The *RANDOM* MEOWSCLES BOSS Challenge in Fortnite!

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welcome to the random meowsles challenge with the new tune meowsos i thought this would be the perfect idea the rules are simple i chose five unique new houses and assigned to color a weapon of rarity to each and then randomized them all in whatever skin i got i can only use weapons of that color to complete this challenge i had to get a win with two of these skins including the new toon meows make sure you watch until i play with the new skin or else he'll get mad like really mad did you know that if you hit the like button it turns white blue black apparently too bad an update for some people so hit that like button let me know what color changes for you in the comments also youtube is telling me that 69 of you are not subscribed that's insane i upload every single day don't miss out make sure you subscribe with the bell for more daily awesome videos and don't forget to use code typicalgamer all one word in the item shop alright so these are our contenders first up we got the original meowsos if we get him it's gonna be green weapons only i had to get a little creative with blue because there wasn't enough meowth so kit is gonna be blue weapons only i mean it's literally meowsome sun it's baby meow meow purple is going to be shadow meow souls look at him yes i chose shadow over ghost he looks way cooler golden agent meows the full gold meowsles he's gonna obviously be gold weapons only and finally we have two of you who's gonna be exotic or mythic weapons only all right it's time to randomize them all and get this thing started first up we got gold meows and with him we're gonna be using gold weapons only that's obvious so for gold weapons only we're kind of gonna go for a long shot there is a bunker chest in pleasant park and uh there's a chance when you open it that you'll either get a purple or a gold weapon and i'm banking on it being gold whip and hopefully a good gold weapon because i need to win the game with it i hear it i hear it please be gold it's a p90 oh my gosh okay i'm hoping i can open this chest and maybe i can get a flare gun but what are you doing bud what are you doing bud yeah i got 45 ammo i don't i don't know 45 am is enough to do what i need to do here i got to be really exact with my shots i'm going to be honest with you guys oh i only have 12 bullets jumping in oh no i don't have any more bullets oh gosh got a pickaxe him there's no way i just pickaxed them there's no way i just picked axum let me grab this this guy won't give it up okay please give me more ammo oh i got some more okay perfect holy shoot bro there we go always throwing grenades chill easy clap only 24 more bullets though that part's kind of down bad but the rest is up good oh shoot i gotta get him away [Music] [Laughter] all right let's just roll out oh there's some minis here yo oh my gosh the car is coming back holy absolutely smoke he brought me wheels too that's kind of nice thank you now we keep on moving oh what am i looking at okay then i'm just not even we're just not even they're like hugging each other for a little bit well i said i'd do it so here's the meowthos classic are they hiding are they oh oh i hear shots wait can we do this this is intimidating this is intimidating yeah yeah oh don't worry i'm coming for you bro muscles baby oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh what's up bro where you hiding that oh i'm so sorry this is not going to end well for you oh you had a purple pump too i wish i could use it but it's not gold it's not gold ain't that the truth i don't think anyone's here but i'm just gonna check all right hopefully that doesn't hit anyone please don't hit anyone please don't hit anyone okay there's nobody in the area for it to hit anyway we're good oh somebody just stole my car are you kidding me you are not doing that [Music] i guess you are doing that my guy had a gold speedical p92 okay we're dropping this other thing we're grabbing this med kit and we're going to go ahead and take a different form of transportation here goes nothing oh my gosh gold meow souls baby better than ever he's back right through oh my gosh that was the best rotate i've ever done in fortnite holy smokes two gold p90s by the way there's some shots to my right guys contemplating his life he doesn't know which way to go he's gonna go get that chest maybe there you go why don't you look at your options why don't you look at the options like what's around yeah that's what i thought look around are your options bro look around at your options bro look around at your option all your options are back in the lobby now though i'm gonna be honest for you that's a lot of damage oh my gosh this is it raptors are in on this fight this guy oh wow okay this is it this is it grab this i just don't want to be in zone i'm going to be honest with you [Music] this is really bad he's gonna heal up i still haven't found a gold shotgun or anything it's literally been the p90 only challenge at this point bro [Music] absolutely rolled a legendary flame bow we're grabbing it okay it's a 1v1 situation i finally got another gold weapon to use though could it be the first game i do for this random challenge a dub it's possible anything's possible we make the impossible possible this guy's literally hiding in there oh wait why am i trying to pin the idea from here why am i trying to feed ideas from here it doesn't really work like that does it oh my he's panicking though i mean i got the ammo for it come on man what are you gonna do about it i know you're hiding in that brick you must be uh i just cracked him uh where are you going i don't think he's gonna live if he goes wait he might actually where the frick did he go we gotta try to explore this we're sliding down this hill my guy you could not die by a long-range p90 i would feel so bad for you i'm gonna keep it a buck fifty with you man i'm just i'm gonna just keep lasering you from here oh he's eating fire damage that's it from oh my gosh he's gonna there's no way all right that was a crazy dub but let's see if we can get a win with two meowsles here we go next up we got two and meows was the newest meowthlist in the meow stills collection and with him we're gonna be using exotic or mythic weapons only it's going to be hard but we like to make the impossible possible so let's do a tuned muscles so i got the perfect strat i'm thinking if i got to start with an exotic weapon let me make it a good one actually i could have landed a different one but this one over here this is the silent tracker the shadow tracker i never remember the name i think it's shadow tracker and uh it's a pretty good pistol so i'm gonna try to use that and then maybe if i can get the dub shotgun or uh maybe the mythic bow from raz any of that would be really really nice uh but uh hopefully just starting off with this and a big pot is gonna be nice enough hello power cord yes the shadow tracker you know what give me two of them i'm a big spender i'm a big spender let me get some of this materials here too give me all this good stuff give me all this good stuff and then let's pop the big pot and let's see if we can go find some people who muscle's ready to freaking party baby just checking here for any more stuff okay can't really use any of that there's a bow there i can't use that either i honestly don't know if anyone landed over here at uh misty meadows but that's okay because then i have more time to prepare myself mentally for the battles that are coming up there is loot on the ground or no there's just nobody that landed here oh lady i don't think i've ever seen uh misty meadows this this is dead oh there's a guy there oh there you go now he's done not even gonna get his loot so i guess there was one guy missy meadows good to know working our way up it's time to go to lazy lake okay somebody just throwing grenades at me back there but i'm sure they'll they'll come over the lazy like get some more take this lamborghini and just make my way over here you know it's not the best at off-road but it'll do oh definitely people here [Laughter] and that's why i love the shadow tracker honestly it's the best i don't need more people we got here huh uh what are you guys doing over here how are you doing stop i actually don't know how many more people land here you know what i'm just gonna go ahead oh here a car and i hear i see a person oh this person is not happy that i'm pissing them the shadow tracker's actually nuts oh didn't mean to pick up that shotgun this guy had a lot of ammo for me bro what how did the door just open that way it was on the other side of it bro yeah it's not gonna work out for you i'm gonna be on we break into here grab this ammo i need these uh barrels real quick get myself to almost full health oh got a flare gun just in case just in case i need to find where people are at you know i don't want to be uh just combing over some areas and missing people let's just go ahead and uh is anybody here i honestly don't think so here i'm just gonna shoot this off this way too it seems like we have uh cleared out lazy lake all right good to know got this big pot let's go take a rift now if i were people in my lobby where would i be at there's fresh fire on the ground there that's not enough motivation for me to head over that uh honestly that was probably the flare that i shot i'm gonna keep it a hundred percent with you guys yeah i can keep flying in here but i actually think it'd be smart for me to get into a car more mobility no more more movement potential a hundred percent fuel too a hundred percent what i'm gonna do buddy i'm gonna be honest with you i don't know where they saw the dub shotgun give me a second i'm gonna google this oh gosh it's over here i don't know if i can get there in time look bud i'm just gonna need you not to die okay if i count down 100 seconds i'll know if he'll be dead or not starting just about now one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen i think we're good okay sell me the dub shotgun please tell me it please oh my gosh he does sell it okay perfect thank you so much i appreciate that business transaction a-plus plus would do business with you again you seem like a good guy stand-up guy now there's slurp truck there but i'm still to lose some health if i go take that so let me go over to this little farm market farmer's market type of deal thing we're swell if you will oh shoot i just need five of these bud don't push me at all right all right well you shot at me but you didn't follow up what's up with that oh there he is now i know where you are all the time that's oddly inconvenient for you isn't it now the problem is you can't hide oh someone else is there oh shoot oh shoot you pop this where's the other guy at oh yeah his bush is getting set on fire i said we're using the dub i couldn't hit him i couldn't hit him oh my gosh wait why is there so many people here i'm so confused there's so much fire dude [Music] is that gonna hit me oh it is huh this is oddly inconvenient hmm see ya gosh bro what is happening here this is honestly a travesty how does somebody have so much rpgm why am i healing out in the open this is my edit isn't it oh i missed the dump shotgun why haven't i been using it this season oh gosh my face here we're good so i bought two of them that's why i bought two of the mouse prepared oh my gosh bro he's one shot [Music] oh he misfired it he didn't get it off all right that works out i honestly don't know i hear like separate shots oh there he is i'm coming oh did he just get eliminated that's not cool somebody mechanical shockwave modem [Music] wow that almost took my breath away what are you doing stop pushing me that was shambles and you let him live i didn't reload my first gun oh gosh bro why don't you like me go ahead and pop this maybe we could be friends uh maybe probably not oh that's not you're shooting that but it's not doing what you think it'll do bro i'm just gonna need you not to live there you go thank you give me all that give me that uh where is it yeah raz is explosive though a mythic there we go this is why it's the mythic exotic challenge it's a 1v1 situation i gotta think that the last guy's over there somewhere with all the loots just piled on the ground [Music] uh where are you going oh no this is it for you i think back in the storm you go i got it with it let's go you love to see it two doves with the meowsles two muscles and all gold meow souls y'all love to see it don't you baby exotic and mythic weapons only if you enjoyed this hit that like button don't forget subscribe with the bell i also haven't picked you these two videos here go ahead and click one because this video ends the next three seconds three two one goodbye
Channel: TG Plays
Views: 9,645,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oz--095-Ihs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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