107 Sly Cooper Facts YOU Should Know | The Leaderboard

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An interesting watch with some cool info I was unaware of, although the newer 'facts' about the movie don't seem to have much supporting evidence. I'm just glad that bigger channels are remembering Sly and giving the series some much needed exposure.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/redman404 📅︎︎ Feb 12 2017 🗫︎ replies
are you the brains the brawn or the master thief who steals from other thieves that's right it's time to join forces with the Cooper gang and go back to the days when you first played the hit series - like uber which you know is pretty fitting considering the gang became Time Traveller's in the last title hey there i'm jacob with the leaderboard and we put on our maps to swipe all of the loops for you even when faced against the feed dish box so get ready to steal some knowledge because this is 107 facts about Sly Cooper let's get started [Music] fact number one Sly Cooper is a series of video games that combine the platforming genre with stealth elements the first game in the series Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus was first released in 2002 as an exclusive title for the best-selling console of all time the PlayStation 2 number 2 the original Sly Cooper trilogy was developed by Sony's very own Sucker Punch production after their run with Sly was completed they went on to create another killer app for Sony none other than infamous number 3 it was decided that sly would be a raccoon because much like thieves raccoons are creatures of the night those flies ambitions are a bit higher than knocking leftovers from a trash can number four slides original design was made to be a bit closer to what an actual raccoon looks like depicting him as short chubby and a bit less lively the design moved more towards his final tall and slim appearance to better fit slide sneaking mechanics and acrobatic abilities number 5 before he was given his iconic name sly was originally going to be named JT what does JT stand for we have no idea and neither will you but it probably isn't Justin Timberlake as often associated number 6 slides last name Cooper originates from the Occupational English surname for one that creates or sells barrels this could possibly be a reference to slice ability to hide in barrels in the first two games of the series in number 7 Sly Cooper comes from a long line of some of history's greatest raccoons beans that possess a family heirloom called the phoebius Raccoonus a book detailing all of slides family steaming tricks when sly was very young his parents were murdered and the book was stolen by the fiendish five ten years later slide takes it upon himself to steal the book back and avenge the death of his number eight so I wasn't the first thieving raccoon sucker punch creating that honor goes to Jojo the raccoon the primary antagonist of their first game rocket robot on wheel only his seeming is wrong and evil because he's not the playable protagonist so he must be brought to justice number nine sly was born in 1984 making him a teen during the events of the first game which takes place in 2002 as of 2017 sly is now 33 years old hopefully not old enough for him to hang up his cane for good number 10 sly met his literal partners in crime Bentley and Marie at the orphanage he was sent to you after clockwork murdered his parents they've been pulling heists together since they were tots one of the earliest jobs being stealing the greatest treasure known to children the cookie jar number 11 while fly and Marie are orphaned with no other family in their lives whatsoever Bentley was at least orphaned with quite a few siblings who we have yet to see in the games number 12 they don't call him the brains because he wears glasses Bentley has an IQ of 140 which is considered to be the beginning of the genius portion of the IQ spectrum number 13 being a stereotypical nerd that he is Bentley has allergy so far he's admitted to being allergic to both tomatoes and lemons to top it all off he's also got asthma thus completing endure trifecta number 14 Murray wishes he could be like fly in the worst possible way often attempting to absorb and mimic his tricks and movements unfortunately for Maria hippos physique allows for a much less subtle approach to things number 15 the reason Murray doesn't wear pants is because nobody has designed a pair that will fit his husky hippo figure a fact that deeply embarrasses and infuriates him and it's just not number 16 despite being animals known to traverse waters sly Bentley and Murray do not know how to swim this is because the trio never took swimming lessons at the orphanage and yes raccoons can typically swim these raccoon facts brought to you by the leaderboard number 17 at the time of development character designer dev Madan had a crush on Salma Hayek's and base the design of flies love interest and rival Carmelita off the famous actress this means that whether she likes it or not miss Hayek has a persona number 18 before they gave her the Salma Hayek Flash Jessica Rabbit treatment Carmelita had much more of a cartoony and g-rated appearance her gun was also designed to look something more akin to a ridiculously proportion to Acme weapon number 19 the developers wanted the game to look like a cartoon but be one step closer to realism it was decided that the 3d cel-shaded style used in games like The Legend of Zelda the Wind Waker would be utilized to evoke this cartoon motif while being able to freely sneak around in an open 3d environment number twenty before development began on Sly Cooper the team gathered a series of photos and paintings of real-life locations that resembled the world they wanted to create the conceptual artists also made a lot of drawing but focused on how the lighting engine would affect the artists at number 21 the designers one of their levels to feel like places that existed in the real world so that they wouldn't feel like repetitive and generically designed video game environments they wanted each level to provide a unique experience and to have a distinct personality number 22 one of the more difficult challenges in developing the first Sly Cooper was getting the lighting to work the developers one of the environments to feel like they took place during a natural state of night but not so dark that the player couldn't see and not so light that it seemed like nighttime in a well-lit City Street they also had a multi TV set up in the office to ensure that some of the games washed out color scheme would be visible on all kinds of TV the designers revised the lighting and colors over 30 times on the first level alone number 23 sliced cane was originally intended to transform into different gadgets one of these gadgets was a spray that would reveal invisible lasers and some were more ridiculous contraptions similar to those out of a Batman comic like a free rein I could turn enemies into blocks but the player can use his platforms not too far off from carrying some shark repellent spray a fly number 24 while sly collects coins in the final game he was originally supposed to collect bags of cash from which green bills would erupt the more generic coins were put in place when the developers encountered problems with localization in other countries more specifically coloring the bills based on region number 25 at first the original sly had a warped powerup that would allow the player to more easily traverse the levels but because the levels were pretty easy to get around in the first place this feature was cut from the final bill number 26 to prevent issues that may have occurred with the game's framerate they had one engineer on the team solely dedicated to maintaining the engine's performance throughout the entire production cycle number 27 every game in the series thus far has been composed by Peter McConnell who has been crash catchy tunes for video games since 1991 if you play games like grim fandago hearthstone heroes of Warcraft or Psychonauts you've heard his work in number 28 the game contains a dynamic music system which in layman's term means that the music will gradually change depending on slice current status in the game if he's in town neato and sneaking about the music will be light and subtle but if he draws attention to himself the music will intensify to Mission Impossible levels on a dime number 29 the developers base the designs of the enemies and NPCs on characters from the story Alice in Wonderland number 30 if you thought the second level of the original fly was huge and unforgiving be glad that the designers never saw their complete version become a reality the second level is only a third of the size it was originally supposed to be number 31 to blow off steam during development for the first game the developers held two versus two mario tennis tournaments involving just about everybody in the company i believe that's called raton izing with the enemy traders number 32 eagle-eyed players may notice a small inconsistency between the game itself and the animated cutscenes in the cutscene sly wears a yellow gloves and black shoes while he donned blue gloves and shoes during gameplay number 33 when sly communicates with the other characters through the binoculars stick to turn Bentley's head while moving the right analog stick removed slide number 34 Murray can be seen wearing a whoopee world hat during the ending cutscene for sunsets Snake Eyes whoopee world is the setting of sucker-punches first game rocket robot on wheels for the Nintendo 64 number 35 after defeating the panda king a newspaper will appear upon closer inspection one can see that a quote on the top left corner reads dude that kick-ass meaning the ESRB was clearly asleep at the wheel number 36 while the full title of the game is like Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus in the United States the PAL versions of the original game go by the much simpler title sly raccoon number 37 all three of the instruction manuals for the original sly trilogy are made to resemble the Thievius Raccoonus with each entry in the game aging and wearing down the book further and further number 38 sly Cooper's suave vocals were provided by actor Kevin Miller who has plenty of video games on his resume including roles in Jet Set Radio Virtua cop 3 and House of the Dead 3 he's also the host of his own podcast the second funniest podcast because as we all remember from our childhood first is the worst number 39 in the early stages of recording flies lines the developers experimented with giving flight someone of a New York accent but it was deemed too corny even for an anthropomorphic raccoon number 40 Murray is the only voice role of actor Chris Murphy who has played the lovable hippo in all six of the characters video game appearances which includes PlayStation all-stars battle royale and PlayStation Move heroes number 41 when voice actor Chris Murphy first audition for the role of Murray he was told by sucker punch that the character was going to be bisexual he auditioned with a voice that was much more flamboyant and got the part after getting about halfway through recording his line sucker punch' decided to scrap the voice as well as Murray sexuality after was misinterpreted by playtesters as a bad impression of Barney the Dinosaur number 42 Carmelita Fox's voice changes with every game in the series because she's never had the same voice actor for more than two main lines Sly Cooper games causing the character to gain and lose different accents she was voiced by the same actress grade-a Lyle and fly Cooper feeds in time and PlayStation all-stars battle royale number 43 actor David Scully plays five characters across every game in the Sly Cooper series portraying Raleigh in the first game Dimitri and Rajan and sly toons Dimitri Octavio and Louie and sky 3 and Dimitri a third time in season time you may have previously heard Scully's voice in the original Halo trilogy in which he played sergeant Avery Jay Johnson and the Covenant elite number 40 for the first game of the series contains over 700 lines of dialogue the developers used just about everything they recorded with very little being buried or forgotten within the district data number 45 while flight Cooper's debut was well received critically the game was a little lacking sales wise being overshadowed by both jak and daxter and Ratchet and Clank the game would hit 400,000 copies sold by 2003 giving it the PlayStation greatest hits label and a price drop that certainly figures in the long run number 46 sly won the award for best original character at the 2003 Game Developers Conference Awards beating out other iconic characters like ratchet from Ratchet and Clank Sam Fisher from Splinter Cell and blinks the cat from a game that nobody remembers or cares about number 47 the gap between the first two Sly James is bridged by two promotional comics called The Adventures of Sly Cooper the comic lasted two issues and was published in gamer pro magazine by DC Comics number 48 sucker punch developed fly to around a one-sentence pitch lie in the gang work together to pull off a string of big height the way in which they approach to designing these heists was based largely on third acts of several Hollywood heist films in which bands of the most talented criminals work together to pull off impossible crimes number 49 two things the crew wanted to improve upon from the original slightest fly to was creating more open and less linear environments for the player to explore as well as creating a diverse cast of characters with different skills that would spice up gameplay number 50 early designs of Dimitri gave him the realistic proportions of a lizard while wearing an outfit akin to that of a pimp we're still not entirely sure of what sort of age rating they were gunning for at this point number 51 English is the second language for Dimitri if you learn how to speak it through watching numerous hip-hop videos in oh boy oh boy does it show have you no behavior getting what I need number 52 the Contessa works for the Interpol police force and works to reform criminal through a special rehabilitation program I'm just kidding she just uses us as a cover so she can use hypnosis on the recovering criminal to trick them into revealing the location of their treasure horn number 53 Jean wasan was a prospector who was hit by an avalanche and frozen in ice for 100 years after thawing out he decided to push back the wilderness and tame the West and here we thought the newer generations had no regard for nature number 54 arpeggio is obsessed with the flying machines of da Vinci because he himself is a bird incapable of flight and it's desperately searching for a way to overcome his inability number 55 for sly to sucker punch was kind enough to cater to the few people that own the PlayStation 2 USB microphone talking into it during gameplay will allow the player to distract their foes or you know blow sli's cover depending on when you make noise be sure not to play with a cold though because yes sneezing can actually attract unwanted attention number 56 in the museum that sly infiltrates during the tutorial of sly 2 you will find the portraits on the wall may look familiar some of them depict bosses so I fought in the original game while other portraits show early concept art of fly himself number 57 why - originally included a mission in Monaco which would have had Bentley hijacking yacht he would have driven it into the docks and used it to ram into the casino but it was cut from the game due to constraints with both scheduling and the games overall side number 58 during the games last cutscene a pink record can be seen next to Carmelita's chair when she and flyer discussing music the record seems to read Neil Diamond live and could be a subtle joke referring to Neil Diamond song Carmelita's eyes number 59 Jojo the raccoon steals the show and fly to with a cameo appearance in the episode a tangled web at the end of the Crypt if you use the binocular and atop a pillar you will see slide spiritual forefather floating above the coffin which is a pretty grim implication number 6 e Sucker Punch pays respect to their original protagonist rocket from rocket robot on wheels in a tangled web as well a tombstone in the graveyard reads rest in peace rocket a moment of silence for the beloved 64 bit hero number 61 sly 2 was generally better received upon its release than its predecessor and is considered by fans and critics alike to be the best entry in the whole series GameSpy place fly 2 at number 20 free on there 25 best PlayStation 2 games of all time number 62 a secret demo for slide 2 is hidden within insomniacs Ratchet and Clank up your arsenal just hold down r1 r2 l1 and l2 at the title screen not only does this demo inform Ratchet fans of slides greatness but completing it will grant the player of cheaper off your arsenal that replaces ratchets wrench with a double bladed laser sword in your heart out Darth Maul number 63 sly 3 has a shortest production cycle of any game Sucker Punch has ever made finishing development in less than 12 months the game was released only a year after slice here number 64 in fly 3 one can find a poster in the level bloodbath Bay that reads dev and Karen wedding August oh 5 this is a reference to the real-life wedding of Sucker Punch coworkers turned lovers dev McGann and Carignan module which occurred during the game's production number 65 for the original release of sly free Sucker Punch added a 3d feature to the game that could be toggled on and off with one pair of 3d glasses included in every box number 66 during the scene in sly 3 where errors rock is introduced Murray says he has received training from the Guru one of the pictures that accompanies this line is of the Guru latching on to Marie's back is identical to an iconic shot in the Empire Strikes Back in which Yoda is on Luke's back number 67 in the credits of Sly 3 it is said that the Guru took on a rock star and his friends as students which brought a lot of unwanted media attention this is a reference to the Beatles who were very much into the teachings of Indian meditation guru Maharaja Mahesh Yogi number 68 in fly 3 credits Carrie Rose who voiced the Guru is incorrectly credited as voicing the shaman number 69 during some point in 2005 vigil games the guys behind the Darksiders games were interested in creating a Sly Cooper game for Sony's PlayStation Portable however the studio ditched the project before a proper pitch was completed and only ever had some concept art created not much is known about slides cancelled PSP debut but the concept art appears to suggest that it would have taken place throughout different eras of time via time travel a concept that would be later explored in Sly Cooper thieves in time number 70 after 6 years of being absent from the gaming scene sly made his triumphant return to gaming not in slide 4 but in sony's questionable answer to expend we titles PlayStation Move heroes where he appeared alongside ratchet Clank jak and daxter you know because they're heroes and they move number 71 sly appears as a fighter and Sony's jab at Super Smash Brothers PlayStation all-stars battle royale in which he can claim vengeance on sucker-punches new poster child Cole MacGrath from infamous he even got a slick new redesigned to commemorate the occasion number 72 appropriately enough sly Cooper's rival character in PlayStation all-stars battle royale is Nathan Drake another legendary PlayStation speed number 73 playstation allstars sticks with the concept that sly can't swim and instead has him rowing atop of tnt barrel in water stages number 74 sly is the only character in playstation allstars who cannot belong attack holding the block button will instead make slide turn invisible until the player is either attacked or releases the button number 75 in 2010 Sony remastered and re-released the Sly Cooper trilogy in HD for the Sony Playstation 3 as the sly collection in 2014 the games were ported again this time for release on the PlayStation Vita portable system meaning you could take every slide game with you wherever you went number 76 if you complete all three sly games in the fly collection for ps3 you will unlock a teaser trailer for Sly Cooper thieves in time while it may not be much of a reward now it must have been one heck of a surprise for gamers back in 2011 number 77 fly free was not originally released to Japan flies Eastern fans had to wait one year after the game's initial release to get their hands on the game as part of the fly collection on the PlayStation 3 number 78 the boss fight with MS Ruby in the original game is rhythm based and in sync with the soundtrack that plays during the battle those who played this boss fight in the hv remaster on PlayStation 3 may have had a bit more trouble with the fight as the developers remix the song but didn't update the rhythm mechanic to match it making for a much more irritating encounter number 79 Sly Cooper thieves in time is the first game in the series to not be developed by Sucker Punch production it was instead helmed by Sanzaru games the developer behind such titles of secret agent clank and sonic boom Fire and Ice the four thieves and time Sanzaru was tasked with remastering the first three games for the PlayStation 3 with a sly collection number 80 during the development of thieves in time Suns are games held two contests that allowed fans to design treasures that would appear in the final game for slice of Steel and take back to his hideout there was one contest for the US and one for Europe some of the winning designs include Myst puffins cookie jar and the bottle of Brite cane polish number 81 the animated cinematics for thieves in time were created by ghosts on the animators behind the popular web series Happy Tree Friends capaz number 82 quite a few the trophy names and feeds and timer references the other game navigate like Drake is a reference to Playstations other famous beasts Nathan Drake from the Uncharted series while the ancient warfare 3 trophy is a play on call of duty modern warfare 3 number 83 not only with season time across platform title between the PlayStation 3 and PS Vita the two systems could also be used simultaneously to enhance the game's overall experience while one plays the ps3 version they can also use the PS Vita to scan for treasure how very Nintendo of them number 84 during the prologue of thieves in time Bentley is seen in the sewers which prompt him to say the last time I was in the sewers I was just a teenager if you didn't get it already this is a reference to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles number 85 in episode 3 of thieves in time in a cave on the most northern part of the map the player can find a cave painting of the sons our logo on the wall number 86 you can actually see clockwork quite a few times throughout the different eras of thieves in time just watching sly from a distance this is actually a very fitting Easter Egg when you take into account that clockwork with one sin immortal with a grudge against fly's bloodline number 87 in thieves in time one can see that Bentley has a vendor life picture of his ex-girlfriend Penelope on the dashboard of his binoculars not only has he shown his bitterness by very maturely drawing devil horns on her head but he's also drawn a plus and minus sign over each eye which resembles the eyes of the monkey head that serves as the logo for some genre games number 88 during thieves in times prologue when the gang jumps back in time their license plate remains behind spinning on the ground this is identical to a seaman back to the future when the DeLorean time machine travels into the past leaving behind it spinning out a time like plane number 89 collecting 15 fly masks in thieves and time will grant the player the ultimate fly costume which closely resembles Batman's bat suit the most distinguishable similarities are the chest emblem towel and the utility bill jury's out on whether it comes outfitted with shark repellent so number 90 during thieves in time so I can trade in his cane for the weapons of other PlayStation Heroes collecting 50 masks will grant fly access to ratchets friends from Ratchet and Clank while collecting 60 masks well allow slide to nab Cole's amp from infamous to number 91 thieves in time contains a treasure called the Dragon Claw the description for which claims that it once belonged to a giant owl if you have any doubt about whether it belongs to the clockwork look beneath the treasure to find an inscription that reads clockwork was here number 92 during the briefings that occur before the final job of every chapter of thieves in time you can see a bit of binary code scrolling across the screen if you manage to decode it you'll sell out en PL a portion of the name Bentley number 93 in the thieves and time mission where sly breaks Ryoji Cooper free take a look at the map and zoom all the way out you'll see that the shape of the level is actually a reverse version of flies Kain number 94 slide father Conner Cooper became a thieving legend after he succeeded in stealing the world's biggest diamond number 95 according to lead designer Matt Kramer thieves in time was going to have an unlockable game mode called Horseshoe mode in this challenge mode the player would replay the story with the feet meter disabled and the player would be able to be killed in one hit unless they picked up a lucky charm or horseshoe to give them an extra hit this challenge from hell was cut due to time constraint and completionists everywhere rejoiced number 96 the medieval metal man treasure found in Thebes and time bears a striking resemblance to Clank from insomniacs Ratchet & Clank series number 97 if the loot relative a densest treasure found in thieves in time looks familiar to some of you PlayStation fans out there you're probably familiar with Naughty Dog's jak and daxter franchise as the creature looks identical to our favorite opsahl saxon and much like Dexter this creature is also known for its loud mouth number 98 thieves in time was never released in Japan making it exclusive to the Western world maybe they'll get it in a RiRi master collection of the series for the ps4 number 99 in November of 2014 sends all ruined that they had no plans to develop any further Sly Cooper titles instead refocusing all of their efforts on creating games for the much-beloved sonic boom franchise great trade guys round of applause everybody number 100 sly makes a cameo appearance in the Ratchet and Clank movie when Clank is scanning ratchet to find out his species sly as one of the subjects used as a cross-reference number 101 in January of 2014 Sony announced that Sly Cooper would also be coming to the big screen the film will be written and directed by Kevin Munroe known for his work on the 2007 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film much like the Ratchet and Clank film it will be 3d animated and hopefully that is where the similarities end number 102 while some of the actors in the games will reprise their roles for the movies Kevin Millar will not be returning to the role of sly which was a creative choice made by the studio actor ian james corlett will instead Don the mask of the feeling protagonist corlett previously served as the original English voice of Goku Megaman from the nineties cartoon of the same name and coconuts from The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog you know the friggin insane one number 103 while Kevin Miller felt disappointed at first to not play the film role sly he is excited to experience Sly Cooper from the fan perspective and understands that the movie may require an actor bigger than himself to portray fly in order to better promote the movie and that my friend is a team player number 104 the plot of the movie will be something of a retelling of the events from the first game with sly and his friends setting out on a global adventure to retrieve the Thievius Raccoonus from clockwork number 105 while the film won't serve as an origin story and sly and his friends will have already formed the famous trio we all know and love they won't have quite peaked yet and will have a long way to go before mastering their ability number 106 when the teaser trailer for the film was released many slice anne's were critical of Murray's redesign the official Twitter for the film responded to the con constructive criticism that the fans had to offer and promised that his design would be tweaked and number 107 GamesRadar honored fly in 2013 by naming him the 74th greatest video game hero on their list of the top 100 video game heroes of all time they referred to him as the Danny ocean of gaming once again I'm Jacob and thanks for watching 107 facts about Sly Cooper which game in the series is your favorite do you know of any other Rhys reg Tom below and let us know we have new videos dropping every week so let us know what game you want to cover that and if you like getting more from your game subscribe to the leader room where we help you gain smarter [Music]
Channel: The Leaderboard
Views: 784,416
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sly Cooper, Sly Cooper Video Game, sly, Sly 2, Sly 3, Ps3, sly cooper collection, sly cooper series, rachet and clank, The Leaderboard, ps2, 107 Facts, 107 facts, Game, Gaming, Videogame, Leaderboard, Network, Playstation 3, sucker punch, 107 Fact, cooper, ps3, sly cooper facts
Id: 4iB5orGxHqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 2sec (1502 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 07 2017
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