The Story Of Noah's Ark 🚢 | 40 Minute Full Episode Special | VeggieTales | Mini Moments

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[Music] okay bye sir knock knock there orange orange who orange you're glad to be heading home oh Shem I can't wait to get home to the old orange Rob and start decorating well first I'll need to build our house I'm thinking of a big wreck room or a walk-in closet and a barbecue pit or a flower garden you know what stie whatever makes you happy we're Team now that we're married yeah oh wait till you see my plans for the porch I'm going to build a swing and then right next to That Swing I'll build another swing why would you do that cu the best things in life come in chos a like salt goes with pepper and carrots with peas a sock with it's m macaroni and cheese a cup and a saucer or a pair of shoes the best things in life coming to they coming to coming look two bunnies the best things in life adorable [Music] HS arm legs out of the best things in [Music] they were those girs [Music] B crocodile what's going on maybe they're putting in a zoo the animals are all headed in the same direction yeah to the Orange Grove to the Orange Grove oh I hope this isn't one of dad's little projects oh I don't think it's little at all no no no no no no I got to hand it to Noah when he does something he does it all the way all the way off the defense and that giant orange slice is right where our new house is supposed to go hey hey him japi welcome back guys yeah welcome back guess what we've been doing the whole time you've been on your honeymoon grab a tool It's Hammer Time and this is a it's a boat actually it's an ark no I mean why are you building it now Dad it's so good to see you oh hi h can you tell me what's going on here not before Sadie tells us about the honeymoon come on girl we want to hear all about it and don't spare the details shem's going to build me a walk-in closet wow oh hey guess what I adopted a pig great he's adorable now why are you building the boat AR yeah dad wanted to talk to you about that you do understand that this is where my new house is suppos name my P bacon lovely name all right do you know where Dad is up top on the boat all right Dad says he heard straight from God on this okay I'm going to just tell Dad that this crazy project has to stop we'll unbuild this monstrosity and everything can get back to normal cool sound good good great thanks straight from God sham hey sham when you see him ask him when we're breaking for lunch okay [Music] no one said it would be easy building this old Ark but anything sure is possible when God gives you the spark set it right there please you guys got plans for me and you great big things for us to do when God has plans don't ask him why he says bill you say how many cubits hi cuz God's got plans hey Dad welcome back son how was your honeymoon great hey Dad um explain to me why you're you're building a giant orange slice boat arc Arc right where my new house is supposed to go isn't it wonderful God told me it would have to be big the mess you're making no the ark we're building one morning I was talking with the Lord and he said Noah you got to build an arc a really big one so here we are daddy you're the best you walk with God you're honored and Reed ni to say build a boat in the desert don't you think that's weird you should be wearing a hot hat I've got plans to build a life and spend it with my awesome wife and your big plans are in my way we'll build your boat but let's do it another day cuz I've got plans put those on the top deck my dear be gentle of course I will I'm a lady I've got PL for me and you I've got PL for to do yeah but your big plans are in my way I've got plans away not today I've got plans got I've got plans got now where did I leave that drill wait hold Dad wait up wow you bought the whole hardware store always have the right tool for the right job son of course it helps to know where it is so Dad about this monstrosity arc Arc you building I get that God told you to build it but did he say why sure he did why do you think I'm in such a rush 600 years old and you still can't slow him down Shem look who we brought you you're finally here hey Mom oh Mom it's good to be home even if I barely recognize it how are you handling all this NE I I mean mom I'll admit when I heard what God told your father I was a little rattled but I trust him and I trust God now why don't you sit down and eat found it relax everybody this is only a drill get it oh Noah you're such a card walks with God and tells jokes mom this looks delicious Okay who wants to say Grace Hold on Dad please I've got something I've been trying to ask you and and you've got to listen to me okay all right son what is it why did God ask you to build this boat because the oth is going to be flooded Shem okay a what God has seen that no one cares about doing what's right anymore so he's going to start over you you really the ark will save us from the flood this is God's plan Dad this is the craziest most unbelievable thing I've ever heard we must trust in God if we do I know that he will see us through there are things we believe but can't touch with our hands like the way we know this seed will grow with water and with light if you choose to have faith you must try trust in God's plans and have confidence that come what may they always turn out right it's the proof of what we pray for and the things we hope each day for so we trust that God will keep his promise trust because he always does trust God's word's the shest thing that ever was so we trust TR that God will be beside us trust he'll care for us and guide us even when he's sometimes hard for us to see that's when we must trust it's the proof of what we pray for and the things we hope each day so we trust that God will keep his promise trust because he always does TR God we trust that God will be beside us trust he'll care for us and guide us even when he sometimes for us to see that's when we must trust I think I need more than oranges to trust in something this big oh hey it's you guys again aren't you cute the passengers are starting to arrive I thought we were the passengers we're not the only ones God is saving whoa whoa you're not going to take some animals on board too are you no not some animals all the animals God promised he would send two of every living creature anything that crawls off flies is coming on board open the doors open the skulls get the shovels hold on everyone we're not quite ready yet give us a [Music] second now we're ready welcome to the ark animals and friends we thank you all for coming to this place the weather's dry and it seems like I might be a bit off face we know it may seem on but we're listening to God we're grateful for your willingness to try which is why we we welcome you aboard we welcome you aboard as you will see no details ignored take a look around we know that you'll be we welcome you aboard water slides park rides all new the Jimmy is great SP for everything is big enough for the only we don't have yet you who is true we welcome you AO [Applause] we welcome you AO design inspired by the Lord thanks for F this is your reward we welcome you AB we welcome you AB we Sons and Daughters you make me proud We got the boat we got the animals we're almost ready for this historic iic Voyage you are now in the Lord's army uh Navy the Lord's Navy and to keep his ship as ship shape as a ship should be we will all have a job to do now and japheth you're in charge of mammal feeding time check I'll need to know if anyone is on a diet or gluten-free Sadie you're on housekeeping and deck sweeping as long as it Rhymes Can I be the lookout in the Crow's Nest we don't have a crow's nest ham except for the nest with actual crows and sitting in there is not a job but you and Dot will care for all bugs and reptiles ooh creepy I'll be on leaks and repairs neyar will be animal exercise and po Aid Gaz and Shem you're in charge of the Aviary you mean the birds yes all of Our Feathered Friends will be your Feathered Friends I have a feeling you'll be very suited for it great my job is literally for the birds and to answer your next big question we will all help with animal cleanup you got a name for this ship I'm keeping it simple o that really does sound catchy iconic I think it should be called Noah's Ark ooh that's good Noah's Arc all right all right my life with STI just started this this isn't what I wanted for us sometimes our plans need to wait Shen the world is about to change I know Dad heard from God but I didn't it could be God tries to speak with you maybe you just haven't been listening you're more like your father than you think you build you invent you question that's all wonderful all you need to do is get to know God God the way Noah does now if you'll excuse me I have to go give a giraffe a neck massage it's going to be a long one okay my little turtle friends I think that's the last of them Noah dad maybe 2 by two doesn't apply to pets that were already in the family shouldn't there be a friend for little bacon indeed and there she is [Music] now a bacon I'm so happy for you and what's your name little lady I think I'll call you pork chop that should be everyone let's do a final check hippos by the Rhinos sloths by the koalas and the cats and dogs are finally separated lizard lizard snake snake gecko gecko frog Birds the feather flocking together ham and hamsters ready to go Captain oh crew and critters accounted for okay everyone's aboard you know what that means lunch and a long nap no more [Music] singing how can we complain we're ready to we love it the on the we it on [Applause] the all right now what and now it's time for Silly Songs with Larry the part of the show where Larry comes out and sings a silly song We join our veggie friends for their annual Easter tradition okay kids ready for the Easter egg hunt yay [Music] I've got my hat I've got my net I've got binoculars metal detector I'm set for an expedition I'm a c on a mission the greatest Easter egg hunt yet I'm good to go I'll find the prize at the Safari store I bought out all their supplies life will be sweet when my beautiful treat is right before my eyes my golden egg has my name on it it will be mine all mine all mine because I want it it's there for the a bunny chicken I'll be my golden Egen golden the deepest darkest jungle there are many scary things I am always on the lookout for whatever bites or stings I run or creep down low I go wherever eggs May Roam remember I'm a professional so don't try this at home no luck okay my search will widen to just beyond this lava pit I'm sure that's where it's hiding I overcome each hardship I make it through each mess because I must possess my golden egg has my name on it it will be mine all mine all mine because I want it it's there for the pick from a bunny or chicken soon I'll be holding my golden egg I missed it oh look I found it and now she has her happy hands around it I'm defeated a lot of nothing's what I got but maybe but maybe but maybe not I still have my golden egg thanks to the car in of my competitor whose heart believes in sharing this world's made foring what a wonderful feeling cuz now we are holding our [Music] [Applause] [Music] golden this has been silly songs with tune in next time to hear L this is [Music] awesome [Music] [Music] that was weird good morning shim sleep well next time try to fall a little quieter you're going to wake up the Moose I had a dream there were Birds All Around Me Maybe cuz your pillows made out of bird seed or maybe you're just going a little stir crazy I can't imagine why oh maybe it's because we've been cooped up in a boat on our front lawn for 7 days and oh has it rained one drop no yep you woke him up hey Keith my socks dry yet it still hasn't rained and who knows if it's ever going to God knows right no I mean God knows he really does don't you guys want to be in control of your own destiny make your own plans write your own story H straight from God Chim I'm happy with my pig and my popcorn fine piig out with your pig I'm going outside for some fresh air on dry [Music] land Jem get back here I'm going to go start planning our Dreamhouse you come get me if it starts to Sham we need to stay on the ark even if it's not raining yet it's not it's not going to rain Mom okay it might actually be raining now it's be get back in the arc shim where you'll be safe come on shimmy don't mess around with this bro yeah let us call you up I will get on that arc when I am good and ready and fully convinced J get on the boat okay tie everything down goodbye Garden goodbye Port swing there [Music] hang on everyone it'll be all right this is what God prepared us for Jim help help me tie this Dune we can't let the water into the hole it'll take us we need more rope bacon work jop F good piggy everything's better with bacon got it bro hang on here comes another one [Music] leak we sprung leak that's why we packed the T but there are so many we'll never get to them in time the old man we will if we have the right tools for the job cocking gun everybody grab one fill them with tar a [Music] leaky I don't know how much more of this I can take I'm scared hang in that boys going to be all right I promise it's just rain right I mean how long can it [Music] last how is this possible don't worry son God promis that it would rain for 40 days and 40 nights and this is the 40th Day so that means the rain should stop today right so far I don't see any signs of well look at that another promised CT no more rain no more rain no more rain just when it looked like we were at the end of our rope that our Goose had been cooked and that everyone given up hope the sky turned blue and bright the whole world filled with light and oh the sun came back again just when we feared our umbrellas would be open for years then the storm fin cleared and the wores turned into Che even though the was long life's great bur song The the rain has gone away now there's no more rain more rain now there's no more rain more rain and I can't contain how good I'm feeling now there's no more we thought we would down all the sun came back again goly I'll tell you we miss the B was we Genesis but we'll never forget how we felt when oh the sun came back again all the sun came [Applause] back the sun came back again won't be long till we get off this [Music] boat well there's still one good use for these umbrellas I've got to say I'm impressed that you've kept so clean from any target practice I've even had dreams about birds really maybe they mean something yeah they mean I've been hanging around Birds too long don't dismiss it son sometimes this is how God speaks to us did God tell you about what's next no just that we should wait keep tending the animals and wait it's not like I'm ungrateful for all this beautiful sunshine it's much better than the storms of course but we've been floating out here for months now we may be out here for several more months or even years we just can't live on this Ark for the rest of our lives we're running out of hobbies to pass the time he's right we only have one jigsaw puzzle and this is the fifth time I've put it together and now I can't even find all the pieces I keep losing more and more of them God will reveal the rest of his plan in due time God's got centuries to wait I don't I'm running out of animals who let me braid their hair no one said it would be easy we just have to trust in God I just cannot sit around I've got to do something shim said to meet him here he just said meet me by a pile of randomly stacked crates yeah that was pretty much it you made it don't scare us like that enter the workshop of Genius in there that's a really small Workshop no that's the door ooh this is like the clubhouses we used to build when we were kids fellas I'm getting us out of here oh yeah behold Plan B a flying machine to take us into the air and away from this seasick life into the air and where to land we'll have a much easier time finding land from a bird's eye view and there's going to be room for everyone one that'll be so impressed is this part of God's plan it's improving on it I'm just helping him along God just called every animal in the world and flooded the Earth he doesn't seem to need help I'm a doer jath just like Dad I use tools and build and invent just like him once he sees good old Plan B he's going to be impressed and amazed we should show him right now nope I not yet I want to test it get it ready I want to prove to him that it will work okay okay but I'm not good at keeping secrets listen every time you think you might tell him just shove a piece of food in your mouth got it I don't know shim technically you're redirecting for later like keeping a surprise birthday party a secret a surprise birthday party huh let's get [Music] started [Music] go what have you been up to all day oh you just play my hand to be technically exact I have not been involved with any said project that is not slated to be shared in given time when such time is relevant to the project pass the [Music] soup [Music] it'll be okay Mrs hamster Your Heart Will Go [Music] On [Music] well at least we know it works right and if the little one flies so will the big one so what are you going to do now I think it's time to reveal Plan B to the rest of the family are you sure you want to go through with this huh what's [Music] that what is it the biggest wave I've ever seen [Music] what do we do we can ride it I just hope we can get over the crest if we don't keep the bar low in the water that wave could flip us over we need to push everything to the front of the boat anything that wavs a lot let's go hurry Hipp get [Music] up [Music] Easy Does It everyone follow me up to the [Music] front finish tying up where's Shem he was right behind me I'm right here [Music] [Music] on we did it we're clear no more way no more way no more way stop it stop the music enough already this is crazy what's wrong with you people what's next a tornado meteorites attack of a giant squid whatever it is shm we'll survive I don't want to survive Sadie I want to live with you with everyone off this boat don't any of you see this floating zoo is going to be the end of us but I've invented a way for us to get out of here what I give you plan B an Airship designed by Yours Truly no more seasick waves no more endless drifting big enough to fit all of us and when we find land we'll come back for the animals pretty great right I'm astounded thanks Dad I worked hard on it Shem this is a very creative idea but how can you do this have you heard anything I've said I'm trying something new this plan is not God's plan anyone who climbs aboard my craft will be safer than on this boat who's with me it's a simple Choice Shem don't do this I I'm leaving right now you have to choose guys sad you C me won't you sh oh come on I was getting about the swing everyone give [Music] a I've never been so amused and so terrified at the same time we got to save the ark grab something anything and charge son put that down before you hurt yourself let me take care of this hey be Lips This is the Bible story of the Ark Noah's Ark and you are not in it so go po you can come back for job [Music] I I had plans I all always do great big dreams they all fell through and all those plans that I had made have left me here alone alone a drift of [Music] [Music] raid oh not again get off is everyone okay I think we've hit something please don't be another squid it seems as though we've run a ground a ground as in the ground this is fantastic where could we be some Mountain we should name it how about Mount where we at that's catchy you know cuz it's where we at how about Mount error rat sounds like you're just copying me the waters must be receding but how fast when will we be able to get off the ark only God can tell us but for now at least our drifting has [Music] [Music] stopped [Music] Hey Dad I I think they like you they like you too you've taken good care of them I uh I went to check on the water I think it might be going down think well I can't be sure I can't see the water with all the fog well I figure the water is going down God will give us a sign when it's safe to get off the boat uh Ark whatever dad I'm wondering if these birds might be a part of God's plan maybe why would you think that I guess it's that dream I've been having ah so uh what do you want to do send a bird out to find dry land good idea I like it no no that that was a joke let's give it a try well I am the bird guy around here right let's do it dad are you sure this is going to work yeah it feels weird putting our faith in a bird no we're putting our faith in God what do you mean well God keeps his promises he promised the rains would stop after 40 days and 40 nights and they did he promised to keep us safe and here we are and he promised to send us a sign when it's time to get off the ark the birds are going to help us out I'm going to trust God on this one send our hopes out into the air on kind of a little ruing and a prayer trying to trust wishing you just give us a [Music] sign here she comes guess that didn't work well we'll try again we send our dreams out into to the sky and know with your care that they'll take off and fly we'll be all right but maybe you might give us a sign I say [Music] something how do you know it's going to work because God keeps his promises we've got to remember the rain will stop we've got to remember the storm St will end we got to remember blue skies are just around the bend God provides all we need when we step back and let him lead I hope those Turtles enjoy that are you kidding that's the most excitement they get all day so any sign of the dove yet not yet hey thanks for being patient with me Dad I've been taught by the best would you look at that hey hey buddy the little guy has brought us a present better yet a sign our stories start from this humble boat we hope that the sore or at least that they float we're praying they do while watching for you to give us a those Birds aren't coming back are they maybe they found places to Nest I'd say so and that means there's enough land out there for all of us the birds they were part of God's [Music] plan thank you for bringing us safely through our journey and thank you for keeping your promise as you always do amen amen who wants us more look everyone what's that the Lord is making us one more promise what's it mean the rainbow is a sign of God's covenant with us it's his promise to never allow the whole earth to be flooded again so what's next dad time for us to start over you kids go forth and multiply I have no idea what that means I'll explain it to you [Music] [Music] later heart God's got plans God's got plans God's Got [Applause] [Music] knock knock who's there olive olive who Olive you [Music] [Applause] a
Channel: Mini Moments
Views: 347,022
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VeggieTales, VeggieTales Theme Song, Bob the Tomato, Larry the Cucumber, Christian Stories, Children Christian Stories, Bible Lessons, Singing Vegetables, Animated Vegetables, Junior Asparagus, Petunia Rhubarb, Laura Carrot, VeggieTales Full Episodes, Christian Children Stories, Biblical Children Stories, Dancing Vegetables, Veggie Tales: Noah's Ark, veggietales noahs ark songs, veggietales noahs ark full movie, veggietales noahs ark full, veggietales full episodes christmas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 18sec (2478 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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