Elizabeth McGovern as Cora Crawley | Downton Abbey

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I think she has a quiet strength about her.

Also, it’s nice to see an actress like her age naturally and beautifully!

👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

I love downton but i do not love cora. This is not going to be a popular opinion and im ok w that. But its like coras character is to be just a clueless woman who always smiles and acts like a child. The character has no depth.

👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Danielle082 📅︎︎ Jul 02 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] welcome to Downton Korra was part of what we would describe as the nouveau riche America her father had been a self-made man they were new to their money it is marvelous the way our families support each other you mean you needed the Levinson cash to keep the Crawleys on top I'm not sure we'd put it that way I'm great sure we would not but I hope you do feel that Mama's fortune has been well spent in shoring up an ancient family now you gotta spend it on something shall we go through Cora's a hostess she is always overseeing the social life Sir Anthony strallan Sir Anton don't worry lady Grantham I haven't got the date wrong what a relief I could hear Cora wondering if dinner would stress I think she loves a party she loves organising the entertainment I'm afraid were rather a female party tonight - no I'm terribly flattered to be dining on Femi she naturally can smooth awkward social situations over because she sees both sides of an argument and take some of the pressure away just keeping the monarchy a problem would it be a problem for you to be ruled by the German Kaiser is it true that Irish gardens have more variety than ours [Music] please look after yourself but that's your job my darling and you do it so well I think probably Korra really did have a feeling of being in love with Robert do you think she would have been happy with a fortune hunter it might have been I was the deal came first for Robert he felt it was very much his responsibility to keep the estate alive 24 years ago you married core against my wishes for her Monday if you must know when I think of my motives for pursuing Cora I'm ashamed there's no need to remind me of them what's nice about their marriage is sometimes did happen in history it became a happy one for both of them I give thanks for my home and my family and most of all I give thanks for my wife but yeah there are times when she has to put her foot down a world-famous singer is in our house a great artist honored by the king but you felt it beneath your dignity to eat with her I don't know my the only member of this family who lives in the 20th century you will have her next to you at dinner and you will like it but what do I say to her what does one say to a singer I blame you despite their happy marriage during series 5 Korra begins to feel unappreciated by Robert who was it Tony Gillingham he has some business up here and you told him he could stay if he needed to when does he want to come that's the problem the sixteenth round it's our anniversary oh that doesn't matter ring him back and say yes in any household you know you you do take advantage of the people that you love in the sense that you cease to see them as as interesting people but you love them but when Hanson art historian mr. Bricker comes to visit he is more than happy to give Cora his undivided attention did you bring those photographs of della Francesca's nativity I certainly did we can compare them to the painting tomorrow it would be so lovely if it does turn out to be a study for it yes it would be absolutely lovely this is typically boy didn't ask you to sit somewhere else here we had this man that just thought kora was interesting for her own self he'll be the best-looking woman in the Ritz dining room whatever you wear a colleague that's cheered me yeah if I mean it I so want to hear what you have to say about it all I can't think why I don't know anything nonsense this man happens to share an interest a genuine interest with Cora and that is the basis on which they formed this mutual attraction you can't know what a good time I had please maybe do it again I doubt it but I hear that offer as a compliment this man is suddenly giving her all this attention and shining such a spotlight on her and she's momentarily quite flattered by that you know something's happened between us you know things have changed now I've seen you with your family ignored and passed over Anna this is any reason glad you're still awake mr. Bricker is just leaving I'm not here at Lady Grantham's invitation and will you please leave at mine korra is always overseeing the staff the menu what if we keep the dover sole and change the cut to cram roast and I'll do peaches in brandy that sounds more like it thank you mrs. Patmore she oversees all the domestic detail don't see why it's better than an icebox well a refrigerator is more efficient keeps food fresh longer we won't need ice to be delivered but the papers will still be delivered and and the groceries and all sorts are we - stop that - she has a nice relationship with the people that work for her this issues I only want to say one thing that if you are ill you are welcome here for as long as you want to stay I don't want you to have any concerns about where you'll go or who'll look after you because the answer is here and we will I don't know what to say m'lady she just has a sensitivity to the people that are part of her extended family these people are claiming to know you here ladyship well we didn't I know them both very well indeed are you dining here tonight in we were but there seems to be a mix-up with the table well I'm sure it can be sorted out you know do think m'lady in a jiffy if you would like to wait one moment well that seems to me the difference thank God he's a snob but m'lady I promise you in there Shawn not you don't spoil the effect now we will be seeing a lot of him we don't expect some no because we'd rather hope Lady Mary might have taken a shine to him seem it's no oh well I plenty more fish in the sea they never came out of it Cora really depended a lot on O'Brien psychologically to give her to give her a strength who is she she slept she seemed better then suddenly the fever came back O'Brien thank you for the way you've looked after her I mean it I'm very grateful whatever comes and she had no idea O'Brien's conniving secret in her life friends who does she think she's fooling we're not friends no no you're not friends with the girls now either were servants you or me and they pay us to do as we're told perhaps a hold one of my very favorite scenes in the first series is when Korres steps on the soap that O'Brien leaves and slips and falls O'Brien it's just not you are well I think just wait and O'Brien is wielding what little power she has been actually has quite an impact coral is the Sun that might inherit are you sure you have everything you need lady do you know brain how sweet you are when two people love each other you understand everything it's the most terrific fun careful muammar or you're shocked ana we start out the series with a mother who is quite involved in her daughter's lives I'll be good friend and notorious coughing still a social pariah is that what you want be your eldest daughter if what you want with the family korres no other choice in the Pamuk situation saving my daughter's future is all that I'm thinking about but if you expect me to disown my daughter I'm afraid you will be disappointed in some ways Edith is the most lost of the three girls jeez often overlooks you are being tested and do you know what they say my darling being tested only makes you stronger old Edith we never seem to talk about her pretty tits will be the one to care for us in our old age look a ghastly prospect [Music] don't wake up with Sybil it's heartbreaking for any mother to see their child experience pain heard you dad and the fallout from her death okay isn't it painful what we people people oh my beauty my big I'm watching little marigold mrs. Drew is taking the youngest boy to the dentist and thirst can someone else step in I said I'll do it I think she hides it from me because it's a very hard thing to say to your mother Edith is getting so fun that little girl I only hope she isn't driving the mother mad fork or to have found out the information that she finds out from someone else not her own daughter is actually extremely hurtful for her never thought to involve me her own mother you looked at that little girl and you never thought it was my business to what Edith doesn't expect is for Cora to react the way she does in a very helpful and positive way I'd like you to bring her home no I won't be the County failure she knows that she needs to bring this mother and daughter together and to protect them and so she masterminds a way to do that in order to get to that place she's had to swallow her own hurt [Music] the Dowager Countess is in the drawing room I'll come now she asks for lady Grantham I wonder what I've done wrong this time Cora as with any situation has a sort of quiet but steely response to her mother-in-law to have strange men project and prying around the house it's out of the question I hesitate to remind you but this is my house now Roberts in mine and we will make the decision are we to be friends then we are allies my jherich can be a good deal more effective I think that secretly she is very fond of her and adores her really is your kingdom no I think you're running very well when the palace is turned into a hospital Korra is given a leadership role in the running of this hospital mrs. Hughes I need to steal you for a minute I have to check the linen box but I went over them last week good m'lady I'll get started surely I can Anna can you tell mrs. Patmore be easy for me to go through the menus this afternoon of course she let him custom calls can it wait ever mounted to get through as time progresses she learns that to feel useful is intoxicating you may think that you have the right to ordain the universe but in this field holder not in this field in this house yes I do have the right and I'm in charge right alongside you and if you would stop your body that's enough I will not listen to this if I am NOT appreciated here I will seek some other place where I will make a difference it's a feeling that when the war is over she then misses do you ever think of the war what do you mean how it was the girls were working with the officers and I was running everything sometimes I find myself thinking how busy we were how useful by the sixth series she embraces this cause that is very important to her have you come to a decision about the hospital what sort of a decision I suppose I hope you can support my Ma's efforts to keep control or better yet stay out of it entirely I can't stay out of it Robert that's too important she's more inclined to state her opinion and stick to it are you saying dr. Clarkson is a bad doctor certainly knows when the other doctors that use our hospital they know good or evil I'm sure everyone does their very best but there are new methods now new treatments new machines great advances have been made since the war can't we share them here here even at the risk of making Robert tense I uh no worry if it's too much for you it sounds as if Clarkson almost wants you to work there so I've had one career already bringing up my daughters they don't need me now so I'm ready for the next it was really a moving thing when Robert goes and sees Cora in her element and sees her for who she is and respects her for it I came to the meeting yesterday Rose made me take it to see it do you know something I was very proud of you you are a woman of real substance and I am lucky enough to call you my wife I mean one of the last lines that Cora has to Robert is a long and happy life together just way too to watch the children grow that's all I want then why not that's all she wants that's nice I think they'll get it it's not a lot to ask for is it [Music] you
Channel: Downton Abbey
Views: 965,242
Rating: 4.9166989 out of 5
Keywords: downton abbey, episode, trailer, laura carmichael, hugh bonneville, itv, sophie mcshera, carson, edith, joanne froggatt, british, rob james-collier, phyllis logan, daisy, lesley nicol, official, maggie smith, allen leech, season, pbs, bates, elizabeth mcgovern, season 6, downton abbey season 5, downton abbey theme, downton abbey trailer, downton abbey soundtrack, dowager countess, Elizabeth Mcgovern as Cora Crawley, Mcgovern on being Cora, Downton Abbey interviews, Documentary
Id: gOgWydNuKlU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 02 2019
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