The Bible Story - Stories of Jesus || Bible and Other Story Collection For Kids

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join kids had family jingle bells jingle bells I love Christmas and I love Santa me too but tofu do you know we call it Christmas because Jesus Christ was born that day really no but now you tell me please tell me a Christmas story tell me Jesus Christ's birthday story today I'll tell you the most wonderful story of them all the birth of Jesus Christ the Christmas story about 2,000 years ago in a small town called Nazareth there was a little house where lived a young Jewish girl named Mary she was not married but she was going to be real soon to a good man named Joseph well one day something amazing happened an angel of the Lord Gabriel a very important angel appeared to Mary who are you I am Gabriel don't be afraid Mary you have found favor with God he loves you very much God has sent me here to tell you that soon you'll have a son huh me a son yes a son he will be called Jesus he will be great and will be called the son of God Mary was very obedient and she said I am the handmaid of the Lord may God do with me as he wants to Mary wanted to do just as God told her to do just near the time Mary was about to have her baby the Roman Emperor sent soldiers to announce a new Lord okay listen everyone [Applause] the Emperor Caesar Augustus says that all of you need to pay some taxes now and register for census so Mary and Joseph made their way to Bethlehem because that's where Joseph had to pay taxes it was about 65 miles from Nazareth to Bethlehem and the trip took many many days [Music] and when they reached Bethlehem guess what happened all the places were full [Music] all the ins were full marry you wait here make yourself comfortable by then I will try to find a suitable place for us to stay Joseph kept knocking and knocking again and again he had been looking and looking for a place to stay [Music] [Music] [Music] amiri was about to have a baby well I have tried almost all the ends and it looks like all of them are full dear Mary how do you feel I am very tired Joseph but please don't worry I am sure God will provide a place for us poor Joseph and Mary were so tired and didn't know what to do Oh God tell me what to do help me I have no idea no clue it's sad that Mary and Joseph had no place to stay no place to go a place no one would have expected the Son of God to be born in it wasn't a palace not some castle not in a fancy building either God's son was born in a humble small stable [Music] I'll go and get some fresh hay will you can sleep comfortably tonight that night Jesus was born and oh it was a wonderful night big star shining in the sky there was no crib so they laid baby Jesus in a manger [Music] it was full of fresh hey I made it a little comfortable for the baby near Bethlehem that night there were some Shepherds keeping watch over their flocks of sheep when suddenly an angel appeared to them I have good news for you there is a savior who has been born what really what Savior can we see him where is he the angel told them where to find him the Shepherd's was so excited and happy [Music] they ran to the stable [Music] and found Jesus there just as the angel had told them after they had seen Jesus they spread the news and everyone who heard was in wonder in wonder just like you are doesn't it sound magical tofu so magical and fun tear I am happy the Angels took care of them all Joseph Mary and baby Jesus thank you for telling me the Christmas story I'll tell it to everyone in my school tomorrow that'll be great tofu I love telling you new stories but be careful and don't fall off that ladder there are no angels here to save you you are my angel I'll always love you tofu Merry Christmas [Music] thanks TIA for helping me pick these Easter eggs for Joe's party you're most welcome tofu could you help me with one more thing please sure what is it Joe has invited me for the Easter celebration at his home but I feel I don't know a lot about Easter do you think you could tell me something about it of cost of food I will Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ after his crucification about two thousand years ago Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey [Music] there he started preaching the people the right and the wrong they were doing here he performed many miracles - he fed many many people on just a little bit of food He healed the sick and even brought back the dead to life he was loved and followed by many many people but there were some others who felt threatened by the popularity he was gaining these people got together with Judas Iscariot a disciple of Jesus who too was jealous of all the love that he was receiving Judas agreed to betray Jesus for thirty pieces of silver one night Jesus sat down with his disciples to have a meal he told his friends that the next day he would leave them all and join his father in heaven as one amongst them had already taken money to betray him at this point Judas left them all and walked away [Music] later Judas came back with the priests men who took him away the Jewish leaders asked him if he was the son of God when Jesus said yes the Jewish leaders said this was an insult to God and he should be punished eventually on Friday Jesus was nailed to a cross through his hands and feet and the cross was raised to stand Jesus stayed nailed to the cross tonight when he finally died this day came to be known as Good Friday Friends of Jesus and Mary his mother brought him down from the cross and laid him in a cave and made it his tomb [Music] they seals the cave with a rock Mary Magdalene a friend of Jesus visited his doom two days later on a Sunday but the tomb was opened and Jesus's body was not there when Jesus's mother found out about it she dropped down crime a stranger came to her then and told her that her son was now with the Lord she asked him how he knew this the man told her that he was Jesus he had risen from the dead Mary overjoyed to know this she spread the word of Jesus's resurrection on this day came to be celebrated as Easter Sunday Wow dia thanks for telling me all this while I knew about Easter was that Christians consider this as a very sacred day go to the church and cook good food don't forget the Easter eggs dafu oh yes there are treasure hunts - where we look for Easter eggs filled with chocolates and other yummies yes you're right [Music] tofu please finish your breakfast first no I want to play first I don't like it anyway tofu it is not nice to leave your food like that you should be thankful to your food and eat it respectfully the first Thanksgiving this is a very old story it is from the Year 1620 when a group of pilgrims came from Europe in a ship called The Mayflower to the east coast of United States we have reached this new land and we shall make it our home now let us call it Plymouth yes and this big rock by which Plymouth is recognized will be called the Plymouth Rock we shall make a settlement here and so the pilgrims got busy trying to make a settlement in the new home but they had arrived in the peak of winter with little resources and no food oh [Music] this is such a difficult winter we have almost no food the men go in catch whatever fish they can find in the freezing Lakes but it is not always enough yes and a sickness has taken over our people we have lost so many strong men and women already it is very difficult without proper food and supplies to take care of them yes look at what happened to our brother james Chilton and his wife they thought died leaving behind little Mary children poor Mary she's only 13 years old but without her mother and father to take care of her we will have to make sure she's safe and so Mary was taken under the care of all other pilgrims but it was a hard sickness and people died from extreme cold lack of food and the sickness that had come over this settlement this meant Mary had to work hard many of the older women amongst the pilgrims had died and the remaining work had to be shared by everyone Mary took care of cooking and laundry for the men and boys whose wives or mothers had died [Music] then one day in March two strangers called Samoset and Squanto visited the settlement they were Native Indians who lived on the land hello settlers welcome to your new home thank you who are you I am Samoset I am the leader of the Abenaki people and this is Squanto from the Wampanoag tribe hello Sam Satan Squanto how is it that you speak such good English I have had experience with other settlers who know English we see that we are having trouble with food also sure can teach you how to grow food on this soil and so the pilgrims made new friends and learnt how to grow food in the new home they learnt that using fish as fertilizers will help their crops grow better with the help of Squanto and other people of his tribe the pilgrims drew a healthy crop of beans pumpkins and cones to celebrate the harvest the pilgrims invited King Massasoit of the Wampanoag tribe to the feast King Massasoit smen helps the settlers hunt for the feast and large feast of corn roasted meat by fruits was laid the pilgrims dedicated this day to getting together with friends and family and thanking God for the abundance of good food and loving people in our lives [Music] I get it now Tia we should be thankful for the abundance of food we have I shall respectfully eat whatever served to me that is so wonderful tofu I am proud of you [Music] it is still early morning and Tia is sneaking around tofu's drool she puts a beautifully wrapped gift box on his desk the calendar on the wall says first of April she sneaks out again hides and waits for tofu together tofu gets up seize the box and gets very excited oh wow what's that this is a gift for me I wonder who it's from let me open it and see oh sweet token it's so easy to prank you oh you did this dear why would you do such a mean thing to me Oh cheer up tofu it's April Fool's Day I can't cheer up after what you just did the media and also I don't know what April Fool's Day is okay let me tell you about it maybe then you won't feel so bad about my little prank tofu [Music] there are so many different stories about how first April came to be celebrated as April Fool's Day but the most widespread ones is about the calendar [Music] in the year 1582 Pope Gregory the thirteen introduced a new calendar the Gregorian calendar this calendar started the new year on the 1st of January [Music] but back then information took time to spread remember there was no internet or phone back then so for a long time many people didn't know about the change in the calendar and many others who knew about it refused to accept the new calendar these people continued to celebrate the New Year's Day on 1st of April the people who had accepted the new calendar now started making fun of these non-believers they would lead them to believe in things that did not exist or even send them on fools errands [Music] parents that didn't exist eventually the new calendar was accepted worldwide but the pranks stayed on friends siblings relatives and even parents often play tricks on their loved ones on 1st April all the pranks are just for harmless fun and never to hurt anyone they usually end with the pranksters shouting April Fool and peals of laughter from everywhere so you see tofu pranking you was a part of the celebration I don't care I'm really upset with what you did with me TIA oh no tofu I'm really sorry I didn't think you would feel so bad what can I do to make it up to you it's just accept that I've made a better April who love you Tia hmm you are pretending to be angry with me huh yes and it was I guess I should be more careful around you today then yes you should [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what is your project about tofu we have to raise money for the class show we have to make and sell something so what have you decided to make that's where the trouble is I can't think of anything I wish I had some magic and I could just get as much money as I wanted in fact I would use the magic to become the richest person on earth and sit back and relax the whole day I would do nothing else well tofu you do know that there is more in life than only being rich people like you more when you are honest hard-working and humble that's how xi found his princess and lived a happy life Aladdin who is dad I'll tell you [Music] once upon a time there was a young boy named Aladdin he lived with his mother and his pet monkey in a poor village of Arabia [Music] the only relative Aladdin and his mother had was a distant uncle who hardly kept in touch with them one day when Aladdin and his mother were finishing the daily chores Aladdin's uncle showed up brother what a pleasant surprise how are you sister how is your son we are both good brother it has been many years since you have visited us Aladdin this is your uncle you saw him once when you were a little baby hello uncle oh what a young lad he has become but I'm sorry to see the state of things you have to live in sister I have a proposition let me take a Laden with me and I will find him some work once he has earned enough he can come back to you till then keep this piece of gold to make your living oh brother that is a wonderful idea it will do a lot and good to learn some work with you [Music] the next morning Aladdin and his uncle left [Music] they watched through many villages and towns [Music] til one day they came to a quiet place outside one of the villages there are many caves and tunnels there [Music] what are we doing here uncle I have a job for you here here uncle but there is nothing here except these rocks and caves look there under the tree there is a large stone with a ring on it I want you to lift it okay uncle as you say [Music] please help me uncle this shop is very heavy no I can't help you it is your job you have to do it [Music] it's opening its opening uncle I can see a narrow passage and some stairs leading further down very good job my boy now I want you to go in there but before you go here wear my ring this is a magical ring it will keep you safe yes uncle Aladdin follows his uncle's directions and goes down the stairs once at the bottom he sees that it is a large cave filled with many jewels and gold coins [Music] pick up the large cold plates and urns fill them up with gold and jewels pick up anything else that you think may be worth something Aladdin does as his uncle had told him he stuffed the large urns with many precious items and made his way back towards the staircase on his way out he saw a small dusty lamp although it didn't look precious he decided to take it - and tucked it into his shirt when Aladdin had reached the top of the staircase he called out to his uncle for help he our uncle please take these hands and then pull me up too I cannot get out by myself the opening is still far for me yes yes give me the urns okay uncle now pull me out hahahaha pull you out so that you can go and tell everyone where the treasure is huh never I brought you along because this is a thirst gave only a small boy can go in and out of it I have what I wanted I don't have to come back for more for a long time same so Aladdin's uncle shopped the caves opening with a large stone that had a ring on it leaving Aladdin behind in the cave Aladdin was shocked but he stayed patient [Music] uncle has betrayed us but I must find a way out and get back to my house dear God show me a way out of here please allow then join his hands and bowed his head to pray as he put his hands together his fingers dropped over his uncle's magical rings and creature came out of it yes master you called me uh who are you I am the slave of the sring and whoever wears it I must obey any one command of the master of the ring and then the ring will be destroyed freeing me how may I serve you my master can you please get me out of here and back home to my mother yes master right away the next moment Aladdin was home with his mother his mother was surprised to see him back home so soon and such an abrupt manner my son you have returned so soon Varys your uncle have you already earned so much money uncle cheated on us mother I will tell you everything but first give me something to eat I haven't eaten anything since yesterday allowance mother served him the remainder of food as he told her what had happened and how his uncle had tricked and abandoned him I can't believe my own brother would do this to us son I am glad you're home safe now but the gold coin your uncle gave me has run out and we have nothing to eat now don't worry mother I have this lamp I will go into the market and sell it tomorrow let us sleep for now [Music] relieved that they were together Aladdin and his mother slept peacefully that night the next morning Aladdin asked his mother for the lamp mother I'm very hungry give me the lamp I will go and sell it so we may have some bread here son take the lamp but clean up nicely and polish it before you go to the market a shiny lamp will fetch you more money Yes Mother [Music] as Aladdin started dropping the lamp clean with his shirt a magical creature appeared from it [Music] yes master what is your command for me Master are you like the creature of the Ring yes master he is my brother and I know that he freed you from the caves what is going on a Laden who is this ah don't worry mother this is a magical creature of the land he will grant us anything we wish for call me genie my master very well genie please get us something to eat we are very hungry as soon as Aladdin had said it several silver plates appeared with a variety of food in them the genie went back into the lamp while Aladdin and his mother had a hearty meal when it was evening they were hungry again it's time for dinner what shall we do should I call the genie again no look he has left us with these silver plates go and sell them in the market we will buy bread after that Allah then agreed with his mother and took one of the silver plates to the market he saw a Turkish trader and decided to strike a deal with him but Aladdin didn't know the value of his silver tree or how to do business [Music] how much you want for this train please give me whatever you think is fed I trust you okay take one gold coin okay thank you the trader was surprised by Aladdin's innocence and was tempted to tell him that he had made a mistake and that the train was of even lower value than he had coated but instead he let him go such an innocent boy he didn't even bother to find out the actual value of the plane just trusted me blindly perhaps I should have given him the fair value haha anyways with the gold coin he had got allowed in bought food and other necessary supplies for his home but within a few days they ran out of all the supplies so Aladdin went back to the Turkish trader [Music] and sold him another plate this time the trader gave him two gold coins again Aladdin bought food and supplies for his home this went on for many days till Allah then ran out of all the silver plates son there is no food in the house and no plates to sell as well what shall we do now I will rub the lamp and call the genie again [Music] [Music] [Music] yes master how can I help you today there is no food in the house can you get us some food yes of course master [Music] once again the genie brought them food on many silver plates although a la ville had the magic clamp they never used it to satisfy any greed they continue to live frugally except now his mother started saving a little money from the sale of every silver plate [Music] like this in a few years they had enough money to live a decent life [Music] Aladin even became a merchant and almost never used the lamp again one day he was returning from work he happened to see the princess as a procession passed from the street [Music] mother I am in love with the princess and have decided to marry her I will present her with many jewels and precious things that we have collected over the years [Music] Aladin went to the king and asked for his daughter's hand in marriage the king saw the honesty in Aladdin's nature and agreed Allah then married the princess and showered her with all the riches he had the news of the happy couple spread across the land till it reached his uncle so a Lardon got out and betrayed me huh he found a magic lamp and didn't tell me I shall kill him with my own hands and get the lamp from him one day when Aladdin was away at work his uncle went to his home and stole the magic lamp he then ordered the genie to transport the whole house into the middle of the desert where no one could find it what have you done Paris and London if you will never see him again now you are liable to me you will do as I tell you now go and get me some wine and dinner the princess did as she was told but as she did so she planned her escape too [Music] she mixed some sleeping powder in his wine and gave it to him as soon as he drunk it he fell into a deep sleep the princess quickly reached for the lamp and dropped it the genie appeared yes mistress how may I serve him save me Jeanne please find a Lawton and get him here yes mistress the next moment Aladdin was there he saw his uncle sleeping and the genie present he understood what had happened immediately he waited til his uncle got up and then he killed him [Music] he then told the genie to take them back home the genie did as told [Music] and they continue to live their happy life hmm so he took the hard way what a good man Aladdin was yes he was well I think I do want to be honest and since I like him I am never going to look for shortcuts or be lazy again Tia I promise [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey tofu what are you up to huh nothing much just watching TV oh cool are you done with your homework already ah we didn't have much homework today we just have a research assignment hmm I'm impressed so you finished your research work so soon uh no I haven't it's a big assignment so we have to do it in pairs My partner is Kate she's really good with research so I passed it all off to her she will write the paper and bring it tomorrow I don't know what to say to Fuu you can say which game you want to play how about I tell you a story instead oh I love your stories please tell me one this one is about the horse and the donkey where the horse doesn't bother to help the donkey [Music] [Music] once upon a time there was a fool Wasserman all he had was a donkey and a horse he would use the donkey to carry the load of clothes from the village to the river and back while he would use the horse for himself to go wherever he needed to the horse enjoyed an easy life carrying only his master why the Fleur donkey did all the hard work one day the washerman went to the village to collect clothes from people hello are there any clothes you want to give for washing today yes yes I have thank you [Music] [Music] hi how are you today I am good thank you do you have any clothes for washing yes I am glad you came we have too many guests today an excess laundry to me don't worry I will have them back in time thank you and so the washerman went from door to door collecting clothes for washing then he loaded everything onto his donkey we have a big job in front of us today we have more clothes to wash than every other day we'll have to hurry up [Music] as soon as he got the donkey loaded up they started moving towards the river the washerman decided to walk besides the horse and the donkey but the load was too much for the donkey to carry so he got very tired when they were halfway through to the river the washerman decided to stop to get some rest he too was tired having walked all the way instead of riding the husk as usual that's when the donkey decided to talk to the horse horse can you please help me this load is too heavy to carry since the master is walking today and you have no burden to carry can you take some of mine I am here to serve my master not here it's not my job to carry the load it's yours and you alone must do it the donkey had no choice but to carry the burden of the clothes all alone so he continued walking slowly when they resumed their journey but after some time the weight became too much for him and he collapsed he tried to get up again but just couldn't Oh No what's wrong with my donkey let me get his weight off him first [Music] the caring Wasserman removed the bags and bundles of clothes from the donkey Oh these bags are very very heavy it was wrong of me to put them on the donkey alone now he is very tired he will not be able to carry this burden anymore I [Music] will put everything on the horse same so he put all the bags and bundles on the back of the horse let's give the donkey some rest today [Music] they started walking again towards the river as they walked the Hoss realized what a mistake he had made this is so heavy I wish I had not been so selfish earlier if I had shed the donkey's load when he asked me to I wouldn't have to carry all this by myself from now on I will always share the burden [Music] so you see tofu it's always more sensible to share the burden then do not help others yes I agree with you TIA in fact if I help get out we will be able to finish the work faster as well and both will be free soon that's right tofu so you see sharing the burden of work has many advantages you must go and help get out [Music] look at that girl dear that boy will beat her up easily I don't think she should get into a fight with him no tofu the boy was wrong to have stolen her bag and the girl deserves a chance to get it back but she is a girl she can't win against a boy like that she will get hurt just because she is a girl doesn't mean she has to fear tofu girls also have a lot of courage and strength do you know if a girl like that yes I do her name is Mulan Mulan who is she Mulan lived in ancient China with her parents [Music] she was the only child her only companion was a dog called little brother Milan's father used to be a great warrior but he had hurt his leg in a war and couldn't fight anymore one day a messenger came from the Emperor the Huns China's army had attacked and at least one man from each army had been ordered to join the Emperor's Imperial Army this was terrible news for Mulan and her family as a friend that her father would have to go back to war that night when her parents had slept Mulan had an idea [Music] she took her father's sword and cut her hair off then she put on his Warriors uniform and she looked just like a man [Music] she took little brother and made her way to the Imperial Army's campsite there she met captain li Shang what is your name thing sir very well then time to begin your training Mulan was delighted that everybody had accepted her as a man and started her training sadly she lagged behind all the other warriors you are not fit to be in my army you are slowing everyone down go back to your village [Music] returning to her village would have brought great shame to her family so Mulan came up with another plan [Music] she wrote a fake letter to the army saying that the Huns have attacked reading the letter li Shang ordered his army onward with me marched to the mountains we shall defeat the Huns forever as the army was crossing the pass that led to the mountains they found themselves surrounded by thousands of Huns we've been cheated the Huns were supposed to be in the mountains soon the entire Imperial Army was under attack Mulan had another idea she took the last cannon and let it there was a huge blast which destroyed most of the Huns but it injured Mulan too [Music] she was rushed to the doctors tent bring ping to this bed I will take care of him but there was a surprise waiting for the doctor [Music] oh my god Bing is a woman get me captain Lee Shang immediately the doctor told the captain what she'd found few days later when the army started moving Shan spoke to Mulan you have cheated me but you also saved the army in the passes hence your punishment is that you can no longer be a part of the army you will not come with us [Music] Mulan was very upset and heartbroken she needed to do something to save her family's honor that's when she heard the Huns voices Oh No the Hanna's are still alive I must warn the captain and so mula and raced to Imperial City to warn Chang they are alive we must prepare for another attack from the Huns I cannot trust you anymore you have cheated me before you are not welcome here leave Mulan tried to inform the other leaders but no one would listen to her meanwhile the Hun leader Shan you attacked the city and kidnapped the emperor li Shang and Mulan freed the Emperor [Applause] [Music] mulan been enticed sham you to follow her to the rooftop [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there she tricked him and grabbed his sword and pinned his coat to the roof as the two armies collided [Music] there was a huge explosion and the roof was destroyed thinking with it shan-yu milan fell to the ground when she sat up she saw that the Imperial Army had won and the Huns had been banished from the city forever the Emperor was very happy with Milan's bravery and gifted her a sword as a token of appreciation [Music] Milan went home and presented the sword to her father who was very happy with the honor that his daughter had brought to the family suddenly there was a knock at the door it was Captain li Shang he'd come to return Mulan her helmet that she had forgotten Milan invited him to stay for dinner and he graciously accepted so you see tofu girls can do anything they put their heart to tofu tofu are you listening to me yes dear I am I am just thinking how wrong I was to think that girls can't fight well now you know so better be careful before you pick a fight with a girl next time [Music] isn't that John and his older brother [Music] yes that's them whoo look at that he is really troubling his brother haha I think John is in big trouble I'm sure his brother is gonna give him a big scolding I don't think so why not did you see how he was troubling his brother there is no way he's gonna stop unless his brothers calls him don't decide on that till you've heard the story of the wind and the Sun [Music] a long time ago the wind and the Sun which is talking when the wind said something strange to the Sun you do know that I am more powerful than you don't you don't be arrogant of my friend but the wind got offended I am NOT being arrogant I am being truthful if you don't believe me let's have a competition right now the Sun did not want to compete with his friend but the wind left him with no choice reluctantly he agreed okay my friend let's have a competition just then a young man was walking on the road below them he was varying a beautiful scarf and a handsome coat see that man below whoever can get the scarf and the coat of him wins okay wind you go ahead first and so the wind blew at the man the man scarf moved a bit and his coat front flapped a little I was just beginning I will show the man some more of my power now now the wind blew a little more strongly the man's cough and cold front started flapping more in the wind the wind grew fiercer and blew more widely at him [Music] [Music] the man's cough almost left him but he caught it and tied it around his neck properly the wind blew at the man with all his power and anger but it only made the man wrap his scarf and coat around him more tightly he started feeling so cold with the wind blowing at him that he wrapped his arms around his legs and sat down by the road the wind failed to get his cars and coat off [Music] I have still not lost if my power and anger couldn't do the job you surely won't be able to do it either let us see I think you have frozen the poor man maybe he could use some warmth and so the Sun gently smiled a bit at the man immediately the man started feeling better he straightened up and the colour returned to his cheeks he got up and started walking his way again is that it is that all you will do smile at him the son ignored his friend and smiled at the man a little bit more the man became more comfortable and walked his way faster watch what happens now now the son gave the man an even bigger smile as the son smile grew bigger the man started feeling warmer and warmer finally he could take it no more and started sweating he slowly took his scarf off Oh No at last the sun's warmth became so much for the man that he took off his coat and flung it aside the Sun had won the competition I am sorry I underestimated the effect of gentleness I thought only power could make things happen in the world but I was wrong oh don't worry my friend why don't you blow at him gently so his sweat can banish the wind did so while the Sun continued to smile at him lightly the man went on his way enjoying a pleasant day wow Tia that's a wonderful way to be with people yes there are better ways of changing things than a show of anger and power I'm so glad you are my elder sister TIA if ever I do something wrong I know you will correct me but that scolding me well looks like John also has a great brother see he is no longer troubling his brother [Applause] for your favorite crimes stories and more join kids hop family subscribe here [Music]
Channel: T-Series Kids Hut
Views: 1,549,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: T Series, Stories for kids, bedtime stories, kids stories, bedtime stories for kids, story for kids, short stories for kids, stories for children, kids story, kids hut, moral stories for kids, song with lyrics, The Bible Story - Stories of Jesus || Bible and Other Story Collection For Kids, The Bible Story, Stories of Jesus, Bible and Other Story Collection For Kids, Story compilation, Story Collection, English Stories
Id: l2KxzMm68GE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 38sec (4658 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2017
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