As the aqir encroached perilously close to the zandalar mountains, the zandalari moved to act. They united the troll tribes into a single mighty force, which they called the Empire of Zul. Under the zandalari guidance differences would be put to the side, loa and warriors alike went to battle and not only pushed Kith’ix’s forces away from their sacred mountains, they made sure to nip this threat in the butt. At the Zandalari’s behest, the other tribes moved out to permanently end the threat. To do so, they could leave no corner of the continent unguarded. Thus, the Zandalari convinced the most power hungry troll factions to hunt down the aqir, establish new strongholds across Azeroth and claim the fertile new lands for themselves, without any competition. The Amani went after Kith’ix to the north east where they killed it, the drakari pushed to the cold North while the gurubashi went southwest. All victories were hard earned, but after years of war the trolls, although unable to completely wipe out the aqir, were victorious and reclaimed their dominance over the land. Without war to bind them together however, the troll factions grew ever more distant and insular. The far-flung strongholds of the different tribes blossomed into vibrant homes, temple cities, and eventually empires in their own right. The Zandalari withdrew to their mountain plateaus to pursue spiritual knowledge, but they would always maintain an immense influence over the seperate troll societies. Yet another society started to draw the interest of the zandalari. This was the mogu empire lead by Lei-Shen the thunder king who had taken the power from Keeper Ra. With those powers, they had enslaved the land and build wonders, the zandalari in particular were amazed at the otherworldly powers wielded by the Thunder King. One of their leaders, a revered high priest named Zulathra, saw in the mogu a golden oppertunity. They might hold the power of this world, but it was the trolls that held the knowledge of the land. Their empires would make each other great and teach other their secrets. Once they were allied, nothing on azeroth would dare oppose them. Lei-Shen was actually interested in the idea with the trolls aid they would learn the mysteries of the land a lot faster. In truth, both leaders plotted betrayel. Zulathra believed the Zandalari could steal Lei Shen’s godlike powers once they learned the mogu secrets, and the Thunder King planned to enslave the Zandalari the moment they ceased being useful. For now though, even to the public, they kept their true plans concealed and made their allegiance. In exchange for the zandalari’s knowledge, the mogu would train them in the way of arcane magic. They also promised the trolls a swath of fertile land near the vale and to ensure his reign would never end, Lei-Shen tought Zulathra the secrets of resurrecting him. He didn’t trust his own people with that knowledge, knowing that the mogu were all about power and would most likely try to claim the empire for themselves. Only the Zandalari would hold the key to resurrecting Lei Shen. Without him, the trolls knew they would never fully learn the secrets of the arcane – nor would they be able to claim his awesome power. Though both leaders continued scheming, their betrayals would never come to fruition and they actually became invaluable allies to eachother. Yet Lei-shen’s arrogance would also be his downfall. He had set his eyes on claiming the forge of origination located in the land of Uldum and he was ready to add it to his empire. The Tol’vir, left behind by Keeper Ra to keep an eye on the place were outraged when they heard what Lei-Shen had done to their keeper. They would never join his side, so the Thunder King made ready to take it by force and he was so confident in his victory that he invited Zulathra to witness what he claimed would be the mogu empire’s greatest victory yet. The elderly zandalari leader agreed – lei shen had artificially extended the troll’s life, but once all of the keeper’s works were under mogu control, they would unlock the secrets of immortality. Almost all of the highest-ranking Zandalari leaders accompanied Zulathra as an honor guard, expecting to return to their capital with the gift of eternal life. This didn’t go exactly as planned. Although the Tol’vir did not have the numbers to even remotely stand a chance, they did have the forge. You might remember this as being part of the Uldum questing, a weapon designed to purge the world if it became too corrupted, something that would have been activated if we didn’t kick some sense into Algalon. The Tol’vir had configured it to scour only the nearby land and everything in it, Lei-Shen, the Zandalari, the Tol’vir waiting outside and the land of Uldum, all of them felt the might of the energies of unmaking. What once was a lush jungle, a paradise as they described it, had now turned into the desert as we know it today. Creatures all across Kalimdor witnessed the flash on the southern horizon and this is the reason why the Tol’vir hid the land of Uldum with magic. The death of Lei Shen and the upper caste of the Zandalari left massive power vacuums in both empires. Before the tol’vir shrouded Uldum in their grand illusion, a handful of Thunder King Loyalists recovered Lei Shen’s corpse from the region. They brought it back to the empire and enshrined it within the Tomb of Conquerors. Yet with most of the Zandalari leadership dead, there was no one to revive the Thunder King. A succession of emperors followed Lei Shen, but none would ever wield as much power as he had. The Zandalari too, spent generations attempting to recover from the losses at Uldum. The catastrophic event had struck a mortal blow to both their empires. Neither would ever regain its former glory, but that didn’t stop the trolls from trying over and over and over again... - fade At this point in time we’ve reached pretty much the height of troll and zandalari dominance of the world. Azeroth had been their playground, but their defeat in Uldum marked a turning point and it wouldn’t get much better after this. They eventually tried to collect what was promised, a large plot of land near the vale of eternal blossoms, but that agreement had been made with Lei-Shen and not the pandaren that had been able to overthrow their mogu masters. Mengazi, a descendant of Zulathra decided it would be a good idea to strike without warning and with enough force to shatter the pandaren’s will. It had been a few decades since the slave revolution and most of the pandaren had not realy kept up with their kung-fu. Hopelessly outnumbered and outmaneuvered they were losing hard. But one pandaren called Jiang brought their salvation. When she was a child, she had found a cloud serpent hatchling, alone and badly injured after a terrible storm destroyed his nest. At the time, the pandaren regarded the flying cloud serpants as untamable and violent beasts, but Jiang nursed him back to health and befriended him. As the monks fought a losing battle atop the cliffs of the Jade Forest, Jiang and her serpentine companion, Lo, swooped down from the clouds. Lo’s fury and fire broke the Zandalari ranks, forcing them to retreat. News of the victory spread throughout the empire, and others followed in Jiang’s footsteps. They tamed the powerful cloud serpents and soon a small army arose to fly into battle at Jiang’s side. These brave pandaren became known as the Order of the Cloud Serpent. The tide of war had turned. The trolls knew there was little they could do to win by conventional means, so Mengazi turned to a final tactic: resurrecting the thunder king. A pitched battle erupted near the tomb of conquerors, where lei shen’s corpse was enshrined. Jiang sacrificed herself in a final, desperate attack, killing Mengazi. This caused the other zandalari to soon break ranks and run back to their homeland in shame. Meanwhile darktrolls found their way to the well of eternity, a fount of arcane power that evolved them into the night elves. With the well they had a mighty supply of arcane magical might and not since the black empire in ages past had a territory grown so vast in size and scope. The immense influence their Queen Azshara held over the world and its denizens eclipsed even Lei Shen’s wildest dreams of power. From time to time night elves and trolls would clash with eachother, the trolls always buckling before the devastating magics wielded by the elves. In the queen’s eyes, the trolls were a minor nuisance, their battle lust a sympton of primitive and unenlightened minds. Ultimately, they struck an accord with the zandalari tribe. In exchange for ending the troll incursions into night elf territory, the zandalari would be allowed – by Azshara’s grace of course – to keep the sacred zandalar mountains south of the well. The trolls begrudgingly agreed, fully aware that they stood no chance against their enemies arcane powers. The zandalari kept the tribes under control, but this shamefull moment fostered the trolls deep resentment towards the night elves, a bitter hatred that would carry on for generations to come. Azshara didn’t care, she had her eyes and mind on the Well of Eternity and the secrets held within. It wouldn’t be long until they made contact with Sargeras, tried to summon the Burning Legion into the world and the War of the Ancients played out. At the end it was the resistance that won victory over the queen, the well imploded, sundering the land and turning it into what we know we at is at today with the Maelstrom as an eternal reminder of those events. Of course splitting the land like that had quite an impact on the world. The emperor of the land we know as Pandaria, he was able to hide it behind mist and keep its people safe while the Zandalari cast strong protective spells to protect their home from destruction. Even so, they could not shield the rest of the continent, the ground beyond their shield was drawn underwater. When at last the sundering was over, the Zandalari saw that their home had become an island. Not all of the night elves had been wiped out though. Those that had resisted the queen had survived and Illidan Stormrage even made a brand new well with waters taken from the original one, something that the others of his kind couldn’t exactly appreciate. He was imprisoned, they grew a happy little tree over his new well to contain its powers and the use of arcane magic became punishable by death. Some amongst them could not and would not give up their ancient birthright. They had no plans of stopping with the arcane, but there so many of them that instead of execution, they were exiled. Lead by Dathramar Sunstrider they set sail eventually ending up in Amani territory where they created their city of Quel’Thelas, the Sunwell with another vial of water from the original well and of course the amani trolls were not exactly happy with their new neightbours. They didn’t stand much of a chance against their arcane magical might though, but in the Amanai the zandalari saw an oppertunity to revitilize one of their race’s most powerful tribes and reassert troll dominance within the Eastern Kingdoms. Quel’Thalas was not as powerful as the ancient night elf empire that had decimated the trolls so long ago. In addition, the Zandalari had honed and perfected their own voodoo arts so a handful of wise Zandalari emissaries made the journey from their island home to Zul’Aman.They appointed Jintha to be the ruler of the Amani and with the aid of the mighty loa demigods, they were able to cause some massive damage for the elves. Unfortenatly for them, the now HIGH elves made an allegiance with the early humans in the area and their combined forces were able to not only engulf their leader Jintha in flames, without their leader the surviving trolls broke ranks and retreated. The elves and humans hunted them down like game, slaughtering every Amani combatant they could find. The disasstrous battle floored the Zandalari emissaries. Once so confident of victory, they skulked back to their island home in disbelief and shame... once again... Helping out other troll tribes was not the only thing the Zandalari were doing, they also explored the numerous islands that dotted the newly formed sea between kalimdor and the eastern kingdoms. It was during these voyages that the trolls dicoovered kezan, an isle inhabited by goblins. The zandalari had come to kezan in search of a strange mineral called kaja’mite. The consumption of vaporized kaja’mite caused a range of effects, such as heigtened senses, hallucinations, and increased intelligence. The trolls greatly valued the mineral and saw it as a sacred components in their rituals and ceremonies. For centures they mined from the numerous kaja’mite veins running close to the surface of the island. Occasionally they emplyed goblins to work for them, paying with shiny but cheap trinkets that the small creatures prized. The arrangement changed once the trolls discovered an unimaginable deposit of kaja’mite buried deep underground – more than the zandalari would ever need. Rather than dig for it themselves, they enslaved the goblins and forced them to mine under abysmal conditions. For thousands of years, the goblins suffered too weak to resist. In the end, it was the kaja’mite itself that led to the goblins salvation. A cloud of kaja’mite dust always blanketed the mines. Over time, breathing it in awakened the goblins’ intelligence...and craftiness. Secrely, they plotted the overthrow of their slave masters, using what materials they could find to fashion traps, explosives and other ingenious weaponry. The troll overseers were caught off guard when the goblin masses stormed from the mines, armed with technology beyond even what the zandalari possessed. The revolution shattered the trolls’ hold over Kezan, laying waste to their mining operation and leaving behind untold destruction. The surviving zandalari fled, and the goblins celebrated their new liberation by turning on eachother in a mad scramble to fill the void of power and in time it would be them enslaving the trolls for themselves. Meanwhile the Gurubashi trolls weren’t really doing great after the sundering. Poverty and hardship was a day to day thing as many of their hunting and farming grounds were forever lost. Desperate to reclaim their former glory, they turned to the powerful loa spirits and the creature that answered their call was Hakkar The Soulflayer, the Loa of Blood. The malevolent spirit promised to help the Gurubashi extend their empire across the lower half of the eastern kingdoms. In return, he demanded large numbers of living sacrifices. His followers became known as the Hakkari and for years they fed the dark loa increasing his power. Under his control, the Gurubashi had achieved all they had hoped, conquering massive amounts of land and even many of the islands that dottect the coasts of the south seas. The Zandalari, observing these events from afar, were pleased at first. Like proud parents they saw their children return to conquest and tradtional worship. Yet when it became clear that Hakkar’s bloodlust would never be sated, they knew that the fiendish god would drive not only the troll race to destruction, but the entirety of the world. The Zandalari rallied their forces and set sail for the eastern kingdoms. They met up with Gurubashi trolls that were not down with the path of the Hakkari. Together they learned that a faction of Hakkar’s most zealous priest, the Atal’ai, were trying to summon the loa’s spirit into a living form. This in turn would awaken terrible new dimensions of his power and spell certain doom for the troll race. Horrified by the Atal’ai’s plans the zandalari host stormed the gurubashi capital of Zul’Gurub. Battles raged day and night. Finally, atop Hakkar’s bloodstained shrine, the Zandalari defeated the Loa and most of his crazed followers. Despite this victory, the zandalari and their allies agreed to remain vigilant for any sign of Hakkar’s reappearance. The loa was not truly dead – his spirit had merely been banished from the physical world, similiar to what we’ve seen with Wild gods like cenarius. When the orcs killed him in Warcraft 3, they didn’t actually kill him they just kicked his physical form off the planet and we later on summoned him back. A number of the atal’ai priests had escaped the jungle and tried again within the swamp of sorrows. They build the temple of Atal’Hakkar and hoped to summon the loa once more. Dark magics twisted the flora and fauna surrounding the temple. This drew the attention of the green dragon aspect Ysera who used her might to turn the temple into the Sunken Temple, leaving green dragons behind to guard it. They should have done a better job at clearing out the temple since the Atal’ai were not wiped out and the green dragons had to deal with the emerald nightmare. This gave them the chance to reboot and under the leadership of Jin’do the Hexxer, they discovered that the Soulflayer could only really be summoned within the Gurubashi’s ancient capital, Zul’Gurub. It was there that Jin’do enslaved several high priests of the Gurubashi to aid him in summoning their dread god. Newly reborn in this jungle fortress, Hakkar once again took control of the Gurubashi tribe. Even the smaller tribes like Bloodscalp, Sandfury, Skullsplitter, Vilebranch, and Witherbark, all of them pledged their allegiance to Jin. Reports reached the Zandalari confirming the presence of the Soulfayer and so the Zandalar moved out to the shores of Yojamba isle to battle Hakkar once again. The trolls of the land banded together and sent a contingent of high priests into the ancient city. Each priest was a powerful champion of the primal gods, of the loa – bat, panther, tiger, spider, and snake – but despite their best efforts, they fell under the sway of hakkar. The champions and their primal god aspects unwillingly started feeding the awesome power of the soulflayer. Left with no other choice, the Zandalari recruited the champions of Azeroth, horde and alliance to aid them in their mission. For the first time we were able to actually earn reputation with the Zandalari which of course came with rewards like patterns, schematics, recipes, but also shoulder, head and leg enchants. With exalted you’d get the Hero of the Zandalar tribe achievement, one that’s now a feat of strength since it’s no longer obtainable and the reputation could be earned in various ways. Clearing out zul’gurub was a good start, but there were also Hakkari bijous to be found which were destroyed at the altar of Zanza. Each bijou we wrest away from the blood god’s minions is one step closer to victory. The heads of the Hight priests responsible for channeling the loa’s energy into Hakkar were stringed together for Exzhal, servitor of Rastakhan. All of them, High Priestess Jeklik of the Bat Loa Hir’eek, High Priest Venoxis of the snake Loa Hethiss, High Priestess Mar’li of the spider loa Shadra, High Priest Thekal of the Tiger Loa Shirvallah and High Priestess Arlokk of the Panther loa Bethekk, all of them were taken out weakening Hakkar’s might. Then the soulflayer himself became our target, both Jin’do the Hexxer and Hakkar were taken out clearing the threat within Zul’Gurub once more and we brought back the heart of Hakkar to banish too the void. With their mission done, the Zandalari left Yojamba isle behind but you might remember that there was a third major tribe send out way back when, the Drakari who moved to the north. That’s the same area the Lich King and the Scourge call home, something that caused the Drakkari quite a bit of trouble. While some decided to abandon their tribe and ally with the King, others decided to try and save their kingdom. Where in the past we’ve seen priests embodying the powers of the loa, some even forcing them to assist, here the drakkari tap into near forgotten rituals, consuming their gods and stealing untold amount of power to be used for their own purposes. We took an active roll in dealing with them, but the Zandalari were primarly there to witness what is occuring and to chronicle the end of an empire before its wiped out for good. That’s pretty much what happened to them. Despite turning against their own gods, the Drakkari empire would fall to the might of the undead scourge, yet amongst the zandalari to witness these events was the Prophet Zul. As a member of the Zanchuli Council, he was born with the gift of sight. Even as a child his dark and terrible visions had come true down to the last horrifying detail. He commanded fear and respect as one of the dark prophets: seers capable of witnessing great tragedies before they came to pass. Lorewalker Cho: It is said the God King Rastakhan, ruler of the Zandalari, lords over his mighty kingdom from a throne carved of solid gold. Years ago, as he sat on this opulent seat of power, he was visited by his most trusted prophet: Zul. Zul warned King Rastakhan of a terrible Cataclysm. For Zul had seen a vision of a great armored dragon clenching the world in his ferocious jaws. King Rastakhan did nothing. Months later Zul returned, bearing more grim news from his visions. He saw a legion of serpents pouring forth from a gaping fissure that tore open the floor of the ocean. Still, King Rastakhan did nothing. Finally, mere months before the Cataclysm, Zul returned. Tearing his clothes and throwing down his staff to the ground, Zul spoke of earthquakes and tidal waves. He described the golden capital of Zandalar slowly sinking beneath the waves in the aftermath of the Cataclysm, its once-great people drowning as their mighty works slipped forever beneath the sea. King Rastakhan grew tired of Zul and his troubling nightmares. To be rid of the prophet, he granted Zul the use of his largest ships, so that he and his followers could seek a new land if his visions came to pass. And his visions DID come to pass. When Deathwing rose from the Maelstrom, dark, angry waves crashed into the Zandalari capital. The spine of the land broke in two, and soon, the city and all its riches began to slide into the hungry sea. The Zandalari people turned to their King for help, but there was only one Zandalari equipped to help them: the prophet Zul. The prophet, and the mighty warfleet he had assembled while his King sat idle. You see, the TRUE power of kings and emperors stems from the power to aid their people. The moment they fail, they cede their power to one who can. Zul convinced the king and the council too hand over some ships and with the cataclysm he set out what trolls have been trying to do for a very long time, regain their former glory and dominance over the land. Zul: Our kind faces extinction. Trolls once ruled the mightiest empire this world has ever seen. Yet look at you now. Zul'drak has already fallen to the Scourge. Its gods consumed as death descended on its people. Zul'Farrak! Once the shining jewel of Tanaris is now nothing but a wasteland. Divided you are weak, but we Zandalari can offer you a future undreamed of. Jin'do of the Gurubashi, would you see the greatness of Zul'Gurub restored? Join us and the Zandalari will make it so. Daakara of the Amani, summon your followers to Zul'Aman. Together, we will make Zul'jin's murderers weep for mercy. Brothers, hear us now! We Zandalari have returned to reclaim the former glory of our people. To see trolls retake the lands that are rightfully ours! And to crush any foolish enough to stand in our way. From the wreckage of the Cataclysm, the troll empire will rise again! Trolls cheer, Vol'jin walks away. Zul: Vol'jin of the Darkspear, you would turn your back on your own people? Vol'jin: Da Horde is my people. If it be war you bring, then I stand against you. Vol'jin leaves. Zul: So be it, Darkspear! But against the powers we will soon unleash, none shall stand for long. An image of Hakkar appears and roars. One must wonder why the Zandalari supposedly support Prophet Zul in dealing with Hakkar when during Classic they found out just how dangerous this loa is. All the same, Vol’jin of the Darkspear tribe does not agree with Zul’s plans, quite the opposite. As history repeated itself, he stood against the Zandalari. He stood against them as Jin’do tried to enslave Hakkar. He stood against them as the new leader of the Amani tried to bring war. He stood against them when the Zandalari returned to Pandaria, achieved the resurrection of Lei-Shen the Thunder King yet all the same failed in their conquest of trying to take pandaria as their new land. Despite his visions, the zandalari empire has been unable to reclaim what it lost so many years ago. As Garrosh once said, times change and those that cling to the dreams of the past are ultimately doomed to fall to the reality of the present. Time and time again we see that azeroth is home to new races, new powers and to stand a chance against the future, the Zandalari will have to change. That is where Battle for Azeroth comes in, an allegiance with the Horde and Zandalari joining their ranks. It’s not 100% set in stone, but so far their classes appear to be Druid, Hunter, Mage, Priest, Rogue, Shaman, Warlock and Warior. Their totems look awesome and their druid forms are out of this world, but since that’s all battle for azeroth stuff, time will tell how that’s all going to play out. For now though I hope I’ve been able to give you a clear understanding of where the zandalari started, what their society is like and what their role in the world of warcraft has been. If you’re interested in spoilers, then check out the story of zuldazar from the alpha and of course if you’re looking for more details on all the things we talked about today, then check out the related wowhead article in the description down below. Thank you very much for watching everyone, subscribe if you like my videos, leave a like if you enjoyed this one aaaand until next time guys....see ya!
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 419,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Story, Lore, Zandalari, World of Warcraft, Classic, Wrath of the Lich King, Cataclysm, Mists of Pandaria, Battle for Azeroth, Titans, Azeroth, Gurubashi, Amani, Drakari, Aqir, Black Empire, Old Gods, Troll wars, War of the Ancients, Azshara, Legion, Sargeras, Well of Eternity, Kezan, Goblins, Pandaria, Lei Shen, Thunderking, Loa, Caste, Zuldazar, Rastakhan, Porphet Zul, Vol'jin, Rise of the Zandalari, Quel'thelas, Arathor, Zul'gurub, Zul'aman, Zul'drak, Lich King
Id: xxd6OHE5RM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 3sec (1923 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 18 2018
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