The Story of Lady Liadrin [Lore]

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Hello everyone! Blizzard has decided to make Lady Liadrin a playable character in Hearthstone if you reach level 20 on a new character while questing in World of Warcraft. In honor of this, I thought it would be a good idea to sit down and talk about her storyline. Now I have talked a fair bit about her before, I believe it was during the story of the naaru and the story of Kael'thas Sunstrider, but since then she has recieved some more origin story and she has played her part during warlords of Draenor. That means that there's plenty to talk about so let’s begin shall we?! Liadrin was part of the high elves living within quel’thelas. Now unfortunately, the location of their city was upon sacred trolls grounds which turned the local amani trolls into their mortal enemies. For many years the high elves would fight against the trolls backed up by the powers of the sunwell, a magical fountain of power, enabling them to hold their city but the troll numbers were great. The high elves realized that they needed help against the trolls so they asked the human tribe lead by Thoradin to offer their aid. Together, the humans and the high elves were able to put an end to the so called trolls wars, shattering the amani empire and securing the land for the high elves. However, this defeat did not mean the complete end for the amani trolls and many years later, Zul’jin started to unite the under his leadership. This is where Liadrin’s story begins as she’s captured by the Amani while investigating one of their runestones who’d been malfunctioning. These runestones protected the high elves, disabling others from casting magic while still granting them full access to their own powers. With her was the spellcaster Dar’khan Drathir and her apprentice Galell. Galell was wondering why the trolls simply hadn’t killed them yet and Liadrin understood that he was still young, hadn’t seen that much of the world. She knew that trolls were keen on practicing dark rituals, were probably prepairing one of them and as they were held captive, another was brought in. Lor’themar Theron, lieutentant of the farstriders at the time, he'd been with his party and they were overtaken by the trolls. When he woke up his comrades were dead, he was taken captive and as they discussed their situation, the trolls prepaired a brazier with green leaves, igniting a fire slowly creeping towards it and the high elves captive knew what was coming. They informed Lor’themar that this was meant to pacify them and before the smoke filled the chamber, Lor’themar promised them that if the opertunity would arive, if he could make a move, he would get them out of there. All or none and they all agreed before the black smoke filled the room, enterd their longues and took their minds. Visions assaulted Liadrin, two of the wooden masks shot out and floated into the air calling her guilty, guilty, guilty. Guilty for making the trolls hide like animals, guilty for kiling their brothers and sisters. Guilty for thinking that they own everything and guilty for being foolish enough to think that they were going to succeed where others had failed. As Liadrin looked at her companions, horrible images assaulted her senses. She saw Lor’themar bathed in flames, Dar’khan as an animated corpse and a large chunk of Galell’s skull fell down on the floor, blood pooring out as he said, “Sometimes it sounds like children screaming. Hundreds of them... “ So far this voodoo magic had prevented them from focusing enough to cast spells or as Liadrin was a priestess, connect to the light, but an oppertunity to escape presented itself as Zul’jin himself enterd their prison and started interigating Lor'themar. He wanted to know how to overpower their runestones, wanted to know everything about their Sunwell and its defenses. None of them was willing to talk of course which Zul’jin had expected so he started to skin Lor’themar, cut him open just below the navel and thrust his spindly fingers into the open wound. Lor’themar screamed, but Galell had been able to loosen his bindings around his wrists. He freed himself as the trolls were eagirly watching their leaders work, picked up a spear of the wall and started to fight. Lor’themar took full advantage of the oppertunity, used a miniature blade that he carried under his belt to cut himself free while Liadrin finally gained enough of her senses back to reconnect to the light. She focussed on all the pain and horror she had felt in the past several minutes and she redirected them into the mind of Zul’jin. The troll clutched his skull as he suffered a wave of pain, paranoia and terror. Dark’han had been able to focus in this time, collect his powers and he used his magic to teleport them all away. This event took place before the first Horde invaded Azeroth, but as they did, the orcs allied themselves with Zul’jin and his trolls with the promise of finally wiping out the high elves as well as conquer the world. Unfortenatly for the trolls, things didn’t go according to plan. Even though the orcs had been able to enslave the red dragonflight, not even their amazing power would be enough. Quel'thelas its magical defenses, empowered by the sunwell were unpenetrable and their capital city remained safe. The Horde instead focused their efforts on Lordaeron and its capital city while Zul’jin with a bunch of his fellow trolls were left behind to keep on fighting. Despite all odds, Zul’jin was captured by Halduron Brightwing and his elves but Halduron didn’t know what to do with him and they couldn’t reach anyone in a higher position to make the call. To kill some time, the high elves unleashed their fury and wrath upon Zul’jin, making him pay for all the suffering, all the lives he had taken over the years. They even took one of his eyes until Liadrin could take it no longer and she urged Halduron to just kill the troll and be done with it, this torture left a bitter taste in her mouth. Halduron explained that it was not his decision to make, but before they could do anything else, a band of trolls attacked their camp giving Zul’jin the oppertunity to cut of his own arm and make his escape. The Horde would eventually be defeated by the Alliance of Lordaeron and Liadrin and those who had been captured with her all those years ago... they had moved up in the world. She herself had become a High Priestess, Galell had become a full and proper priest and Lor’themar had been apointed as Ranger Lord. Only Dar’khan had been unable to obtain the higher rank of grand magister, probably because of his selfishness and abrasive personality, and this ate at the spellcaster, made him do the unthinkable. Reports of the plague spreading across lordaeron had reached even the high elves, the purge of stratholme, the rumors of the prince returning home and killing his own father. The elves had stayed away from this conflict, they thought that it was best to leave the humans to deal with it on their own as they had their sunwell and magic to protect them, but this would turn out to be a great mistake. Dar’khan sold his people to Arthas as he informed him about the defenses of quel’thelas. The 3 magical mooncrystals required to lower their magical defenses and not even Sylvanas Windrunner was able to stop the army of the undead. She was turned into a banshee, forced to watch as her kingdom fell, forced to fight against her own people and Liadrin was shaken to the core as she witnessed the banshee and the army marching upon their city. As they felt the gate fall the order none of them had ever expected to hear was given. They had to fall back, retreat to the sunwell and keep their fountain of power safe. They didn’t know that they had been betrayed from within of course, that Dar’khan had already slain their magisters and used spells of binding to keep them away from the Sunwell. They didn't know and nothing would stand in the way of death... Galell was orderd to fall back and help evactuate the children. They set sail and from their ships they watched their city burn, but even these innoscents were not spared. A great wave of stoneskin gargoyles assaulted their ships and send them to the bottem of the sea. Galell was picked up by one of these flying undead as he could hear the terrified, agonizing screams of the children. They were sinking, slowly drowning, unable to escape from below the deck of the ship. Galell grabbed his dagger and stabbed the gargoyle where he believed its heart would be and both of them crashed out of the sky towards the water below. The last thing that Galell heard before merciful darkness overtook him were the screams of the children... Meanwhile, Liadrin tried to steel herself and remain calm to keep her connection to the light strong. There was a great sea seperating the scourge army from quel’denas, but nothing would stand in Arthas’s way. He picked up the runeblade Frostmourne, tossed it near the edge of the water and the icy magic from the runeblade did the rest. For miles water turned to ice, allowing the undead forces to advance. Not even the arival of King Anasterian Sunstrider and his legendary blade Felo’melorn could hold against the prince and Liadrin was forced to watch it all. She tried to use the light to heal and empower her people, she did her very best, but the light simply wasn’t enough. Her breaking point came when her mentor, high priest Vandellor, was murderd by one of scourge abominations. This man had been more then just a mentor and a teacher, he had acted as her father after her parents had been killed by the trolls and now this beloved figure had his spine severed. With an anguished cry Liadrin dropped to her knees and, more desperately than ever before, sought the powers of the Light. But in her frenzied state the Light’s radiant blizz was beyond her. Vandellor’s long time friend Belo’vir avanged his death by casting a spell, destroying the abomination from within and as an act, an final act towards his his old friend, he used his powers to teleport Liadrin away. Liadrin’s form dissipated, sparing her the sight of the undead closing in, surrounding the grand magister, and unceremoniously tearing him apart. Citizens of Silvermoon! I have given you ample opportunities to surrender, but you have stubbornly refused! Know that today, your entire race and your ancient heritage will end! Death itself has come to claim the high home of the elves! Now, arise, Kel'Thuzad, and serve the Lich King once again! I am reborn, as promised! The Lich King has granted me eternal life! There was nothing the high elves could do and Arthas used the powers of the Sunwell to resurrect Kel’thuzad into a Lich. Dar’khan, against his new masters will, had already sampled from the powers of the sunwell and its corruption now greatly effected him. It didn’t matter to Arthas, he knew of Dar’khan’s ambitions and lust for power and he granted the mage exactly what he wanted as Frostmourne plunged deep and Dar’khan returned as an undead to serve his masters will. After this, Arthas and his forces moved on leaving the high elves to pick up the pieces. Their prince Kael’thas returned home and examined the damage done to his kingdom. He said farewell to his father, examined the Sunwell and came to the conclussion that its powers were contaminated by Arthas’s actions. They had to destroy the Sunwell before the corruption would spread into their people and on top of that, Liadrin had also returned home but with her came the news that the trolls were gathering their forces and were making ready for an attack. Zul’jin had always been interested in the powers of the sunwell and after witnessing the scourge doing what they had been unable to do for years, now was the time for the trolls to make their move. Kael’thas figured that if that was the case then they would give the trolls exactly what they wanted. Blow up the sunwell and with it the remaining undead left behind on the island as well as the invading trolls. Kael'thas together with Romath and Astalor would have to focus on their spellwork while volunteers would hold the attacking forces at bay. Many volunteerd to join the fight, amongst them Lor’themar and his farstriders, but even Galell offerd his healing skills. He had been found washed ashore and spend weeks simply staring at the wall, unable to speak, unable to do anything. The things he had seen, the screams of the children had done some immense damage to him, but for this he would do his best to reconnect to the light and fight with them. Liadrin also joined the party, but not in her roll as high priest. Liadrin’s voice turned acrid. What good is a force that fails to perform when it is most needed. The Light is a fickle and worthless thing, and I will have none of it. As of the day my mentor died, I was a high priestess no longer. She picked up a truncheon from the wall saying that surely one of their men would be able to show her how to use this. Liadrin would help in the fight, but not as a priest. With their forces gatherd the high elves made ready to do what had to be done, to blow up their ancient fountain of power. Kael’thas, Romath and Astalor worked on their spell as the troops kept them safe. Liadrin crushed the skull of a thing that had once been an elven guardian, squinted to see through the rain, and realized with a gut-wrenching despair that the enemy approaching her was familiar: it was an old man wearing the robes of a high priest. She lowered her truncheon as she looked into the spiritless eyes of Vandellor. I cannot do this. I cannot do this! You must. Do not look into his eyes. The walking corpse that had once been Liadrin’s mentor and substitute father raked out with long nails, clumsily slashing at her face. His robes were stained a dark crimson, and the centor of his chest was nothing more than a ragged maggot-infested concavity. The former high priestess cursed the Light, cursed it with a passion that defied all she had once held to be righteous and true, and burried her truncheon in the side of Vandellor’s head. She heard his neck pop. The corpse stumbled, then lurched forward. Liadrin adjusted her grip and roated her entire body into the backswing, then swung a third and final time, successfully wrenching the old elf’s head from his shoulders. As the thing that had once been Vandellor fel, Liadrin raised her head to the sky and screamed into the downpour. Meanwhile, Kael’thas finished the spell and they teleported their people out of their and the powers of the sunwell were turned against the trolls and the undead. A blinding white beam exploded outward, vaporizing everything and everyone in its path. Afterwards, the high elves wanted to crown Kael’thas their new king, but he refused stating that his father would be rememberd as the last king of the high elves. A new chapter for their people would begin and in honor of those who’s blood had been shed throughout the kingdom, in honor of their sacrifice they would now call themseles Sin’dorei, the blood elves...Hail to the sin’dorei, his people cheered. 'The Sin'dorei will prevail!' 5 years passed and during that time the blood elves found out just exactly what price they payed when they blew up the Sunwell. Over the years, they had become so dependant on it, addicted to its power, that no longer having this steady source of magic caused them agonizing pain and they were suffering from with drawl. Kael’thas had allied himself with Illidan Stormrage and Illidan showed the blood elves how to drain magic from objects or even living beings. This allowed them to survive, to keep going on one day at a time, but the hunger would always return. Liadrin had spend her time hunting the undead from their lands and she found crystals waiting for her outside her door, ready to be drained and sate her hunger for a bit, given by an unknown benefector. Lor’themar had risen to the rank of regent lord and in the meantime had his own adventure with Anveena and the betrayer Dark’han drathir. At the end of that story, they believed that Dark’han was defeated, vanquished from the world, but as it goes with undead...they don’t stay dead often and Liadrin knew that Dark’han was outthere. She wanted to make him pay for his betrayel and she would soon be given the power to make that happen since Kael’thas and his forces had found an incredibly powerful being of light, a naaru called M’uru. They had worked on a way of forcing this being to give up his holy power, drain the light from it and Liadrin was invited to become the first to wield it. Romath rememberd how she had stepped away from her original faith, claiming that she was not willing to work with such a frickle source of power, but now they could command and force it to obbey. Combine her skills with a weapon and the holy power of the naaru to make blood elf paladins, an organisation known as the blood knights. Liadrin observed the naaru chained within their city and she embraced this gift. Romath said: I hereby name you foremost among our new order: matriarch of the Blood Knights, warrior priestess of the sin’dorei! Stand and be recognized, Lady Liadrin. Now draining the light from M’uru did not come without complications. Liadrin and those that followed her in her path suffered incredible headaches, heard the naaru scream in their mind, but they went through it non the less and they forced the light to obey. Most of their people spoke of them with a kind of revulsion, for it was said they stole the powers of the Light from some otherworldly creature they kept in thrall, but Liadrin’s old companion Galell did not feel the same way. Over the years, he had become a massive arcane junky, owed money to all the wrong people and he missed the touch of the Light. He figured that he had to go cold-turkey, become clean again and plead his case to Liadrin to join her, to embrace the light once more. When he aproached her and asked her to join their organisation, Liadrin had preservations about him. She was not sure if he was the right person for their organisation, but at the same time she also rememberd who he was in that troll lair so many years ago and she even believed that it was Galell who had gifted her the arcane stones. It was not Galell who had done this though, it was actually Lor’themar who had given these presents. He had always felt admiration and affection for Liadrin. She didn’t know this of course and while thinking back, thinking to the whole all or none pact that they made, she allowed Galell to join them and this would turn out to be a very big mistake. Where the naaru inflicted great pain upon the other blood knights, Galell felt its effect so much more. Sometimes the naaru would sound like shattering glass. Sometimes it sounded like twisting metal and sometimes it sounded like children screaming, Hundreds of them. At the end of the story, Liadrin is orderd to go after Galell because he had murdered and sprung up the corpse of his dealer in the city, the one who had provided him with the crystals. Liadrin actually wanted to go after Dark’han Drathir who they had a big lead on, but considering that the blood elves, at the time, were in negotiations to join the Horde, this matter could not wait and the blood knight matriarch had a good idea as to where to find Gallel. Back in the troll lair where the story began she found Galell stuffing arcane crystals down his veins, laughing like a mad man and striking out at her. For a brief moment the old Galell was able to came through out the haze and explained to her what he felt when he forced the to light to bend. The screams of the children he had witnessed, he believed that they should have died when the trolls had captured them. The brief moment passed and Galell struck out like a feral animal. Liadrin had no other choice but to defend herself, striking out at him and with her blade she cut off the top of his head and his lifeblood spilled to the ground. Liadrin sat, unmindful of her bleeding wounds for the moment. She pulled Galell to her, stroking his armor, allowing tears to flow. “All or none, Galell; all or none.” She stayed that way until her eyes held no more tears and Galell’s body grew cold. I did what was necessary, she repeated inwardly over and over. I defended myself. Yet the memory of this day would linger, persistent and immune to purging, a permanent scar upon her soul... Two of the three visions Liadrin had witnessed in the troll lair had come true so far, and the final one would soon follow. The blood elves had found clues as to where to find Dark’han and it was Lor’themar who again confronted the betrayer. There had always been a sense of guilt within Lor’themar since he had been the one who had informed Dark’han about their defenses, thinking they would work together to strengthen it. He didn’t know what Dark’han would do with the information, sell his people out to his master Arthas and now Dar’khan was orderd to take care of this new holy threat and converge the blood knights into the scourge army. Luckily, this would never come to pass. In their confrontation, Dark’han used his magic to set Lor’themar on fire, but as one, the blood knights used the holy light to heal the regent lord. With a magical crystal attached to his arrow, Lor’themar shot Dark’han in the head and the corpse dissipated. It’s unknown if Dark’han will truly stay dead, he has come back several times before, but atleast for the moment he would pose no threat and Liadrin’s visions had all come true. However, the future of the blood elves and the blood knights would soon take a turn none of them could have ever predicted... Prince Kael’thas Sunstrider had decided to ally himself with Kil’jaeden and the Burning Legion. When they decided to destroy the sunwell, not all of its power was gone and the red dragon Korialstrasz decided to hide away this power from the world in the form of a human girl named Anveena Teague. This was the story I was talking about earlier in which Lor’themar witnessed Anveena taking on Dark’han Drathir and they believed him to be dead, but that turned out to be false. At the end of that tale the blood elves promised to keep Anveena’s secret safe, but they didn’t expect their prince to turn on them and Kael’thas captured Anveena. They planned to use her powers to empower a portal and bring Kil’jaeden into the world of Azeroth. On top of that, Kael’thas also decided to attack his own people and steal back the naaru M’uru. Lady Liadrin saw this attack with her own eyes and she decided to travel to Outland, to Shattrath city and talk with the naaru A’dal. In this conversation A’dal explained to Liadrin that events took place just as they were supposed to happen and that M’uru knew what was going to happen and had already accepted his fate. There was a prophecy spoken by Prophet Velen and it had now come true: 'Silvery moon, washed in blood,' 'Led astray into the night, armed with sword of broken Light.' 'Broken, then betrayed by one, standing there bestride the sun.' 'At darkest hour, redemption comes, in knightly lady sworn to blood.' Liadrin realised tha Kael’thas was a false prince and she renounced her loyalties to the house Sunstrider and decided to join A’dal and the Shattered Sun Offensive in their battle against Kael’thas and Kil’jaeden. Together we assaulted the isle of Quel’denas, we unlocked it piece by piece and within the magister’s terrace we found Kael’thas and took care of him. Plans were already in motion though and Kael’thas believed that we would not be able to stop Kil’jaeden and the legion, but ofcourse he was wrong . We enterd the sunwell plateau, took on everything in our path and we even took down the naaru M’uru who had been so drained of his light that he transformed into the Voidgod called Entropius. The blood elves had taken the light out of this holy being, he was consumed by darkness, yet not all hope was lost. Once we defeated Kil’jaeden himself and prevented him from entering the world, Velen shows up holding the core of M’uru. Prophet Velen says: Mortal heroes, your victory here today was foretold long ago. My brother's anguished cry of defeat will echo across the universe, bringing renewed hope to all those who still stand against the Burning Crusade. Prophet Velen says: As the Legion's final defeat draws ever-nearer, stand proud in the knowledge that you have saved worlds without number from the flame. Just as this day marks an ending, so too does it herald a new beginning... Prophet Velen summons a large crystal from the sky. The crystal hovers above the Sunwell. Prophet Velen says: The creature Entropius, whom you were forced to destroy, was once the noble naaru, M'uru. In life, M'uru channeled vast energies of LIGHT and HOPE. For a time, a misguided few sought to steal those energies... Enter Lady Liadrin. Lady Liadrin says: Our arrogance was unpardonable. We damned one of the most noble beings of all. We may never atone for this sin. Prophet Velen says: Then fortunate it is, that I have reclaimed the noble naaru's spark from where it fell! Where faith dwells, hope is never lost, young blood elf. Lady Liadrin says: Can it be? Prophet Velen says: Gaze now, mortals - upon the HEART OF M'URU! Unblemished. Bathed by the light of Creation - just as it was at the Dawn. In time, the light and hope held within - will rebirth more than this mere fount of power... Mayhap, they will rebirth the soul of a nation. Lady Liadrin says: Blessed ancestors! I feel it... so much love... so much grace... there are... no words... impossible to describe... Prophet Velen says: Salvation, young one. It waits for us all. The sunwell itself has been reignited offering the blood elves a new source of power and perhaps even a future. Liadrin claims that they may never atone for their sins and unfortenatly, she and the blood knights didn’t see a lot of time in the story after these events. There was a minor conversation with the whole Quel’Delar questline during Wrath of the Lich King in which Liadrin says: My brothers and sisters, words cannot describe what I felt upon seeing the Sunwell rekindled. In that moment, the Light revealed to me the truth of the terrible things I had done. Our people had walked a dark path and mine was among the darkest of them all. But the Light showed me that I was not lost. It helped me to find the strength to survive in spite of all that had happened and all the evil I had wrought. It is a strength that we sin'dorei all share. It is a strength we will need to free ourselves of the addiction ravaging our people. It will be the most difficult battle we have ever faced, but our resolve and the power of the Sunwell will sustain us until we have been restored to our greatness. Interestingly enough, even though the players were able to restore and obtain Quel’delar, during Warlords of Draenor, Liadrin joined us to this alternate reality, taking the battle to the iron horde, and apperantly she is the true owner of the legendary Quel’delar. On alternate Draenor, Liadrin and her blood knights fought against the Iron Horde, assisted in the defense of Auchindoun in Talador and even went to a whole different planet to try and stop Gul’dan and Teron’gor: Mongrethod is left behind to keep us busy, while Gul’dan and Teron’gor make their way back to Auchindoun. A fierce battle erupts with Maladaar and Liadrin working together against the demonic forces: Even though we were able to defeat Mongrethod, the draenei would eventually be betrayed from within and Teron’gor was given access to auchindoun and the souls resting inside. These souls gave him incredible power too which we tried to stop him, but before we could end him, before we could land the final blow, Teron’gor jumped off the platform claiming that he needed more. More souls to devour, more power to gain until he would eventually turn into the beast known as Gorefiend. In the mean time, Gul’dan and his shadow council, they've been very hard at work and while we dismanttled the Iron Horde, Gul’dan saw the oppertunity to take control. He gave the remaining orcs a second chance to join him, offerd them the demon blood once again and this time the orcs willingly joined his demonic forces. Liadrin and her blood knights began searching for a way to cure Gul’dan’s fel orcs while also discovering what exactly had happened to Teron’gor. We went under Auchindoun, we witnessed the glorius being known as Gorefiend just before he’s teleported out and taken to the Hellfire Citadel. This is where we made our stand against Gul’dan’s horde. Against Gorefiend and anything they pitched against us. Even the mighty archimonde was not able to hold against our might, but unfortenatly Liadrin did not play a part in these events...This means that we’ve come to the end of the story ..atleast for the moment! Only time will tell what Liadrin and her blood knights might face in the future. Perhaps they’ll dive further into the relationship between her and Lor’themar and perhaps with time, they’ll actually find a way to atone for their sins and heal the scars on her spirit. Liadrin’s life has not been easy, the blood elves have made some very difficult choices, but throug it all they perservered, they did anything they had to do to make sure that their people, their legacy would live on. Time will tell what the future is going to bring and if you want, you can now obtain Liadrin as a playable character in Hearthstone. In order to do this, you’ll have to level up a character to level 20 in World of Warcraft and I’ve seen reports from people claiming that the final level has to be obtained with a quest. Reaching level 20 in a dungeon apparently doesn’t count and you can obtain this on a trial account, so if you only play Hearthstone, you don’t have to buy World of Warcraft if you don’t want too. With that ladies and gentleman, I have nothing more to say so as always, thank you very much for watching everyone I hope you enjoyed it. Subscribe if you like my videos and until next time guys....see ya!
Channel: Nobbel87
Views: 639,929
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nobbel, Nobbel87, NobbeltheNoble, Story, Lore, Lady Liadrin, Hearthstone, Paladin, World of Warcraft, Blood Elves, Arthas, Scourge, Warcraft 3, Kael'thas Sunstrider, Naaru, M'uru, Blood Knights, A'dal, Velen, Burning crusade, Lor'themar, Romath, Astalor, Galell, Dark'han Drathir, Anveena, Sunwell, Burning Legion, Kil'jaeden, Warlords of Draenor, Maraad, Gul'dan, Teron'Gor, Gorefiend
Id: Gbz0QOsqaJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 53sec (1853 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 20 2016
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