VeggieTales | Love Being Different! | MacLarry and the Stinky Cheese Battle

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once upon a time in a make-believe land where Scotland and Rome are right next to each other there live two friends chognorius a barbarian and pompous Maximus a Roman as friends often do they played together but somewhere along the line their playing turn to pranking they're pranking escalated and got out of hand until once good friends became bitter phones [Music] I'll get you and so it was that the best friends never spoke again the kingdoms were divided and a great Feud endured foreign [Music] once again to repay our enemies my son McClary is joining us today for yet another attempt to pass his initiation test eight times a charm that's what I meant ninth time's a charm if time is practice thanks Dad I'm really feeling it this time I've got this really cool new invention a feature non-ventions what do this so I said I'm not standing I'm Roman champion [Music] [Applause] wherever there is terrible haircuts weep at the fury of a prank boys [Music] give them bad haircuts behind Network mullet Skillet lack of Seagulls it is a surfer not bad frosted tips you monster go ahead son this one's yours give him a bad haircut and you'll have earned your place Among Us [Music] come on Nick Larry you can do this [Music] mclary what what sorry mcbob [Music] [Applause] no I'm sorry mclarry [Music] sorry Dad I tripped it's okay son 10th time's a charm Barbara Marions let's go home come on McClary let's get back to the Village [Music] Bob maybe you need to practice a little more it won't help I'm the worst Barbara Marion ever not worse just different exactly I can't do anything the rest of you guys can do I just don't fit in just because you're different doesn't mean you're any less important oh what about all that stuff you make your inventions those are pretty cool well sure I love inventing but I don't think inventions matter much around here victory prepare for the chog toast let's do this I thought you were ready quick just get to our side foreign [Music] they cannot cross the gorge they are too puny we shall return with an even greater gag they've returned all hail Chuck Norris greatest did you break them good Mr Norris hey that we did lap awesome [Applause] [Music] brains to try [Music] for all the World to Sing [Music] [Music] excuse me Chief they pranked us while we were out how can this happen if they come across the gorge airmail they have employed the silly goose I can't believe it we've been goosed to the Long Haul we will plot a revenge over Jews and macaroni not you mclary you've got homework to do you need practice good lad oh come on you don't have to sing my theme song every time save me some juice hey maculari strike out again yep well maybe you could hang out with us can you read to us from one of those what do you call them books yeah that's it books sorry kids I got homework oh okay the book of Archimedes he's a really great inventor he's one of my heroes like chog I guess so but different I'd really love to meet him one day here look at this it's called a lever he put something heavy on one end and you can move it up and down really easy uh why would I want to do that well because it could be really useful for a prank well no oh here's a good one what is it watch this what good is that how do we prank the Romans with it we don't it's not for pranking it's just interesting I'm thinking of calling it a Flying Bridge or a norious cradle maybe you could attach giant pies to it and it would swing and splat the Romans right in the face no it's not for that they could hit and explode and save a crib and go everywhere no no no that's not what it's like what do you think you're doing no Maria is stop singing I told you to practice and get out here playing with toys sorry Dad I was just spending your time with worthless Contraptions when we need your help on the front line but Dad you're my son and we have a Heritage to uphold why do things any differently what good is this can shiny metal best year for can this give an awful haircut cam yeah whatever this is when the feud with the Romans no only a truly unbeatable prank will win it that's why we're going after the cheese of a tiller rumored to be so stinky so foul it's wrapped in rotten eggs and lutefisk just to Shield the stench the teasers conversation would you excuse us please once we roll Attila stinky cheese in the room the Romans will have no choice but to bow to our superior pranksmanship but it's already decided why can't I be more like them alone in a village of many trying my best to fit in Viber skills well I haven't got any the worst Barber Varian I cannot be like them I try but I choke him practically lame with a practical joke I give it my all plus a hundred percent but nobody cares about a boy [Music] alone in a village of many trying my best to fit in the worst Barber bear I blame myself son you're not a great Barber Barian because I haven't pushed you hard enough I haven't worked you until you were too tired to form new thoughts or properly swallow your food to win this Feud with the Romans will need you to pass that test uh sure Dad you can count on me good let's do this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning [Music] cool oh mclarry why'd you have to go and use one of your foolish Contraptions it's just that I wasn't I it was a miscalculation I can help I can rebuild it you've done quite enough already boy these no time for inventions and no place for an inventor but Dustin grab me some Timbers but Leslie fetch me some Pitch [Music] okay Archimedes maybe I could be your Apprentice maybe we could build stuff he currently resides in Greece Greece and now it's time for silly and now it's time for silly songs with Scottish Larry the part of the show where Larry comes out and sings a silly Scottish song I can't tell you how proud I am at this moment I dance on stills while he needs quilt nice glitter tossing the simulated Scottish Highland Hills oh beautiful he places we feel so smart in our red Tartan Scottish kills we feel so smart in our and Scottish skills technically you Stitch equipped but otherwise [Music] I'll have you know that's not in Scotland I dance on still excuse me sir [Music] Irish he plays his whistle what sea salt it smells it's not on the menu we feel so smart in our green tart I got nothing against me [Music] this is a sky song [Music] I dance on stills hey stitches jokes [Music] Brothers [Music] [Music] [Music] this has been silly songs with Scottish men tune in next time to hear what he say just give them some Scotch tape and butterscotch he'll be fine ah my bunny Lies Over the Ocean well I can't decide whether I want to be a waiter or an actor I don't know maybe a doctor not good at a sales I'm gonna be a ninja big city here we go let me tell you guys something it'll take a lot more than just wishful thinking to make it in the big city we need a break we gotta look for an opportunity look at here like this we find ourselves above Barbarian then boom we're set where are we gonna find one of those yeah oh look who just fell off the turnip truck can I help you follow us with something fellas [Music] friends Romans country fans come on lend me your ears [Applause] it is I your beloved leader humpus maximus in all my awesomeness my Maximus awesomeness I wish I wish to entertained by a checker match ton of death which is just a figure of speech of course you cannot die playing checkers but the loser will suffer great humiliation I love that [Applause] stop being as awesome as me a barber barrier as I have cash I suppose I could take a check if Barbara Barry and in my city the turnips kidnap me I was headed to Greece to meet Archimedes and help in his Workshop I'm an inventor just like him an inventor you say then I should welcome you as my honored guest that's right you are under arrest what sir I like him DC inventor what is your name my new inventor friend mclary mclary norius Norris yes of course I'm sorry for the misunderstanding with all these pranks going around one can't be too careful but if you're interested in meeting the great Archimedes well of course I'd love to he's out of town but I'll send for him in the meantime why don't you have a seat oh okay thank you you are surprisingly nice I'm cool like that remove the turnip thank you bye-bye I know my rights I didn't just follow it this is the pop pictures in the dirt I like this game then a horse a bad haircut a good haircut a pretty sparkly unicorn [Music] this is the path to the cheese of a killer it'll be very dangerous we'll need all that brute strength and courage we can muster um Chief have you seen mclarry he's not going with us on this one Mac Bob as I was saying okay but I haven't seen him since yesterday well as long as he's not destroying our meeting Hall I'm okay with him having a little me time let's just go fetch this cheese mcbob mac tuna magniser Max scooter everybody ready yeah and Donaldson really no Mac nope just Donald fine Nick mobile you carry the jumbo nose pins of the case of Febreze trust me we're gonna need it so tell me are you enjoying Rome so far everyone is really nice actually I feel so important here you and I are except creatures we deserve popsicle versions of ourselves and no wait that's just me say I I have a problem that I could use some help with something someone awesome like you is uniquely suited for oh okay what do you need my help with where the thing is Archie Drew these up for me last time I saw him lovely plans but there seems to be a page missing you want me to build you an Archimedes design you are an inventor invent only a truly gifted inventor could pull this off okay I'll try excellent and then I can meet our chaminis yeah sure whatever [Music] [Music] oh pretty just like the drawing you like it you bet I do come let's go try it out let me get my Legion I mean my friends nose pins at the ready men Febreze covers [Music] the cheese of Attila cities fall before the power of Extinction non-ranker get a load of that stink right is seriously terrible is this is the worst thing I've ever smelled hmm that's better prolonged exposure will drive a man insane mad I tell ya mud Keith are you sure you sure Jesus safe to take back to the Village I brought a jelly job these things are amazing seals in the rankedness ready everybody now it just smells like cinnamon dyed [Music] wow that's cool you can March a whole Army across this thing I wonder what Archimedes would think about this you know interesting fact about Archimedes is actually in Rome already that was fast hard to leave really seeing how he's in prison what that's right when he found out I wanted to use his bridge design for getting across the gorge to majorly prank The Barbarians he refused to build it so I threw him in the dungeon good thing I found another inventor oh no sees him what are you doing rolling in the cage oh you came all this way just to help me break your own father now the joke's on you ready man cream and the fruit feelings let's go [Music] what have I done [Music] hey did we order that McClary has anyone seen McClary McClary are you here I can't believe you fell for that and now for a delicious I can't I'll have snakes chief [Music] sorry mclary isn't back I don't know where he is he's not in his Hut working on some project no see he's not here his tools are gone and his book oh no what I think he must have left the village for Greece Greece it's so far away what if he's captured by Romans the poor boy he'd be pranked in the Oblivion what are we gonna do it's my fault he's been trying to be a good Barber barium how many times did he take that test again nine nine times I like to throw things and break them in half I'll shave off your chest hair if it's good for a love hey he likes invention to build and create he does it so well and it makes him feel great what I thought was important and Worthy praise our qualities missing in the sun who my brain raised I've pushed him a little too hard to force him to earn his bubbleberry and card I haven't loved him the way that I should and miss seeing all in him that is good what I thought was important and worthy of praise our qualities missing in the sun whom I've raised he's different from me I break he creates my voice different from me oh my clarity and that's great [Music] that's the way God made him mcbob and I love him I have to find mclary I have to go after him but Chief he's my boy what about the cheese the cheese will need the way get out all this reclining and gently swaying has made me winded we'll rest here for a minute plus I need to use the little Emperor's room too bad you can't get out of that cage and warn The Barbarians about us excuse me [Music] oh what is he doing I think he's making something what are you doing are you making something candy version [Music] how does it work hopefully like this ah that is great sorry fellas gotta go warm my dad you guys are coming okay good luck can you believe this yes that was cool reverser pretty cool let's go catch him before he wants the other barbarians how can we we're in the cage hey all right fine you'll go after him my Clary God thank goodness I found you huh awesome I'm so sorry so what if you're not the world's best prankster you're my son and I love you you do I do son I love you too Dad you know what I think it's great that you like to invent stuff really really yeah what did you do oh all our lives what is it wrong boy you guys are gonna love camping anybody bring a tent hey turn up can we borrow your turn of flagon the clock sticks thanks foreign [Music] s the Romans are coming break out the water balloons oh bring me bring me my wingy helmet is that what I think it is the cheese of Attila son I'm glad you're back now just stay here where you'll be seen Mama margarian's home let's do this taste the banana cream [Music] and it's delicious I'll get you from this pompous let's go front silk bring me the cheese those pins and Febreze at the ready you want it there I'm lactose intolerant Romans prepare to smell like milk that is spoiled for a thousand years sour cream raisin quickly foreign [Music] together there's no use what do we do no one's left to save us I can give it a shot dad I'd like a chicken sandwich and a mango milkshake hold that I have an idea please do something I'm too handsome to be stinky for the rest of my life here's what I need caver Stone rope Kilts go you guys bring me the bridge machine Romans you can't trust them forget about the prank Feud we're all in trouble if we don't get this cheese out of here now go lower the bridge get breaking we're gonna need a counterweight bring me something heavy I hope you know what you're doing we brought the heaviest thing we could find I'm not heavy I'm your father good but I think we need a little more what It's Time cover me be careful McClary [Music] stand back everyone you can do it son Scott the cheese [Music] thank you that is nasty no Barbara Berry you never risked himself like that for a Roman you guys are all right that's my son oh McClary God is giving you a great gift I'm so sorry I refused to see it thanks to your inventiveness we're all safe I'm so proud of you thanks Dad foreign [Music] [Applause] draw gold buddy I know we've had our differences maybe it's time for a fresh start friend what's all this silly pranking gotten us anyway by Imperial decree I declare no more Roman pranks from now on and I do the same barbarians no more pranking let our two kingdoms once again be at peace [Music] nightmare
Channel: VeggieTales Official
Views: 785,199
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Veggie tales, veggie tales silly songs, veggie tales full episodes, silly songs with Larry, veggietales, veggie tales songs, barbara manatee, veggie tales cheeseburger, where is my hairbrush silly song, veggie tales hairbrush, veggietales theme song, veggietales anniversary, veggietales movie, veggietales mac, veggietales maclarry and the stinky cheese battle, veggietales maclarry and the stinky cheese battle full movie, veggietales maclarry
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 39sec (2139 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2023
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