The Squad: Chapter 2 | Fortnite Animation (ALL EPISODES)

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(upbeat instrumental music) - Oh man, I just love this new Chapter two map. There's tons of new locations, like Salty Springs and Pleasant Park. - All of those places were on the old map. - Yeah, but look, I can fish. (reel winding) (can thuds) Oh boy, a rusty can. We're eating good tonight. - And yeah, look, I'm a new voice actor so everybody can shut the (beep) up about it in the comments. - Whoop, got a bite. Mmm, sushi! But alive. - Dude you're lucky Fishstick isn't around to see that. - Don't speak so soon. (footsteps tapping) - Stand tight, he's on an enemy squad nowadays. (Fishstick thudding) - Um. - I think something's wrong with Fishstick. (gun firing) - You guys, I think he's a bot. (dial-tone screeching) - Someone wanna put Fishbot out of his misery? (gun fires) - Roach are you really gonna carry him around all game? - Yes dude, unlimited fish meat. (groans) All right. (body thudding) - Hey, check out that power plant. Let's see if anyone's over there. - I'll race ya. I can swim like a dolphin. (water splashing) (whooping) (boat engine roars) - Ah! (upbeat calm music) - Wow, this is a huge power plant. - Well, something's gotta power the internet. That's what these things do, right? - Whoa! Look at all this toxic waste. - Why is it pink? - Who cares? I could swim in it without boats hitting me. Canonball. (toxic waste splashes) - Roach, you idiot, that water is toxic. - Relax, nothing's gonna... Oh God, oh God. (head pops) - What's up guys? - Oh no, I've grown some sort of deformed baby head. - Season seven was the best Fortnite season. - Oh God he's crazy. (air whooshing) Uh oh, see you guys. - Let us know if you see any enemies up there big guy. - Uh yeah, actually looks like a squad heading our way. - I see 'em. Oh God! That guy's definitely a bad guy. He's got an eye patch. - Let's hide it in this dumpster. It'll make sense because we're all complete garbage at this game. - All right time to take out the trash. - That was corny. (grenade explodes) - Where the hell is Roach? He should be helping us. - Come on launch pad. (metals clanking) This one's gotta have one. (metals clanking) Third time's a charm. (metals clanking) - [Announcer] Launch pad's were vaulted. (Roach groaning) - Ah dammit. (upbeat rock music) - Oh wow. What the hell is he? - He's made of Chug Splash. (slurping) (body thuds) - Hey, I've got that can that Roach caught. - Ah dammit, now I'm going to get tetanus. - Ha! well, it looks like I'm the last one left. - Ooh, a magic Eight Ball. (groans) Will we win the battle royale? (body thuds) Signs point to yes. (upbeat drum music) (footsteps tapping) Oh man, the Slurp factory. If only Tanner were still here with us to see it. - What are you talking about, I'm right here. - Remind me why we're exploring this stupid place. It's just gonna trigger Tanner's addiction. - Whoohoo, Slurp keg. (kegs clanking) - That can't healthy. - Hello, any slurp up here? (upbeat creepy music) (gasps) - What is that? - It's so creepy. (Anya sighing) - It's a stupid bear, guys. Let's just kill it like we do everything. (boat engine roaring) (bomb explodes) - All right, I think we're all slurped up. We can probably get out of here. - One more keg. (keg thudding) Whoops, I thought it would break. (upbeat calm music begins) (footsteps tapping) - Oh wow, what a charming little river. - Aw man, check that out. - [Anya] Geez talk about pollution. - For real, I bet all the fish in this river are super hard to kill. - Let's head into the woods. (footsteps tapping) - Whoa! An abandoned taxi. Creepy. - How do you know it's abandoned? - Dude, it's a taxi, whoever owns this is definitely driving an Uber right now. - [Anya] Check it out, squad by that. - Look at them hiding under a bridge like a bunch of trolls. - I hate trolls, always yelling in my lobby. - That one's running off on it's own and right towards us. - Aha, stupid ass hot dog. - Let's be patient and hide in this bush over here. It's big enough for all of us. - All right, Roach focus. Wait, I see movement in my peripherals - Roach, those are butterflies. - Oh, well I still want to kill 'em. - [Tanner] Hot dog, five o'clock. - Boom, throat punch. (body thuds) Ha! Now these are my douchey sunglasses. (gun firing) - Wait a minute, which skin are you? - I'm the new Default. In fact you should be the one wearing this jacket. - What, well give it to me. (gun firing) (body thuds) (groans) - Low on health need to bathe in slurp sewer. (water splashing) Ah, this is the first shower I've had in weeks. (gun firing) - Gotcha, take that global climate change. Oh, damn you stupid realistic water physics. ♪ Everybody was slurping ♪ ♪ Slurping USA ♪ - Roach, get over here. We need you to help us take out this last creepy bear. - Dude, you remember the creepy bear from that factory. I hate creepy bears. - Get back to the bush, Roach. I repeat get back to George bush. I named the bush George. - Nope, I'm doing the long range thing. Good night creepy cuddles zombie. (gun fires) (upbeat calm music begins) Well, mission accomplished. Stupid creepy bears think they can sneak up on me. Oh God. (upbeat calm music continues) - Come on guys we got to jump now or else we're gonna have to drop with all the other people who aren't paying attention. - Hm, players who were away from the game, huh? - All right, fam squad. Let's get this dub new tactic. We all drop in different locations like idiots and wreak havoc on the map. - I don't like that idea. - Of course you don't. You need to be rezzed every 10 seconds. - Hey screw you I'll jump right now. - Will you? - Yeah. - You won't. - Wanna bet. - Sorry, I agree with you guys he's annoying. - All right I'm out of here. I'm gonna see the sights of Gorgeous Gorge. - Oh, I hear it's just gorgeous. (air whooshing) - Hm, should we go to Dirty Docks or Sweetie Sands? I bet there's a lot of sweeties there, if you know what I'm saying? - You know it's Sweaty Sands, right? - Eww, no thanks. (air whooshing) (Roach whooping) The world is my oyster. Speaking of oyster, seafood sounds delicious right now. (roof smashing) (upbeat ethereal music) - Oh boy, two chests. (metals clanking) (metals clanking) - Hey, that chest belongs to the Gnome army. - Oh God ah. (water splashing) Aha, eat it you stupid gnomes. - Laugh now but the year of the gnome is upon us. The gnomes will rise again. (bomb explodes) (upbeat calm music begins) - Finally, no squad to hold me back. I can pursue my lifelong dream, crossing the entire Island on a pogo stick. (bouncing) (whooping) - Hey man, I really admire what you're doing. - Thanks Dude, it's my dream. Just going for it, you never know what day could be your last. - Very inspirational my guy, especially since for you that day is today. (gun fires) - Aha, it's my pogo stick now. (upbeat calm music continues) - Hello? Geez the service here sucks. Anybody back here? (door creaks) Where do they keep all the clem and cheese sandwiches? (groans) Oh no, stupid trap. (groaning) In pain, must eat frozen fishsticks until sweet death. (munching) (upbeat rock music) (light buzzing) Well, I died doing what I loved. - Yeah, I didn't last too long either. (light buzzing) What, Caroline how did you die? - Lag, 100 percent lag. Totally nothing I could have done. - I wonder what Anya ended up doing. - I think she might've stayed on the bus until the very end. (feet thudding) (pickax thudding) (upbeat calm music continues) (rooster crowing) (gun fires) (upbeat calm music continues) - Oh God. I'm never drinking Chug Splash again. Where am I? - Did we for real go on a slurp juice bender last night? I woke up with 900 pounds of steel I must've harvested. - Geez I don't remember anything. - Oh God, my eyes I've gone blind. Oh God I can't believe this. (Roach thuds) - Jesus, I consider myself lucky, no injuries or any major surprises. - Good morning, sweetie. - Who are you? - I'm Alice, your wife. We got married last night. - What! - Wow, looks like Tanner literally made a deal with the devil. You hate to see it. - Yep, and you told me after this battle royale you'd move to hell with me and live there for eternity. - Oh my God. - [Roach] I still can't see. - Okay, there's gotta be something behind this huge stockpile of steel you've got. - What, a girl can't collect some steel? (wood thudding) - Freeze dirtbags! (upbeat calm music begins) - Sheriff Harper, this is probably just some big misunderstanding. - Nope we caught your girl destroying over 100 cars. A lot of them cop cars too. That's how she got all this steel. - Well, there had to be a good reason, right? - Ah, Roach, you're talking to a tree. - Look Sheriff, I apologize for any harm that I caused, but don't you have some sort of Demogorgon to fight? - Huh, Demogorgon, this goes much farther than... (sheriff screaming) - Nobody move, are you with the rebellion? - These are the ones, the ones from last night. - Fishstick, is that you? - You guys better come with us. (footsteps tapping) - Okay so a lighthouse? What the hell does this have to do with anything? - Follow us, we're going up. (metal clanking) Here's where your friend went blind. - Wow, Roach must've looked directly into the spotlight. - And you were collecting steel to build an interstellar defense base. - Defending from what? (laser whirring) (metals clanking) - All right, on the count of three, we're gonna blast our way in there. One... (explosion booms) - What happened? Did everything go according to plan? - Where's the cube? Take us to the cube - Dude, you're like five seasons late. - Oh well, if it's me y'all looking for, y'all ain't gonna take me alive. - Get up. (alienship engine roaring) - Y'all boxes of sick ass ain't never going to catch me. Oh (beep). - Hang on, let's head to the lighthouse and shine it at the aliens so it throws off their ship. Oh no, I forgot I'm blind. (Roach thuds) - Don't worry little Cube, I've got your back. - My visibility is compromised. - Well yeah, you've only got one eye. (alien ship explodes ) - Great job sweetie. - Geez, are you still here? - Man, I changed into my remedy skin and didn't even get to heal anybody, actually. (kit thudding) (upbeat adventurous music) - I love seeing the snow on the ground. It's a Winter Wonderland, hey Mary. - I'd (beep) you with your Winter Wonderland. I can't believe I was adopted by this bull (beep) dumb (beep) squad. (team laughing) - Oh Mary. - Hey Roach, check it out. There's a bunch of shields and med kits on that canoe. Why don't you go over there and swim to them? - No way, it's freezing out here. It's Chapter two, and we're the only defaults without jackets. - Uh oh, the snow Storm is coming. - Let's find shelter. (upbeat instrumental music continues) - In here, this abandoned and unmarked building will keep us safe. (door creaking) (upbeat calm music) - No man, being inside sucks. I wanna go out and kill people. - Hey, maybe we can mess around with split-screen. (upbeat instrumental music) - [Roach] Oh, okay this is interesting. Why the hell are those black squares wasting so much space? - [Announcer] Ah nostalgia, this is how multiplayer was hundreds of years ago. (beep) - All right looks like the snowStorm has cleared. - Oh wow, we're at Holly Hedges. Finally, some time to stop and smell the flowers. (gun shots firing) Aha, take that SpaceChimp88. Aw man, that guy was definitely a bot. - Holly Hedges seems like a nice place to hang out and wait to see which way the Storm takes us. Let's lay low. - I'm gonna put a wrap on my gun. That way it'll be cute and deadly. - Hey guys, I see a Fox out back. - Woo nature. - Look at him exploring the hedges, he's cute. - Dammit I can't find the gun. Please God, let me find a gun. - You think he's with a squad? - Only one way to be safe. (gun cocks) - Aha, the Fox was the distraction, as was my Default you murdered. - You sacrificed your own teammate just to get high ground on a squad that's probably gonna murder you anyways. - Yes, I'm a very selfish teammate. Now eat snow losers. - Aw yeah, I love catching snowflakes. (snowball thudding) (upbeat tense music begins) - Dammit, I hate not being able to use my legs. (machines whirring) - Well, we're screwed. - Come on guys, it's just ice blocks on our feet. We can get out of this. - We're gonna have to wait for these blocks to melt. - Wait I've got an idea. (ice blocks smashing) (upbeat calm music) - And so, like I said this (beep) Default squad that has no business being alive whatsoever made their way to safety like the little (beep) they are. But luckily for me and everyone else who hates them, it wasn't that simple. (upbeat tense music continues) - Guys, I don't think all of us are gonna make it. - Oh man, I'm gonna die. Time to enjoy my last meal, my comfort food, a fish sandwich. - Wait Roach, how many of those do you have? - Roach, you genius. Everyone take a sandwich, we're gonna get out of this. (upbeat calm music begins) Wow, would you believe that? We just barely survived. - Good thing I went fishing this morning. Oh wait, nevermind. I robbed a market in retail row. Either way, everything worked out. (upbeat calm music continues) Ooh boy, Dirty Docks. What a great location to get brick and hop fences. - Wait, where's Tanner. - Yeah, I thought he jumped with us. - Greetings. - Um, Tanner? - Indeed, the government intercepted my fall and turned me into the ultimate war weapon. - Great, maybe now you won't get knocked in the first 10 minutes. - All right, let's look for guns. - I wonder what could be inside these crates? (metal cranking) Oh yeah, that makes a lot of sense. - [Female] Hey, I bet there's some loot in that warehouse. - Rare sniper, legendary shotgun. Oh, a hand cannon. - Roach that can't be the gun you're going to choose. - Sorry pals, I don't care if it's a garbage weapon it just looks so cool. (Anya sighing) - Whatever, hey what's Tanner doing up there? - I'm putting together a combat strategy. We're armed now and it's time to march the inventory. - That's not usually how we do things. - Yeah, usually we just run around and shoot at things. - I like to snipe pine trees. - Here, Tanner we got you a shotgun. (gun breaks) - Okay, let's get out of here. Our lack of awareness and poor game management could lead to the Storm sneaking up on us at any minute. - We should head straight inland. I saw some apples in the grass and I'm starting to get hungry. You wouldn't like me when I'm hungry. - I don't like you now. - Okay I'll harvest wood. (wood thudding) - I'll harvest brick. (brick thudding) - I'll harvest electricity. (electricity whirring) (beep) All right, we're bound to find an enemy squad somewhere around here. Ooh XP. - The real experience can only be acquired on the battlefield. Real honor and bravery can't just be found in the woods. Oh a survivor medal. - Heads up, some bad guys up ahead. Geez, I swear every episode it's me finding the enemies. You guys even look around? (trumpet blasting) - Whoa, it's like a small army. - But there's only three of them, who's giving the commands? - Who cares? I'm gonna take out the call of duty one. Hand cannon don't fail me now. (gun fires) - Oh my God, sergeant. Lieutenant enemies ahead. (upbeat tense music begins) - Oh no, they've got some sort of anthropomorphic Fish Fighter, retreat. We need a new battle tactic. Something that will defeat Captain Carr. - You guys they're coming for us. - To the empty steel bunker. - You mean the shipping crate? No, dude, that thing is useless. (gun shots firing) - Whatever, just follow him. We're gonna get knocked if we're not moving. (door creaks) - Sit tight soldiers, we're safe in these barracks. (upbeat tense music continues) (water splashes) - Oh God, get out of the crate. - Okay, everyone swim to shore. (water splashes) - Oh oh, well I guess he can't float. (upbeat rock music) (upbeat calm music begins) Can you believe Tanner dragged us to this stupid Fort Crumpet - So much history, think of all the violence, all the bots that were slaughtered here. - Great, can we maybe slaughter some people soon? I really don't care about this lame location. - Shush okay, legend has it that below this war Relic was an ancient hidden bunker. Who knows what could be hidden under here? - You're not actually gonna destroy a historical temple, that could lead to some sort of evil legendary omen. - I'm a legendary omen. (gun fires) - This isn't about you. (bricks thudding) (upbeat calm music continues) - Oh, who's going to go down there first. (Roach thuds) (upbeat calm music continues) - Hello. - Who the hell are you? - Why, it's the father of time of course, here to remind us that life moves too fast and we need to cherish one another. - Eew will you get off of me. - I am the Master Shifu If you are to win the battle royale, you will need to venture deep into the snowy mountains and defeat the Wu Kong. You do not have to raise your hand to ask questions. - Yeah, Mr Tifu, what exactly are the Wu Kong you're talking about? - You will be enlightened with all you need to know, once you get to the cliffs of snow. Hey, that rhymed. - Ah, okay let's just get out of here. (upbeat instrumental music) - Did we have to climb this mountain right when they bolted zip lines? - Remind me why we came up here? There's no loot, there's no enemies. - Well, at least there's a bunch of slurp kegs. (slurp kegs thudding) - That was our oxygen dumb ass. - I'll build a super tall fort so we can see what's around us. (wood thudding) - Ah, what a great Island we live on. It's so big you could drop just about anywhere and never find anybody. - [Woman] Hey, what's that flag over there? - All right, time to drop 19. - Drop 19? (Tanner thuds) - Be gone flag, this is our mountain now. (flag creaks) - So like, does this count as a victory royale or what? (animals chattering) - What the? Do you guys hear that? (animals chattering) (upbeat tense music begins) - Oh no! Monkey Men. (animals chattering) - Oh God, that one's got a rocket launcher. (explosion booming) - No need to thank me, just your every day hero. (gun fires) Oh (beep) (upbeat tense music continues) Hey, you chimps like bananas, right? We'll check 60 coordinates West. (Roach grunting) That way idiots. (animals chattering) (upbeat calm music begins) - And that's how I managed to save my life and resurrect my squad. We went on to win the battle royale that day, except for Tanner who actually got killed by a trap 30 seconds later. - Grandpa Roach, what's a sweat? - Huh, I'll tell you when your older son. - Why did your have memory so many sponsorships? - Well, grandpa needs to make his money too little scamp. - Yeah, but all the guns from that story were vaulted. - Shut the (beep) up Jimmy. (upbeat music) - Oh boy, this looks like a great place to have a picnic. - Yeah, except we don't have any food. - Hey, check it out a food truck. - You guys are my first customers all day. - Well you're the business wiz who set up shop along the edge of an abandoned forest. (pizza thuds) - C'mon Roach, you're not the sharpest crayon in the shed either. - I don't know what you're talking about, I just finessed a free pizza. (upbeat music) (laughs) - So then I said see ya losers, I'm dropping on my own. - Yeah, dude, we know we were your squad mates. (upbeat calm music) Wow, that was actually pretty good. - I wish we had something to wash it down with. - Hey, check it out, it's a slurp truck. Tanner you're always drinking slurp. - He's always drinking slurp because he's always getting shot. (gun fires) - Yeah, I don't know. Something odd about that truck just stopped on the side of the road like that. - I'll go investigate, detective Roach on the move. (upbeat instrumental music) And now to cover my body in liquid goodness. - Hey, get the hell away from my truck. - Screw your truck, I need shields. (metal cranks) - That's it, we're going for a ride. (door rattles) (truck engine roaring) - Save me you idiots. - You assholes think you can just run around, breaking open my slurp kegs and my trucks? - Yes sir. - What? No. The answer is no, you can't. - Oh man, that Big Chug guy kidnapped Roach. If only the Gods would reintroduce some sort of mechanism that would allow us to gain high ground and a good vantage point. (metal clanks) Someone up there likes us. (upbeat drum music) - [Female] Say goodbye to your tires chug boy. (gun fires) - Dammit they're shooting my wheels. - Aha, I knew you wouldn't get away with this, now they're gonna kill us both. - Great shot, think you could just put one through his head. (explosion booming) - Dammit. - Don't worry, I can do this. Please God just let me. (car tires screeching) - My truck! That's it, come here you little... (metal cranking) - Would you look at that. Everything worked out in the end and now this whole truck is ours to shield up with. (metal clanking) Get him! (upbeat jazz music begins) - To the agency and crimes. Boy I sure hope none of you are wearing wires, anyways cheers. (upbeat jazz music continues) - All right, this is the yacht. We're gonna go in there and steal Midas's golden drum gun. - I don't get it, so does this golden drum gun kill people in one magic shot or? - Yeah, or does it have some sort of reload ability powers so it never runs out of ammo? - What, no, it's just gold and super cool. Now let's go. (feet thudding) (robot muttering) Oh God. (robot muttering) - Wow this guy's really got away with words. (gun firing) - [Computer] Scanning, scanning, ugly Default boy detected. - Stupid technology. (robot muttering) (door closes) (door opens) All right, let's try this again. (buzzing) (beeping) - Soon we'll have bunkers all throughout the Island. All of them connected through secret underground tunnels. (glass clinking) What's wrong big guy, not much of a drinker? Geez, not even a courtesy sip. huh? What does your mouth not work or something? (hand slapping) (upbeat soft rock music) What the? You henchman, get him. Jesus, I've been set up. Oh whatever, I'll just have to handle this myself. (gun firing) - Wow Peely cleans up nice. - Yeah, but it's not gonna be nice cleaning Peely up. (gun blasting) (banana splattering) - Come on Ollie, let's get out of here. - Aww cute dog. Can I give him a treat? - Um Sure. (bomb beeping) (Ollie exploding) - Damn you Default squad? Always sticking your nose into things that aren't your business. Why can't you drop into the battle royale and let me commit my crimes in peace. (smoke hissing) - Damn it, he cloned himself. - Now which Midas do we kill? - Let's just kill them all idiots. (gun firing) - Hey, he's on the hull of the ship. - Come on, just a little closer. (shot gun cocks) - Don't move goldilocks. - All right you caught me. But before you kill me, I really have to use the bathroom. - Sure, whatever (objects rattling) - Better luck next time rejects. - Dammit, he got away. - This is all your fault Tanner. - What are you guys so upset about? This yacht is ours now and it's going to be a kick-ass summer. (upbeat energetic music) (upbeat calm music) - Okay the new season's fun and all, but can we just hang out where there aren't any henchmen please? (footsteps tapping) - I agree, when we were on that soccer field, I was shot by like seven heavy snipers. Ah! - Great, Roach fell into the grotto. - Well it's a small hole, anybody could have missed it. - Roach land on the big H. - What, no, that's a concrete helicopter pad. - Oh, I thought the H stood for healing, like a healing pad. (water splashes) - Phew! I'm good. Ew! Why is this water green? - This is where I come to pee. (grunts) - I see some douche bag bad guys down there. Look at them with their stupid backwards caps. - Hey guys, I'm gonna jump down this one and attack 'em from behind. Oh (beep) That's a giant fan blade. - Whoohoo! I'm surfing on a nuclear weapon. What could possibly go wrong? - You know what? You idiots have fun, I'm out on this one. (feet thuds) - Now to find a way inside and get to whatever they're hiding that vault. - Ha! Good luck I've been trying to hack into that vault for a years. - Are you, are you in an air conditioning vent? - Yes and I've just access the network, soon I'll be able to infiltrate the shadow- (gun firing) (man sobbing) (buttons tapping) (upbeat rock music begins) - You, give me your clothes now. - Ah okay. - Hey everybody look at Frank in his underwear. (all laughing) - Gearing up for a blood bath, huh? - Huh, yep, you never know right? Okay thanks. I don't even need this dumb outfit now that I have all these guns. - All right, Tanner be careful. There's gonna be a motion tracking machine gun in the hallway. - I'll be fine. Hey, where are you, by the way? - I got a little carried away. - Get in loser, we're going looting. - Hey, there's my squad. (upbeat rock music continues) - Wow that guy's got a huge gun. - I know right? Why did they call it a mini-gun if it's big? - Spare me these stupid questions, please. (gun firing) (vault key falls) - The weapons in that vault are mine. (grunts) (upbeat instrumental music begins) (machine buzzing) (machine beeping) (metals clanking) - Where is he? This is taking forever. - He'll be in here, just be patient. Also there's a good chance he'll be in disguise, it's all about camouflaging in there. - Here he comes now. Look at you no longer a default, I'm so proud. (gun blasting) Oh my God, he's gone mad. Go, go, go. (boat engine roaring) - Wow having a lawn mower race out here was a great idea. - Roach will you get over here, the race is about to start. - One second, I'm just throwing some meat on the grill. (man screaming) - Tanner, where's your mower? - Not to worry, just got to shipped from Amazon, should be right here in this box. Aha, see ya losers. (scooter engine roaring) - He's scooting away. Get him! (upbeat tense music begins) (gun fires) - Aha meow. - Think fast meow. (gun firing) (explosion booms) - Back to the chopper meow. - What the hell was that? - Some sort of murderous kitten helicopter. (upbeat rock music begins) - That was great meow. - We're definitely gonna win the battle royale meow. (upbeat rock music continues) - What's wrong meow? - Ah nothing. Sometimes I wonder meow if there's more to life than just flying around in this helicopter meow and murdering defaults. - Hey, you cheer up right meow, okay? - I don't know. Sometimes I feel like I just enjoy the simpler things meow, some yarn, a nice cardboard box meow. - Well, there'll be plenty of time for that, once we kill everyone on the Island meow. (upbeat rock music continues) (brick wall thudding) - All right there's gotta be something in this house that will help us kill those stupid cats. - Hey, what about this umbrella? I can block their bullets and then boom impale those evil kitties. - I like it. - We're gonna get destroyed if we just attack a fully armored helicopter with an umbrella and some common weapons. We need to think outside the box. - That's it, box. Tanner, do you still have the box from your scooter? - If it fits, Roach sits. You're dead now Cats. (upbeat rock music continues) - All right meow let's keep an eye out for more enemies. See any down there meow souls? - Yeah, there's a bunch of soccer skins just west of us meow. - Drop down meow. (upbeat rock music) - What the hell meow, you said the enemy's down here. All I see is a stupid box meow. Well I like the box okay, meow. I'm keeping it, I'll finally feel like a real cat meow. - Want some yarn with that box kitty? (cat grunting) Oh God meow! It's those defaults we came across earlier. - Huh, come on meow. You think these dumb ass defaults can beat us? (cat grunting) - He's dead okay, you can quit stabbing him. - Just wanna make sure he doesn't have nine lives. - [Woman] That one's getting away. - Not so fast you furry. - Dude, you don't know how to fly one of these things. - Psht, how hard can it? Oh my God, I'm going to die. (upbeat rock music) (gun fires) - He's got the high ground on us. - Dammit, If only we all weren't total garbage at building. - Nothing will save you meow defaults. (upbeat rock music) (airplane crashing) (cat screaming) - Would you look at that? Turns out I actually did know how to fly it. - Technically you just flew around in a panic until you coincidentally crashed into our enemy, but sure. - Solid work Roach. But I still don't know if that chopper would hold up, against my scooter. (scooter engine roaring) (upbeat tense music begins) - Jesus Christ, I've never seen this level of destruction. Oh my God! Look at all those floppers. (upbeat calm music) There's only one group of idiots I know that can be responsible for this kind of chaos. (upbeat calm music) All right dammit. I know it was you degenerates who blew up the rig, so just save us the time at admit it now. - Hey, screw you agent Fishstick. Sure we've gone a little crazy in the past but it's not fair to assume everything that gets destroyed or blown up is our fault. We've actually been really careful lately to minimize damages. - I did it! Told you kites could fly inside. (glass shattering) - Look, agent, at least give us a chance to go and check out the scene of the crime. Maybe we can help you solve it. Huh, an assignment like this, not for small fries like yourself. - Roach, do the honors, please. - Honors? What? Put me down, I swear I... (Fishstick mumbling) - I know what I'm having for lunch (upbeat music begins) - Free boat in case anyone wants it. (upbeat music continues) - Wow, this place is a wreck. - Oh no! All that oil is gonna kill thousands of fish. - Didn't we just kill a fish like 20 seconds ago? - Technically he was a federal agent. - Phew! Okay, good. - Hey, there's someone over by the rig. - Let's check it out. - Hey you, drop the explosives. - Wait! It's not what it looks like. - Well, it looks like you just blew up an entire oil rig. - I didn't do this, I'm just defending myself. - Tell it to the judge missy, and they judge I mean my breast assault rifle, - You can kill me but then it will come back for you to it. - It? What is it? (rig trembling) (upbeat dramatic music) - Oh my God! It's a giant Travis Scott. - He's coming right for us. ♪ Straight up ♪ (upbeat rap music) - We've gonna need to get our health up. Roach, go grab some of those fish washed up on the shore. - Die Travis Scott. ♪ It's Lit. ♪ - We're gonna need something big to take him down. - Let's see we've got floppers, slurped fish. Wait a second, what the heck is this? (upbeat instrumental music) (gun shots firing) - He's too overpowered. - Screw you Travis Scott, everything you've released since Astro World, is generic watered down pop rap. (upbeat rap music) - Hey Travis, want some goldfish? (trophy thumping) (water splashing) And he's out. - Like a light. (upbeat calm music) Aargh, I'm so bored. - Seriously, when is season three gonna start? - Hey, there's an enemy right there. Killing them could be fun. (saber sword humming) - I'm going inside. - Come on, season three has to be starting soon. Then we'll have fun again. - Hey, maybe a mysterious countdown will appear in the sky. (upbeat music) No, no that's stupid. - I'd rather go back and play the old season three than just wait around like a jackass. - That's it! - What's it? - Maybe we have to go back and kill the old season three for the new season three to begin. - That makes zero sense. - Well, there's nothing else to do. (upbeat instrumental music) There's something magical about this bus. Now, I'm thinking that if we paint it blue, it will take us back in time. - That is the stupidest- - It's working. - (beep) dammit. (upbeat adventurous music) - Wow, look at this map, no snow, no sand. - Oh boy, a bunch of grassy hills to run around on, how fun. - What the hell is this? - It's Moisty Mire. - Strange, I've never been here before. - Oh my God are you serious? The squad dropped that Moisty in season one. What a stupid video, cringe! - Hey, there's some season three sweats. - Let's kill them so the new season three can start. - See you in hell threebies. - Prepare to be killed by defaults from the future. (grunting questioningly) - What, it's a jacket. - Not a normal jacket, a super cool Chapter two upgrade. - Ah, sure, whatever you say. - Hey, if these guys are really from the future maybe it makes sense to keep them around. They can help us avoid danger. - Hmm good thinking. We'd like to form an alliance with you defaults. - An alliance you say? Well, in theory sounds great but you know the world ends soon. - It does? - I still get to make a sequel, right? - We're not lying, soon a monster is gonna come and kill everybody on the map. (paper rustling) - [Masked Man] Oh Jesus. - Well, what can we do? - There is one spot where I think you might be safe. (upbeat calm music) All right you'll be safe in here. Remember, no matter what do not leave these barns. - Thank you. Thank you so much, kind defaults. But what about yourselves? - Well, I guess we'll just have to put on a brave face and try to slay the evil monster. - Oh my God. (footsteps tapping) - Okay, you've had your fun, but in reality that was kind of a (beep) move Tanner. - Oh relax, that one guy was an astronaut. He can kill a meteor. (birds chirping) (meteor exploding) (upbeat action music) - Wow can you believe we got a helicopter? - That means statistically, there's a chance we could actually, maybe win, possibly. (guns firing) - Oh God, we're going down! (helicopter exploding) (footsteps landing) - Hey, I didn't know there was a boardwalk here. - Yeah, remember that's the ice cream shop that had Tanner in the porta-potty for over an hour. - I was trying to infiltrate the agency. - It was season one, but nice try. - Uh oh we've got company. - [Anya] Those guys look intense. - Well, nothing we can't handle as long as we put together a tactical plan with precision, timing and- - Move shoobies! 'Sup surf bruhs. - Where did he get that outfit? - Just went argo on some pearlies but the misto threw some mad chop on my backside. - I'm gonna smoke this narc. - Hold on, doesn't the ocean teach us to live in peace. - I don't know, that seems kind of stupid. (cellphone ringing) - [Tanner] Roach what the hell are you doing? And why do you have a flip-phone? It's 2020. - These guys are good I'm infiltrating. Check your pocket I left you a map. Get to the pink Flamingo. - All right this dude's getting it. Let's blow his head off and then go loot the skate park. - Skate park? Hey, how about we have a skate off if I beat you, I get to live. (upbeat calm music) - Okay, the pink Flamingo should be just about here. - Ew! Roach wants to hide out in this smelly run-down trailer? - Hey, why not? Lay low, see what's on the old-ass TV, no responsibility. (upbeat rock music) - All right, dude you first. Drop in and show us what you got. - All right prepare to be impressed. (upbeat rock music) - This should be fun. (upbeat reggae music) (can opening) - Ah yeah, this is the life. - Dammit Tanner, would you look for a loot or something? You're kind of just being a bum. And where did you get that boom box? - We're supposed to lay low, okay? You know that surfer gang is dangerous. What if I get shot while getting mats or something? (Anya sighs) (upbeat rock music) - Any day now bro. (upbeat adventurous music) - Come on Roach you can do this. (Roach screaming) - Uh oh Roach needs our help. Get in, let's drive. (door slamming) Nevermind, these things don't drive. (gun cocks) - Oh God I help knee pads protect against shotguns! (Storm whirring) - Oh no, the Storm. - Damn it, I should have known. The Storm never closes on this garbage location. (footsteps tapping) Wait a minute, I think I hear a chest in that trailer. What? No, there's no time! (woman groaning) - What the heck? It's just a boom box playing a chest sound effect. (door slamming) (footsteps tapping) - Boy, I'm so glad we got this boat, makes getting around much easier. - We're nautical baby. (boat crashing) - Well, no avoiding that. - [Anya] Hey, I don't remember this lumber truck being here. - Somebody's cutting down all the trees! - Who would do such a thing? (wood cluttering) - Let's search the perimeter. - What about the boat? - Oh, come on who needs a boat? Privilege, much? (footsteps tapping) - I don't remember the water being this high up. - Hmm, I remember being right up to my nips. Let me check. (water splashing) Yep, high tide. - That's more than high tide, something's not right here. - Uh oh, look up there! - [Anya] What the heck is that a shark? - I told you there was no coked-out beaver. - There could still be a coked-out beaver. (wood thudding) - Hey, fin-face! What the hell do you think you're doing? - Don't mind me, just building a large wooden ship to protect me when the flood comes. - Flood? - Well that would explain the water in the river rising. - [Anya] And why he's hoarding all of that wood. - Yes, if you look right behind me, you will see my magnificent wooden yacht. - Uh, that yacht looks like garbage. - It won't matter what it looks like, when I'm the last one alive on the Island. (laughs). You see I'm gonna blow up the dam and the Island would flood, killing everybody and making me the winner of the battle royale. - Jokes on you idiot, we can swim. - Yes, but can you out-swim sharks with freaking laser beams? (upbeat dramatic music) And once I light this dynamite this dynamite, this dam is as good as gone. - Dynamite was vaulted, you can't use it. - Well, then how can I be holding it? Oh, well, okay, a grenade will do then. Say goodbye to the dam. (grenade explodes) Think fast. - Oh God, I'm out of here. (launchpad thudding) (grenade explodes) Don't fail me now glider. Oh no, my unmarked bills. (phone beeping) - All right, I can rebuild a Fort. Caroline, you go rez Roach on you. Anya, can you snipe this guy? - [Anya] He's getting in his ugly ass boat. - Man, if only we had a boat of our own. - Roach, are you okay? (groans) - Yeah, luckily my spine was able to wrap around this tree. - Heads up guys shark incoming! - I got this. (water splashing) (groaning and punching) - Are you sure you shouldn't be doing that? - Sure, I grew up wrestling sharks on the farm! - A shark farm? (shot gun firing) - It's gonna take me forever to destroy this boat. - You know I probably should have attached a sail or motor. - Say goodbye to your boat chump chomp. (laser firing) (boat explodes) (water splashes) - Help me! I can't swim! - Well, another successful day on the Island. Can you believe this guy thought a giant ark would save him? Just like in the Bible. - Um, all of those other deadly laser sharks are gonna kill everybody. - Just like in the Bible. (upbeat calm music) Man, I don't know why we don't just hang out and enjoy the map more often. Always running around getting loot and killing people. Nice to just relax for once. - Right? And this house is perfect, so far away from it all. I mean it would take forever to have to get to the center of the Island. - Good thing there's nothing forcibly rushing us towards the center. - I think we've all deserved a nice nap. (Storm whirring) Oh (beep) the Storm! (upbeat rock music) - Don't panic, don't panic, don't panic. (yells) We need wood. (wood cluttering) - Maybe the TV will tell us something. Hello, what's the news? Does anyone know the weather channel? - Come on we gotta go. (footsteps tapping) (upbeat calm music) Okay, the good news is, the Storm is far away but that means it's moving quickly. - This never would have happened if I just kept my office job. Good, good. Everything is starting to stabilize here. What the? Wait, wait, wait, wait, can you, can you hear me? (Fishstick bubbling) (gun firing) (upbeat calm music) - (sighs) Okay, that was close. - We gotta stay on our feet, the Storm's gonna move again soon - Um guys, I don't want to alarm anyone but it looks like we're about to witness a bloody battle between some teddy bears and some garden gnomes. - Whoa, I wonder how that happened. - [Tanner] I'll tell you how it happened, generations of warfare, a deep rooted hatred of one another that has grown bloodier and bloodier by the decade. - [Roach] This land was built on the backs of gnomes and our people have been marginalized, put to the back-end society. It's time a gnome revolution. - A-G-A-B All Gnomes Are Bad. - That's it, light the Canon Oliver! - Roll out the tanks, Reginald! - What, that's not fair, you get tanks and all I've got is this old-ass canon from the 1850s. - Would you idiots cut it out. We're gonna have to start moving again. (storm whirring) - Come on, let's get outta here. (footsteps tapping) - Okay, time for a breather. - (laughs) You can relax if you'd like but I'm gonna take this time to turn around and mock this slow, stupid Sto... (upbeat ethereal music) - Roach is everything okay. Oh my God. (storm whirring) - Shoot at it. (gun firing) (upbeat music) - What the heck? We can just swim in the Storm like this. - We're almost out of it, keep swimming. ♪ Just keep swimming. ♪ ♪ Just keep swimming. ♪ - Here we go, we're gonna make it. (team thuds) (electronic buzzing) (upbeat pop music) - Okay, can someone please explain to me what it is we're doing here? - It's the party royale. - A party? We're sure we were invited, right? I just wouldn't want to- - Hey, you're the man who killed all my best friends! - Well, this is awkward. - This'll be great okay? It's a peaceful lobby. We won't get knocked so quick, which means nobody will make fun of us. (plunger slapping) - [Woman] You suck defaults. (upbeat music) - Hey, look a paint gun. Hey you, knock, knock. - Ooh, I love these. Ah, who's there? - Orange. - Orange who? (paint gun fires) - Dammit Tanner. - Orange you're glad I didn't spray banana? - (laughs) Yes I am glad! That would have completely ruined my suit. Good day to you, sir. (upbeat pop music) - Look at this, no shooting, no building, it's great. People are just dancing in the street! - Yes, come dance with us. - Um, no. - Don't you want to leave all your problems behind and feel free? (body thudding) - This is cool and all but there's not really that much to do. It's just a bunch of restaurants and some statues. - Maybe if I focus. Nope, nothing. - You guys, it's supposed to be mellow and fun, a social event, plus the food doesn't seem that bad. I got a durr burger. (burger crunching) (spits) What? No grilled onions. (man growling) Uh, let's go check out the Quadcrashers - (groans) But I wanna go to Buccaneer Bay. - We have plenty of time to do all of that before the Major Lazer concert, now let's go. (footsteps tapping) - Hold on, I'm gonna change skins real quick. - Wait, you can just change skins like that. That's incredible. - Yeah, I'm gonna have to see this to believe it. (door closes) (door opens) - Howdy y'all. - Hmm, just sounds like on Anya with a cowboy accent but whatever, let's go. (footsteps tapping) (upbeat calm music) (Tanner whooping) - This is great! - Last one across the finish line is a Polar Peak Dragon egg. (motor purring) Oh (beep). (quads crashing) - Way to go Tanner you killed someone. - He looks like a pirate, we must be close to Buccaneer Bay! - Wait a second, that's not a pirate. That's the Major Lazer! - [Tanner] The musician? - Nice going, he was supposed to have a concert tonight. Now who's gonna perform for him? - Don't worry you guys, we've overcome bigger obstacles in the past. I believe if we come together and believe in ourselves we can perform Major Lazer's entire set. - I appreciate the sentiment Roach, but do you really think we have the skill and musicianship to fill in for a talent like Major Lazer? (crickets chirping) (buttons tapping) (upbeat electronic music) (crowd cheers) (upbeat calm music) (door bangs) Finally a new map! - I can't believe it's actually here. - All right let's all jump together and stick close by. (air whooshing) (upbeat calm music) - Ew! It's literally just an Island of floating garbage. - Wait a second guys, garbage, sharks, palm trees. We're not on the Fortnite map at all, we've landed in Florida. - Would you relax. I'm sure someone around here will fix all the devastation. Aquaman, can you do something about this? - Oh, was actually just about to go water skiing, kind on vacation. - [Tanner] Hey, check it out, it's Fortilla. - I believe it's pronounced Fortilla. Add some spice to it, would ya. ♪ La Cucaracha ♪ - Let's swim over there, there's probably some decent loot. (water splashing) (footsteps thudding) - All right let's split up, that's the key to winning. - Whoa! Check out this hunting rifle. I haven't seen one of these in years. - Look at this, somebody just abandoned a perfectly good toaster! - Actually, I'm a skin. - Wow, I know we're the defaults but you're literally a garbage skin. - Sure, sure, make fun. But your going to get destroyed on here. - What are you talking about? - The wrath of the ocean is a mighty one. Now if you excuse me. (water splashes) (metals clanking) (boat engine roaring) - I liked that guy. - I wonder what he meant by wrath of the ocean. - You defaults. - Oh oh. (footsteps tapping) - Pick your toughest fighter. You'll one be one me and then if you lose, you gotta get off my fort. - You know, I've got those very same pants. - We don't have any guns. - No guns, harvesting tools only. - What about fishing rods? They're tool used for harvesting fish. - Fine, put forward your toughest fighter. (footsteps gathering) - I really don't like these post-apocalyptic fight clubs. - Roach, you're the strongest physically. - Yes, but the weakest emotionally. I'm constantly crying inside. - Come on, Roach you've got 150 pounds on her. - Yeah, and once you win, we'll hit the Young Thug concert at the Boogie boat. - All right, let's dance. (swords clinking) (Roach grunts) (footsteps tapping) - Well, Roach is as good as dead. - You're holding a hunting rifle, you could literally save him right now. - Shush. (fishing rod reeling) (water splashing) - Wow, way to go Roach! - Yeah, how did you know that shark was right there? - You didn't see it? Tanner swim right by it on the way over here. - What? - That's Florida for ya? (people laughing) (upbeat trumpet music) (gun fires) - Uh, I think maybe that was a good guy. - Whatever, Americas (beeps) anyway. ♪ Roached ♪ (upbeat country music) (upbeat calm music) - You know the 30 percent of the map that isn't underwater actually isn't that bad. - This new map is great, look at this beautiful mushroom. - Aww thanks bud, you're not bad yourself take some shield. (mushroom gurgling) - Uh, that's making me a little uncomfortable. - Hey get back here friend. - Can we go to Catty Corner? I wanna see some kitties. - No way, pool hopping at Lazy Lake. - I don't get it Roach, Do you have to jump in every pool that doesn't belong to you? - Yes, yes I do. - I'll go with you buddy. (Roach chattering) - Let's keep moving. - I got some healthy foods from the market back there. Everybody take some corn, apple or banana. - I miss eating burgers and floppers. - These will keep you light your feet. You don't want to dad bod, do you? (banana thuds) (upbeat calm music) - Heads up! We've got an enemy running over that hill. (stomach gurgling) - Oh, so hungry. I'll take this one. (man screaming) - Oh my God. - That fat man ate Tanner. - That fat man is Tanner. - Geez you ate one taco and you've got a dad bod. - It was worth it. - Not to alarm anyone but we've got another solo heading into that gas station - Gas station? They've got all kinds of junk food in there. (Tanner thudding) - Maybe we should go in and help him? You guys go on in, I'll keep watch. If you hear me bang on this pot like so, that means enemies are coming. (pot clanking) See Roach alarm. (upbeat rock music) - Don't move, drop the jar of honey. Actually give it here, you've got a spoon? - This is a jar of fireflies. - Give it before I use this charged shotgun, it holds three shots and it only takes 20 minutes to fire. - If you're gonna kill me, I'm taking you down as well. (glass shattering) (fire blazing) - Oh God. (gun shots firing) - Come on we've gotta get out of here. - My dad bod, it's too much for me to carry. Go save yourselves. (upbeat sad music) - I'll save you guys. (upbeat instrumental music) (fire blazing) Ooh, on second thought I'm gonna go pool hopping. Pools, not flammable. (upbeat sad music) - Tanner wake up. Well he's dead. (machines whirring) - The Storm is coming, maybe there's still a way he can help us. (wind gushing) (upbeat instrumental music) - Here it is, the almighty Trident. - Beat it, dude this Trident is mine. What the? Oh my gosh, hey I don't mean to freak you but I think I'm you from the past. - What, so I'm a future version of you? - Must be. to be honest I'm just glad to see I'm still alive. (gun fires) - All right no more Default pickax. - I don't think I've ever seen you once harvest materials. - True, tactical combat is more my speciality. - Sure it is. - Hey guys, get over here. (upbeat calm music) - All right, three, two, one. (slurp splashing) - Ah, much better. - I feel like I can take on the sweatiest of sweats. - Hey, you guys hear that music? (upbeat instrumental music) - Guys. (upbeat rock music begins) (explosion booming) (upbeat rock music continues) - Okay, we're good so long as they keep their distance. (stink bomb booming) - Who the hell throws a stink bomb? - Overpowered non-playable characters, that's who. - Eew that one is so ugly, it's that like a mutated Odvak. - These guys look tough. Let's head West that'll take us to a northbound trail, we can follow eastwards to hideout in the South. - That makes literally, you know what forget it. - I'm fine with that plan, but can we leave Tanner behind? He smells like one of Roach's gym socks. - You leave footwear out of this. (upbeat rock music) - Let's follow them, we can't let them leave. - I don't know, that one was wearing scuba gear on land. Like would it really be that impressive, killing an idiot like that? (upbeat tranquil music) - Whoa, what happened to pleasant park? - It's completely flooded. - Not a problem, we can hide out here as long as nobody gives away our location. - Flare guns, baby. (gun shots firing) - Well, GG (upbeat rock music) - They went this way probably in one of these houses. - What, how do you know what a house is? We are a Wild beast who use meteors as transportation. (upbeat rock music) - I knew this scuba suit would come in handy. (air gushing) (upbeat rock music) - Oh no, the water is rising again. I thought the flood was over. You're a bird, can you fly us out of here? - No, idiot this is just a mask. - Nice work, but you still smell like a stink bomb. - All right. All right I'll change clothes. - Wait, isn't that just your scuba outfit from a while ago? - Yeah, that belonged to past Tanner, which means no respect for the dead. (upbeat calm music) (wall smashing) Oh man, Misty Meadows, maybe the most memorable mark on the map. - Use more Ms in that sentence weirdo. - Hey where's Tanner? - He told me he was gonna drop at The Authority. - What? - The Authority is the most dangerous place on the map. - Yeah, and an idiot like Tanner, easily gets knocked anywhere. - Yeah, but even if we wanted to save him, we couldn't get there in time. (car engine revving) - Get in losers, we're going to save Tanner. - Oh, but there's a green Lambo over there. Just gonna. (metals clanking) Huh? (upbeat music) - I need to be careful if I'm gonna survive. (gun shots firing) (robots mumbling) (upbeat tense music) (upbeat calm music) - Boy, oh boy I just love road trips. But shouldn't I be the one riding shotgun? You know, since shotgun? - I need to be up here in case we come across any distant enemies. Why don't you build some ramps for us to jump off of. (car engine roaring) - Oh oh, we're out of gas. - Roach had the engine running while he was listening to Juice Wrld. - I can't help it. I just love his emo trap melodies. ♪ I still see your shadows in my room. ♪ - Well, we're not going to make it now. - Roach, get out and push the car to the closest gas station. (Roach grunting) (robots mumbling) - I don't speak your native language, please just kill me quick and painless. (gun cocks) (car thuds) - Thank you friends. (gun shots firing) - So this is The Authority, huh? You know, it's one of those places that's always there but you never visit unless you want to be brutally murdered. - Thanks for saving me guys. I thought for sure you were going to just run me over. - Relax, I practiced that move plenty of times on crash, my test dummy. Oh, that's right, he's been repeatedly dismembered. (upbeat rock music) (upbeat calm music) - Oh man, what a great episode. I just love the squad's wacky adventures. - When I grow up I want to be a Default. - Well good sweetie because we're too poor to buy the battle pass. (car crashing) - Whoa, these things can drive through walls. (upbeat calm music) - Ah yes, the Battle Bus. Operating at all hours of the night, dropping our heroes off at their desired locations. But even the bravest of heroes must take time to rest. Let's see what our friends are dreaming about. (instruments chiming) - Yuck, it be a Pirate's life for me. I even be using these old fashion shooting Jennings. (metals clanking) Yuck, these defaults be destroying me stubborn side. Prepare to die made here matey. (gun fires) (laughs) (machines whirring) Oh no, the Stormy seas are approaching. Yuck, I forgot me ship don't move. (machines beeping) Whoa. - Well, that was interesting. Let's see what's next? (instruments chiming) All right, a fresh start without those idiots holding me back. (gun shots firing) All right, this is annoying. (upbeat electronic music) This is very annoying. Hey, how much longer till we get off this Island? - Oh, we never get off this Island. (upbeat tense music) (Anya gasps) (instruments chiming) (upbeat calm music) Oh boy, its an XP. (upbeat calm music) Oh no, come back. Oh I'm sorry, I... (upbeat romantic music) (lips smacking) (Caroline panting) That was weird. (instruments chiming) - Come on you guys, I bet there's some good loot up here. Wait a minute, where's my squad? (squad laughing) - You're the best squad man ever Bryce 3000. - You're not so bad yourself Roach. Hey, you guys like Tame Impala? (upbeat rock music) - Hey, check out that Default running around on his own like an idiot. - Good eye Caroline, I'll snipe him, no scope. (gun fires) (audience cheering) - Let's go loot his body. (Tanner gasps) - So there you have it friends. A brief look at the dreams of our heroes. (upbeat calm music) - Okay, so where are we dropping? - Caddy corner, everyone knows you need a decent gun to win, so we're getting one. - Looks like we got someone coming with us. - How's it going, buddy? - Hi. - I'm gonna kill you when we get down there. - Um. - All right, I'll see ya. (upbeat calm music) - Geez, talk about a crap yard. (gun shots firing) - Oh God, get inside. (alarms beeping) - Stupid alarms, they can't see me if I don't hear them. - That doesn't make any sense. (gun shots firing) - All right let's just lay low until the gunfire settles down. (gun shots firing) - I think it's (gun shots firing) finally (gun shots firing) over. (gun shots firing) - Aha, for someone who can supposedly see the future, Eight Ball did not fare too well. - Hey, did you guys notice he started with one gun and swapped it out for another. Is that a strategy we should be using? Don't need much of a strategy when you've got a sharp shooter like myself on the squad. - Relax, you got one kill. - Oh God, garbage guards. (gun shots firing) - It's Kit. - Something tells me he's going to be a sharp shooter, real combat expert. (gun shots firing) (metals clanking) - Okay, maybe not. - Well that solves one problem but we've got two guards coming this way. - Fear not useless squad mates, I have the shock wave launcher. (gun fires) - Don't worry, even though the bill back from the shock wave is somewhat devastating. the weapon itself does no actual damage. - Whoop, okay, that makes me feel a bit better. (explosion thudding) - Way to go, now we can access Kits' secret vault. (metal clanking) - Huh yarn? I guess we should've known. - You've gotta be kitting me. (upbeat calm music) - Okay, Roach can you explain why we're just running this farm like a bunch of idiots? We need to be looting and shooting. - We need a fortress of solitude, this corn should do just fine. (hammer thudding) (upbeat calm music) - Well, this is some fortress of solitude. - Don't worry guys, I bet you there'll be action happening any second. That's why I've got this. Wait a second, what is this? - It's a pump shotgun, they're back now. - Where's my tactical shotgun. - It was vaulted dude. - What? - Yeah, oh well, pump is better anyway. (Roach grunting) (gun shots firing) - Oh man, our fortress. - Roach, where are you going? - I'm going to unvault the tactical shotgun. (upbeat calm music) - Can we hurry up and find this vault? I don't trust these new locations. - Would you relax, it's a perfectly normal neighborhood with perfectly normal houses. - I dunno, that one looks kind of murdery. (upbeat creepy music) - What the heck? - I would not play soccer on this field. - Maybe the vault is down there. - Wait, I've heard about this, I think it has something to do with the Lexus war. - Don't you mean Nexus war? - No, it's a war and the winner gets a Lexus. (upbeat tense music) - Think fast defaults. (explosion booming) - We need to get down there to access the vault. - We'll need wood to build down, give me one second. - I am Groot. - Hey, nice to meet you. (pickax thudding) - Well, we made it down here, but we need to kill Dr. Doom to get in his vault. - But he's got those green things. - Maybe we just need some green things of our own. (Dr. Doom grunting) - All right that solves that problem, but we still need to find my shotgun. - Hey, there's a supply drop, maybe it's in there. - Wait a second, that's not a supply drop. It's a luxury sedan. (upbeat instrumental music) - The Lexus, we won the war. Oh man, this is all I've ever wanted. - But no, what about your tact? - Wheew, Lexus baby? (car engine revving) - Well, at least he's happy. (upbeat calm music) - Ah Squad Industries, finally we're gonna have a cool job that will make us millions. - What is it exactly we do again? - Doesn't matter, we're not real superheroes. Sure, we have the building and the weapons but no cool outfits. - Hey guys, we've got a stark bot incoming. - How's it going Mr. Stark? Wait a second, you guys aren't Mr. Stark. Prepare to die. - Don't worry, I'll hack him. Just gotta knock you first, buddy. Hold tight. (gun fires) (upbeat music) (electricity whirring) - Well did it work? - Hi friends, what do you say we go to a nice trip to upstate New York? We can watch the beautiful leaves change color. (upbeat calm music) - Oh man, don't you just love this fall fresh air? - No, I hate fresh air I wanna be inside. - [Anya] Check it out looks like a plane crashed. - Not a plane, a Quinjet. - A what? - One of things that flies past the battle bus, Roach always tries to get him to honk. - Oh no, I hope Mr. Stark wasn't in there. Mr. Stark. - Hey robot guy. I don't know how to tell you this, but I think Mr. Stark's been dead. He wasn't at industry's when we showed up. - Someone must've killed them before we got there. - But who? (upbeat rock music) - Oh God, Monkey. Actually. It's kind of cute. (stark bot explode) - Oh boy, I get the Stark rifle now. I mean, so sad what an untimely demise. - No, Stark bot, maybe if I can just rewire him. Let's see, blue wire with the red. (grunting) I hate technology. - Well, he's not getting fixed. - Tanner, use that dead robot rifle to shoot down that evil monkey. - Well, that's not a sentence you hear every day. (gun shots firing) - Nice work, see now don't you feel like a superhero? - I don't know, still don't have cool superhero outfits. - Hey guys, you'll never guess what's inside this shit. - You finally got your super cool hero outfit. - Oh yeah, the boundless set. Super cool. (upbeat instrumental music) This way, I heard it over here. - Come on sniff 'em out Doggo. Doggo will track them down. (gun fires) Well, never mind. - This is stupid, you think Wolverine is really in these woods? - He's gotta be, we've looked virtually everywhere. - Oh my God, a cake! - What's the three for? - A three Musketeers bar? Stark the Third? Either way, we're going to harvest it and make it awesome cake fort. (metals clanking) - Ouch. - Well, we tried should have known we wouldn't find him. Especially with you guys in charge. - Give me a break, I found nut sets on the graveyard. - It was a thousand foot robot. - Yeah, and I found it. - Let's check out what's in that cabin. - It's like that movie about the cabin in the woods. Oh, I can't remember what it's called though. - I don't get it, it's just a dusky log cabin. - Well, we can still harvest a crap ton of wood. I'll start with the floors. (floor thudding) - What the heck? - It's a secret underground bunker. - Aww, look at those cute little bears. - Yeah they're cute but check that out. (upbeat calm music) - [Anya] Okay, that's creepy. - Let's make sure it's not a trap, no weapons or anything around it, all right we're free to go. (metals clanking) - Oh, Wolverine. - Dude, we were looking for you for hours. - Yes, I was hiding behind that plant the entire time. - How very heroic of you. - And now to massacre all these Teddy bears. Wolverine spinny thing. (Wolverine grunting) - No, Mr. Rine, please come back. Oh man, Iron Man, Aquaman, I'll even take Black Manta, somebody come save us. - Yeah, bad timing to bring this up, but I really got to go to the bathroom. - Why didn't you just go at the Flush Factory? - That was seven seasons ago. (brick wall smashing) (upbeat calm music) - Thank goodness. - Thank you Voyagers. - Of course, my friend, now come with us and we will take you to a beautiful utopian world. - All you need to do is pledge your full allegiance to our leader and savior, the Apple corporation. - We'll just stay in here. (upbeat calm music) (metals clanking) All right, grenades. (metals clanking) - All right, an AR. - Burst is better. - Yeah, if you can't aim. - Hey Roach, what's the hall look like over there? - Better than anyone could have imagined, nothing but boogie bombs. - That's great, but we can't win the battle royale by just running around the map with boogie bombs. - True, but what if we had the entire map come to us? (paper rustling) - All heroes are invited to the Boogie Bash Extravaganza. - I'm inviting all the heroes and sweats who always knocked us. Once they're at the party, boom. I'll pop out and drop dozens of boogie bombs on them, they'll be sitting ducks. Well, dancing ducks. - You are gonna invite a ton of super overpowered heroes to our location, attack them and expect to walk out of here alive? - Well, let me know how that goes. (upbeat music) (metals clanking) - What the heck? Iron man you told us there were enemies in here? - Ta-da. (upbeat electronic music) - Oh, you let us hear so you can dance. You trickster you. (door opens) - Oh, whoa, this is awkward. - What's wrong Than-man? - No problem, so long as we're all here strictly to dance. - Speak for yourself, now that we've found you, you heroes are dead. We will return to being the only heroes on the Island. - That's ridiculous, Venturian isn't even a real hero. (glass shattering) - Nobody move, all you stupid superheroes are no match for us Galactic warriors. - Oh, shut up! You guys are responsible for some of the dumbest weapons in the battle royale. - He's right, in fact I'm willing to put our differences aside, so that we can beat these star losers. (thunder roaring) - What the? What's going on? (upbeat calm music) - It's Donald Duck. - My children (Donald chattering) - He's right, we're all owned by Disney. We're all on the same side, we shouldn't be fighting. We should be working together, putting our differences aside. - I am actually owned by DC so... (gun fires) - Come on Roach, boogie bomb 'em. - I can't, this is too beautiful. None of them deserve to die. - All right, I gotta go take a dump real quick, and then together we'll kill everyone left on the Island. - Or on second thought, get loaded up. It's about to get murdery. (upbeat calm music) (metals clanking) (upbeat calm music) (blender whirring) (slurping) - You're upset? Because? You're upset because you and your best friend got trapped in an underground bunker and had a lot of fun until he got so hungry he turned you into a delicious smoothie, forcing you to live inside of his body for a few days, until? (upbeat calm music) Well, in that case I think forgiveness is the only answer. Really? Forgiving Tanner will allow you to free yourself. - You should kill him. - John, I know you need a lot of help but you can't keep busting into my sessions unannounced. - He should kill him. You should turn yourself into a giant murderous robot and then you should kill him. Killing his healed every wound in my life - killing isn't everything, you know. - Are you serious? - You could build a nice home and settle down. - Building is for losers. I play to win, are you a winner or are you a loser? Fine, do what you want. (glass shattering) (blender whirring) (upbeat rap music) ( door slams) (pickax thudding) (upbeat tense music) (explosion booming) (upbeat tense music) (upbeat calm music) - Tough night friend? You still got some fight left in you, don't you? (vacuum cleaner whirring) You might be down but you're definitely not out. (car engine revving) (upbeat calm music) (electricity whirring) (upbeat instrumental music) (liquid bubbling) (electricity whirring) Welcome back you son up a banana. (bells chiming) (upbeat rock music) (boat engine roaring) (water splashing) (upbeat rock music) (explosion booming) I think you are ready. (upbeat calm music) - So then I said, see you losers I'm dropping on my own. (both laughing) What the hell is that? (dam exploding) (FishStick screaming) (upbeat tense music) (ground breaking) - Hey banana boy, use this. (gas bomb booming) (metals clanking) (gun shots firing) - You'll never win a battle royale. You're just a stupid fruit. (bomb beeping) (explosion booming) (upbeat calm music) - Whoa, what the hell was that about? - Oh, nothing just catching up with an old friend. (upbeat orchestral music)
Channel: ArcadeCloud
Views: 2,992,871
Rating: 4.7771769 out of 5
Keywords: arcade cloud, arcadecloud, fortnite animation, the squad, chapter 2, fortnite chapter 2, fortnite season 4, fortnite wolverine, fortnite jules, fortnite travis scott, steam stacks, fortnite tntina, fortnite the rig, fortilla, ocean fortnite, fortnite midas, fortnite authority, fortnite henchmen, fortnite meowscles, kit fortnite, catty corner
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 20sec (4400 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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