Veggietales | Bible Story Collection | VeggieTales Special Clip | Kids Cartoon | Kids Shows

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okay [Music] how did we get here we're using our imagination so these must be the israelites yep why are they out here in the middle of nowhere oh now that is a good question have you ever heard of a guy named moses hmm isn't he the one who parted the red sea right again but we're gonna go back a little further the israelites were living in egypt but not because they wanted to no the egyptians had taken them captive and we're making them work very hard as they're slaves it was miserable but god cared about the israelites so he sent moses to lead them out of egypt and into their own land the promised land this is the promised land no no no no oh the land god promised them was wonderful you could grow things and there was lots of food no this is the desert so why are they here ah yes that is the point when moses and the israelites left egypt all they had to do was follow god's directions and they'd go right to the promised land but they didn't always follow god's directions sometimes they went their own way instead what do you mean well for example moses led them to the promised land right away but when some of the israelites took a look around they saw people there that looked like giants that scared him so much they wouldn't go in they got to the land god promised them and then they turned around and ran away oh my now god was very disappointed in the israelites for not following his directions so he told them that none of them could go into the promised land for 40 years you're kidding me nope that's why they're stuck here in the desert wow by the time 40 years had gone by moses had died i thought this story was about him no it's about joshua joshua who is he well he was moses helper when moses died joshua became israel's new leader do i know you i'm the narrator oh the israelites were very sad about moses dying because he was a great leader but at last it was finally time it's time it's time did he just say it's time waited and have a lot of fun in the desert [Music] for years i've eaten nothing but mana a dish that is [Music] i'd like a taco please and some minnows and cheese [Music] land i hear it's flowing [Applause] yeah we're going through the promised land because we're going to the promised land so off they went after 40 years the israelites were finally going to their new home with a big grin joshua led his people into the promised land he overlooked one little detail [Music] jericho did you hear something jean-claude mary philly i think someone has bumped our wall [Music] who are you who are we i think we should ask who are you oh um i am joshua and these are the children of israel oh hello children hi it was nice to meet you now go away yes no you don't understand god has given us this land for our new home so well you're gonna have to leave [Music] we have [Music] now listen to me our god said that this land was ours and that all we had to do was follow his directions so i'm afraid if you don't come out we're gonna have to come in there after ya i'd like to see you try you can never get over our giant one chinese figure yes dinosaur you are not a mighty deal you are just a baby i'm a cucumber maybe we should fall back and regroup well things weren't going as smoothly as joshua had hoped so the israelites decided to pull back and talk things over that's a big wall this time i really mean it we should go back to egypt don't you remember snorkeling in the nile three square meals a day plenty of exercise oh it was paradise we were in slavery nothing is perfect listen kids that land is rightfully ours and the only way we're gonna get it is by checking out that wall right jerry oh yeah that that's right jimmy so jerry and i are gonna put our heads together and come up with a plan to take out the law yeah they are so aggressive well joshua didn't know what to do and he could see that things were getting a little out of control where did we put that chemistry set is egypt north or south then he remembered that whenever moses didn't know what to do he would go and talk to god how did he do that well moses found the best way was to go off by himself and just listen i'll be right back so josh went away from the camp to see if he could hear god after he had gone away he saw a strange man with a sword whoa josh wondered whether this guy was on his side or on jericho's side are you for us or for our enemies neither but as commander of the army of the lord i have now come well josh realized that this was a messenger from god so he immediately fell face down on the ground in reverence i'm sorry i couldn't make that out i said what message does my lord have for his servant oh really that's what you said yes that's what i said oh all right i come with directions from the lord great what are they ah yes the lord says to you joshua see i have delivered jericho into your hands march around the city once with all your men do this each day for six days have seven priests carry trumpets of ram's horns in front of the ark on the seventh day march around the city seven times with the priests blowing the trumpets when you hear them sound a long blast have all the people give a loud shout and the walls of the city will collapse and jericho will be yours well have fun those were very interesting directions they sure were josh went back to camp and told the plan to the rest of the israelites the walls of the city will collapse and jericho will be yours they thought it was interesting too so we're supposed to hop around the city for seven days blow our little horns yeah and the walls are just gonna fall down yep those are god's directions wow i'm sure that would work great if the walls were made out of jello oh then we could eat them let's call for egypt who's coming with me [Music] just a minute i think you'll find our plan a bit more sophisticated blowing the horns in the desert isn't gonna do it what we need is serious firepower sherry [Music] [Applause] [Music] behold our creation the lawmanator 3000. how are we clapping i have no idea this is terrible it looks like they're gonna ignore god's directions again josh has something to say um i think we're forgetting something ahem the lord hath given this land to us no need to fuss he knows what he's doing we know that he will take care of us if we will follow him now everyone sing together [Music] know that he will take care of us and we will follow him [Music] as your new leader i think we should try doing it god's way first well god's way still sounded kind of funny but the israelites agreed to give it a try and the next morning there they were marching around jericho [Music] it wasn't long before the people of jericho noticed the israelites what are you doing we're going to knock your wall down by walking around in circus yes it's not because we're crazy or anything our god told us to do it this way oh that's a great idea you go ahead and keep walking [Music] keep walking but you will knock down our wall keep walking but she isn't gonna fall it's plain to see your brains are very small to sink walking you will be knocking down our wall you silly little beacon you silly little bee you think that walking around will bring this city to its knees the awesome powers of this world we've clearly demonstrated but out here in the heart of sun perhaps you're dehydrated [Music] ah pities and philippe ah mary jean-claude may we won't you join me in my irritating little song [Music] your brains are very small to seek working we'll be knocking down our walls keep walking but you will knock down the wall and keep walking but she isn't gonna fall it's playing through your brains are very small and she's walking we've been knocking down your brains are very small losing weight all right boys let them have it [Music] double time well it wasn't a pretty sight but the israelites did make it all the way around jericho back at their camp that night they talked it over well um that that could have been a lot worse we made it all the way around so um we only have to do this six more days and that that'll take care of it well what do you think i've got slushie in my ear well um time to fire up the laminator jerry um do you think that's a good idea who wants to see the pyramids i'm organizing a tour no wait things were really falling apart this time josh needed to do something and quick junior wait don't you see what you're doing god gave you directions and you're ignoring them don't you remember what happened when you're supposed to go into the promised land but you got scared and ran away instead because you didn't follow god's directions you had to stay in the desert for 40 years well yeah but that was i know god's directions don't always make sense to us but things work out a lot better when we do them god's way instead of trying to do things our own way it didn't make sense when god told you to walk right through the red sea but what happened the water dried up and it didn't make sense when god told you to live in the desert even though there's no food in the desert but what happened god gave you manna to eat don't you see sometimes god asks us to do things that don't make sense to us like walking around the city to make the walls fall down or being nice to someone who hasn't been nice to us but when we remember that god made us and loves us and always wants what's best for us we can be sure that his way is the best way the lord has given this land to us he knows what he's doing we know that he will take care of us [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] tomorrow morning josh and i are going back out there to march around jericho who's coming with us you can count on me [Music] all right we're in hey somebody's got to carry that arsenal [Music] well paul do you still want to see the pyramids ah i've seen the pyramids i built the pyramids let's go to jericho the next day they all set off again to march around jericho now god never said it would be easy no the people in jericho hit him with everything they god's had and they kept on marching six days they marched and nothing could stop them on the seventh day just like god had told them they marched around jericho seven times while the priests blew their horns [Music] and just like that said when they finished marching the bridge threw one long blast and then all the people yelled [Applause] [Music] oh aah [Music] [Music] hello my name is joshua and god hath given us this land [Music] so the israelites obeyed god and the walls fell down wow finally after 40 years they were in their new home [Music] did i pick a lousy day to wear my contacts [Music] anyone have any sailing [Music] once upon a time there lived a king like other kings he had a really neat castle to live in and a lovely little kingdom to rule but unlike other kings this king spent most of his time in the bathtub oh yes his name was george king george um a king george your highness do you think you'll be coming out anytime soon we have important business to discuss what do you think ducky oh i couldn't agree more uh not right now louis we're not finished with our royal bath it's quite important sir oh ducky why can't they just leave us alone yes it was a little odd you see the kingdom was at war the great pie war to be exact and usually when a kingdom was at war the king would uh help it'll have to wait louis first thing first right ducky king george loved to take baths but most of all king george loved his rubber ducky [Music] some kings love horses and some kings love cattle some kings love leading their troops into battle but me i'm not like that i find that stuff yucky i'd much rather stay in my tub with my ducky [Music] because i love my duck sir if i could have a minute love my dad there are some things we must discuss i love my duck see there's a war in wealth we're in it love my duck oh i don't mean to make a fuss then don't sing with me lewis huh oh okay because he loves his duck and that is why i can't be bothered loves his dick with a particular the war he loves [Music] and i think you will agree the most important person in the whole wide world is me so please don't drag me down with all the people and their troubles go run some water in my tub too fresh freshen up my bubbles oh boy because i love my duck i don't know why i even bother love my dog you just can't reason with i fear the kingdom's out of luck because i lost my god yes undoubtedly we're stuck don't let the army run a month oh boy we're [Music] hey what's that [Music] give me a quarter [Music] because i love my dog you're always there to make me smile i love my duck you're my very favorite toy [Music] [Music] it's beautiful i want it what the house no the ducky oh but you already have a ducky what are you saying that i shouldn't have whatever i want well i must have it i must get it you must go and get it for me if you want me to be happy then you'll show me you adore me don't rest another minute till it's sitting here before me if you wanna do your best i would suggest you go and bring me back that duck but sir if i could just jog your memory you already have quite a few duckies [Applause] those are yesterday's duckies huh these are all perfectly good duckies why most of your loyal subjects would love to have even one ducky this nice i don't like these i don't need these i don't want these any longer my affection for those duckies isn't getting any stronger just say i can't have what i want you couldn't be more wronger our conversation is over did you say wronger what i don't know perhaps it's more wrong not more wronger it had to rhyme don't question the king's grammar now go and get that duck but king george we can't just barge in and take thomas's duck why not well he'll tell people and then everyone will think you're going to come in and take their stuff you can't run a kingdom that way no all right well then we'll have to do something about thomas what come in ah frederick my favorite general how goes the war has told you the pie war has grown ferocious we need more men at the front louis didn't tell me that i was trying to but you wouldn't come out of the hmm more men a yes we need more men you know i believe thomas would like to help thomas he's rather small he's surprisingly strong for his thighs as you wish sire your highness and one more thing cedric put thomas at the front of the battle then have everyone else step back but it'll be creamed [Music] your king has spoken as you wish sire lewis meet me at death get to eat gate we've got a little job to do it was terrible lewis didn't want thomas to get hurt and he certainly didn't want to take his ducky but he also didn't want king george to send him to the pie war too so he did what the king asked [Music] all right follow me and try to act inconspicuous [Music] [Music] we did it oh now now now i'm happy let's have a look at it [Music] it looks just like your other duckies what hold your tongue infidel this is the most perfect ducky the world has ever known it's time for that who could that be come in [Music] thomas yeah tameth back the phone it was astounding there he was alone at the front line but he never gave up he stood his ground and this little fellow single-handedly stopped the advancing horde he did he's a war hero sire yes well thomas hi uh i'm coming boys and barry at three o'clock i'm sorry i'm afraid he's lost his mind sire the trauma of war oh no well how long will he be like this no telling perhaps the rest of his life well we will give him the highest honor of the kingdom yes sire if he were conscious i'm sure he would thank you i'll take him to his room now thank you cedric now finally i can take that bath oh i feel just terrible oh that's all right i still have time for my bath what are you the only one you think about no i've been thinking about this ducky for quite some time now since thomas has lost his marbles he won't be needing it so come on help me out with that bath oh great come in i did i see and who are you you remember me i am melvin that slightly odd wise man who shows up every so often to tell you things ah yes well what is it i have to tell you a little story not now i'm gonna go take a bath come back at bedtime it's important oh okay what's that it's a flannel graph to illustrate flannel graph there once was a man a very rich man he had a lot of sheep he had a lot of land he threw a lot of parties he was dapper he was ten yes there once was a very rich man okay great story i'll uh see you next time wait just a minute my story isn't done it's about two men and i've only mentioned one [Music] oh there once was a man a very poor man he had next to nothing just a little lamb but he loved it like a son and he fed it from his hand yes there once was a very poor man then one day there was a guest at the house of the rich man what did he do have you guessed to feed the guest of the rich man well let's see he had plenty of sheep so he could just share with his sheep not a problem he took the lamb of the poor man he took the lamb of the foremen [Music] the rich man took to feed his guests the very as surely as i stand before you today my story is true who is that man tell me to take the lamb of the poor man when he had lots of sheep of the poor man only had one man for his cruelty he will spend the rest of his days locked in my dungeon who is he [Music] what you are the king you have many duckies but thomas only had one and he loved it very much but you weren't thinking about thomas you were only thinking about yourself and what you wanted but i i your highness what you have done has made god very unhappy for whether you are a king or just a kid god wants us all to think of others first you have been selfish king george and when we are selfish we hate the people around us just as you have played thomas aye god wants us to love our neighbors not hoit them what do i do what do i do here is what you must do ask god to forgive you ask thomas to forgive you and then yes make it right [Music] well king george knew exactly what to do lewis draw a bath what trust me okay i gotta find comment [Music] he figured a nice hot bath in the royal tub would help thomas [Music] hello here let's clean you up a little and sure enough he was right hey where am i wow big tub am i in heaven no silly it's just my bathtub i've got something for you my ducky king george told thomas what he had done and asked thomas if he could forgive him after thinking it over a bit thomas said yes then king george prayed and asked god to forgive him too yes sir being forgiven felt really great and the people he had hurt thomas and even lewis by making him do things lewis knew were wrong felt much better once they knew king george was really sorry yep it was a happy day so king george what you're learning today what i learned let me tell you today i learned to be a selfish [Music] i think you mean wasn't it wasn't the way well now i know just what to do before i think about me i'd better think about you send the message out to every boy and girl there's no better way to make a really [Music] it's [Music] now dave lived in a land called israel a long long time ago so long ago that there weren't any cars or telephones or vacuum cleaners or anything they were mostly just sheep especially around dave's house because dave was a shepherd no no that's not him that's one of his brothers nope another brother uh nope another brother dave had a lot of brothers aha there he is no not the sheep he's behind the sheep uh shoe there fluffy hi i'm dave i have a lot of brothers yep seven to be exact now dave and his brothers spent most of their time in the fields taking care of their sheep which could be hard work because their sheep had an unusual problem they tip over oh look there goes one now but dave had an even bigger problem you see of all the brothers he was the smallest that's right everybody is bigger than i am and sometimes his big brothers would pick on him oh dave one of my sheep fell over would you come pick it up for me i'm kind of busy right now do you remember the time we dipped you in tar and stuck you to the back side of an angry water buffalo hey dave one of my sheep fell too just a minute [Music] oh my sheep fell over dave oh dave after you pick up our sheep could you run and get me a bite to eat i'm famished oh yeah me too get me something too you know sometimes i think i could eat a whole camel oh yeah well sometimes i think i could eat a whole spaceship uh what's a spaceship i have no idea that's how things had pretty much always been for dave nothing really exciting happened around there until one day when their dad jesse came running out with some horrible tools uh dave can you pick those up oh boys oh boys i got horrible [Music] the lima beans are uh lacking the nectarines are quacking one more time please and let's work on our enunciation the philistines are attacking [Music] a bob what are the philippines the philippines are a group of islands off the coast of southeast asia but that's not important now the philistines were people who hated israel they wanted to take israel's land and make the israelites their slaves so they'd have to do whatever the philistines told them to do oh that's bad you're right so the israelites needed to protect themselves we need to protect ourselves but how king soul is putting together an army to stop the philistines he needs your help you must help save israel [Music] hey hey dave where do you think you're going i must help [Music] it's very nice that you want to help but saving a country is a big thing you're a little guy big people do big things and little people do little things so stay with the sheep [Music] i'm little they go i twiddle why can't little guys do big things too [Music] by the time dave's brothers arrived at king saul's camp battle lines had been drawn between the philistines and the israelites and as was the custom in their day the armies lined up and yelled at each other hello israelites you are beads and soon we will put our bells in your mouth and stick you in our first elements oh yes after we defeat you you will be a slave then you have to fetch us our sleep yes and iron our trousers and scratch that spot on your backs we cannot reach no matter how hard we try don't you have anything to say um do you guys have any fried chicken i've got a real hankering for fried chicken yeah me too this is going to be easier than we thought you know i think i can save us all a lot of time how about if we bring out our strongest man and you bring out your strongest man in favor of fight if our champion beats your champion you will be a slave but if your champion defeats us we will be your slaves what do you think about that well the israelites were getting kind of tired of the yelling and the philistines did seem a little on the small side so king saul agreed that seems like a reasonable idea all right we agree send out your champion hey goliath so [Music] who will i fight [Music] the israelites were so terrified of goliath that they all ran away and hid nobody will fight i'll come back tomorrow and that's exactly what he did goliath came back the next day and the next day and the next day for 40 days but every time he showed up all the israelites ran away and hid finally jesse started to worry about his boys so he sent little dave to the battlefield with some food now dave got to king saul's camp just about the time goliath was going to come out so all the israelites were hiding hello is anybody here he'll hear you who him that big pickle over there who will fight me well who's gonna fight him what are you nuts he'd have us for lunch speaking of which what'd you bring us here you go mmm pizza oh cheese in the crust that's tremendous come on guys have you forgotten we're the children of god the what the children of god the bible says that the israelites were god's chosen people god led them through the desert he helped them walk across the red sea and whenever they went into battle god was there with them they had always known that if god was on their side no one could stand against them wow but king saul and his men were so scared of big tall goliath they forgot that god was even bigger oh dear uh larry you've got something on your uh huh oh never mind once again no one would answer goliath's challenge [Music] oh no one to fight they told me that you are the children of god you are cowards i come back tomorrow i can't believe you're letting them say that somebody's gotta do something [Music] what are you gonna do dave remember you're a little guy leave this big strap us big people [Music] do you think he saw me no you're okay phew well dave knew exactly what he had to do so he went straight to king saul and announced his plan i will fight goliath king saul took the news rather well i'm sorry my ears must be failing i could have sworn i heard you say that you'd fight goliath but you didn't say that did you yes i did oh i say that's very kind but let's be reasonable you are a tiny little fellow and well goliath is he's enormous no no no no that's a job for a big person not a little boy like you [Music] you're not going to sing are you couldn't you just play your hop and i'll throw things at you oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] oh i see what you're saying all right i understand now let's suppose that this is true you still look rather wimpy but i know what we can do just step behind this curtain it will only take a minute there's a closet in the corner and you like what i've got in it you'll find my royal armor there no danny put it on i guess now you'll look much bigger when the battle lines are drawn one more thing you'll need i think pick up my royal sword it's a big one and a beauty the best we could afford once you've got it all together i think you will agree you're bound to do much better if you try to look like me [Music] [Applause] oh dear you know i think maybe i should just be plain old me oh yes well i suppose but have you seen goliath why he's he's just [Applause] [Music] with his help little guys could do big things [Music] [Music] all right if you're sure you know what you're getting into oh dear well dave wasn't exactly sure what he was getting into but he knew god would be there with him so he went down to a stream and found five smooth stones then he went back to the camp and waited for goliath who will fight me i will fight you goliath you know if i didn't know better i'd say that sounded like dave oh yeah [Music] you know if i didn't know better i'd say that looks like dave huh dave goliath was equally surprised who said that i did am i a dog that you come at me with sticks [Laughter] i don't exactly know what you mean but you are not a dog you are a really big guy that wants to beat me up and i come at you not with sticks but in the name of the god of israel who this day shall help me defeat you we will see who defeats who now we fight it's short time [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] two the philistines were so scared of dave that they all ran away and hid and israel was saved and that's the story of dave a really little guy who did a really big thing [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's right now those weren't their real names no their real names were let me see if i can get this right shadrach meshach and abednego of course nobody could remember though so we took to calling them racks shaq and benny anyways they came with a bunch of other boys and girls that mr nesser brought in to work at his chocolate factory oh who's mr nesser we'll get to that later who am i why i'm george anything that goes in or out of nested chocolate gotta come by me well speaking of which it's almost eight o'clock a time for the morning milk delivery here comes laura now she's my favorite good morning george how are you i hope you're feeling fine i'd love to stay and talk but it's almost eight o'clock and i haven't got the time see you later because we work real hard at the chocolate factory we start at eight and we don't get lunch till three i gotta drive a truck to make a buck [Music] well now you are in trouble your time card is erect it's almost two past eight i'll tell nezer that you're late and you'll take it from your check yes mr lunt oh yes we work real hard at the chocolate factory excuse me but i've got an injury now get back on the line you'll be we used to laugh and run now there's no time [Applause] [Music] we'd like to take a break for goodness sake mr [Music] stay right here because we work real hard at the chocolate factory we start at eight and we don't get lunch show three we work the whole way through to make a bunk or two so we can send them home to our families [Music] come and join us [Music] hey the nested chocolate bunny every day they make 14 638 of these little fellas i'll give or take a few oh yeah mr nessa nebby k nezza but you better call him mr nezza now mr nez is not a bad man he just gets confused sometimes why his chocolate bunnies are selling so well i i think he's gotten a little big for his britches and that's saying something cause his britches were pretty big to start out with what's all this have to do with rack shack and benny well their troubles start when mr nessa makes a little announcement attention little people i have an announcement this morning there's a chocolate shipped its 2 millionth chocolate bunny [Music] to celebrate this momentous occasion for the next 30 minutes everyone may eat as many bunnies as they want bon appetit hey boss that's awfully nice so you're giving away all those bunnies oh if i could just see the looks on their faces right now [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys i don't think we should eat any more bunnies well what do you mean mr neser said we could eat as many as we want well don't you remember what our parents taught us we shouldn't eat very much candy because it's not very good for us shack our parents aren't here now we're on our own besides everybody else is doing it rick benny listen to me i know our parents aren't here right now but i keep thinking of a song my mom used to sing to me a long time ago think of me every day hold tight to what i say and i'll be close to you even from far away know that wherever you are it is never too far if you think of me i'll be with you know that wherever you are it is never too far if you think of me i'll be with you you see even though our parents aren't here right now to help us do what's right if we remember what they taught us it's kind of like they are here [Music] okay no more bunnies i'm doing it for my mom me too [Music] [Music] well that about does it what do you say we pop in and let them show their appreciation oh yeah they really gonna appreciate you boss hello hmm i don't feel very appreciated hey look they are lying on the floor like their sick or something hmm you mean i let them eat my bunnies and in return they all want to play hooky weight boss those three guys over there they don't look sick oh hmm him thank you mr nezzer for your lovely gift of chocolate yeah thanks everybody else is lying down but you three are standing up actually boss i think the tomato is sitting i'm standing sitting look this is sitting and this is standing i'm standing okay he's standing what are your names boys i'm shadrack i'm meshack i'm a bumblebee a penny boo i'm benny we can use boys who know how to stand up here at nezra chocolate how would you like to be junior executives what's it mean it means you have to wear a tie sure that'd be great all righty mr lunt get them their ties right away boss boys i want to see you in my office first thing in the morning yes yes well what do you know rack shack and benny did what they thought was right even though nobody else was doing it and it paid off this time anyway but boy were they in for a surprise when they got to mr ness's office the next day boys have i got a surprise for you the other day i was thinking about the naza chocolate bunny thinking about how wonderful the bunny is how beautiful the bunny is and i thought to myself i thought oh if only all my workers love the bunny as much as i do i asked myself why don't they love it as much do you know why because it's small it's a little bunny what they need is somebody they can look up to and i mean way up to this is just a model the real bunny is 90 feet high my workers finished it this morning wow that's a big bunny sir since you're my junior executives i wanted you to see it first but this afternoon everyone will meet the new bunny and it's gonna be a beautiful thing when everybody bows down and sings the bunny song um i don't think i'm familiar with that particular tune could you just hum a few bars you know i was hoping you'd ask the bunny song is how all my employees will show just how much they love the bunny how nothing is more important than the bunny how they do anything for the bunny and it goes something like this the bunny the bunny whoa i love the bunny i don't love my soup all my bread just the bunny the bunny the bunny yeah i love the bunny i gave everything that i had for the bunny i don't want no health food when it's time to feed a big bag of bunnies is all that i need i don't want nobody to come out and play i'll sit on my sofa eat bunnies all day i won't eat no beans and i won't eat tofu that stuff is for sissies but bunnies wanna well what do you think um what would happen say if someone didn't quite agree with everything in that song so they didn't um didn't sing it what would happen what's that over there that's the furnace what's it for well that's where the bad bunnies go let's just say in my mind if you don't bow down and sing the song you're a bad bunny you don't mean but i'm sure that won't happen it's almost time for the ceremony i'll see you out there now this was a pickle that bunny song was chock full of stuff they knew was wrong but if they don't sing it nessa says he's gonna throw him in the furnace what would you do if you were them i better hold that thought the ceremony's starting thank you for attending today's festivities it is with great pleasure that i present to you the object of our affection your new best friend the bunny [Music] now it is time to bow and sing the bunny song hey boss those three guys don't look like they're bowing aren't those our new junior executives i think so maybe they're stuck let's find out [Music] i said it's time to sing the bunny song come on guys sing the song everybody's doing it sing the song they ain't singing boss sing think of me every day is that the bunny song no i don't think so are you crazy [Music] know that wherever you are it is never too far if you think of me i'll be with you [Music] oh that was beautiful i'm gonna be singing that song myself as i throw you into the furnace god sees them take them to the [Music] [Applause] [Music] but furnace is everyone comfortable good wreck i can't move my arms ah benny you don't have any arms oh [Music] i've tried to be patient i've tried to be kind can you tell me what the trouble is am i losing my mind now i didn't ask for much just one simple little thing didn't ask it part the waters i just wanted to hear you sing i gave you hats i gave you ties i let you eat my bunnies and this is how you repay me come on boys do you think that's funny well now it laughs you'll be the sealed you're paying for your crime but to show you what kind of guy i am i'll ask you one more time will you or will you not sing the song well you see sir our parents taught us to stand up for what we believe in and god wants us to do what's right and there's a lot of stuff in that song that's not right so we don't mean to be a bother we hope you understand but we cannot sing that song i understand boys you do oh yes i understand that you're bad buddies [Music] [Music] get them [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] which way do i go go up go up [Music] way to go let's get out of here i knew this was the way i don't think this is the way this ain't the way i see back now if i'm not mistaken that truck belongs to me mr lunt [Applause] [Music] oh but look my truck seems to be full of garbage mr lunt is there anything you can do about that hey no problem boss [Music] remember how our parents said that god would always be watching out for [Music] hope that you were yeah oh mr lunt it wasn't me boss i said nobody bakes my buddies listen here young lady if you don't plug that back in you're gonna be in trouble nobody's ever gonna stand up to me again [Laughter] well it looks like four guys in there now and one of them is really shiny one more thing boss they ain't burning up god has saved you from the fiery furnace oh i was wrong to try to make you do things you weren't supposed to do what was i thinking i must have forgot everything that my mommy taught me can you ever forgive me we forgive you oh thanks is there anything i can do to make it up to you well you could sing one of our songs how's it go you know i was hoping you'd ask [Music] my mommy always taught me to do what's right to wash is stand up stand up [Music] remember what you learned in church and sunday school just check it out the bible tells us what it's all about oh you know that's right so if you have a question go ask your dad and he can tell you if the thing is [Music] [Music] he's the one to back you up [Music] he's the one to back you up [Music] [Music] gotta be
Channel: Mini Moments
Views: 157,615
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Veggie tales, veggie tales silly songs, veggie tales full episodes, silly songs with Larry, veggietales, veggie tales songs, barbara manatee, veggie tales cheeseburger, where is my hairbrush silly song, veggie tales where is my hairbrush, veggie tales hairbrush, veggietales theme song, veggie tales Jonah, belly button song, veggietales anniversary, veggietales in the house, veggietales movie, veggietales rap, veggie tales christmas story, veggietales silly songs
Id: jf5M2v42OPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 30sec (4710 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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