Brother Steve Harvey Speaks - 2017

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he don't need no introduction proceeds I said all right okay he don't need no introduction if you have a TV in your house as my mama would say you love Allah you love it a beer to find them anytime in the day on some show somewhere born in Welch in West Virginia born and Welch West Virginia mom and daddy went to Cleveland Ohio Seoul Ohio your man is back in the state back in the state but Grant Knox and brother Mayor Graham Marion had a vision to brain brother Sean McDonald brother Steve Harvin in Cincinnati Ohio and it's our job to carry out what our leaders in just to carry out brother Harvey make some changes to come and participate and we're so excited that he did it's very important that we we have him with us not only as a friend but he's a fraternity brother and he don't speak about speak about principles and business in life in terms of how to be successful and if anybody can tell you how to be successful Steve Harvey can without further ado our friend and our fraternity brother brother Steve Harvey thank you thank you very much next time y'all help me here I gots to be brought in by him don't you don't you bring me here no mo and I don't get brought in by him I won't stand i had a lamp around my neck I won't stand first of all let me say something from the bottom of my heart I am honored I am honored that you would think enough of me to have me come and share my time with you I'm on it I really am you know a lot gets said about you and until you really sit and meet a person you never really know a person you know you can read about me everything ain't true some of it some of is good I really am a humble person I really am now before I start anything I got to say I have to say this first no matter what you hear me say no matter how I tell my story no matter what piece of information I lay out in front of you please tag that with cause of god you got to understand that about me look sometimes when I'm talking and I'm sharing it sounds like I'm talking about myself but behind every sentence I want you to say cause of God because I get it this brother Ricky Lewis who was a dear friend of mine probably one of most dedicated cues I've ever met in my life really when he presented the idea to me you know I got to do a lot to move I'm pretty busy but when you hear a person introduce you with no introduction necessary it's because I've accomplished so much but it's cause of God don't you know look my life is covered with grace and favor I'm not a pastor by any stretch of the imagination I got enough flaws to negate that statement off the top but my life is favor you know Bishop Jake's told me one time when you got favored on your life no matter what you thrown into you gonna always rise to the top I have been thrown into a lot but because of favor and grace I just keep I just keep showing up somehow man no matter what they do and so all of this that I have is really because of the grace of God now I'm gonna tell you something you've got to have a tremendous work ethic to be successful in here in other words and you can relate to this you gotta have a lot of dog in you you really do man if you want to be successful because listen it's gonna be a lot of trying time so you have to have a tremendous work ethic but you've got to have faith the faith without works is dead you hear it all the time you go to church and you learn all these scriptures but then your own applied nunim to your life you're looking at a man who has made the simple application of three or four scriptures and Macks them out to get here i maxed out three full scriptures to get here I kid you not I'll share with you if you want to hear about them but I maxed out three full scriptures to get here I'd love to tell you I'm the funniest person ever lived but I ain't Richard Pryor got that I'd love to tell you I'm the greatest entertainer but I ain't Michael Jackson was that I got all that but they go so I probably a.m. but listen man this that I'm about to share with you I understand I only be doing this for a little bit and then we're gonna open up the floor for questions and I like doing questions because it helps me target specifically what a person is its hoping to hear but I gotta tell you something if you could get a couple of things from me if you could gather this piece of information Albert Einstein say it once he said imagination is everything it's the preview to life's coming attractions I want you to get this now imagination is everything it's the preview to life's coming attractions because if you think about it everything you have everything we have in this world somebody imagined it it's your imagination is tremendous somebody was sitting on the phone when they talking with a cord to the wall and we said man I wish I could just go outside with this phone everybody in here got a cell phone somebody imagined that somebody got tired of riding in a wagon cross-country from slavery to freedom somebody said I wish we had something that made these wheels move by the center we drive cars people got tired of driving from New York to LA somebody said I wish we could fly we got airplanes imagination is everything it's to preview to life's coming attractions your real life the one God really got for you is in your imagination it is not in your current situation or your current paycheck and if you've been living like that you have been restricted yourself to a commonality that is really not yours because what really God got for you is really in your imagination and that sense there's a lot of church folk in here let me tie that to a scripture because this one you really start affecting black for so y'all don't really believe nothing till your tire to some type of church thing so let's just go on and do that and once again for I start this I am NOT a pastor or a preacher and I can talk for a very small amount of time without cussing so it's really I know about the time limit I'm gonna try to end my speech for I hit that point because I want to stay dignified because this is about the men of Omega so I'm almost a dignified there is a scripture that Albert Einstein took this quote from it's like the book the secret the secrets one of the top-selling motivational books ever but if you read the book the secret it's all biblical everything comes from the Bible you really don't need self-help books you don't need the magic of thinking big the power of positive thinking how to win friends and influence people think and grow rich the winner's circle I've read them all all that information is in Proverbs all of it but let me give you a description you've all heard this right faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen so when I told you a minute ago you got to have a tremendous work ethic but you got to have a lot of faith I talked to so many people who get older like some of us are and they've lost their faith well faith is really simple it's that faith is the substance of things hoped for all that mean is in the beginning you just hope something pop off you know you just kind of hope something happen for you I was hoping I would get on TV I wrote it on a piece of paper when I was 10 I want to be on TV the problem I had when I wrote it at 10 was I suffered from a severe stuttering problem I could not talk outside of my house so can you imagine when I wrote on a piece of paper I want to be on TV and turn Terry in the first thing the little boy next door next to me asked me he did well how long is your TV show gonna be tell you to DT we did it to ticker fortitude you'll be on TV all day but when I wrote it on the paper it wasn't factual it was just hoping you just got to start with the hope faith is the substance of things that you're hopeful you just hope something general there what happened in through grace in favor he give you a couple of them things you hopeful and then you're supposed to start believing then because now it turns into faith but if you take the scripture faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen what is the evidence of things not seen I just told it to you Albert Einstein said imagination is everything it's the preview to life's coming attraction but guess what your imagination really is it's the evidence of things not seen because your imagination you know why it's the evidence of things not seen because you'd only want to see it your imagination is actually God showing you a preview of a coming attraction that he has for you the moment you don't believe in your imagination you negate what he got for you your imagination is to preview to life's coming attraction it is the evidence of things not seen because can't nobody see with you your problem is you keep telling your imagination to the wrong people see if you want to kill a big dream tell it to a small-minded person is dead how many times man have you had a tremendous idea something you thought was the one and you wouldn't told it to your loved ones and your so-called friends and they shot it down I mean you was convinced that it was just oh man I just came to you and you told the Tim and they shot it down and you thought since they was your loved ones and they friends and they got your best interests at heart you believe them you was wrong they taught you let them talk you out of what God got for you some of y'all still sitting here with the ambition of opening a business one day but you scared to go start the business because you got a job and you got bills rich people got bills everybody got bills hell I got bills you who you write ago somebody something I got something with the bank right now you're gonna let the fact that you got some bills stop you from opening the business the thing to God then put in your imagination so you're gonna squash that because you got bills everybody got bills your real life is in your imagination can you can you can you grab what I'm telling you so I don't know what you thought I was gonna say to you I'm just a real dude I don't even have the education you all have I flunked out of school I swung I ain't got no education I don't use four syllable words the only phone syllable word I know is my bank account that's it what look what I'm sharing with you is stuff that everybody can apply today if you are sitting in here thinking that you're too old to listen what Steve uh hell I'm 60 I'm 16 years old I know I know I know you can't believe it I know he's so fly I know but I'm 60 but I still rely on my imagination see if you think you're too old to make it let me give you a prime example Colonel Sanders Colonel Sanders has been frying chicken his whole life he was telling everybody here the best chicken in the world ain't nobody believing they turned him down everywhere Colonel Sanders didn't get a franchise - he was in his 60s Kentucky Fried Chicken sell mo chicken than anybody in the world today so if you sitting there thinking cause you've got a little gray on you are you too late as long as God waking you up in the morning that's the sign that he ain't through with you so what you trippin for you sittin up in here like like God can't do nothing for you cuz you 60 man you know what I'm asking God for right now and I'm 60 if you can see my vision board you would be you would be blown away cuz I got enough right now I really know but I ain't in the meat business I'm in the won't business ain't nothin wrong with wanting something but going down to these churches y'all sittin up in here going down to let keeping you in these little boxes God got a big life for you the only president get down the look and I love Church don't get me wrong I'm not knocking Church don't you don't don't tweet that no Steve don't care for the church no more I didn't say that but don't go down there memorize all these scriptures and then don't apply none of them to your life that's what I'm talking about quit going down there just to go and just get a couple of scriptures and apply them to you let me get you one that's real simple cities these principles of success they've taken all of these scriptures and they putting them in books and they call them you know thinking Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill the magic of thinking big by David Schwartz but how these everything in there is the scripture they just reworded it because people don't know how to read the Bible like I can't really read the King James Version I can't / TSA's that I go to sleep cause hits furthermore whatsoever whosoever who who is you talking about I need a name dog not not whomsoever cuz I'm throwing off I didn't do good with reading and comprehension in school the smallest scripture I ever read changed my life the scripted real simple you have not because you ask not do you know the difference that that could make in your life I'm just giving you real talk now I'm just trying to tell you how I got here see I have no education I applaud all of you which education there I'm sitting them talking so many men who have and corporate America know I'm in all of that cuz I don't have that but you sit here and you take what you have and it could be so much more if you would ask see you have not cause you ass not when the last time you really asked him for something or do you keep making requests that's inside the confines of your paycheck when you gonna get outside of that didn't I just tell you goddamn in your paycheck didn't I just tell you hearing in your job title the lifeguard got for you is in your imagination while you still imagine this stuff why you keep dreaming of a summer home why you keep dreaming of retirement leaving your grandkids money something that day is now where I think about my grandkids I got some TV shows thought I only need one one show pay me enough money I need through folk for my wife foe of them is for Marjorie the other three is for the great kids I just need one I do not live my life in the confines of what anybody says to me I let my imagination go and now imagination is a preview to life's coming attraction but what that really means is is God showing you a preview of what he has for you so now if you have not cause you ask not do you understand if you up your ask he has to up his give this period this is simple stuff that anybody can apply you ain't even gotta had no degree to do this you don't even have to have no money to do this you can start this today and change your whole game because you're gonna need grace and favor anyway now you know preacher but I people kill me when they asked me I'm talking to a group of white reporters the other day they kept asking me how did I make it I kept talking about grace in favor and they kept asking me who is your agent oh who yo why are you skipping over what I'm trying to tell you you need to dream the faith and then he put his grace and favor on topic you gone but you gotta ask for something if you up your ass he got to up his Gil period you have not called your ass now quit asking God for a little bitty stuff Lord Jesus help me make my rent don't eat always all y'all got somewhere to stay how about this why you keep asking for rent why don't you ask for mortgage if he gonna give you the money for a place to stay what difference do it make to God but if you keep saying written anything he keep giving you read if you ask for a mortgage he'd give you a mortgage but you have not cause your hands nothing Lord Jesus help me fix my car so I can make it to work why do you keep praying over that raggedy car why don't you ask God for a car that don't need fixing you know they roll them off the assembly line every day how you can't get a new car how you serve God how you go to church and you can't get a car just a new car how you can't get that from God know why cause you ain't asking you keep asking him for stuff that fit in your paycheck your paychecks a a 2015 Lexus so you go down there and ask him for that then guess what you get a 2015 Lexus you hope you'll ask he up his Gil you have not cause you asinine this ain't a magic trick man I get tired of rich people talking to people and they make you buy these programs and stuff so they can drag you out for eight years you can get the program hell I sell them did I just say that listen I have asked God for some tremendous stuff everything he hasn't given to me it's on the way I have no doubt about it why would he not see look I tell you what really prompted this thinking in me when I was homeless I lived in a car for three years I've made some decisions in my life man and threw myself off a cliff my decision in October October 8th 1985 I walked into a comedy club for the first time on a dare from a girl Jesus I walked into a comedy club for the first time had never heard of a comedy club but all my life I wanted to be on TV had never heard of a comedy club October 2:8 I walked into hilarities comedy club in Cuyahoga Falls Ohio that's right outside afternoon I signed up for the following week because I just wanted to see what the comedians did man I wanted I was sauced and live stand-up for the first time they had 10 acts supposed to go up 9 of a winner the 10th guy got scared and went ran out the door so I had signed up for the following week the guy says listen we lost our 10th act we're going to go to the phones we're going to go to the week from next week and Steve Harvey's Hill come on up now and clouds start clapping I was eating a chicken wing and drinking some grapefruit juice and I turned to the girl and I say a dude in here got the same name I got she say you the stupidest bastard I don't know all right I'm getting close to that it's that time limit I was hanging in there grand I'm sorry sorry bout that grand I how long was i hope here for did I get 20 years a man you shoot around 15 20 so I ran up on stage I'm doing I don't even know what to do but I just started talking about boxing and stuff that happened to me audience was Harlan laughing they bought all ten of us back up on stage they had a clap off I wanted to clap off I warned $50 I cry from Cairo Falls to Cleveland the girl kept saying why are you crying a table $50 I said now you understand just way more than fifty this dish what I do she said what you mean that's what you do this just your first time you don't understand some happened to me I won't ever tonight I went to work the next day October 9th 1985 and quit my job you've all seen this book I got out in this video called jump oh I jumped now I don't recommend that you do it that way because two years later I was homeless because the first year comedy I made $3,400 the next year I made 4800 and the third year I made five thousand three hundred dollars I got a wife a set of twins I'm sending every dollar I got to them so I tried to live on 50 75 dollars a week gas was 38 7 gallon back then I just stayed in my car so I lived in my car for three years three years I lived in my car and what happened was I just said man so I used to fish all the time to eat because I'm a fisherman I'm a bass fisherman so I used to stop at lakes and ponds and just fish and every night every month I get runoff from somebody's leg hey get away from here hey move along that's not yours hey stop fishing here I just get run off and he didn't understand at one time I had fish on the line they said you got fish on that line I say yeah throw him back I had to throw him back because I used to stop at rest areas with some little cast-iron greedo's I kept charcoal in my car I started a fire lady fish that some days I wouldn't need so that they thought I was just fishing but I was eating so I said one day I said man you know what one day man I'm gonna give myself some land I'm by myself piece of dirt so fast-forward god bless me I get on TV when I'm 38 I'm on Showtime at the Apollo lord have mercy they gave me my money I saved my money up I say $250,000 I said I'm going to give me some land I went to Texas and I'm about to buy some land but before I went to buy the land I was curious I just had the thought I said man how much land is on earth how many acres is on earth because you know it's not gonna change you know God let you fly God let you dive on the water God don't let you make dirt can't make dirt so I looked it up it's roughly over just a little bit over 36 billion acres of land 36 billion acres of land so I just got a little bit more curious and I said well how many people on earth I looked it up and there's about 6 billion people on earth so I did some Steve Harvey thinking I said ok if there's 36 billion acres of land and it's about 6 billion people on earth everybody ought to have 6 acres of land I just mean you know I just just think so ask God could I have 6 8 that's all I wanted because you know the one thing I wanted I didn't care if I put a house on her than none I just wanted to be a stay in somewhere and couldn't nobody run me off I just want it you know man I was in world of hurt I'm so sick of just kidding just getting run off man every time I stop somewhere so I got this money man I saved my money I saved $250,000 I'm going and I'm looking for some land the first day I get there I see a piece of land in Texas so beautiful I couldn't believe it had rolling hills had a pond on it why could fish of the dude took me over they'll look at the land and I'm looking I said man this is great right here I said sir how much is this right here he said well it's about $600,000 I said man I ain't I ain't got that kind of money he said well how much do you have I said I got two hundred fifty thousand I said well let me think about it man he said let me think about it and I was standing there and then I stopped I said sir can I ask you a question man how many acres are laying his dad he said this is six acres six six years ago I just asked God just give me six see I didn't want a whole lot of acres I just wanted my cut just give me my six and so I said ain't is crazy so I thought about it I said man what could we work out right before I got ready say it the guy that took me over to said Steve let me show you something right quick he took me over this Billy's house took me over this hillbilly house named Jerry Campbell now I I don't really care for hillbillies cause you know we don't I just you know when you fight you know I believe in I don't laugh when I hear that I mean you probably ain't gonna work out I'm from Cleveland I do things I don't want no trouble I met this hillbilly I was really nervous about meeting man cuz I didn't like where he talked but mess around turned out to be one of the finest men I've ever met in my life became a father figure to me it's an old white man he took me to his house he said let me show you and it took me over he showed me this land and it was massive it had three lakes on it it had rolling hills that had trees it was unbelievable man I said man this is incredible I said let how much is this he said this 16 acres I say hey man I ain't got that kind of money let me go on back over here to this do who I can Mike can cut a deal he said let me marry something what was you gonna give that man over there I said well I hadn't worked it out yet because all I got is $250,000 he said we'll listen I'm in a little bit of a tight right now see if you can bring me 250,000 cash by tomorrow I give you this 16 acres I showed up next day $250,000 16 acres see that's Grayson favor right there that's what that is so my first piece of land was 250 acres so I said man this is the land that I'm gonna save for my family I'm a fish on the rest of my life I'm gonna be an old man so then I got to think and I said hold up man you mean you have not cause you asked now I asked for six six years ago he showed me six but he gave me 16 so I went to God I said God listen to this I'm from Cleveland I got a couple partners that's locked up they probably won't be using they six [Applause] so I said Lord could I had a six and he said yeah so every time a curse came up available around that 16 I bought it and I bought six mo and then I went back and I said well Lord you know all my friends ain't locked up but some of them just saying you know they just saying well they just ain't nothing you know they don't want none day in trying could have had a six so he gave me a six and so then I was doing a show one time on HBO a friend of mine he's an atheist he don't believe in God but he got a late night show and asked me to do the show and I thought I was gonna be on there telling jokes but come to find out he was doing a show on atheism and I turned him down I said I don't want to talk he said why don't you come and talk to you a man of faith I said I don't like arguing with people don't believe in God you don't believe in God I think you a fool and I'm pretty sure since I believe in God you think I'm a fool I don't think two fools I'll be standing around and talking let's just end that he's a man come on and do the show so we did the show I hated it but after the show I counted all them atheists and it was six of them so I asked God could I had a six like no good well then go ask him for nothing truth so he gave me a 6 next thing you know I had 270 acres of land now let me tell you something I'm so busy now I don't even get to go to that ranch I never can go and I thought I was gonna be fishing and save it for my kids rest of life but God had another plan for me that's the ranch that I had my mentoring camp on I bring a thousand black boys out there with a thousand single mothers and that was the purpose of that rich I never go there to fish at all but see that's what I wanted I thought that's what it was for but God got another plan his way is way bigger than y'all you can't even see his way but you got to start the hustle you got to give God something to work with look if you start hustling and grinding he'll fill it up for you but if you ain't got no hustling no grind he can't fill it up so guess what I don't ever go there to use that land for fishing or not but I'm changing boys lives over there but on top of all that you know how many houses he didn't gave me this I'm telling you about God remember what I told you when I first started area statement I sent my sound like I'm talking about myself remember I said say cause of God you knock me to houses I got now they count them up sit for brush 612 nah I ain't got that many houses but the point I'm making the y'all is you have not cause you ask not see I'm giving you stuff you could do you can talk to people all day they got video out right now you can go online 39.95 how to buy a house with no money down if you're stupid enough think you can go buy a house with no money down go ahead you might can get it with no money down but at closing see my story is really a story about faith really is man I come out the dirt I have no college degree all of my children do I got seven kids I'm sitting there last one on the college I've got three boys two boys come out of mo house I got a daughter and come out of Spelman and Berkeley I got two daughters went to Hampton and I got dead and then graduated from Ohio State I made sure all my kids went to college cuz I know they gots to have that education well daddy you didn't go to college where your ass ain't got no jokes [Applause] slipped again outside that came I ain't even know that got out there I just I threw that one out there I feel pretty good I said why is he laughing like that it's been important for me to empower my children but not only my children but thousands of young people across the country and education is the key for a lot of people but when I speak at the colleges and stuff I tell people number one thing in your world is not your education it's your dream so what you dreaming about y'all what you still dreaming about what is God still showing you in your imagination what are you so afraid of why would you not take that leap and go for it before you mess around and die why would you not go and see what God really got for you for you lead this world why would you hang on to a job here's what happens with the job if you live in paycheck to paycheck right now when you retire they're gonna give you one third of what you can't live on now they're gonna give you go watch on a turkey and they're gonna set you on out to pasture if I was you before I leave this world I go see what God really got for me just take a chance now here's why you should take the chance name me one time God has not pulled you through just name it name the one thing God has never pulled you through if he ain't pulled you through it he's currently pulling you through it right now and the reason I know I'm telling the truth is cause you're sitting in he'll if God was through with you he wouldn't wake you up no more when he wakes you up is because he ain't through with you yet he got something else for you so why don't you go see what is look it's mostly black people in here why we keep living our lives like we still slaves why we got to live our lives like we owe them something man you owe yourself something go be free go see what God got for you I'll steal that's easy for you to say you rich hell did you hear me I lived in a car for 3 years I took our October 8th I won $50 October 9th I quit how big the jump you wanted to you ain't even got a dude a lot of y'all got savings you may not have three years I'll but you only need a little bit just jump go see what God got for you quit sitting here in your life posturing like it's okay quit funk in the faint quit faking the phone but quit quit got people thinking you something you ain't man when you really know you won't be something else can I just say that to a roomful of black people dawg I get tired I was speaking at Villanova last year I had to stand up and pull myself together man I couldn't wait to come here I couldn't wait to come here so I could just be my natural black self I just get tired you know look I'm a host of little big shots and kids and family feud I got a talk show you let them tell you something dawg I got six TV shows on the air right now and all six of them is number one in a timeslot cause the god now with that said do you know how I have to be the majority of my life something for somebody else just the first room my billion why I ain't gotta be there you know I talk just like this here I don't have no big words I'm just telling you just like it is you ain't gotta believe me but you look at me I'm telling you as proof in this here now that the god you serve really will give you what you asked for he will I'm not your preacher I'm a hula dude that domestic route with no education the mess when I got to the top of the TV world ballin out of control and I'm telling you I was homeless and leading a crowd and I didn't got no education now y'all in here got degrees I see it on your forehead I could tell by the way you listening to me you know how to listen ha oh my god there's Negros humorous I see it on you I feel when I'm around educated people I know you know how to study in math I can look at you and I'm so proud of you but hey man the next level go make yourself some money you ain't got to make a million but 300,000 nice 300,000 nice don't see reason though I know I talk like this I've been in every economic level day is cut my father was rough let him taste or I was in college my father didn't help me I got in real bad trouble one time I called home I said I need some money all right so four days later in the mail an envelope came it had two index cards so you couldn't see the money when I opened it up it had a note on the index card and it was a five dollar bill in there I pulled it out saw the fire dollars the note said this [ __ ] don't have to stop [Applause] [Applause] that photons but that's what the note said though I you would lose effect if I did not read you what my daddy wrote me and my daddy did so I think that's a free one you'll just let me have hey that's how my father was I'm a support you but just enough to keep you from dying this is enough to buy a sandwich and some water so you can live on to the next crisis so I've been after by Bennett every economic level I know what it's like to make 3,000 a year I so when I tell you what 300 feels like see and enjoy the ride along the way quit waiting into you a millionaire to celebrate there's joy in the journey listen to me if you was making fifty thousand and you now make a hundred thousand there should be a mini celebration in your life when you go from a hundred thousand to two fifty that should be another mini celebration in your life you got to buy some stuff to reward you along the way dance joy in the journey you don't have to wait to your meal I want to be a billionaire I really do because it's three black billionaires Oprah Winfrey Michael Jordan and Robert Smith I didn't research this you know I research cuz that's why I want to go we'll see why you want to have a billion because they printing the money disjoin where I'm at right now please understand I'm cool but if I could get a bill you know see brother blue and I brother blue heads went with me has traveled with me up to washington DC to dr. ben Carson at hood well let's talk about that for a second I don't have some things happen to me man President Obama's transition team I was getting off a plane one day assistant called and said Steve is President Obama's transition team President Obama I were friends I've interviewed him he's been on my talk show I've been to the White House and interviewed he's been on my radio show more to anybody's show I go today parties we friends so his transition team called me around the 9th of January and said Steve president feels like it's important that we sit down to have conversation with this new administration to see if that's something we could work out not President Obama's just his transition team from White House I said okay cool next thing I know the Trump administration transition team gets in touch with the Obama transition team my name come up so I'm Jeff January 13th they asked me to come to Trump Towers to meet with Donald Trump now the hell are called the sheer misery for making that decision I've been so many Coons Uncle Tom sellouts I was standing I mean the brutality of what happened to me on social media behind visiting that man in trumped house it was alarming but I'm sitting up in here and I'm trying to figure out because you don't know so since you don't know here come the hey Uncle Tom sellout [ __ ] Steve Harvey shoeshine celebrity friends I thought I was really cool with coming out talking about he ought to know better who what's wrong the current president and the incoming president say they won't talk to you which one of you ain't going up there just raise your hand if you wouldn't go so I can see how stupid you are just see this is what I be really wanting to say so I can't say none it is in front another group but sis is us in hill oh I've been wanting to say this since January 13th you better leave this right here I've been waitin on the right crowd well I'm in front of a bunch of friends right now so see I can say this cuz I'm around a bunch of friends you understand friendship is essential the soul you can live without so far but you can live without a relative you can make it without your momma you can't live in this world without a friend friendship is essential to the soul Oh silly my feeling super this friendship is essential to the soul yeah I've been waiting on this I'm glad Ricky Lewis asked me to come so I go up there president trunk did not know why I was there but he was accommodating I'm gonna give the man this the man was very congenial as we said that we talked about golf I play golf at his golf courses a lot I don't play well but I play we talked about that he's really congenial and we're sitting there he thought that since we shared a common friend Mark Burnett Mark Burnett produced Apprentice and Mark Burnett produces my new show Steve Harvey's funded on that I was there to talk about possibly doing some type of program I said no sir I'm not so it got around to it after 25 minutes of talking he said so Steve what can I do for you now I had thought of what I would say when I got up there so I said well there's really nothing I want you to do for me I said I want to do something for you and he said President Trump said you want to help me I said yeah I said you've appointed dr. ben Carson the head of hood and I would like to help him because I don't think he has the celebrity or the name notoriety to get to these inner cities I've been in inner cities Mahalo I got the key to 32 cities I've been to stand-up a long time I said I can help him with some of these urban situations because I'm from now and I want to do something to help him he said so what do you want to do I said well I have a mentoring program but my mentoring program is restrictive because I can only do about a thousand boys and I can do them only one time a year in each city I want to create vision centers around the country where I can take these schools that you're closing in the inner cities take hood funds put it with them and then going and refurbish these schools and buildings and turn them into a place where boys and girls can come and learn life skills and parents can come and learn financial skills literacy skills to make it and then eventually I would like to build vision homes around it to help support these communities so we have wonderful community I want people who are less fortunate to have a better way of life he said I like that let me get ben Carson on the phone right now I kid you not in two minutes he had Ben Carson on the phone he put Ben Carson on the phone and he and I started talking and I introduced the concept of him or vision homes right there in the office he said it's a done deal I've been since then that was a problem I had was after the meeting was over I was supposed to go downstairs by myself and go on over to the Rope and address the media president Trump said Steve I'm gonna go down with you all right we get off the elevator we walk up to the rope all the cameras on and first thing he said what we're going to do first thing in this office is replace and repeal Obamacare I'm standing out with look at the tape go back and look at the tape and look at Steve face cuz I'm gonna need [ __ ] we said upstairs I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I mean I mean that's not what we said upstairs I was like I'm supporting this he said nothing like that so didn't when he walked off I was standing there with Greg Calhoun another frat brother and Ja Washington a new all crunk or something man that's my man right there you a bad boy man my man right now I'm sorry I'm a fan he is Benjamin Crump attorney so I'm sitting here and I walk up to the media and I go I'm just messed up because man it just looked like and then next thing you know all over social media Steve supports Trump repeal and replace Obamacare I in the we never even talk about Obamacare but that's what God said and then after that Oh y'all oh oh y'all did you boy oh boy I wasn't white folk it was y'all yeah this you there's one the blood districts this is an internal why folk don't know what Uncle Tom ku near y'all was doing this here oh you was doing your boy to hell with my track record damn what I've done in the past you and sugar honey iced tea right now I cleaned that up see how I did that I didn't want to though I wanted to go ahead and find another one off but I figured I had got too many here you ain't sugar honey iced tea no mo oh I don't like saying that black people took to social media and boy all my family had to close their accounts down cuz y'all was just lacing me not y'all per se most y'all don't even do none of them hardly any of you blog but I'm just telling my and just went because I don't know why we love destroying each other I don't know why we take such pleasure and when he he gone and I was talking to Kevin Hart the other day when he went through that whole thing but the girl Kevin Hart's and madness amazing how they cheer for you on the way up because they love a success story but then once you get there they whole mission is to bring you down and they was just on that social media just lacing me man like I don't do nothing for black folk like I just st. been black this whole time the hell you gonna call me Uncle Tom a [ __ ] and a sellout I'm 60 years old you know what I done seen I've seen what everybody in this room that's 60 then seen I didn't felt what everybody in this room then felt how they gonna call you Uncle Tom and a [ __ ] cuz you're at the top of the corporate ladder now some black person ain't got nothing want to sit up and call you Uncle Tom and a [ __ ] cuz you didn't bet it yourself he did buy lottery dog you'd be wanting to go man I wish you know me I do be wanting to say something but you know what though you can't say nothing come my grandmama taught me some long time ago if you're hanging the sheet out on the line and you get some doodoo on it don't wipe it cuz you ain't gonna do nothing be smeared she say just wait till it dry it'll fall right off so when they kept on trying to I just shut my mouth I stayed quiet because I knew I had a purpose now brother blue went with me to the first meeting with dr. Benjamin I mean dr. ben Carson at hood we have started an initiative the first one will open in Detroit because that's where dr. ben Carson is from the vision centers have been okayed by the White House our because I took a step and went up there and said I didn't even come up with the vision center concept to the night before to the night before I just told god I asked god man just tell me what to say when I get up there cuz what I opposed to say I don't even know what to say what do I say to Donald Trump I told him when we were sitting there I said look man I ain't vote for you and I say I put my whole radio show behind trying not to get you elected I said what that was a mistake God man I said we was playing checkers and y'all was playing chess so congratulations on your win and then honestly he ain't my president well he the President of the United States well he's not my president he's the President of the United States he's not my president when you get through saying that he the president and if you don't sit at the table and talk you have no say-so on what they serve on the menu so if you don't like what you eaten it's cause you ain't at the table picking and choosing we as black people got to get at the table this ain't the white man's game this is the game money is not white man's money it's money you get around real rich people they don't care what color you are long as you got enough to be there trust me you know how this work that's racism on every level but we black man we can rise above this so when they got through eating me up me and blue went up there the first one they're gonna open this vision Center in Detroit it's going to take a school that was closed reopen it with HUD funding gonna support it with the right type of counselors and stuff and create a place for young boys and girls to come and to learn life skills see what our kids don't know how to do is dream if you destroy the dream Bible says a man without a dream or vision shall perish it never mentions if you don't have an education I mean congratulations if you got one is show helpful in a lot of things but we got to get our kids to dream it then we got to educate their parents on financial literacy we got to teach them life skills then I met and met with Robert Smith for eight hours at hit home the third black billionaire and he introduced a program for coding because he says in order for black people to get to the next level we have got to learn coding so I went to him so he's created an entire coding program of his own money hundred million dollars this man by his self to put coding in all the vision centers so kids can learn how to code from kindergarten in division centers do you know if you changed that technical aspect of us as black people skip buying the videogame he'll make a videogame stop buying a ticket to fly on the plane make a plane we have gifted kids if we give him the opportunity that's what the vision centers off blue was there I took another frat brother Greg Calhoun with me it's amazing how that works my lawyers is friend I just keep finding don't go queues a near to up there be real was just a large in fact to come with brother sometimes just a loyalty factor come with Omega South fire I ain't never seen nothing like I got a cup of noobs work for me but it's something about them cues man its it it's a lofty factor cuz we we the only thing that's built on friendship everybody else on Brotherhood friendship gives you got to pick your friends you pick a friend I got a brother man my brother kinda crazy he alright I love him but he was just already here when I got here so we're doing some incredible stuff with it I want to thank the brothers over mega sci-fi because they've understood the program that brother blue has explained to them and we're gonna do some things together a couple of these housing developments I envisioned as Omega Syfy presents the vision home for a certain city I would love for that city to be Atlanta Georgia and side chapter that's where the headquarters is I think it would make a great stance if we started our first one there after we opened the one in Detroit we're going to branch out after that so the meeting with trunk did materialize into something any is returned our government is slow and every time they say yeah Here Come another committee that's got to say yeah to but we are very very close they've already started the project in Detroit and that's what we're working towards and I want to thank the brothers that set out and listen to us and brother blue who's kept us on track with it Rickey Lewis who understand is running for office and I just man just wanted to find us brothers I ever met you know mega stuf I know nobody more committed to this frat that I know personally you said a lot of great brothers out here and I'm pretty sure whoever else is running this is not a slight on any else buddy else just running please don't take me I on the campaign trail and nothing just a little Ricky Lewis that's why I'm financially net who I'm gonna vote for [Applause] and if he is elected I will continue to donate very large hey there's some low politician right there that's at some state politics right there I will make sure I continue to give most generously that the church say man a man again I think this would be a good time if Ricky Lewis want to conduct any questions I think they had something I'll address a few things for you all want to do it so we got about 35 minutes the first curse was that 21 minutes how Donna keep him track Joe said til Taurus it tu u times I see yeah so we got a 35 minutes let's the courses are open for the bras guess akh deltas whoever it's a great opportunity for us to get any questions Steve can answer for anybody just raise your hand we'll bring the mic to you we got about 3035 minutes if you don't stop take some pictures we know a lot of folks who want to take pictures and then we could take it from there okay ask the question brother grant said no longer but Cunningham you up yes brother Xavier brother Harvey yes what advice you give to a young man who wants to get into writing films and stuff I have a son that's interested in being a femme writer what advice would you give a young man like that Oh first thing whenever somebody asked me a question about show business I always go back to this make sure that your ambitions for show business is tied to your gift too many times people come to show business because they just like the line the love the look of it they passionate about it or they pursue something that they're passionate about please make sure before you come to this business that you are gifted at it the Bible says your gift will make room for you and put you in the presence of great men it does not mention your passion you have to be gifted most people are not successful today because they never taught a work ethic today today gift they keep tying it to their education and they passion well what are you gifted at I happen to be gifted at this so if he's gifted at it the first thing he has to do with film writing that requires you've got to go to a school that has film writing so you can get into that lick because it's a click film writing is a click and once they know that you in it and they can see the talent in you then that thing leads nothing but he has to go and get into film writing and you've got to go you got to go west they make movies in their Lane yeah by trying to make it from the house about a stayed in Cleveland I never got him you've got to go out there that's my suggestion yes he's born in Welch what Harlow was you in the holler have a comb you've been on Elk Mountain okay you graduate from watch high school Wow how old are you [Applause] we'll Chaska they closed the school yes ma'am well I do act like a success seminar on act like a success calm I got several things that I do several years several times a year the big one is usually in Atlanta once a year where I teach success I go really into depth there's a lot more than what we saw today a lot more hands-on principles and stuff so my website is act like a success comm and I had that information it's a lot of stuff out there where you can help you know look once you learn the principles of success you can apply it to anything do you know you can get rich selling Tomatoes you can get rich cut in half the Doudna used to cut my hair yeah I met him in the 80s down in Texas he said cut my when I walked in Bobby I paid $10 when he stopped cutting my hair he was making $1,500 a cut and he cut my hair five times a week same haircut miss Ronnie got clicked in out there in Hollywood and there's $1,500 a haircut so when he wasn't cutting my hair sometimes he cut Bernie hell did he go over there and cut stairs had any cut deel said it's $1,500 a cut he would finish up some weeks manna do make $15,000 in a week cut in half once you learn the principle success you can apply them to anything green mr. Harvey my name is Reverend foam and I want to first thank you for what you do in to say as a minister I rather see a sermon than they hear one any day I would like to apologize [Applause] don't worry I'm a former naval officer and I don't have virgin ears but I'm also a native of Atlanta so I've definitely praised you for going and returned to my hometown however I've lived in New York for the last 22 years and I'm a mouse specialist where I teach at an all-boys school in the Bronx called Mount st. Michael having said all that all the years in education they've done away with shops woodtick automotive electrician when you speak of these your vocation when you speak of these life skills in your vision centers will those things be components of the education that you right now we are focusing on a lot of Steel science focusing on steel because that's though where it's going and so many so many of these jobs are being taken away by automation that our focus right now is there but I do think once you teach a young person see and my mentoring camp for boys we only talk about two things three actually we talk about manhood we talk about dreams and we talk about discipline once you can get this in a boy then he can take an apply to anything he can become a see if he wants to work with his hands on auto mechanic but we got to get the basics but this vision center because it's tied to government and hood you have to be a little bit more broad with them and so stem is a lot of what we're doing decoding programs and things like that I'm just being honest with you yes sir thank you brother yes Thank You mr. AVI great big fan thank you for clearing up the situation with Trump I know you also got a lot of slack with the Paula Deen situation and do you mind clearing that up as well or elaborating on the Paula Deen because a lot of people thought that she was a white supremacist so she was racist you okay full of Steve the blackened meat was rising rather quickly pull yourself together you talking about the Paula Deen when I had on my show you know look it's like this you really think Paula Deen is the first person use the n-word look man here's the deal if we had a microphone attached to everything we've said none of us would be working today we were you wouldn't none of y'all would have jobs if we're was a microphone attached to everything you said I'm this way man like with Paula Deen I'm in the second chance third chance business I can't count the chances Godin gave me if I'm gonna hold you to you use the N word to somebody twenty years ago and now you ain't nothing to rustle your life I ain't that person I am in the judging business she got to go to heaven she got to deal with God with that so when she came on the show to apologize I'll let her come on the show to apologize obviously it still been bothering you a little bit because I have forgot all about the Paula Deen thing but she keep on though pimp we I'll be outside right after this that's that hood side of me that that you know that that other dude that I be war to say that I'm just messing with your brother's kid but yes [Applause] [Music] well you know listen this problem that we have in our community will not be solved by the government it will not be fixed by the police department it won't get fixed by martial law it won't get fixed by nothing they talking about up in the White House right now to fix the problem in our community it requires us as black men to become hands on see what happened to us brothers and let's just be honest this baby boomer generation that we are from 50 to 70 what we did was we were so busy benefiting from the civil rights movement so busy taking advantage of affirmative action so busy climbing the corporate ladder first one in our family to go to college first one to become a supervisor at the post office we forgot to teach the generation behind us what real men do and we lost them we lost jay-z Ludacris al we lost that whole generation because we left them to figure out manhood themselves this is our fault let's just be real right here this is our fault we stopped teaching them to be cool so not ain't cool no more not a hard we forgot to tell them how to dress we used to dress for girls at school we dressed up for women they don't dress no more they dress for each other who rose up one pants leg and got they draw showing and sagging and got a hat to sit down on top of the ears and wear a 6x t-shirt when they really wear a medium what woman is attracted to that ma novo because they don't dress for women no more they dress for one another we stop required they that they write songs that uplifted women all of our music uplifted women we talk we we all miss you how much I adore you we stop teaching our black boys how to write song now we let them move [ __ ] get out the way get out the way I've got different holes in different area codes what we let these dudes start talking to our women this way we did this we let them do this you know good well that ain't right we don't only race of people that allow each other to talk about they women like this Chinese people don't talk about their women in music Jewish people don't talk about their women in music country people don't talk about their women in music black people the only one degrade women in music you've got to be kidding me and that's our fault so now we we got to get back and reverse it it starts snatching somebody's cast and go home and you can't say this about our women no more that's our job I'm sorry my family let me say we all start back to questions family did we say something we brought brother Harvey here just to be in the confines of the present our guests please nothing on social media please please that's what we ask okay from but Ricky Ricky Lewis under his spine leadership salt is slipping into something else let me get Steve now go cuz see Ricky and blue they know me for real there's another side and they try not to let that out to protect the brand I'm a host of little big shots yes okay that's where I'm at yeah way to throw it back on me I like that I'm pretty embarrassed yeah hey blue talk to blue there you go it's the big dark brother right there blue blue to nickname blue came for a lot to do with complexion
Channel: Omega Psi Phi® Fraternity, Inc.
Views: 1,162,478
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Steve Harvey, Donald Trump, Success, Life, Little Big Shots, Family Fued, COON, Black lIves Matter, STEVE, mr. Harvey, Omega Psi Phi, Fraternity, Divine 9, Rickey Lewis, Tony Knox, David Marion, John Howard
Id: YvKnRrquXKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 2sec (4682 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 31 2017
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