The Stanley Parable - All Hidden Endings & Easter Eggs Part 1

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how long was I sitting there Stanley wandered to himself minutes days centuries did something crucial happen while my senses were turned he made a note to be more careful with time from now on [Music] at first Stanny assumed he'd broken the map until he heard this narration and realized it was part of the game's design all along he then praised the game for its insightful and witty commentary into the nature of video game structure and its examination of structural narrative tropes so now that you're here what do you think isn't this a fun and unique place to be why don't we take a minute just to drink it all in okay I'm over it now what do you think are you sick of this gag yet ah then in that case we'll continue but now here comes the real question what do you think would have happened if you had told me that you wanted this to stop do you think it would have been particularly different would I have taken the same idea but rephrased it superficially to fit that answer perhaps you never would even have thought of it if I hadn't brought up the issue in the first place oh now think about it would it be worth it for you to restart and then come back here just to do the other option clearly this whole gang takes some time what if the other option is even longer how long would you spend in total just to have heard all the narration oh and this is rich perhaps you just played the other option and now you've come to see what happens in this one so what do you think which choice was the better one imagine if you had selected continue on your first playthrough how lysing it would be not knowing what happens when you pick the other option indeed you are one of the lucky ones though if the other option is really miserable to listen to then perhaps you're not in fact I'm just going to say that no one who's listening to this is lucky well now I've built up the other options so much that I'm going to stop talking and leave you to your decision whether to come back here continue with the game or just sit in this spot forever and ever Jesus okay I'm over it now what do you think are you sick of this GERD well I don't know how to say this politely but you could literally just hit escape and restart the game any old time you want like right now you could have done it just then now would also be an appropriate time to quit any of these points and so many many more all of them are appropriate I'm enjoying what seems to be an internal conflict going on where you are literally unable to act on your own desires to restart the game so just to push the envelope I'm gonna try and make this as miserable as possible and see how long you can maintain there once was a man named Stanley who people considered soundman there but the truth must be told he was not very old and was quite particularly gangly what's Danny like messed with buttons he pushed them like some kind of glutton he did it all day in a meaningful way but his brain had long ceased to function which is why he is in this parable and lives existence quite terrible and if you are not strong and keep playing along you too will they come quite unbearable [Music] you two'll will become quite unbearable [Music] just a step through this door Stanley thought to himself that's all I need if I can make it through this door I can make it through them all [Music] when Stanley came to a set of to open doors he entered the door on his left yet there was not a single person here either feeling a wave of disbelief Stanley decided to go up to his boss's office hoping he might find and coming to a staircase Stanley walked upstairs to his boss's office stepping [Music] the meeting room yes that's where everyone would be Stanley just needed to get to the meeting room and from then on he would never be alone ever again when Stanley came to a set of to open this was not the correct way to the meeting room and standing you it perfectly well perhaps he wanted to stop by the employee lounge first just to admire it Wow yes this room what a beautiful room what a gorgeous cook but eager to get back to business Stanley took the first open door on his left Stanley was so bad at following directions it's incredible he wasn't five years ago oh well look who's got cold feet sorry to break it to you Stanley but that lift isn't coming back you'd best either get comfortable right here on this platform or test your luck by jumping to the floor below you know what looking at it now it's not that far to the bottom floor I bet you can make it come on I'm sure you'll survive the jump don't tell me you're scared that's not the Stanley I know do it do it do it do it do it do it do it whoops looks like I was wrong how clumsy of me [Music] all of his co-workers were gone what could it mean stana decided to go to the meeting room perhaps he had simply missed a memo when Stanley came to a set of two open doors he entered the door on his left this was not the correct way to the meeting room and standing knew it perfectly well perhaps he wanted to stop by the employee lounge first just to admire it the lounge was sublime a work of art but eager to get back to business Stanley took the first open door on his left stanley was so bad at following directions it's incredible he wasn't fine years ago look Stanley I think perhaps we've gotten off on the wrong foot here I'm not your enemy really am more I realize that invested in your trust in someone else can be difficult but the fact is that the story has been about nothing but you all this time there's someone you've been neglecting Stanley someone you've forgotten about please stop trying to make every decision by yourself I'm not asking for me I'm asking for them this is it Stanley your chance to redeem yourself to put your work aside to let her back into your life she's been waiting that's her Stanley you need to be the one to do this to reach out to her if you can truly place your faith in another then pick up the phone as Stanley picked up the phone a white light engulfed him filling him not just with radiance but with hope hope for a life reunited one wait oh goodness Stanley did you just unplug the phone no that wasn't supposed to be a choice how did you do that you actually chose incorrectly I didn't even know that was possible let me double-check it's definitely here clear as day they Stanley picks up the phone he's taken to his apartment where he finds his wife and the two pledged themselves to one another music comes in fade to white roll credits not picking up the phone is actually somehow an incorrect course of action how is that even possible none of these decisions were supposed to mean anything I don't understand how on earth are you making meaningful choices what did you wait a second did I just see no that's not possible I can't believe it how would I not noticed it sooner you're not Stanley you're a real person I can't believe I was so mistaken this is why you've been able to make correct and incorrect choices and to think I've been letting you run around in this game for so long if you've made any more wrong choices you might have negated it entirely it's as though you completely ignored even the most basic safety protocol for real-world decision-making or did you not grasp the severity of the situation well I won't have that kind of risk on my watch I'm going to stop the game for a moment so we can educate you properly on safe decision-making in the real world please observe this helpful instructional video choice it's the best part of being a real person but if used incorrectly can also be the most dangerous for example in this scenario a hypothetical real person named Stephen as a choice he could spend years helping improve the quality of life for citizens of impoverished third-world Nations or he could systematically set fire to every often living in a 30 kilometre radius of his house which choice would you make remember that unlike here the real world makes sense and at no time should you make a choice that does not conform to rational logic if you find yourself speaking with a person who does not make sense in all likelihood that person is not real allow the person to finish their thought then provide an excuse why you cannot continue talking turn to a partner and practice saying my goodness is it 4:30 I'm supposed to be having a back second crack excellent making choices on a regular basis is the best part to a healthy decision-making process most medical professionals recommend making at least eight choices per day do you make more than eight less and finally if you begin to wonder if your choices are actually meaningful and whether you'll ever make a significant contribution to the world just remember that in the vast infinite 'no sub space your thoughts and problems are materially insignificant and the feeling should subside at this time your instructor will guide you in an exercise to test and reinforce the material covered in this video ah welcome back you may have noticed that this room has begun to deteriorate as a result of narrative contradiction but not to worry now that you're properly informed on good decision-making we're going to revisit a choice you made just a few minutes ago and see what the correct thing to do would have been this way please now that we know your choices are meaningful we can't have you jumping off the platform and dying imagine the main character dying senselessly halfway through the story that story would make no sense at all we just need to get you home as soon as possible before the narrative contradiction gets any worse unfortunately it seems this place is not well equipped to deal with reality almost there you don't take the door on the left back to the correct ending the story will have resolution once again and you'll be home free in the real world now remember all you need to do is behave exactly as Stanley would that means choosing responsibly and always putting the story first I'm quite sure you'll be up to the task just follow my lead and you'll be fine all right mm-hmm when Stanley came to a set of two open doors he entered the door on his left no why did you do that quickly hurry back in the other direction perhaps we're not too late it's ruined you company after everything we talked about that you my story you've destroyed my work why for what what did you get out of that what did you think was so special about seeing the game and um left here like so much garbage it's worthless now and what am I supposed to do even if there were a way to continue would it be worth it to know that my story is now incorrect how could I go back to that I can't erase that knowledge I'll have to live with it forever reliving its impossibility forever I couldn't live that way is it better to shut the game down entirely to willingly destroy all of my work on behind them no what's the answer what do i do what do I do to like no I have to I have to shut the game down I have to I have to [Music] I'm here I'm still here here in this part of rubbish with you you who thought he was so clever now look where we are my entire game is destroyed it was the only thing in the world that wasn't mine and you've run it into the ground what did you think that would be funny you just had to see didn't I impress upon you how important it was to be like Stanley he actually knows how to do what I tell him to he understands that if I say to do something there's a damn good reason for it that thought hadn't even occurred to you had it that there's a world outside of you you're a child much story if you just gone through the door on the left you would have seen it there was a whole underground facility you would have destroyed it and been victorious it would have been so perfect I worked so hard on it I tried so hard his behave exactly as Stanley would that means choosing responsibly and always putting the story first I'm quite sure you'll be up to the task just follow my lead and you'll be fine alright mm-hmm when Stanley came to a set of two open doors he entered the door on his left no why did you do that quickly hurry exactly as Stanley would that means choosing responsibly and always putting the story first I'm quite sure you'll be up to the task just follow my lead and you'll be fine all right mm-hmm when Stanley came to a set of two open doors he entered the door on his left yet there was not a single person here either feeling a wave of disbelief Stanley decided to go up to his boss's office hoping he might find an answer there coming to a staircase Stanley walked upstairs to his boss's office stepping inside his managers office Stanny was once again stunned to discover not an indication of any human life shocked unraveled stanley wondered in disbelief who orchestrated this and Timmy saw the door with a voice receiver next to it surely behind this store may all the answers to his questions and beyond all probability he knew the passcode he had seen it on his boss's computer just last week night shark one one five was this the code to open the door would it still work there was only one way to find out Stanley have been trained never to speak up but now he would draw from within himself that courage to face the unknown he drew a sharp breath and then spoke the code hmm Stannis spoke the code night shark one one five he spoke it into the receiver right there on the wall I'm sorry is there a problem you didn't miss hear me did you please speak the code into the receiver otherwise we can't get on with the story this is a crucial step okay fine you're not gonna do it but you know what it's pretty humiliating to bring you this far only for you to suddenly decide you have better things to do I asked you for this one single thing for your respect the kind of respect Stanley shows for his choices he knows what it means to take a story seriously if you didn't want to see what I had to show you then why did you come here you had a choice you know you could have gone through the door on the right you could have done whatever the hell you wanted over there why did you come this way speak say something to me explain yourself you coward when Stanley came to a set of to open doors he entered the door and is left standing hello are you is everything okay Stanley please I I need you to make a choice I need you to walk through the door I understand to me can you hear me is everything all right Stanley this is important the story needs you it needs you to make a decision it cannot exist without you do you understand me whatever choice you make is just fine they're both correct you can't be wrong here we can work together I'll accept whatever you do I simply need you to take that step forward please choose do something anything this is more importantly than you can ever know I need this the story needs it so you hear me are you there you're listening to this Danny are you there okay it's okay I can wait you need time to decide time to make sure your choice is correct that is the best choice that's all right I'll wait for you to decide what's the right thing to do take as much time as you need all of his co-workers were gone what could it mean stana decided to go to the meeting room perhaps he had simply missed a memo [Music] no matter how hard Stanley looked he couldn't find a trace of his coworker Stanley went around touching every little thing in the office you [Music] but Stanley's simply couldn't handle the pressure what if he had to make a decision what if a crucial outcome fell under his responsibility he had never been trained for that no this couldn't go any way except badly the thing to do now Stanley thought to himself is to wait nothing will hurt me nothing will break me in here I can be happy forever I will be happy sternly waited hours past then days had years gone by he no longer had the ability to tell but the one thing he knew for sure beyond any doubt was that if he waited long enough the answers would come eventually someday they would have arrived soon very soon now this will end he will be spoken to he will be told what to do now it's just a little bit closer now it's even closer here it comes all of his co-workers were gone what could it mean stana decided to go to the meeting room perhaps he had simply missed a memo when Stanley came to a set of two open doors he entered that this was not the correct way to the meeting room and Stanley knew it perfectly well perhaps he wanted to stop by the employee lounge first just to admire it ah yes truly a room worth admiring it had really been worth the detour but eager to get back to business Stanley took the first open door on his left Stanley was so bad at following directions it's incredible he wasn't fine years ago look Stanley I think perhaps we've gotten off on the wrong foot here I'm not your enemy really I'm not I realize that invested in your trust in someone else can be difficult but the fact is that the story has been about nothing but you all this time there's someone you've been neglecting Stanley Wow really I was in the middle of something do you have zero consideration for others are you that convinced that I want something bad to happen to you why I don't know how to convince you of this but I really do want to help you to show you something beautiful no let me prove it let me prove that I'm on your side give me a chance now listen carefully this is important Stanley walked through the red door oh thank God you are willing to listen to me do you see that I really have wanted you to be happy all this time the problem is all these choices the two of us always trying to get somewhere that isn't here running and running and running just the way you're doing right now don't you see that it's killing us Stanley I just I wanted to stop I would we would both be so much happier if we just stopped and I think well I think I have a solution here let me show you [Music] you hmm what do we want what are we looking for here yes oh it's beautiful if we just stay right here right in this moment with this place Stanley I think I feel I actually feel happy no wait where are you going right where were we [Music] oh no stay away from those stairs if you hurt yourself if you die the game will reset we'll lose all of this please no Stanley let me stay here don't take this from me oh thank God you lived you have me worried there for a moment now can we please get back to the other room there see this is what you want this is where we can both be happy we really can if we stop moving we just have to stop moving Stanly go back there's nothing good that can come from this no no no what do you do you just not believe me what can I say to convince you Stanly let's go back to the other room can you do that for me yes perhaps you can perhaps you finally see what I'm talking about I know you'll see you'll see that we can't be happy if we leave this place you can see that can't you [Music] now perhaps not my card is this really how much you dislike my game but you'll throw yourself from this platform over and over to be rid of it you were literally willing to kill yourself to keep me from being happy am i reading the situation correctly maybe you're just getting a kick out of it I don't know anymore I just wanted us to get it along but I guess that was too much to ask you actually want to stay alive or are you just teasing me is it over it's going to restart isn't it I'm going back [Music] all of his co-workers were gone what could it mean stana decided to go to the meeting room perhaps he had simply missed a memo [Music] Stanley went around touching every little thing in the office but it didn't make a single difference nor did it advance the story in any way [Music] sternly this is me being serious in fact this is my serious room it's where I come to be serious that table is the most serious table I could find I looked at many many tables hundreds of tables it's possible I looked at over a thousand tables I honestly don't know the specific number isn't as important as the understanding that of all tables I looked at this one is the most serious I relate this story to impress upon you the extent to which this is the most serious room I have which is why I brought you here you just tried to activate server cheats which of course runs the risk of breaking the entire game you've got no respect for the strict order of scripted narrative events and I just can't have that it's time to get serious Stanley no jokes no games outside of this room I might be more tolerant of those things but now we're in the room which is why I'm subjecting you to the most serious punishment I can think of 100 billion trillion years standing here in the serious room perhaps after that we can talk about the severity of your actions and whether you've learned anything but until then serious room goo whoa did we not have the talk are we not in the serious room this very moment did I not tell you how many tables I looked through I'm going to be conservative and say it was somewhere in the tens of thousands of tables any reasonable person would say I spent an absurd amount of time doing nothing but looking at tables and I genuinely considered each one - I took a hell of a lot of notes I kept the notes in a different room that room is less serious than this one it's more of a a notes room again the point of this story is to convey how serious I feel this cheating issue is and I'm sure you'll agree with me once you fulfilled your new punishment in Finnerty years in the serious room I generally have trouble reading human emotions but I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that you're devastated by this crippling new punishment as well you should be it's a mess serious I could think of can you get more serious than that no you can't don't try still no effect the problem is clearly the serious room it isn't serious enough that's on me Stanley I apologize I'm going to the store to look through more tables hopefully I find one that conveys how wrong what you're doing is now where did I put those notes oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no not again I won't be part of this I'm not going to encourage you I'm not going to say anything at all I'm just going to be patient and wait for you to finish whatever it is you enjoy doing so much in this room please take your time you already this was uncomfortable and Stanley decided that as soon as he found a new space he felt safe him that he would never leave it again in his life [Music] when Stanley came to a set of to open doors he entered the door on his left yet there was not a single person here either feeling a wave of disbelief Stanley decided to go up to his boss's office hoping he might find an answer there the all alone this was too much for Stanley to take too much for any man to take he fell to his knees bursting into half moans half sobs the guttural retching of life from a man denied any hope any reason to keep going here on the floor he lay prone paralyzed by fear for nearly a full hour but when at last he began to move about and survey the situation he found a keypad behind the boss's desk what could it mean was it a sign of hope for Stanley's future alas it was not for although this keypad guarded the terrible secret of Stanley's past it had been assigned a four-digit code so devious and so random that no man could ever hope to give it to 8:45 statistically nearly impossible to guess blindly ever [Music] eight sternly simply began entering random codes into the key stepping into his managers office Stanley was once again stunned to discover not an indication of any human life what could it mean he wondered desperate for answers he began turning the room over looking for clues that might unravel the situation and Stanley was in such a rush to get through the story as quickly as possible he didn't even have a single minute to just let the narrator talk that kind of anxiety isn't healthy so he relaxed for a few moments with some calming new-age music [Music] feigning soothe and rigidity Stanley calmly walked forward into the opened passageway
Channel: Left4pillz
Views: 2,130,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Stanley Parable, The end is never, All, Hidden, Endings, Easter, Eggs, Random, Secret, Hard, Stanley, Narrative, Galactic, Cafe, TSP, Narrator, Part 1, thisisthestoryofofof, Galactic Cafe, Memes, Cheeky
Id: jgKW6jMgJks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 23sec (2423 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 22 2013
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