The Steve Harvey Show 22/2/2019 - Wait 90 Days; Hey Steve!; Straight Talk; Before We Go

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we'll be right back up next this time for Straight Talk women versus big money in marriage love comes in many different sizes five thousand twenty thousand that is prostitution to motherhood being a mother first date I love them as they are when I meet them as they are when you meet them is never the same two months later two first love my son was talking to me the other day how do you know if she's the one if she makes you better [Applause] [Music] I'd everybody welcome back of the feedback that I've been getting from having a co-ed Straight Talk panel has been incredible so we're about to do it all over again and we're gonna get into some real conversations about love sex and relationships it's time for Straight Talk women versus men ladies first first up she's a director a mother she's a co-host on extra celebrating their 25th year on the air please welcome back my girl Tanika ray next up season often health and wellness expert and creator of the my fitness by Jillian Michaels app please welcome my buddy Jillian Michaels she's a reality star former winner of Big Brother and mother of two beautiful kids please welcome Jordan long time to meet the men first up he's a seasoned actor model and reality star give it up for Jill Marini all right he's an actor comedian and host of the hugely successful queers HQ trivia is Matt Richards and finally he's a TV and radio personality plus the CEO of celebrity news site Hollywood unlock give a warm welcome to Jason the lead hi everybody welcome to the show let's get to our first topic a restaurant of New York's Upper East Side has come under fire after banning women from drinking and eating alone at the bar because now get this the owner has ordered a crackdown on prostitutes so here's the question is it okay for a woman to eat or drink alone at a bar the wrong signal do you know how crazy that question is is it okay we are free people we could eat at the bar last night by myself I flew in town it was all men sitting at the bar it's yeah there I am I took a picture I have two kids at home I have a five month old and a two year old and it is the best being by yourself I mean I think you should assume that a woman is a prostitute because she sitting at the maybe she's just a lady of the night bars alone the men that are at the bars alone want to see those women out of the private establishment I believe this man is going to lose his business talking about women this way you don't put every one in the same bag it's ludicrous and now if you start to crack down on this I can't wait for the men to never show up because because the problem is on the other side of the coin correct never mind the fact is 2019 women should be able to do whatever they want to whatever they want to do in my personal experience you know going out and and mingling if I ever see a woman alone at the bar it means one of three things it means like she's their significant other is probably nearby right that's wine one two she waiting on somebody to show up three she don't want to be bothered where do we draw the line on telling people they can't come to the bar prostitutes need drinks too I mean and this is a free-flowing economy so at the end of the day he wants people to buy his empire but see here is is what let's be perfectly honest here the perception of a woman alone at a bar because if you go to Vegas this is the prostitute move now every businessman that travels knows when you go downstairs in the hotel to the bar the girls at the bar bar itself are available that's the perception that's why because you're traveling and whenever I travel I do the exact same thing as you by yourself I know I'm just opening up the playbook for you we are taught that if we want to look for an easy win she's sitting at the bar by herself it doesn't make you a prostitute that doesn't mean that's what you're doing but I am telling you what the perception is in the male psyche I will say you said we were taught that but that's from like what the 50s and the 60s when women didn't have their own jobs they couldn't pay for their own drinks they didn't go anywhere really by themselves Instagram so let's yeah Instagram let's move to 2019 women are everywhere everywhere at that boardroom the top of the board on the top of a big old business maybe we need to change the perception or how we gonna teach our kid that is used to exist and it's a different story now I'm trying to offer you a different perspective and why this guy even came up with this rule at this bar cuz he tried to crack down on prostitution in his establishment because when the prostitutes come they go to prostitutes don't get tables and sit in a corner prostitutes they don't get prostitutes don't make reservations and she was like what do you do I was like I'm a comedian I tell jokes this that or whatever I said what about yourself she said I'm a lady of the night to her words exactly and I didn't know what the hell that meant I text my dad I was like I think I'm talking to a vampire right the night it is an archaic way of thinking but I want you all to understand this archaic way of thinking is from businessmen who travel I'm telling you the game that you can like I've told women often times if you're a single woman you really want to meet a guy go to the bar and the tables around the bar sit at the tables around the bar and order yourself some dinner and a drink and watch what happens to you let's be honest it's not gonna crack down on prostitutes what it is is gonna move the party to another bar that's all its gonna absolutely alright so we're gonna take a quick break but when we get back we're just heating up with these topics so stay right there we'll be right back I'm looking to beat someone got found my club boy I'd like to show you with me in the southern gentleman was all about [Music] with Straight Talk women versus men addition ok let's get back to it a recent survey of 1,000 Americans revealed that 56% wanted a partner who would provide financial security more than love is it wise to pick financial security over love when it comes to settling down with someone absolutely yes it's wise but I haven't ever been able to do this I learned a long time ago stay loyal to the bag track love love you anger you got a whole lot of love and you ain't got no bag you will be you'll be homeless money does not buy all this or love exactly money does not buy you I can't really be in a prison marrying somebody for that I know many women who have and they are absolutely miserable that love comes in many different sizes five thousand twenty thousand money gives you comfort and gives you stability yep all this we need to struggle together no we not doing it was 22 when I met him he was 31 he was broke I was broke thank God I won big brother so that helped whenever we moved out here now since I brought home the paycheck you know I brought stability to us when we were younger now we have two kids he's older he better bring home the bacon now because I'm doing my job with the kids that's my full-time job are you happy in your marriage completely she's happy yeah and I know many women who married for money who were unhappy and continued to be unhappy speaking you something you don't even hearing you I'm sorry to say that no of course not your mom's you family teach you how to first of all respect and love someone I'm only married for 21 years now I have a twin year-old kid only that's a long time I gotta tell you is because love was there at first yeah you never know [Applause] you were talking about an archaic way of said getting the women out of the bar that's very millennial like you better get your man better Bo to buy you labels we're gonna get that bad I'm not saying labels I just don't understand this concept of like let's struggle to learn English I came with 400 bucks and with my wife I love that struggle because of that struggle I am I'm gonna say this right here you can get married if you want for money if the basis and foundation of your marriage is not love it cannot you have to be in love for it to work realistically because marriage is hard man in life it's the most important life to have his love now look that we wonder do men or women do this more often and I think it's really interesting I think kids are now being taught go for the man with money I think we might to the honor actually said something to me like two years ago about well I don't want to work and I was like I'm sorry and I was like my eyes rolled back in my head I had to take a second and take a breath and I was like I'm sorry baby how do you think you're gonna support yourself oh I'm gonna marry Prince Charming and I was like are you gonna work you're gonna start working tomorrow money is freedom it's not happiness but it does buy you freedom very time we've been conditioned yeah that's exactly what it was I'm not saying you have to marry the person so you can go get Prada Chanel we we ain't wearing Gucci but anything other than that I'm saying though that you could there are a lot of people who work who stay at home whose pet who's a partner is a provider in my marriage right now Marjorie does not work outside the home do you know what her job title is but I can't wait she's Queen and that's what she called herself that's it man that's everything hey we got more Straight Talk right after the break this is a really good do you not think your wife has made you like a better man of course let's get right back into the Straight Talk tops all right this is all about improving your partner a new survey has revealed the 75% of men and 67% of women say that their partner has changed them for the better so here's a question should you make it your business to change a new partner for the better or as accepting your partner as they are the key to a happy relationship the latter because you can't change anybody that's a joke I do think you could set them as they are definitely things where you're like maybe you could see this a little bit differently and vice-versa like I've been changed for the better and I feel like I've hopefully changed someone for the better I love them as they are when I meet them but there are definitely kind of things where like you couldn't be more neutral as they are when you meet them is never the same two months later like I'll meet somebody and they get with me because I'm funny and charming and all those things but they're like you think everything is a joke I'm like that [Laughter] back in the day back in the day when I used to build like date like build a person I was into okay we got to get a new barber definitely wearing those no more and I was into the whole upgrade thing then I found the bag and start making all that money and then I realized I don't want to build anybody anymore because the best thing about my relationship that I had in the past Mayor recipes was it got so good when they left because I got better and they got better so yeah people only change when they decide to do it for themselves so maybe it's all in technique maybe you offer suggestions but you can't be married to if they take them but when you need someone you fall in love with them it would be weird to say okay by the way I don't like that change it then you're not gonna be able to that's follow it's not do what do you not think your wife has made you like a better man and I want somebody to ask course men don't have the foresight that it requires to to do certain things like every invention that a man has made has been improved upon by a woman a man invented the high-rise building a man invented the high-rise building a woman invented the fire escape what how do I know that was a firefighter I couldn't be more opposite from each other and I feel like when you love somebody and you you grow together you trust each other you communicate you work together you change together and you learn one another my son was talking to me the other day and he said dad how do you know if she's the one and I said here's the deal when she's not around you you breathe different if she expresses any me your immediate response is to fix it and the last thing you look for if she makes you better amen if she makes you better listen to me no but none of us are perfect men or women but I tell you what man if you're with the woman that does not improve you or cannot improve you you should leave now because you're going to need that man because you're gonna be faced with some situations in life where you need to be better than who you are and if that woman ain't the painter rod in your back to help you be that better person you got a problem ladies the exact same thing if you get in the situation and the man you got does not make you better do with the wrong man thank y'all for being here today this wasn't really going keep it right to everybody we'll be right back I Lynette some who in here want to win some money [Applause] [Music] [Applause] how you doing [Music] [Applause] what's your name ha Denise where you from need a [ __ ] sorry Denise where are you from that means what you do for a living retired living your best life cheerio who you here with my daughter my girlfriend [Applause] [Music] are you a very very happy person now I would just someone just go out a little bit anybody ever asked you was you crazy [Applause] [Music] I have a look Oh today your birthday [Music] well let's try to win some money on your birthday come on I got twenty pictures up on the board every time you match a picture I'm gonna give you 100 bucks I got 60 seconds on the clock if you match all 20 of those pictures up that's ten matches you can walk out here with a thousand dollars okay okay let's flip them over scramble them up you ready your time will start at you pick your first two numbers go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now you got eight matches you got a home dog that's 800 now watch this here turn around and give me one moment and I'm gonna give you $1,000 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] 119 119 119 [Applause] thousand dollars to me [Applause] [Music] hi everybody welcome back you know these days are more people than ever are tracing their family tree to find out about their lives and the lives of their ancestors so that they can gain a better understanding of who they really are well thanks to my friends at my heritage the story of my next guest ancestor has been brought to life take a look while the history books are full of heroic stories many stories of unsung heroes go untold James Reese Europe is one such hero quoted by some as the founding father of ragtime and jazz the only thing more staggering than his legacy is the fact that he is not a household name born in 1880 in Mobile Alabama he learned classical violin and piano as a child at 22 he moved to New York to pursue a career in classical music while there he founded the klephts Club orchestra the first all African American Orchestra and trade union in the country James single-handedly led to Orchestra all the way to Carnegie Hall in 1912 where he made history again as the first black man to perform at the iconic venue in 1917 at the height of his career he was called to fight in World War one we're not on enemy lines he was busy introducing a whole new continent to ragtime and jazz with his band the Harlem Hellfighters his contribution to black culture makes his untimely death even more shocking in 1919 he was stabbed to death by a member of his band he was just 39 years old James Reese Europe efforts to elevate the black cause through music have earned him a place in the history books with many referred to him as the Martin Luther King of music well everybody please welcome the great grandson of James Reese Europe robert f europe how you doing man give it to him so robert now before my heritage how much did you know about your great-grandfather's legacy my father james who unfortunately he couldn't be here today he was encourage us to learn as much as we could about the man but just to kind of gauge the sheer impact that my great-grandfather had on culture it's kind of hard to comprehend i mean i know mostly about his you know his big exploits as far as bringing jazz to france but you know the finer details of his life my knowledge gets a little sketchy so I'm excited yeah so joining us now is a geneticist and family tree expert Nathan Pearson welcome back to the show I know that you've partnered up with my heritage on this how can you help people like Robert connect with their family history so for our families we have kind of two ways of looking back into the family past and and seeing those details that you're craving to see Robert and those are the DNA that that's within us and then also the lore and the records that go out that we share outside that we share in families and in the paper trail and so the cool thing with my heritage is that they look at both and so you get this kind of stereo view where you're looking through those binoculars and you can bring the past into focus and depth better that way and for your great-grandfather when we look back at the records of him and his family before he was the warrior before he was the bandleader he was the baby of the family the youngest of Laurine and Henry Europe and they were living in Mobile Alabama in 1880 and at that time Henry was working as a gauger AG a juror is a customs official at the port in Mobile but ten years earlier in the very first census after emancipation he had been working as a schoolteacher and you can see as he follow the family forward in the paper trail the first they go to DC and then later when James moves to New York he of course in his father's footsteps becomes a mentor to so many young musicians in New York and there's amazing paper trail there of him going to Puerto Rico recruiting he was trying to find the best musicians to join his band there's a record of him coming back with folks on that ship with new bandmates and pioneering that forward and that of course brings us to music as his legacy and your own legacy the living legacy there so in your own work you inherited along with other people in your in your family tree and other other kin you inherited some of that beautiful pioneering work that he did artistically and also of course the DNA that came with it great grandfather do you would you think live on in you well obviously the most obvious thing would be music I myself I'm a career musician I'm a singer guitar player for the foster Europe end it's a Sol rock band back in New York I mean I got cousins that are just amazing singers vocalists songwriters and my father James Reese trip the third and my brother Lieutenant James Reese Europe the fourth although they did not take a career in music there they're both very very adept at music how do you plan on keeping your great-grandfather's memory alive for future generations in your family well I definitely my kids know about James Reese Europe but I would like everyone to know about James Reese Europe that's why my family and I we've actually been involved in this thing called the 369th experience they actually recreated the 369th Harlem Hellfighters and all the musicians are made up of musicians from local ABC use and they toured around the country I mean they're incredible band and they tour around the country they play my great-grandfather's music thank you for joining us today on be out everybody Thank You Steven thank you my heritage for a for bringing us on that's really cool to learn like that Thank You Nathan and Robert and for all of you at home you too can make amazing family history discoveries just head over to my heritage comm and right now if you use the coupon code Steve 50 you'll get 50% off their complete subscription we'll be right back everybody [Applause] diello chief love opposite that would be me all these deliveries I'm looking to meet someone got my plus one I'd like to show you what being a Southern gentleman is all about pay attention ladies next hey I told you about right well it's a new weekend we've got four new deals use that smartphone everybody before we go out I want to remind you that is Black History Month and every day I've been sharing stories about African Americans whose names we should know which brings me to Garrett Morgan born in 1877 in Kentucky the son of freed slaves Morgan achieved a level of success unheard of for an african-american man in that era although he only had a sixth grade education Garrett became fascinated with how things worked his curiosity eventually led him to Cleveland Ohio where he spent most of his adult life as an inventor a businessman and a political leader now although he filed many patents in his lifetime he is best known for three inventions first for a chemical hair processing and straightening solution which launched a personal grooming company second the smoke hood more commonly known as the gas mask which he used to heroically rescue workers trapped in a collapsed tunnel under Lake Erie Garrett eventually sold it to the US military to be used in World War one and third after becoming the first african-american in Cleveland to own an automobile he developed the three signal traffic light so we have him to thank for the yellow light we all speed through he virtually sold that patent to GE for $40,000 which today would be a half million bucks so by the 1920s Garrett started the Cleveland caller which became one of the most important african-american newspapers in the nation a tireless advocate for equality Garrett also found that the Cleveland Association of colored men which would eventually become part of the n-double a-c-p now that wasn't enough he even opened an all-black Country Club mr. Garrett Morgan we thank you for the impact you've made on not just the african-american community but on the lives of everyone around the world yeah that's our show for today you ought to see some behind the scenes and moments from today and so just follow the conversation on Facebook that's the TV show we'll see you next time [Applause] [Music]
Channel: The Steve Harvey Show
Views: 936,396
Rating: 4.6891575 out of 5
Keywords: Wait 90 Days; Hey Steve!; Straight Talk; Before We Go, Men vs. Women: Jason Lee (, actor Gilles Marini, Matt Richards (, Jordan Lloyd (, health and wellness expert Jillian Michaels and Tanika Ray (
Id: botqyrm_QZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 35sec (1895 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 22 2019
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