🔴 27 AWESOME Bible Story Cartoons | Over 2 Hours of Bible Stories for Kids

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foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] in the beginning there was God nothing else no trees no Seas no whales or snails or bats or cats no puppies or Guppies right no stars or Mars no human beings not anything just God but wasn't he kind of lonely I sure would have been me too but God wasn't alone in all that nothingness you see God Is Like Us in some ways God thinks and feels and acts but in other ways he is very different what do you mean different well for one thing God is everywhere all the time [Music] everywhere [Music] here there everywhere all at the same time wow that is different and he knows everything everything every single thing wowie he sure is smart yes he is and he is never ever wrong oh he sure is not like me or anyone I know oh you're right and there's one other thing that makes God absolutely different than anyone else and this one's kind of tricky [Music] God is more than one there is one God and there are three persons in God Father Son and Holy Spirit three persons one God wait what there is one God but there are three persons in God God the Father God the son God the Holy Spirit three persons one God um that's a little hard to understand I know I told you it was tricky but that is why God wasn't lonely because he wasn't alone there is love within God there is friendship within God there is family within God that is is amazing and one day this amazing God decided it's time so he started making stuff and boom all of a sudden they're worth stars planets galaxies wow and God said very good then he picked one particular planet and said watch this [Music] oceans plants and trees that grow tiny little leafy ones smaller than a pebble and big giant ones that climb toward the Sun God said very good but he wasn't done next he made all kinds of swimming creatures crawly creatures birds and whales gentle sloths and woolly mammoths all the creatures God made were amazing some so very short others so very tall but something was missing really what could possibly be missing none of the creatures were like God they couldn't think the way God thought feel the way God felt act the way God acted and these creatures couldn't join the friendship that God had within himself so what did God do he said watch then God made something super special creature that could think and feel and act just like he could think and feel and act a creature that could join God's family what was it what did he make he made a man and a woman God made us then he looked at everything he had made God said very good very very good indeed [Music] thank you [Music] [Laughter] Adam and Eve in the beginning God created a great big universe with tons of shining stars a bright burning Sun and you remember what else yep planets right then he took a planet and filled it with so many special things Earth and that's where we live right again and on the earth he made two very special creatures and a dinosaur nope those aren't the creatures I'm talking about keep guessing a platypus and sloth a and a cat a cat oh I give up a man and a woman I knew I mutually I didn't but now oh god named The Man Adam and the woman he named Eve now the Earth was a pretty wild place so God planted a garden for Adam and Eve to live in wow how cool is that God called The Garden Eden and inside the garden Adam and Eve had everything they needed and best of all we are friends with God but friendship only works if there is something very important Trust if Adam and Eve wanted to continue to be God's friends they needed to trust him they needed to listen to God and God should be easy since he loves us so much and he knows everything and it was easy for a while just a while you see there was this one tree I thought there were lots of trees in the garden oh there were but there was this one particular tree in the garden that was different God said don't eat from that tree so they had a gazillion trees with all the fruit they could want and just one they couldn't touch yep just that one uh-huh easy peasy it should have been and Adam and Eve were just fine doing as God had told them up until a new voice showed up in the garden a new voice who was it it was the voice of the enemy of God and it was coming from a sneaky tricky snake that said are you sure God said you can't eat the fruit from that tree oh we're sure God said that if we eat that fruit we will die and then the snake did something that no one had ever done before and God's beautiful world the snake lied you will surely not die huh no if you eat a fat tree you'll become wise and smart like God that doesn't sound right so for sure they stopped listening to the Sneaky Snake and walked away right no what no they thought about what the snake said it would be great to be as wise as God then we'd know everything too [Music] what to do what to do what did they do Adam and Eve decided to trust the snake and go their own way they did what God told them not to do they ate the fruit oh no no no no no no no no at that moment sin entered God's Wonderful World you see sin is when we ignore God and choose our own way just like Adam and Eve did that sneaky snake he liked Adam and Eve and they listened to him instead of God this is a terrible story hmm yes that snake was terribly sneaky and since Adam and Eve sinned they had to leave the garden but don't worry the story's not over yet it isn't next God had a plan he loved his creation and he wasn't going to let some sneaky old snake spoil it what that sneaky snake didn't know was that God was going to do something very special to save the world from sin and make things right again I knew God wouldn't let that snake ruin everything [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Laughter] what is sin do you remember what happened to Adam and Eve I sure do Adam and Eve decided to trust a sneaky snake instead of God and because of that something really really bad happened yes sin entered the world sin is when we turn away from God and say I don't care what you say God I'm gonna do things my way see we can't be close to God when we turn away from him right wrong way the Sneaky Snake knew that if he could get Adam and Eve to sin then they couldn't be close to God what a sneaky thing to do sneaky and bad because sin gets us into trouble Hmm this sign says God's way but that way looks better I'm Gonna Go My Own oh [Music] that must have hurt and sin brings hurt too because of their sin Adam and Eve had to leave the garden they couldn't be God's friends anymore they had to live in the wild world all by themselves Wonder of God's Garden was no longer a part of their lives we shouldn't have eaten that fruit oh now you tell me where were you when I was being tempted I was right there exactly [Music] God was very sad to see Adam and Eve living apart from him because of their sin and to eventually see sin spread to their kids and then there and then their kids sin wrecked everything it did but guess what God had a plan for us oh good oh triple good what was it a rescue plan God had a plan to make things right you mean by sending Jesus yes to save Adam and Eve and their kids and their kids kids and their kids kids kids all the way down to us yippee God's plan saves us from three things the stain of sin the power of sin and the presence of sin what does that even mean first he wants to save us from the stain of sin when we choose to sin and turn away from God we have the stain of sin on us but Jesus washes away our state of sin and changes us into people who want to be close to him right second God wants to save us from the power of sin the more we sin the easier it is to keep on sinning and soon sin takes over our lives but Jesus gives us the power to ignore the Whispers of sin and live with peace and joy and love that's way better than Finn it sure is and third even though God Saves us from the stain of sin and the power of sin we still live with the presence of sin the presence of sin means we still live in a world where sin is all around us tears and hurt selfishness and meanness God wants to save us from the presence of sin uh how when the time is right God will make it so his family can live in the wonderful world the way he meant it to be but when will that happen we don't know yet When God says the time is right so what happened with sin back then God saw that sin was spreading his beautiful world was drowning in sin God knew there was only one way to stop his world from drowning in sin what was that drown the Sid foreign [Music] [Laughter] Noah and the flood Adam and Eve had to leave the Garden of Eden and settle in a new place yes because they sinned they went their own way instead of God's way yep and after a while they had kids and then their kids had kids grandkids and their grandkids had great grandkids then the great great grandkids had kids and as all those people spread around the world something else was spreading too sin people were choosing their own way instead of God's way fighting stealing lying and hurting each other and making God's world a very ugly place until finally God said enough it's time to start over start over how God picked one person to start his world over again Noah Noah was a righteous man he tried very hard to make right choices in a world where everyone was doing their own thing Noah was always ready to do what God asked he had been practicing listening to God and being obedient for a long time more than 500 years how could anyone be that old people lived a long time back then all right I was thinking about the candles on his birthday cake [Music] I see so God said to Noah I want you to build a boat what's a boat thing you can float in if there's a flood what's a flood it's when water covers everything it's why you need a boat how big big enough for your family and some animals uh how many animals all of them two of every kind [Music] then God gave him plans for building the big boat Noah was already so old building a boat that big would take a long time right it took Noah and his family years and years and years Hey Dad are we done yet not yet now are we done nope on top of that Noah's neighbors probably came by to laugh at him so let's call The Boat and it's for floating on water yep there's no water anywhere poor Noah he was just doing what God told him yes he wanted to be God's friend even if everyone else thought he was silly finally one day a drop fell from the sky [Music] hey then another and another and another and then the animal started to come yep God sent them to Noah and Noah packed them all into his big big boat now are we done then God closed the door we are the rain continued to come down harder and harder suddenly having a boat looked like a pretty good idea [Applause] water Rose higher God covered the land with water so that all the fighting and hurting died but so did most of God's creation that's sad it was very sad it rained and poured for 40 days and Noah's big big boat floated on the water 50 days 60 days 100 days [Music] 150 days that is a long time it was then finally the Water started to go down down down down [Music] until one day there was big big boat came to rest on top of a mountain and God said let's start again so Noah and his family plus a bunch of Seasick animals walked out of the big big boat into a clean fresh world I have placed a rainbow in the sky as my promise that I will never again flood the Earth it was time to start again [Music] [Music] Bible [Music] Adventure did you ever hear about God's three promises to Abraham yes I am well a long long time ago God promised Abraham three things number one his family would become a great nation hmm number two they would have their very own land the promised land oh and number three through that Nation would come a blessing for the whole world oh yay whoa pretty great promises huh really great promises but then something happened oh what Jerusalem was destroyed and the Israelites were stuck in Babylon far away from the Promised Land so it seemed like none of those promises are coming true Israel was supposed to be a great nation but now they weren't a nation at all How could a blessing for the whole world come from Israel now we don't know God's promises confuse the Israelites living in Babylon they wondered if these promises would still come true and if they could still trust God is our story over is this the end well God knew how confused they were so he sent the prophet Isaiah to give them one of the most important messages in the whole Bible in the whole Bible what was the message it's not the end Isaiah said in fact just wait till you hear what God is going to do next well the Israelites were super excited yay why because Isaiah told them about the Messiah wait what's that the messiah messiah means anointed one Samuel had anointed young David with oil which means that he was being set apart by God for a very special job to be king of all Israel and now Isaiah was saying that there was another anointed one coming a baby will be born he will be called Emmanuel Emmanuel which means god with us but he would also have another name the baby would be from King David's family and he would grow up to rule God's people forever wow forever is like a really long time it turns out the hope of the world wasn't a mighty nation or a big army the hope of the world was going to be a baby you got it now can you guess the baby's name oh I know I know [Music] thank you [Music] laughing girl Bible [Laughter] born in a barn do you remember God's three promises to Abraham actually his family would become a great nation they would have their very own land the Promised Land and through that Nation a blessing will come for the whole world right well after 1500 years two of those promises had come true and what about the third promise you mean the promise of the blessing for the whole world the one that promised the Messiah the anointed one that's the one had that one come true too uh no oh many years had passed since the time Isaiah had spoken about that promise and the Israelites well you can imagine what they were saying where's the blessing where's the Messiah is he ever gonna show up we're starting to lose hope but then something amazing happened really what in a village called Nazareth there was a young woman named Mary one day God sent an angel to give her a special message special message what was it angel said you will have a son a son but I'm not even married Mary wasn't married yet but she had promised to marry a man named Joseph then the angel said something truly amazing the baby will be a blessing for the whole world he will be the Son of God that's the promise they were waiting for yes Mary would give birth to the Son of God the blessing for the whole world that's so amazing you were shocked to hear about this you can imagine what Mary must have felt like why you would think she would have passed out and fallen on the floor right then [Music] but Mary was Brave she trusted God and she said I am the servant of the Lord may this happen just as you have said wow Mary really trusted God yes she did then the angel said the baby's name Jesus was this the Messiah that people had been waiting for you got it I knew it so then what happened well when it was time for the baby to be born Joseph and Mary traveled to a place called Bethlehem was that a long ways away it was and they got there by e [Music] a donkey that must have been hard I think so and on top of that when they got to Bethlehem they suddenly needed a place for Mary to have the baby oh did they look for a hospital they didn't have hospitals back then what about a palace I mean the Son of God should be born in the best place right for the best hotel all the ends were full so what did they do since all the ends were full Mary had her baby in [Music] a barn a barn the blessing that Israel had been awaiting for almost 2 000 years was born in a [Music] oh my Mary didn't have her baby fancy Palace or a nice warm in nope Jesus was born in a stinky smelly Barn next to cows and sheep and goats and chickens the promise blessing for the whole world had finally come but he didn't arrive quite the way people expected [Music] thank you [Music] Bible [Music] [Laughter] angels God kept his promise to Israel the Messiah had come and although he was born in a humble barn and not in a fancy Palace or the best Inn God's kingdom celebrated in the most amazing way really how like this [Music] Angels a whole bunch of them showed up and they sang and celebrated the birth of the new king [Applause] where do you think God's Mighty Angels announced the birth of his son oh I know that's easy they probably announced it in the biggest cities to the richest fanciest most important people of the whole wide world like kings and queens nope powerful generals ah guess again oh really rich people nope maybe this will help Shepherds look Shepherds remember that God chose a humble Barn for the birth of his son yeah that is so weird right I guess God doesn't do things the way we think he should I guess not so the Angels appeared in the middle of a field outside the city that's right they sang to Shepherds they did Dirty smelly guys hey with dirty smelly sheep well you know what I mean God wanted to show how his love is for everyone even the most gentle and lonely yay hey go you will recognize the Messiah by this side you will find a baby wrapped snugly in a blanket and lying in a Manger go and see him God showed the world his power who he really was not within Harley but with a baby not in a palace but in a barn not to Kings and rich people but to us Shepherds God's rescue plan was happening his kingdom was on the move he was showing that his way of working was not going to be the way that people expected it was going to be different yes that little tiny newborn baby born in a barn celebrated by Shepherds was going to turn the whole world upside down [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] do you know who this is oh that's baby Jesus I can tell cause I know he was born in a barn yep born in a barn instead of a palace no one expected that do you know what else happened um oh a whole bunch of angels and Shepherds showed up to celebrate and that's not even the whole story there's more oh yes sometime later some wise men from the East followed a bright star in the sky to Jerusalem they were really excited where can we find the newborn king we saw his star in the sky we want to worship him and bring him gifts too when the people heard about a new baby king they got really excited too and soon the news reached King Herod there was already a king King Herod and he was ruler over all the land well when he heard all the talk about a new king he got a little worried so he called his counselors together counselors I need to know where the child King is supposed to be born [Music] in Bethlehem so Herod had the wise men brought to him right away and said as soon as Sue find the child no because I want to worship him too hmm [Music] okay so the wise men continued on their way following the star that must have been so awesome their very own compass in the sky that's right soon the star stopped over the place where Jesus was ooh we saw his star in the sky we bring gifts Fit For A King gold frankincense mer and they bow down and worshiped him wow and then they went back to tell King Herod that they have found Jesus nope what why not God warned the wise men not to go back to King Herod you see Herod didn't really want to worship Jesus he didn't not at all Herod was jealous of the new baby king So after the wise men left Jesus and his family an angel spoke to Jesus's dad Joseph in a dream and said take the baby and his mother and escape to Egypt stay there until I tell you because Herod is looking for the child so Jesus was safe yes he was yay Jesus would grow up with his Earthly parents in a far away land until it was time to begin the work his heavenly father had sent him to do foreign [Music] it's a miracle Jesus and his disciples went all over Israel showing everyone what the kingdom of God was like do you know how he did that oh that's easy by teaching them oh yes yes but also by doing amazing unbelievable incredible unimaginable things called miracles but uh what's a miracle Miracles are signs that show people how powerful Jesus is let me tell you about three of his miracles one night Jesus was on a boat with his disciples when oh no a huge storm has taken over the sea we're going to sink we're going to die what are we going to do meanwhile Jesus was sleeping like a baby so one of the disciples said uh meet Jesus yes what is it we're all going to die so Jesus sat up and said why are you so afraid then he turned to the giant storm and said oh and guess what happened storm stopped wow Jesus spoke to the storm and it obeyed him yep Jesus was showing his disciples that in the kingdom of God we have nothing to fear because Jesus is the King of Everything yes he is another time Jesus was surrounded by thousands of people who had followed him far away from town with no food to eat boy am I hungry me too wish I'd brought a snack I wish I'd brought two snacks so one of the disciples asked Jesus uh excuse me Jesus uh how are we gonna feed all these people will this help five loaves of bread and two small fish Five Loaves two you can't feed thousands of people with this are you sure hmm But Jesus Took the boy's gift and prayed over it then he started breaking pieces off and giving them to the people and then there were more pieces and more pieces and more pieces so many pieces that look every person got to eat as much as they wanted another miracle the disciples must have been so surprised oh they were Jesus was giving them another sign in God's kingdom there is always enough enough food enough warmth enough love because Jesus is the king of everything you're catching on and another time a desperate man ran to Jesus saying my daughter is sick and dying can you please help her by the time Jesus got to their house the little girl had died no but Jesus said don't worry she's okay and the little girl came back to life just like that this was a sign that Jesus is King over sickness and disease is the king of every yes he is in the kingdom of God there is no sickness or death you must have been so excited they were but not all of them [Music] who wouldn't about the Miracles I'll tell you the religious leaders the Pharisees laughs we keep track of all the rules and we're not excited at all yeah Jesus is getting too popular some people even call him a king we gotta do something about this so the Pharisees went to the Sadducees we're the ones in charge of punishing the people that break the rules let's talk the Pharisees and Sadducees didn't like all the amazing Miracles Jesus was doing how could they not be amazed by The Miracles because they were too afraid Jesus would take over their jobs [Music] King over everything that's right and God was about to use him to do the most incredible Miracle of all time really yep so the Pharisees and Sadducees began looking for a way to arrest Jesus to stop him from doing the work his father had sent him to do [Music] The Last Supper it was time for Jesus and his disciples to celebrate the Passover [Music] when God sent Moses to rescue the Israelites from Egypt [Applause] yes God sent frogs and flies and darkness and other things [Music] it was pretty crazy it was God said plague after plague ten plagues but Pharaoh still refused to let God's people go he said now I will not let God's people go so it was time for pharaoh to see just how powerful God can be what happened next God told Moses to have every Israelite family prepare a lamb for a special meal and then take some of the blood from that lamb and put it over the door of their houses why would God tell them to do that because for the last plague God would send an angel to take the life of every firstborn son of the Egyptians the angel would pass over the homes of the Israelites who had the blood of the Lamb over their doors so the blood of the Lamb saved the sons of the Israelites and ever since that day the Israelites have celebrated Passover with a special meal just like the one they had that night in Egypt when the angel passed over their homes many many years earlier I get it now so Jesus and his disciples traveled to Jerusalem where many people gathered to celebrate Passover and something very wonderful happened when he got there oh really what as Jesus rode into the city on a donkey a big crowd of people came to meet him they knew who he was yes they were so excited they waved palm branches and then laid them down in front of him that's funny what did they do that for it was their way of honoring Jesus like a welcome mat that's so cool and then they shouted Hosanna Hosanna it was like a parade a parade for a king everyone was so happy wait wait wait wait wait stop everything oh we're not happy at all not one teeny bit ah yes the Pharisees and Sadducees those religious leaders weren't happy they were very nervous hey Jesus is such a troublemaker if the Romans hear people calling him King they will send their soldiers to throw us in prison we need to stop Jesus and his followers so they came up with a secret plan to hurt Jesus oh no they can't hurt Jesus don't worry even this was part of God's plan later that night Jesus and his disciples got together to eat the Passover meal just like they did every year but this year was different during the meal Jesus got up and washed his disciples feet to show them what it really means to love and serve others then Jesus said something that surprised them all one of you is going to turn against me oh no why did he say that ah he knew that one of them was helping the Pharisees and Sadducees were the disciples surprised for sure they looked at each other and said who could it be Jesus knew what was going to happen he wanted to prepare his followers so he took a piece of bread and said this is my body which is given for you then he picked up his cup and said this cup is the New Covenant of my blood poured out for you what did he mean by that what does covenant what does that mean a covenant is a promise many years before God had made a covenant a promise to bless his people now Jesus was saying that God was going to make a new covenant with them he was going to bless them in a new way but when he said this is my body this is my blood it sounded like this new covenant had something to do with Jesus dying and it did what do you mean why would Jesus have to die remember when the angel in Egypt saw the blood of the Lamb over the door what did he do um he passed over the house and the people were safe Jesus was saying that now his body and blood would save them he was saying that he was the new Passover Lamb whoa the disciples could not believe their ears then after dinner Jesus took some of his disciples and went to a garden to pray he knew what he had to do next and he knew it was not going to be easy after a while he said the hour has come and just at that moment one of his disciples arrived leading a group of soldiers sent by the Sadducees to arrest Jesus which disciple was it the disciple named Judas now everyone knew who had turned against Jesus with the help of Judas the Pharisees and Sadducees arrested Jesus just like they planned but you know what things did not go the way they planned [Applause] [Music] what's up you know laughing girls Bible [Laughter] [Music] Jesus was going around doing the work God had sent him to do healing people and teaching them all about the kingdom of God Pharisees and Sadducees thought Jesus was getting too popular so they had him arrested in the middle of the night oh no what did they do to him they asked him a lot of questions are you the Son of God do you think you are equal to God Jesus didn't say anything but the religious leaders didn't care if he answered or not they accused him anyway he is killed his guilt for me last for me blasphemy blasphemy Blast for me what does that even mean blasphemy is when someone says untrue things about God the Pharisees and Sadducees accused Jesus of saying he was God according to the Pharisees and Sadducees there was only one way a person could pay for that what was it going to jail no death no there was a problem for the Pharisees and Sadducees though what even if the Pharisees and Sadducees said Jesus was guilty they weren't allowed to kill anyone only Roman leaders could do that so they took him to the Roman Governor Pontius Pilate wait what panchola pilot not a pilot Pontius Pilate the Roman governor and when he saw Jesus and his accusers he was a little confused are they upset what have you done that has made everyone so angry again Jesus didn't say anything so pilate turned to the religious leaders and said I don't see anything wrong with this man well according to our rules he needs to die now pilate had a problem hmm Jesus doesn't deserve to die but but if he gets more popular I don't want the Pharisees and Sadducees to complain about me to the other Roman leaders so what did he do he thought there was only one way to keep his job as Roman Governor well [Music] bring me some water I wash my hands of this situation this is not my fault so pilate ordered that Jesus be killed on a wooden cross because according to our laws he deserves to die that is so sad Jesus didn't deserve to die on the cross no he didn't but he went to the Cross anyway and as he was dying he continued to show love and mercy by saying father forgive them they don't know what they are doing the sky turned very dark and Jesus said it is finished Jesus died then the ground began to shake and a Roman God standing nearby said this man must have been the son of God but where were the disciples all of Jesus's friends his mother was with him and a few of his friends the others probably didn't know what to think how could Jesus be the Messiah the blessing for the whole world if he wasn't even alive Jesus had done some amazing things while he was living like lots of Miracles that's right and he'd shown everyone that God the father was very loving and good and powerful he had also promised that the kingdom of God was near he'd given everyone a taste of that Kingdom through those Miracles what's the kingdom of God the kingdom of God is when the whole world will be made new again the way God had always wanted it to be Jesus promised that someday in the kingdom of God there will be no sin or sadness or sickness or death what is sin again sin is when we ignore God and go our own way sin is when we say I don't care what you say I'm going to do it my way and remember because God is good and sin is bad the price we pay for our sin is being apart from God [Music] oh so in the kingdom of God there will be no sin or sadness or sickness in the kingdom of God there will be nothing to be afraid of not even death but Jesus had just died ah so it seemed like none of those promises were coming true but that was not the case really what do you mean you see something more amazing was happening that Jesus's enemies didn't realize when he died on the cross Jesus took all of our sin on himself [Music] he did you see since our sin turns us away from God there can be no sin in the kingdom of God so Jesus had to fix the problem of sin and he did that by dying on the cross yes by dying on the cross Jesus Paid the price for our sins yours mine everyone's wow Jesus really loves us he sure does but another question what about all the things that he said about the kingdom I still don't get it if Jesus was dead how could any of those promises come true that's a really good question with an even better answer because he didn't stay dead [Music] [Laughter] [Music] it's alive Jesus had been betrayed he was arrested and put to death on a cross it was a sad day yes Jesus gave his life for us the sun had gone down and it was time to bury him only his mom and a few friends were there you remembered so what did they do they got help from a man I am Joseph from Arimathea a follower of Jesus I am very sad that Jesus has died I have been waiting for the kingdom he spoke of to come I want to do something nice for him to show Jesus how much I loved him so Joseph did something special he went to Pontius Pilate I want to take care of Jesus body I want to give him a grave all right go ahead now when important people died in Israel they were not buried in the ground really no their bodies were placed in special tombs that were carved out of solid rock do you mean like a cave like a small cave well Joseph had one that he was going to use someday but guess what he decided to give it to Jesus so Jesus's body was placed inside Joseph's tomb and then a big rock was rolled in front of the cave so no one could get in and then [Music] someone is here to see you pilot oh it's you again yep we're back you didn't think we'd give up that easily did you [Music] what do you want look Jesus said that he would come back from the dead and well what if his friends go to the tomb move the Rock and take his body and then say Jesus is Alive hmm that would cause a lot of trouble for you pilot hmm I never thought of that so pirate put Gods outside the tomb to make sure no one moved the Rock eyes peeled we don't want anyone to move this rock yeah no one's gonna get past us no sir wow so the Pharisees and the Sadducees were still worried about Jesus yep you see when Jesus was alive he said in three days I will rise from the dead well Jesus had died and was buried on a Friday that's day one all day Saturday his body lay in Joseph's too with the guards keeping watch that was day two right so Sunday Morning Comes Around day three and two women who were Jesus's friends made their way to the tomb to put spices and perfume on his body cause that was something that people did in those days when all of a sudden what happened what happened an earthquake shook the ground and an angel appeared the Angels rode away The Rock when the women arrived there lay the Two Soldiers passed out on the ground barely The Rock and there well there was no Jesus don't be afraid oh oh okay I know you're you're but he isn't here he has risen it's like he said he would Jesus is Alive what what the women were so excited they wanted to go tell their other friends what happened when suddenly don't be afraid Jesus showed up he sure did no way yes way [Music] disappeared to all his disciples he explained to them why he had to die he told them the great news that death has no power in God's kingdom and then when it was time for him to leave he said from now on you will be the ones telling others about my kingdom I will send you a helper who will fill you with the power of God you will do amazing things and then Jesus rose up into the sky foreign [Music] the disciples were very excited they didn't really know what would happen next but they knew one thing Jesus was sending them a helper who would help them in a mighty big way [Music] there are stories in the Bibles that are told when you're a child but as soon as you're a grown-up they no longer seem to show up I guess grown-ups don't like action and say final satisfaction in these famous children's stories do they think they are too boring how about David and Goliath is there a storm took down a giant oven Jonah flat myself but was followed by a veil and no one's up let's not forget our from God this kind of it is let's go back to the bases oh oh what's that supposed to be recording what what know this part's a Red Sea Red Sea it's blue water hello boys and girls and welcome back for NASA episode of back to the basics as always I have this me Gooba and Gatti who have part of the TTT that's the time traveling Trio it's all so exciting vyasa first to travel back in time this must be what Albert Einstein felt when he first introduced the city of general relativity you mean in Stan what will you said Albert Einstein it's actually in Stan Kuba I think I know how to properly pronounce my childhood hero's name how Einstein oh well that's not how his brother Frank pronounces it I think in time Frankenstein isn't Albert Einstein's brother Albert Einstein was a real person Dr Frankenstein was a fictional character from a book he wasn't real well of course not thank you not until after the experiments let's pardon me folks door was open so I figured I'd just come on in and deliver this year package couple times on the way in and I'm pretty sure it's broken although I did drop it I'm almost positive it was broken before that I think it broke when it fell off my bike oh no I totally forgot about her sponsorship before we close down her social media accounts Gertie got sponsored by cat Treasures it's a company that specializes in turning the chore of cleaning out kitty litter into a fun treasure hunt for kids I think those were some of the prizes to hide in the litter box that is just gross okay I'm glad I broke it now excuse me the names doofus doofus Rufus now I know what you're thinking doesn't doofus typically mean someone not very smart well yes which is why my birth name is doofus because my mama said in my world every day is opposite day which means I am a genius like Albert Einstein is that Frank's brother exactly oh dear Villa thank you for the package but you must be off we have a show to finish hey why are you wearing a laugh vest this isn't a life vest it's my p f d uh what's a p f d that my friend is called an algorithm acronym it means personal flotation device have you ever heard of a little lady named Katrina how about a fine gentleman named Harvey do they work here those are the names of not one but two hurricanes that hit the Gulf Coast and guess where you live in America which has a gulf coast so any moment a hurricane could hit you bam right out of nowhere that's not how hurricanes look one minute you're just taking a stroll down a Street then there next moment boom 50 feet of water well guess who's floating right to the top of the water this guy with the pfv who Professor I don't have a PFD we have plenty of warning time before the hurricane hits so there's no need to be scared now can you please leave so we can finish our show a show well what kind of show you making we eat time travel that's quite enough Cuba out you go all right all right I'm going fine don't tell me what the show's about I've got more packages to deliver anyway it was nice to meet you well it was a pleasure to meet you as well thank you Rufus no no doofus Rufus yes yes yes ah finally now oh Professor do you think we're gonna get caught in a hurricane you do not need to be afraid of a hurricane we are told about incoming hurricanes days in advance giving us plenty of time to prepare oh I'm not afraid it's uh it's Kirby she's definitely worried ah Cuba well you see God is in command of All Saints verse it is a raging hurricane or even a gentle breeze God controls it all really of course did you know that serve as a man that actually parted an entire sea soothes a power of God what that's incredible his name was Moses one of the greatest characters found in all the Bible guba I think we have just figured out who we're going to visit today to The Time Machine checklist set the timer for Moses Shack set it's a time machine or hey chicken I know kubas that may seem crazy but it is one of the many domesticated animals that was most likely brought along when Moses LED God's people out of Egypt seat belts check I guess we both need to say this now we will not intercede with the past well is that surprising you didn't say anything after that well it's hard to I don't know what intercede means well let's go [Music] write it about sings A parting of an entire body of water uh Professor why is everyone running around like chickens except you know all the chickens then at some moments the entire Egyptian Army is behind Moses and the people of Israel so they are scared because they are trapped between the Army behind them and the Red Sea that is in front of them but I thought you said Moses Parts the Red Sea and they walk through these people don't know that yet it's only easy for us to know since we read the entire Bible well it sounds like these people need to read the Bible more velguba we need to figure out where Moses is and maneuver closer to him let me see if I can locate um [Music] it would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than that we should die here in the wilderness listen do not be afraid stand still and see the salvation of the Lord which he will accomplish today for the Egyptians that you see you shall see no more forever do you see this chicken although odd and said of all of its feathers plus a mind that seems to be slipping away it's still to follow God's command this one is totally on her truth we must all be more like this chicken so gather your things and get ready to move to where back towards the army or hey oh what about into the Red Sea get go to in a seat finally back under control wait I see Moses heading up the hill he must be going to pray we must go hurry up Cuba hurry up oh no you don't chicken let's get you back with the others no of course is this what happened before I delivered the last one this one happens to be broken too still not my fault though just must be an entire batch of bad packages hello anyone there but now it's time vegan see anything Moses is probably up on the hill at this very moment standing up after praying to God he's lifting his staff and raising his hands towards the Red Sea with the power of God's running swim just get bad stretching apart and creating a tribe has across the Red Sea and overdose maybe if we tip our Coop over the side of the wagon it'll break hold on [Music] uh with your goal to make things worse no Professor goober you guys in here I just need a signature for this broken package I also need a signature for that last package must have forgot about that oh and only one more signature saying that I was not the one that broke them [Music] be right back the TTT well what on Earth does that mean I didn't I picked something larger like like like a donkey said no donkey coops instead I chose a chicken and now if you're stuck watching pigs pigs of all things roll around in some mud such majestic creatures oh God why does it seem I always miss Aussie important moments and I am left to dream and reminisce of things now left unloathing as I fumble along can you give me a shine if I'm doing this wrong stuck in a place with some pigs fishing a chicken I say foul live streaming to care another story I miss oh God to you I pray the professor he doesn't seem okay and I would like to say something nice to make it pain go away but I ain't good with words stuck in a gray with some Goods their cuteness I can resist oh wish I could give them a kiss but chickens [Music] but fate maybe I'm right to be here now look at his smile over the side oh hey I think he's good he must have seen that piggy eating his food [Music] even showing up for just the Optimus they probably be wrong anyway [Music] thank you God shall we do it and Unison what's unison [Music] and we are together [Music] [Music] a little bit too high [Music] whoa we just rolled into a hallway maybe we're taking a bathroom break already [Music] all of these people what are you talking about citizens we can actually see the fall of water the mission is a success it is even if we're stuck in pig slap I feel like I missed something tell our goal of us to see how God is in control of all things scuba in using the power of God Moses just parted the Red Sea and they're looking at it wait a second these blue walls are the Red Sea where's the red honestly people we have got to get better at naming things let us be off [Music] [Music] they really are time traveling they must be robots from those future then boys and girls we made it and so did Moses and God's people they cross the Red Sea on dry land and as pharaoh and his army try to follow them the path across the sea closed helping them to escape so join us next time for another adventure on back to the basics I think Gertie should be the one to clean off the pig slop from The Time Machine she's a bird Gooba and a dance bird at zat okay then you can you chose chicken but like uber I'm I'm sorry I'm old I can't hear what you're saying fine I'll do it maybe I'll paint it blue and call it the red time machine Sheriff's Department okay listen to this I have verified proof that our world is about to be taken over by wait for it robots from the future they call themselves The t t I need you to send a SWAT team the police a firefighter an ambulance an airplane a helicopter a submarine is that you doofus uh no no no it's someone else someone really important I'm important I I can't because we already said you can't call here anymore it's also your second robot Invasion call technically I could still be right about that first one it only takes one refrigerator rising up and attacking its owner before that robot Revolution starts and then you will be calling me to apologize yeah goodbye doofus no no wait I said goodbye doofus well I guess it's just up to me then there are stories in the Bibles that are told when you're the child but as soon as you're a grown-up they no longer seem to show up I guess grown-ups don't like action and say final satisfaction in these famous children's stories do they think they are too boring 100 so let's go back to the bases wow oh was that supposed to be recording what episode two Daniel and the robotic lion Cuba it's Daniel in the Lion's Den hello boys and girls and welcome to another episode of back Tuesday Basics as always I am professor zeitrice and this is my trusted assistant guva and this is Gertrude mattresses sadly the time machine can't revisit time periods we've already been to I'll be my train to ourselves creating an unknown consequence as a result Gertrude has become a permanent part of the team with robotic superpowers well I wanted to make sure she had a great quality of life so I gave her one Super upgrade robotic braces who is he walking thereby eliminating the one major liabilities that most likely drove us species to Extinction those poor dance buds they never know what hit them she's the third member of the TTT the time traveling Trio we've already got Badges and a theme song well what's most important is that by allowing her to live in our time under close observation her survival shouldn't disrupt this space-time Continuum so long as she keeps saying low profile speaking of her profile she's now on the internet she can be found on most social media sites under the name Gertrude 6000 BC hashtag new in town hashtag old school hashtag the floodlife say cheese what is this goba that is not keeping a low profile but she only has one follower which is me that seems pretty low hashtag first friend hashtag best friend a low profile is her not being on the internet at all we can't have people noticing a new species of bird you need to erase that Advance that's not fair at oh hashtag not fair at all and Kuba For the Love of schnitzel please stop saying the word hashtag no children for today's time traveling adventure I've chosen a famous children's Bible study that is so very close to my heart the old-face moments in time wherever other people want us to do will not line up with what God wants us to do in those moments we must put our trust in God and continue to follow his path even if we end up in a lion's den just like Daniel who lands did hashtag oh so the Bible says that Daniel is visited by an Angel can you believe it I would love to have a first-hand account of sing fun on that note to the time machine okay children we will now prepares a time machine for travel last trip was a disaster so Cuba and I have implemented a ageless that's correct traveling Trio checklist item fun set the timer for Daniel timer is there item two sets the time machine for lion lion is set by turning the time machine into a line we will be able to seamlessly blend into the din becoming almost indistinguishable from the other lions in addition starting with this trip we will always have the time machine transform while traveling through time we must not chance having our transformation be spotted and last but not least item number three I will not exit the time machine no matter what precisely check unless I have to but no that's not part of it Professor shouldn't buckling up be a checklist Adam why we are both buckled up which surely won't forget twice well Gertie isn't buckled up oh no go the professor foreign into when he disobeys the king I'll be honest I feel like you've done a pretty bad job of explaining this story to me and the children who is Daniel and why are they going into a lines then does he work for a zoo or is this some kind of a treasure hunt scenario where the lions are guarding an artifact velcuba My Hope Is that we will be able to witness the study unfold providing you and the children with all of the information we need all we need to do is wait and watch and hopefully see an angel it seems my robotic lion doesn't blend in as well as I thought it's probably because Gertie's legs are sticking up out of the back of it also her legs were like 10 times the size of us inside that's weird but Einstein that's because outside's a time machine you grow into normal size she must have gotten stuck soon the transformation somewhere inside the time machine I must find her Advance you're in charge until I return uh in charge of what this is new watching for Daniel yes sir wait what does Daniel look like well I guess it's up to me then keep your eyes peeled goober keep your eyes beautiful [Music] [Music] we time traveled again [Music] I'm drawing a picture of what he might look like he's probably got two arms two legs or two eyes a nose and a mountain for hair and a fear not sure this is Daniel so he's not hard to find I'm on the lookout for Daniel I'm on the lookout in the Lord and then I'm on the lookout for Daniel I'm on the lookout we time traveled again I don't know the story he must defeat lions or maybe he's stronger isn't it the skies are a superhero from all of my Comics who wears the one cape and is able to fly hi he's onto the Scout for Daniel he's on the lookout well I look for the bird I need to find her the robot looks absurd a [Music] Peppa Pig [Music] Valley's facing an army of chocolate monsters that will throw chocolate pies but Daniel's got no problem melting them down using all their powers [Music] again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a professor something is happening I can't hear you kumas these motors are too loud I found Gertrude please let me know if something starts happening I just said that professor Daniel from Judah I King Darius issued a written edict that stated that anyone who prays to any God or human during the next 30 days except to me shall be thrown into the lion's den you now Stand Accused by my administrators and say traps of continuing to pray to your God three times a day how do you respond to this King Darius I Daniel of Judah do not deny praying to the one and only true God just as I have always prayed to him three times daily I continued to do so during the 30 days of your written edict my king I must inform you that this will continue even at the threat of being thrown into the lion's den then I must honor the written edict and follow through with the punishment you shall be thrown into the lion's den for one entire night a dawn I shall return may your God whom you serve continually rescue you oh Professor you may want to get up here I can't hear you Gooba I've already told you that God fruit is incredibly stuck I may need your help soon thank you oh boy Professor this Daniel guys sure is in trouble hey it's kind of dark in here wait who said that who's there oh sorry pretend I'm not here I just want to see how God gets you out of this fence those are wise words stranger our God is an awesome God and he works in mysterious ways and couldn't find it for an entire day so what did I do I prayed to God sure enough after that prayer I found it it was on the top of my head the whole time the power the power of prayer indeed thank you I need your help now get down here but Daniel just came down here we might miss something Lord thank you for this opportunity to show King Darius and his people your power and greatness please protect me tonight so I may leave this Lion's Den and speak of the one true God need your help now get down here oh all right what about her braces won't they be stuck in this time period no Cuba they are completely Rios does a time machine itself and should travel back visas when we go for now I just want to get her down ah so she don't miss anything oh you already have what what get off of me but uh why didn't you tell me I tried what have I missed have you seen Daniel yep and what about King Darius ordering Daniel to be thrown into the pit because he blocks her in edict yep then Daniel was thrown down into the den they covered it up with a hole it got really dark and then we talked a little bit about my hat you vote then all the lines started approaching them he started praying and a bright light started shining all around him since the angel appeared well I don't know I came down here what guba divided into a state was the angel you said and I repeat I need your help immediately Google get down here now we missed everything oh including the angel it's all I ever wanted to see well technically you missed everything I thought most of it until you made me come help you hashtag your fault I'll be down there it I must pass differently inside the time machine Daniel Son of the Living God has your God whom you serve continue May the King live forever my God sent his Angel and he shut the mouths of the Lions they have not hurt me because I was found innocent in his sight nor have I ever done any wrong before you your majesty lift Daniel out of the gym yes everything worked out just so there was supposed to even so we didn't seize the angel at least we saw Daniel exits a pit triumphantly for [Music] come let us be off wait Professor I don't think it's over it looks like some more people are gathering at the top of the pit ah welcome it is over we must leave at once it seems like they are about to go in the pit oh dear it's definitely over for all of us settings the timing date as fast as I can yep they are definitely going in oh hey maybe it opens at the petting zoo now those are the administrators and sat traps that accused Daniel has a crime so now it's their turn I guess you could say that hey look the lions are waking up and they look throwing that into be pet those people are so lucky this is gonna be a petting zoo experience they'll never forget we have to go wait Gertie's not buckled up this is no time we have to go foreign [Music] we missed the angel we didn't miss Daniel putting his trust in God and continuing to follow his pass even when he ended up in a lion's den in the end God actually rewarded Daniel's face by making him the highest administrator in all Zen all right here in the Bible and I didn't exit the time machine that should be a given goober but I guess I can congratulate you for that oh no I could talk to Daniel while inside the time machine wait you the serious fifth episode is in the books literally the Bible say cheese time traveling Trio Cuba stop posting pictures of the dance bird but she's a member of the TTT thanks [Music] whoa wow oh no Marcia what exactly is all over the floor beads they are all the rage and when I heard we had beads on the show I wanted them to feel at home we have bees on the show that's what I said not beads bees you know honey got it honey sweetie pie it's Coco talk so Dave guests are a couple of bees with a message about the Beatitudes and our friend fruitcake on flower decorating now our hosts Coco and Marsha [Music] welcome everyone today we're talking about Beatitudes yep bees who have attitude right totally wow you can speak B I guess I do will you ask them about the Beatitudes is that a b band never heard of them what's the buzz no in the Bible in his Sermon on the Mount Jesus talks about how we can be the Beatitudes are like opposites like Smiley and frowny daytime me and nighttimey hot cocoa and cold cocoa more like when sad things happen you can be happy because God Will Comfort you oh it's about choosing to be joyful well which is what God wants for us even when something is hard that sounds backwards I know opposites before I forget we have footage of the bees beautiful handiwork sweet I'll say how long does it take you to make interesting what did they say [Music] okay oh man left on a cliffhanger well thanks for being here friends and fruitcake we really wanted to hear about your new flower decorating hobby talk to you all next time on Coco talk [Music] [Applause] Marsha what are you doing where'd you even get this stuff aren't there I've never seen you wear any of it well for some reason floating around in hot cocoa all day I never get cold it's Coco talk today's guest Stone the super slim Rockwell with a message about miracles and our friend fruit cake with exercise tips now our hosts Coco and Marsha [Music] happy Easter everyone before we get to our hard-hitting interview Stone the Super Slam Rockwell has challenged me to see if I can roll him over ooh what do you get if you move him I get to pick the music for the end of the show but if I can't roll him over then he chooses one of your songs do you really have your own music oh yeah rock and roll amazing okay let's do this are you ready to roll fruit cake okay in three one nope [Applause] well that does look like a challenge it is I could use a miracle right about now oh oh okay can I call you just Stone you remind me of the Big Stone they put in front of Jesus tomb when they buried him after he died on the cross it was really hard to move too but when Jesus friends went to see him the stone was rolled away how did they move it asking for a friend they didn't move it and if you think that's amazing get this Jesus wasn't there look oh [Applause] that's right the Bible says geez friends found the stone rolled away from the tomb and when they looked inside they didn't find him there yep Jesus had risen that was the biggest Miracle he was alive again and is still alive today that is amazing you think you're amazed after Jesus friends left they saw him walking along the road they were so surprised Jesus had risen he had risen indeed [Applause] are you okay maybe we should roll to a clip oh right rolling whoa you're really rolling that rock and roll if I ever saw it looks like we'll be hearing that Marsha song after all Mr Stone tell us what's the secret for getting you to roll oh man we're out of time thanks for being here Stone to soup slam and fruitcake appreciate you rapping we really wanted to hear about your exercise routine see you all next time on Coco talk whoa whoa whoa what happened to my song um [Music] um Marcia what are you doing I'm practicing Impressions you mean you can sound like other people cool who can you do well you Coco really I'd love to hear it hi I'm Coco a blue mug with a delightful hilarious quick-witted marshmallow co-host that's pretty good who else can you do I can do the announcer listen it's Coco talk today's guest Sammy the slingshot to discuss the importance of accuracy and our friend fruitcake with a family recipe for shepherd's pie now our host Coco and Marsha [Music] hello everyone we are super excited for today's show Sammy the slingshot is here do you know who she reminds me of David's slingshot like the David slingshot yep David the shepherd who became David the king his slingshot oh that's so old school not to mention Old Testament wouldn't it be funny if the next guest on the show was the rock who flew out of the slingshot and hit Goliath we tried to book him he's on tour with his rock band so he's a rock star get it David was another kind of rock star he was outsized by Goliath and faced him with nothing but a slingshot a stone and faith that God would win and he did wow so it didn't matter that Goliath was bigger because God was on David's side nothing really matters because you have God on your side here's a reenactment I wonder if slingshots ever get dizzy spinning round and round and round and round and around great question why don't we ask out of time so soon well Sammy we have to swing back to you and fruitcake Marsha and I were really wanting to have that shepherd's pie for dinner wait what are we having for dinner now no idea we'll talk to you all next time on Coco talk [Music] [Applause] did you guys see that thing this week what was up with that right incredible I mean things right we should have written some jokes for this part probably it's the top today's guest Lily light bulb with a story behind an old tradition and our friend fruitcake is here to single Christmas Opera now our hosts Poco and Marsha [Applause] welcome everybody we're so excited to have Lily light bulb on the show today Marsha did you know that before light bulbs like Lily existed people used to put candles on their trees that sounds wildly dangerous agreed that's why Christmas lights are the best all the magic of Christmas electrified and safe colorful Blinky lights seeing Christmas lights sends me back to my childhood their Warm Glow outside the window the sound of my dad attempting to unravel them from an impossibly Tangled ball in the garage the security of knowing our tree isn't decorated with open Flames amen but what they really remind me of is all the stars that were shining bright in the sky above Jesus the night he was born and how he's the true light of the world for us forever I don't think any light bulbs last forever do they you know what why don't we just ask our guests everyone Lily the lion well Jingle Bells looks like we have run out of time much like Lily will one day sorry about that Lily we'll get to you next time and fruitcake wow I feel terrible once again we did not make it to you at all yeah our bad on that one pal I'll talk to you all next time [Applause] [Music] one day as Micah was reading his Bible he discovered something truly amazing six pieces of armor to defend himself against spiritual attacks the armor of God now make a spiritual battles will never be the same God the belt of truth it's a regular day at school when Micah learns that there's a test later today there's a test today on what quizzes oh it's a quiz no it's a test a quiz on tests no a test on quizzes I'm confused so let me guess you didn't study for the test quiz quiz test looks like we're gonna have to help you study during recess ah but recess is for play time I mean uh I'll go get my books test on quizzes or was it quiz on tests huh what's this stuff in my locker yolaka it's mine now what are you talking about look at all my stuff Micah I have so much stuff I couldn't possibly fit all my school supplies fashionable clothes Fine Arts and do a slushy machine into unlocker so I took yours slushy machine you have one that's pretty wait a minute you can't do this that's my locker who are you to tell me peasant boy I'm so important because I have all the stuff and look at you you've got nothing you're nothing you don't deserve a locker I'm nothing Micah has just been told a lie that he's not important because he doesn't have the things Hans does will he believe it find out when we return after these messages hey there friend do your pants fall down often no recent Studies have shown a correlation between lies and Fallen paths but don't worry we have just a solution the belt of truth about the truth comes with the knowledge of who you are in Christ and holds everything together so you can know that you have value it snug my pants don't fall down and my life has purpose thanks belt of Truth well the truth is not a replacement for a real belt if you develop rashes or hide from worrying about the truth consult a pastor because that's just weird [Music] you've got nothing so you're nothing Micah has just been told a lie that he's not important will he believe it what will he do it's time to suit up be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power put on the full armor of God belt of tooth lies can't hurt me Hans my value doesn't come from stuff it comes from God who made me and loves me and that's the truth now if you'll excuse me I'm taking my textbook out of my locker you're full so is the Lord bearing textbook John 8 32 says and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free [Music] Micah you think you can make a fool out of me you're going to I heard my name whoa Hans are you okay yes yes I'm fine will you let me Brew it in peace oh right sorry brewed away he's going to pay for humiliating me mark my words next time on the armor of God the chestplate of righteousness [Music] one day as Micah was reading his Bible he discovered something truly amazing six pieces of armor to defend himself against spiritual attacks the armor of God now make his spiritual battles will never be the same and the enemies [Music] previously on the armor of God Micah forgot to study for a test and encounters a problem when trying to get his textbook from his locker thankfully with the help of the belt of Truth he gets his textbook despite hanza's interference Micah is now off to study with his friends in today's episode the chestplate of righteousness it's recess that means kids are outside playing Armin and Lydia are waiting for Micah to study and Chet the school bully is up to no good again yes now everyone will know that ichet was here hang on then people will know that I wrote this I got an idea hey you who me yeah you you see this yeah you spelled was wrong shut your yeah punk listen I don't want to get caught for spray painting this wall so we're gonna make it look like you did it how are we gonna do that you're gonna spray paint this wall and it's gonna say Micah wrote this well why couldn't you just do that because I wanted in your writing duh but I don't want to do that spray paint this wall now hey or your textbook gets it I needed to study for the quiz or test I can't remember but I'll fail without that with his textbook held hostage will Micah spray paint the wall or say no to what is wrong and risk failing his test find out when we return after these messages hey friend do you sometimes find it hard to do what God says when you're not protecting your heart you leave it open to bad influence and that can lead to unrighteousness don't let the wrong influence affect you again with the chestplate of righteousness when you wear the chestplate of righteousness you protect your heart from the wrong influences freeing your heart up to be influenced by the holy spirit so you can make the righteous Choice righteous dude [Music] what are you waiting for sign this wall now my textbook Micah has a choice between his textbook and vandalizing the school wall what will he do it's time to suit up be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power put on the full armor of God [Music] chestplate of righteousness you can't force me to vandalize the school wall it's wrong and I won't do it no matter what you say it's more important to do what's right in God's sight then say goodbye to your mediocre grades hey who wrote this did you write this I ah you're in trouble mister proverbs 4 23 says guard your heart Above All Else where it determines the course of your life hey where were you Micah we were supposed to study during recess sorry I had a run-in with Chet well I guess we'll have to study at lunch period ah but that's sandwich time what is this I hear Michael will fail without the textbook I think I might know how to get back at Micah next time on the armor of God the boots of peace your spell was wrong I know [Music] one day as Micah was reading his Bible he discovered something truly amazing six pieces of armor to defend himself against spiritual attacks the armor of God now make a spiritual battles will never be the same of God previously on the armor of God after a close call with Chet Micah still has his textbook intact and Hans is devising a plan to get back at Micah what is he up to we'll find out on today's episode the boots of peace as Micah Lydia and Armin make their way to drama class Hans is planning his trap for Micah let's see how he studies after I steal his textbook oh yes I come I'm about to hide [Music] what is that it's Miss Petunia's new food based play The Lonely ravioli she wants people to sign up for it the lonely ravioli who would want to be in that play whoa what's this uh don't be in the play sign up sheet well I sure don't want to be in the play I better sign it I'll just put my bag down write my name and my bag where did it go I had my stuff in there including my textbook you signed up for my play no I didn't uh oh you will be the lonely ravioli but but Mrs petunia I told you I don't want to be the lonely ravioli that's the spirit Micah nobody wants to be lonely use it for the performance I'm the one two three [Music] how are you going to study Micah now is that your precious textbook is missing and now you're going to fail the test oh great I wonder what happened to my backpack all my stuff was in there my school supplies my textbook and my lunch am I gonna start am I gonna study well I failed a test is it a quiz can't remember anymore on top of all this I'm in this dumb ravioli costume ah what am I gonna do Micah's troubles are causing him to worry will it get the best of him find out when we return after these messages hey there friend are your troubles making Tremors spiritual Star Wars making it too slippery to stand are the wings of worry whisping you away stand your ground with the boots of Peace wear them inside outside when you're feeling anxious confused and when you don't know what to do Winds of worry are blowing but I'm not going anywhere [Music] remember Micah this is an important line you must give it to love it with his backpack missing Micah's trebles are too much to bear what will he do it's time to suit up be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power put on the [Music] boots of peace God I know losing my backpack is scary because all my stuff was in there I don't know what I'm gonna do but I trust you to help me today so there's no need to panic I'm the only ravioli if it only got to know me I'm sure they make me goalie on their past the hockey team I think that's enough Micah thank you for trying out but I think I need someone who can sing so I don't have to be the lonely ravioli all right John 16 33 says I have told you these things so that you can have peace because of me in this world you will have trouble but be encouraged I have won the battle over the world you got lots of things so lonely ravioli but I still have your backpack which means you don't have a lunch or a textbook what's so funny hey you found my backpack well yes I was holding it uh for for you I wasn't trying to steal it or anything wow that's a huge relief I'll get you next time Micah next time on the armor of God the shield of faith [Music] one day as Micah was reading his Bible he discovered something truly amazing six pieces of armor to defend himself against spiritual attacks the armor of God now make his spiritual battles will never be the same for God [Music] previously on the armor of God after Han steals his backpack Micah accidentally signed up for Mrs Petunia's play thanks to the boots of Peace Micah trusted God in his situation and even got his textbook back but the test is yet to come will Micah be ready find out on today's episode the shield of faith foreign it's lunchtime and while most kids are in the cafeteria Lydia and Armin are helping Micah study in the library ah man this isn't working hey we wouldn't be here if you remember to study Micah I know but why does it have to be so hard I just wish there was an easier way well it's not like Mr turtle is going to come here and hand you the answer sheet oh hello students it's me hearts disguise I mean Mr Turtle your teacher you seem shorter than I remember Micah because you're my favorite student favorite student I'm giving you the answers to the tests which are not fake and totally real just like my disguise wow the answer to the test for me is Micah really your favorite student did you get a haircut or something well I I have to go for now to prepare for the teachings that I do because I'm a teacher bye also I'm not Hans that was suspicious I don't know if you should look at that answer sheet but I wouldn't have to study and I could pass the test this could be my easy way out I'd be crazy not to look at this right uh-oh will he accept what he thinks is the answer sheet from Hans not Hans I mean uh Mr turtle no when we return after these messages introducing The Shield of Faith this revolutionary Shield is unlike anything that you've ever seen before with its Sleek design and aluminum body you can block the flaming arrows of the evil one in style claiming arrows phew that's right even the flaming arrows of Temptation cannot penetrate The Shield of Faith so you can continue to live your life in obedience I didn't feel a thing thanks Shield of Faith like all pieces of the armor of God's Shield of faith is purely metaphorical will not protect against actual flying objects such as not bald apples moldy apples chickens calculators with all the central erasers etc etc etc I don't know if you should look at that answer sheet will Micah try to take what he thinks is the easy way out what will he do it's time to shhh sorry it's time Shield of faith it might look like the easy way out but that would be cheating I have to put my faith in God and that he'll help me prepare sorry Mr Turtle I can't take the answer sheet even if I'm your favorite student you're not now can we get back to studying let's do this Hebrews 11 1 says faith is being sure of what we hope for it is being sure of what we do not see you think a study montage is enough to save you from my revenge still having us a trick up my sleeve sorry next time on the armor of God the helmet of salvation [Music] thank you one day as Micah was reading his Bible he discovered something truly amazing six pieces of armor to defend himself against spiritual attacks the armor of God now make his spiritual battles will never be the same put on the armor of God there's a battle within any enemies [Music] previously on the armor of God Hans impersonates Mr turtle and Micah is tempted to cheat on his upcoming tests but with the help of The Shield of Faith Micah resisted Temptation and studied with what little time he had left will it be enough to pass the test find out on today's episode the helmet of salvation now class put your books away it's time for the test on quizzes make sure you answer your multiple choice questions in paragraph form did I hear Micah didn't study for the test you did baby and from what I hear this one's a doofie hey I studied at lunch no in your grades Michael I doubt studying will help I try if you're gonna fail anyways am I right people that's great advice I know right I just like that I'm gonna fail why should I even try Micah is beginning to be controlled by doubt will Micah give up hope what will he do find out when we return after these messages have you lost hope bad thoughts invaded your mind and you feel like giving up there's only one thing that will give you the protection that you need no oh the helmet of salvation when you put on the helmet of salvation you protect your head and your mind from damaging thoughts God doesn't care about me no I'm a fan no I should give up no now you can make sense of your situation and think logically about how God is working in your life it's comfortable it breathes and I can clearly think about God's plan for me thanks helmet of salvation you're the best use the helmet of salvation strictly for Spiritual attacks to the head it's metaphorical you're not used to head but a coconut who would do something like that that would hurt no I wouldn't recommend it [Music] why why Troys Micah is struggling with his thoughts what will he do hmm what will I do that's your cue to soon up oh yeah it's time to suit up be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power put on the full armor of God helmet of salvation I'm not gonna listen to those doubts giving up is not an option I have to try my best and I know that no matter what God loves me pass or fail Philippians 4 8 says think about what is noble right and pure think about what is lovely and worthy of respect if anything is excellent or worthy of Praise think about those kinds of things world class time's up I shall now come by to pick up your papers hey pick your paper boy you've been really nice to me today Hans thanks you can thank me later now that I've got his chest I can switch it with a fake test so it has the wrong answers I just need to write his name on it and how did you no no there's an enthusiastic young student handing me his test there's Marcos and oh look hands you were so eager to hand in your paper that you forgot to sign your name there we go I bet you're eager to get your results we'll mark it right now for you that's not mine hey wrong huh so wrong nope no that's bad that's all I wouldn't have said that oh this is not going according to plan maybe you should study harder next time [Applause] whoa what's his problem how'd you do Micah there are a few hard questions but I think I did okay that's great yay enthusiasm there you are Micah uh-oh [Music] to be continued next time on the armor of God the sword of the spirit [Music] I've always wanted to say that [Music] one day as Micah was reading his Bible he discovered something truly amazing six pieces of armor to defend himself against spiritual attacks the armor of God now make his spiritual battles will never be the same [Music] previously on the armor of God PB j plant seeds of Doubt for Micah but with the helmet of salvation Micah's Hope was restored and he was able to write the test Hans tried to set Micah up for failure one last time but when his scheme backfired Hans attempted to Ambush Micah and his friends in the schoolyard what will he do it's a showdown on today's episode the sword of the spirit you're going to pay Micah so do you owe him money or something yeah what's he talking about I don't know guys Hans what's this about it's because of you as I failed the quiz the test whatever I've spent all day trying to ruin things for you do you know who made you sign up for us to play do you know who stole your backpack that was me but do you know who dressed up as Mr to tell and tried to give you some fake answers to the test that was me again oh see Mike has not Mr turtle's favorite I knew he looked short silence you were trying to set me up I also told PB and J that you didn't study I even tried to switch your papers when handing it in Hans why would you do that because Micah I'm your enemy so I Must Destroy you I never did anything to you didn't you Micah then you took your textbook out of your locker into all came crashing down on me and since they laughed they all laughed I look like a fool ever since then I wanted Revenge but every time I set a trap you somehow Escape but believe me Micah you won't get out of this one awaiting orders Uber and his robot Butler Uber avenge me fight mode activated what are you doing Micah whoa look there's a fight well let's go check it out oh sorry you've crossed the lion hunt oh I'm so scared what you're going to do beat up Uber a fight is about to break out and Micah has lost his temper how will it end find out when we return after these messages are you tired of losing your battles are the enemies attacks too much to bear oh no right back with the sword of the spirit when you combine God's words with the understanding that comes from the Holy Spirit the result is a spiritual weapon that can disarm your enemy and reach their heart no matter what the defense wow it really works the sword of the spirit can change Hearts so use it today and he needs my help what you're going to do now Hans you're gonna pay for this you should just walk away I won't let this go babe where have you been all day I was in the commercial learning about the armor of God commercials whoa now that's meta I can't suit up now this is personal not so fast Uma get him ah I can't move [Music] It's the final thing [Applause] [Music] ah it's time to suit up be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power put on the full armor of God belt of Truth chestplate of righteousness boosts of Peace helmet of salvation Shield of faith the sword of the spirit when the enemy attacks use the sword of the spirit which is the word of God we gotta stop Uber come on any last words yeah I do love your enemies what hey it's from the Bible do good to those who hate you he's doing it there's got to be an off switch somewhere uh oh bless those who call down curses them what are you doing pray for those who treat you bad you can't be okay with this you just caught me I'm looking I'm looking due to others as you want them to do to you cause I'm your enemy unless you say it might have been mean to me and I may have been angry at you but I I forgive you Hans deployed that was a close one well at least someone got beat up come on let's go I feel so good come on Hans let's get you home can I have some more milk in a story time we'll see what we can do oh boy I love story time [Music] Micah has made it through the day through the ups and the Downs proving that when you wear the full armor of God you can have Victory no matter what the battle [Music] [Applause] [Music] belt of tooth chest plate of righteousness boots of Peace Shield of Faith helmet of salvation and sword of the spirit God wants us to protect ourselves from the dangers of this world but the armor of God is more than about just defending yourself it's about showing others the power of God even when things aren't going your way and when you do that who knows the hearts he'll change There's Hope for even the worst enemies so show them what God's made of and suit up put the armor on the armor of God armor on on Armor of God to get real it's time to put on metaphorical steel the armor of God will help you win the fight to win against sin you gotta fight with God's mind you better suit up with the armor of God gotta do what's right just fight the good fight [Applause] [Music] [Music] no attack will take you down reject the fabrication sword of the Spirit win the confrontation armor on the armor of God with the armor on the armor of God put the armor on the armor of God put the armor on the armor of God this has gone to your head remember Pride always comes before the fall whatever have you ever read the story of King Nebuchadnezzar he was so full of Pride he even built a statue of himself you're just jealous and besides it's not like I'm making a big statue of myself one big statue of self for uh Mr Michael Superstar you know people who think too highly of themselves sometimes do some pretty crazy things just like King never knobbly double nibble some scissors that's King ER Medical sweater [Music] let's just call him nebby for short have you heard of King Nebuchadnezzar it's a story of a man who thought no one could be better with his heart full of Pride he never saw it odd that is wrong to ask people to treat you like your guardian highly of them self-incide what could be better than to build a big statue of can Nebuchadnezzar he said bow to my statue to his people in our Earnest shot rack Meshach and the Bendigo refuse to bow down to the Statue made of gold [Music] [Music] made the people all stare they looked into the furnace and saw four people there their jaws all fell and their eyes grew wide never said Oh look The Son of God's inside come out of the furnace your God must be real the three men will find a no fire did they feel with the change of heart never made a discreet that all people worship if not I am gonna make I'm making paid black eyes and wedgies are the order of the day uh yeah that's not very nice I wouldn't do that King Nappy we're crazy butts you give to his Sexes gave his life to God that was the General consensus hey I I got a rap too my name is Dennis and I like to eat sandwiches and what is the song over already well that's it
Channel: Minno - Bible Stories for Kids
Views: 1,545,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: animated bible stories, bible for kids, bible stories, bible stories for kids, god, jesus, jesus for kids, kids bible stories, minno bible stories, minno kids
Id: V52ymyVxStA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 145min 52sec (8752 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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