2 Hour ULTIMATE Strongest WoW Character List - (By Class)

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Warriors are one of those classes that don't possess any supernatural abilities they just don't have any magic or crazy superpowers on their side regardless there are still some incredibly notable Warriors out there that change the history of the warcraft Universe forever so let's take a look at the top 10 most powerful warriors in World of Warcraft number 10 Karen blood Hof everyone that has played Warcraft has heard about Karen Blu the legendary High Chieftain of the toret however not many associate him with Warriors mainly due to his peaceful nature and generally calm demeanor in reality however K was gigantic a lumbering figure and one of the most dangerous warriors on all of cindor while we don't know too much about his past it is almost certain that he had fought the Centaur specifically on many occasions and those are incredibly dangerous beasts and he definitely fought them throughout his very long life ultimately he fell in the maagan garage one of the greatest warriors of the hord at the time he did have the upper hand for most of the duel and would he most likely won had there not been the poison inflicted by mag the gri totem very importantly keep in mind Karen was 107 years old and as far as we know Toren don't live that much longer than humans so the fact that the age of 107 he was able to battle against a legendary orc warrior in his prime says a lot about his strength while not much is known there is no doubt especially in his youth Kieran was one of the most dangerous warriors on all of azod number nine blackand blackand the Destroyer is essentially what blizzard had originally planned with Orcs just ruthless beasts of Destruction despite his bad reputation he really wasn't always as evil as he would later seem originally he was just an overall dominating figure blackand was a massive muscular orc that commanded the Black Rock Clan through sheer brutality force and power few dared to challenge him and many were afraid of him which is exactly why he became the Warchief of the new found hord in the first place prior to the danana and the human conflicts he had battled the ogers and one and it was said that blackand could always turn the ti of battle and could always find the enemy's weakness however on asod he didn't fair so well he faced off the legendary andrean lotar and almost lost and was ultimately killed with his second in and Oram doomhammer who could challenge him to a makura now blackand was most inable for his role as a Chieftain and a war chief but he was also an excellent Warrior and had earned his right to lead for the time through Force as was tradition with many orcish Clans while he didn't fear that great in duels later on keep in mind it was against what history would later known as some of the finest Warriors in all of Warcraft number eight anduin lotar anduin lotar is like the Achilles of the alliance he was a legendary Warrior known by everyone not just in terms of skill but Prestige as well he is the descendant of the original arati line the ancient humans member of the king's God and he fought trolls and was one of the first humans to clash with the invading Orcs during the first war he became the king's Champion the highest military rank and was the leading figure in the orc human War his nights on missions shocked the Orcs And impressed them as they would wipe out and or creating parties without a single casualty anduin himself killed miv as he had betrayed the Lance a rare feat as Guardians were incredibly powerful on top of that during a battle he had nearly slain wari blackand and only his warlocks had saved him from his fate during the second war he was named the supreme commander of the new found Alliance and was a key figure in the orcish defeat however ultimately he was defeated by organ doomhammer in single combat and do and L's importance cannot be stated simply as he POS possibly the most important figure of the entire Alliance the fact that Andre and Brin the King was named after him says a lot about that looking at his history andin was really the best commander a general possibly the finest in all of land's history second to that he was an incredibly skilled and Powerful Warrior facing off against foes much larger faster and stronger he did lose his life in battle ultimately but keep in mind he was a really old man at the time during his 60s and he did quite a good job of the defeating Orcs in their prime number seven gash hell Scream the son of legendary Grom and one of the most powerful orcish Warriors in recent times now many might not consider gash one of the strongest but his fight accounts definitely say otherwise as he was left behind adreno he was one of the few uncorrupted mear that we've recently discovered around the time of the burning Crusade from that point forth gash skyrocketed from a press random orc to the V Chief of the horde and a key figure of two whole expansions he held his ground against the very experienced troll in the first makura he faced off against the qualer quite easily norand then he defeated Kiran not fairly but he did win later on you could observe his strength as he easily lifted Orcs with a single hand and cut through Twilight Hammer cultist like they were nothing furthermore in the M of anera he defeated herzo not easily but he did do it and keep in mind terano is like the strongest monk out there ultimately he fought against troll once again and easily threw him around just toyed with him and was only defeated when the Elementals hit crush him now of course you might say troll is a shaman but troll is also an incredibly powerful Warrior as he used to be a gladiator and is quite large and is very experienced in combat so ultimately gaj was really one of the most powerful warriors out there huge strong the son of gron the Warchief and this despite being evil overall just a badass number six orgrim doomhammer orgam is one of the most notable characters in the entirety of the warcraft series and really the Founding Father of the modern horde originally he was just the son of telar one of the finest Warriors of the BlackRock Clan and ultimately he became the second in command to blackand in his new H he played a role defeating everything from Human armies to ogres to T I then in his most notable act he challenged the war chief to a makura defeating him and crushing his skull with a doom Hammer as the Warchief he had now conquered storman he also defeated most of the Shadow council's warlocks and he had subjugated Guan and shal he had actually almost conquered the alliance but was ultimately betrayed by goldan losing the ball nonetheless he defeated the legendary andu and Lon in combat shattering his sword and skull ultimately organ was captured but escaped and together with trol he could free The Horde and led to the creation of what we have today he died in unceremonious death stabbed in the back by night slands during a battle but despite his fall orgam doomhammer is one of the most accomplished Warriors in all of history number five verok sarank when you think of a warrior Sarang comes to everyone's mind this guy is one of the biggest badasses in all of Warcraft and one of the most most accomplished Warriors not just of The Horde but of all time and of all Races farok was literally in every war that involved The Horde since their departure danor from the battles against the danai to the first and the second war to the second war of the shifting Sands to the nor to the campaign and essentially every other battle or Skirmish that happened he was everything from the second in command of the the war chief to a supreme commander keep in mind he wasn't just in these wars he wasn't just present but he was also in some of the toughest battles out there fighting in the dick of it also through most of it he has been pretty old troll even passed him on for Warchief in favor of Gage due to his old age this of course is a major thing as was never really in his Prim during his battles and age is a really important factor for warriors as their bread and poter is their body and skills we've seen sank fight literally everyone from humans to the Kaji to Demons to Undead and against dozens of opponents at the same time and he could Prevail in all of these battles outside of a single one he went into Aura against Sylvanas and lost and even then he managed to get a cuton despite Sylvanas being just insanely overpowered ultimately verok sang died in battle but behind he left a legacy that no one can really top being a warrior unlike no other number four Varian Vin While most no Varian as the king of Sor wind and really the leader of the alliance he was in fact an insanely powerful Warrior and one of the best on all of azero Varan grew up during the orcish invasions and had to mature very early and as he became king times were just never easy for him at one point he was kidnapped and forced to become a gladiator and he had to free himself by fighting to everyone we've seen vant take down an elemental with his bare hands cut down Elite orcish soldiers demons ogres and all sorts of other monstrosities he was actually blessed by the spirit of the ancient golden and is one of the enhanced Warriors meaning that he had essentially unlimited stamina and had his senses height really Varan was a human warrior with the power of a vorgan with his alter ego logos it was said that fighting him was like fighting two people at once and to put it simply he was just a super human ultimately Varan was defeated by goldan as he had cut down many demons and jumped from the battleship being ultimately almost completely dissolved by goldan as of course goldan had more power than ever and was the last chance of the legion and kill Jaden just poured everything into him to just to take aerot as this was their last chance it was no shame to lose to such a Powerhouse overall varant Ren will go down in history as one of the finest and the most powerful warriors in all of azot number three Grom Hellscream much like Sarang gromes is just a synonym for a warrior even before the war Grom was one of the most fearsome Warriors and the chieftain of the warsong clan one of the strongest orcish Clans on D first he led raes into the ogre lands defeated many of them and when captured and tortured he survived proving to be one of the strongest W Orcs of all time an orc with an iron will Gro was one of the first to take the blood of manro to fight adrine to fight the humans and one of the rare Orcs that together with his clan was never actually put into interminate camps and instead raided human lands and practiced Gilla of warfare while at the same time battling remnants of the Demonic curse later on Grom together with orgrim and troll freed The Horde and ultimately sailed to calendar there as he battled through endless foes he ultimately once again drank the bot of manro and became a fell orc this time he managed to slay the demigod sarus which in itself is a feat unimaginable by most Mortals after once again being feed from the demonicus he struck out at man rod and actually defeated the bedord losing his life in the process keep in mind this is an incredible achievement as manro was the strongest spit Lord out there and only a few demon Lords were ahead of him in terms of power overall gromes went down in history as one of the most accomplished Orcs most powerful warriors defeating everything from ogres to humans to Demons number two Brock cigar Brock cigar the red is the brother of Eno sang and possibly the most badass orc that ever lived he was a veteran of the first second and the third war and he had participated in some of the toughest battles out there he is essentially the Leonidas of Warcraft as during the third war he held a vital Mountain Pass against armies of demons and was ultimately the only person to surviv the encounter he never forgave himself for the cowardice of surviving his comrades in battle and therefore searched for a glorious death himself he suddenly traveled back in time to the war of the Ancients and played one of the most most important roles in the conflict broxigar was given the ex of scarus and the nights were just blown away by his fighting skills in the final battle over the B of Eternity Brock cigar leap through the portal arrived narus and proceeded to just Slaughter demons left and right that ultimately he stood at top a mountain of their courses he was so badass that this caught the attention of sigas himself who decided to come over and to end his life broxigar confident leapt and wounded the leader of the burning Legion now it was a tiny wound But ultimately this bought just enough time to destabilize the portal ending sas's Venture Brock cigar was easily killed by seras but he went down in history through alternate history as one of the most glorious orgs that ever lived I know I may get some flag for placing Broar second on this list and I do believe it is high enough and he really is the most powerful orc that ever lived although the enhanced ax did play a role and we don't know if other Orcs like Gro or his brother vok might have just done the same thing if they had the chance and lastly number one tanar as far as we know the most powerful Warrior to have ever lived tanar was the king of the aldrachi an ancient warrior race of an unknown Planet tanar himself was from a line of respected and distinguished Fighters and both he and his brother were one of the greatest of all time only the strongest within their society carried the bar blades and tanar did everything to achieve that right aside from years of brutal training he ultimately faced his own brother in a duel to the death and killed him without uttering a single world now like the erar who were one of the most intelligent races in the universe the alachi were a Warrior Race and one of the strongest what they both had in common was that seras sought them out due to their talents initially they destroyed their planet and slaughter them but the aldrachi held on especially tar slaying thousands of demons with a legion observing that he was an Army onto himself ultimately however before the final destruction the offensive stopped and start get us either himself or an avatar approached him he offered them to join the legion but toor refused and engaged in a duel that lasted seemingly forever tonar was a decent match but he realized that he could not best get us and that he is being toyed around with so he faint submission as seras let his guard down and listened tar struck with his War blades and ripped through his guide drawing molten blood despite being only a minor injury outside of later on brockard the red it was the only time sagas ever took damage tonar was subsequently destroyed his entire race was just demolished and their entire home World outside of that information we know next to nothing about hrai neither their appearance nor when they actually lived and what was their Planet still even with this very limited information tar went down in history as the greatest and the most accomplished Warrior of all time dead Knights are a relatively recent addition to the war at universe but they're one of the most unique and the most badass classes in the game there are multiple Generations of that Knights each of them being different especially the first when compared to the later ones but all of them incredibly powerful in their own way all de kns used to be something else before becoming what they are now and in Undead they are enhanced beings much more cruel resilient and capable of yielding in a chromantic magic so what are the most powerful dead knights in the lore number 10 fck and Marvin I know this is not one character but these two guys are quite similar so both par and Marvin Marvin were captains and essentially the left and the right hand of arst fic was the son of a farmer that joined the royal guard while Marvin was also a member despite Artis being their Superior both of them were his close friends and were extremely loyal they followed him from the investigation of the plague and the meeting with Jana to The Purge and even to the icy lands of Norland while artist searched for frostborn to defeat meanus they were in charge of defending their Camp from The Never Ending Siege at the hands of meanus ultimately they help defeat the red Lord but suddenly artist just disappeared Into the Wilderness fck was the one to search for him first and as soon as he found him he was killed and raised as a dead Knight soon enough Marvin joined him as well and the entire Army that he had followed artist since then they had served arst and we actually face off against them in the halls of reflection in the ice ground Citadel where they were ultimately defeated and now they will be making a new appearance in the shadowlands while we don't know too much about their actual power levels being so close to to artist in life and in death they can't be anything other than just powerful number nine nazgrim nazgrim was one of the greatest generals of the new horde and even The Horde overall he started as a sergeant back in Griz the hills but he was quickly promoted as he participated in literally everything since as a legionaire he was sent to vashir and after success there he became a general and was the main leader of the horde forces and the invasion of pandaran there he was crucial in every Mission Against The Shot The Alliance and everyone else that threatened the hord ultimately we were the ones that had to kill him in the siege of oramar as while he disagreed with geros his orcish owner bound him to the war chief and he stood by his side until the very end while not right it's not a heal you want to die on you can't really blame him for respecting his warrior code then as we needed every help we can get the ledge king decided to raise him as a member of the new four horsemen immediately he he is thrown into the freey and he seemed quite dominant easily strangulating and cutting down foes from the Scarlet Crusaders to Demons nasm was a part of the battle of the broken Shore and will be playing a role within the shadowlands not certain what role exactly but after all he is one of the four horseman now number eight Sally whit man a very tragic character and initially just a priestess of the light at a certain point in time she became the high Inquisitor of the C Crusade and as the Crusaders began to quickly sleep away into Insanity she became a serious Thorn at the side of both the alliance and the hord when the Scot Crusade was at the peak of their power they could launch Expeditions and invasions and were quite a significant Force she was one of the most powerful and influential figures on azot however the skylet Crusade began quite rapidly falling apart and she survived all of those troubles until the time of M of Pandaria When Sally was defeated by Lan boss unable to resir herself then around found the legion recently she was resurrected but this time as a dead Knight and a third member of the new four horsemen together with the rest of the elite dead Knights she attempted to resurrect Ty and helped us on the broken Shore and will now play a role in the shadowlands so Sally whit man has gone a full circle from a tragic young girl to a priestess to a maniac to a major villain to now helping us as a dead Knight seeing that white man has been on both sides of life and death coin many times she'll no doubt be quite quite useful in the shadowlands number seven teron Gori teron is different than all the other dead Knights but I had to include him because he was the dead Knight the most powerful of the first generation teron Gore was a respected Shaman of the shadon council that got close to gulan and became a warlock being one of the most powerful ones in the entire horde eventually goldan took dead stormy Knights sacrificed theiron and imbued his spirit with the kn kns Reviving teron Gore as teron Gore from that point he served a horde with powerful andromatic energies sort of new energies and ultimately after the war he returned to Drano there teron gathered the artifacts for nul and actually rode on the back of death R himself to fulfill his ultimate plan however as he returned to danan again he faced off against theelen fell in battle but his spirit rose from the broken body and just escaped mysteriously he returned again and in some way we don't know what way exactly he joined elen and we had to face off against him at the black Temple there he set at the wheel of death his spa for him many times and that it will spin again which makes it seem like he might return at some point and the shallow land seemed like that point no one really knows how he worked exactly what powered him but it is certain that teron Gori was one of the most powerful first generation dead Knights and really the prototype for what was to come number six Taurus trollbane the former king of strong God and the direct descendant of the troll Bane bloodline the most notable human lineage that dates back before human kingdoms were even a p Taurus was as Royal as you can get he was a natural Warrior a dominant King and played a very important role in the orcish Wars leading his troops personally in many battles and claiming victories in the most critical of times however after the war with the interent camps and disagreements on taxes strong guards spit from the alliance of lordon and it's at some point the King was murdered by his son who had claimed the throne for himself for years he was buried in the Crypt but during Legion the Knights of the play decided to raise him as one of the new four horsemen subsequently he participated in all major missions from the battles on the broken Shore to the attempted resurrection of Tyrion for currently taorus is still an active member and will no doubt be important in the shadowlands as a human he was said to be the largest and the physically strongest King of the alliance he was an impressive Warrior as well as a leader which is exactly where the dead Knights decided to seek him out of all the other fallen heroes in desperate times while proven to an extent we yet to see what Tran can do as a de Knight and how he will continue his Bloodlines Legacy number five alexandros MRA the ashbringer and one of the greatest paladins that ever existed alexandros was a veteran of the orcish Wars and one of the biggest enemies of the scourge of lordon as he wiped them out left and right one day however he was surrounded by a whole landed Army that he managed to obliterate all by himself but as he fell from fatigue he was stabbed by his son Reno who was in turn manipulated by anet kilad raised Moran as a dead Knight took him to an extremus and he became a member of the first four horsemen the most elite of all the dead nights he was ultimately freed by his sarion that defeated him and ultimately sacrific himself in order to free the soul of his father Alexandra's Soul was once again claimed by frostborn at the Battle for light scope Chapel but was subsequently freed now alexandros is placed in m xas in the shadowlands and we will see him in the new expansion well Mor he hasn't really done all that much as a de Knight alexandros was a veteran a legendary Paladin and a warrior a oneman army and ultimately one of the most powerful dead Knights that ever existed number four Danos sang tranos is definitely a better Warrior than he was a that Knight but his Warrior skills 100% s translated as he was only enhanced in unde the heart of dor as his father named him he's the son of the legendary orc Warrior verok and the nephew of the even more legendary Brock cigar the red he was loved by his people and even by troll who considered him as a primary option for a Warchief calling him the brightest star in the sky of for warriors during the campaign against the L King he led the offensive into nor end and was quite successful but ultimately he fell at the rat gate as he charged artist he was slain in one strike his soul was taken as he was raised as dead bringer sou he was said to have been the most powerful dead Knight of the LED King and was probably a personal favorite of artist although that might be a bit exaggerated to bring up some flavor text for the ice Crown cadel now not to Discount him as he was incredibly powerful he easily just sted the hord Warriors including one of the most powerful ones his father Vero sang this act alone means he as a dead Knight was many times more powerful than his a warrior and he was quite a power void ultimately we defeated him he was given proper barrier rights and Ranos is remembered as one of the most tragic characters of The Horde a promising orc with a bright future that fell in battle against the L King number three Darion MRA Darion is a troubled soul a paladin and one of the greatest dead Knights ever known he is the son of Alexander smra he fought the undead of Lord Ron and was dedicated to free his father's soul from the corrupted ashbringer he charged kilad himself in a last Ed effort to do an act of Love greater than the act of evil and he plunged the ashbringer into his own chest seemingly freeing his father's sword and damag himself to unde Darion was made the high lord of the Dead Knights of aus and had now worked for the LED King then under LED King's control he attacked light scope Chapel this time on the other side and in doing so he rebelled and gave the ashbringer to Tyrion mine then led the newly free dead NS and he helped us defeat his former Master the L King the son of alexandros then made a pack with bvar attempting to raise Theon for dring failed and was killed then was resurrected once again however in the process he managed to easily subdue some of the most powerful paladins like Maxwell and the shadowlands he will play a role but is no longer the high Lord of theen Blade as he has stepped down now he is the leader of the Four Horsemen the most elite of the Dead Knights and really is one of the best fighters that dead Knights have to offer number two bolvar for Dragon the ruler of St in the absence of Aran bin and one of the greatest paladins of all time as he led the alliance set of Redgate he fell and only survived due to the Dragon's Flames then he was tortured meress aboutus but managed to survive and keep a state between life and death it is uncertain when exactly he became a dead Knight because he didn't go to the traditional process as a dead Knight would nor did he ever serve arus as a dead Knight when arst fell bolar immediately took the throne and became the wedge King he was never nearly as powerful as arus as the scourge was significantly weakened at that point but he still had quite a bit of influence bvar came to the new agreement with Yan blade empowered them and collaborated attempting to strengthen his position as he most likely knew what was coming and what was going on with the Jailer he helped us against the legion raised new Dead Knights and ultimately he faced off against Sylvanas while bolvar did offer some resistance he couldn't really do a thing against jail Empower savanas and therefore before he lost the crown and the Lich King was no more now he is the leader of the EV blade and is really the primary active death knight we've never really seen him in combat so it is hard to offer concrete data on how powerful he is but look at it this way one of the strongest padons a guy that survived the worst torture ever he survived that plague that was Strong by forsaken the L King for many years and now a dead Knight as bvar he has been on all sides of life he is at the very least an elite dead Knight and at the most the strongest currently active Death Knight on all of azot and lastly number one arus mantil the that Knight the favorite of nou a fallen Prince that turned into the LED King originally arus was an apprentice Paladin and a very skilled Warrior but his true power would only show after death as he took on frostborn and defeated meanus arus was consumed and became the heir to the LED King he was the personal favorite of nou and ultimately his only hope arus was significantly empowered by his master as he killed his father and with relative ease dismantle lordon then he invaded quas killed the elred king an aan in single combat an elf that he had thousands of years of experience as well as defeated Sylvanas and race her she too was quite experienced then he invaded Delan killed literally the strongest Mage at the time and tonas and then battled Iden in a duel being quite equally matched subsequently as he was called by nul to take over the throne he was getting Progressive weaker he still nonetheless dominated everyone in his pth arus faced off a forgotten one and defeated the army of Iden kilas and Lady Vash ultimately just as he was about to reach the throne he defeated Iden in a duel surean wasn't as powerful as he is now but this is literally the Jailer of sagas and an ancient demonic being alus then became aedge king and we can't really count that because that is hardly a that KN but if we do he then defeated even more people raed like almost everyone on this list including the dragons in dagosa killed Ranos in a single blow and defeated all of us so yeah if you haven't figured it out by now artist was literally the most powerful that KN that we have ever known seen and that will most likely ever even see as Servants of the light paladins have existed throughout the entire Cosmos from the drite to humans to even the Nim while different and diverse they're all quite similar focused on serving helping and fighting there's something of a mix between a priest and a warrior and while having the fate of a priest they also possess the strength of a warrior however looking at all the major important characters and the entire universe who are the strongest paladins around number 10 arst mantil despite being known by everyone as allege King Artis was actually a really promising Paladin back when he was the prince of lordon as the son of teranas mantil arus was the heir to the throne of lordon and was inducted in into the Knights of the silver hand at the age of 19 in storman City it was quite a big deal at the time as figures such as alonso's foul Gan greyman Tora stroll Bane dily and proudmore were present and he was blessed by the most notable pans around uter saden Tyrion and Gavin rat despite being a servant of the light and also very young he was also one of the best warriors in all the lands sparring with VAR in Rin defeating Orcs And trolls with his skills and later on even the Ane unfortunately his hot-headedness and arrogance led to his demise and arst became a dead Knight in the L King having abandoned the light while he was very young when compared to others he was in fact a really capable Palin and he did actually defeat all of his enemies his only problem was that he was not really too wise and therefore he fell into the trap in my opinion arus was much more of a warrior Paladin and he excelled at that aspect while his faith in the light and Will was much weaker when compared to his PE number nine lady leadin originally lady radin was a high priestess and really one of the rare Servants of delight amongst the elves as a priest she participated in the battle against the yamani and a horrific fall qu toas against the undead Scourge due to the absolute Slaughter of the elves she became disillusioned with the light and in a way abandoned it however as anaru was kidnapped by kelas and taken to the last she created a brand new order of pins the blood Knights that siphon the light by force from the Naru which was quite unique and kind of foolish from this current perspective however a few years later she redeemed herself and her people by reigniting the sunwell and turning to the right side of the light subsequently she turned her attention to the scourge and ultimately the destruction of the Legion playing a key role in the very recent process as lead was a part of the battle for azro she will no doubt also be relevant within the shadowlands as at the moment leadin is one of the most notable paladins that we have and one of the most important horde blood elen paladins or better yet a blood Knight number eight bolvar for Dragon so bvar was never really a highly accomplished Paladin but his will was something that very few an azot Ever possessed originally for Dragon was a venerated Paladin of the alliance and his most important Ro was as a ruler of Stormwind in the absence of Arian friend then his time to shine was during the battle against the LED King as at first he defended Stormwind from The Scourge surpr attack and then he led the north campaign ultimately laying Siege to the very Gates of the ice ground CAD due to the Betrayal of The Forsaken and the meddling of f mattress he fell and almost died but was saved by Dragon Flames then he was captured by the L King and tortured mercilessly this is exactly why I'm placing him on this list because he was never actually broken despite being on the actual brink of death and this was not your regular torture as the LED King artist definitely knew what weak points to push to get someone to submit from that point forth bolar would serve as a ledg king and now will be a major player in the shadowlands now despite no crazy achievements as a paladin his indomitable will is something very Paladin likee and also something only the strongest Believers would be able to endure number seven alexandros MRA the ashbringer alexandros is one of the most distinguished human paladins of all time a veteran of the orcish Wars he acquired the famous blade by using an orb of an orc warlock as a member of the silver hand he was instrumental in the struggle against the l king and the defense of lordon he swore to defeat the undead and free his homeland and was actually so successful in that resistance that he became a torn in the side of kazad and the dread so in order to to defeat him because they couldn't do it in regular combat the Nim corrupted his son Reno during a trap in Strat hole alexandros was completely surrounded by a massive group of Undead but standing alone he managed to destroy every single one of them with the aid of the light one after the other unfortunately after he dropped his blade due to fatigue he was stabbed in the back by his son ultimately becoming a dead his soul was subsequently freed when his son Darion plunged the ashbringer into his own chest and currently as far as we know the spirit of MRA is within malis why that is is a bit confusing at this point in time and we will find out soon enough but alexandros no doubt is one of the greatest Servants of life that ever lived a defender of Lord Ron and an exceptional Paladin number six Lan really the most unique Paladin out there as well is one of the most confusing ones so Lan is a dreadlord a Nim and was a member of of the Legion that haunted down creatures of the board as he was defeated by the void Locus Walker and spared he saw a new purpose and joined the Grand Army of the light led by Zera and was completely changed having been almost entirely infused by the new light energy now he is a high commander of the army and he is powerful not just because he's as close to the light source as you can get but because he's also an ancient nine and they are one of the most devious and Powerful beings in the universe he helped us defeat seras and honestly everyone my shocked that the dread Lord could become a paladin and a servant of the light however now with a new Shadowland spoiler lore it might turn out that he never served the legion nor the light and that he's working for someone entirely different and that it was all Aro although none of this is actually confirmed at this point in time despite all of that a paladin Nim High commander of the Grand Army of the light can't be anything other than just straight out powerful number five Marat despite not being among the first on the list marad is actually one of the most powerful paladins in the universe if not for anything but his age we don't know exactly how old marad is but must be thousands of years old and by that fact alone he is a lot more experienced than the humans having been a servant of the light for many Millennium we know that he fought the Legion on many occasions in the past and that he also battled the or and ranor but in that defense he failed due to his thirst for pence from that point forward he has searched for a way to make up for that being quite aggressive for atan preferring offense to meditation he participated in the northern campaign and was an instructor of the light for the alliance races on Azeroth bringing much greater Clarity ultimately he confusingly died in the alternate universe in the new battle for shatat as he was killed by blackand while protecting gel despite his tragic death he did ultimately redeem himself losing his life as a servant of the light and a protector of his people number four four Jurel so Jurel is a relatively new character and was completely unimportant initially we encountered her as a slave and had freed her and prior to that she was a promising healer that caught the eye of Ellen but nothing really too out of the orderin however as time went on her role became greater and greater first she helped us on a few missions but then she played a part in almost everything we did on Alternate renor fighting everything from Orcs to ogres to even nearly defeating black him ultimately Gerel participated in the battle against the burning Legion and helped us defeat arim now from that point forth nothing is known until suddenly a lot of time passes on Alternate an or and we learn that she has now become a leader of the lightbound the fanatical danite that essentially took oror serving the light mother aside from that we know nothing about her and whether we will actually see her again while she hasn't proven herself that much as a paladin yel is literally the leader of an entire planet right now ruled by the light and I'd say probably the most powerful person on Al alternate D if we do see her again I think Kel will be much more than just a lost Priestess number three Uther when you think of a paladin you really think of Uther the lightbringer he was a dedicated follower from his youth as well as an accomplished Knight during the orcish War as the priests realized that fate is not enough the order of feldons was formed combining martial press as well as the belief in the light the first order of the silver hand was created and Uther was one of the five founding paladins as well as their leader later on Uther played a key role in the orcish Invasion and even the greatest Knights were in awe of him and his ability to smash Orcs and heal Fallen allies at the same time earning his title the light Braker as the war concluded the order spread and more paladins were trained and added but really uter was a pioneer of the class on azro as the scourge Invasion began he was the first on the front line seeking the plague and defending against the undead defending lordon But ultimately he fell against his former student artist a portion of his soul was taken by frostmore while the other was sent to Bastion and he became a krian that will play a key role in the shadowlands Uther is one of the most dedicated paladins to have ever lived with an unshakable belief in the light and through that dedication and skills he has without a doubt proven that number two Tyrion for drink the high Lord or better known as the guy that defeated the LED king or originally Tyrion was a skilled Warrior and was knighted at the very young age of 18 while at the same time being a follower of the light due to his skill he was chosen as one of the five original palins of the silver hand and he played a crucial role in the second four subsequently he was Lord of M the whole keep until he stood up for the or E and was thus exiled now he reappeared following the death of his son with the formation of the arent Crusade essentially reforming the old silver hand then he led the offensive into Norland against the scourge and he his role was instrumental without him it is highly likely that we would have actually lost despite being crucial in the minor campaigns he actually participated in the battle against arst when he with the ashbringer defeated the Lich King and saved us all with that done tyan returned to the pl LS to fight the remnants of the scourge but peace was quite shortlived as the burning Legion invaded only a few years later he once again led the arent Crusade but this time he failed here resisted the Giant crus and even survived But ultimately the light could not save him from the terrible torture he would receive while tyan foring was an exceptional warrior in appelin the reason I'm pacing him second is due to his dedication to theight he was 100% devoted and it had saved him on many occasions despite dying at the battle against the legion he endured such insane damage that only his fate could allow and literally no one else would be able to accomplish such a feat and lastly number one terellian trellion is like the Uber Paladin and I'd really say the most accomplished one ever originally he was nothing too different from U or tyon Teran was amongst the first five paladins of his silver hand and was actually a priest before he turned into a paladin Teran played an insanely important role in the orcish war and this one of the reasons the humans even managed to win as after the death of andon lar he rallied the alliance armies against the Orcs then he led the sons of lar to put an end to the hord on danor and when the planet was destroyed he was seemingly lost forever following his disappearance he encountered the naroa and became a member of the army of the light ultimately becoming a commander of the said Army and the leader now as time worked differently in the alternate reality he spent Millennia fighting the legion and serving delight and despite not being too different in terms of age when compared to uter for example terellian has thousands of years of experience and he has worked with a light closer than almost anyone else recently he returned helped us defeat seras and Conquer Argus and he also rejoined the the alliance once again becoming a champion of it theion is the hero of the alliance a living legend and I'd say the most important Paladin currently active as opposed to others he leads the army of the light and is as close to the source as you can get giv a much deeper understanding than what for example the humans back on azero can't because of this I'd say the Alan is the most powerful Paladin that we know as I've previously stated warlocks are one of the most powerful classes in the game if not the most powerful one at the same time warlocks are also one of the most unstable and risky classes due to being so incredibly potent and often prone to Insanity from cosmic beings such as kill Jaden to orc warlocks they have left an incredible Mark upon World of Warcraft utilizing many fail energy along with other potent Magics what are the most powerful warlocks in the law number 10 Zulu head the whack as the Orcs were influenced by the forces of the burning Legion they were CAU off off from the elements and shamans and mass turned to demonic Magics becoming warlocks zuluk had the whack was one of the few if not the last remaining Shaman of the entire horde due to distrust for goldan and his general power but ultimately he too eventually succumb to dark magics zulette was incredibly loyal to blackand later on pledged allegiance to the Dragon Ball Clan and despite working for the sons of blackand he also ate the doomhammer in particular he came into the possession of the fable Demon Soul which ultimately helped subjugate the red dragon fight zulik head directed The Horde to take over the Black Rock Mountain and follow the horde in battle against the High Elves of quas after the second war and the failure of The Horde he ventured back to dor survived the destruction and at an unknown point in time pledged what remained of his clan to Ill it there using his experience he had Enslaved the netherwing dragon but was ultimately defeated Zulu head whack was one of the most powerful orc warlocks maybe even close to goldan but of course was not nearly as empowered by the legion number nine krad Ebon loock one of the most notable and curious human warlocks he was present as an alliance member during the battle against tillan at the top of black Temple and since then he was just obsessed with gaining more and more power he wanted to learn about how Ilan managed to control demons despite not being a member of the burning Legion himself additionally after the fall of deadwing he formed the Council of the black Harvest with the greatest warlocks of azro after learning about the power left by ragnaros and choal he ventured to Outland once again to continue his mission to search for more power unfortunately his curiosity was his downfall as he absorbed too much fail and was corrupted turning into a monstrous demonic form Canad Was Defeated banished and later returned back to the fold once again to serve the Council of the black Harvest helping us defeat the burning Legion despite being defeated he is one of the most notable and was one of the most powerful warlocks of azro he literally enslaved a bit Lord and turned him into a minion and controlled an army of demons essentially turning into like a discount mini Elin number eight Merill Fel stor Merill is literally one of the most unique characters in the entire game he is nearly 3,000 years old essentially the oldest human ever if he can even be considered a human at this point we know that he fought in the ancient troll of Wars thousands of years ago and it is speculated that he's among the first 100 human Mages taught by the elves he was killed in the war against the Trolls but managed to stay alive in an undead form as his task was too great so he is one of the first Undead everon azero that we know NE forsaken or having anything to do with the scourge Merill winter storm was one of the founding members of of the Council of disis and was later a mentor of the son of miv Medan now just to show you how badass this guy is is best seen by the fact that he allowed a dreadlord to possess him so that the two Wills could battle each other inside his head he did win but unfortunately the corruption started to set him he exiled himself and changed his name to felstorm but unfortunately his demon returned in Legion as the dread Lord attacked dalat ultimately though he was freed from the corruption he reformed the ter got the elite Mage guard of Delan and helped us defeat the Legion now I know he's part of the Mage J hole but as always the classes are never black and white in the lore he was one of the first human Mages more than likely but first off he was Undead which means he must have dabl in necromancy he literally had a demon inside him which not even warlocks T to do and his old action figure was him literally just wearing a warlock set so despite his class not being too clear meral Fel stormm is one of the most powerful warlocks in azot as well as one of the most experienced number seven nerul Chien of the Shadow Mo Clan and one of the finest shamans in all of orish history his glorious incredibly confusing due to a million different threatcon but we know that he wasn't really that bad of a guy and that he was sted by kill Jaden and goldan leading the hord to form and ultimately to their Doom eventually nul became a warlock and he remained and ranor ultimately becoming a war chief of the remaining Clans attempted to open portals to new worlds for the to invade his spells and portals were so powerful that they literally tore the planet apart as he attempted to escape he was taken away by kill Jaden tortured and turned into the very first ledge king then as a ledge king he did the entire Scourge thing and the plag ofan death nearly conquering half the planet although not sure how much of that can really be attributed to his personal skills or anything to do with warlocks but nonetheless nul was behind most he wasn't that much of a fighter so we really don't have a million different scenarios where he was defeating enemies left and right but seeing that kill Jaden sought to use him as a l king and that he was such a key figure nul is one of the most influential shamans and warlocks number six choal one of the rare two-headed Hol loers thought to have been one of the most intelligent of all them so intelligent in fact that the ruling Elite saw him as an enemy and wanted to just assassinate him however choal found gulan learn fell and learned about the pale Orcs And the void then with his Arcane expertise fell magic and void energies he tied and burned the emperator marok alive shal was one of the key members of the old hord and T he been among the most powerful ones as well he led the void cult together with Gan But ultimately was nearly killed as his master died following the th of SAS he wented to cindor where he heeded the calls of the old gods there he took over the Twilight scammer and nearly managed to summon an old God but was ultimately defeated by Madan shokal survived this Oreal and continued furthering the cult he had enslaved Elementals summoned what is thought to be a forgotten one and greatly expanded the twilight's Hammer however ultimately he was defeated by the adventures despite failing shal is just just out of this world like literally out of this world an intelligent Mage a warlock a necromancer and a practitioner of every possible dark magic Under the Sun seeing that he himself defeated the emperor of the ogres one of the most powerful characters of danor and had great command over both Arcane fell and void Magics shal is one of the greatest warlocks of both azot and Drano number five Medi one of the greatest characters of the warcraft series a guardian a mage a necromancer and a warlock it is hard to really classify him but he could definitely be classified as a warlock by the definition at least among other things so miv is the son of Adrian one of the most powerful Mages Ever Was the Last Guardian that was possessed by the spirit of seras sin birth while his role was instrumental I do feel like his strength is a bit overblown but he was no doubt one of the most powerful Sorcerers ever on azot his mother literally said he is more powerful than her and she defeated the Avatar of SAS the only thing that undermines his strength is that he was defeated by loar and Kar but before his supposed death he had accomplished many things among one of the things he literally opened a dark portal that managed to allow the entirety of the orcish hord to pass through and to Scorch the entire Zone in terms of straight off power he turned a group of merchants into dead Knight like dark riders with a single spell and there was an old bit of lore how he su a gigantic Beetle that was literally turned into an island but I feel like this bit might have been redon he communicated with goldan worked with demonic Magic and was possessed by sargeras himself which is more than almost any other warlock in the universe has going for them number four keltus I know everyone here would say he is a mage not a borlock but is he really kelus was a blood Mage one of the finest Mages of the entire Alliance and a senior member of the Kor and as qual the last fell he had abandoned the Arcane and turned towards demonic energies as classes are not so black and white in game if you have a mage using demonic Magics and later on turning nearly half demon what is he if not really a warlock as sunell fell he searched for a way to ease the hunger of his people ultimately wering to Outland and joining gin and siphoning Fel magic however his plans became quite different as he betrayed Elan and began working for kill Jaden directly he been granted a lot more power he attacked chanat and temper keep ultimately leading the danai to breach azal and to progress their story as they had after being defeated in tempers keep he somehow managed to survive having his appearance completely changed to Fel magic he returned to quas assaulted his own kingdom and almost managed to summon kill Jaden into the world however as he was defeated keltus could be found in the lands as one of the most powerful souls to arrive having caught the eye of sire the Atrius himself he then Amplified his sins and almost destroyed his Souls only to ultimately be freed by us even as a mage he was one of the most powerful on all of azro with Incredible abilities and being able to destroy Orcs with a single spell as I mentioned classes are very vague and wow but in my opinion kilus was ultimately a warlock by definition I mean this guy almost managed to summon the second in command SAS and just by the fact that the nas decided to pick him out of so many other Souls that arrive from the entire universe should tell you just how powerful kilas really is number three goldan there are two gold ants both incredibly powerful although the alternate one is definitely more powerful than the other the two stories conflict often but they match for the most part golden was exactly what an orc should not be a weakling a schemer and a backstabber however these skills were exactly what was needed as he got in touch with the legion and acquired demonic Powers he was directly responsible for essentially enslaving the entire orcish race creating the original hord and leading the invasion of azod in the initial story he raised the to of SAS in search for artifacts and was killed by demons and his skull was used as a very powerful artifact in the alternate story line he was sent to azot after failing to take over ranor and he had nearly conquered the planet but was once again defeated despite failing gulan was literally the most powerful mortal warlock ever hands down first off while he was weak physically he was incredibly powerful and could literally drain the life of most enemies on site his Magics are responsible for the destruction ranor he literally raised the to from under the sea then alternate goldan was crazy empowered by the legion and he literally blasted Varan one of the most powerful warriors ever with a single touch even before the full empowerment he was as powerful as Kadar as we have seen in the battles despite being the most powerful of borlock hands down at least from the Mortal ranks in a straight out battle his main power came from scheming and backstabbing ways as after all the original one was defeated by Doom Hammer even though Gan lost essentially two times you can't really say that he failed as after all the original hord nearly destroyed the human kingdoms and the alternate one did quite a bit of damage and RoR as well as on azero number two arimon the defiler the aidar overlord of the Legion forces and the former leader of Argus as SAS offered him unprecedented power he together with kill Jaden jointed if kill Jaden is the right hand arimon would be the left while his brother was cunning and manipulative arimon was also intelligent but was more of a direct Frontline General known as The Mad V Lord in the fist of sillas in fact he was so brutal and heartless that almost any failure to do with what he said would result in death arimon was also incredibly powerful both physically and as a sorcerer first off he was one of the most powerful Mages in the universe then he consumed ungodly amounts of hell and became one of the strongest warlocks in all of existence really he and kill Jaden are like two levels or like 10 levels different when compared to other Mortal warlocks arimon sna the ne neck quite easily of the ancient malorne he literally destroyed CEST worlds as a general and as you might have seen he just shattered the entirety of Delan with a single spell by playing with a little sand cast then all the heroes and the best Mages and Shaman such as jrol and maurion fought him but not even there was enough and it took the entire world three just to defeat his for now in War of thanor he was defeated by us with the help of other notable figures and the entire orc and Rai armies now despite his relatively easy defeat with which I mayly attribute to just bad writing arimon was one of the strongest not just warlocks but beings in the entire universe across the entire cosmology chart and lastly number one kill Jaden actually one of the two leaders of Argus alongside ven with arimon only later becoming a ruler himself kill Jaden was one of the finest majors of all time that became the right hand of sagas as he was empowered by him to the absolute Max while arimon was the front Commander kill jayen was the deceiver the guy behind the scenes the manipulator he recruited like half the burning Legion he got the Orcs to defeat the ranai and the azod he supposedly created liching although that is a bit challenged now and orchestrated a million different actions helping SAS conquer countless planets even in straight out combat kill Jaden is no doubt incredibly powerful albe it we never saw too much action including him seeing that he literally just created a Lich King from nul so you could guess how powerful he really was as a villain he also empowered goldan and allowed him to do essentially anything notable he did now I know people might say how is he the most powerful warlock of all time when we literally just defeated him in the raid group but keep in mind we didn't defeat him it was illan cat garll and us with incredibly powerful artifacts from all over AAL that possess incredible power I also think blizzard just nerfed him low wise in order to progress the story but he was essentially the second in power when compared to sagas and K erations to take over the entire Legion whether he was more powerful than arimon it is really hard to say so i''s say the number one and two on this list is a really close match but I would say he was more intelligent and more than likely more well wored in Magic and fell in top 10 strongest Mages in World of Warcraft focusing only on humanoid Mages and not characters that later progressed into other classes so without further Ado let's get into the lore number 10 Grand maest Roat as a very talented Mage romat spent a significant amount of time in Delan holding his craft his power was very formidable earning him the rank of an arch Mage which very few can ever achieve during the tragic Scourge invasion of qu talas romat was present in Silver Moon and was in charge of the city's defenses he played an important role in evacuating the survivors to the aisle of quanas even though he couldn't really stop the scourge as his predecessor Bell died romat became the grand mag and a very close advisor to Prince kilas he followed him to Outland although unlike most of the Expedition he had to return to azot in order to teach the majority of the blood elves that AED the new ways of magic given to them by ilin while there he helped his people reclaim their Fallen Kingdom and get rid of the remnants of the scourge when kilas betrayed his people romat was devastated but nonetheless remained loyal to Silver Moon and the blood Els since then he played a part in almost every major event that occurred on azero in the past 10 years including the recent burning Legion Invasion a ro omat is an arch Mage and the current leader of all of the blood Elven Magi making him one of the strongest alive Wizards Of The Horde number nine Ronin Ronin was once a talented young Mage with a very promising future however during the second war when casting a spell against a Band Of Orcs he inad ently killed his companions this lost him the trust of the Kor and it took quite some time until he was given a chance to redeem himself on a near suicide mission in kasm modan he helped free alexza and defeat the orc chapts this action regained his Prestige and his position within the Mage hierarchy later on Ronin played an even more significant role as he was transported back into the War of the Ancients where he helped heal a rift in time that could have been devastating on the world of aerod not long after Ronin became the leader of the kentor during the campaign against Ares in Northend not only did he help in the battle against the scourge but he also helped with the planetary re origination signal from uar however when The Horde attack teramore Ronin bravely sacrificed himself against the manab bomb confining the EXP explosion and saving Jana proudmore even though deceased Ronin went down in history as one of the most powerful and accomplished Mages on azot number eight antonidas ever since he was a boy antonidas was one of the most promising students at the age of 12 he already received a prestigious award from the kiden tour as antonidas Grew Older he honed his abilities and it was not long until he became an important part of the Delan hierarch and later on the very leader of the Kieran tour before the second war he pledged the Loyalty of Delan to the alliance in order to battle the incoming orcish Trent as the Orcs were defeated eventually and rounded into interent camps he then did significant studies on them and the fail magic they were infected by after the war and during the scourge Invasion he remained as the leader of dadan even though his health was already starting to significantly dwindle antonidas became obsessed with researching the plague and its properties that he ignored the warnings from adiv in Disguise he did realize his mistakes later on when artist laid sieg to Delan and he convinced Jana to depart for kendor antonidas then created a powerful magical barrier around the city but sadly it was not enough to stop the endless Undead Scourge eventually the defenses were completely shattered and artists murdered antonidas who decided to hold his ground in his own city today he is remembered as one of the most important Mages of azod and is held in high regard by the kentor and the City of Delan number seven Arch Mage Moda as a member of the Council of six Moda has been active through azo's most perilous times she played a part in discovering death Ming banishing kilad and even standing against the scourge invasion of Delan when the city was ultimately destroyed she stayed inside Alan and survived some years later Moda took part in the defense of the new Delan against the blue dragon flight when it was moved above Crystal song Forest as one of the top majes of the Kor she was a crucial part in many of the political Affairs most importantly the banishing of the blood Els from the city as well as leading an expedition into the aisle of Thunder against lean M Then followed up on the offensive against the iron horde and the Legion on the alternate world of tranor ultimately returning to defend as rot against the legion recently she was a crucial part in forming the Terrace guard and strengthening the world's defense even though not really in the spotlight like many of the other Mages Moda has played a part in some of the most important events on azod with even Jana acknowledging that she is more powerful than she seems number six alode alodi was a half Elven Mage that never really knew his real parents he was raised in the Delan orphanage but due to his mixed ancestry no one really expected him to have any potential nevertheless the young Mage was fascinated with frost magic because of the staff ebonchill which was the only connection he had to his biological parents as a young adult he made one of the most important leaps in the technology of Delan and that was changing the Council of trisol and the way the spear had worked this essentially created the guardian system and the way the other Mages could transfer power in a form of a council while being at a very safe distance alodi became the very first guardian of trisol and this tradition would last for thousands of years as a guardian he continued to develop his Mastery of cross magic enhancing Ean shill with his own powers after a 100 years he passed down his title of the guardian and at some unknown point in time died however his Spirit was forever bound to the forge of the Guardians meaning that the kentor could contact him very very recently he appeared in the Violet Hold and Infused the adventure in order to defeat the invading dreadlord Al Loi even though his Spirit essentially Immortal is one of the most important Mages that ever lived on azot known for becoming the very first guardian of tius fall number five Jana proudmore born only 3 years prior to the first war Jana is one of the most accomplished young Mages she was a direct Apprentice to antonidas the leader of the Kor and with natural magical Talent it wasn't long until she became one of his most trusted agents because of this antonidas sent Jana to examine the plague discovering the heart of the scourge that devoured Lord Ron seeing all of this she led as many survivors as possible to kendor eventually forming the city of teramore while there one of her biggest accomplishments ever was helping put an end to arimon and the legion Invasion that was very close to destroying all of azod later on from teramore Jana became an important part of the diplomatic relations between the alliance and The Horde but when gash took over there was nothing she could do to stop him gash invaded teramore and dropped a devastating Mana bomb on the city Jana did manage to survive but this experience drastically changed her both mentally and physically due to the death of ronin she became the leader of the Kor for a time but ever since this tragic event instead of being neutral diplomatic she has been leaning more and more onto the Alliance side today she's fighting the burning Legion and her future is very unpredictable but there is no doubt that Jana proudmore is one of the most powerful and most accomplished Mages especially considering her current age number four cgar khadgar was an apprentice of medivh and a very unique character when he discovered that Medi was possessed by seras he helped defeat him however in the process he was cursed to look much older at a very young age nevertheless that didn't stop him from accomplishing ing incredible Feats of Strength such as destroying the dark portal during the alliance expedition to Drano he stayed for a while on Outland after the planet was shattered learning much from the Naru later returning to the world of azal he once again came back to tranor this time the alternate universe where he played a very crucial role in the campaign today Kadar is leading the Kor in Delan and is the central figure in the resistance against the burning Legion the most notable battle he land is the assault on the broken Shore where the conflict is ongoing khadgar is the most accomplished Mage on the world of azod and a very powerful one as well with medivh even saying that he would make a better Guardian than himself even though lacking the power of the thinis Fallen number number three agin Magna agan was the most powerful female mage of Delan she became the last traditional Guardian as she refused to return her powers due to a lack of trust in the council as well as sera's induced paranoia her most notable achievement was fighting and defeating the actual avator of serenas ultimately creating the to of serenas on the broken sure Adrian formed Kazan and evaded the council for many years that sought to capture her and force her to return to her guardian Powers after a very very long journey she decided to pass down her energy to her son miv giving up the mantle of the Guardian on her own terms unfortunately she also transferred the essence of SAS that had been lingering inside her ever since the famous battle centuries ago Adrian ultimately sacrificed herself in the fight against choal at a very very late stage in her life with the guardian powers and even later after the powers Adrian was an incredibly strong Mage being able to resurrect her son miv and cast devastating magic today the history she created a long time ago is playing a significant part in the current invasion of the burning Legion number two miv miv was the final guardian of tisell and the one who really ended the thousand-year-old tradition from his very birth he received incredible powers from the council and the essence of seras transferred from his mother the these two combined made miv insanely powerful yet no one ever really knew the extent of his true power after he opened the dark portal he was defeated by anduin when they learned about his mind being possessed by seras some years later he was resurrected by Adan and he attempted to redeem himself as a mysterious Prophet by warning various parties to sail to calor in order to create a United Force to fight arimon his role there was significant and most likely if he didn't do what he did azod could have been destroyed very recently he made an appearance in kazen talking to khadgar but he's still an incredibly mysterious figure no one really knows what form he is in and what is really going on with miv in his current state it is hard to say how powerful miv is exactly or if he even has a portion of his old power but before with both the guardian enhancement and the spirit of seras he was definitely at the time the strongest spellcaster on azot lastly number one Queen asara over 10,000 years ago asara was the queen of the cerai the strongest Knight Elven Empire that ruled over a significant portion of azero she played an important part in the war of the Ancients as as Shara allied with the burning Legion incredibly impressed by their power as the leader of the Highborn she was a master of Arcane magic and with the well of Eternity at her doorstep and at her disposal her might was endless the biggest contributor to her power was definitely the gigantic of magic but nevertheless she was also incredibly proficient in siphoning this Arcane energy at the peak and the end of the war of the Ancients the sanding happened that shattered the world and as Shara sunk to the bottom of the ocean turning into a Naga together with her followers today not much is really known about her apart from being the queen of Daga and a servant of the old gods her current class could possibly be different but as far as we know she is still a mage just in a different form instead of being a Highborn she's a Naga and she is definitely the most powerful Mage that ever lived on the world of azeron lightly armored assassins ready to attack when least expected utilizing stealth poisons and striking from the Shadows despite being one of the coolest classes not many major characters are actually Rog which makes sense when you think about it as generally Rogues work from behind the scenes and ien really there taking all the glory Aller power comes from striking when least expected compared to most classes Rogues are barely a class it's more like a really loose weight to characterize them as they can be everything from criminals to vens to just straight out assassins and just a bunch of other things however what are the most powerful Rogues out there in the warcraft L Vanessa van CLE the daughter of Edwin vanle that watched him when he was defeated by forces she was adopted later on and when she grew up she became a leader of the reform defi Brotherhood as it once again became a serious threat to storming but as a fake her own death and join the unround in Legion even fighting the son of v and the high General AES one of the most powerful demons ever alongside garona Hef Orin she is still active to this day as a part of the onc even though we don't really know what she does while Vanessa is said to not be as killed in close combat as her father edin she's nonetheless powerful and very skillful in crafting poisons especially those that cause hallucinations and just straight out Insanity Vanessa even challenged the Rogue Champion as the players in combat and was originally one of the leaders of the anround but blizzard later removed her Admiral tetus as opposed to many of the Assassins on this list this guy is a high ranking member of the blood sail Buccaneers who are none other than the absolutely most dangerous pirates on all of azeron they are known as the least wealthy of all the pirate groups because these guys don't collect tribute as no one survives their RS Fleet Admiral tus is the leader of those around booty Bay and I think that is as much of a description as you would need to see how powerful this guy is the legion he joined the AR crown and became one of the leaders of all the Rogues as a part of the Council of shadows as a pirate he's experienced in both Naval and land combat and seeing that he survived leading the scourge that are the blood sail Buccaneers you can imagine he's quite powerful himself Zulan everyone knows zuljan but all the people know is that he's listed as a rogue even though he's really loose related to them as he's more considered a warrior or an ax threr however zuljan can also be considered the oog as he's notable for his stealth and Ambush tactics and working from the Shadows he's even known as the Rogue troll as an nanii troll he hated the high eles and mounted many raids on them which were extremely deadly which is why they hated him back he joined the original horde was captured by hes and had to cut off his own arm to escape and later he launched a new attack only to be defeated in DBC Zen is known for having captured and tortured lar on himself and for constantly resisting High element rers and fighting them and a test to his power is the fact that he challenged other troll Warlords to combat which is how he United yamani and he is someone that has been fighting his whole life how much he's in Rogue it is hard to tell as we don't have great accounts of his personal combat but he is without a doubt one of the most powerful ones edin van CLE interestingly enough this guy is is actually a builder A Guild Master of the stone masons but all do people know is that prior to that position he was actually a prominent fighter edin was trained personally as a rogue by none other than matus Shaw himself the head of the si7 he was put in charge to rebuild storman but after a dispute over payment and a big Injustice he and his group turned into Bandits and a serious criminal organization known as the def Brotherhood initially this started as a rebellion but this guy literally became the top criminal doing everything you would imagine a serious criminal organization to do from sabotage to extortion later he was defeated by the adventures after being a threat for many many years but little the people know he was also a great fighter himself which is why he managed to obviously keep the position as the Bandit leader he was said to be very small and VY with a really common appearance that allowed him to blend in and he always prefer to take the offensive fighting dirty as in retreating and then attacking when the enemy is is unassuming vanle also utilized his Longbow to surprise enemies so that he can spring forward and do a sneak attack unfortunately we haven't seen him in any notable duels but you can imagine as the criminal Overlord he had his fair share of fights and had a pretty long rain until we put a stop to him jorak renhold Lord jorak rold not much is really known of his Beginnings but more than likely he was a noble of the kingdom of alak before the fall however his rise to fame came as the leader of the Raven hold essentially the main Guild for thieves and assassins before Legion they are like the hidden band of Assassins that are not exactly unfriendly but they aren't friendly either and they're just doing their own thing joro played an important role in fighting the criminal organization Syndicate and even stole Ran's ex which is why he was born in R cold man later during the burning Invasion he became the leader of the anround a new rogue organization meant to the defend azra as joro personally described it they are the Slayers of Kings downfall of Empires and the Unseen blades that write the true history of this world now not that much is known about his own physical press but I guess you can just imagine Jor renold is a guy that has led a band of super dangerous assassins that are the best at their job and then formed a new order of even more Ultra dangerous Rogues and criminals so yes you can imagine he would be quite powerful to be able ble to exert authority over these very powerful individuals mayf so once again this is one of those Rogues that are not actually a rogue as she's A Barden but she is grouped in the game as a rogue because as I said this is a very loose characterization aside from being the oldest on this list she also has the most experience without a doubt initially May was a priestess having fought against the original burning Legion invasion of ASO but later May was become known as she was the leader of the new Elite Force known as the Watchers charged with looking over idan's prison as you may know he escaped She chased him all the way to Outland where she was captured herself then she was freed and fought against the newest burle Invasion and later was an alliance commander in the most recent faction conflict and she was responsible for the retaking of dark Shore for the alliance we have seen mayab fighting a million times fighting everything from gigantic demons to demon Hunters to regular enemies and in many cases Chik has been able to fight multiple opponents at once mayv is able to teleport short distances uses a very strange weapon as a Von and throws knives that can easily eliminate multiple opponents at the same time even though she prefers to strike from a position of surprise she's more than capable of fighting face to face and is one of the greatest Rogues that are currently alive matthus Shaw the man from the Shadows the leader of the si7 the stman secret services this guy is legit one of the most powerful people in any faction overall as he always knows what is going on behind the scenes who is scheming what and he is always scheming something himself however matus Shaw is also an assassin himself and an excellent Thro in fact he personally traded Edwin vanle and he did many missions himself assassinating multiple targets there were times where matus faced off against many opponents such as the Twilight camera Clan and successfully managed to defeat all of them nonetheless Matas sha is mainly known as the Rogue the guy that orders assassinations and as The Mastermind he is without a doubt skilled in all the stealth tactics necessary making him one of the most powerful Rogues in World of Warcraft Val most of you guys know her from hearstone but she is actually one of the most powerful Rogues ever when F was young she was sold to become a GL Ator fighting alongside Varan friend having defeated many powerful opponents in the arena eventually as they escape she became something of a bodyguard for Varian and later down the line anduin she was present in r l king and joined the uncrowned legion as one of the leaders theread she defeated aari Shadow Gore one of sas's best assassins and helped cleanse the wound corrupted By The Sword in sadus then Val was present loyally serving and through the faction conflict and he had not really minor role in Shadow West however Val sanar is known as one of the most famous and one of the most powerful of Rogues in the entirety of Warcraft she faced off against multiple opponents in the arena fought Nal in the old God forces the Twilight camer clam demons and a bunch of other enemies lilan Voss one of the most powerful Rogues currently active and also one of the leaders of the Forsaken after the fall of sabanis so originally lilan was a Scarlet Crusader that was forcibly raised into forsaken who can then order her execution for this Lan Voss undertook a single-minded crusade against the Scarlet Crusade and the necromancers and managed to kill her father benedictor FAL managed to kill a bunch of scarlet Crusaders herself and ultimately the very powerful High Inquisitor white man she then assassinated a Headmaster of necromancy in scholman haunted necromancers and ranor join the arround in Legion and was a major character in BFA and later part of the shadowlands despite being one of the leaders of the UN crown and The Forsaken aside from being a political figure she is also personally one of the strongest Rogues out there with a ton of experience having proven herself in combat time and time again at the moment lilan Moss is the most powerful and important Undead Rogue out there and lastly garona half Oran garona is a half or half Rite with an incredibly tragic fast that was raised in a Barracks to become the most fero ious fighter possible to ultimately be used by goldan gona is most notable for assassinating the father of Aran Lane Brin but her fate changed later on and she had a son with miv that is now half Raton known as Madan and together with him she fought against the twilight's Hammer Clan later she joined us in the battle against Deathwing could join the honor Crown the Rogue organization from Legion and most importantly she was active in BFA as well as up to this point as well Kona is taught to be one of the most powerful if not the most powerful Rogue out there because a lot of the other Rogues are notable political figures or influential ones but she is just an actual fighter there was a time an ogre an orc torren an idol of and aaken as a part of the Twilight scammer Clan attacked her son and she managed to defeat all of them garuna attempted to assassinate Varan and almost managed to kill the giant ogre choal himself in Legion she managed to infiltrate storment and to fight against the high general aish of the burning Legion so right now she may just be the most powerful Rogue out there with a ton of actual live combat experience Hunters are one of the most interesting classes in the game despite being relatively simple the term Hunter is very undefined and Vac in all exuality a lot of characters in the L are considered to be Hunters yet they're everything from Rangers to Beast Masters to Riflemen all fundamentally quite different nonetheless some of them are incredibly influential and they among the most powerful characters in the entire game at least from the mortal side so taking the umbrella term into consideration let's examine what are the strongest hunters in the Lord number 10 Hamet ningu the enemy of nature the Great Game Hunter also known as the greatest hunter in all of azot heet n is the definition of a hunter like in the literal sense we've seen this guy pretty much everywhere we went from classic to Northern to Pandaria and even battle for azot despite being arguably the most influential Hunter out there he isn't exactly a Powerhouse himself he is more of an aerod celebrity a wrch dwarf constantly leading safaris with a group of other Hunters all across azero and even other worlds however that doesn't mean that Hemet is just a figure as we know that he participated in some battles most notably the battlefields of lordon as well as against the burning Legion most likely sometime during the third war although we don't really know any of the details in terms of his haunting Adventures h Nary is literally all about hunting big game the scariest and the wildest creatures that few dare to even Venture close to let alone hunt these Endeavors of hunting rare animals drew the ey of many earning himself the title the enemy of nature it even went so far that DEA the Droid for ethical and Humane treatment of animals was created just to counter him and his counters so despite not being really a Powerhouse heet ningu is one of the most influential and most powerful Hunters across all of azot number nine vessa windrunner the youngest of the sisters she is Of The fabled windrunner Bloodline unlike her older sisters Bessa didn't acquire a ton of experience and neither was she a general or was very highly ranked in fact it was only a bit prior to the second war that she joined the fast Riders Elite Rangers her first rise to prominence was when she accompanied dronin in what turned out to be a simple escort Quest But ultimately it turned out to be an adventure unlike no other she helped him acquire the demon soul and battle that wi and following that the two got married fessa was among the few prominent survivors of the scourge invasions and she would also venture to Grim batal battling dragons following that she created a silver Covenant which opposed the inclusion of blood elves into the K which later on proved right to her as the bombing of tore happened and she became even more militant than she was before since then Vera anticipated in almost all events thus far from helping us defeat Le Shen to the war against Gage to Argus and most recently the battle for azod when compared to her sisters vessa is the only Ranger that is still a Ranger and a hunter and she isn't almost an entirely different class although I'd say she's the weakest out of the windrunner sisters but she is nonetheless powerful just as a windrunner number eight hon brightwing originally just a far Rider that was quite influential but not too out of the ordinary he fought the Amani and joined the orcish wars during the second war against the orcish horde he reached the title of lieutenant and just as the third war was about to begin halron became a ranger Captain as a ranger Captain he participated in the desperate defense of balas and was among the few notable survivors of the slaughter as the ranger General savanas fell and Lord tomaro teron took on the role of the ruler of the B elves Halon became the new Ranger General since that point he was a part of most events that occurred as he was essentially one of the leaders of the blood elves as well in Legion he represented the farest Riders of the Unseen pth which is the union of hunas and most recently he participated in the fourth War despite being a political figure he's a master of both ranged in melee combat and we have seen him wield literally every weapon imaginable from Spears to bows and daggers and everything else hardron is also extremely skilled in deception Maps tactics and is one of the most skilled military personnel of not just the plov but of the entire H General brightwing has been a part of the VRA Flor for almost two decades now but despite not having much of a spotlight and not really being that popular he's one of the most powerful Rangers and Hunters out there number seven H high mountain the eagle sphere and the most influential torren ever and one of the most notable Hunters of all time h Mountain reached his glory during the war of the Ancients as he United the Waring torren Clans under his new formed high mountain tribe then he faced off the biggest demonic evasion ever hand to hand he fought alongside jro chados song The Wild God Omen he protected maurion during a critical moment and helped defeat the dread Lord tond his biggest moment was during a battle in asara as well as in the final battle of the war at The Well of Eternity where he fought a doom Lord that has sworn to eradicate the forign race for his achievements H was granted the blessing of scaras and his homeland was renamed high mountain in his honor as K returned home he faced off and banished Deathwing and as he died his Spirit traveled to Arenal there is absolutely no doubt that hen is considered the greatest thoran of all time and the high mountain today are descended directly from him despite his mythical status as a political figure he was also incredibly powerful as a hunter wielding ton claw the Eagle Spear and facing off against enemies that few Mortals would even dare to stand against most notably he managed to stab the Doom Lord in the eye forever taking his sight as well as protecting the Toren race now in shadowlands we will most likely see him in aren world as he is a member of the wild Hunt a group of the finest hunters in the entire universe that serve the Winter Queen only in times of dire need to defend the forests of the afterlife number six Lord DeMar teron the ranger Lord and the leader of the blood elves early on as a member of the forest Riders and a lieutenant he clashed often with yamani eventually getting caught and was tortured by zulin himself throughout the years he rose in ranks and during the second war was a captain and subsequently was the second in command to savanas the ranger General in the absence of keltus he was a temporary leader of the Bloods But ultimately became the actual ruler as kelas had betrayed his people and was D killed since then he has been around in essentially everything that happened most notably rebelling against garos helped us defeat the legion fought the alliance fought the Shara and thead and rebelled against Sylvanas wind now as we venture into the shadowlands he's directing us towards our very first missions against the invasion of the Scourge the thing about lar despite being the actual leader and now a member of the hord council he also personally has a ton of battle experience and I do mean a ton this guy battled everyone one from trolls to Orcs to Undead to demons and literally everything in between he is one of the most powerful Rangers of all time and despite being highly skilled he's often described as more of a spell breaker than a hunter often preferring melee combat as he's very proficient with a sword now most of lemar's power definitely comes from his political role as he is one of the most influential figures of The Horde but make no mistake Lord dear is one dangerous and skilled individual number five shandas feathermoon chandus feathermoon is a legendary Hunter and possibly the most accomplished one on all of azero as she is thousands of years old her humble beginnings dated back to the war of the Ancients when she lost her family and participated in the conflict as a young nightelf her presence was most notable during the final battle as she together with the nighten resistance faced off the army of arimon and dropped dozens of demons with her arrows then as Legion Was Defeated and the Sentinels were formed some 600 years later she became a captain of the army during the war of the sa she played a key role and also fought against the vorgan the first ever vorgan most notably Alpha Prime during this time chanderis was adopted by Tia and served his her right hand for thousands of years chanderis would rise to prominence once again during the third war where she was in almost all battles most notably the final stand against arimon as he was trapped by the world tree subsequently she now became the general of the Sentinels and literally participated in almost everything that involved in Idols ever since she faced off gha's Invasion defended teramore ventured to alterate renor additionally shandis represented the Sentinels in the Unseen path the union of all Hunters of azero fought against the legion and most recently participated in the latest hord and Alliance conflict most notably shandra's role was key in the battle for dark Shore as she aided panda in becoming the night Warrior then she was present during the Sylvanas and verok M and will now play a role in the shadowlands so if you haven't figured it out by now Shand feder moon is one of the most seasoned veterans with thousands of years of experience like 10,000 years she is powerful not just as a general but directly in combat facing off against demons Undead saer vgan and everything in between number four nathanos blight caller Nathan as mores was one of the most unique humans in all of history he was the first and the only human Ranger trained directly by the hes more specifically Sylvanas windrunner many elves opposed the fact that Sylvanas included him but nonetheless his accomplishments were unprecedented naos was a tactical genius and was responsible for Alliance victories spanning a decade of conflict D you feeling unwelcome with the elves he spent most of his time in lordon and as the undead Scourge crisis occurred he was among the first of all overpowered by an Abomination for a while nathanos was just a Mindless school all until Sylvanas Broke Free from the rich King and search for him specifically as she freed him she turned him into her champion and her right hand from that point forth nathanos became instrumental in all of her plans initially Varian and B themselves put a price on his head and by the time of cataclysm he was essentially the second in command with the Forsaken blight caller trained a new generation of forsaken Rangers and played a critical role in all San campaigns also is he was so close to her he was no doubt one of the Selected Few that knew about her deal with the Jailer nathanos was and still is insanely loyal to the banse queen and his role was key from cataclysm after the battle for azero and will no doubt be in the shadowlands as well we've seen him fight on many occasions from dark Shore and the burning of ters to zandalar and colas most recently as sylvanus ventured into the M Nanos was essentially baiting us at his old home which led the arent Crusade H in the the alliance to launch a direct attack on he was easily dealing with all of us until Tia ambushed him and with the power of the night Warrior that we yet to learn about more nathanos was quite easily dealt with and was ultimately killed however all of this really seemed like this was his pan all along as he said that she allowed him to get back with Sylvanas as a hunter natos was incredibly powerful as well as as a dark Ranger we did see him deal with some magic but throughout all of our encounters with him he was mainly just the Ranger with a bow a very skilled one and a very powerful one as well most recently he was no doubt empowered by the trailer which is why he was capable of dealing with us so easily but even before Nathan o spine caller was one of the strongest Hunters around number three rexar one of the most unique characters in the entire franchise rexar is one of the few remaining members of the mck Nal Clan a half ogre half orc and most importantly a beast master a type of a hunter with a strong affinity for the Wilderness and the wild animals he joined the horde almost at the start but was disappointed quite early on he ventured through the portal during the first war participated in the second and briefly returned to Dr for a while rexar was stationed with Grom on azero and he had already grown tired of the constant orcish brutality and the crimes they were committing but as an orcish warlock drained the life of his wolf companion he slew him and shortly after abandoned The Horde and departed the for the Wilderness after a while Lexar found rolls hord and completely randomly he became his number one champion and one of the main reasons the hord was able to establish itself in durat after that he once again returned to the wilds and he played minor roles throughout the expansions most notably returning Legion as he joined the hunter organization after that during battle for azro the nextar had more of a Hands-On approach he helped us during many missions fighting against the allian as well as ultimately rebelling against Sylvanas now we don't know what the future holds for him but the unen pth considered him one of the greatest Hunters of all time and he definitely is first off an xar is gigantic as a half ogre he can wield many weapons he can coordinate with a wide range of animals effectively and we can see many of his personal achievements one of them defeating an ogre warlord in a duel as well as fighting against skans despite being a Beast Master rexar is one of the purest Hunters on this list and also one of the most powerful number two ayia windrunner alyia is the oldest of the windrunner sisters and despite her mother's wishes for her to become a ranger general of the army she instead joined the F Riders and became a ranger Captain alyia amassed a ton of experience fighting trolls and ultimately joined the orcish Wars despite not being ordered to alyia led her Rangers to join the alliance of lordon helping turn the tide of the war due to losing her mother and brother in the conflict she was driven by revenge and therefore together withan in the Expedition she went ured beyond the dark portal then after the planet was destroyed and completely shattered she was thought to have been lost forever that was the official story on Legion when we reunited with her and realized that in the meantime she could join the army of the light aboard the xenedar despite missing for only a decade or two the time that actually passed was more along the lines of like 500 years during some of her missions alilia began to learn more about the void and that it wasn't as evil as the light had previously presented it for this she was imprisoned by the zero ultimately ayria help us defeat the burning Legion but as she absorbed the power of the dark Naru she became the first ever void elf creating a brand new race essentially by herself she helped us in develop for azod the downfall of NAD and really became a whole new race and a class for herself I'd hardly consider her a hunter anymore far from it really with some of her powers she'd be more like a mix between a shadow priest a warlock and a ranger but the entire vo thing was quite recent prior to that Alia was in fact a ranger and was an incredible incredibly powerful one at that fighting trolls Orcs Legion and everything in between with her skills and a bow and lastly number one Sylvanas windrunner Sylvanas is as far from a hunter as you can possibly be at this point but long ago she was possibly the most powerful one out there member of The prominent windrunner family she was the middle sister and joined the Rangers quite early eventually becoming their leader as a ranger of Silver Moon she was practically the military leader of the entire High Elven Army she amassed a ton of experience fighting against the yanii trolls which were a constant threat to the elves as well as fighting the orcish cor during one of the most crucial battles of the second war sas's most prominent Ro was in The Scourge Invasion when she literally gave it to her all cutting down numbers of Undead and fighting until the very end ultimately however she was killed raised and enslaved by arst man eventually she managed to break free into a established and forsaken now at this point she was more of a dark Ranger but she could still Loosely be considered the hunter she caned all of her old abilities but now enhanced by dark magics and a b she form at this kindr point in the lore I'd hardly see she's a haunted anymore as she literally alled with the Jailer and became one of his closest agents but if we consider sabanus as a ranger General and early as a dark elf she was one of the most prominent hunters in the history of azero we've seen her incredible skill with AO fighting again and L the obliterating soldiers with her Banshee form even with daggers she overpowered one of the strongest Warriors Sarang meaning that she's also incredbly skill in melee and also obviously overpowering thein although a big part of that skill can definitely be attributed to the Jailer and they're packed priests are one of the most versatile classes in the game they're everything from actual light priests to Shadow priests wi doctors and even priestesses of Elo currently a few are one of the main and key characters in the entire series it will be playing a major role in what is to come in the shadowlands and Beyond shaping World of Warcraft throughout the years so let's take a look at what are the most powerful priests in the Lord number 10 Moira Moira bronzebeard was born as a princess to her father Magny but was ambushed and kidnapped by the dark iron Clan surprisingly she fell in love with deant toisan the emperor and when her father sent a rescue mission for her she refused to return and instead fought against the dores now as the dark irons crumbled after all the catastrophes that hit them she attempted to take our Forge and March on it as magnet was turned into a crystal but she was repelled by the allian forces however under variant suggestion the Council of three hammers was formed and the Dark Iron Dwarves rejoined the dwar and Clans and Moira became one of the rulers and an important figure of the alliance K rise to the prominence as a priest was in Legion as she joined the conclave and later helped the Darkon DVS get into the fourth War honestly not much is known about her as a priest she is one of the rare Shadow priests L figures and as Moira was not just a member of the conclave but was one of the secondary leaders that definitely means she's one of the strongest priests on asro with her connection to the dark magics of the Dark Iron Dwarves and the Church of a holy light through the alliance and her father it makes her quite a powerful combination number nine Sally vit man originally Sally was a priestess of light that slowly but surely turned towards Madness she lost her family to the plague of unde death and was forced to destroy them herself which spark an intense desire in her to cleanse the undead originally this was Noble as the Scarlet monaster was the Bastion of priesthood but soon enough they turned fanatic and Sally as one of their leaders became more and more extreme by the day they no longer trusted anyone and just started cleansing more innocence than the actual UND death many times Scarlet Monastery was invaded and many times Priestess white M survived the reason she survived and even kept scotet Crusade at thing for so long was due to her immense Resurrection Powers the only way we actually managed to make her death permanent was through lilyan Voss later on Sally was resurrected as a dead Knight and currently is one while she was young and not the most experienced of the priest she was one of the most influential fanatical dedicated and Powerful it was her prowess as a priestess and as a leader that led bvar to resurrect her and turn her into one of the new four horsemen number eight alonso's foul literally de priest and the most influential one on all of azero period long ago he was the Archbishop of the light and even Uther was his Apprentice it was alon's foul that essentially created the human Paladin order the silver hand and his role was critical in the orcish invasions at an unknown point in time after these wars around when andin was just a small child he died during the scourge invasion of lordon he was resurrected as Undead but later on joined the Forsaken the role of alonsus would be the most prominent during Legion as he helped us defeat the burnning legion joined the conclave and once again became the Archbishop the this time as an undead now I wouldn't say that alonsus was a Powerhouse himself but his importance cannot be stated enough the spiritual leader of the humans created the paladins and apprenticed the most influential and Powerful human paladins of all time number seven Benedictus long ago Benedictus was a student of lonis fowl and pretty much his right hand he participated in the first and the second war and with the death of his mentor he became the Archbishop ship of the Church of the Holy Light it was during the scourge Invasion that his life just changed forever he started doubting the light after seeing what happened to artists and tyras and the innocent people of lordon his doubt spread as he no longer worship the light the light that could abandon their servants to the undead hordes despite being an Archbishop who was not much of a Believer and around the time of the burning Crusade the Twilight Hammer started spreading and they just fed his doubts when cataclysm came around he started slowly turning But ultimately overtook the leadership role of the Twilight Hammer becoming known as the Twilight father and later on the Twilight prophet he saw the void as an alternative to the tyrannical light and wanted to remake the universe in what he saw as the natural state of things Benedictus helped establish and make the cult quite dominant by kidnapping dragons as just one of his actions he was hell bent on destroying tooll as he envisioned the orc destroying his massive death R which of course theic this was was right about as that is exactly what happened and as he failed he wanted to personally assassinate him but he was ultimately defeated of course the Archbishop went crazy but with a new void and light Laurel like 10 years later maybe he wasn't so insane after all number six CIA mantil the daughter of tanus mantil and the older sister to Prince arus the L King she was thought he have been lost forever as the scourge invaded Lord arm but she in fact survived vied in a trench and managed to escape and live a life in Exile only to return to the public ey during the burning Legion Invasion during her Exile she became a priest ultimately becoming one of the most important ones on all of azod she partook in the Gathering an event where the Forsaken would reunite with the alliance but as kellia attempted to just straight out start the rebellion and get the undead to defect of the alliance Sylvanas wind Runner flew into the field and personally murdered her this is where Kia came to prominence as a beast as her corpse did not decompose and with the guidance of anaru she became the first ever light Undead now did could been Undead building the light in the past we have seen that before but Cia was quite unique as a forsaken touched by anaro since then she participated in battle for Azeroth later on joined the horde and became one of the leaders of the Forsaken now in shadowlands she participated in the scourge Invasion and ventured to search for bouevard in oros where she currently is power-wise we don't really know how strong she really is that as most priests she is an important figure instead of just a fighter we know that K manil has a unique and strong connection to the light which lets her avoid death which just by itself makes her incredibly powerful number five vulgan I wasn't really sure where to put vulon he's neither a priest nor a hunter but is in fact a shadow Hunter however due to how way classes are in World of Warcraft I decided to play him on this list even though volan is only loely a priest sort of like a shadow priest Hunter regardless volan is the son of the Fable sine that fell against Naga forces and thus his son took over the leadership of the dark Spirit tribe for years he was a crucial vior tool and one of the most influential figures of the entire horde however as gash took over Vin became the leader of the Rebellion ultimately defeating hream and becoming the Warchief himself unfortunately Vin's name was short lived as he was on the front lines at the Battle of the broken Shore and was defeated by the overwhelming number of demonic forces as he died he was ultimately manipulated by muala the L of death and ultimately the Jailer himself in order to turn Sylvanas into the war chief which in the end orchestrated the current events of the Shadows despite his death he never truly died as he was in fact still around as a spirit during the fourth war in the battle for azod now I know you might say how was he powerful as he was defe defeated by a legion foot soldier but keep in mind this was an overwhelming Army and much like variant he fought off many of them until an accidental strike happen now we have seen bgin fight on many occasions from his experience with the monks in panderia to the Rebellion against geros and it is safe to say that volin was one of the most powerful trolls of all time both as a fighter and as a leader as I mentioned volin is very Luci priest but I added him to this list nonetheless because I felt like calling him just a hunter wouldn't do him Justice to to his incredible connection with tooa number four talanii the daughter of the king of the zandalari Empire rakan and until recently the princess of the said Empire however as her father died she became the Queen the leader of the Zari a member of the hord council and one of the most important figures of the entire faction much like andin she is only around 18 years old but even at that age she is one of the most powerful Priests of all of Azeroth through priests unlike light priests are completely different as honestly they just bunched up in the game in the same class generally these th priests worship the laa get the powers of the laa and they're more Witch Doctors than Servants of the light tanii previously served the laa ran and we've seen that crazy destructive power as she just like obliterated half the alliance's Navy and as her father died she was bound to bami which granted her even crazier Powers now as the leader of the oldest troll tribe the most influential and now a crucial power to The Horde she isn't just a regular priest serving aloa but a queen representing her people which grants her a lot more power than aloa would Grant just a regular priest we don't know much about the L in the shadowlands but as Bon Sandi is here and he has his own pocket dimension in alen wield and we've seen what he did with muala I'm guessing tanii will be quite prominent number three anduin Rin Andre Lane RN the son of the Fallen King Varian the high King of the alliance and the commander of all Alliance forces despite being only around 20 years old in shadowlands he's probably the most experienced 20 year-old ever from a young age he trained with weapons but as he was gifted for delight and his potential was known for years as one of the greatest Priests of all time as his father fell on the broken Shore he became a king a very young one but so far he managed to maintain a very capable leadership he participated and led all the conflicts thus far and was kidnapped most recently and kept in the mall by the jail now andin is thought to possibly be the greatest priest even though he might even be a paladin at this point but let's just call him a servant of the light despite his young age we have seen andrean essentially Mass resurrect his army at the Battle for lordon turning the ti of battle and now he even managed to define the jailer's immense power with his light connection that was so strong that it could reach him within the M he was taught by ven himself the most ancient priest that we know who saw incredible potential in him saying that he will be a great king leading the forces of the light and darkness which honestly with the way things are lining up with a void might even mean that he could play a great role in the future expansion thus far just by the fact that he could use the powers of the light to battle against the Jailer within his domain means that anduin is one of the most powerful priests not just on azod but in the entire known universe number two villain long ago villain was a Mage and one of the three leaders of Argus and thought to have been the wisest and the most powerful of the three as SAS broke the hierarchy he escaped together with adrite 13,000 years ago and went from planet to planet hiding from the Legion in the meantime he turned into a priest connected with the Naru and the light became a prophet with the gift of sight and Visions into the future as the danai went from planet to planet they reached nanor and as the Orcs invaded them there they ultimately settled on azal only a few years ago now since then ven participated in l literally everything that happened and led his people from near extermination to becoming valuable members of The Alliance and F himself was a key factor in the defeat of kill Jaden and most recently the imprisonment of Saras he literally was one of the leaders that orchestrated that entire ordeal the return to Argus and the defeat of the corrupted World Soul now villan is probably the oldest and the most experienced priest that we know and that we have ever known before he was a priest he was one of the finest Mages in the universe and then with his direct contact with the light and the Naru he became a prophet and a priest I would say he is a Powerhouse but not in the literal sense as in destruction even though he can definitely deal some damage but he's more of a leader and a guiding figure as is usually the role of priests and lastly number one giranda whisperwind The High Priestess of loon one of the oldest Mortals and for a long time an immortal on asod and currently one of the key characters in The Shadow P was a priestess and the most devot voted follower of the moong saloon at the same time she was the general of the Sentinels and the leader of the N eles participating in everything from the war of the Ancients to the third war and the most recent burning Legion Invasion we have seen Kanda fight on a million different occasions using her Moon Powers as a pasts hiding from enemies destroying foes from demons to Undead she was one of the rare P that is actually a Powerhouse and Incredibly potent in terms of Destruction now most recently she became a night Warrior the dark incarnation of balloon and became even more powerful Al be I say she turned more into a hunter than a priest at this point however as in game and low classes are different I don't really think there is that much of a distinction she still is a priestess and a follower loon just with crazy enhanced Powers we saw how she just shattered Nathan o white caller one of the most powerful Hunters on all of asot and how she was dealing with enemies left and right as she is now following the Dark Side of the Moon and she went into the shadowlands I expect her role to be incredibly important especially with the hands that lul could be a first one or that she could play some very important role and who better to represent her than one of her most loyal priestesses due to her night Warrior form and Powers I'd say danda is the most powerful priest not just on all of azot but possibly one of the most powerful ones in the entire
Channel: Doronsmovies
Views: 112,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wow lore, warcraft lore, lore, warcraft, world of warcraft, wow top 10 strongest characters, wow strongest, wow most powerful, most powerful rogues, most powerful hunters, strongest warlocks, strongest death knights, paladins, varian, varok saurfang, arthas menethil, priests, wow next expansion, wow podcast
Id: a0TD0JAdUCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 118min 7sec (7087 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 17 2023
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