The Tragedy of Illidan Stormrage - All Cinematics [World of Warcraft: TBC - Legion Lore]

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praise to the goddess she has blessed us this night with new life the birth of not one but two healthy males true the stormrage twins beautiful nearly identical except for that one his eyes are golden [Music] indeed the child is destined for a great and prosperous future his name is illidan illidan your anger is misplaced i have not insulted you you have cast me out cenarius no you may remain here but i will no longer be your teacher if you wish to continue studying the world you may do so with your brother so so i must learn from a novice instead of a master you must learn respect malfurion will become the first druid because he is a dedicated student you are not to walk this path requires sacrifice illidan something you have yet to understand brother what have you done you've killed them all illidan what would you have me do catalyst simpler not to our new legion overlords as they turn our world to ash there is always a choice we could have you are blind raven christ you are all blind this was one invasion they nearly killed everyone here and took suramar the best any of you can do is criticize my methods my mages died saving our world what have you given what have you sacrificed you're a damned fool ravencrest no matter i've learned all i can from you we will never defeat the legion so long as cowards hold the reigns farewell and good luck perhaps you may fear better begging them for your lives next time no matter how hard this world fights it will fall [Music] our eyes deceive us the army that marches on azeroth is but a whisper of the legion's true strength beyond this army is another and another and another even if we defeat them here it will mean nothing we are doomed unless we find another way to fight them and i will find that way [Music] illidari my demon hunters with countless worlds burning in the legion's wake you answered the call yet these mortals in their ignorance have come to destroy their own salvation our time is short i will deal with these intruders you must venture to my doom and retrieve the sarkirite keystone now go but remember should you fail all worlds will burn sayana jace alari find the keystone now let's see about activating that gateway [Music] there are demon hunters on my world doom commander this is unacceptable [Music] my eredar are summoning in more demons to attack them from behind your highness do not let them enter the volcano the key to the legion's worlds must not fall into their hands i belief personally deal with their leader my queen see that you do a small force has infiltrated the black temple but the shatari army is still being repelled akana your duplicity is hardly surprising i should have slaughtered you and your mouth brethren long ago we've come to end your reign my people and all of outland shall be free moldly said but i remain unconvinced shall be next to taste my blades is this it mortals is this all the fury you can muster [Music] how is it even possible ah my long hunt is finally over today justice will be [Music] done [Music] what have you done [Music] surround us [Music] no lord elephant has fallen illidari you bear the mark of his corruption and so the demon's blood within you will be your prison take them to the vault there they shall be with the betrayer forever the time has come cordana prove your loyalty the legion has broken the field quickly sisters defend the vault lady maiev we need you there is something i must do first illidari i've spent my entire life as keeper of the wicked thousands of years my only solace knowing the world is kept safe from your kind but i would do anything to save azeroth even if it means releasing you will you help us demon hunter i am awake how is this possible [Music] how many years were wasted in that cell it has been a long time came i still believe in the cause but i do not blindly follow anyone even illidan why would my avoid us there could only be one reason the legion is here [Music] um good uh one of my wardens has betrayed me i too have felt betrayal by my own kind [Applause] [Music] illidan stormrage at last i meet the great betrayer so he is the key to azeroth's downfall soon the body's cold but his soul is not done fighting we have work to do before he is ready hurry then the wardens are coming with the illidari in tow oh they are desperate illidan now you belong to the leisure [Music] sacrificed oh no how could i have forgotten what is behind this door that worries you my love this door leads to illidan's prison tyrande we should go now illidan it's been ten thousand years could he still be alive we should free him he would be the perfect ally against the undead and their demon masters no tyrande that beast must never be set free but he is your brother be that as it may is far too dangerous i forbid it only the goddess may forbid me anything i will free illidan whether you like it or not is that you tyrande it is your voice after all these ages spent in darkness your voice is like the pure light of the moon upon my mind the legion has returned illidan your people have need of you once more [Music] because i once cared for you tyrande i will hunt down the demons but i will never owe our people anything then let us hurry back to the surface the demon's corruption spreads with every second we waste it has been an eternity brother an eternity spent in darkness illidan you were sentenced to pay for your sins nothing more and who were you to judge me we fought the demons side by side if you recall enough of this both of you what is done is done my love with illidan's help we will drive the demons back once again and save what is left of our beloved land have you even considered the cause toronto this betrayer's aid may doom us all before the end i will have nothing to do with this i am free after 10 000 years yet still my own brother thinks i am a villain i'll show him my true power i'll show him that the demons have no hold over me are you certain of that demon hunter are you certain your will is your own you reek of death human you'll regret approaching me come then you'll find that we're evenly matched [Music] we could go on fighting like this forever what is it you truly want the dreadlord who commands this undead army is called tichondrius he controls a powerful warlock artifact called the skull of gul'dan it is responsible for corrupting these forests and you wish for me to steal it why let's just say that i have no love for tichondrius and the lord i serve would benefit from the legion's downfall why should i believe anything you say little human my master sees all demon hunter he knows that you've sought power your whole life now it lies within your grasp seize it and your enemies will be undone now at least the demons will no longer corrupt the forests but if i destroy the skull and claim its powers as my own i will become stronger than any of archimonde's lieutenants yes the power should be mine now i am complete foul demon what have you done with my brother it is i this is what i've become no illidan how could you the leader of the undead has been destroyed and the forests will heal in time at the cost of your soul you are no brother of mine be gone from this place and never set foot in our lands again so be it brother [Music] betrayer in truth it was i who was betrayed still i am haunted still i am hated now my blind eye see what others cannot that sometimes the hand of fate must be forced [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] uh now go upon all would those us these tracks are fresh but they split off in opposite directions and they did must be getting help from someone your orders mistress you watchers split up into two parties scour the woods find what you can we'll meet you further up the coast remember sisters if you find illidan do not attempt to take him without the rest of us he is far too dangerous to tackle alone yes mistress the rest of you follow me [Music] you are too late little warning the master has already set sail for distant shores however he wished to thank you for the hospitality you provided during his imprisonment he asked us to repay you in kind you're certainly welcome to try monster illidan has grown powerful of that there is no doubt he consumed the energies of the skull of gul'dan now he is neither night elf nor demon but something more mistress why would the naga harbor so much hatred for us we must trust time to reveal all things now hurry illidan has a considerable lead on us we must capture him before he causes any more harm mistress we followed illidan's course due east as you asked but these strange islands do not appear on any of our maps i suspect it as much these islands must have been formed only recently what makes you say that the ruins all around us naisha i recognize them this was once the great city of suramar built before our civilization was blasted beneath the sea ten thousand years ago but how could are you suggesting that these islands were somehow raised from the sea floor perhaps though there are few powers left in the world capable of raising islands from the deeps regardless it's a mystery we'll have to solve later we'd best head inland and set up a base camp once we're situated we'll pick up illidan's trail at last the tomb of sargeras is found you my trusted servants must remain here and guard the entrance if that wretched warden managed to reach this island she'll certainly try to follow us [Music] illidan i knew we'd find him we'll have to fight our way through the naga's defenses in order to follow him we locked in the den beneath the earth long ago i intend to do so again now quickly my sisters illidan must be stopped at all costs there more of gul'dan's glyphs interesting they continue the warlock's tale that laughter is that you sargeras you seek to mock me we'll see who laughs last demon when i clean your burning eye for my own again he referenced this mysterious eye what could it be an artifact no doubt it must have contained tremendous demonic power to lure gul'dan as it did you have much to pay for illidan i'm taking you back to your cell naivete does not suit you when i consume the power of gul'dan's i inherited his memories especially those of this place and the dark prize he coveted yes the power of sargeras you would claim it as your own that power is beyond my reach little warden but this the eye of sargeras contains all the power i'll need to rid this wretched world of my enemies once and for all ironic that you should be its first victim you're insane isolation can do that to the mind now after all the long centuries you kept me chained in darkness it is only fitting that i bury you each turn and warn him of his brother's treachery my power will allow me to escape but i feel there is no way out for the rest of you go mistress the goddess will night our path to the hereafter i will not forget you my sisters you will be avenged i swear it now i've got to find a way out before this cursed tomb is drowned by the seas what happened mistress where are naish and the others they are lost illidan clinged the eye of sargeras and used its power to bury our sisters alive now he intends to finish the rest of us off illume grant that she reaches shondo stormrage in time if not illidan may never be stopped mudrassel's roots seem to be healing well i wish i could say the same for felwood i fear the legion's corruption will scar the glade permanently your druids will think of something perhaps isera or alexstrasza could lean there your pardon shandor stormredge priestess tyrande but she insisted that she be allowed to see you who are you girl what is so urgent i am a servant of the warden my shadow song she who pledged to hunt down the betrayer illidan illidan explain yourself your pardon shondo but your brother has raised a dark army from the sea and stolen a powerful demonic artifact even now my mistress battles him on the broken isles she requires immediate reinforcements i will go i will lead the sentence there myself no milo the druids and i can handle i am the one who set him free the is mine then we shall both go if this girl's tale is true myev will need all the help she can get elune be praised i knew you would come shondo stormrage i'm glad we reached you in time maiev priestess tyrande i'm surprised you came in person are you here to absolve your guilty conscience i did what i had to do maya you are in no position to judge me what you did was murder my watchers and set the betrayer free it is you who should be locked in a cage stop this both of you we're not out of danger yet maiev what's the situation here show yourself illidan it's over [Music] not yet my little priestess a pity you couldn't see things my way now you and the whole world will understand just what i'm capable of ask girl brother what are you doing here i've come to stop you illidan instead of banishing you i should have returned you to your cage when i had the chance i was weak then but no longer i have sworn allegiance to a new master brother i have a great task to perform in his service i'm sorry but i cannot allow you to stand in my way don't worry my love we'll find illidan wherever he runs we'll find him no the spell is not done it is not done it is over brother your vile schemes end here illidan stormrage for recklessly endangering countless lives and threatening the very balance of the world i hereby sentence you to death too much blood has been spilled on your account illidan even now i can feel the lands of northrend reeling from the spell you cast imprisonment will not be enough this time i will execute him myself force can you not see the spell we channeled was meant to strike at the undead our common enemy my mission was to destroy the lich king's stronghold of ice crown and no he to the cost because of you tyrande is dead what your pardon lord stormrage but the priestess may still be alive she was swept down river but it's premature to simply assume silence kale you told me she was torn apart you lied to me the betrayer's capture was our primary concern shadow i needed your help i knew you would go to her and we would lose our chance i just who is the betrayer now woman i must go to her immediately believe me brother despite all our differences you know that i would never lead to ronda to harm let me help you my naga can scour the river for us let me do this at least very well what after all he's done you would trust this traitor to silence i will deal with you later let's go brother hurry this is our last chance you risked your life for me i don't understand whatever i may be whatever i may become in this world know that i will always look out for you tyrande tyrande i knew you would not forsake me i thought i'd lost you forever my love if not for illidan's aid i may well have we have had much strife between us my brother i have known only ages of hate for you but for my part i wish it to end from this day forward let there be peace between us you have brought much suffering to the world illidan for that you can never be forgiven however you saved the life of my love for that i will let you go but should you ever threaten my people again i understand brother lordship over this world was never my aim only power only the magic i've lingered here too long i must go by aiding you i've betrayed my new master if i am not careful his wrath will be my end farewell brother i doubt our path through cross again fools have you no sense of justice illidan has atoned for his crimes he is no longer a threat to it's no use tyrande she has become vengeance itself bound forever to the hunt i only pray that in her zeal she doesn't cause even more havoc than iran now let's go home beloved we've earned our rest what is this desolate place bosh this shattered world is called outland young prince it is all that remains of draenor the former homeland of the orcish horde amazing i remember when khadgar led the alliance expedition here years ago he almost succeeded in wiping the orcs for good in an attempt to escape ner'zhul opened a number of massive dimensional gateways but all they succeeded in doing was tearing the planet apart yes and now amongst the ruins of this dead world we have come to find the master illidan why here what could possibly interest him in this barren wasteland that i do not know regardless we should seek him out quickly agreed actually i'm anxious to meet him again if he can cure my people of their hunger for magic i will gladly pledge myself to his service [Music] this place is unnerving we've marched for three days and seen no signs of life still i can't shake the feeling that we're not alone out here we aren't i caught the scent just as the wind shifted [Music] night elves what could they be doing here the warden maiev swore to capture illidan at any cost she must have brought her warriors here to hunt him there illidan lies chained in that cage the night elves must be taking him to their stronghold then we must rescue him before they reach safety [Music] lady vash your rescue was most timely the thought of spending another ten thousand years in mayev's prison was not a pleasant one we could not forsake you lord illidan but you owe your freedom to them who are they vash the young elf looks familiar but they call themselves the blood elves my lord they are the last mortal descendants of the highborn who served you long ago this is prince kael'thas he and his brethren have come to bask in your wisdom and pledge themselves to your will [Music] you were right to come to me kale i share the pain of your addiction your hunger for magic can you help us lord illidan can you cure us there is no cure young one but there are ways to feed the hunger follow me and i will grant your people more magic than they can imagine so be it lord illidan my fellow blood elves and i humbly pledge ourselves to your service then arise young kale you shall be my right hand and the harbinger of my wrath what of your plans master hmm many months after the legion's defeat at the battle of mount hyjal i was visited by one of the last great demon lords kill jaden illidan in the past you have been both friend and foe to the burning legion but by consuming the skull of gul'dan you sealed our defeat in this world i come to offer you a second chance to serve us what would you have me do great one my creation the lich king has betrayed me he dared to break the path that binds him to my will but his spirit still lies trapped inside the frozen throne of ice crown destroy it for me and i will grant you your heart's desire it shall be done great one it shall be done at dalaran i attempted to use the eye of sargeras to melt away the polar ice caps surrounding the icecrown glacier if the spell it succeeded the lich king would have been vanquished forever but the cursed night elves intervened and the spell went awry given my failure i fled to this desolate place to evade kill jaden's wrath now if i am to remain here in exile we will need to ensure that kil'jaeden's agents have been cleansed from the land long ago after draenor's explosion a brutal pit lord named mag therodin rallied the surviving orcs and took control of outland since then his forces have grown strong how master if most of the orcs were killed when this world exploded how has he bolstered his ranks by using the very portals that tore the planet apart many of ner'zhul's dimensional gates still stand young prince magtheridon lures scores of helpless demons through them daily then we must seal them permanently yes we will seek out each of the gates and i will close them myself once they have been sealed we will move against mag theradin's black citadel and claim outland as our own [Music] i am a comma elder sage of the draenei lord illidan promised to rid us of our ancient enemies in exchange for our loyalty these cursed orcs of magtheridon a terrible lord whose black citadel lies to the west under his command the orcs hunted us to the brink of extinction but now with lord illidan behind us we will fight back and retake our ancestral lands we also serve illidan old one [Music] very well stranger we've done it master the dimensional gates are all sealed there's no way for magtheridon to call reinforcements now true but his standing forces are still considerable assaulting his black citadel will not be easy kale i wouldn't have it any other way our enemies draw near lord magtheridon these obstacles are tiresome gnats nothing more the might of magtheridon cannot be denied i am the lord of outland those who dispute my rule will soon regret their lollies mctherodin has grown strong over the years but he has had few real foes to contend with he has become decadent and complacent the boisterous cur cannot match our cunning or our will this will be a glorious battle master though magperidan's forces vastly outnumber ours your warriors are prepared to fight to the end i am pleased by your peoples zeal young king their spirits and powers have been honed in this harsh wilderness their courage alone may be enough to lord illidan new arrivals come to greet you we dran i have fought the orcs and their demon masters for generations now at last we will end their curse forever we are yours to command lord illidan as i promised your people shall have their vengeance a comma by night's end we will all be drunk with it give the final order to strike the hour of wrath has come [Music] i do not know you stranger but your power is vast are you an agent of the legion have you been sent to test me [Laughter] i have come to replace you you're a relic magtheridon a ghost of a past age the future is mine from this moment on outland and all of its denizens will bow to me hear me now you trembling mortals i am your lord and master illidan reigns supreme [Music] what is this bosh where did this storm come from keep your head down fool something terrible and still you thought to hide from me in this forsaken backwater i thought you to be more cunning kill tayden i was merely set back i was attempting to bolster my forces the lich king will be destroyed i promise you indeed still these servitors you've gathered show some promise i will give you one last chat silent destroy the frozen throne or face my eternal wrath perhaps hiding here was not the most prudent decision still the quest lies before us will you follow me into the cold heart of death itself the naga are yours to command lord illidan where the blood elves are yours as well master we will drive the scourge before us and shatter the frozen throne as you command [Music] we're sorry to interrupt your meditation master but all our forces are in place once the chamber is opened we will destroy the frozen throne as promised then the hour has come at last after today the scourge will meet its end can you hear me out there arthas it's end illidan has mocked the scourge long enough it's time we put the fear of death back in him [Music] we've done it in iraq the throne chamber is open this is the hour of the scourge the frozen throne is mine demon step aside leave this world and never return if you do i'll be waiting i have sworn to destroy it arthas it must be done [Music] [Music] never wow [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] uh [Music] the enemy came into our world their only desire to extinguish all life they slaughtered our loved ones they raised our homes our cities and our sacred places you tried to stop them and you failed and so you came to me nothing remaining of you but rage and determination and you learned that the things that once tormented you could give you power now you see that there is no sacrifice too great if it brings an end to the burning legion but lord illidan demonic energies course through our veins they gnaw at our every thought what makes us any different from the monsters we fight you question the master we will not sit idly like those on azeroth waiting to become the demon's prey we will take this war to the legion's worlds and prey upon them [Music] in his own domain your mission has failed your cause dies with them you smell more of demon than hunter you would serve us well [Music] never [Music] you wish to know the difference between the demons and us they will stop at nothing to destroy our world and we will sacrifice everything to save it the legion will know of this victory and they will fear you my illidari now you are prepared [Music] [Applause] cordona you will answer to the high council for this judge me all you like sister but you cannot stop us you are too late warden this spot demon hunters you have to survive find the one name archmage khadgar you can trust him illidan is still my charge [Music] [Music] you will be remembered as the king who sacrificed his life for nothing [Music] for the alliance so [Music] dude this can't leave [Music] um you have seen what i have seen you know what we face now mortals follow me at least we will have died fighting our war isn't over yet not where we hold the key to all worlds [Applause] take us home i was always envious of you your gift your faith your vision i never believed that sargeras could be stopped perhaps you will prove me wrong everyone get ready is everyone all right [Music] what have you done sometimes the hand of fate must be forced we will meet with the army of the light and begin our invasion [Music] does he understand what you're truly asking of him do any of them we follow the path of the light no matter where it leads [Music] your faith is always been your weakness when your closest allies fell to darkness you didn't stop them when the legion swept over your world and took your people you didn't make a stand all you did was watch convinced you were following the lights will the truth is you failed your people their blood is on your hands you will never understand what i did to save my people the light is holding you back it's time to forge your own path prophet we are ready proceed [Music] [Music] where is your army of the light [Music] [Applause] something is wrong [Music] bring them down the legion will fire again soon what are your orders prophet we make our stand the last battle for argus has begun [Music] [Music] we are blessed to be in your presence once more zira turalyon you have found the chosen one [Music] illidan from birth the light in your eyes held such promise for the future i sacrificed that birthright long ago do you not wish to reclaim what was lost to be whole again the legion's end is all i seek my child you've given so much for so little your true potential your redemption lies before you let go of your shattered form and embrace the light's power i've traded my freedom for power before the prophecy must be fulfilled your old life has passed the light will forge you a new one this is not yours to take the light will heal your scars your destiny [Music] your faith has blinded you there can be no chosen one only we can save ourselves [Music] [Music] that which you have stolen will be your undoing wise [Applause] the time has come to fight for the fate of your world you have done well mortals it is time we must gather our strength return home children of azeroth [Music] illidan we've done all we can every choice every sacrifice has led me to this moment to face him once again you are not coming with us the hunter is nothing without the hunt did you not see this fate prophet fate our survival was never in fate's hands light be with you irritant storage [Music] brother your crusade is over [Music] so so at last [Music] [Applause] the moment that the way to argus opened the instant my gaze fell upon the legion's homeworld i knew i would not be returning from it i will face my destiny whatever it may hold yet i have left certain matters unsettled old wounds that i would see mended this crystal bears two messages one is for my brother malfurion the other for tyrande i am trusting you to deliver them on my behalf champion when they have heard my words leave the crystal atop mount heigel upon the shores of the well of eternity you have witnessed echoes of my past hero i ask your help to put these final matters to rest the well of eternity i am not one for sentiment but if anything embodies my commitment to azeroth it is the font of power i created so long ago but enough dwelling on the past the crystal i left for you to find holds not two messages but three the last is for you champion you have proven your commitment to azeroth your dedication your sacrifice rivals my own but more will be asked of you so much more even now enemies gather and the shadows grow darker from this day forward the defense of our world of all we hold dear rest with you malfurion even in the womb we grappled with one another struggle has followed us all our lives the teachings of cenarius were always your path i felt another calling it was power i sought but not to conquer or rule it was a means to an end to save azeroth from an unstoppable foe you never trusted my intentions oh i suppose i did not make it easy for you but now as my fate becomes clear i wish to quiet the strife that has long divided us even when the legion is gone new threats will arise there is no one i trust to face them more than you brother you have spent a lifetime fighting for the dream of what azeroth could be now you must fight for what it is take care of tyrande listen to her counsel she was always the best of us the road ahead will be long whatever comes bring honor to the name stormrage to ronda long ago you trusted me enough to defy malfurion's wishes and free me from my prison but over time that faith was lost and like my brother you came to believe that the choices i made had driven me to darkness know that every path i took led toward a single purpose saving our world i could abide no half measures no compromise at those times when i faced doubt i held true to one constant one anchor you you have always embodied the best of azeroth to ronda your faith your devotion through the darkest times my belief in you never wavered my fate my duty are now clear to me i leave azeroth's defense to you and to my brother take care of him tyrande though at times i wished your heart had made a different choice in the end i know it made the right one the crystal it rings out with a familiar voice my brother made selfish choices caused pain to so many his transgressions are difficult to forgive and yet there were times when we fought for a common cause a shared purpose [Music] those were good days and now is not the time to ponder personal regrets we must see to healing the world champion the soul of our world is in agony in my lifetime i have twice witnessed a sundering of the world mother moon i pray i do not see a third i sense a sorcerer's touch upon this crystal contrite words yet i must wonder whether he truly meant them after illidan faced defeat atop the black temple i tried to let go of my feelings my distrust and bitterness when i learned that he was alive leading the fight against the legion on the broken shore i could not bring myself to speak to him the time for talk has passed seems he has a duty to fulfill as do we let us be about it champion [Music] [Music] free
Channel: Athelarius
Views: 741,634
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: World, of, Warcraft, ALL, Raid, Ending, Cinematics, Illidan's Defeat, Black Temple, Fall of Lich King Arthas, Guldan's Death, Kil'jaeden's Death, Sargeras' Defeat, N'zoth's Demise, Shadowlands, Sylvanas, Old Gods, Jailor, Maw, Tyrande, Malfurion, 10000 years, burning crusade, Legion, WoW Legion, Warcraft 3: Reforged
Id: UeooZNl_tDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 46sec (4546 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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