Arthur Finale Full Episode | Blabbermouth / All Grown Up | PBS KIDS

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The guy that voices adult Arthur just so happens to be Michael Yarmush, who was the original voice actor for Arthur. That's a nice touch if you ask me.

👍︎︎ 1304 👤︎︎ u/dman6233 📅︎︎ Feb 21 2022 🗫︎ replies

DW the cop 😂

👍︎︎ 534 👤︎︎ u/OrangePython 📅︎︎ Feb 21 2022 🗫︎ replies

It was sweet to see adult Arthur become a professional writer. And he met Marc Brown! Very cute.

👍︎︎ 413 👤︎︎ u/grrliz 📅︎︎ Feb 21 2022 🗫︎ replies

Buster: "To watch more Arthur"

Hits a little differently now at the end

👍︎︎ 323 👤︎︎ u/All-Sorts 📅︎︎ Feb 21 2022 🗫︎ replies

"The uploader has not made this video available in your country"


👍︎︎ 103 👤︎︎ u/yellow_itomato 📅︎︎ Feb 22 2022 🗫︎ replies

Why could all these animals talk but his dog couldn't.

👍︎︎ 87 👤︎︎ u/chumchees 📅︎︎ Feb 22 2022 🗫︎ replies

Seriously bummed that we didn't see a grown up Fern and Sue Ellen. Those two are one of my favorite characters in the show next to George. I really wanted to see Fern as a successful horror author as an adult.

👍︎︎ 312 👤︎︎ u/brb1006 📅︎︎ Feb 21 2022 🗫︎ replies

He dresses like an adult as a kid and like a kid as an adult.

👍︎︎ 166 👤︎︎ u/happycharm 📅︎︎ Feb 22 2022 🗫︎ replies

Definitely going to watch this, though I'm probably going to be very distraught when I'm done

Edit: Yep, I'm distraught. That was a beautiful ending. Really nice little throwback

👍︎︎ 153 👤︎︎ u/AntarcticScaleWorm 📅︎︎ Feb 21 2022 🗫︎ replies
- [Narrator] This episode was made possible in part by. (upbeat music) ♪ Every day when you're walking down the street ♪ ♪ Everybody that you meet has an original point of view ♪ (laughing) ♪ And I say hey ♪ Hey! ♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪ ♪ If we could learn to work and play ♪ ♪ And get along with each other ♪ ♪ You got to listen to your heart, listen to the beat ♪ ♪ Listen to the rhythm, the rhythm of the street ♪ ♪ Open up your eyes, open up your ears ♪ ♪ Get together and make things better ♪ ♪ By working together ♪ ♪ It's a simple message, and it comes from the heart ♪ ♪ Believe in yourself, for that's the place to start ♪ ♪ And I say hey ♪ Hey! ♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪ ♪ If we could learn to work and play ♪ ♪ And get along with each other ♪ Hey! ♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪ Hey! ♪ What a wonderful kind of day ♪ Hey! ARTHUR: Hey, DW! Hey! Whoa... (crash) ♪ ♪ Shh! ♪ ♪ (Francine speaking indistinctly) She's coming! Quick! Everybody inside! Okay, now when Muffy comes in, everyone shout-- (gasps) wait! I forgot something! Don't let them in yet! ♪ ♪ (quickly dialing) (television music playing, telephone rings) (ringing continues) Hello? What? (panting) ♪ ♪ (muffled, indistinct chatter) (Buster panting) (panting continues) Whoa! (branches rustle) (doorbell rings) ♪ ♪ (gasps) (doorbell rings again) (jiggles doorknob) (Francine straining) FRANCINE (straining): Weird... Arthur said to come over. (straining) (panting) ALL: Surprise, Muffy! ARTHUR: Welcome back from your trip! (cheering) How was Hawaii? Yeah, how was it? (panting) BINKY: "Blabbermouth." ♪ ♪ Why didn't you tell me before? Um, I... just forgot. You forgot? This is the fourth surprise party you forgot to tell me about! Wow! We sure have a lot of surprise parties. I'm your best friend! I should be the first person you tell! You're right, I'm sorry. Here, have some cake. Okay! I'll get you some ice cream. Wait a minute... I recognize this cake. You do? I saw you and your mom buy it yesterday. Um... And you said nothing about a party. Um... Why didn't you tell me? Fess up, Arthur. I didn't tell you because you would have blabbed about it to Muffy. What? I would not! (gasps) I'll get you a towel. (scoffs) Did you hear that? Arthur just called me a blabbermouth. (both gasp) (gasps) Huh? I'm not a blabbermouth! Am I...? Whoa! What's happened? (gasps) Is he all right? Oh, it's just you, Buster. Welcome! (shrieks) Blah blah blah! Nice to see you again! No! No! I'm not one of you! I'm not a blabbermouth! Okay, I've been thinking and thinking and I can't remember one time I blabbed something you told me. (quickly): My underwear nightmares, my crush on the babysitter, my fear of Grotesquely Grim Bunny, "Love Ducks," Binky's surprise party, Fern's surprise party, Brain's surprise party. We really do have a lot of surprise parties. (groans) Okay, you're right, maybe I have blabbed... once or twice. But I can change! Okay. Really? Sure. Then tell me a secret. It'll be a test. Um... I promise! I won't tell it to anyone! BUSTER (voiceover): So it was really hard to hear I was a blabbermouth-- sugar cone-- but then I said sorry and he trusted me-- strawberry-- because we're best friends and-- nuts, no, sprinkles-- and he even told me this huge secret and-- no, no, wait, nuts and sprinkles-- and I haven't told it to anybody... What was the secret? Mmm! That Arthur was born in Transylvania. It was the ice cream! I was distracted! But listen, I have a new plan. If I only communicate by notepad I can train myself to keep my mouth shut. "Tell me one more secret!" Buster... "Please!" (groans) GEORGE: "Hi George"? Oh, hi! Why are you talking with a notepad? (scribbling) "Learning to keep my mouth--" (pencil snaps) (groans) (gulps) You're learning to "keep your mouth"? Why? Is it going somewhere? ♪ ♪ Here. "Shut." Oh! Why are you trying to keep your mouth shut? ♪ ♪ (scraping) It's okay, you don't have to tell... No, I can do this! (gasps) (groaning): I spoke! (sighing): Okay, I'm keeping my mouth shut because... You told him?! I don't know how it happened! One moment I was writing in my notepad, the next, I was telling George about DW's brain transplant! It's okay. Really? But I blabbed again. I'll just be careful what I tell you. You shouldn't have to be careful about what you tell your best friend... I've got to think about this. Maybe I'm just not... best friend material. I'll see you at school. (bell chimes) Buster, wait! I don't care that you told them that stuff! Why? Because none of it was true anyway. (gasps) You mean, you're... you're not from Transylvania? So, you lied to me? No... I mean, well... They were just silly stories... But-- why? Because I didn't trust you not to tell a real secret. (gasps) Buster! Wait! I may have blabbed, Arthur, but I have never lied to you. (shutter sound effect) ♪ ♪ Not only does Arthur not trust me, but he's acting like he's never blabbed before. (shutter sound) MUFFY: Here, eat this carrot. I need some action shots. But he has blabbed before! There was that time he told everyone... (shutter sound) that I sucked my thumb! Wasn't that a good thing? Huh? What do you mean? Well, it got you to stop sucking your thumb, right? That's true... Hey, if you wrote a post about how you quit thumb-sucking, you'd probably get a million likes on your Picto-gram! Really? Sure! Even this lunch I'm taking pictures of gets likes. Come on, let's try it. Put your thumb in your mouth! Umm... no thanks. Suit yourself. (shutter sound) I think privacy is overrated. Secrets just make people unhappy. You know, you're right! Maybe blabbing isn't such a bad thing... Hey, post this: "What's wrong with blabbing?" Interesting idea... "If people blabbed more, "maybe there wouldn't be so many secrets and lies. Maybe everybody would be a lot happier." Did you get that? I'm typing! I'm typing! "Come to the community garden this Saturday, "tell me your secrets, and I'll post them! "Get everything out in the open! You'll be glad you did!" I think you're onto something! ♪ ♪ (footsteps going by) ♪ ♪ Aw, poor Buster... George! Over here! Want to tell me a secret? Um... Huh... (phone ringing) (phone beeps) Okay, so what did we get? Well, we only got one secret. From George. What is it? Tell me! That's it? She says slipping on a banana peel isn't good enough. And she doesn't believe it. But it's true! Ask George if he has something with a little juicier. She says it's gotta be juicier. What does that mean? More embarrassing? Well... Okay. But I'm only telling you this because I feel sorry for you. George has a better secret, but he's only telling it because he feels sorry for me. She says that's fine. Spill the beans. (sighs) (doorbell rings) Oh! Hi, Buster! What's up? I just did a bad thing... I don't see how you can stop Muffy from posting it. (grunts) But I just checked the website and George's secret wasn't there! Maybe we still have time? And she won't answer her phone? Nope. Come on! We have to hurry! ♪ ♪ (skidding to a halt) (both drop bicycles) (banging) So what did George tell you? Oh, well, you see, he... Maybe I better not say. ♪ ♪ (quickly): Muffy listen, I've been calling and calling, and I think... Don't worry, I'm shutting the site down. What? I just couldn't bring myself to post it. Why would I do that to George? Phew! I'm sorry I dragged you along. I don't know why I needed you... but I did. I get it. I'm glad I came. And I'm sorry about before. You were right-- best friends don't have to tell each other everything. I think they just have to tell each other what's important. Yeah. Like the fact that I actually have a little brother. What?! Why have you never told me? Got ya! Come on! Race you to the Sugar Bowl! Yeah! ♪ ♪ KIDS: And now, a word from us kids. Today we are doing character traits. For example... uh... Buster, he's a blabbermouth. Character traits are like so people get to know us better and it helps us learn about each other. What we're like on the outside and how people might see us, and what we're like on the inside, what people might not know about us. So here's my example. Aw! TEACHER: Sometimes I seem very serious, but on the inside I'm actually really silly. So you're going to have a chance to create your very own picture. ♪ ♪ GIRL: On the outside I'm bossy, I'm confident. But really on the inside, a lot of people don't know that I'm very shy. GIRL: We're going to do the character traits of Arthur's friends. ALL: We are the DW team. She's bossy, sneaky. ♪ Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar ♪ She is a troublemaker. But in the inside, I feel like she's very creative and kind. I am kind of like Buster because I make friends, and I am nice, too. I'm like Francine because me and Francine like soccer. Buster and Arthur, them combined would make me, and then I'm a little bit like Binky. This is Arthur. On the outside he's a big brother, he likes to play piano, and he's a best friend to Buster. On the inside, sometimes he gets angry, he worries about his schoolwork, he loves his dog Pal. I think Arthur could be my friend. I think Arthur could be my friend, too. ♪ ♪ KIDS: And now, back to "Arthur"! I said, "Nigel, you've taken that book out three times." Hi, Ms. Turner! Is it in yet? You're in luck. But he took it out again-- what could I do? It's called, "Dinosaur Adventures," and this girl's mom is a paleontologist, and they find this stegosaurus in ice, and... Hey! Free samples! Ooh, this one looks like milk chocolate. Blech! (coughs) It taste like soap! ARTHUR: "Lavender flavored chocolate." You know... it's actually pretty good. ♪ ♪ Isn't it weird how sometimes you don't get what you expect, but it turns out to be right for you anyway? Isn't it "charmant"? White is the new black, you know! Ugh! It's ruined! ♪ ♪ Amazing! I'm a trend-setter when I'm not even trying! I pick... Binky. I pick... Hey, who does this hat belong to? George. Whoa... Huh? Wait! No, I meant... (cheering) Go, George, go! I know how to pick 'em, don't I? It's almost like some things are just meant to be. Do you have any lavender-flavored chili? "Drawing Animals the Easy Way"?! Ms. Turner gave me the wrong book! MUFFY: "All Grown Up." ♪ ♪ I was going to exchange it yesterday, but I didn't get here in time. Hey, this shows you how to draw an aardvark! I never knew their noses were so long. Weird! Can we hurry up, please? We're wasting valuable Saturday time! Hello? Anyone? Excuse me, did you happen to see where Ms. Turner went? Oh, I think she's in the stacks. Thank you. ♪ ♪ FRANCINE: Wow, I haven't been down here in ages. No one has. It's like a dust factory! (coughing) Ms. Turner? (inhaler rattles, medicine hisses) Huh. I didn't know there was a door down here. I didn't know there were books down here. (water dripping) Cool! (electricity buzzes) Look at all this old stuff! BUSTER: I bet this is where they keep the books they don't want us to read. Like this: "101 Uses For Butter Churns". (gasps) I'm checking this out! Muffy Crosswire, I turn you into a newt! Ha-ha! Well, I turn you into a gnat! (whirring) OSKAR: Puny mortals! Prepare yourselves! I didn't read a word! I swear! (chuckles) It's just some old game. (beeps) OSKAR: Do you dare to know your future? "Oskar the Oracle Octopus: the game that predicts what you will do in life.” A game can't do that. Only online quizzes can. ARTHUR: Let's play! I call this diving helmet! If you were a pizza topping, what would you be? Easy-- shaved truffles. Uh, that's not one of the choices, your highness. 1) mushrooms, 2) pepperoni, 3) black olives. Ugh! This game is so retro. One... (beeps) ...mushrooms. As long as they're chanterelles. (whirring) If you were on a desert island and could take only one object, would it be: 1) a fishing hook, 2) your favorite book, 3) a hot dog. Three-- hot dog! Huh? What? You give a seal your hot dog, become friends for life, and he fishes for you! (game beeps) It's the only way to survive. ♪ ♪ (bubbling) (whirring) ARTHUR: What type of fish am I? I don't know... shark? You're a herring! It's so obvious. My best friend is not a herring! (beeps) ♪ ♪ (beeps) (whirring) ♪ ♪ (whirring) (8-bit music plays) OSKAR: Congratulations! (gasps) Because you are brave, caring, and determined, you will be... a public servant! Public servant?! Hey, that's great! You could be a mail carrier. ♪ ♪ This isn't my mail. No, it's your neighbor's. But you need this catalog more. Check out the dresses on page number four. The rest is just boring bills! (growling) (shrieks) (screaming) No, no, no! Crosswires cannot do anything with "servant" in the title. FRANCINE: Hey, my dad's a public servant! And he's so good at it. I'd be terrible. It just means a government job. You could be a politician. Hm... I suppose I'd consider president... but I think this octopus is broken. Maybe not-- let's see what I become. (whirring) (8-bit music playing) OSKAR: Congratulations! Because you are driven, competitive, and a leader, you will be... a business person! FRANCINE: Hey! No fair! You stole my future! Bad answer, Oskar. Try again. Hold on. You are competitive. But I don't like anything about business. I can't even imagine it. ♪ ♪ Hold that elevator! Sorry. First day. (elevator dings) (people chattering, phones ringing) (indistinct chatter) ♪ ♪ Francine! Over here! (phone ringing) Welcome to Dynosymbatronitech! I'll show you to your office. Don't worry, after five years you get a big space, like mine. (telephone ringing) (another telephone ringing) Better get those. You don't want to get on Old Man Slink's bad side. Good morning! Symba-techo-dyno... No wait! Dyno-trini-trono... No, it's... (groaning loudly) There is no way I am ever going to be a boring old businessperson. Hey! My daddy is a "boring old businessperson." And he's so good at it! Actually, I think you'd be pretty good at business. Remember when you sold those cat toys? That was different. I did it for Nemo. (whirring) (8-bit music playing) Please let it be pseudoscientist! OSKAR: Congratulations! Because you are curious, imaginative, and kind, you will be... a teacher! Huh. I could see that. (laughing) "Mr. Baxter." What? I could be a teacher! ♪ ♪ Good morning! Today we're going to learn all about Bigfoot. ♪ ♪ The odds of there being a living gigantopithecus are approximately 487,000 to one. Can you teach us something useful? Like geometry? ALL: We want math! Astrophysics! Teach us how to code! (footsteps retreating) ♪ ♪ Actually... maybe not. I could probably teach cats. Is there a school for cats? Come on, let's go to the Sugar Bowl. (tapping) I think Oskar has seen better days. I can see why we've never heard of this game. Wait! I want to see what I get first. (whirring, 8-bit music playing) OSKAR: Congratulations! Because you are creative, meticulous, and hard working, (powering down): you will be... What?! No fair! What will I be? (imitating Oskar): You will be... very bored looking for new batteries for me! Come on, Arthur. I think it's a sign. ♪ ♪ (light switch clicks) (door creaks) ♪ ♪ Hey, you forgot your book. Oh, I just got that book by accident. You sure you don't want it? There are some really great drawings in here. Okay, why not? Thanks! ♪ ♪ (door creaks) (whirring) ♪ ♪ (door opens, bell chimes) BUSTER: Arthur! (chuckles) Sorry I'm late! I had all these stories to read. Hey, you'll never guess what Kate wrote about. (chuckles): Well, with you as her teacher, it was probably about aliens. (imitates buzzer) You get an "F", Arthur Read. It's about a baby who can read animals' minds. It's really good! Maybe she'll be a writer. (gasps) Is that it? Yeah, but I don't know if it's any good... (door opens, bell chimes) The latest polls have us neck-and-neck, but I think I can pull ahead. George, can I put one of these up? Sure! My Sugar Bowl is your Sugar Bowl. And I'll do anything to get that Mayor Hirsch out of office! I know! Why doesn't he just retire already? Hey, are those the latest style? Yeah, but we haven't released them yet. I'm just testing them out. Who ever thought I'd get so much exercise running a company that makes sneakers? Is that it? Let me see! I don't know... (music playing on television) BINKY (on TV): It may be nice now, but that cold front is going to body slam Elwood City by Tuesday. (whistle blowing) Hey, there's DW. I wonder who the unlucky driver is this time. Hey! This is a no parking zone! Move it! Hey DW! It's me-- Bud! Bud Compson? What are you doing back? Let me buy you coffee. But first I have to give you a ticket. Come on, show us! Can I see, too? I'm sure it's great! As your future mayor, I order you to let us see it. (door opens, bell chimes) (door closes) You're the only ones who have ever seen it except for my publisher. BUSTER: Wow. I never imagined you'd write a graphic novel. Me neither. I just like drawing animals. Well, what are you waiting for! Read it to us! ♪ ♪ (page rustling) "Chapter one: how I got my very first pair of glasses..." BUSTER: To watch more "Arthur" and play games with all the Elwood City friends, visit You can find "Arthur" books and lots of other books, too, at your local library. ♪ ♪
Channel: PBS KIDS
Views: 3,057,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PBS KIDS, education, children, kids, games, videos, educational, cartoons, Disney Jr., Nickelodeon, Nick Jr., Cartoon Network, Games, Videos, Full Episodes, Full Episode, life lessons, educational media, safe, streaming, arthur, blabbermouth, all grown up, arthur full episode, arthur final episode, pbs kids full episode, arthur finale, Arthur All grown up, DW, Buster, Aardvark, arthur marathon, arthur pbs kids, Arthur's 25th Anniversary, Arthur Anniversary, final episode, arthur last episode
Id: gYn1Em-4CQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 49sec (1609 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 21 2022
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