VeggieTales | Beautiful Just The Way You Are! | Sweetpea Beauty

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welcome to the [Music] [Applause] most up there in her Tower so pretty but sour is Queen blue be maintaining her beauty has become the duty see of Queen bluebery she'll wear anything with an essence of bling to disguise she's no longer 19 her attitude spites her for deep down inside her it seems she's not fit for a queen come on come all to the most fair fair the yearly Fair here in the Kingdom of most Fair there tomorrow the most beautiful in the Kingdom will be named how much you want to bet it's the queen [Music] again I'm here your majesty grab a rope Eddie this headdress is squishing my head then why wear it because it looks spectacular can you move it a little to the left oh I need more concealer no Queen She yearns for true beauty but the mirror refusing to show her what she wants to see that her crashing sound means her castle is bound to break into pieces tonight if the queen doesn't change soon then most bear is doomed and we'll all have to be you n oh Prince Larry are you all right yeah I'm fine but I can't say the same for the castle what a shame it was a lovely hat Queen blueberry don't you think this is a bit much just to look beautiful I must be named the most beautiful in the Kingdom tomorrow as the most fair fair according to my cranberry's beauty decree if I may say so my queen you do hold the power to change the decree and why would I need to change the decree am I not the most beautiful you're amazing you're made of puppies and rainbows besides my cranberry would never have passed the beauty decree if appearance was not the most important thing in the Kingdom oh Grandberry what am I do [Laughter] do I must be the most [Music] beautiful the key to beauty queen blueberry I don't know if you should touch that oh you ran the mirror speaks must be from Sharper Image I am at your service ask me anything Queen anything am I the most beautiful in the Kingdom of most Fair why if by Beauty you mean the most decorated or wearing the finest clothes then yes you are but if true beauty is what you seek then your answer is Sweet Pea Beauty Sweet Pea Beauty sweet pee oh sweet pea Beauty but no one told the Queen amst the forest fields of green that blueberry Sun Larry called swe his best over you said friend yes it rhymes with queen and green minstral songs are supposed to rhyme but fre isn't a word I was going to say spleen but that would have taken the song in a whole different direction sweet pee sorry I'm late I almost got crushed by a falling head address again isn't it the most gorgeous day if you don't mind the mud that was quite a rainstorm last night but if it never rained we couldn't make mud castles you're so odd and awesome all at the same time can you hear the be so pleasing with this buzzing in my ears and though the skunk scent is repelling we've been loyal friends for years and if I I'd never peel an onion I wouldn't value all my tears there's so much more here to explore here ow sweet PE how do you see so much good in everything it's God who sees the beauty in everything I just choose to agree with him my father taught me that God gave everything a purpose but we can only see it if if we look deeper than the way something or someone looks on the outside look here underneath the soil worms crawling make the flowers smell so sweet and the muddy rivers flowing is the way to cool my feet what I thought were imperfection make a world got calls complete there's so much more here here to adore here it's more beautiful it's kind of more wonderful it does seem wonderful my Gage Discovery seems much better than I think I just might captivating to see what my creat do love for me makes this whole world beautiful so beautiful and I God wiers you're beautiful to [Music] me nothing like getting close to Nature come with me I want to show you a book my father and I have been reading I smell like a wet dog there be Queen blueberry it's nothing that can't be fixed can't be fixed I am no longer the most beautiful in the kingom that means someone else is going to be Queen not necessarily what um by the way your mascara is running stallions leave me but your majesty I don't think you should trust this mirror away I do not want you to see me like this As You Wish oh mirror this is terrible news so what if there's one girl prettier than you it's easy to banish one girl really I do it every few decades but you just sprang to life ah so you don't know your history I have helped your grandmother and your mother let me help you you will once again be the most Fair of all oh but how try my special espresso it's a secret recipe that brings out the best in you what do you mean whatever is inside your heart is how you will finally look on the outside oh my heart is so pretty tastes funny ah yes this sweet pea shall be banished [Music] what's so funny oh I'll tell you later father howy sweet pee Prince Larry could you give me a hand moving a chunk of the castle man this place keeps falling apart somebody's got to start taking care of it instead of just worrying about her looks Daddy what's wrong with trying to look fabulous it's a royal family tradition I'll get that book I wanted to show you oops here it is in Proverbs charm is deceptive and Beauty does not last but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised what does that mean it means there are more important things than how you look on the outside in other words how beautiful is your heart I thought Hearts were all squishy and lumpy the inside of your H yeses it just seems to me that since God made us his definition of beautiful is the one that's really true and you have a salad on your head look she befriends the prince you have hands when did you grow hands I uh always had hands you just didn't notice I think I'd notice airor with hands you're missing the point Sweet Pea is attempting to trick her way into your Kingdom through your son yes she is and we will banish her H you get more beautiful every day so how do you banish someone and so the queen gave ear to evil words evil words that is where this tail gets worse sweet PE is our hero still she's going to get chased over that Hill I am just giving you a head start scram kid she ban she banished our lovely sweet asong the queen is jealous threaten by nothing desperate she won't do so sweet PE G however there's a however there's always a however in princess stories however little did the scallion know that high Towers aren't enough to hold the kindness of a Godly girl whose Heart Alone could change the world however however [Applause] she's she escaped alarm the queen has made to of swe pretty girls will be allowed and stay out now that [Music] sweet you fellas really don't understand the concept of personal space [Applause] space [Music] oh oh hello gasbar I can't swim right now I'm very sad because the Queen's guards banished me from the kingdom and I don't understand why I've never done anything to her and now I'm lost deeper into the forest than I've ever been before what will I eat where will I sleep oh I suppose I'll sleep here thanks [Music] Gaspard hello is anyone home oh dinner oh this bowl is too hot this bowl is too cold and this bowl is just eoh cleaning the laundry oh now that's more like it get off my Ness crazy trp [Music] what a pee under the mattress no wonder I couldn't sleep not a p Intruder seven P's I am greeny and this is God gravy goo how do goer gust and un brilliant I can fit nikorn in my belly button we are the seven snow pees why you're adorable we know our adorableness is why we were banished that Queen does not like anything distracting people from her beauty something's wrong with most Fair every generation the royal family starts out okay but then they start banishing the beautiful people they go banishing crazy it's like a hobby and that's when the kingdom starts falling apart if only we weren't so adorable all the humanity I blame the bouncing when we bounce it's so cute you could kick [Laughter] yourself well thank goodness I found you do you have anything I could eat no but there's an apple tree down by the castle wall who's up for a hike wait a second you know how to get back to most Fair of course but we're not allowed inside we are banished it's like a hobby ion but there are eight of us that's more than the Queen's guards Goa why didn't you think of that your majesty your majesty please you're interrupting my beauty sleep ah what news do you bring of sweet pee um she she escaped far into the forest escaped will she be able to return we can't be certain what away with you all but your majesty [Music] away something not quite right about that mirror what do we do [Music] to the archives you will never be at peace as long as you know she is out there more beautiful than you but what can I do I'm afraid Sweet Pea will return and where do I banish her then she makes friends in every corner of the world she has one The Heart of my only son then you do not banish her you finish her what do you mean this special hot apple cider will cause Sweet Pea to sleep forever where did you get that family recipe trust me one Sip and she's asleep and if she never awakens she can never rule but but she would never know another Sunrise she would never know love but if she becomes Queen it is you who she will banish I never thought of that talk about ungrateful your majesty we've captured trespasses what who is it it's sweet pea and those adorable jumping beans that were banished years ago beans please we are peas do I look like a Lego they're so cute I could kick myself should I throw him in the [Music] dungeon guards let's them go what what All Is Forgiven I shall make amends by hosting a dinner in Sweet Pea's honor I have to say this plan worked better than I expected back dinner it is your majesty tonight we shall end this you laugh at very strange moments forsaking sweet PE for ever the queen took a villainous stand for No One remained who knew of this scheme could warn the prince of her plan except us oh yeah we know about it don't we let's go get the [Music] prince sorry I'm so sleepy it must be this big turkey dinner I I think I'll go to bed nonsense here let us welcome you back to most fair with a toast I always burn toast a drink some hot apple cider to relax you you want to be well rested for the announcement as the most fair fair what is that s oh don't let his looks fool you that's gasbar he always helps me when I'm in danger there's no danger here buddy so what announcement why the announcement of who in the kingdom is the most beautiful it happens once a year and it happens tomorrow oh I don't care about that sort of thing you you don't no God made us each beautiful in a special unique way why would we think one of us is better than the others you you think I am as beautiful as you it's what's on the inside that counts I mean let me be honest I haven't agreed with your decisions recently but there must be much good in you for you raised such a kind and generous son he is remarkably like myself and you showed my father such kindness by hiring him when he could not find work I am awesome that way stay focused don't let her change your mind so I choose to trust that you have a good heart you what God says that word beauty will not last but beauty on the inside is what truly matters don't listen to her that's far more important than how you look don't you think why now that you mention it I and you welcomed me back into the kingdom didn't you for that I salute you oh sweet PE to the Queen the most Fair of all s [Laughter] we did it what have I done now the crown will be mine why do you care about the crown that's been his plan all along my advisors something about that mirror didn't set right your majesty so we checked the Kingdom's history and uncovered an interesting fact the mirror has been after the crown since the days of your Grandberry he tricked her and assigning the beauty decree knowing one day he could overthrow the monarchy what then why were you helping me I wasn't helping you Queen blueberry or should I say lady blueberry what I am still Queen but you are no longer the most beautiful what and thanks to you the only other who could possibly have taken the crown is out of the picture sweet PE and now I will rule so hand over that Crown not if I have anything to say about it or sing about it Prince Larry son you didn't deceive us all some of us know what true beauty is so step aside mirror you will not take the crown just watch me the crown [Music] sweet pee son M action scene [Music] LA you're destroying the castle a crumbling Castle is much better for throwing W you almost hit me that's the idea as great prin Larry and a plan what was he thinking was he [Music] thinking they're right I need to plan if only I had some way to dodge these rocks I wish I were more bouncy did someone say bouncy [Music] [Applause] bouncy that is so cute Larry be careful I don't want you to get hurt I won't get hurt mom in coming ow but I do want you to stop him from getting [Music] that you might as well give up Mir you're never going to reach [Applause] that don't anybody [Music] move mom he's going to drop sweet pee face it blueberry you will never be as beautiful as sweet pee as long as she lives mom do something she was right where she was right all along I have been so ugly in my heart not caring for anyone or anything but myself that is no way to lead a kingdom I am no longer fit for zown you are now Queen blueberry you woke up you see there is beauty inside of you God made you so beautiful and you're finally beginning to see it you drank the wrong drink turkey dinners always make me sleepy well then what happened to the real drink miror I don't care about that Crown anymore I order you to let that girl go as you wish wait I should have phrased that [Music] [Applause] differently [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] no fine you may have saved sweet pee but I still have the crown I can shoot Acorn out of my belly button where [Applause] [Music] no look at what I have done but your majesty you had been tricked no I was consumed with myself long before Ziro spoke I made my own choices and I have allowed everything around me to grow ugly what will we do now we will rebuild this Kingdom but we will make it truly beautiful on the inside as God says you will end the mistakes of your mother and grandmother and I will do it all with the help of my son and his best friend sweet PE it's more beautiful it's more wonderful like each day before me is better than the last it's so captivating to see what my creates love for me makes this whole world more beautiful and I [Applause] listen God Whispers that's beautiful to me [Music] [Applause] iaut blueberry found reason to wear the crown and reveal her true beauty within kingdoms much brighter with God's love inside and a dream that is fit for a queen she is fit for a queen however no however
Channel: VeggieTales Official
Views: 380,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Veggie tales, veggie tales silly songs, veggie tales full episodes, silly songs with Larry, veggie tales cheeseburger, where is my hairbrush silly song, veggie tales where is my hairbrush, veggie tales hairbrush, veggietales theme song, veggie tales Jonah, belly button song, veggietales anniversary, veggietales movie, veggietales silly songs, veggietales sweetpea beauty, veggietales sleeping beauty
Id: J6iRakV2aXs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 24sec (1644 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2023
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